(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Ooh, I thot I was gone for a long while and would have stuff to catch up on but the thread is so quiet.

76: once again, thanks for sharing. You always have such great ideas to share and for us to use. Hee hee! You know we tried planting a potato too (after the helper mixed our towgay into another pot, she later pulled it out). The potato grows very slowly. Recently some green leaves shot out but nothing exciting so far like your towgay flower. LOL.

Anyway, am on the hunt for a CC/preschool. Really having a headache over it. I saw one school near my place but it's all full. And later on I read some not so good reviews of it. Found one more with a space but not within walking distance. But they only allow full day and I find the focus too academic (outdoor play only twice a week. Are you kidding me?!). Personally I feel that I would only want her to be away for half a day so that I still have time to spend with her. As what xoxo says, we are still the first teachers of the child. So, still on the hunt. I guess I am late in the game. Feeling quite frustrated over this.
funzee: when do you intend to enroll A? If its this year its is normally full. If its next year..should still have space?

once you have shortlisted, bring A there to see her feel.

you may get "hints".

is there a cambridge or carpe diem near you? their curriculum is quite half outdoor and half indoor.

76 : yeah!
love your ideas. my boy like the ring a ring a roses and the head shoulder knees and toes a lot. haha. though he still doesn't show that he knows. sometimes he gets it right for eyes nose and mouth. so..hmm.... will keep trying every morning.

Mummiess...keep on sharing.!!
gal and funzee
glad u like the ideas..now my boys used the nets they got from kids kampong to catch fake butterflies (any toys) in the house..
regarding eating, if ur child takes more than 30min to eat, then dun force liao..coz it shows he really full or dun like it, any more pushing will make him more averse to eating. Wat i do is to first do normal feeding on hi-chair (i dun take out the tricks or toys first)...after a while, he sian already, then i take out toys..but these toys mustbe those he seldom see de or seldom getto play...then will have novelty...if u give him things he sees or touch everyday, u cant sustain him...e.g. i give him an extra spoon to playwith..Do have a few novelty items in mind before feeding, so that once his novelty wears, u can quickly grab the next..but dun show him all the items first.
As for cc, i justgot accepted into chiltern preschool for next yr Jan. But am having second tots. Not sure if it is right time to send them to N1, coz once i start sch, they will be studying for the whoel life, not sure if i wan devoid them of their childhood.Mum says she can manage 2 of them with a maid, if we dun send to cc...so, see how lor...if i have #3, then sure need to go cc...
76 : 30 mins he only eat nearly half bowl
. yea been giving him toys to distract him but he will play but clamp his mouth shut. last weekend was really jialat. i had to bribe him with seaweed. u eat the macaroni, then i give u seaweed. he immediately stuff the spoon in his mouth and ask for the seaweed. think i manage to get about another 4-5 spoons in.

how much does your kids eat nowadays? 1 bowl? half bowl?
my boys usually eat1 bowl of porrridge each in 10 min. Hubby complains too fast, so the SOP in the family is to feed in 15min. Coz too fast, will have indigestion. We let them read magazine too while feeding and explain the picture to them, e.g. Parents Weekly, then talk abt the babies inside...Or the preggy mum, we ask them why the stomach so big, intrigue them... then other mag like those Town council magazine, where the minister go around shaking hands, we ask why this uncle shake hand, do you know how to shake hand? then they will shake myhand as they eat..then i point to any person in the pic and ask who are they, they will say uncle or auntie...then i praise them for guessing correctly, then they wana guess more....and the listgoes on...just talk and talk...
Yah, find a way thatsuits him lor... sometimes they are bored with magazine, we will ask qns, where is papa? Then they will say woook (meaning work)..then where is the door, toilet bowl...etc etc...then get them bz pointing. Then, when they agitated at time, we will suddenly chage our tone and say in a hurried voice, " see see see, who is outside the door looking at you." then i will squeeze that 1 spoonful into the mouth, as they look at the door...to find nobody...so,
'you pian le yi kou'...hahhahaa
hi all, i have been missing for some time not sure if i am still remembered for my occassional posting. anyway, with regards to feeding, my girl takes almost 45min to 1.5 hrs to eat leh.. haha.. its really a tiring act feedin her cos she is just not interested.. but if she has something to play or distract her, then she wil open her mouth to eat.. is that normal?

