(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

cream magnolia, welcome back!

xoxo: ur question.. good question. i will answer that later today.. haiz.. i have been thinking of that for a long long time liao..

gosh. airconed office.. but i smell cigarette smoke?!!! wah liew..


relax .. the gender already determined at point of conceive. e moment u start to feel the bb's movement, all the gender issue will be gone
yah hor. funny how you say doesnt matter how you rub boys up or down. hahahaha... point taken. have to be clean away from the sensitive area then. just like we're told to do. ;)
once we hit second tri.. we can stop folic liao right??

sian.. that's what i did last time.. but this time i am still taking? hmmm

ladies, you all still taking folic acid?
baygon: i'm still taking folic acid now. i asked my gynae and he said its ok to take or not to take once we hit second tri... the multivits we taking now also have folic acid in it, so i think it suffice. tat time i bought the foic acid which contains 100 pills, so i thought i'll just finish the lot and then stop.
cat: i am not taking the multi vits :p.. haiz.. have to mind my diet again.. gosh.. now i feel nauseus all over again.. gosh..

how many more folic acid u have left?
cat/shugar: alamak.. can i stop now? i'm in 14 weeks liao.. wah liew.. i really cannot tahan the stupid folic acid.. i think i still have about 6 left? coz my appointment pushed back to 20 may.. cannot verfiy with gynae.. how sian.. maybe i should call up the nurses and ask..
very sick to swallow and then gag/vomit.. eeks..
glass: what's ur hb's pri sch'?? mine hb's p sch is st andrews junior sch!! and i dowan my boy (if its a boy) to go to that school! haha... plus i stay just across a canal from that school. haha..

astro: i think folic acid is gross. gives out horrible smell when i burp. i stopped folic acid since 3 wks ago...

anyway... i think it was just the hormones acting up lah... i feel better this week.

talk about cigarette smell in an air-con office?? try orchard towers. haha. my office is the best smelling area in the whole building lor. cant stand going out of the office. i need a MASK!!!
astro : guess is ok to stop the folic acid cos i stop when i goes on to 2nd T as gynae oni give me 30 tabs ea visit. But u only have 6 left so why not just finish it. There r small n easy to swallow lah.

joanne ; cant imagine poke at the side as sounds scary. mine was poke at centre and liquid is clear n yellowish as well. I feel that i do have some leakage in the fluid when i check my panty. Wondering if normal cos i do experience leakage during my #1 last time n doc say is ok. i google the net and seems like there is nothing that gynae can do to stop the leakage cos all depend on your body. Just hoping that the fluid will replenish itself back gradually. anyway, seeing gynae this friday.

u can stop after 3 months le. folic acid u already buay tahan, then how bout fish oil and calcium??? they are even bigger and disgusting. esp the fish oil, give a super smelly smell when burp.
astro: hmm like what ong said, maybe you can finish the 6 you left and be done with it!

got my blood test back and it seems I am anemic.. haiz, got to go to gyne later to get iron pills. sheesh!! more pills to take.... :S maybe I check if i can stop taking folic also, since now i'm going to have to take iron. hate popping so much stuff.
ong : i do experience some wetness on my panty but i dunno izzit my urine or is the fluid leh...hahahaha...Ya poke from the side of the tummy was instead much more painful lor...wow u seeing ur gynae this fri tat mean u will know ur result tat day? I still hv to wait untill next week...
gynae stopped the folic acid pills once i hit 2T. and replaced with multi-vit, calcium, iron + fish oil. i think u can just call and ask the nurse. they can check for you.

haha... y dun like SA? hehehehe... went out with an ass from there? ;) so how was your class? hehehe...

hippo is cheesed that she has to escape to mum's place to avoid the drilling. HMPH!
Hello Joanne, I did my test on the 27 Apr. So I dun think we have met.... But quite worried as my gynae told me that I may need to re-do the test as my fluid is dark brown. The normal colour should be clear or yellowish.
So wat is your fluid colour?
my gynae said to continue with folic acid throughout 2T. but she din give me any multivits or calcium. confused now. generally all pills make me feel like puking. i try to take them while i'm eating. it helps a bit.

