(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Alamek, so sad, juz nw my colleague come back from reservist, he saw me ask me wat happen to me, hw come 2 weeks nv c me only i become so hagger & old....Me myself also feel my this pregnancy look so ugly leh, Face & hair everytime look oily, my 2 previous pregnancy look ok. nw dun even wan to look into the mirror...

2 places with good penang laksa
small penang restaurant next to coronation plaza on bkt timah rd

penang restaurant in international biz park in jurong east.
Good afternoon Merlions!

I;m trying to read all the post, but its really hard trying to absorb everyting.

Not feeling so great today. My MS is at it's peak plus I'm having a bad flu and feeling feverish right now.

I guess I'm not alone suffering fm the leakage of the nose after reading all the post. So shiok right to know we are 'suffering' together...hahah!

Good idea eh to announce on FB on April Fool. I'll do the same..hehehe..

P Astro: Wah yr labour story was a good read and so funny when yr miser kept pushing yr neck! I also remember my hubby pushing the gas on my face when I'm trying to push. I tink he got kanchong.
i bet my HB will be all frantic during the delivery too... Can we call other people in huh? My sister has delivered 3 kids so far and i'll like her support.
i dragged HB to read your birthing stories...he had a high time laughing lots over astro's story and we could imagine VP's gas mask being shoved into her face!! abt the c-section..i still phobia lah, joanne..better ask my gynae if her stitching is good..must prepare for all scenarios..haiz..the doula doesn't come cheap..$1700!!..really, what if BB is in the wrong position? money down the drain...alternatively, i was thinking of taking the hypno-birthing classes $450 for 4 sessions..then apply it on my own.

now that we are approaching the 2nd T..what are u girls planning to do? it's a really short period actually..if u consider how in a blink of an eye, our 1st T is almost over. i got to pack my "room" up for the BB, do shopping for some supplies, settle/quit my job...haiz..lists and lists to make and tick off..
siangjiao >> bless you...i have been stealing pinches of vicks vaporub. asked my gynae, ru yi oil cannot use, axe brand also cannot (camphor)..so what can i use? she said vicks..plus dump a small teaspoon in steaming water..breathe the vapour in (be careful don't get scalded)..helps to clear the "blockage" and dripping nose for around an hr..

VP >> my MS is still hanging around..i'm bent double in butt aches..grrrrr....so i am still not outta of the merlion club!
astro >> my HB commented...10 hrs +++ when u are in pain is actually a LONG time! is the pain constant? or does it help when u do deep breathing? did those birthing classes help at all?
shugar : Thanks.

Take care of yourself ya.

xoxo : Actually the pain is not constant. It comes in contraction block. Need to time contraction. If the contraction is about 10 - 15 mins from the next contraction, its time to go to the hospital. As the labour progress, the contraction interval will get shorter and shorter. The breathing techniques i learnt from the classes do help.
xoxo: my butt ache is gone liao. The labour pain is not there all the time. Its like menstrual cramp comes and go but becomes 10x worst every hour and more frequent. The gas helps ease the pain coz it makes you really drowsy. I never went for any breathing classes. I'm the anyhow hard core mummy..
VP: ha.. ur man also funny! i can imagine this scene in my mind right now

VP's gynae: now push!
VP's hb: Dear, dear push push!
*muffled sound coming from below*
VP's hb: Dear, did u hear it, push push push!
Gynae's nurse: erm Sir, the lady cannot breathe! u are pushing the mask too hard on her!

*Straight face*
whahahahah! :p

Xoxo: ha.. funny hor? haiz. i think the most amusing part is really not miser pushing on my neck per se.. that is funny.. but to me personally, what is funnier ishow i pyscho-ed myself so 'warp-ly' to have the works.. when there is no pressure on me to have anything!! :S

i can't feel the contactions at all. i had no pain, all numb :S. haiz.. which is worse? die of the numbness or die of pain? :S
if u ask me.. i dun think the antenatal classes help at all.. haiz..maybe more bonding between between hb and u.. and u see pple with bigger bellies than u? :S

Vp, pups and mascot:take care wor.. sian falling sick now..

