(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

the bigger the diamond the more u cant compromise on the clarity and the cut..

mel: erm.. mine's the higher end gyne lor.. old man.. haha.. but he's very good.. so just pay lah.. sometimes some things cannot scrimp and save one.

Pu for 1 carat, F colour, VS2 with good cut...how much is it roughly?

i thought better not get gynae who is too old? i was told that...going for normal or C section?
Loke, wah...then I must wait for him to strike lottery then can ask..

Angie, I'm already at my 9th week. I tink yr BB is growing well too. On my 6th week, my baby was measuring at 7.5mm only.
regarding diamonds: i still want the best la.. i want the best in all the C's. and that is why i know i wont be getting it in a longggggggggggggggggggggggg time, if ever at all. hehehe

regarding check-ups: mine on average about 70odd each time la. of course discounting the first visit. the rest all 70plus. i'm seeing the gynae at TPS KKH. i think if at normal clinics, will be even cheaper.

joanne; errr.. i oso dono. i tot same..?

mel: sorry ah i shorten your nick. easier to type la.. strollers are ex la.. but oso depending on the kind you like i guess. i personally love peg perego. that's about 480ish the last time i bought it. britax car seat about 300ish for the convertible one. all these prices after discount. so RM2500 is about SGD1250 (?) is just slightly above. perhaps better brand? or perhaps this one before discount? should source for discount. they help a lot. i didnt get the carrier cos the stroller was able to fully recline and baby was ok to lie down flat rite away.
vp: haha.. maybe u strike lottery before he does!

mel: around $12k - $14k.. depends on where its being cut. and depends on where/who u get it from lah. haha..
we are eying the peg perego pilko P3...for the stroller and carrier alone is RM2199...that's the best price we found..and the booster is another RM300... SGD480 is just the stroller alone i suppose?
we will probably get the britax car seat after the baby turns 1...Britax First Class SI is about RM1100 here...any idea how much it is over there?

Pu, wah 12k at least...ex la....gotta be millionaire first...
melwong: i just went for the gold & jewellery fair held at KLCC last weekend.. the jewellery there are selling quite well (who says economic crisis?!) haha.. apparently, i think prices in malaysia are quite good also... but also depends on where its from lah.. indian cut diamonds are usually slightly cheaper..

i dunno anything about strollers and car seats.. just hoping my sis will throw everything she has to me.. hahhaa....
mel, that's the model i bought for my son last time. eyeing anothe PP P3 this time round too. hehehe. $480 only for the stroller. didnt get the carrier like i said cos we saw no need for it. car seat we bout the britax royale, can use from birth till about 18kg. so save mah? no need the carrier and no need to buy different car seats for different age groups. dono how much that britax first class si is here. but always buy during baby fairs and such la.. cheaper! we saved 100odd on the car seat cos bought it during the take baby fair here

loke: can explain the diff between the belgium cut, indian cut.. this one i never heard of before.. can enlighten?
loke: your baby video very cute lah!!! i hope i get to see my baby doing this again next thurday when i go for my DS screening. i saw adil doing the exact same thing as your baby last time when i went for his DS screening. too bad never tot of video taping it. but then again, last time handphone not so advance la.. this time round already told hubby to video tape using his hp.
hopefully the gynae will allow la
welcome Melwong!ha..

joanne:hmmm.. unless u feel up to it to coax ur hb.. may i suggest u leave ur hb alone for a while to re-orgniase his thoughts?

VP: da Tao also can be Mussel! hahaha .. little Mussel man?!.. kekek.. i used to call teng Little muscle man :p
famela: its just the quality of cut.. indian cut stones are not as good as belgium or israel cut stones... its just the workmanship.. even though GIA may certify them as EX Ex EX.. there's still a slight difference. :D must show u then u can see the diff..

u know heart and arrows ah.. also got fat hearts fat arrows, long hearts, short arrows etc?? most sales person only tell u the diamond got hearts and arrows means its ideal cut.. but actually there's more to it than that.. this one also must show u then u can understand better.. hahha...

as for those diamonds with more than 57 facets, e.g. those 99 facets or 88facets ones... the difference is just that they are more sparkly.. if u like it then good lah.. if like me.. i prefer balance.. stone must be bright and got enough fire then its a good stone.

anyway, i should stop talking about diamonds.. later kena kicked out of the forum.. hahhaa.. i'm supposed to talk about babies and motherhood... kekkee...
HRD: when miser snores.. i will shake him up.. and tell him.. dun snore.. if he blur. i will say in chinese.. then often he will repeat.. and i then do again and again. someetimes i shake him really hard!
p: when hb snores.. i'll pinch his nose... if it doesnt work cos he's breathing through his mouth, then i'll pinch his lips.. sometimes i laugh myself back to sleep seeing his funny reactions.. other times i'll make him sleep properly, i.e. put the pillow properly so that his head got support. otherwise raelly noisy.
astro: your poly needs any PT lecturers or not? i sian with my job already la. i want to go on ML, then take NPL then want a change of air. thinking of working PT at a poly. what's the min qualifications? do you know what's the pay like for PT lecturers there? mind giving me some advise?
thanks for explaining loke
wahhh.. i love talking about diamonds lah. you made my day by indulging me in this indulgence.