n she eats alot leh.. u know the normal ricebowl we adults eat? she takes about 1.5-2 bowls of rice. she can actually finish it (after a period of feeding). I alr stopped using the pigeon green bowl as its way too small. i resort to usin those big ramen bowls for her!

im not sure if im overfeedin her but if i feed her lesser she somehow wants milk ard 9 plus 10pm..

any comments?
Hi, what a coincidence that we are talking about eating here. Brought A to the PD to get a jab and PD said that she is borderline 25th percentile. Says must keep her weight up. But what to do, she simply refuses to eat. She only wants to eat snacks, or things that she should not eat like fries (if she sees us eating some).

I have tried to negotiation - give one piece of fruit or some yoghurt, take some food. Works sometimes. Other then that, any distraction does not work. She will simply clamp her mouth and turn away. I am at my wits' end. Have cajoled, scolded, etc. She can't even eat one bowl!

gal: yeah I am looking at next year, not this year. Still looking.
Hi mummies,

im a silent reader and just want to share some tips..daughter is 18month now..

funzee, my daughter is also a very fuzzy eater, only like to eat biscuits, bread and snacks but she still take her regular milk, 5 times a day, 180ml each time.

I was very worried on her nutrients intake as i know they need the most nutrients at this stage. huuby and i often think hard n crack our head on how to give her as many nutrient as we can.

what i have try and over the past few months her weight increase to 11.4kg now....

for two or three times a day, in her milk, i will add one or two teaspoon of cercel powder, those you can easily get from NTUC like ikan ibis, rice or chicken etc...anything that is easily dissolve and she can drink, start with a little amount in case she do not like the change of taste.

Everyday, i request my mum to boil chicken soup, that made of chicken breast (at least let her take some protein), brocoli and potato, i just take the soup to make milk for her, at least she got to take in different nutrients..i will change between different type of vege...

third thing that i will do during weekend is i will make boil mince meat, abit of fish meat and potato with a bit of water. cook them, then pour the water aside, mix and smash all the ingredient together. She love Organix Sweetcorn ring snack (Organix also have tomato snack which is her favourite too), i break the snack into smaller piece, take one piece, scoop some of the mince meat n vege and feed her...so far she like it, it works and she can finished the whole bowl..u can start with a little bit and see how she react.

i choose Qrganix snack, because i think it is the most healthy snack in the market, no salt and sugar, just real stuffs..

at the meanwhile, you can continue to feed her fruits and other stuffs like u normal do, our PD advise us to let her try/explore/play with different foods. Try to make her feeding time pleasant. As for me, i do not mind to let her watch her favourite VCD for that 1 hour to keep her in the feeding chair.

Hope the above will give you some ideas as to how to increase her nutrients intake. PD told us that she is good in term of her weight and height, now we should focus on how to let her be more adventuous in trying different foods, let her feed herself, eat/ play with the foods...
Hello Mummies!
Yep..long time I've not wandered here...must have been the GE! Muahahaha...

Time has flown by! I have even forgotten that my little one had turned 19 months a few days back! Gosh..haha, I think the "novelty" of having a kid is wearing off. Is that even the right way to say it? Hmph... Whatever lah.

Astro > I can see Bally is fast becoming your favourite son! Kekekeke..

Clarin > welcome welcome! hey..11+ kg is solid ok! My ikan bilis is still rather persistent at the 9kg mark.

Funzee > Dre is the smallest-sized character in class. I think she has already dropped out of the charts! But she goes about bossing everybody else, teachers and parents included. New nickname from her teacher: chilli padi.

