(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

loke >> i am very glad that we have finally gone from a bean stage to a human stage!!
congrats on what must have been a paranomic view!! i think i will skip KL on a road trip..confirm cannot make it so I salute you!

iceblue >> not too far from mine at all..i'm now at 14 oct!

siangjiao >> something fizzy? so u can burp and feel better..that is if you feel stuck. if you're feeling the "burning" sensation, i have found seaweed to help loads...if all else fails..an antacid..moi taking gaviscon only when everything cannot work..it is safe, Cat A for pregnancy. my whole office already knows what's up with me cos i have disappeared for a mth and my MC till Apr 16. i think if the date of the assessment isn't too far, maybe u can hang on...two of my friends just got retrenched...one right after she came back from maternity..the other one just got married, and returned from her honeymoon and kena pink slip..
iceblue: how's Janson? did i get his name right?

xoxo: colic is in fact very 'overused'. Everytime a bb cry, and the parents cannot figure out why aprt from the obvious soiled diaper and perhaps hunger, they blame colic.. actually it is very rare..most likely the bb might have wind in the stomach (like us now lah :S) and that made the bb very uncomfortable.. colic is defined more uniquely.. persistent crying for unknown reasons at FIXED timings of the day (so, it rules out wind in the tummy as well).. if u think about it, it is really quite rare for a child to keep crying without a reason per se..we can all trace to one reaons.. and often, such crying bouts are in the evening.. when.. the bbs are overtired...

In my opinion, such intense crying bouts are almost always due to over-tiredness of the bb.. u mentioned the bb cried for almost 2 hours? there u go.. a newborn cannot stay awake for more than 1 and half hour.. and yet that newborn has been crying for more than 2 hours?? actually the best way to deal with overtiredness is to avoid it.. but if bobian, def will get it one lah.. is to let the bb just cry.. laid in the best.. let the bb cry it out for max 30 minutes.. it is hard to hear the bb cry.. but actually it prolongs everyone's agony if we swing, bob or rock the bb. imagine.. bb is over tired already. trying so hard to 'shout out' all distractions and sleep. yet still 'disturbed'.. then u get the picture liao lah...

teng did not get colic. i used to think he did.. but eventually when i read up more. it was overtiredness.. bbs cannot sleep well when they are overtired.. they literally scream their heads off before falling alseep, totally shacked.. so my guess for that infant bb at the clinic. is this.. over-tiredness.. quite often.. we don't recognise the signs. the bbs can look very alert.. but actually they are already tired.. so it is impt to know the sleep cycle of ur child at whatever age.. to avoid negative sleep assications and over-tiredness.. i had hell with teng. coz i didn't read up enough..i actually regretted it.. haiz. for all those months of unsettling experiences.. so i highly recommend everyone of us to , not just read up on preg, but read up more on infant health as well as parenting.. that, in my humble opinion, is more long lasting and impactful. preg.. whatever happens at childbirth , is seriously beyond us
p: wow. that's a very good information u provided. nevr thought that overtiredness could be one of the reasons y babies cry. no wonder my mum is always trying to make my niece and nephews sleep. she'll try to make them sleep after they are awake for 1 hr.. max 2 hrs...

xoxo: i would really like to go for the guangzhou and HK jewellery show in sept. but then that'll be quite risky.. i think the airline might not allow me to board the plane also.

hb just told me this afternoon that next time he can bring bb along for his business trips around singapore. hahhaa.. i was imagining in my mind how he's going to handle the bb.. he'll prob look like ADrian Pang in the nai ba show on channel 8 last year... haha
xoxo: have u heard of gina ford? teng is a gina ford bb..
.. pple might have discomfort with putting bbs on a routine..(what gina ford advocates.. in fact down to the last minute) cos it sounds like the bbs are being treated as robots.. but gina ford is my life saviour..

it solves all my problems.. overtirdness, ridding bad sleep associations.. weaning (too much milk or too little milk?) tempers trantrums and why and how t handle etc.. i find it immensingly useful .. i think u are quite like me.. who likes to do a fair amount of analyses (erm. not too much though for me.. hahaha) .. gina ford. doesn't always put the reasons why.and i on many occasions find myself committing errors which she already warned me not to.. ha.. serves me right.. but i have never felt been that empowered in my entire life when i figured out WHY..

