(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

hey ladies

woah.. talking about different parenting styles oredy? hehe

i guess we can all pick and choose what sits well with us la.. i believe in routines too. firm believer of it. about the crying it out method, i think this one gotta be more discerning and read our baby's cues and adapt accordingly la. i ferberised my son with his sleeping pattern when he's 6 months. works for me. but aiyoh.. the pain of hearing him cry until vomit was quite painful la. but then again, i also believe in the wearing your baby camp, about how you should respond quickly to babies' cries because that's them communicating a need. the better you respond to their cries, the more secure they'll feel, the less they need to cry to get what they want and they'll grow to become happy, confident kids because they know their need will be attended to. it made sense to me... i dono.. it seems to have worked for me so far.

i guess what i'm saying is that i am in neither of extreme camps la.. i pick and choose what sits well with me.. and i go by my mommy instincts most of the time. it helped me a lot to learn to settle my son and i was able to get him into a routine after the first month. and he was such a happy baby after that so i guess something i did must have been right. hehehe and as usual , i have all these tots written in my old blog somewhere la.. my tots in retrospection...

joyce, do rest well yah. will be sending out positive thoughts and prayers your way.

i lurveeeeeeee that pair of earings loke!!! jealous jealous.. is it cheaper to buy from the likes of your hubby's company compared to those retailers at shopping centres? i've been wanting a bigger diamond since forever.. not for baby or anything. i don't have intentions for a family heirloom lei.. i just want diamonds for myself! hehe. but too bad, hubby not considering it... he says save money better. hehe.. but i love my bling bling la.

joanne: glad that things are better between you and hubby.. don't take things to heart la. men are rather brainless la. they always say without thinking one. my hubby oso the same. but if he says something liddat, i sure fight back la. then i cry. then i sulk for many days. until he comes and sayang2 me again. hehehe.. that's my strategy with my hubby la. since your hubby already made the first peace offering, you just accept graciously and make peace oso ok?
angie: your appetite very good still.. it's good la. lucky for you no MS. it sucks la this MS biz. so as long as can eat, eat la. i wish i could eat a proper meal. but everything oso tastes so terrible. eating has lost its pleasure already
Hi Mummies!

Been MIA for the last few days due to terrible flu and m/sing. Went for my check up last night and all is ok. Thank God. And thanks for all your ladies support! I'm calling it my Lil' Da Tao for now.

After see my lil Da Tao, I know all the flu and m/sing is all worth it. Haha!

Here's the pic of my scan..
famela: 'ferberised'.. hahaha.. ok. u used it as a verb.. i also CIO-ed teng lor.. as mentioend. but the firsttime failed. and he was actualy hungry and cried himself to sleep! gosh.. theni know.. CIO only as a last resort.. coz it is so hard for everyone! :S
no more CIO for #2!!! ..

these days. teng can vocalise.. so much easier! just now he came in. 1210pm.. said . 'mama, sleep!'.. and did the sleeping gesture.. normally he sleeps at 1230.. then i said. want sleep go sleep lor. then he said 'see u later'.. and ran to bed.. hahaha. so cute!! :p
joanne : normally after we tested the urine, we still need to wait for 30mins to an hr for our turn mah. Tat's y sometime nothing to do just go toilet again lor. glad u n your hb r fine now. sometimes it's gd to ignore them a while(so they know we can b more stubborn than them)so they will not take us for granted.

strawberry : daily i drank a pkt of ice lemon tea. it helps to curb my nauseousness. we know is no gd to take cold drink but can't help it as plain water make me feel like puking.Guess one pkt a day shld be fine.

astro : seems like too many of us r sick. Do take care ! wow , u r a devoted mum as u read so many books!

loke : the earrings is nice. i like purple gem. guess your jewellery box must be overflow with all sorts of gems, diamonds etc. ...lucky girl
hey babes,
just came back from my gynae appt. i think too much anticipation on my part. a little disappointed couldn't see very much. but its evident that baby has transformed from "bean" to human. can see head and arms. legs not very clear. could hear heartbeat also. but hardly any movement. CRL = 32.3mm. I suppose we're both happy that devt is normal and everything else is fine.

doc has kept my EDD at 18 Oct. the nurse gone ahead to book hospital for us already. much as i expected, i have to be at Mt E. $2500 for one bedder, $2050 for 2 bedder. erm, i think i would want HB to be there, so i've told them to go ahead to book 1 bedder first. wah lau, damn ex lor. eek!
astro & famela: yar, I do not have MS, just nausea feeling every now and then, but it seems to be better now. not much symptoms, just always feeling hungry, going to the toilet for so many times in the night, feeling tired so very often, breast tenderness, that's all..

hopefully it is the baby that is eating coz the other prospect that it is my own stomach getting bigger with growing appetite doesn't sound good coz it'd mean that I will gain a lot of weight wor..

