(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

siangjiao>> im experiencing the same thing as you now.. having very bad days at work, and my fuse is exceptionally short these 2 days. the lack of sleep caused by severe blocked nose over the weekend is not helping to my short temper also.. and plus fussy customers, lazy customers.. wth

actually it all boils down to that b*tch who went on unpaid leave for one whole month.. i seriously wonder how long i can withstand this. i can feel my body breaking down...

joyce>> hope everything will go well for you..

strawberrystars>> occassionally i will still apply one or 2 drops onto my upper tummy when i feel super bloated.. or i will ask hubby to apply on his stomach, and i will take a few sniffs from his stomach to ease the addiction.. think should be ok bah.. heehee

famela: gosh. down with fever.. i hope u recover fast.. rest well hor..

ya. teng is youngest among her batch. the P actually is not accepting any 2007 kids. but coz teng is 1st jan.. plus i am soooo persistent.. she relented :p ya. adil coming three years mah. can qualify liao lor. 06 boy? go lah. then adil and teng can become frens.. and hopefully adil can influence teng to do those firefighter stunts :p
Joyce>> U and ur bb will be fine! I am sure!

Famela>> Rest well.. and recover soon..

MieMie>> Relax lah.. dun angry.. Try thinking of ur happy baby dancing inside ur stomach.. tat shld cheer u up a fair bit!!!

I was really happy to see dancing baby leh.. super cute!!! Plus TMC called today.. to say all the blood tests and everything are normal... makes me super happy!!! After the test yesterday, i was pretty worried leh. Now can put down the big stone in my heart leh.. *Relief*

Am gng to enjoy my holidays in australia this weekend.. so, i wld MIA for next week..
mrs neo>> enjoy yourself on behalf of us okie?! heehee.. how many days you gg? shiok right? have lotsa fish and chips there and can buy baby clothes there!
famela: i read about adil's first day of school.. sounds a lot like what my mum will do!!!
.. haiz..
dun mind me hor. but i got quite angry seeing ur mum insisting to be there.. with adil in the class leh.. i can fully emphatise with u.. my blood would have boiled if my mum does that..
so much so. i am not even letting her near the Purple train. just ask her to wait at the interchange and my maid will go and fetch my boy and they will go back together.. i know i am a bad daughter lah.. haiz.. but have to do this for teng.. :S
Astro: that explains why he's doing his own stuff and not following the crowd. poor boy is the new kid on the block lah. I think it's better to start them the same time everyone starts so that they don't feel so left out. Your Teng not bad already lor, never cry or anything. such a brave boy!
chia: hmm.. might be.. teng did get slightly tensed.. but all this is normal lah. part and parcel of growing up i feel.. and there will always be new pple joining the class at any pt in time.. given this is montessori in nature.. so it doesn't really matter ..if it is a normal class setting. then teng will lugi liao. coz they cover a syllabus per se..
..teng will take probably 3 days to figure out the routine, i hope.. not difficult lah for him.. he likes routine..just hope that he looks forward to class.. can liao for me
chia: teng did cry! he cried when it was almost time to leave the class. and he was tired and cranky and hungry.. i.e. he is crying coz he wants to go home! :p

The Principal adjusted teng's timing.. so i hope it is not so rushed tomorrow..
Astro: Aiyoh poor boy tired until cry. I have a soft spot for crying bbs lah. My niece cry for this I'll give her this cry for that I'll give her that. I'm hoping I can be tougher with my own gal. But next time if I bring her to school and she cry until very qi-liang, I fear I may succumb and bring her straight home!
astro: i dono what my child care arrangements will be like soon.. my mom already said that she can't cope with 2 kids alone. esp since she still has that little bro of mine to settle.. i'm thinking of full day cc at learning vision my 2nd choice of school... aiyah but still a bit reluctant to send him off for 1 whole day into a school setting la.. poor thing rite so young.. maybe maid? i dono. whatever it is must settle soon la.

