(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

jrt~ i feel bloated too, but it only start 1-2 weeks ago. my T1 was quite a breeze actually (oops... pantang, cannot say :X), but towards the end of T1 and now T2, feeling bloated all the time and no appetite. The moment i eat my favourite curry i feel like puking!

i love curry but now can only lao nua when i see pple eating. coz i cant bear the burping smell lah.

yah ssshhhhhh... pantang! dun say it!
i am 4ever feeling bloated and queasy!
*happy hippo is back!* wah so many kinky things for me to revert. hahahahaha...

so you're the housefly now isit? hahahaha... yup, i was told that 2T is when you cant keep your hands to yourself. looks like its true eh?

yah lor. apparently you'd wanna bonk like rabbits. we'll see eh? ;)

i know... all the hormones flying everywhere sia!

i'm back! gonna catch the cheeky chickadee now!? :9

:9 like that RA meh? nevermind got queen RA here now mah. i was wondering when she was coming in to liven things up a bit. hip hip hooray for queenRA.

*female mantis can retire behind the scenes*
yup yup me too! i have a few big bottles of 100+ standby! damn shiok rite? drink already can have the big loud burp. and the gas comes out.

actually on the contrary, we take the gassy drinks to expel the gas by burping. that's why like 100+, coke, all those can burp straight away and release the bloatedness. sometimes when my heartburn really bad i try ENO. but in moderation only lah.
hungryallthe time,
you should avoid eating papaya...cause some parts of the papaya maybe unripe...and in unripe papaya there is a type of enzyme which cause contractions in pregnant women...
i had it once during my first trimester...after i read the article, im avoiding it at all cost...
eh, can u use a shorter nick or not? :p where u hiding? here chicky chicky chicky...

hmmm... hippo gonna take a nap and then wake up for MUD BATH. must make it. perfect weather for mud bath today.

ciao bellas!
aloevera: Why did the king go to the dentist?
because he wants to get his royal crown!! hahahah
I've just booked an appt with the dentist at 6pm today.
Shugar: I don't have gum problems. I'm just afraid my teeth will become sensitive, or the enamel gets eroded, maybe due to the medicine i'm taking. I have problems swallowing, so I bite and chew and let it swirl in my mouth before finally swallowing.

RA: how har, I get super horny dreams almost every night, but whenever my hubby wants it, I'm always feeling tired and a bit sick, esp at weekends, that's the only time I see him. So he's super frustrated. Hahaha.
famela: do you think doctors will give us pimple cream?

I'm getting outbreak becuase I'm not putting much stuff on the face. Not sure which one is unsafe.

But I'm having such itchy skin (eczema) all over, I'm going to my dermatologist tomorrow. The cream my gynae gave me not good enough to solve my problems.
glass: its good to see te dermatologist. but sometime they might prescribe oral medication. so just double check first.

the answer is: he wants to crown his teeth! haha.

maybe u should tell ur hb about the horny dreams u have that made u tired during the weekends.. cant stop the dreams from coming right..
aloe: haha, i cannot tell him, coz many times they don't include him. wahahaha. but you are right, I dream so much that I don't get enough rest, even though i'm in bed from 10pm to 6am, sometimes even sleeping earlier.

I'll inform my dermatologist that I'm pregnant. anyway, I've been taken off oral medication for a long time. i just need some cream.

hope: ya, such as retinol a, for skin whitening, cannot apply. i think some other things also cannot. coz they may cause defects.
because i'm not sure, I just heck care my face lor.
glass, I think it's ok to use your usual skincare, just avoid using product with vit A. Is your eczema related to preg? my friend had v bad eczema during her preg but I don't rem it settling in so fast, think it's in 2nd trimester or so. I also got v dry skin and I use QV cream for my body.
i think our gynae might be able to give us some antibiotic cream for the acne.. at least that was wad she told me during the previous 2 visits, but i din get the cream from her coz one time i was too excited about the baby and the other time i was too busy sobbing about work..

for my acne, i tink is a case of stress plus hormones, new pimples show up on my face EVERYDAY hor.. but i dun dare to change my skin care products, so i shall bear with it and see if i rmb to ask my gynae next thurs for my week 16 checkup!

hey, how can the horny list not have Mie! wahahaha.. now is 2T, time for some REAL action! gonna change my nick to HornyMie.. wahaha
can't wait to go home to check my skincare if they contain those ingredients... been using them
hi babes..don't worry too much abt topical applications in skincare. go ahead and use yr normal stuff except for vit A, salicylic acid (peeling, AHA stuff).

for acne, i switched to charcoal face scrubs and that seemed to help me pacify the breakout. carbon is fine cos they are not absorbed by the skin.

some reading links:


and this is fun..you can type in the name of the skincare brand u are using for the "toxicity" level:
astro >> uh..i go to youtube and watch cute babies, furry animals and if i really need a good laugh, just input "female drivers"...those chicken soup /reader's digest stuff don't work on me...