wikipedia has a short write up on this highly controversial author.. hahahah

(her website.. warning: highly commercialised!:p)

the book (the one with the green band showing a bb sleeping) (on the top right hand corner of the banner) is my FIRST book. and since then. i have bought ALL the GF series.. :p kekekeke..

there is a wealth of lit online on sleep cycles of bbs. u wld realise.. they all talk about the same thing lah..
Pu: wow! ur mum learned from experience, must be! great! she would be an invaluable help to u liao. in lookign after ur bb
. but heh.. sometimes.. the older folks cannot stand us for being so scientific.. my mum NEVER believes what i say one.. always chooses to tell me the dunno which auntie in the market say must NOT do what with teng (which i am doing).. haiz.. she just dun trust her girl.. gosh :S
Loke: how old are ur nephew and niece? ha.. should no longer be infants right? ha .. they can stay up longer liao.. nearing teng's age.. they only take one nap.. and rest of the day. like dragon like that. come 4/5 , they wll drop the noon nap liao.. i think one of the reasons whyteng is so big sized. is.. he sleeps well.. so so fat lor.. but bbs deprived of sleep are very difficult to handle.. so i rather he be pudgy now.. and build up a healthy lifestyle.. later on in the year.. he def will slim one lah. now already slimming down liao.. ha..
p: aiya.. i think all mums are like that.. my mum also dun believe the science i know.. she'll tell me what the news says etc.. haha.. now she's trying to get me to see this chinese physician to "tiao" my body.. i also dunno whether to go or not.. this person appears on tv for interviews a number of times.. that's y my mum knows about it..

not really confident of mixing western multivits and folic acid with the chinese herbal medicines.. but i do agree that the body needs to be strengthen, which western pills cant really do.. gyne says that there's a lot of obstructions in the body during pregnancy.. so maybe the chinese physician can help to release those obstructions a little?
p: they are older than teng.. only the youngest one is less than 18mths. i mean when they were younger, my mum would make them sleep..

but i think its true that bbs deprived of sleep are difficult to handle.. my friend's son is really hard to handle... he takes naps but doesnt sleep a lot.. so he's hyperactive.. actually i also think its because of the family members that spoilt him.. just recently this friend gave birth to #2 and even the confinement lady couldn't stand the son being so hyper.. got to resort to some form of violence.. not the right way, but really bo bian.. really quite worrying for them.. especially if they ever get a maid.. quite dangerous..dunno what the maid will do to the child..
Loke: wah.. violence coming from the confinement lady?! wah..ya.. i am not joking when i say at times i want to throw teng out of the window leh, :S
p: yeah lor. quite scary.. imagine even the part time maid go to their house for 3 hrs one time, she already concluded the boy is very very naughty.. i think only the parents and the family members can have the grace to love and take care of the child.. even close friends like us find the boy hard to handle.. sometimes also feel like whacking him.. hahaha. but we control ourselves.
i am eating an hard boiled egg.. with a little medium heat salsa.. quite delicious actually. but i hope the tomatoes in the salsa wun worsen my heart burn/indigestion :S

miser took a look and asked 'what's that?!'
ha.. i replied, my creative cuisine!
hi ladies!
I'm finally done with all my work and luggage packing!
Gng to sleep soon coz got to head to airport in the morning.
catch up with all of you when i'm back!
astro >> i think that's a wise piece of advice..to begin reading on parenting stuff now. i cannot imagine trying to scramble for solutions WHEN the problems occur..obvious i'm a control freak to a degree. it just got me thinking..why is the BB unable to be comforted? very worrying..or is it that the BB is sick/in pain somewhere? i can empathise with the frustration of the mother..cos I couldn't stand the weyahhh.weyahh...weyahhhHHHH...and the poor mother has to cope with that PLUS all our stares...and obvious she had a C-section cos the nurse asked her "how's yr dressing?"...sigh..so she also couldn't lift the BB for long..haiz.

but think i don't need to ponder too much..cos in Astro we trust! hey..can setup mini library?? i'd like to read her stuff..not doing much anyway these days..haha, but also don't wish to impose on you too much
astro >> whoa..this gina ford lady is quite controversial. did u employ 100% of her recommended methods? what were aspects of her techniques that were particularly useful?
Email from AVA on pasteurised milk as well as mercury level in fishes:


I refer to your email enquiry dated 11 March 2009.

