(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

kkbt: nah...I sprinkle you the baby boy dust here too...take all lah..anyway based on experience the boys are more active than the girl. So possibly yours is a boy.

astro: maybe, possibly ours will change? Maybe my baby just have a very puffy flower and that SHE happens to put her fingers there while the gynae did the scan?? wahahah!!

lynn: Congrats! My fren is also having twins boy and girl also. Her due date is end of this month but she cant pratically walk already since early last month. So it's still too early when you would take leave now. Coz I tink having twins are heavier and even for us not having twins, its difficult to walk in the last month coz the baby's head is really down there already.

I'm having a hard time getting good sleep now also. So frustrating and then I get so sleepy in the afternoon after lunch.

About the Primary 1 enrollment, I'm also enrolling my girl this year in Temasek Primary school coz I use to be in that school. Hope I get it!!
wow! so you're in my "hood"?! or so to speak. hehehe... my old house is opp the current temasek pri.
your gynae very smart. by not scanning gender at this point, he minimizes errors. then reputation remains quite good. i mean, seriously if the gynae makes a mistake, we tend to think, "eh, why like that? maybe this gynae not very good!" he is certainly experienced enough not to make that statement too prematurely.

mine was quite funny. he waited for us to do the detailed scan, read the report, see the "XX" on the film, then he double check the backside, "see, let's check her backside again. ok, there's NOTHING there". so mine also quite lao chiao and smart in that way lah.
queen: haha.. thanks again ahh.. i'm feeling quite positive these days. haha. i hope its not a false hope..

guess what.. gyne said i'm beginning to gain weight, which is good.. and i said. yeah gaining a bit too fast and too much.. then gyne laughed.. so duhh.. haha. then he came and saw my tummy, touched a bit and said good size.. wahhaa. i almost fainted..
i just had a similar conversation with HB. i was telling him that if the weight gain is a linear extrapolation, there's still a chance i wont gain more than i should. but if the weight gain is supposed to be exponential, like in a J curve, then i'm definitely so SCREWED!!! he just laughed and gave me a DUH look.

somemore this conversation came after i had waffles @ "half price tuesday!" hahahahaha... so spastic the hippo.
afternoon mommies!

i've been getting bad sinus causing sinus headache la. tsk! irritating!

queen, you were from temasek pri? you what year? 1979? i know a few pple from that batch

wah, i hope i don't get a surprise from my gynae in 2 week's time like daddy iceblu here
hippo: haha.. i think my gyne quite experienced so he dun even bother to try to scan the pp. just went on to tell us about the next visit. and what we'll expect for that detailed scan etc.

and the waffles... cool.. where is it??
hippo:waffles at Gelare? I find it quite delicious. Their yogurt is extremely sweet.

Hb is very concern and upset abt my weight gain. He feels that i am gaining too much weight. Last evening he told me> no bananas and fried stuff for you.
ww: wahh... before i was pregnant, hb will tell me that.. after i'm pregnant.. he ask me if i want to eat this or that. haha..
ww: just ignore your hubby la

i'm so thankful that my hubby, the fitness freak that he is, doesn't really care much about my weight. i think i'll give him the evil stare if he does

kkbt: you feeling better now? less stressed out i hope?
Yah gelares half price waffles on tue. Din feel like eating. HB called n enticed me with the thot. I had caesar salad too.
ww: tell him to try getting pregnant. see if he can stop himself from growing. ;)

famela: i think it was the hormones lah. haha. i'm feeling better now. loading video of scan on youtube now.

the video dont show baby moving so much. cos gyne freeze it to measure the length and to hear the heartbeat using this microphone thing. quite amazing to hear the heartbeat.. then after that went on to take blood..

but i'm happy lah. :D
fifi: oooh waffles!! yum!

hahah. HB used to watch what i ate, but since preggy he's closing his eyes to what i eat. :p
rina>> you are my senior, same primary school!

loke>> you never ask your gynae to scan for gender ah? 4 weeks is such a long wait!
glad you're feeling better kkbt
it is the darn hormones la. i get days like that too. i'm sure it's cool to hear the baby's heartbeat. nemind la.. we shall just wait wait some more to confirm our baby's gender. i have about 2 more weeks to go before i go for detailed scan.

i am kinda hoping i'll gain more weight soon. but i know that it'll probably happen sooner rather than later so i better not say too much.

hippo: i think for me, the weight gain last time was def j curve leh. exponential def. hahahah.
fifi, I was in the old Primary school. If I was in the new one, then I'd only be 20 this year...wahahah!! *i wish*

kkbt, now you make me crave for waffles!!!

famela, Yup i'm in 1979. Where you from? U're 1979 oso eh? Who do u know there? Anyway yr hubby cant say much bout yr weight gain oso lah. Fm wat i see in yr blog pics, you're only gaining on the tummy area.
I'm so green with envious!