PT is part-time
NPL is no pay leave
Publicity: ha. how come all of a sudden that comment?! :p where in the posts have i demonstrated my 'creativity'? :p

ha.. i used to teach English and elements of office admin (for normal tech kids only) in secondary school..
now at Poly.. i do cognitive thinking.. which is a blend of logical reasoning and philosophy..

ermm. i cannot draw. but i can picture something in my mind.. i play music though..

why am i a teacher?.. hmm. coz that has my childhood ambition.. boring hor?

hahaha. ur method on the hb is cute! i like to do that on Miser also.. but hard. his face is SOOO oily! i always tell him. if oil price is really sky high.. he can consider 'milking' the oil on his face for sale!
p: u r like my hb.. can link from one thing to another totally unrelated thing.. da tao => mussel => muscle ??!! haha..i'm too logical and analytical to ever be able to put these three together..
Publicity! got diamond course ah? can i go and attend. but dun ask me to buy diamonds?! :p
i like to learn.. kekekeke...

soemtimes i tease Miser.. how come u never get me diamond rings? my frens all have diamond rings leh. i dun have even a 0.01 caret diamond!

to which miser always replied.. 'aiya u go and count the number of times u went to europe with me.. do a rough translation. u know how many diamond rings liao lah..' .. ha.. lousy man! where got the same?! :p
p: yeah.. got diamond course.. i did a diamond workshop in feb actually.. if u can gather 5 pple.. i'll conduct another workshop just for u.. one day only.. $80.. dun worry.. i wont ask u to buy diamonds.. haha.. i'm not a sales person.. we dun ask our students to buy diamonds from us.. only students ask us to sell diamonds to them.. hahahah
astro: sounds so interesting leh the subject you're teaching now. better than maths and english than i'm teaching now. i want to bang head against the wall sometimes!

can i switch over to poly easily, you think? i did psychology and maths at uni. hmm.. other than that.. i dono wat other qualifications i have la.

teaching oso my childhood ambition!!! everyone said i was too unambitious. i like the teaching bit. but i hate my school and mgt. i hate doing the "extras"

my fren from NYP said poly life is good. is it true for you? she wasnt a sec school teacher but you are, so maybe you can gimme a better perspective..?

wahh.. got diamond course?? aiyah.. wait i go, make me tempted to really get something. then cannot afford, then i'll be sooooo sad..
astro: but true what your miser said leh... europe trips oso comparable to diamonds you know.

when i was younger, i think i'd go for diamonds. now that i'm older, i think if no diamond, give europe trip oso can la. hahaha
famela: after the course.. u might think twice getting diamonds... hahhaha.. .i'm an advocate for coloured stones.. they are more beautiful and interesting than diamonds..
joanne: that's probably the best thing u can do now i think.. while waiting for him to sort out his thoughts.. u must try to be positive and feel happy k?? come and chit chat with us on the forum.. haha...
Publicity: oh! that comment.. kekekek. ya. ok. i can see connections across many things relatively quickly. i am a good brainstormer.. and planner.. i can excute with great amount of energy but i often lose steam. which i need my meticulous teammates to support me in the same project lah..
.. Miser is more meticulous and analytical.. he see opportunities and take calculated risks.. me.. i just go.. and burn myself out.. and i learn in the process. kekeke. i sound so implusive :p but i can think one.. kekeke. but Miser will like me to think MORE :p

ehh. $80 ah? how about a bigger discount? :p:p i think ah.. off hand.. i can get 5 pple who might be interested liao :p

famela: ha.. maths and english is double whammy. this is what i call. the 'mark till die' combi..
i am ok with teaching.. i am also ok with school and mgt and all the 'extra'.. but i cannot force myself to sit down to do marking! :p

psychology and maths with honors? i think quite a good combi u have wor..

erm.. let us take this conversation offline? i pm u with more details about my poly lah
Publicity: yalor. i like coloured stones.. coz i like colours.. hey. last night. i asked.. what is the birthstones for Miser, Me and teng ah?
miser = sept, me=march, teng = jan.. and #2 end oct/nov..?

how much is a 1 caret diamond? erm.. u help me aga aga.. ok. how about this? cheapest? theni know roughly how many diamond rings i 'have' liao.. kekekekek
asto: yes, i mark until i die
i hate the marking too. maths still ok. english... errrrrrrrrr...

i don like the extras cos they are trying to make me aspire to be something i am not. i want to be a happy ordinary see... have more family time etc but... oh well.. you know la the CEP crap etc.

i don't have honours lah. i had to quickly graduate and find work. family commitments. plus grades are just enough to get me into the programme.. with such stiff competition for psych honours i gave up. i can't do maths honours cos from arts fac.