2 The import of raw, unpasteurized milk for sale in Singapore is not allowed.

3 Not all cheeses sold in Singapore are made from pasteurized milk. Some of them are made from unpasteurized milk. They are safe for consumption when they are properly produced under good manufacturing practice with no contamination, and are properly handled/stored subsequently to prevent post-process contamination.

4 As cheeses, particular soft cheeses, have been associated with outbreak of listeriosis overseas, Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has issued advices to their consumers. Information on the potential risk of different types of cheeses including Feta and Ricotta can be found on page 5 of the following document downloaded from FSANZ website at:


5 We would also like to assure you that the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore has in place a programme to check on the microbiological, heavy metal and chemical contaminants of our imported fishes and food. We wish to inform you that the mercury level of our imported fishes is found to be within the permissible Maximum Residue Level (MRL) of 0.5 ppm. The fishes here are safe for consumption.

6 Do contact me if you have any further enquiry.
P_RYC>> Agree. Also babies ONLY way of communication is crying. so whether it it tiredness (which is mostly the prob), which in turn leads to irritability, don't like the music, the light, the sounds anything, so they just cry angrily.

i'm quite an old school mommy in some ways. as sometimes i think becos there is so much information at our fingertips cos of the internet, it makes us think that every problem is a scientific problem. however, a lot of them are all part n parcel of babies, and all babies have different personalities.

thats just my point of view lah. i'm v aunty one :p
Ehlo. Can I ask, I read in this forum that 2nd Tri starts on week 13.
Does that mean we can only tell our boss on Week 13 or Week 12?
Next week is my week 12, so initially I thought would be safe to tell boss.

My gynae told me that she had a client who got fired after the boss knew she preggie. Horrible right? The boss bring her go see gynae to ensure its not past 1st tri yet then fired her.

Sigh, last night can't sleep well. Go toilet wee wee so often. Wonder where the water come from. Din drink that much.....
Ya lor, tat boss so mean. I told my boss b4 i rch 1st tri, he even congrate me & ensure will secure my job unless is company closed dwn la.
My HB recently like very moody & unhappy, dunno izzit becoz of me...I recently seldom talk to him coz really too tired & sick, always wan to sleep, so always make my boy sleep i also sleep arn 9pm plus, think he nt happy with it lor...But it not i want rite, y cant he juz understand me abit, shld let Male pregnant then they knw hw suffering we are. When i knw i'm pregnant, i told him i dun wan this child coz cant afford but he insisted he wan coz he say abortion is a sin...so i keep it then now he cant understand me at all...really feel fustrated leh....
Ya lor. When I heard that from gynae, i couldn't believe got such a boss. Hee..so I tot I better be safe than sorry. Tink maybe I tell my boss end of next week. Should be safe ba.

btw, saw someone ask abt Penang Laksa. Got one authentic Penang Laksa at ABC market (Jln Bukit Merah). The stall is called Jason's Penang delights I tink.
gal -tt boss is real mean, is he a guy or girl? If the boss's a girl, she should be able to understand right?

btw, would yall be telling your prospective employer that you are pregnant if you go for interviews during this period or just keep it mum (be it due to the pregnancy still being in 1T or other reasons)?
hi all, i told my boss when I was only at 5 weeks, coz that time I thought I was nearly at 8 weeks. And I had not even confirmed my pregnancy with a gynae yet. Of course, my work is considered iron rice bowl, so it doesn't matter. However, performance bonus may be affected.

My mother heard of a lot of stories about the private sector, so I hope none of you will face the same problems as those unfortunate pregnant ladies.

I also have sleeping problem. I usually go to bed around 9 plus after I was pregnant, and wake up around 5.30 to prepare for work. In a way, it helps with my hunger. However, I would wake up a few times, and continue dreaming my crazy dreams. Last night, I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep, and got so hungry I had to take milk and bread. Then tried to sleep a while. Now a little tired.