good luck to the mummies who took the amnio test. must be a kan chiong wait! but it will be over soon!
hippo: i was from nj lah. haha. hb was from sas.. and all his close friends r sas guys. still behaving like sas boys. that's y i'm not keen on sending my boy to sa next time. haha..

i also try not to take those pills in the morning. i just want to puke them out. sometimes take with lunch. either that or after dinner. dun wanna waste the $$ buying those pills and puking them out. it'll be as good as not taking them at all.
baygon, i still have 50tabs of folic acid left. :p
you may want to endure and finish off the 6tabs left, try flushing down the pill with juice, it works for me...

i dread taking dha supplement, seeing so many mommies saying how disgusting it smell when you burp...
but i'll try taking dha this week and see how it goes.
Joyce : oh u test on 27 Apr, i tot 28 Apr. Mine fluid colour is clear & yellowish colour. My Gynae say is a nice fluid but still hv to wait for result then accurate. If re-test, tat mean u hv to pay $400 again?
aloe vera!! Hahahaha! same school!!!! But if the school is so near your house, then why not? That area not many good schools leh.
Hi Joanne, I dun need to pay for the re-test. But I dun think I like to go through another round cos for me I had quite a painful cramp after the test was conducted.
For those mummies taking the DHA supplement now, you can take the supplement before bedtime time. I dun think you will burp during your beauty sleep, right.
joyce: i think my awful smelly burp comes from the multi-vit. but if you take med before bedtime, means you may have to keep waking up to go toilet. I stop drinking water after 7pm. At most just a mouthful after dinner to 'wash' the throat.
glass: i aim to shift out of that place in 5 years!!! hahha.. so still got chance to send children to another school. wahhaha... anyway.. dunno what's with SA boys. haha. we actually married them but not keen to send our sons to that school. ahaha......
joanne :yap, i will know my result this friday. So kancheong. Previously, they mentioned if nv call me, tat means result is fine. So i suppose is fine for my case? Hope so. Now still trying to hope for a girl. Will know the cfm gender by this friday. my hus say i still nt " si xing" even though the sonographer say could be a boy. Nothing is firm until i see my result. haha..
ha! the interesting thing was.. remembered? i used to take the fish oil to help with the mood swings intially? :p.. think fish oil still ok leh.. maybe still early.. hence i dun gag/vomit.. i think ya. someone was saying. hormonal reaction?? haiz.. ok.. SIX more left.. i TAHAN..
at most 'unconsiously' keep dropping :p

btw.. i dun take the calcium nor the multi vits.. i also dun take the iron.. :p in the last preg.. i really rely on the food .. so i was 'watching my diet' very carefully in the last preg.. amnum milk every day.. then make sure got iron food 2 hours after milk..e tc.. but that time. i super eng. coz SAH mah. now working.. hmmmm.. :S

hahaha. funny how the ladies here marry the men from the school.. but wun send the boys there?? :p.. coz dun want the boy to become like the father??! :pP
astro ; haha, cos mine is amnio mah in which part of the result will cfm the gender as well and is 100% accurate. So there is still a chance for me since sonographer cant cfm for sure. For u, maybe u can cfm again and see if she can zoom in on the birdie and print out for u. Mine previous gynae(nt Dr Sim)zoom in on the birdie area so i got no choice but to accept the fact as his m/c was super clear type. Seems like the more u wanted, the more u will be disappointed. I been wishing for a girl since last time until now.
Hey ladies...
Looks like I am not the only person confused by the prescription given by my gynae.

Before I switched gynae, KKH asked me to stop folic acid and multi-vits, calcium and fish oil once I hit 2T. But after my last appt wit my new gynae, I was given folic acid again and told to continue to multi-vits and start calcium pills. She asked me to stop fish oil totally!!