ok, you email me? i think my PM is off. [email protected]
famela: yeah. they are.. but people dont understand the prices... there are cheapo people who come to us asking for blue sapphires or rubies.. e.g. 3 ct... then when we tell them the price.. they eek at it and ask y so expensive.. its not clear.. got inclusion etc.. colour also not even.. blah blah blah.. haha.. they think mining these things easy ah.. then must cut leh.. cut also need skills one lor.. not like cut finger nails ah..

so in singapore, good quality coloured stones very hard to sell... pple dun understand the value of it, so they are not willing to pay the money.. plus some of them will criticise the stones.. sometimes i feel like whacking them.. hahhaa...

p: i used to bug hb y he's so unhappy also... the end result is that he'll tell me "i dont know... dun ask me!!!" after a few days.. then he come and tell me that he figured out why he was unhappy...
Publicity: 12K?!! *gulps*.. ok. i rather more europe trips for me then.. :p ok. later i go tell miser.. then he can let me know how many diamond rings he 'bought' for me liao..:p

steady la u.. shrewd business woman.. no matter how i bargain. also sure lose. ok lah.. 10% discount hah?.. ok. let me go sound out my frens :p
here got two interested liao wor.. famela and me. kekekkeke :p
hey. ur man what zodiac? he sounds like a water/fire element wor :p
P: erm.. also a march bb. dunno what zodiac.. haha.. yeah. 10% group discount ah. haha.. very good price already..

i'm a person with a lot of questions.. so my hb sometimes very stressed out by me.. cos he always tries to answer my questions.. but actually i dun expect him to do so.. just some response will do. and show that he's listening.. haha..
loke: true true... i noticed that abt sg. more diamonds than anything else. not educated abt coloured gems la. i oso don't know much other than that they're ex.

astro: your europe trips must be super syiok rite? i'm only dreaming abt europe. hoping to get there in june 2011. hahaha.. that is if i stay teaching long enough and get my 2nd connect plan pay out. to pay with my own savings like heart pain. did teng go on your europe trips? isit easy to bring a toddler along? or did you go before teng?

i've been cracking my head for a hol destination in june. some place cooling.. and not too far that would be toddler friendly. any recommendations ladies?
joyce >> you must be bored with the bed rest! i tried it for 3 days and I nearly went bonkers..visit the forum more ok? really have to take it easy..that's why we are all given so much medical leave...hmmm...I'm also on home rest from my pneumonia etc..spend your time sleeping, eating, watch the TV...yak with friends and forum like mad! But I am so happy that your BB's heartbeat is still strong! Keep it going!!

strawberrystars >> The aqua-aerobics class is at KKH, beginning in Apr. I am starting my yoga class on Apr 30...at Tanjong Rhu 10.30am...taught by Colleen Simmonds..the instructor with Four Trimesters and Mother & Child..i drank lemon tea already...OK, whatever caffeine-stuff you take, don't go beyond 2 cups a day..that includes chocolates.

HRD >> tennis ball helps to relieve the tightness but the pain is still there..very deep lah (didn't know i have a big fleshy butt)...I can't "direct" the pain away..facials can do..just don't use Vit A, AHA-type facials.
famela: i have a customer recently who recommended cruises.. early bird booking usually costs less than $5000 per person. sometimes as low as $3000. she told us about the alaskan cruise during the summer time (june). free flow of food on the ship.. plus a number of activities like talks and shows.. i dun have the contact with me now.. maybe let u know when i get it?
P >> bless you with your cough! are you ok? hahaha, so your library going to get active eh? can i plc advanced reservation?? yoga begins on Apr 30..so that'd be 2nd T...hmm..but the weekend class costs 2x more...well let's see when we are ever going to have our Pastry (uh, no) Makan Party to usher in 2T..

Famela >> how's the aqua aerobics?? i think i need to find the fmr thread..managed to get alt arrangements for adil?
famela >> couldn't sleep the whole night so in the end, woke up at 4am..finally exhausted after watching meerkat manor..i went back to snooze at 10am..slept like a wooden stick cos any attempt to bend my knees would cause a shooting pain thru' my back. so slept and slept till now
not nap, this is concussed...now going to vivocity to dine at garuda (dreaming of beef rendang)...and pay bills..sigh.
loke: wow! alaskan cruise? but dono if the food halal or not lah.. hmm.. but do pass me the contact when you have it ya? no harm checking it out.

xoxo: i still have no firm arrangements. cos MIL only taking adil from 12th april onwards for 2 weeks. before that if wanna start must get hubby cooperation... that day i sounded him, he said can try rearrange his schedule somewhat BUT these next couple of weeks he's busy preparing for his master's presentation so a bit hard lor.. why don't you go ahead first? i really cannot commit at this point

your sleep pattern like a nocturnal creature now

enjoys your nap, loke
*stretches* just got up from my nap

in june, the other places which are cold will be australia or new zealand. most other countries would be hot and humid in june isn't it?

can tell us more about the course?

i'm keen on the yoga. erm, but i will be away end of may for 2 weeks.

helo HRD: i knowwwwwww.. that's why cracking my brain lor.. cos last june went to perth, then dec went NZ. now dono where else to go? go aussie again?