some links that are my time-tested staples:


and just something to stay relevant to our current state:

how was your day today?
xoxo: well .. it was a mixed day.. :S
hmm.. has some resolutions .. but also made to deal with some unpleasant evalutations.. quite hurtful given that i have been a constant A/B grader in good old MOE..
well.. sad life..i need to get myself out of this slump.
astro >> poor dear..the thing abt these evaluations, it's always a gauge of one's popularity aka ability to butter the boss rather than workability...is yours a 360 appraisal? i think i am really done with the working life. been having some intense feelings abt getting the hse spruced up. i'm so stressed with the boxes all piled in one room waiting for me to clear...

uh..i don't have much motivating links to share. i will call a fren and yak? that helps alot..rem women need to share..they don't need the solution (cos it's in the heart anyway)..

hey..and u don't have a sad life..you have a baby in you! that's fantastic isn't it? cheer up cheer up!!
xoxo: i dun think it was considered a 360 appraisal.. it wasn't that thorough.. to me.. just how the management 'feels'.

yep. i have realised that i never really mastered this abililty to butter the boss.. some of 'cows' (coz they produce the milk to make butter) are real good in this.. they come it pple skills. i call it bullshit? (notice it is all related to the same animal??).. haiz. i also dunno lah..
nope. am not on your FB. here chicky chicky chicky. happy hippo is back! time to play hide & seek!

erm, then you better provide some "service alternatives" to the HB?!

eh, you have channel 256 or not? go and watch it now. quite funny. hahahaha... remember what i told you this morning right? you are a fortunate little chickadee compared to many others... dont forget that k.

unfortunately i have to tell you that working in an organisation always entails stuff like this. so you either play the game or you play it elsewhere. it's that cut and dry. i know very buay song. but not worth getting vexed over it. really. trust me. mother hen has gone down that path b4. *pat pat*
HRD, where got young? Old liao...
Young at heart only...

gynae dun wan confirm girl leh, he say only 70%... waiting for next appt then see how...

famela, me daddy lah, not mummy...

sweetzinc, hi there... saw your post in my blog... thank!
*happy hippo bouncing in*

woke up after nap and went into the mud bath. was great for about 20 mins. then too many kpo hippos came in and hippo left the mud pool. too crowded for my liking.

went to stuff my face with the rest of the hippo family at hua yu wee. beef steamboat, crabs, crayfish. *burp, rubs tummy* and then brother hippo bought a tiramisu (again from patissier)

*hippo's thinking all the birthday feasting has gotta stop!*

but tomorrow got another lunch. kua kua kua...
Hi Everyone

I'm new to this thread n shld belong to it

I see that all of u r sharing so much n 'happening' enjoying e chats

Does anyone have skin rashes ard e belly (now spreading both sides n wonder if it was bec of e 'Ru Yi' oil used + perspiration)? I suddenly got it for e past 5days. U know weather has been so bad (warm & needs to ON fan thru'out or else i'll be awaken immediately). It gets reddish during hot weather.

When e gynae saw it, she just said it's a norm to experience skin changes n deem e situation under norm control. So din prescribe any cream for me.

I apply e 'snake' powder & Mopiko. But my coll asks me to use Aloe Vera instead as she has a concern if Mopiko is suit.

Btw, i use 'Ru Yi' oil as evening tend to feel nauseous badly at times, like some of you. Do u know of any comments / knowledge to avoid these 3 items that I'm using now?

Thanks n awaiting here
astro : kampar teh (gambatei). Just do you best. if they duno how to treasure. too bad for them.

HRD :huff puff (after reading all the posts)... I made it on time to wish you.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

aloe : if forgot to bring the snacks, call mcd delivery :p

wanna reply to the many posts..but need to go z z land oledi. tomolo early morning mtg. nitey nite! sweet dreams all..
astro >> sensitive thing..this cow term..we are all expecting moo babies. well, hopefully that places them heaps ahead in the buttering crowd! how to make you feel better? Hmph, is there a school break soon so you can get away? what abt this weekend, what will u be doing? u need to feel more positive and happy...don't let these shadows get you down too often..easier said than done but worth a good try. u are a piscean right? that makes u the brooding, dreamy sort...just do what u can, if they are happy or otherwise, their prb...scoot them.

dun bother so much with houseflies. not happy try asking for transfer, worst case if need be, ask for no-pay leave for 1 yr. then go back central pool to be transferred.
hahaha... thanks thanks. that was the day before yesterday, but still better late than never!

