(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs


dun tink too much. when i sms my hb n told him i have enuf in office n i wana quit, he reply saying "let's all quit .... for ice-cream!" i nearly faint when i saw that sms. no console nothing ... n he always tell me to endure cos cannot live on his income alone.

astro>> i dun tink removing a fren will end up with any notification to the person one.. that person will just disappear from your list, and on his list, your name wun appear.. i have tried it before! heehee

fifi>> wow, sounds like you enjoyed your very special day (and night?)! *wink wink* good for you, and thumbs up for your hubby! he deserves a pat on his back for being so sweet and thotful!
hahahahaha... at least your HB has a sense of humour!
Morning everyone!

Astro: ard you feeling better this morn? Was it the work issue tt was bugging you agn yest nite? Maybe you miss miser too much oso. Try to cheer up ok? I hope today's talk wif housefly goes ok for you. Good luck!

xoxo: no wonder you've been mia the last couple of days.. busy with work huh? sorry to hear about your MS. really, really hope that you get pass that stage soon.

i'm hoping us going earlier will mean we avoid the summer hols crowd. hoping la. and i'm very sure adil will love it there if only to meet the disney characters that he's gotten to know quite well.
we looking fwd to visit the san diego zoo and sea world too. then the rest of time, wanna see hollywood, beverly hills and chill at the beaches there. oooooohhhh.. i can't wait for it!!! just one more week now!! *claps hands in glee*

hi mylvera! welcome

jazol, i hope you get to see baby's gender too.

ladies, i was reading abt ultrasound diagnosis of fetal gender yest. and since my gynae didn't point out any 'hamburger' or 3 lines that points to the presence of the vital girly bits, i've decided to disregard the doc's claim that it could be a girl la. i am trying to protect myself frm disappointment here. hee.. i am gonna wait for 18th may for more concrete results. hehe

HRD: So how was e celebrations yest? All good i suppose fr your happy happy disposition this morning? ;-)

Gynae didn't seem too concerned abt the long flight actually. She jus reminded me to keep walking to get blood circulation in legs during
it, and to eat healthy, no raw stuff etc. Other than tt she didn't say much. She said now's best time to travel, in our early 2T. I'll rem not to over exert myself there, thanks
Actually 1st 3 days i'll prob jus be lazing abt in hotel rm wif Adil cos hubby will tied up whole of 3 days wif e summit and networking. I'll be mindful about over-exertion during the later part of our holiday though
good idea about the emergency medication, will ask about that, thanks

your friend was still allowed to travel in her 37th week? i tot my gynae said we can travel up til august 2009, ie up till 2 months before EDD? luckily your fren's ok.
Miemie thanks for helping to input my data. Heres mine. EDD: TBC (mid Oct 09), Dr Stephen Chew, Mt A.

mylvera, i have that thought of quiting too...obviously Hubby discourage reason being the same. However, after much thinking is true that we cant survive on his income only. I have to give up alot of the luxury life i had now. Which seriously i cant bear to give up.... also thinking about the expenses ahead after baby comes along i shouldnt and wouldnt dare to quit....

Check with you guys, do you all experience constipation? did gynae prescribe lactulose to ease constipation problems?? i have been experiencing constipation; like at least 4 days no bowels. wondering is this considered serious???

I just heard from colleagues that preggie should not eat spicy food....is that true too? i love spicy food especially now but my gastric cant take it.... so sad
hope/hrd: that man is tactful.. and has a way with words. not the eloquent kind. but certainly wun offend.. but his ang mo.. really cannot make it lah.. hence he uses the simplest, but not the most effective, words to express his thoughts.. i get what he mean lah.. if text in chinese.. he will be much better!

ah.. so romantic within 6 mths close deal liao.. ha..

let me share a 'joke'.. (so to force myself to smile?

miser hor.. is a systematic man. he plans everything.. before execution.. ok.. so he met me.. then we talked talked a while.. then after that.. dunno what happened.. his 'planning' all haywired.. he thought.. 6 mths to know me well..then maybe 1 year can hold hands.. date for another 3 years get marry.. etc..

aiyoh.. i held his hands two days into knowing (that he likes me liao).. then he was totally smitten.. and cannot 'resist' me.. hahahahah.. not that i am that charming.. so hold hands, kiss kiss.. erm.. leave the rest for u to fill in the blank.. within 6 mths!? hahaha.. but i was a good girl for a long time ah.. hahaha. ok.. u all get my drift liao.. kekeke

then the silly man says.. 'how come it is like that?'

i replied ' like what?'