Think it will get worse. Already I am suffering from short term memory loss. I told some people to go for a meeting at 2.30, and was very kancheong about it, and then I had my own meeting at 4. I only remembered about my own meeting at 9 plus last night, when I was in bed. The next thing, around 11 plus when I woke up again, I suddenly remembered that the meetings should take place one week later. The poor folks waited for half an hour for an non-existent meeting.

That's not all. I still have other things that I couldn't remember. alamak!!
Btw, I have been having sudden sharp pain near my pelvic area. Not sure whether it is serious. Could it be UTI?
Famela & Astro : thks. Feeling slightly better today.

Astro : i guess u r fm NYP, right? Just wondering y u did not enroll teng with Learning vision as the subsidize rates is so dirt cheap! Is easier for u too since u just bring him along when u go school.

xoxo: bb just tends to cry alot during the first 3 mths and especially evening time. Guess is due to bloatedness that makes them cry non stop. Normally, just apply ruyi oil and burp them and put them on rocker. If rocker does not work, then i will put him in stroller n push aro the whole hse as bb like motion. If still doesn't work, will bring him out of the hse and take a walk. Sometimes different environment do helps. Normally when bb reached aro 5mths, they will cry lesser as they r more strong n won't get bloated easily.

Joanne :maybe part of the reason could b u did not BD with your HB for mths liao is it ? *cheeky smile*
thanks for posting the AVA reply. don't ever mention you are pregnant when you go for interview. cos too preliminary stage. when there is an offer on the table for you then you consider whether you should tell. anyhow, i've asked all my colleagues and ex-bosses and they all tell me the same thing. DON'T SAY. it'll jeopardize your chances of getting the job more often than not. especially in times like this, i also won't hire if i'm the hiring manager.

wow! more info for us! thanks for sharing really. yah, can I join your library too? hehehe... i've never thought abt reading beyond the delivery yet til now. OMG! now gotta get more books! hehehe...

ah? after all that anticipation you didn't end up eating char siew rice? eh, then you leave the rest of the night up to our yellow imagination lah?! hehehe... am sure you must be happy HB's home. as well as the dancing baby!
mine appt tom. cant wait cant wait. did i read somewhere you're a jeweller or something?

can also try Eno for indigestion. i asked gynae, can take. otherwise, lemonade is damn good for indigestion too.
also read in my preggy book that we should avoid predator fish like mackerel, swordfish, etc. when i found out i was pregnant, felt like kena snook like that. didn't have the chance to eat my favourite swordfish sashimi one last time before i fast those. ARGH!!!
nowadays when i walk past jap restns i look at the display window and lau nua at all the sashimi. =((((((

oh! i went to hua yu wee last night! hmmmm.... the tender beef... =))))) enjoy your meal tonight, if you're still going... hehe
HRD : BD --> baby dance --> sex

angie :dun ever tell your prospective boss that u r pregnant as i believe chances of getting the job is ZERO.Times r bad, they are plenty of better choices for bosses so i believe no bosses are willing to hire a pregnant woman who is gg to take ML for 4 long mths. If u get hired, u muz hide your tummy till u get confirmed, else bosses can still terminate u before the cfm period.

loke : wow u can still takek 3hrs ride. I think 45mins is enough to make me pengsan! glad your bb is doing well.
HRD: yeah. after all the anticipation... until now i still didnt get my charsiew rice.. my tastebuds really changed a lot.. i'm not usually picky about food. but now it seems like nothing is good enough for my tongue. btw, i'm not the jeweller. my hb is.. hahaa. we dont own a retail shop. we serve private customers. u can check out his website at www.fegj.blogspot.com

ong: thanks! bb was quite good during my trip. though i still vomitted twice. i think i was just having indigestion.
HRD & Ong - thanks for the advice! =)

I actually sent out applications prior to knowing that I am pregnant and only started to get interview call-ups recently, so if I get selected in Apr, after serving 1 month notice at current workplace, I should be in my 4th month, then after the 90 days to qualify for the ML, I would be in my 7th month. Should be very hard to conceal the pregnancy.. Sigh.

But say, if I apply for government jobs, they would not sack pregnant ladies is it? M afraid that even if I apply for civil service jobs, then they would still ask me to leave before the confirmation period.