Babytum > You look at Dre and you might think we haven't been feeding her. It can't be further from the truth. She eats adult-sized or more, 3x a day and she nurses 3x as well. I can only put it down to genes - high metabolic rate (same as moi). For b/f, Dre typically eats one whole pau, one whole bowl (the pigeon orange-coloured one) of cereal with milk, one cup of fruits and one slice of bread! For lunch, she takes adult-portion of rice/veg/meat/soup whatever. Same for dinner. Most days, she will ask for supper as well and that's usually stuff like a bowl of oats with prunes...and still hungry. I think kam cek...LOL..but srsly, tonnes of "input" but no "output" (as in weight gain). But..I am relaxed abt it. Just an amusing observation.

gal > I used to have to cajole her to sit in her high chair for food and I found that it required more and more amazing "tricks" to solicit a barely tolerable level of cooperation. So, I had to put my foot down. She quickly learnt that out of the chair, means out of food. And she had to feed herself. No one will help her. Nowadays, she is busy gorging herself to give us prbs like climbing out or getting distracted. I agree that the starting out bit can be abit unnatural and even cruel for us...but once they learn their table manners - it works. Another upside is if E will start school like Dre did..they would need to pick up on these self-attendant skills..so u can either start now or have the centre influence them on that. I'd shared abt Baby-Led Weaning many months back. You might want to google that and see whether there are any tips that might be helpful.
Hi mommies : Hope all's well. Happy belated Mother's Day. I saw from the TV the exciting GE. Time really flies and I agree with you xoxo. I am now finding myself in this very odd place as well.

I had a very interesting Mother's Day yesterday. I braved an atas restuarant for tea with my little one and my mum. and then I dashed into the barber shop for them to trim my little one's hair. In perfect 20/20, all too much for me. hahahahahaha! I survived the tea without the little one breaking one of the china tea sets. In the barber shop, he refused to don the gown, have a towel over his shoulder and attempted to take the barber's tools away from him. It took 3 adults to have a 10 min haircut. One to distract him with an ipad, one to hold down his arms and the barber to do his thing. But then, even with that level of teamwork, he attempted to jump down from the chair, run around the barber shop and wanted to take off his clothes. Faint. Lucky I'm trying to only have this haircut once a quarter...
babymax: take off his clothes? hahaha, or maybe because the hair was tickling him, that was why it was uncomfortable.

I also brought my son for his haircut on Sunday. My mother carried him, and he said there quietly with the towel, and gown wrapped around him. However, he looked like he was about to burst into tears any moment, so I had to sing songs.
Maybe he was wondering whether he would become a botak again.
After a while, he started squirming and kept turning. But then he got attracted by his own image. despite all the wrapping up, he still managed to get a lot of hair in his clothes, and the short little bits of hair are the hardest to get rid of.

After his hair cut, he finally broke into a smile, and started being cheeky, while waiting for my mother to get her hair washed.

He threw the sweets given to him (he didn't have a clue what they were, thank goodness), and one hit another customer! Then this hairstylist continued to play with him by throwing the sweet back at him. I couldn't tell her not to do so, so I told him not to play.

xoxo: mine is still hovering at 9.4 to 9.6kg. Not sure whether the scales at home are different from the clinic. The pd will always say the same thing about him being too light, but I really don't know how else to bulk him up.

I can't try the self feeding at home yet because my MIL hates mess with a vengeance, and he doesn't like wearing bibs. But you are right about self feeding when he goes to childcare.

I'm planning to let him go there in Aug for a few hours when a new centre opens near my place. But my MIL wants him to be able to express himself better first. She's worried that he would be bullied and can't tell us. I told her not to worry as I once hit him on his hand, and straight away he complained to his father by hitting himself on the hand and pointing at me. Oh well, will see how it goes.
babymax > my, i don't miss her "taking off the clothes" phase! i am so glad that's over!! with girls, u get away with having the need to see the barber with the let's grow the hair long excuse...heh.

