(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Hi Sotong Mum >> I live in Tampines! Hehehe...maybe later when I'm feeling better we can go together...I usually swim at my spa since the pool facility comes with it...more private, almost nobody most days.

Whatever I eat/drink comes out. Hopeless..I do eat walnuts too (call them squirrel brains!)...
melwong >> I am 11w2d now..going by my new EDD of 14/10..I feel like I've taken a big leap backwards in terms of my MS...it really was scary last night. spent more than two hrs sitting in the toilet throwing up. ditto abt the appetite now. only dare to eat bread...
about same time as me...hopefully it goes downwards after we hit 2nd trimester...i will check with my gynae too during my next visit
xoxo: wah.. sounds bad!

ha. Back. Teng cried throughout 2 hours. Aiyoh til vomited! Then don't food nor drink and don't allow teacher to change his diapers! Aiyoh. So now super hungry lor, cleared his lunch so fast just now.

Then the balloon man still at mac. Brought teng go there say thank you. The man only smiled very slightly. Suprisingingly, teng will still go near him and said thank you. Theo balloon man offered his hand, teng shook it! Aiyoh the man think haughty by nature but good with children! Erm, maybe good with proud kids like teng! Ha.

The Rambo Boy with his Machine Gun

cat : probably your hb doesn't want u to know is becos he tink u will keep probing. No offence meant but perhaps there is a case happened b4 whereby u may have probe alot when he told u. Guys r like tat, to avoid wives's constant nagging n probing, they simply tell a white lie. To them is a white lie but to us, we feel hurt. Man r just simply nt as sensitive as woman. Dun take it to heart else it will make u feel awful for many days.
Hi mtbs! How's everyone doing?
I need some advice. I think I am going to change gynae. Now going into 11 wks seems a bit later right? Cos both hubby and I feel very down as our appt to see gynae at KKH is not once a month like most of you. I know for private, the doctors usually will see you once a month, am I not right? Feeling quite sad as I dun get to see whether the bb is growing and feel very unsettled. So, I do feel a little detached to the whole pregnancy thing. The last i rem of it was a little pea at 7 weeks. That's why we decided to change to private. Thinking of Mt A or Mt E. Any recommendations?
Afternoon mummies!

Joyce: Just ignore wat IL say. They always talk rubbish one. What is important now is that you stay positive and happy and remember that you can always pour out yr hearts here.

I tot I'm the only one who has this suspicions over HB. I feel like he does not give me the attention like he use to. Its like he is so Bo Pian now you know. The fact that I am getting bigger, fatter and uglier everyday is also not helping. I feel like I'm losing my self confidence which I use to have alot. I feel like he have some one else..haiz.. But then again, he picks me up everyday from work and never work late, so how is it possible that he have an affair eh? But if i ever find out, he will not even see a strand of his kids hair. I told him that before. Hehe.

Then again, I tink its just our hormones making us feel insecure. Coz before I couldnt care less.
MieMie : I watched that also... Cos at my MIL's place and she like it.

I told my hubby last night that what the character said is true... The housewives devoted everything to the family and ended up not getting anything, so poor thing... He rebuked that you are not housewife loh. Cos you don't do housework. Haa... So bad.

Astro : Boring people have lesser friends and more time for family. Haa...

I wanted to join but can't. No one to look after my girl...
Astro >> bad..nothing new to add. maybe throw in the word hapless, depressed and plain vexed to the whole boil. what to do? i admire that you can still find the energy to run around with teng...i think i'm gonna stop at one.
Tien >> No lah..not late at all. Gynaes usually begin their "packages" from the 12th week...so you're in time
For me, I'm going with Mt A for the following reasons:
1) Budget : It costs lower than most private hospitals..the other one is East Shore
2) Environment: It's old but the maternity wards are newly renovated, the ambience is rather peaceful and I see plenty of newborns there
3) Food: Apparently can fight with TMC
4) Parking: Better than TMC though for my gynae visits, I am still seeing mine at TMC...

I think you might want to check out Raffles Hospital too..their promo recently looks quite worth it and pp visiting you can find it easy...Bugis MRT is just next door..

Have fun!
astro & dreamygal : since both of u r so much younger than your HB, they shld be more worry tat u will stray so u r at upperhand now

astro : wow the guy is creative as machine guy seems complicated to make.glad it brighten up the day for u n teng.
ong : Wrong person. Me same age as hubby. We were secondary school friend... Hee...

xoxo : Agreed on TMC lousy parking. Always make me wait and wait... Haiz...
ong, ww & fifidoog, thanks for the advise and consolation...

i'll just see what he have to say to me tonight...
joyce : traditional IL will say tat cos they pantang abt alot of things. Just one ear in and the other ear out as no pt angry w them. Cheer up!