VP: How many weeks are you at now? What's the measurement of your baby?

My scan last friday at 7th wk showed baby to be 12mm and the hands and legs are not discernible yet..
vp!!! ur da tao is so cute lor!! haha..

famela: for big diamonds like 0.5cts and above, buy from my hb is more worth it.. as for that pair of earrings.. there's only one pair in the world. hahaha.. if i were to resell it, it would cost about $800 - $1000.

angie: not sure about the appetite.. but like wat p says, eat healthy is important.. no matter how much u eat..
HRD: MT e really ex.. so i decided i would deliver at mt A instead though gyne is at mt e.. he said he does deliveries at mt e and mt a.. so i choose the cheaper one. hehe. my EDD pushed forward to 17 oct from 21 oct.

angie: 12mm at 7th wk!! mine was only 8.6mm at 8wks. hehehe...
angie : i am on same page with u. haha. got "tui shou" now. Finally there is someone eating that much too. When i was aro 8-10wks, i put on 5kg within 2wks cos i been eating like a horse n nonstop. Many ppl mistaken that i hv gd appetite but actual fact, my appetite is no gd, just tat keep feeling hungry n muz keep on input more food. NOw i am at 14wks,I am slightly better control....only slightly. I put on aro 1-2kg every 3-4wks. Did u gain alot of weight?

VP : wow another cute bb photo! can't wait to c mine in another 2wks. neck gettg longer. take care too! too many ppl r sick now...gems spreading fast.

astro : even i nothing to do, i oso won't read so many books but... reading gossip magazines is fine for me....haha
P, thats why I called it my Lil Da Tao. hahaha!! About the background, it's actually a small album which my gynae now provides for the scans. So sweet rite? It's something new I guess, coz last time she never give me any album.

Famela, yes I so agree with you. Now I just eat whatevery please my throat coz my favourable choice of food is so limited now. For me eating now is such a chore. I find no pleasure in eating anymore. Sianz...Btw, I just had very the cooling cold coke just now.. *evil laughter*

Angie, I'm now at 9 weeks 5 days, Baby is at 2.56cm, that should be 25.6 mm rite? DH was suprise to see how much BB had grown fm just a small dot last 3 weeks to a Da Tao!
HBs need to be trained one lah. after awhile i figured out what are my "sure-win" secret weapons. so when he's being an idiot, i unleash!
hehehehe... they need to be told from time to time who's the one that wears the pants in the marriage and its not them! wahahahahaha...

yup, gotta show them who's DA BOSS. ;)

i was actually considering going along your husband's industry for awhile. but erm, didn't follow through. there are quite a lot of pple around me that are fervently into blings. i like your earrings! actually that's sorta what i had in mind to match my pink sapphire. but erm like you said i know its hard to match. i wanted around 2-3ct cushion cut lor. so i know its even harder to source. jeweller also told me prices have gone up quite a bit so wasn't quite willing to fork out the moolah.

on cold drinks,
i've not been drinking plain water for about 1 week already. plain water tastes weird and makes me nauseous. so been drinking fruit juices non-stop. found that 100+ also can make me burp so bought that too. but i ONLY drink cold drinks so far. sorry TCM or not, i can't stand room temperature water somehow.
PU, thanks and I so envy yr diamond. So yr DH sells this issit..hmm now, I know who to get it from. Can get good price eh? Hehehe.

Ong, I know how it feels, I also waited until my neck touch the floor LOL! But at least now you're on 14 weeks liao. So shiok..
rina: your lil Da Tao is soo cute!!!
can't wait for my next appointment next thursday. seems like so far away. i hope baby's doing ok and growing well in there despite the non-existent of a healthy diet on my part. bah.

hrd: your baby was probably taking an afternoon nap la
wow, mt e charges are steep yah? but i agree on taking the 1-bedder. it'll be nice to have hubby room in with you and the baby
more privacy too.

angie: you're fine la. don't worry. just eat la. and TRY to eat healthy. i know not easy sometimes. and if you're eating lots, you must be prepared to gain weight too. all part and parcel.. but you can always lose it later so no worries. my baby at 7 weeks 6 days was about 15.3mm so about there la. don't worry.

loke: wahhh.. i like the sound of this. i've been eyeing the 1ct diamond for the longest time. maybe one day, when the pigs fly and my hubby decides to buy one for me then i can ask you to help me la. hehehe. my girlfren got a 1.5cts ring frm her hubby as a 5th year wedding anni gift and all us girls drooled and drooled looking at it. *pant pant* too bad the rest of our hubbies not so generous with their money la..
cream, ong & gal,
thanks for the tip. think i can go ahead and book facial then. my face looks terrible.
but when i go out i make an effort to put make up lah. dont want pple to say "ee, that one oily preggy woman". hehehe...