'how come i keep missing u and want to see u all the time?'

i said: ' normal mah'

he said 'i thought dating is just like having a vry very good girl fren nia leh. i didn't know it is so intense.. dun see u for a second can die kind'

i nearly fainted.. hahahaha.. what to do with this innocent man. u all tell me?
waoh! i just your abt your day yesterday!!! SUPERB day to spend a birthday! and your hubby is sooo sweet!!
no wonder u so happy

jazol, i oso cannot imagine living with my MIL, nice though she is. hehehe.. it's the privacy issue more than anything la.
no she travel in her 2T as well. my gynae was't too worried about my long flight either. i dont think US summer hols has started yet. you should have the park to yourselves.
i like venice beach the best. wish i had one of those beachfront homes there u know? my best fren lives in san jose now, last time she was in LA she took me everywhere. i LOVED it. you'll have a GREAT TIME there. wah... i so excited for you!

eh u know i'm such a pig. *snort* everytime i go to US, i must eat IHOP breakfast. wah... *slurp* now i'm salivating at that thought! ARGH!!!!!! you eat for me can? sigh...
So many conversations I don't know how to join in. So excited to see some of you know your baby's gender.

My appt is next Monday, so I hope I can find out soon.

Hey, did anyone of you feel that your teeth seem to be a bit discoloured as a result of the pregnancy? My lower front teeth seem to be a little weird coloured, especially nearer to the gum. I actually have healthy teeth with no fillings. Will going to the dentist help?
welcome! gotta drink min 2litres water everyday to help. somemore u eating iron supplements? makes it worse. if u r really desperate, try prune juice, or dried prunes. those are immediate effect for me!

wah 4 days. i'll be GROUCHY HIPPO by then man! good luck!
wow, seems like most of us dated our HB for 6 mths thn decide to get married... me oso bt we end up getting after 2 yrs bcos of date n preparation n house.... sigh*

yea, i everyday will complain to my HB abt my work n office tingys thn he will since u so stressed resign lor, bt i dun wan to stay at home cos i cnt as need to face my ILs everyday....
atro:your hubby oso another sweet one! he's so innocent!!! were u his first gf?

re guys: i think most men are not the emo kind. they have it inbuilt to provide solutions NOT to offer a listening ear. for girls, usually wen we share problems, we just want a sympathetic ear and for someone to empathise with our sorry situation. guys are SO not like that. they hear prob, means must offer solution. i can't stand it when my hubby goes into this problem solving mode! it feels so unsympathetic some how..
wow, 6 months then married?? i feel ancient then for being with my bf for 5 years before getting married. got to know each other in 1st year in uni. 6 months sounds so romantic!!

weiiiii! you all type very fast la! i'm trying very hard to catch up!

HRD: wat's IHOP breakfast? or is that another stupid question? hee hee this is my first time to the US. hubby's been there a couple of times and he's sooO excited to bring me there.

eh, since you've flown on northwest many times, i ask you ah, if i decide to make changes to my flight details, what's the charges like? for eg if i decide then i wanna fly back to sg from Honolulu instead of LA? any idea?
HRD, i avoided iron supplements cause i knew is going to affect my bowels.. but i wish to take iron since it helps with pregnancy.

Ya, 4 days was no joke i don feel good myself too..i was sooo worry that it will affect my poor darling inside my tummy.

Thats what i did too, i took dried prunes instead of Lactulose.. i hate drinking plain water, is so tasteless...sometime it cause me to puke too...thats why i took alot of milo instead, filling and tasty...

If i am in my 14 weeks and 6 days when should my edd be? my gynae didnt tell me the exact date.
6 months? I think I can never do that. We were together for maybe 2 years before ROM, and another 2 years before wedding. haven't even tried living together yet!

or astro, were you saying within 6 months you close deal means got steamy in bed? wahahaha.
chnyle: I'm taking iron pills because my red blood cells are too small. will have fainting spells if I don't take them. Apparently, you need to take Multi-vitamins so that your bowels won't be affected. I take both, including calcium and folic acid, and I'm still able to move my bowels almost daily.
hi chyle,

constipation doesn't affect the baby, so don't worry yah? just keep taking in fluids. if cannot take plain water, take juice? or even those isotonic drinks. as long as you take in fluids la

this is only a rough estimate yah but i think your edd is around 16th oct +/- a couple of days la
Gynae did not prescribe multi-vit, i did ask him when i was not prescribed...but he say different gynae gives different med.