glass > this is an article that seem to shed light on why my ikan bilis is an ikan bilis (genes aside!). for as long as i can now recall, she hardly took naps. if u don't count those 15min or even 30min occasional shut eye..then this is one fella who doesn't nap at all. http://healthland.time.com/2011/05/02/do-sleepy-babies-grow-more-the-science-of-growth-spurts/?iid=WBeditorspicks
sigh..so there goes her growth spurts?? i think yr MIL need not worry too much abt him actually. i was concerned too..but eventually, they learn better when we let go of them. it's ironic but true. the more we "protect" them, the less they are able to fend for themselves. every evening when the weather permits, i let her go and do the rough and tumble at my neighbourhood playground. there are occasionally very rowdy children ard but i let her be and after being knocked over a couple of times, she has learnt to keep a lookout for herself and siam when needed. the only time i'd step in is when i see a sick kid and that's when i'd remove her from playing near them.
hi all, nice to know that this forum is alive again. hehehe
josh is in CC now, he's in cherie hearts nearby my house
when im not around with him in the cc, he managed to feed himself. but whenever im around he just wants me to boa him n feed him
the resin why im in the cc with him cause today is only the 6th day he's in cc. n on the 1st 3 days we just drop him off like that. but it didn't work out well/ seems like he's a bit traumatized with me just leave him like that
so now i stay with him at least till he finished eating his breakfast
but the problem is when im around he refused the teacher or do anything by himself. just want me to do everything for him
but the last 3 days when i was around, josh is actually became better. he's not whinny after school, not having nightmares when he's sleeping, seems okay when i pick him up after cc,, although his voice is still hoarse (too much crying) but all the teachers said by me spending time with him in the cc really improving a lot on josh
any suggestion how to make josh accept his days in cc? cause now every morning when i need to spend time with josh in the cc means i have to ask my mil's help to look after jordan. jordan hasn't take his vaccination yet, so i don't want him to be exposed to kids yet
--- On Tue, 10/5/11, Charles Tan (Volunteer Resource Network) <[email protected]> wrote:

From: Charles Tan (Volunteer Resource Network) <[email protected]>
Subject: Outings for the Underprivileged Children
To: "Charles Tan (Volunteer Resource Network)" <[email protected]>
Date: Tuesday, 10 May, 2011, 11:22

Dear all

We are still short of sponsors and volunteers for the outings arranged for the Underprivileged children, below is the updated numbers :

No. of Children Sponsor : 12
No. of Volunteers : 6

We hope to have about 45 children and 35 volunteers to come along for this Ice Cream Making Workshop, for those who can help, do get back to me by 15 May 2011 so we will have sufficient time to send out the flyers to the children.

In the event we are unable to get sufficient sponsors, we will cancel the outing and will refund those who have sponsored so you can use the funds to reach out to others instead.

Thank you

Charles Tan
Volunteer Resource Network
Email : [email protected]
URL : www.vrnetwork.org

From: Charles Tan (Volunteer Resource Network) [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, 5 May, 2011 11:09 AM
Subject: June Holiday Programme for the Children

Dear all

We will be resuming our outings for the children from the low income family this June after taking a break last Dec. This coming June, we plan to bring the kids to downtown east for an Ice Cream Making Workshop and have Ice Cream Buffet there as well, below are the details :

Event : Ice Cream Making Workshop + Ice Cream Buffet
Date : 18 June 2011 (Saturday)
Time : 10am to 2pm (Tentative)
Venue : Downtown East
Meeting point : Daybreak Family Service Centre
Blk 855 Yishun Ring Road Training Wing
(5 mins walk from Khatib MRT Station )

Targeted number of Children : 45
Volunteers required : 25

The cost for each child is about $35.00 which will cover the cost of the event, including lunch and cookie packs for each child. We hope each of you can sponsor at least one child for the trip, we will also need some volunteers to join us for the trip to take care of the children and help them out during the ice cream making workshop when we are there.

For those who would like to sponsor, you can mail a cheque payable to “Maple Lifestyle”, indicate “VRN June” and mail it to :

Maple Lifestyle
195 Pearl’s Hill Terrace
Singapore 168976

Please let us know the details of your cheque such as bank, cheque number and amount via email if you are sending by cheque.

For those who preferred to funds transfer, please do email me separately for the account number to transfer.