i thought since the diff between 1 & 2 bedder not that significant, then i might as well take 1-bed. if 2-bed later my neighbour snore at night how? i very light sleeper leh. later i suffocate her with pillow how? hehe...

eh, i just helped my bro source for 1ct round cut diamond. F colour, VS2, 1.01 ct to be exact, around $12k including ring setting.

ong, angie,
my doc already told me to watch what i eat. and i only gained 2.5kg from start to now. WAH LAU!!! feel very "yuan wang" leh. i seriously dont feel i have been pigging out a lot lor. i'm eating in smaller portions what. hmph!
HRD: woah.. 2-3ct cushion cut pink sapphire price is slightly higher than average lah. prices are going up and down lah.. depends on where u get it from. if u get from retailer/jeweller sure expensive one. if u get from a dealer, then it'll be slightly cheaper.. if u get directly from the source, then its going to be VERY cheap. haha. anyway, i think 100plus not bad also..

vp: my hb sells diamonds above 0.5ct only. sure can get good price. but depends on what u want also.. e.g. if u want a 0.6ct diamond.. very expensive cos very difficult to find. 0.7ct diamond easier to find, so price may be comparable to a 0.6 diamond. hee..

famela: just to let u know ah... 1ct diamond can range from $9000 - $20000 depending on the quality u are looking at.
my hb sells mostly israel and belgium cut diamonds.. seldom indian cut ones..

angie: i think famela is right also that if u eat much then must be prepared to gain weight. but after that must try to lose it also lor...

hrd: i think ur bb was resting while doing the scan.. hee.. my friend said that when we do the detailed scan, we'll see the fingers and toes of the bb.. really cute and amazing.. so that's something we can look forward to also. hehehe..
wow...this forum is like a mini lecture on diamonds...hehe...
how are you guys doing? im in my 10th week...tomorrow will be my 11th week...nausea still not easing off
melwong: i just had a packet of cheezels. haha. today seems pretty good for me. :D but mine is on/off MS. yesterday was bloatedness...
Hi All, although he have make the first move first, but think he still unhappy lor....think he nt really really put thing dwn. U knw wat his msn title write "thought i'm smiling, but my heart is bleeding" i also dunno wat happen to him la...
PU, i normally feel sick before and after food...not much appetite these days...and normally just before i hit the bed at night, the nausea will be at its peak...i dread brushing my teeth these days...the minty toothpaste makes me really sick...hehe...
how many weeks are you now?
yup. only deal with dealers like your HB since day 1. never really buy from retailers anyways. GIA cert - Ex, VG, VG. not bad lah. i checked from many dealers leh. somemore cos this dealer i bot a big ticket from him b4. so he gave us i decent price. ;)
well, my pink sapphire earrings went to paying for my 2-night stay in Mt E already!
joanne: maybe he's just unhappy over other things.. not unhappy because of u... keep ur spirits up! it'll help him to feel better also.
Pu: Heh heh, okie, will try to eat more healthy food.. =) Dunno how long the heavy lunch can last me.. Yar, 12mm at 7 wks sounds long right? but still cannot see arms and legs leh.. hmmz..

ong: I used to weigh around 55 kg then it went up to 56 kg+- during my holiday in Jan then after current weight is around 57.7 kg (after lunch).. Seems like not much weight gain? My HB was hoping that I will put on a lot more weight than he did (coz he is also on pregnancy diet and eats as and when I do).. Haha..

VP: Baby seems to grow fast hor? My 2nd appointment can only see sac, then 3 wks later, we can see baby at 12mm long.. amazing.. =)
are you still working or going to be a stay home mum? how many weeks are you now?
i went to my 3rd visit on monday...i was so excited when i saw my baby moving its arms..and kicking of its leg...hehe...at 10 weeks and 3 days my baby measures 40mm...is that a good growth?
melwong: wah!! 40mm!! mine was 10w3d too! 36mm. hehe.. bb moving and kicking legs very cute hor..