welcome. think one of the MTBs here posted sth abt ruyi oil. cannot use. i cant remember why tho. skin rash is normal and to be expected. if in doubt, just call your gynae to check? afterall, we pay them so much so that they can answer all our silly questions right?
hello mummies
been such a looooong time since I posted here. But I have been on and off reading some posts.hee.
So much has happened, my company is not doing so well so they decided to make me work only 2 days a week. I was thinking..cmon la..cut the freakin MD and management pay. ONLY I AM AFFECTED, and they give me so much crap saying oh cuz marketing budget cut, and ur preggy so tot u would like to rest at home.
I am half frustrated and half relieved, cuz i did not get the golden handshake and can have flexi work-life pay.Oh well, I have so much free time, maybe should learn to bake,or cook..or start online biz.I dun think can find another job now right?Cuz I am preggy and economy still bad.
Welcome all new mtbs.
We all should be clearing our MS by now. Myself, after 7pm the jittery feeling comes, so i dun reli have dinner, just bites of bread. I am so craving for food, but must wait till my lil one says WHEN.so agitated with this MS, everything also cannot do, i hate going out too. the smell,people crowd,tiredness is all gettin to me. wonder how to cope for the next 5mths plus.
Speaking abt ruyi oil, i hate the smell.last time I was perfectly fine when hve #1, now ah, like wana puke..
check with you guys, do you guys see your gynae twice a month or once a month? i see my gynae once a month... like very long..
morning babes! it's FRIDAY! WooHoo~

been feeding on bird's nest quite frequently now.. any of you started on bird's nest already? i bought those concentrated bottles type from Eu Yan Seng, and have been taking a teaspoon of it every morning..

astro>> dun give a damn about those houseflies.. they are just trying to make you feel bad, and playing their so-called politics. seriously if things dun get better and you feel very affected, go for unpaid leave or just resign.. soemtimes it is easier said than done, but im sure your hubby will support you, esp when you have done that when you had your boy.. cheer up and life isnt all about work, and hey, this sentence is coming from a woman who really sufferred a lot at work and is still sufferring, but i have learnt to take things easy and if things screw up, so be it, we need to take care of our babies more than anything else right now!
chnyle>> initially i will see my gynae every 3 weeks, now is once every 4 weeks.. i tink its the norm to see gynae once in 4 weeks..
i've been getting double attack of birds nest from both mum & MIL since week 5 and tubs of it. i had to beg them both to stop it. now i see birds nest i want to vomit.
erm, the EYS one quite ex and not too concentrated hor? u can get one of the elders to make for you or not?
eh, so your HB must be smiling from ear to ear everyday lah, since the wife so HORNY. hahahaha...

mine gave me a funny look, ran to the room and said "i'm going to SLEEP NOW!" hahahaha... i also felt like i'm the housefly like queenRA... and i wasn't even wanting it man. ;)
hello, morning all raunchy ladies!

I went to the dentist yesterday, and my greenish teeth are now close to white (ok, still a little yellow lah) again! The best time to see is in your second trimester, and also it's important because our teeth can be affected. He came up with a lot of possibilities on why my teeth had stain, but all I said were not possible.
fifi>> coz im asthmatic, so i cant really take those that my mum makes, used to get asthma attacks after i take those.. so my mum said to play safe, take those concentrated ones since im perfectly ok after taking those.. but im getting my colleague to help me buy those uncooked bird nest from sarawak coz i still feel like giving them a try.. its more shiok drinking birds nest from a BOWL than a teaspoon leh.. heehee

well, as for the H*rny part.. doesnt mean that i get action every night hor! wahaha.. and isnt your hubby also smiling from ear to ear? heehee
orh. yah more shiok to eat from a BOWL. til you get flooded then you wanna puke at the sight of it. but do try. i used to like them better than those bottled ones.

see my post above. the HB ran into the room and said i AM SLEEPING NOW. and lie chest down! bwahahahaha... u think leh?!
bird's nest!! my hb's uncle owns a plot of land with trees that houses those bird's!!! haha.. i wonder if my mil got the bird nests from there.. cos it would be free for them.. so shiok right..

mie: horny so early in the morning??
hip: imagine hippo in the praying mantis position.. hehehe....

astro: get the cows to eat the houseflies.. or did the houseflies transform into cows??!!!
hahahahahahahhahahahahaha!!! he lie chest down so that you cant do your praying mantis attack on him! hahahahaha.. that is really very very comical leh.. means he has been getting quite a lot of action recently! you made my day fifi!
aha! gotcha! finally the chickadee came out to play!

but hippo gg down for mudbath. later got another lunch. better burn some calories first.

imagine a hippo in praying mantis position. QUITE SPASTIC Looking right??? *faint*
like that funny meh?

somemore cover his crotch like hippo going to RAPE HIM lor!!! :p

u know what? i not going to meet u guys in person if there's gathering. no face to come out already. praying mantis somemore. hahahahahaha
hippo: so shiok ah.. mudbath everyday??? haha.. hippo in praying mantis position... i dont have photoshop on my laptop now.. otherwise i would try to photoshop a hippo in praying mantis position and see how it really looks.. hehhe..

btw, check this out: www.madaboutkids.com
i think the website quite interesting. for those who are trying to sell kids stuff or buy 2nd hand stuff.. or attend bonding events with your kids..

that's a hippo's life. everyday happy poon pee pee, go feeding pen, lay out in the mud pool, catch little chickadees, play hide & seek with them, pretend to be female mantis and make everyone laugh.

simple. and happy!