I am given calcium, iron, omega 3 and folic. Is it nec to take proteins?? so many supplements...
wow, the conversation goin real fast... dun knw how to join in...haha....

i have constipation prob too actually b4 preggie aldy hv so i find it normal for me... bt oso heard fm my frens, all preggie will hv tis constipation prob.
i used to have constipation till i had my gall bladder removed. now whenever i constipate, i simply take oily stuff n i will rush to toilet within 1/2 hr.
hrd: u are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT.. hungry baby = angry baby.... but i'm working at home.. no food at home one. only lousy snacks. my baby loves cakes and bread. and the weather is soooo hot i dun feel like going out at all..

hope/astro: wow. 6mths. i rom after 9mths. haha...but knew hb as acquiantance for like 9years?

astro: hahaa.. i can understand y u are so in love with ur miser.. hahhaa..

famela: i'm just to total opp.. my close friend (also his) commented once that my hb is a wife. haha.. i'm the husband...

i wish i can travel in sept.. hb going for a business trip then.. dun think i can tahan being alone.... 3wks alone during 1T is enough for me...
PU: the weather has been crazy hot hasn't it? i think the short short rain is making it more humid. can't stand it.

september will be very near due date already rite? i heard my gynae say last mon when i visited her that we can travel right up til august lei... maybe go for a holiday earlier with your hubby la..

ya, currently my weight remains the same except for the excessive wt i gain for my #2 preg lor. i had the gall bladder removed when 1 mth aft i deliver my #1.
famela: ya.. he was waiting there for me to 'unearth'.. coz he was fossilised..

i have trained him to listen.. AND provide solutions.. hahaha.. sometimes he will say 'am i supposed to listen or give answers now ah?'

i will say 'listen first.. and give answers.. and continue to listen'.. hahaha :p
famela: no leh. he's going for biz trip leh. and then i realise that my FIL going for biz trip in OCTOBER... and i stupidly scheduled a two-weeks class just the week before my edd!! so if he cant be back in sg in time.. i'll have to take the class... and what if i teach halfway need to deliver?????!!!!!!! hahhahaha.... i cant imagine that... anyway. its still a long way to go.. so just see how it goes when the time comes..

mylvera: ohh.. that means very easy to maintain weight.. but then wont u have lack of fatty acids in the body?? are u taking any supplements? ur body can absorb fish oil??
astro: cos he's innocent lah... this kind of guys not everywhere can find one leh... but if i were u.. i dun think i'll be too daring to take such big steps... but if i were to follow his kind of planning.. i think i'll go crazy...
pu: that's becoz u married a piscean! ops!
hahah. *siams*

my bset fren.. before she passed away la
was a sagi. but she has this mysterious scorpio nature in her which i am drawn to.. collected and calm.. she has a scorpio moon..

i really miss her
and hor! her bf.. is like me! so similiar till i cannot stand him! hahahaha..

i asked her before 'aren't u sick of one astro? how come dating another astro?! '

she just shook her head.. resigned to fate kind.. whahahhahhaa.....
hahaha... i dont work for NW so i dunno. sorry. IHOP. you'll see it everywhere. must try. IHOP = int'l house of pancakes. damn shiok breakfast platters pancakes, waffles, eggs, that kind of huge sinful american breakfast. *slurp*

us old birds dont waste any time when it comes to dating lah.
see got potential better hurry up chope first. later left on the shelf kena expiry date HOW???? hehehehe... gotta compete against the young chickadees out there not easy you know?!? hahahaha...
steamy? did someone say STEAMY!?!?!?! bwahahahhaa... VP not around glass fills her shoes! bwahahahaha... good job gals. i wannna see more kinky posts when i get back from my mud bath.
shucks i really gotta go...

pu: hahah. coz u are a scorpio. u 'wait and see'.. like a scropion.. and then 'make the kill'!!! hahaha.
me piscean.. wear my emotions on my face kind! excitable and flowing

he is just innocent in the aspect of love.. and sometimes when he start his philosophical talk.. everything else he is grounded and serious.. aiyoh. so i enjoy such rare moment of 'innocence'..

there was once.. watching annimal planet..

got migratory herds.. then see them fall prey to the crocodile.. then miser went into deep thought and asked me..