you read the post rite? i was very very angry that day. my blood did boild but i had to keep it all in. i was furiously smsing my hubby that whole afternoon i was there. next time sure won't bring her la. learnt my lesson oredy

i think crying on first day of school is pretty normal for most kids. esp if they're still young. i think teng did just great
i love that purple train has kindermusik incorporated.. always wanted to sign up for that. but too lazy to bring him to town on weekends for the classes. so have been sticking to mygym only. but even that class i've been skipping the last 3 saturdays cos of my MS
chia: dun let the bb cries get to u.. sometimes they use it very manipulatively.. like teng.. hahahah

famela: learning vision? want to consider the branch at my poly? hahaha. ops.. the cat's out of the bag which poly i am at liao..hahah. the staff price is super cheap.. :p i think only $150 leh after all the subsidies..

hmm.. ya.. must be settled soon lah. else #2 comes along. messy lah.
yes i read the post. i saw thephotos.. and i got angry.. hahaha. sorry hor :p

teng when he was young, went for kindermusik.. then dropped kindermusik. coz aiyo. so tiring to carry him and swing! gosh. :p.. then go gug.. still on gug.. coz he vocalised a lot after going gug.. then now starting purple train lor.
exp ha.. oh. mygym? i wante to do that since teng's so big size.. want him more agile. but the timing is horrible lor. cannot make it at all!

i think purple train also has another programme. something like positive mind or something like that.. i forgot liao..
positive focus rite? i wrote about it on my blog too i think.. oso not sure what it really is. the P explained it to me but i didn't quite get it. http://famelasworld.wordpress.com/2009/01/06/back-in-the-game/. but have yet to follow up with the P after i visited their centre that one time la.

haha.. i know where you are already la.. i considered already. it's really really popular with the june 06 mommies. but LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG waiting list. at the beginning of the year, i even contemplated quitting and joining the poly so that i could get a place more easily. haha. but i think now nearest one for me is at vista point. walking distance from my house.

no need to be sorry for getting angry. i oso angry that i was such a pushover and didn't stick to my mommy instincts. bah.

i think adil is so agile and active because of mygym la. he started with them since about 10+ months. of course there were some terms when i was so busy with work i took him out but he's been with them more or less all the way since then.
famela: ya. positve focus. sounds quite crappy to me. nevermind..i more interested in allowing teng to enjoywhat he enjoys more.. fiddling with small things

yalor. i wanted to enrol teng in mygym too timing wise. just cannot make it! clashwith naps times! i wanted one active to train up his agility and confidence (which teng needs a lot).. and one quiet kind..so far.. he has been going to the quiet kind ha..

ops. u already knew? ops. i thought i was discreet enough. hahahah
oh. vista pt is near me too lah..ha
famela: ha. i read that bit about purple train having to do an assessment before accepting the kids in. ya. they did an assessment. but i think they are looking for ability to follow simple instructions as well as suitable attention span nia lah. nothing much.. ha. coz even teng can get in. adil no prob. ha :p
ahhh.. ic.. i tot what assessment they want to do. kekekeke.. i just got reminded of that show on channel 70 about the new york kindergartens when she mentioned the word assessment. hee hee. hmm but then again, my son oso the kind cannot sit still one la. he likes to play. if something is interesting then ok la he can concentrate. but if not forget it la..

but now i cannot consider purple train oredy la. that time not expecting #2. so can still convince my mom to travel every day to send my son for his classes at civic centre. now how to? have to consider cc oredi i think even though i'm very reluctant.
Just went for my 8 wks gynae visit yesterday with Dr Joceyln Wong and was glad that everything went smoothly. Finally see the baby's heartbeat

Can any mummy here tell me more about the OSCAR test? Quite expensive at $300. is it really necessary? I am still considering whether to take it for my 12 wks visit?
Famela: I've been thinking of sending my girl to a gym class too but can't decide between My Gym, Gymboree, Tumble Tots and JW. In your view is My Gym better? Has Adil reaped much benefits from the classes?
Mrs neo: I am feeling nervous about mine. It is a terrible feeling.