I gain weight at every check up ley. The last check up I just gained 1.5 kgs. I'm gaining at my arm, backside and thighs. If they're as hot as Beyonce's ass and thighs I dont mind lah. But its more like her mother's! Waaarrrgghh!!

Miemie, u're fm TPS oso! which year are u born. coz both my sisters are from there also. One in 1982 & 1988.
queen, yup yup, me 79 too. i was from bedok north pri, some unknown pri school that's now no longer in operation even. hehe i know some of the girls cos same skolah agama at al-ansar. hmm.. azilah, suhaila, yusda. but all lost contact after pri school except azilah cos her dad is my dad's long time friend. my cuz was from there too. but she 78. the guys i know from ri but oso lost contact after jc. suhaimi, izzudin, shahrom, aaron shahril maniam. i just met aaron last raya at some aunt's house though.

i hate my recent photo i put up. look like one thick block cos all black. can't even see my spinal curve or my arms even. i gain in tummy only so far la. BUT i'm pretty sure it will change soon. this one only cos of bad appetite and merlioning during MSing that time. i've only gained what i lost during that 1st trim. i gained pretty much everywhere during my last pregnancy and i have stretchmarks on my thighs to prove it, so it's really only a matter of time la before i balloon everywhere again. but i don't care.. gain gain la... hahaha. terrible me!
rina>> im a 82 baby! your sister from which class? i was from 1E to 4E, then 5A 6A.. sekali i know your little sister! heehee
queen: i'm not the one eh.. its hippo! haha.. she ate that waffle!! gelare too far from my office. otherwise i'd grab one too..

mie: i think my gyne wants to be sure kind.. 5th mth is the most confirmed so he said will tell the gender and other stuff during the detailed scan..
loke>> want to be super sure also can jsut scan one ma.. i every visit also ask my gynae, will i see the gender today? i need to go shopping, and then my gynae will say "did you say NEED?" and i will laugh..
kkbt: i get how some gynae refused to scan for gender la. my old one oso refused. but lucky for me i got another doc doing my FTS at 12 weeks and he mentioned it to me.

this new gynae, surprisingly obliged when i asked her to scan for gender. but of course she wouldn't commit la. she still say wait for detailed scan to confirm.

mie: so what else have you gone shopping for? must be exciting
hahaha... tks for taking the rap. yup! of course its the big bad hippo that ATE THE WAFFLE!!!

OMG!!! you're so young but expecting #4 already!!! wah... put old hags like me to shame. hahahaha... you're certainly doing your national service. not pple like me.

famela, miemie,
also stay in the east?

ops, so its really an exponential J curve? I'M REALLY SO SCREWED!!! no wonder doc kept nagging at me. i'm gonna be so dead by the time i hit 3T.

all of you young chickadees eh! better call me aunty hippo. bwahahahaha...
hahhaa.... i think for the last 4 wks.. my weight gain is not exponential J but exponential I~~~!!!!!

mie: its ok lah. actually i was quite happy to see baby alive and kicking.. haha. literally!
hippo: i was born and raised in the east. but my parents moved us to woodlands in 1998 amidst loud protests from moi especially. hehehe. my hubby oso originally from the east.i still consider myself very much an eastlander la.

j curve: it was for me la. i was gaining very slowly initially. up til my detailed scan at 5th month i had only gained 4 kg. then suddenly by 7th month i've gained total 10kg which means 6kg in 2 months leh!!! i was warned by my gynae about my weight gain then. then last 2 months i gained another 5 kg. whahaha. i've been reading blog entries about my 1st pregnancy that's why i know for a fact that mine was exponential. hehe
then when you go for detailed scan, can see even more! amazing how they use the sound waves to measure heart chambers, liver f'n, kidney f'n, and baby's face closeup in 3D. cos we did that first, last sat gynae gave us a shot of baby's face (which isn't 3D), i got a shock. cos it's literally a skeleton head right?! but still cute. like she's making ET face at us. my scanner has kapooped. anyway dun wanna put it up, its a bit of a disturbing image.
oh... nemind lah. woodlands easy to go JB. hahaha...
thot if so many of us in the same area we can form play group next time. haha... i'm talking as if resigned to be SAHM. we'll see abt that i guess.