I am really confused cos isn't fish oil supposed to be good for development of the bb?
Hi Joyce,
your amnio test only $400? Tat's v cheap. mine is scheduled on the 19 May. And the cost comes up close to $1.5K! V ex!
girls tends to be more well behave. Not like boys as they r hyper active and restless. Anyone ever wonder y the lost child(the broadcasting of lost child found at malls)always involve boys n not girls? boys tends to stray off instead of following the parents closely so we end up following my boy aro since he refuse to follow us when he was younger.
keropi ; tink $400 is the medisave that they paid. mine is the cheapest at $663 only cos i done it at KKH. mine medisave is only aro $110.
ong: i beg to differ :p my Bao is the sendentary kind. he will NEVER get lost in malls.. kekeke. coz.. u know why? he too timid NOT to follow us!! :p

sometimes hor.. he notti. wants ask to carry.. then he will sit on the floor and cry/whine .. then i will tell Miser and ellie.. to move on. coz they will stop in their tracks and look at him.. the longer they stop there, the longer the stupid boy will fuss.. if i move on.. he will be SCARED.. and hurry up get off his butt and follow me.. crying.. hahaahaha. i always find it to be so amusing :p
Tien: i asked my gynae about why no fish oil, he says fish oils may thin the blood and cause complications during labor if blood dun clot fast enough. So as a precaution, he said not to take. He say if want, i can take it when start BF. So confusing... Haiz.... :S
maybe you can check with your gynae why you have to stop?
astro: hey, i've been wanting to ask you about the confinement tingkat that you mentioned you may be getting. Got more info about it?
shugar: but i think its ok to take cos only once a day.. the HPB brochure also says its better to take DHA during pregnancy cos its better for development of baby's brain...

we've bird flu, swine flu... dun think we gonna have fish flu???

haha.. just rubbishing...
astro : hw i used to envious of other parents as their child follow them like chewing gums. my boy(cliff)is timid too but he just wander off w/o knowing it. And he nv sit still thru out wedding dinner or meals time. In order to make him sit thru it, my bag have alot of stuffs like stickers, paper, pens, new toys or biscuits. That's y i nv dare to brg him overseas except for club med since there are nanny services there. Now that he is abt to be 5, he is getting better and i no longer need to carry a whole bags of toys etc....finally gone thru this period but with #2 coming, i shudder when i tot of the whole scenario repeating.
kkbt: hehehe... yah man, the food chain is diminishing!! less and less options. if fish is next to have problems, think we all have to be vegetarians liao! :S
Joyce : but the doc till nw still hvnt ask u to re-test rite, so think it ok.

Keropi : the amnio test cost $900 plus after medisave i still hv to pay $400 in cash. Wow ur 1.5K so ex? u test in which hospital?

ong: i call up my gynae clinic ask the gal there once got the result give me a call to let me knw...hahaha...cant wait liao....i still hv to wait for 1 more week leh...

anyone knows whether can we take flu jab during pregnancy? I've called up the clinic and they are not quite sure, even referred me to TTSH travel dept or sthg to check if there is any suitable jab for pregnant ladies to take.. hmmz..

Sigh, anyone knows if one is offered a job then when the company found out that you are pregnant, they just withdrew the offer? Are they allowed to do that? Seems so discriminating.. They do not have an ounce of concern over the pregnant lady's emotional well-being.. derz..
I oso called up my gynae and asked abt Tamiflu coz my co is like gg to make sure all staff gets it. Gynae said to hold on to the pill (its oral medication) until outbreak then consume. So i'll wait till SG declares code red then call her again. I took a flu jab last yr b4 i went HK for holiday, not sure wat jab is tt. will check wif my GP later...

RE: Fish Oil
I was prescribed fish oil by gynae at week 13 but till now i hv no guts to start on it. I'm now 14 wks+... coz of the unpleasant smell it gives out when i burp. so v scared lah. When do u ladies start taking? Wondering issit too early to consume *excuses, excuses!!!*
Hmmm, my gynae clinic just called to say that gynae wants us to take flu jab as a precaution so will get the jab today when i go down to get my iron pills... do you ladies think its really necessary to take flu jab now? According to the nurse, it is safe for pregnant mothers.
shugar: not sure about flu jab wor... it depends on what kind of jab also... ask as many questions u can before letting them jab u??

jrt: haha. just take the fish oil..then u explore the different ways to prevent the smelly burb.. like take clorets, or eat with fruit juice etc.. its for ur baby's sake!!

Hi Ladies,

My gynae said that 2T must take even more fish oil, unless I can take 3 pieces of fish every day! She also advised to continue my multi-vits lei...