VP : same as u. I am losing confidence on myself too since i am so much fatter now and having breakouts on face etc. wondering if i can get back to shape aft giving birth.
Even when I'm not preggie, I will also feel in secure at times! I remember when I took over my hubby's old hp and discovered a sms which said something like "Tonight I'm not feeling well so won't be meeting you." I went numb and can't eat for 2 days and nights! It was written in Chinese somemore! All thoughts of him with a china woman in KL when all the time I'm here, looking after the house and facing the stress at work alone! Was about to go crazy that time.

on! Give me a buzz when you are feeling better. We will go together. Can look out for one another at the same time too
I will go to my friend's condo for a swim at times but don't like the irregular shape. Still prefer a lap pool. You remind me of my friend. She told me she went downstairs to vomit everyday. Cos she can't stand the sight of the toilet. She will dig a hole, vomit and buried it after finish!

My edd has been push back to 13th Oct. So the 3 of us are very close. But as compared to the 2 of you, I think I'm having it easy. Only vomit once or twice in a week. Hmm.. I wonder if my gender of baby will be different from both of you.

There's a couple of us who are with Mt A and Mt E. If you haven't sign a package, you are still in time to change. Do you prefer a male or female gynae?

The machine gun look very impressive! teng has a very mischievous look on his face, so cute!
xoxo: but your gynae is at TMC right? I am considering between TMC or Mt A too, but was thinking that if I go with TMC, at least the gynae will be there more often if I need her. So a bit undecided between the 2. Read from some place that Mt A gives cute bath tub for the baby, not sure if TMC has it too. =p
dreamygal >> the visit I'd before the last..my gynae took just 20mins..the parking: 30mins! had to wait and wait just to "retrieve" the car...chaos..now we try our luck at SPC..but it isn't everyday that the nice uncle is working there. sigh.
xoxo: TMC's parking is the exact reason why I am trying not to go there for consultation and delivery. Went there to see my friend last time and had to take shuttle bus to my car. Was quite 'pek chek' about it. I have been hearing raving reviews about Mt A. My friend jsut delivered there. She says it's good. Maybe I will ask my GP and see if he knows anyone who can deliver at either Mt E or Mt A. Thanks.
sotong mum: you mentioned that you only vomit once or twice a week right? But do you have any mommy feeling of whether your baby will be a guy or girl?

I do not have much symptoms, no vomit etc, only the usual breast tenderness, tiredness etc.

My boss told me this morning that she noticed that my face seems to look slightly broader and I have some darker pigmentation across my face, so she's guessing that it may be a boy. Not sure how true it is, but she said her mum told her that if the MTB looks 'worse' than her normal self, then most prob a boy and vice versa. ?? Hmm..
sotong mum >> my EDD was moved from the 8/10 to 13/10 and then, to 14/10..haiz..the goalpost keeps shifting...we shall see soon whether gender has anything to do with this torture called MS..haha, at least if we swim together, not too self-conscious abt size later on..

Angie >> my gynae's at TMC but she delivers at Mt A too...hmmm, i think the gynae would come in at the very last moment only (that's what I was told)..but there's this quality at Mt A I don't feel at TMC - while waiting for my car at TMC, I see alot of new mums and their newborns waiting at the pathetic waiting area..all alone. Whereas, at Mt A, every newborn and the mother is escorted to the vehicle by a nurse..and the service there seems alot more genuine..but this is just my view lah..
Sotong_Mum: Ya I saw the list of mums at Mt A and Mt E. I am actually looking for female doctors. You have recommendation? The only one I know is Dr Patricia Sim from my frieng, so far. But heard she can be really ex!
xoxo>> i heard vice versa and so far observed so as well. apparently when u carry a girl, the baby will have to 'draw' on the mommy's looks so will look bad ... all these all old wives tales lah.

mommies - i cannot keep up w the thread liao is too fast
pupsandcups>> just one day never come into the thread, already cannot catch up le.. all the mummies are perpentually "parked" here one! haha.. just have to work harder and come in more often!
My mommy feeling told me it's a girl.(cos I want a girl keke)
Errr... my 1st baby is a boy and when I was having him, people comment that I look radiant & pretty. I don't have any ms at all that time and have lots of energy! So going by what I have said, there's a chance that you might be having a boy

How come your EDD is moved later and later? For my 1st, edd is 8/1 then it moved to 1/1 and finally he came out on 30/12. I'm expecting it's earlier then my edd this time round. Errr.... come to think of it, I will feel conscious beside you when swimming! You are so small size.