Do remember me to update me so I can consolidate the sponsored funds, we will stop accepting funds once we have enough as per our usual practice.

And for those who are keen to volunteer, do provide me with the following particulars :

1) Name
3) Contact Number
4) Email address

The cost for each volunteer is $38.00, we will likely be getting McDonald Lunch for everyone, if you are a vegetarian, do inform us and we will pack lunch separately for you.

We hope to be able to get your support to sponsor up to a max of 45 children from the low income family group for this trip.

Charles Tan
Volunteer Resource Network
Email : [email protected]
URL : www.vrnetwork.org
Hi All,

Have received the above email in my inbox (think I signed up for the updates quite some years ago) and find the activities pretty meaningful, so not sure if anyone would be keen, if yes, think can browse through the website provided and maybe liaise with the organiser directly.

Am just posting for awareness of the programs that was planned coz find it a waste of the Organiser's effort to send to the list of volunteers but I am unable to participate on the above activities. So just posting for all who may be interested. Ya might wanna browse through the website and sign up if you are interested. Thank you.

Please contact the organiser directly, as they need the sponsorship urgently.
Re: haircutting
We cut their hair ourselves...we put ikea hi chair along the corridor, seat them there..and cut..then all the hair drop on the floor..maid just pours water to 'wash' away hair to the drain...hose the plastic ikea chair and then we use masking tape to stick up the hair bits from boys' neck before bathing them...we also let them wear old clothes (never mind cannot button)so thatwe dun have to spend time washing the hair off.
Re: feeding,
I always believe there is a time for everything..maybe your boy is not ready for self feeding? my boys are coming 21 mths, i still feed them milk and solids... both sides happy...always finish in 10min..my boys are not ready for self feeding..i dun see why i shld pullmyhair to engage in a war with them...slowly let go bit by bit..now i am at a stage where they hold my hand to feed themselves.
dj: why you so dejected?

re washing hair away, the hole in the bathtub is good for washing hair away, I found out. Just keep opening up the hole to drain the water with hair away, and then add more from the shower.

angelina: not sure since I haven't put mine there yet, but I think they learn pretty fast. Shouldn't be a problem in days to come as kids adapt very quickly.

xoxo: well, the nap thing doesn't apply to me, because he takes naps in the afternoon, and he usually get at least 10 hours at night.

I'm trying to cut down nap time to 30min or 1 h so that he can sleep for longer stretches, - 12 hours. but since I'm seldom home, very hard.

re child care
Anyone has put your child in My First Skool? Or heard anything? Any comments? There's one opening near my place, I'm considering it. If I put him for whole day, I only need to pay about $300 plus after subsidy, and also $300 plus if just half a day. But I'll only get him to go there for a few hours just to give my PILs a break
hi, long time no post here.. happen to read a few recent posts and seems like many oct bbies are gg cc already..

angelina.. ur boy also in CH? my girl too.. 7th day today..
i only stayed with her a while for the 1st day.. 2nd and 3rd day dropoff and pickup, 4th day onwards, mil fetch..

does josh have any favourite activity? for my girl, i told the teacher in charge she likes balls and singing and music and likes to eat bread.. so if cannot pacify her, use these methods to distract her.. seems to be quite ok.. that day she even brought a ball back from the cc.. so teacher should be using the ball method for pacifying her..
Dear mommies >> hahahhaha. Yeah, I purposely wanted his hair cut very very short to extend the longevity of visiting the barber. Usually do self trim until cannot tahan (out of shape, bad pattern) then I brave the visit. Yeah, he was wearing a shirt with buttons in front, and attempted to rip open the shirt, but refuse to let us help me, so chasing round the barber shop. The uncle gave us some hot towels to wipe him down and a brush to brush off the little hairs. Bless. My husband very busy standing with his little shirt and using masking tape provided by the barber shop to take off the hairs. Operation Barber.