HRD: our publicity really dun want to come back to forum liao :p
Ladies: some more amusement for u all to read.. Carbo's first day in a montessori playgroup, Purple Train. posted on my other thread.. they found it hilarious, as usual lah. haiz..
so posting here for entertainment.. a bit long and disjointed. coz i combining some posts.. if it is too boring, pls skip..

today at purple train, teng was super engrossed in his montessori tasks.. and was ultra focused and very difficult to distract him. the teachers asked him if he is having a good time , he just went 'hmn.' and nodded his head.. then teachers said want to stop? he shook his head.. and continue with whatever sorting, scooping he is doing..

then teachers asked me , ' he is very silent, can he vocalise?'

i said' yes..'

they asked ' in single words, phrases or sentences?'

i said.. 'phrases and sentences'.. they said.. 'he is not doing that'. i replied 'maybe later.. now he is doing something which he is enjoying a lot.. hence giving monosyllabic responses'..

and the following scene took place. when teng was asked to move to around room.. with lesser montesorri toys to play. and more group story and singing times.

Teacher: Rayner, put away your toy and come join Lao Shi in front to sing songs?

Teng: *shook head no*

Teacher: Rayner, come *removes the toys*

Teng IMMEDIATELY: no no no! i want toy! i want toy!'

teacher *stunned*, (i was trying to dig a hole to hide liao..)

teacher tried again: Rayner come..

Teng ran to the door and pointed out, he said: I don't want! go out! chu qu! wo ya chu qu! out! out! out!

then teacher commented: wow! u are right. he can indeed VOCALISE what he DOESN'T want..

i could only manage a weak smile :S
at the room where they were doing the montessori tasks. teng was so focused and so obediently doing all the tasks. when he is done. he will stand up and take the tray of objects and returned to the self. and take another one. to amuse himself with..
teachers commented 'wah. so focused, good..good scooping, good sorting..' etc etc..
then teng looks very smug. looked at me, nodded his head and smiled. i smiled at him. and thought 'great! just teng's cup of tea!'

nightmare begin when asked to go sing song and sit in circles.. teng became 'autisitc' again. dun want to sit in the circle.. stand on another side of the room and continue rammaaging thru the self, fiddling with all the montessori toys he can see! haiz..

teacehrs say. slowly.. the boy is reserved by nature. most of the time, kids dun like the monetessori part, but like singing .. teng is exact opp.. aiyoh..
another thing.. so when the kids vacnt their chairs.. to go in front for their circle time.. teng still there and refused to join in right? rummaging thru the cupbaord right?
so what he did.. when he realised all the chairs are messy and he doesn't have space to move.. he went round the big circular table and pushed all the chairs in! and then when he had enough space to move. he smiled and continue rummaging thru the cupboard/shelves..
one of the teachers. commented 'wah. so cute! how sensible!'
again.. i dunno where to hide..
the teacehrs keep assuring me.. telling me all normal. and dun have to force teng to participate. coz this is his first day.. and his focus is very good liao. let him get into the routine and open up more..

i said 'ya. i understand.. for all the classes he has been to.. he is always like tat.. takes a super long time to warm up'.. like father like son.. hmm sometimes like mother as well. ha

teng definitely not those sociable kids who will hug a stranger when we are not around.. guess what today in class.. the same boy , ryan, came to me twice to hug me and wants me to carry him! he is light so i can manage.. ha.. teng also never get jealous. continue with his montessori tasks. Ryan was all distracted with his montessori tasks.. running around. but he enjoyed singing.. see the contrast. haiz..
xoxo & astro: thanks ... i got MC for the next 2 days. but darn, i left my laptop in the office and i have a meeting at 930 am tomoro. Will probably go office, attend the meeting and come home to rest. i think the forgetfullness is starting on my side now.

Will chat again tomoro... goodnight gals
on a happier note, went gyne just now and saw BB

BB wave a foot and a hand and did a flip for us!
ah, thinking about this makes me feel better already.
xoxo : ya u must prepare for any tu fa things. Me at first also dun like c-section but last min no choice, baby dun wan to come out. Talk abt KKH, my experience there was funny. when gave birth to my eldest son there, last time i didnt know tat they will gave a medicine to insert to out buttock there for us to pass motion. The nurse there also nv gave it to me. so when the contraction come, the nurse ask me to push. In the end instead of baby come out, is my sai come out. The nurse still dare to scold me. Hw i know rite, pple say gave birth is like pai sai mah, so i tot is baby wan to come out liao mah. After that then i knw they shld gave me the medicine to clear my sai b4 delivery.
Morning, ladies.. Me back!!!