My gynae's at Mt E but I choose to deliver at Mt A because of all the reasons that xoxo states. My 1st was in East Shore and I had a very good experience there. My gynae is a man though, he's very fatherly.

Oh ya, you were talking about writing to Mt A regarding the booking and using of promo for POSB card member? Did you get any reply?

I'm just feeling so happy that we are able to convince naturally. Was chatting with my friends on msn and both of them (age 29 & 35) is going through the painful process of IVF. Thank god we only need to go through the painful, uncomfortable ms process!
sotong_mum>> my EDD also shifted later.. at first was 10 oct, now is 15 oct.. i tink it is due to late ovulation and the EDD is based on the measurement of our baby if im not wrong.. frankly, i wish mine will shift earlier like yours, coz i wanna meet my baby faster! heehee
nice! one more addition to our yoga group. where did u get your mat. swim suit may i ask? i think i also need. a bit gross to wear bikini with big round stomach right?

you've got mail!

hahahahaha... your HB very funny! in that case i also cant be called housewife cos i also dont do housework?! hahahaha...

Know what I do during my 1st pregnecy when I can't keep up with the postings then? I print out all the postings by the end of the day in my office. It make a very good read at night!

I had a chance of having girl then! Pimples have been popping out on my face. I do not have pimples on my face normally as I belong to dry skin type. But now, I look terrible!
then i should be having a girl also? yeah!!! im not having MS, and am having an outbreak on my face.. now im fat and ugly and pimply..
Hi all, been busy again and just popped by and am reading the last posting here (because there is way too much to read to catch up.. though I did catch a glimpse of the cool baloon gun and the cutie Teng's photo.) Anyway, the last posting happened to be Sotong Mum's posting.

Sotong Mum's: That's what I always say also, whenever the MS gets too unbearable, we just have to refer to the forums here about TTC-ing and IVF-ing to remind ourselves how lucky we are to have MS! Of course I do recognise that some of us here, Xoxo for example is having MS FROM HELL, and for someone like me, who's although always pukish, only puked 3 times so far into the pregnancy, to say these "wind-cooling" (feng liang) words, I can get whacked lor. But seriously lor, which one you prefer, suffer MS or can't conceive?

I think we really should treasure the little treasure in our tummy lor.. and speaking of which, I am so so so peeved(!!!!) by 2 articles I read in today's Straits Times. One about yet another abandoned baby, (this time at the airport) who died! And the other one even more #@!&$@!#&$, a baby starved to death because the %(#&(%@# parents were drunk!!!

Wah..so angry, not good for my bb.. better calm down...hooh hooh hooh *breathe in breathe out*
Ahh... maybe all will start to shift earlier by end of 2nd tri. By 3rd tri I guess all of us would want our "ball" to come out asap!

I got my mat. swim suit at OTO in Tampines Mall. Have been looking high and low for one. The previous one I saw at taka is $202! My eyes nearly pop out! This one cost $59.50 and comes with a matching cap, though design is not fashionable. My gf wore her bikini throughout. But she swims in a pte club. I can't fit into my bikini anymore

Ok, I'm going for my nap
cat: i think what ong said might be true... so just take it easy.. its good that shout-it-out here..
hope u feel better now. :D

astro: probably when the balloon guy said "i think about it", he was thinking of what to make for teng!! hahaha...

HRD: i got gemstone identification course coming up in May.. PM if u want more information on that..
hi all MTBs

been really long since i've last came in...how's all MTBs...went for my third visit tis Mon, nt a gd news...doc says currently i'm having low laying placenta....30% of which will stay tis way throughout...if it stays tis way, then i'll hve 2 go for C-Sec....currently on & off (if i move too much or extert too much strength) i'll hve brown/red discharge...

anybody hve advice on tis low laying placenta?

btw 4 those mummies having 2/3rd child, & hve gone through C-sec, izzit the wound beri unbearable?
OIO tampines is having 30% sales or sthg if im not wrong.. though their clothes not very fashionable, i tink still can take a look bah..

if im not wrong, mothercare also sells swimming costumes.. actually i did tink of wearing bikini for my aquaaerobics lessons leh..
Carlyn: Sorry to hear the not so good news but I heard it's not as bad as it sounds. Yes, a mummy with LLP has to be 10 times more careful with her pregnancy but as long as she does that, the baby will be just fine. Make sure you check with your gynae and also read up on the LLP condition to know what is forbidden - eg. most form of exercises, standing too long, etc.