Ok - I've bravely also signed up a soccertots class for him starting Sunday morning. Let's see if he will listen to instructions. ahahhahaha!
soccertots! that's interesting
Babymax, did you watch this video about a 18th month old boy who kicked 3 balls into a box? goggle van der meji at youtube

You are in HK right? Not sure whether there is one here, because my son really loves to kick football!

re haircut
I just brought another shirt and shorts to change him out of them.
Hi Glass >> Yeah, I'm in HK. It tickled me to bits thinking of him in a soccer training environment!! I think he will just get red card 5 mins into class! My friend told me its just lots of running after the ball, she highly recommends this for boy toddlers. They loved running around the green porch and at some stage, will look towards the coach as if he's some idol for them. Me? Let's hope he does not run off the porch. Frankly anything to get the energy off him...

Must admit, I'm a lousy mom, did not think in advance to get a change of clothes for him...

I envy moms with little princesses...can play dress up and go shop together...
wah! this thread is still alive! muahahaha!!
bored at work.. so here i am.
Girl is at my work place cc at kinderland. So far so gd.. din cry for the 1st 2 days.. after that cry v badly. but settled down v quickly. haha.. today (3rd week into her cc life) i drop her off and she whined abit. lol. i think this is part and parcel of life. Every parent/child have to go thru this stage.
Hi mommies,

i'm so happy this thread still on going well. My son now at cc and doing fine. He now at cc for about 2weeks. The first 3days parent can accompany him. When I accompany him at cc he very naughty and don listen to teacher and run here and there. He also don allow teacher bath him and touch him. After 3days,juz drop and leave. My mom every morning bath him 1st then send him to cc. And she will go cc peep him see how he doing. He doing fine and obedient to teacher. He no cry at all at cc but only when chk his temp &amp; mouth he sure cry coz he tot is seeing doctor he scared.
babymax: not lousy mum lah. me too. I just happen to have a set of clothes, which was put in the bag by my MIL.

Hi PY, long time no see you here. yup, I think separation anxiety at cc or nursery is just part and parcel of life. she's doing fine!

re losing weight
hey, any one of you have any idea how to lose weight? I put on 2kg since going back to work in Jan. People keep asking me almost every week whether I'm pregnant. I can't keep my belly in even though I try to suck it in. My skirts and dresses are getting very tight at the tummy and butt area. Feel a bit depressed over this.
gemson: so funny regarding the taking temperature. if he keeps crying when he sees the doctor, you may consider changing pd. The last time my son kept crying terribly when he sees a particular pd. So I bring him to another one that he has been seeing since he was born, and he actually enjoys his visits there and has stopped crying.
PY: err, I don't need that. My tongue is a bit swollen so it keeps brushing against one side of my teeth. A bit irritating.

Maybe I should eat porridge every day to lose weight.
Hey everyone!

Finally some signs of life here

Min is into her 4th week in playgroup at Learning Vision. First couple of weeks was not good. She cried quite badly when my mum dropped her off. Good thing tho that she took to 2 of the teachers there and either one of them always carry and sayang her when she cried. She only whined a bit last week on her way to school but stop soon after one of the teachers carry her over. Very glad the teaching staff put in a lot of effort to soothe her right from day 1.

For now she will only attend half day session until there is a need to have her there for longer.

Its a phase that they all have to go through and it gets easier by the day. Josh will get better by the week, eventually

How did audrey settle in initially in cherie hearts?
glass> why not start a exercise routine, say start with one time per week? i think jogging is the easiest and cheapest exercise, you can take up some sport which you enjoy? i recently resume back my jogging and yoga regime, feeling too unhealthy after stopping for a few months....

My daughter also always cry when the nurse take her temperature so one fine day, i took out our ear therometer to play with her, i tell her "you are a doctor, come and take mummy's temp." and she like a "beep" sound, after playing a while, she find it v fun, i realise she did not cry the next time the nurse took her temperature...

