(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Wow! i went for a meeting for only an hour, and so many posts already!!! haha!! getting more and more happening! Go go gals!!!

U gd still trying to publicize my bed. Hippo gotta get to feeding pen now. Catch the cheeky chickadee when she gets home... :9
morning ladies:

wow the posts are moving at top speed! hehehe
welcome jRt and any other new mtbs!

I'm still coughing my head off especially at night
haiz, i really hope this goes away soon.

Glass: you can try gargling salt water after every meal? I was having some swollen gum problem and it went away after i did that for a few days.

Astro: think Facebook got some kinda block function so that the user you block got limited access to your info and activities.
since when did morning become the new night folks?? oohh..gastric pains this morning for me..i didn't know that the merlion club is really thriving (mylvera & jrt .. welcome..)! i gently chided my doc not to promise anymore timelines for me..when i was in my 6th week, she says it'd be better by the 9th, when the 9th came, it was "things will cheer up when it's 12th.." now it's the 15th and though it does seem better..hmph, the MS continues yah..? in fact, i just had a round with the onion rings i took for dinner last evening. not the most charming stuff to regurgitate.

famela >> Universal Studios and Sea World are alot of fun too....years back i mean. do u have time to snitch away to yosemite national park? or see the grand canyon? they have a new overhanging cliff there..should be fantastic! i loved san fran more than LA..and those little hses on the hills are gorgeous!

HRD >> my mother is..well, a cow too. stubborn stubborn. her decree is irrevocable law. thou shalt obey..

ww >> aiyoh, sorry to hear u have to bear every weekend..i see my MIL once a year..max, 3x. i think we will be seeing her more once the baby is here...i usually morph into a mute when i am ard her though so she finds me dull and boring..good!

astro >> yeah, i didn't know housefly was part of your contingent! muahahaha...sorry for the blooper
Hello Sexy Mummies!

Woah Mrs Baygon, you got hitched only after 6 mths dating! You must have been very irrisistable.

I still must 'give myself' for one year before he decides to make me his lifetime bed partner ley.
shugar: really?.. hmm. ishall explore tonight..

xoxo: hey.. no offence leh. i appreciate the comment.. but housefly there and housefly's ro evenmore active in facebook.. so just in case lah..

that night i just vomitted once due to gastrics flu.. i already cannot take it.. miser is worried. keep telling me.. try not to trigger vomitting.. see he so worried.. i happy. ha.

betcha ur hb is worried over ur ms-ing?
VP: not me.. Hippo.. hahaha. i just seduced him nia.. hahahah..

alamak.. i re-read ur message again.. and almost choked to see lifetime bed partner.. hahahah :p
xoxo~ haha! same for my case too. my MIL thought i was a quiet and sweet gal during my courtship with my HB. Until she saw me with my friends (during the wedding) then she realised i could be so mischievious and noisy! haha!
fifi>> i forgot my goodie foodie bag today! oh man.. im going to starve in the evening.. shit..

xoxo>> i have been yearning to go japan again, and longing for a break.. want to go taipei to eat my "ah zong mian xian" for so long.. and all my hubby is keen is a short trip to bintan or nearer.. damn sian.. if i were you, i will persuade my mum and go ahead with the holiday.. imagine after baby is here, no more "2 person world" and holidaying trips are gonna get more expensive!
My MS is practically WHOLE DAY! it worsens ard or after lunch... i'll b running in/our of my ofc toilet to vomit. At times, i really scream tolong!

Yah me too... most of it comes out fr the mouth. Even my son now can imitate me vomitting!
Heee, probaby ur baby knows mummy eating exp stuff so better keep it in the tummy!

it juz worries me coz i am alrdy 13 wks, shldnt b spotting anymore but still... haiz...

i am of avg weight but i hope not to gain too much for this pregnancy too. My 1st preg i only gained a total of 8.5kg. I shed it off within the 1st mth of delivery coz i was doing TBFG. Eat like a pig and still losing weight! best weight loss method...

I dun mean to scare u but pls get ur cough treated. U know when i was ard wk 8 and coughing for ard 2 wks, i spotted. went to gynae and realised tt pockets of fluids were surrounding my sac (prob due to the coughing) and if i coughed some more, the entire sac might dislodged and preg will b gone. I was ordered bed rest tt wk. So pls pls pls treat ur cough. take care.

so we're both in the same plight... its funny tt ur gynae said MS will improve ard wk 9, coz during 1st preg my gynae says MS will usuall start fr wk 7, peak at wk 9 and continues till wk 12. For this time round, she din even bother to tell me when MS will cease coz she wun b able to predict. I juz eat watever can get into my mouth now.
astro: yups! go to the profile privacy settings and you can block out certain users from seeing your wall posts, photos etc....
hope its useful!
jRt: wooo that sounds bad!! I'm currently taking the cough mixture from my gynae. He said its safe for pregnant mothers to take so i think its not very strong so will take a bit longer to work.
jrt:8.5! wah. that's lesser than me.. and i thought iam one of th least liao! 11kg :p.. well. i cld't establish bf-ing for various reasons.. this time i am quite bent to succeed!