Twinkle star: I thought it is about 440. It adds on alot to one anxieties etc... I wouldnt want to go if not for doctor's advice.
twinkle star: the OSCAR is optional. it's to test the risk level of the baby having down syndrome. i guess it's up to the individual parents to make a decision on this..? i think it mainly consists of a scan to check the nuchal translucency and nasal bone and then blood test

chia: i think any classes for the kids will benefit them. the social interaction with other kids is always beneficial. and in any social setting like that, even in games they learn to take instructions and follow them so all's good la

i have only gone for mygym, little gym trial class and gymboree trial class so cannot speak for the others. mygym and little gym quite similar. they focus more on the tumbling skills and lots of other gym skills. only diff between them is that little gym is less structured. more free play time during the class for the kids to explore. can't rem much else abt little gym.

mygym has song and dance component and also story telling and usually involves hand puppets or some soft toys. i think the skills taught here are good too. teach kids to sit quietly, pay attention and follow story line. all skills needed for when they go to skul later i suppose? i know my son has benefited a lot in this area. he's rather fidgety so initially couldnt really sit still throughout the whole story session. a lot of improvement over time.

mygym oso has this part where they get the kids to sit down and parents separate from the kids. to teach them how to play alone without us being around. introduces them to independence and prepares for skul the way i see it.

so far no complains abt mygym. having said that, it really depends on the teachers you know. there's one teacher that i really like at mygym. when she's leading, the mood of the class is super high. she's confident so the kids oso follow her instructions well. other teachers are pretty new so not so good i feel. i sense their hesitation so i see the kids hesitate joining too.

gymboree not so gym focus. they do a bit of this. but mostly singing throughout. and my son doesnt really like this singing portions. they do mostly song and dance component plus story telling.

he's the adventurous kind who likes to tumble and be flipped in the air, and climb and hang so gymboree wasn't rite for him.

it depends on your child really. you bring to the trial class la. it's only about 20odd/30ish per trial class. no loss if don't join oso.

overall, i'd say that anything that's fun for the kids is good. they will learn something in an unhurried manner and i completely believe in this 'learning tru play' thingy la
hello all,
didn't log in many days as i am sick too with flu and cough. On MC for 2days but sadly still working fm home. In my dept, basically nobody will cover u unless u go on leave for more than a wk

Seems like many of us r sick at the same time. Take care everyone.

Joyce : Take care and we will keep u in our prayers.
yah .. going to leave my office in a min. Someone just applied feng you and i feel smogged here.

I thought i was going to faint in any moment. I usually cannot stand the smell, now it is 10 times applified. Strange thing, no one else around me can smell it.
ong like you ... no one is my backup for work. I have like project deadlines every 2 weeks, so if i'm like planning a holiday in Jun, i'll have to buck up my work and complete everything earlier. But well, we dunno when we are going to fall sick... so once i lag behind when i'm out for 1-2 days... the next 3-4 days after i recover will be a mad rush.
famela: Thanks so much for the very useful and informative description of the various baby gyms around. I actually intended to go for the trial classes but I've been procrastinating coz of MS and tiredness. My girl has the same problem of not being able to sit still and focus and I'm very encouraged by what MyGym has done for Adil. I wish I can get my girl to sit down and be attentive too. And if they can train her to play alone with me far away... Wow, I kowtow to them. My girl is like super glue too.

You are right about how the right teachers make a huge difference. I read that everywhere in this forum when doing my research on playgroups. That's a problem you see, you sign package with a good teacher and half way she leaves.

Anyhoo I'll take your advice and go for some trial classes when 2T comes. Hopefully all the MS symptoms go away then.
hi to all the mummies

I just given birth in Feb and got a new Avent Electric Steriliser as gift which I like to sell.
Retail price : S$182 and I going to release at a 25% discount S$136.50
hope everything is fine. all our thoughts are with you and your baby.

all other MTBs who are ill,
pls rest well. seems like there's a flu bug going around.