PY> try to gargle with salt water? then swallow a bit down to let the salt water contact with the ulcer? i have ulcer on my throat last week, so i gargle for a few days to get rid of that ulcer...i know it will b painful, take care..

gemson> you are v lucky! your boy can accustom to the cc so fast, very envy you!

xoxolight> you are v funny leh, call your girl a ikan bilis, i want to tell you she is doing very well, i super envy her eating appetite!! how i wish my girl is like that, i will not mind the tiredness or the hassle to prepare food for her *sign* but it's ok lah, i will continue to try my best to see what i can do
glass : he at home, we take temp ok but when go clinic he will scared no matter nurse or doctor take. he will auto cry out, doc &amp; nurse haven touch him. He very scared doc &amp; nurse. So at cc also same. I also don know y.

clarin : maybe bacause he at home bored no childrens play with him..at cc alot of childrens. the funny part is he don mix around with same age group..he always go the older childrens. he is the youngest among all childrens there.
PY : Try to gargle with Oral-B mouthwash. Its help to reduce your pain and also recover fast. When i have ulcer i sure use it and painless and recover fast.Coz it kill gems
Hi mommies >> seemed like a number of little ones are in CC/drop off playgroups already. Envious. We don't have that option here in HK. The playgroups are on accompanied basis. Sounds like the enrolment into CC is quite easy? I was given the impression that it could almost be as competitive as getting into a primary school. Can you advise? I'm seriously thinking of relocating home to Singapore..
jadebelle : today is the 5th days in the rows that i stayed in the cc til after breakfast. the teachers said that by staying for awhile really help him adjusting. n he behaves better each day. which branch is ur cc?

py : char is a famous social butterfly, not surprising that shes adjusting very well in her cc. wish that josh can be like her, not as clingy like now. now without the maid in our life, josh is like a super glue to me

glass : i also need to lose some weight. dont know why its more difficult to lose weight after the 2nd time. sigh it was very easy after i gave birth to josh, now with jordan i still have some fat that refused to be gone, hahaha

happyhippo : hi hi
yeah i really hope it will get better. its tiring for me to face his tears n scream etc etc every single day

btw im pumping right now, cant believe that it feels like yesterday that im pumping at this time with this oct 09 thread as my company. n now i see josh is sleeping soundly n look like a little man already. how i wish they can stay as a baby as long as possible :p
angelina > glad to hear it's getting better and believe that it will
maybe josh feels jealous of jordan and doesn't want u out of his sight which explains the clinginess.

babymax > not to be mistaken - there are many playschools here and the good ones at that, with v long, impossible queues. the one i send Dre to (Cherie Hearts) is probably quite lousy so there's no queue. Muahahaha...just kidding, apparently the queue "started" right after we placed her there and there's more than 20 waiting now...i know cos i tried getting a space for my friend there so we can both go and drink kopi while our kids are at the same class but she couldn't get into the same class now. so part luck and part of it depends on where u stay..all that, coupled with your expectations etc might determine how long u'd have to wait - or not at all.

clarin > my girl has my genes - small sized but we eat alot. the ROI not very good i must say. yah, just do what we can..don't have too much expectations..in fact, don't have any at all would be the best so we can just savour all their antics and what not! :)

glass > I went to the first skool at tampines junction - and after speaking to the teachers there..found out they were all there less than a yr. further "research" online found that it pays their teachers one of the lowest in the industry..not that pay is the only gauge but i'd feel uncomfortable if the teachers are constantly gg thru' a revolving door. kids depend on the teachers much like their caregivers..any change isn't ideal in my opinion. these are just my personal views. the plc u are thinking of could be different just like all PCFs are not of the same mould.

hippo > wow - almost a month for Min! how fast time flies...goodness me..! to think of it, Dre's been at CH for almost 2.5mths..it's been a daily routine and she loves it. i love it too cos it keeps her occupied in the mornings. muahahaha. abt settling down, she didn't really had much issues except with one teacher whose singing she didn't like (out of tune). so she'd rage and rage at that teacher until the poor lady keeps quiet...that's Ms Bossy for you...overall, she has learnt some valuable manners like minding her Ps and Qs from CH...taking turns, knowing what's hers and others (no snatching, fighting)..and she knows abt quiet corners (she got sent there after shoving a classmate - haha!)... so all in all, i think CH has imparted quite a few things. only thing is, i cannot do this as a whole day plan cos after lunch, there's this nap time thingy which Dre wouldn't buy into..i tried it out for a couple of days in a row but she was just too restless...and the teachers also acknowledged that she was nowhere sleepy or in need of one. so i've to think of something - after school, someone is so wired up, she goes thru every single toy/book/thing at home and leaves the caregiver at home v tired indeed...haha, ok, excuses lah..but it's really tiring looking after a kid! :p
Hi gals!