'how come the philantropists (forgot how to spell) cannot donate some $$ build a bridge for the migratory herds so that they dun fall prey to the crocodiles leh?'..

coming from an engineer leh!! aiyo.. ha. so cute..
ops.. astro gushing abuot her hb :p
astro: that's y u r her best friend mah... cos she's naturally attracted to people like u... ahha.. i'm also quite collected and calm.. but i tend to talk louder than other people... so hb always scold me say i scream at him.. hahhaa... but i NEVER... and it was never my intention.. i just talk LOUDER...
astro: haaHAHaHaha!!!! that's a really funny question ur hb asking.... i think my hb will answer him something like this "cos they never watch animal planet... "

btw, my hb will be just like u....
Dear mummies

Can i join in? I am fr the Oct 06 thread and my #1 will be 3 yrs old when i deliver.

Have been reading ur postings silently all these few wks as I was not ready to announce my pregnancy then. I am now 13 wks.

I read that some of you have v bad MS. Mine has been very horrible too. I have been vomitting non-stop since Week 6. Everyday, after almost every meal. No food agrees with me and I am so disgusted by looking at food. I make it a point 2 avoid food courts with strong food odours and simply cant tolerate it. In fact, I am very put off my scents/perfumes/facial products oso. I skipped my facial routine coz i cant stand the smell on my face. I am v selective abt using bathing/shampoo pdts oso. Other than tt, I tired easily and rest alot. Luckily my hb is capable of handling #1 and doing some chores. My mum has been great help though she is not staying with us.

In summary, nothing agrees with me. There has been a few spotting episodes and usually caused by my low placenta. I am pretty worried though gynae says it might move up as pregnancy progresses. The thing is there is nothing she can do for me, and nothing i can do to improve the situation. Juz wait and see how.

Hopefully everything stabilises soon coz I would really wanna enjoy my pregnancy. But no signs of MS slowly down.... when i had #1, it only slowly eased away at 22 wks... gosh.... i am hoping tt i do not have to suffer till so long...

EDD's estimated 27 Oct.

Any mummies with very bad MS at this stage and low placenta also? I am quite worried though gynae says it should move up eventually...

I oso lost abt 4kg till date... Gynae hopes i can gain 1/2kg by the next visit.
yeah.. ribena is good... but still cold stuff is not so good...

actually cold drinks dont affect the baby directly.. but the mother... cos our bodies are not as strong as before due to the hormones and many physical and physiological changes... cold drinks can cause our hands and legs to get numb easily and muscles twitching etc.. but dun drink also cannotl... cos weather tOO HOTT!!!! hotter than hrd's bed... wahhaha...
jazol, hope,
yuppers babes!!! 6 mths then chop chop carly pok already man! hahahaha... join the club!

hippo cannot mud bath!!! late for lunch already!!! kua kua kua...
maybe afternoon can. how come such flurry of activities all of a sudden??? u all come in earlier to keep me company can??? i bus driver very early go to work one leh.

i have bad MS from 6pm - 6am. nothing by mouth as most of the items will come out fr there too haha
but if i take exp meals, somehow i can manage to keep the food down haha
hi jrt.. welcome here.. dun think it should be that bad.. wait and see is a good thing to do... meanwhile just try to eat whenever possible..

Pu, i really must go and pom pom now. later i come back and catch u little chickadee... ahhahahaha... then we sort it out huh? my bed wor...
PU: then he answers his own question 'coz they never watch animal planet!'.. hahaha. i just got more amused!
then i wore my serious economist hat and tell him it is not economical.. then he continued 'pretending'.. and say how come not economical.. when he knows it better than i do! hahaha

ya. i also talking louder and louder.. miser said .. i speaking from the diaphragm liao.. occupational hazard..

what u meant ur hb will be just like me ah?

welcome jrt!

pu/hrd: what's with the bed? *fakes innocence*
jrt: my gyane is not worrieda bout my weight loss leh. coz ah. i am ten kg in excess when i started this preg! i have more than enough to spare!
HRD, ya is heaty but is good when i am hungry...hahaha.... 100+ is gd but i try to avoid gassy drinks.... ribena no good for my gastric...i have gastric problem; like indigestion problem even before preg, so ribena makes me bloated....but i am trying my very best to take as much of plain water and dry prunes.