am lucky i've pretty much been home all this while cos of MS. only really go out to get food or meet frens for lunch. but i did notice yesterday and today i hardly feel any nausea at all. then it got me worried. cos when no symptom like very scary. so its gonna be another 2 long days til i see my gynae. eeek! =(
Hello everyone,
heheheh I have the initial result of my OSCAR. It is ok... What a relief..
I am so anxious and stress because alot of those so call relatives keep demanding from me.
I lost my cool several times and tell them off. Crying as and when too and with so much regrets,guilt because all these anger are toxic.
siangjiao, same as u, i need to plan my holiday around end of the wk(since most issues happen on early of the wk) and wkend so that i only need to take a few days leave. Prior to on leave, i need to make sure i complete all the major rpts beforehand. Even when taking MC, i need to make sure there are nothing urgent that day else i still need to work fm home or my phone will be ringing.
WW: Congrats! I know what you mean. I was like that too with my first bb. So worried something might go wrong. I'm happy for you. I hope everyone gets good Oscar results!
chia: glad i could pass on what little i know. if you want to see wat mygym classes look like can see in the videos i took. there're links on my blogs to see the videos
in case u want to see and get an idea how the class works la yah? i've skipped 3 classes due to MS so i completely understand abt the waiting til 2T bit.

ong: hope you're feeling better and do try to rest as much as you can ok?

ladies who are sick: do rest and rest. work is work bah. i know it sounds selfish to say just let the work be.. but our health is more impt at this point. think abt the babies ok? i know it sucks to dump all the work onto your colleagues. but if we're sick i think the best would be to rest as best as poss. must be a little selfish now i guess? i always feel that i am not indispensable. i leave and someone else can always fill in my shoes. pretty easily actually. really bad yah? but this is me JUST learning how to put my health above everything else la. so scr*w work for now if you sick hor? don't make it worse.

congrats ww!!
i know the relief too
not that i am super fascinated with autism or something but happened to come across this tidbit on a USDA study in singapore:

"Clinical data on mercury and autism

Of the 80 children who received biomedical autism treatment at our clinic, Singapore, 34 had their hair analysed for mercury.

The data revealed that 29 kids, or 85 percent, had elevated levels of mercury (more than 0.4µg / g)."

i have been trying to source for reliable information abt mercury levels in locally available fish/seafood pdts. interestingly, i happen to work in PR with a few major food chains in singapore..two of whom are from the seafood industry..no clear answer yet..what would have been useful is for AVA to post a comprehensive list of available fish/seafood products and their corresponding levels of mercury...so i have called them for answers..hopefully can have some soon..haiz, must be too bored at home!! muahahaha..

any MTBs here who can shed more light?
HEY HEY HEY!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm back!!!!

hb came back on friday.. and i didnt get to eat my char siew rice at the airport. cos i was almost late! i thought i could just grab a mushroom burger from BK. but the area was under construction!!!!! so i walked all over T1 to find food. finally bought peanut pancake and small cup of soyabean drink.

then there was problems with the custom. my hb and fil had to declare some goods from customs... and the documents were not complete.. so i had to get to the car to get the documents for them. made me very frustrated. after that i got to wait for another hr. good thing i didnt miss the Perfect Cut show.

anyway, i didnt get to eat char siew rice or BK. end up eating Mac. as for the night, i'll leave room for ur imagination... hahahhaa....

the next morning we had to go KL for a biz trip.. i just reached SG this morning at 4am. gyna appt at 10am, i shifted it to 11am. came back home at 12plus, had lunch and went to sleep, until 430pm.

so that was what happened the last few days.

anyway, i took video of bb dancing! abt 10wks, 38mm.. bb was kicking and shaking backside throughout. then stretched hands in and out. it was VERY CUTE!!! haha.. i say the hands and legs like hb.. long long one.. and the heart looks much smaller than the last visit to gyne. i think cos the body grew much bigger.. hehe..

that's all for updateS!
welcome back Pu!

take care Ong..
i think i also developing a cough.. and teng is hiaking after me also..haiz

joyce: how are u?

xoxo: i dun think i was able to google that out when i did my research on mecury in fish with teng last time. the general ones however was to avoid those big predatory fish.. such as shark/sword fish/king mackaerel/sting ray etc.. the do not eat list i posted was helpful in defining the list further..
hmmm.. i remembered i seen a website on how much fish the little one should eat based on their weight (when weaning though)...

famela: ya.. they also tried to test if teng can recognise the numbers and alphabet..i was like.. open eyes big big.. monetessori testes this? the shrewd P saw that.. and said not to worry if teng cannot recognise also.. cause just in case some kids know mah.. ha.. certainly not teng that time.. now maybe can a few lah..