As for C-sec, I've not done it, but 2 of my close friends went through it and both say no problem. Not much pain, fast recovery, only grouse is cannot start their malay tummy massage early lor. For both of them when I visited them at the hospital a day after their delivery, they can walk about already. As far as the actual birthing process, natural birth can be very very painful but C-Sec is Totally pain-free!
For mat swimming costumes, I bought mine at Great World City. Can't remember the shop name but it's like the only maternity clothes shop there. It's at the 3rd floor I think. Quite a lot of selection, very good quality and comfy. I bought during sale at about $70+
Hi Carlyn,

For low lying placenta can be quite serious, it will lead to the placenta tearing. For my case, my placenta is starting to tear thus lead to heavy bleeding. So my gynae ask me to rest in bed and limit my movement. Cos the more movements, the placenta is going to tear again. But I think you are still in the early pregnancy so there is the chance for the placenta to shift upward. So take care.

All you need to do is rest more and try not to more too much and refrain from having sex for at least a month. This is the advice that my gynae provide for me.

Hope it helps.

Take care and rest well.
Sotong Mum: Thanks for your feedback. I will really ask the new gynae about delivering at Mt A. The thing is I tried sounding out the nurse, it seems that she can deliver elsewhere but she prefers Mt E. You and xoxo making my heart itch about Mt A lor..say until so good hahaha

Anyone knows abt 'extra' service about Mt E? Cos I read from another thread that Mt E's nurses also very nice. And for picking up I know it's quite easier..their pick up pt is huge.

Carlyn: You must rest! My colleague is now in her 6th month and has LLP so, her doc just gave her MC but she is too busy to take. But another colleague of mine suggested that mummies in early stage of pregnancy should sleep with their legs propped up on a pillow. Something to do with gravity. Not sure if it's true. Maybe can ask your doc, if it helps?
hi angie, tks 4 the link to the website...i'm coming to my 13wks when i detect tis...so gyane actually says quite early to tell...so now oni can wait & c...

hi chiapatty, gynae says is more troublesome w tis condition...mine first was natural, really fast recovery 4 mi, after a wk, i can move abt...i hve a frz, who went through c-sec, she says after her op, she had difficulty getting out of bed, & she took abt 2-3 mths for full recovery..& beri the wound beri painful...so i'm quite worried....of cos during the birthing process can b painful, but epidual does the trick...hehehe

hi joynbaby, thanks...so how far r u in when yr placenta starts 2 tear? so u had natural / c-sec for delivery? currently i hve an active 18mths son, so now i'll try 2 let my hb carry & play w him...
hi tien, oh raise legs har...i'll try cos doc says nothing we can do now but wait & c, so even i ask her, she'll says nt true, things like tat, but no harm trying mah..hehehe.....tks 4 yr advise...i was given 2 days mc 2 rest...2 mi seems like nt enough...hahaha...now on & off (when i do extert a bit) will hve slight discharge le...
Hi Carlyn,

I dun know when my placenta start to tear, I had heavy bleeding on the 24 March and currently I am in Week 13. My gynae did not ask me on the mode of delivery as he mentioned now is still too early to decide.

For my both girls, I have delivered them naturally so I hope for this third one can be the same as well.

Is good to let someone to carry your son, as my gynae keep telling me not to carry my girls.
ww: i think its safe to use the massager.. but dun use for too long lah.. probably just use on the legs, neck and shoulders.. i went to do food massage last weekend.. i felt much better after doing it... gyne also said hb can help to do massage on the numb hands and legs.. so i think those electronic ones are ok.. except that u dont use it on one area for too long.. and maybe the strength of it shouldnt be too much also..
Carlyn: Hahah so it's old wives' tale again...well no harm trying...u just rest lah! Me also took 4 days of MC cos mentally very stressed about work...crying almost everyday last week. Now better..cos my mind is off a lot of things...
Carlyn: I have heard before that raising legs will help. I know of someone (not personally) who actually tilted the master bed upwards so that she and her husband(!) slept with thier legs raised and head dipped downwards for a total of 6 weeks on the advise of thier gynae! Like you say, no harm trying.

Joyce: You mean when you had your girls, you did not have LLP? I thought once a mummy has a LLP, the placenta will always be low lying?

Loke: Foot MASSAGE is ok but Foot REFLEXOLOGY is a BIG NO NO!!

Loke: Eh where got mild foot massage ah? I also feel like going leh. Don't know why nowadays the 'jing' in my sole pulling-pulling like that. Last pregnancy don't have. Last time only the calve 'chou-jing' only.