anyway, this thread moves very fast.. always got to read the archives. hahaha..
wow Pu we are about the same time then...
in 2 weeks times im going in for my first trimester scan...gynae will be takign the nuchal measurement and doing some blood test to check for DS...hopefully everything will be alright...fingers and toes crossed
i think mine is 10w1d, 32.3mm. WAH YOUR BB IS LONG! that must mean its growing well! hehehe... if u'r asking me, i'm a stay home WIFE at the moment. bwahahahaha... i would want to be working anytime lah. see how the industry pans out first i guess.
hehe...long little fella...gynae said its about 11 weeks now...if the difference exceeds by 5 days then my EDD will move forward...otherwise it will remain...
its good to stay home...sometimes i wish i can sleep the whole day...thank goodness my workload isnt crazy these days...
yeah i forgot to mention. doc says 4 weeks later will do the test for downs syndrome. another $$$ thing. but we will do it. cause HB and I agree that if unfortunately bb has DS, we will abort. so am quite anxious abt that test. not overly worried tho. if its not meant to be, its not meant to be.
HRD: ya lar.. go for 1-bedder better la.. wah you so violent want to suffocate your snoring neighbour? LOL! thank god you need only to contend with the snoring hubby next time. good luck to him is all i can say. whahaha.. i enjoyed my 1-bedder at kkh even though there were no bells and whistles la. but it made for a nicer stay cos even when my boisterous crowd of gilrfrens came at night to visit me (i gave birth at 6.30ishpm and only went back to ward near 8pm), i felt comfortable cos there were no other patients in the same room that would otherwise be disturbed by our din. hehe. i'm sure you won't regret taking the 1-bedder.

you helped your bro source for the ring? must be fun for you rite? 12k sounds very cheap hor? how come the ones i'm always eyeing are ard 20k???

hi Melwong! welcome and congrats on your baby!
i'm going into my 12th week tmr. my EDD is 9th Oct. still suffering from nausea on and off. in the day usually ok. my MS strikes mostly in the evening la.. that's when i feel worst. i hate brushing my teeth too!!!! same!

loke: ahhhhh... you already answered my earlier question about the price of the diamond... the ones i always go goo goo ga ga over are always hovering around 20k.. i guess they must be the better ones with all the C's la.. VVS1, D colour.. etc etc.. 20k i must wait long long la... i seriously doubt hubby is willing to part with his money to get me a diamond worth 20k. wishful thinking on my part. my only hope is to wait and work and save and buy myself. maybe when i'm a 50 year old "makcik" oso my dream never come true. hee hee. but a girl can always dream...

HRD: i take cheap2 hospital la.. KKH. i paid 1870 for 1 bedder the last time. that's the deposit we had to make at week 36 thereabouts. then upon discharge i paid 1725. then after they deducted all the medisave claims and antenatal claims, i got a cheque for a refund of 490+.

angie; sometimes i think the baby's position oso plays a part. i couldn't see much at 7th week oso. sometimes they have their back to our tummies so can only see their back and butt lor. they're little miracles aren't they?
or the govt can pay for my earrings.
haha... j/k. i better stop sprouting crap here and take my nap now. *yawn* later!
hi famela...
wow you guys are pregnant and still thinking about the 1 carat diamond...cant say im not...but dont think i will be getting one anytime soon...maybe 50th wedding anniversary...hehe...

how much are your check ups now?...actually im residing in kl...just want to compare prices of pregnancy costs and baby items...and if the baby things are cheap in SG i might head down to grab some...hehe
famela: those that u see are probably retail prices lah. u come to my hb or hrd's supplier confirm get much better prices, even if its D VVS. sometimes depends on the market also.. recently market for diamonds going up and down also. hehe. so hard to say..

hrd: the $4000?? hehe..

mel: my check ups so far on the ave is $160.. but mine's the more expensive one. i think baby things cannot be cheaper in SG than in kl... just went to kl last weekend.. depending on where u get the things from, kl is still cheaper i think..
i see everyone like so sian in here so trying to entertain mah!
my HB very good one. at night when he snore i just poke his arm and he'll turn the other side and stop. so i dont need to smother him with pillow. hehehe...

yah sourcing for the ring damn fun lah. my F-SIL loved it. the ones u eyeing are creme de la creme that's why. cos to me i feel F, VS2 are best value for money cos they are the bottom of the top category. naked eye can't tell the difference apart between D & F, or VVS1 & VS2. see if loke agrees with me on this.
and of course getting from dealers cheaper than retailers lor.

ok ok i really should go and zzzzzzzzzzz. later!
May i knw wat is the different between epidural & spinal under c-sect? I go TMC website c the maternity package, under c-sect have GA, epidural & spinal, so wan to knw wat is the different between the last 2? issnt it the same?
HRD: u r right. F VS2 is one of the most value for money quality.. but i would prefer a VS1.. haha.. shan't go into the details.. dun scare u all.. hahhaa. u are making me feel like taking a nap too...

your check up is really expensive...why so pricy? mine on the average is RM160...first time more of course...
hubby and i started checking prices for strollers already...very ex la...the one we want is about RM2500 for the whole set...stroller, carrier and car booster

HRD, i agree...just get VS2...cause VVS1 or VVS2 will cause the price to increase by quite a fair bit...but i cant comprise on the colour..D is almost a must...hehe...maybe for a bigger diamond can compromise la...other its just far fetched...