Went for Oscar yesterday.. The baby was super hyperactive leh... dancing ard.. kicking and even waving to us! Cuteeee... BB is currently abt 5.6cm..

My EDD has been moved back to 6 Oct...
Astro : Teng got character. Seeing how focus he can be. Its going to help him a lot on his learning in future.

shugar : So nice. Baby did a slip for you.

mrs neo : 6th Oct is my hubby's bdae. If i can give birth on 6th Oct, how nice it will be... Hee... But too bad my baby wouldn't be in time to celebrate daddy's bdae with him this year.
Hi Hi,
My EDD is end Oct. May I know which gynae are you guys with?
for my girl, I was with Dr Gordon Tan but I feel him v impatient when it comes to delivery and his stitching v lousy so not going to see him for this 2nd bb.
Considering between Dr Adrian Woodward and Dr HK Ho. Dr Woodward is v near to my place and got night clinic so v convienent but I find his consultation v rush and I got no time to think or register what he said.
My biggest concern is stitching job. My girlfriend was with Dr HK Ho and she said he can stitchv well. No pain.
I not sure abt Woodward. Anyone got any feedback or comments.
BTW, I also MC at home. got a v bad nose and cough. coughed so much that my tummy ache. Wonder how's the bb inside.
morning ladies...

mrs neo: ooh our BB's are the same size.

glass: i'm sure you're looking forward to your gyne visit
i laughed and when belly moved BB moved too. that's what happened yesterday.

oh yes, forgot to mention my EDD is now 7th Oct.

another busy day to finish up my work. leaving for holiday tmrw and i have yet to pack!!
Hello ladies,

Please pray for me and my bb.... I am now having a very bad cramp and bleeding.... I will be seeing my gynae in the short while....
strawberrystars >> there's clove and cinnamon oil that's contraindicated for pregnancy (stimulates the uterine lining) just as camphor oil is as well. small amts should be ok. i am also a ru yi oil addict and used to apply liberally over my tummy..but stopped after told to do so by my gynae who caught a whiff of it on my clothing on my very first visit.
strawberrystars: think the ru yi oil topic has been mentioned sometime back. contains clove and cinnamon oil tat are not suitable for use during pregnancy.
joanne >> that sure sounds embarassing...but when it comes down to it..i think no one can really control this aspect right? that nurse also shouldn't scold u...not that you'd like it to be this way..

shugar >> enjoy your hols soon..that'll cheer u up lots! i keep replaying the wave and the flip..it's magical

siangjiao >> it's raining now. my phone suddenly rang early in the morning from a stupid bank person trying to give me a free card (AGAIN!! even after i said "don't ever call!")..that "shock" from the phone ringing left me quite stunned and my tummy became really painful..heart raced. drama from just one silly phone call. it took a long while to quieten things down...well...nice to be at home provided u are not disturbed :p
mrs neo >> haha! so how was the OSCAR process?

VP>> butt ache has lessened..been doing the tennis ball in bed...muahahaha..don't think of farnie things though. i think i badly need a body massage soon...
strawberrystars >> hey, it's ok really. i think i will be completely zonked by how many posts there are (moi guilty)...so go ru yi cold turkey okie?
astro >> my HB is truly fascinated by miser! he even repeated this silly story to my mum who bought breakfast for me today. muahahaha...aiyoh, u are becoming very famous! LOL...

i think teng's first day must have felt tremendous for you as well right? i'd feel that way...i think i can still remember my first day in school..hmm..reading famela's son first day in school too makes me think...it actually takes alot and quite a while before the BB that's in us..can grow up and enter school..whoa! how long would that be??

i think teng's pretty observant actually..the video of him playing the piano shows that...muahaha, but wait till he starts banging on the pots and pans...maybe he can deploy that technique for the singalongs?? muahahaha...
so jealous
... all you gals got to see your baby's flipping and waving ... i need to wait 16 days more to my next appointment. Pray for me that all will be well, been very stressful at work and losing my temper a lot lately.

anyway, bad day at work so far... encountering some difficulties with some external customers and got chidded by my boss. I really hope my patience can last the next 7 months!