If the probation period is 6 months but after staying there for 3 months, regardless of whether I am confirmed yet, the ML would be applicable right? So perplexed over these things..
i would think that civil service jobs probably more pro-family since govt is on baby acquisition drive. private sector i think would be much tougher.

hehe... thanks for humouring me. i was being cheeky. ;)

ah... i saw the blog. many things I LIKE there! hehehe... too bad i'm banning all big ticket items since am on domestic payroll now. =(
gal : i knw nd to eat but everytime juz quickly go eat liao wan to go hm liao, juz no mood to walk arn coz of the ms, always wan to puke.

ong : i also think is becoz of the BD. but y cant he juz be more understanding of wat i'm gng thru nw...is nt i dun wan is juz really no mood & sick....haiz if i knw this would be the outcome that everybody will be unhappy, i will nt keep the baby at all...juz nw juz sms him, he say nth to talk to me, we r nw like stranger...SAD....thinking to abort it since everybody is so unhappy....SIAN...wat pregnant woman nd most is the support from the HB rite, yet i get all this nonsense from him....SHIT, F**K....
joanne: i think sometimes men take some time to process the events around them.. so maybe just let him be for a while... then sit down and talk? dun entertain the negative thoughts k? the more u think about it, the worse u feel.. then the MS will come along also...
angie >> heehee..AVA has also replied to me today. Standard template like yours regarding fish..I'm more worried abt fish cos at home and during work (when i am handling press interviews), I get to eat tonnes of seafood/fish..so in my kiasi mind, I am prime mercury target!!! So..I am asking them to give a list of locally available seafood / fish, say which ones they test pre-market (forget abt post-market testing..) and their variant amts. Did you know that mercury can build up in our system? So even if it falls under the "acceptable" limits, over time, you as a living species could be "over-limit"...haiz..I used to be from the civil service. The probation period can be a year (depending on the ministry)..so you better check and declare first. Otherwise, they would not defer your probation and any leave (and this includes maternity), taken during this period, will have to be no-pay leave..
PU_RYC: but i'm the type of person which can tahan couple like stranger, dun talk to each other. So everytime quarrel, when in cold war, i'm always the one who will voice out first. If a couple become like stranger then wat for continue rite. Anytin u nt happy juz say out, i will explain y i like this or like tat, dun ever give me a cold shoulder which i hate most....especially nw pregnant, emotion will up & dwn alot, i really nd his support ok....he juz cant understand....I also hv alot of thing to trouble ok....like my company nt stable, dunno will close dwn anot, if really close dwn hw am i gng to look for a job, hospital stay fee after i deliver...all this already trouble me liao leh....
Hey mtbs! How's everyone doing?

It has been a while since I was here. Have been going a very bad few days and I think it has a lot to do with hormones. A lot of tears and unvent frustrations. Hope it will not develop into depression or pre-natal blues. Took a few days of MC to just relax at home and to do work at my own pace. Even have the urge to just take no pay leave.

Joanne: I know I am not in the best position to comment given my own mentail state, but what many people advised me is true, we must learn to take things a bit easy. Try to stay as positive as possible. I am trying very hard to do that now...
joanne: like i said, men takes a longer time to process events ard them. my hb also like that one. i'm also like u.. i will explain until the cows go home, but he'll still remain the way he is.. so i learnt to take it easy and let him be for sometime and let myself cool down first before the conversation starts again.. maybe he also dunno how to express himself to u, esp when u r so down and troubled. also, dun worry about the costs... if ur hubby decides he wants the baby, he'll make sure he can provide for u.. as for now, just blast out as much as u want on the forum, but after that just take it easy and try not to nurse on the negative thoughts..
joanne: maybe u can write an email to him telling him your problems and seeking his understanding since he does not wish to talk now.
tien: yeah.. not easy to stay positive.. hb not ard for 3 wks is enough to torture me.. haha.. and the thought of "what's next after bb birth" is also quite horrendous.. but what to do?? just try to tahan lor.. and we'll keep each other alive here.. hehe...

joanne: jiayou! u can do it too!

ong: good idea too...

joanne : sending sms may not be able to describe the whole situation u r having right now. Talking to him direct may end up in quarrels so sending him an email seems to be the best solution to me. Agreed with loke to blast out on forum as much as u can nw so when u back home, u feel better. 2nd T is coming so u shld be feeling better soon!