jialat already. in that case, i better really stop eating!!! literally!!! funny these couple of days i'm feeling a bit queasy and no appetite. wonder if i'm under the weather. but i dont feel unwell tho'...
hippo: does it look like an alien?

hahaha.. only reason i ask is cos i have plenty of adil's that look like aliens. hehehe
i seldom go jb leh. before marriage, we did quite often. but after stories of pple being mugged etc, hubby don dare to go. we had a fren, who got mugged while he was in the toilet at city square. apparently assailant had tailed him. he was held at knife point and was bleeding when it was over. he oso don dare go in jb anyhow after that. my hubby's more worried for his precious car la. he simply refuses to go in. we have only gone into JB at most twice since 2003!! and even that was when we tumpang fren's car.
hahaha.. yes, yes cute alien. i was spooked when i first got those 'alien' printouts though. that 'alien' turned out to be a pretty fine looking young boy oso so no complains from me la
same. funnily our "first date" was to JB. to watch a stupid chinese show, which i wanted to watch in cantonese badly. but at that time he was driving a beatup car. so we din care. since we changed cars, we haven't been!!! same reason as you. no point. hate being stuck in causeway anyways.

HB doesn't even like gg to JB to play golf. he rather go bintan. cos no jam on the ferries mah!
To those pregnant mummies which oready have 1 or more kids,

Hw u manage to look after the 1st child when u deliever the 2rd 1? Did any mummies put their 1st child to CC?
wah.. so adventurous! first date go JB. hee hee. same same.. during dating days car not so nice. hahahah.. he hates the jams too! my hubby has not taken to golf like the rest of his frens have surprisingly so never been on any golf trips. i have frens who go bintan and batam for golf though. apparently it's not bad. i haven't been so wouldn't know
Hi mummiess....

if u r looking for massage lady... can look for ida (9424 9829)
she is very good and very dedicated massage lady...
every session has full body massage, breasts massage and also charcoal thingy which will help to heal and most imptly, TIGHTENING ur v area....
she will do e wrapping for ur tummy at e end of every session.
in any case if mummies has blocked milk ducts, she'll help clear blocked ducts as well..

her charges is $50 per session and she dun charge tpt no matter which part of sg u stay..
she also include body scrub as well...

she is really friendly lady and i really recommend u to try her if u r looking for a massage lady..

meanwhile.. mummies... enjoy ur pregnancy and enjoy ur couplehood time w ur hubby!!
rest more and be active to have a fast delivery!! :D
hmm so many in tampines. half of our pre-natal group stays there already. k lah. can set up play date there already lah!
i'm in katong now, will be moving back to mum's, which is at bedok. so close enough.

hahaha... that was a stupid excuse to set my ambush TRAP. ;) although i did really want to watch that show in cantonese lah. hehehe...
yeah. i'm taking down her number. thanks ciarie..

hippo: i'm in potong pasir leh. east but not really east. not here not there. haha... anybody in the central??
I just messaged her, wondering if she does pre natal..i loooveee pre natal massages, can sleep..hehe..eases the backache man.

I was very fortunate to have my MIL help. With #2 coming, I intend to get a maid. And once #1 turns 2 yrs old, I will send him to half day Childcare. Now with CDA, I can use the money to get the matching $1 to $1 from govt.Lessen my financial burden abit..

I just went to vist a CC, n discover there are very less children which is born in 2007 in CC, mostly are 2006 or bigger. Normally only 2-4children in playgroup only. that make me think whether izzit now is too young to put my 2007 son in? Saw the children crying n crying, make me drop my tear...
Any mummies have 2007 children putting in CC? Can share with me hw was their coping? Im thinking whether to put my son in one of the CC when i am abt to give birth in oct or just put him in 2hrs playgroup but that will add more work to me looking after 2 kids. I am a sahm, my purpose to let him in is socialise with other, hoping he will talk more coz he got speech delay, not becos im working.