Astro: Teng is a very determined child and has a mind on his own. You must be so proud of him. Are the lessons expensive?
hi all.. what a wonderful morning! hahah. cool and shiok.. shiok coz i am telecommuting today! whahahahha :p

mascot: hope u are feeling better..

joyce: keep us updated.. sometimes it is just a dip in hormones.. which is quickly rectified by extra hormones pills.. stay positive..

glass: relatively exp.. coz other normal neighbour apple tree playgroups are def cheaper. i am paying around $550 for 10 weeks of lessons.. 3 huors daily.. five times a week.. almost the same as GUG (but gug is more exp since only once a weekend)..

shugar: no cry lah.. ur bb waving to u wor

hi keropi: new to the thread? welcome

mrs neo: bb did a dance for u also? ha..

xoxo: ha.. which funny story u told ur hb told ur mum? i thought the labour story was just pushing my neck.. like that ur hb can be fascinated ah? :p. ha.i think i am becoming very famous with my silly antics and stories! ha..

ha.. i was very proud of him . he was very smug.. untill u know when lah :S

dreamygal/xoxo: hmm. ya. he observes more than react.. but i worry too coz. he seemed a bit passive. i would like him to demonstrate more intiative..
astro >> yah..the bit abt yr HB bearing down on yr neck! in my mum's time, the dads are not ard..so my mum asked my HB will he be there for me...HB isn't sure..mumbled jumbled something abt not being very useful..or might break my neck (just like yrs)...muahahahaha...

i think teng is cool..still water runs deep type..
mascot: i thought u mc. how comd still go work? go rest lah..
yalor. me also got to wait another 11 days! :S

when teng is well behaved with all the kids running amok. yes i am proud of him :p but teng is quite stubborn.. as in things he refuse.. he really refuse it with all his might..and those would be the times i want to throw him out of the window..
his attention span is relatively long for a 2 year old. which is good lah..
purple train.. i am paying around $550 for 10 weeks of lessons.. 3 huors daily.. five times a week.. almost the same as GUG (but gug is more exp since only once a weekend)..
Joyce: Just said some prayers for you and your baby. May everything be well for you. Hugs to you and your little one. Do take care yah..
xoxo: i already got one hb who is like that.. the son still so serious.. i think i will feel that i am the only superficial one left in the family! then plus #2 likely scorpio.. ops. intense and private.. looks like i'm the only chatterbox liao :p

ya. i realy told miser.. 'u know necks can break?' .. after the delivery that is.

hahaha. teng is watching pocoyo now.. he is enjoying.. keeps saying the name of the duck.. 'bantou' or something like that.. hahaha.. with Barney. he was like 'oh so boring'.. hahaha
Astro: Teng is so cute. Was he the only one who's on his 1st day at playgroup or are the rest of the kids as well?

Joyce: Hang in there, we're all praying for you and bb.
chia: with his group.. he is the only one starting.. the rest all theere before liao.. they follow school holidays. so yesterday is first day of school after one week break lah..

heya ladies, good morning!

did not log in to post for the past few days cos been having fever and feeling sooO sick. just been reading all your posts from hp..

don't think i have the energy to reply to all now

joyce, you and your baby will be in my prayers. hang strong mommy... take care yah?

astro: sounds like teng had a good first day at school. i lurvee purple train leih. checked it out after i decided to pull adil out of little skoolhouse. but at that point they said adil too young leh.. but teng is younger rite? am glad he enjoyed his first day at school. adil's first day at school was totally something i never expected. my mother was there and my usually happy independent boy became sooo clingy. i wrote a longggg post abt it in my blog. sigh..

so happy to read about all the mommies who got to see their babies dancing, waving, flipping. can't wait to see mine next week.

i had to go KKH 24 hour clinic yest cos the fever was persistent and wouldn't go down. didn't want to go gp cos i've been having the fever for weeks now. but kkh oso cannot determine the cause of the fever. they have put me on a course of antibiotics now. hope it settles. my mc extended til 29th march then it's back to work. not looking forward to it