Chia: dun go JWT.. i organised a trial for my thread the other time.. it looks very adventurous.. but the trial class was so badly organised.. that i wun go back ever again..

i went gymboree and kindermusik cocurrently.. now i am still gymboree member coz i used to bring teng there to improve his confidence for the open gym bar but i think expire liao lor.. ha...hahahah..kindermusik is still better in terms of all those movement and dance lah. gymboree's one eh. not as good. but if u want ur girl to experience hair spliting G forces, ha, think mygym still better.. i remembered i went pass one more gym kind of thingy for kids atOrchard area.. where the califonia kitchen is.. that one also allows ur kid to experience G forces :p

hmm. slightly unwell. strange sensations in stomach.. haiz.. not again..
loke >> hehehehe..trust you were too tired travelling! i can't imagine taking a car ride for 3 hrs up and down now..just a minute drive and i am already nauseous! whoa..looks like your BB is also one active one! did u do the "wave" back at the BB?? hahahhaa..

astro >> let's see what AVA has to say..i spoke to one of my seafood clients..he was saying the farmed salmon (80% of salmon in singapore is farmed)..uses recycled deep sea water..where mercury naturally occurs..he isn't aware of the "levels" though cos anyway "AVA don't test for these all the time" and i all along thought our very-reliable AVA will test everything, all the time..complacency...tsk tsk. see if they will even reply moi...

feelin' ill huh? same here..can't feel full the whole day...plus got this "somewhere isn't right" sensation...sigh.
xoxo: keep me updated on that hor. then i will stop giving my ah boy salmon! his fish is always salmon. coz omega fats mah..

does that include the salmon 'supposedly' from norway?

yalor. dull ache at tummy area.. dunno indigestion or what again.. argh. miser just came over and touched my belly.. and commented it has bigger..i told him 'no.. not.. just the bloat again'.. haiz..

been having that 'somewhere is not right' feeling all along plus cannot feel full sensation since beginning till now!.. strangly.. i sleep. and can wake up with dull tummy ache leh. i think my fats too heavy liao. haiz..
astro >> i really dunno leh..it's tough to find out alot of info now. but i have begun diggin'...will keep u posted.

wanted to ask you..did teng experience any colic when he was a baby? i see parents rocking and bobbing the babe all the time..why do they do that? there was this few days' old infant at the gynae the other day who could not stop crying..and the mother was so defeated..just sat there and stared at the baby in the pram in e end..she walked, bobbed, rubbed the baby's back..whoa..but the crying was piercing and moaning..on and on for two hours..now i am trying to figure out why this happens. would be a horror for me..gave me a headache..
i'm very restless today...think it's the bloatedness too..aiyah..it's alright to gain weight for the pregnancy mah..i am not gaining..losing more in fact..
xoxo: bb stretched out hands one at a time. more like doing 'boxing'.. the legs are in cycling motion. very cute.. haha.. and yeah. i was amazed i could tahan the 5hrs trip on the bus going to KL, knowing that i'm more prone to MS in the morning. coming back wasnt so smooth.. stomach v bloated. so cant sleep properly on the bus also..
woh.... the thread is moving so fast.

will pray for u and ur little one. be strong. keep us update.

my edd is on 18 oct.

i feel him not bad. it was recommended by my HB auntie. tat time after the 1st consultation, i feel comfortable with him so i signed up with him. now having second one so continue with him. his stitching is good too.

sorry for the late replies. i dun log in often cos the whole day looking my son, quite tiring plus MS too.
Big waves to your mtb

I have not been posting for a while. All is well, just been busy with work lately.

Wah, happy for you all who get to see baby dancing and flipping. I think my hb will flip if he sees that!

Joyce: my thoughts and prayer are with you and your bb. Take care and rest well.

Pu: Welcom back

Do you gals have any tips for curing indigestion? Greedy me took 2 servings of friend rice and paying for the price now.

Those working, have you told your company of the good news yet? My evaluation was due end month but now rumors that it will be pushed back later as they are still discussing annual increment %. I can't wait to tell and officially take MC. But i don't want to jeopardize my assessment as well.