shugar: i try it later!

my stomach is queasy now.. growling.. when i am eating?! i think this is more of the apprehension then any actuall 'sickness'.. well well well..

i can't do anything.. what wil come.. will come.
wah.. i have really irritating and inconsiderate indian neighbours leh...

first.. the kids throw papers and rubbish (sometimes stained pads!!!) down and lands on my aircon.. now the clothes are wet and they hang it out to dry!!!! FREAKS!!!! cant hang my clothes out to dry in peace!!!!

and i'm HUNGRY... hahhaa..
pu: wah. u hungry and angry ah?
aiyo. stained pads.. omg .. not discriminating against my own gender.. but i think any blood loss.. pls keep to urself and at home lah..
astro: i think the kids did it lah. it happened twice lor.. very irritating...

i just fried an egg without putting oil.. total flop. haha. too lazy to get the oil from the cabinet. huge bottle. anyway. the egg is still edible. so i'm going to eat NOW!!!
hahaha.. all the cute nicks are coming out!!

hungry: so cool, that u can work from home!! i envy u more than u are working for the family! and not restricted to number of MC.. right?
Jrt, not sure if this is true but i tink massage will help with low laying placenta? Hope you get better soon babe. I hate vomitting. Mine is almost over. Only at times when I smell someting really bad.

Pu, wa liao, datz gross! I also hate when ppl hang out their wet clothes. So inconsiderate. I ever received a letter from Town council saying that I had hang out my wet clothes. I tink the neighbours downstairs complain lah. But it was actually the ppl on top of me. The first time I rcv the letter i ignore. Then when the second time I rcvd it, I screwed up the officer who send me the letter. I told him he should have investigated first before sending such letter. Just becoz I dont complain doesnt me I was the one who did it. Then pay you all the conservancy charges just for you to sit in the office and write complain letters to us isit! Wah, I was so angry! After dat no more letters came, but the idiot upstairs still hang out their wet clothes.
RA: wah.. these people really ah.. cmi...

baygon: not very happening to work at home leh. i'm alone all the time!! the only source of human contact is this forum.. and i only get to exercise my vocal cords when i cough or sneeze or laugh at some of your posts.
i see the things like 'steamy', 'lifetime bed partner', hrd's hot bed... woooo... tsk tsk..

is it the weather people? something in the air isit?
pu: drink something gassy to burp it out. nothing like a good, longgg burp.

hope: ahhhh... i see. hmm. very true leh. i oso feel like doing farnie things to my hubby these days. hahahah! he won't know what hit him!
Hope, my libido had been up even since T1. hahah!! Donno why eh. Before being pregnant I will always shoo him away like a housefly. Now I'm like the house fly
that's why la you Da Queen!!! in t1??! i can't imagine being horny when i was busy puking. everything tasted and smelled vile... i cannot even begin to imagine doing anything kinky then. i'd prob puke right in the midst of it all.
helpppp.. i have a big fat hard pimple in the middle of my chin!!
it's painful! these hormones ah.. if it's not one thing, it's another.
aloevera~ yea, heard about that before, so dont dare to eat too much, only lately got heartburn then i start eating (plus i had constipation for yesterday!). Will rotate with other fruits too! thanks ;)

yah mine was quite bad. i was so shocked when my gynae told me tt. Gd tt u r taking medication now. it shld b safe shld doc say so. for me, i juz took half of the dosage prescribed and i still recovered fast.

i was v determined to bf so i read up a lot and even prep my hb to get him to "shoot" down anyone whom will discourage me fr bfg when the time comes. it turned out fine, my MIL was v encouraging and even confinment lady said my supply was v gd. my mum made some remarks at times but ceased after a while. anyway they knew i was v determined.
well, the little weight gain came wif a price - i had bad MS and even during 3rd tri, my appetite ncr recovered fully. it was only aft delivery tt i started to eat with vengence!
info on low lying placenta:

in essence, means not possible to hv a natural delivery if the condition is v bad.

Queen RA (wat a cute nick!
i hope i can crave for some action like u soon. Haiz, this MS is killing me. i hv no mood for anything!
massage? really? perhaps wait till later trimesters. now i'm juz over 1st tri and still spotting, so prob not the best time to massage.

envy u mummies whom can take gassy drinks! i am alrdy feeling so bloated most times, if i take pepsi, it'll only make things worse!