Nice to see the thread alive again. Hello Clarin, and thanks for sharing those tips! I was intending to sneak in a teaspoon of rice cereal as you suggested, then I noticed that she is not even really drinking her milk well these days! So you make the milk using the soup huh? You daughter does not mind? So do you still offer her other solids?

Amelie just had her lunch at a friend's place today. She ate very well by her standards. One portion of fried kway teow and some fish. Maybe cos there is another baby eating, and also because the TV was on. I am trying not to go to the TV route, and am keeping a food diary for one week to see how much she eats.

Because of domestic helper issue, Amelie will be starting full day CC at the YWCA opposite my block on 1 June. It's not the best (I heard imperfect English, and one fierce teacher scolding a kid), but at short notice, I was desperate! I am a little concerned that this period will be quite traumatic for her, cos her fave person (father) will be away for 2 weeks. Immediately after he comes back she will start school and right after that my helper, whom she is very attached to, will leave. I think the school + departure of helper at the same time might be 2 big changes. And I can already sense that she is feeling very insecure this period. I am not sure why but she always wants to hold our hands and wants us to carry her. She also wakes up often at night wanting to be carried (which I am slowly trying to wean her off - like doing sleep training all over again!).

xoxo: I wish Amelie could eat half of Dre's intake. :p

Angelina: how come you are without help? It must be v tough and tiring to look after 2 by yourself!!! Kudos to you. Hope you are coping well with Josh and Jordan.
xoxo : how long did it take for Dre to adjusting in the cc? its like anight mare for me, ever single morning he'll cry tears scream kick his shoes, hide his bag, refused to wear his uniform. headache

funzee : 3 weeks after i give birth i caught my maid steal my mil's phone. she used the phone n the bill was almost 1k. so we sent her back home. so i can understand why josh hates his cc (so far). too much changes in his life. 1st with Jordan then our maid left n must go to cc every day. i hope he can adjusting well soon... my poor Josh
angelina > there are 2 schools of thought: the first one says - persist, let the kid cry it out and eventually, some day, he will be happy. the second one says, remove him from the source of his unhappiness and distress and reintroduce later, step-by-step.

it really depends on the child and your gut instincts as a mother. do u think josh is the type who will be coaxed?

Dre may or may not be like Josh but she is one stubborn cow (or calf). She literally fits the phrase - you can drag the cow to the water but you can't make it drink. So for us, if she expresses herself with huge tantrums and meltdowns, we know better than to let her "cry-it-out". I know some parents would say, but to give in will breed a spoilt brat..to that, I say, when they are older and able to reason better, try me and I will make sure she either wins her argument with me or she had better take my line of thought. In other words, I am not too worried abt the bratty part of things, for now. More importantly, I want my child to be assured that I hear her - her interests and her distresses, her likes and her dislikes...but I do understand the circumstances. Hmm..maybe Astro can help with some ideas?

I think from your description..Josh could really be generating some deep phobia abt school. He might have associated school as separation from mum and everything familiar - and that triggers his own sense of self-preservation. Forget abt the bag, school uniform, shoes etc. CH - at least Dre's branch, allows them to wear their home clothes. Maybe you tell them, you'd be withdrawing him for three days and after 3 days, bring him back for just an hr. Wear home clothes. Go home after an hr. The next day, return for 1.5hrs, return after 1.5hrs. Hopefully the teachers know how to engage him in an exclusive activity that only the teacher and him would do and u try to hang around but do not interject. Then slowly remove your presence. The minute he goes into meltdown, return to the previous step. It's tough with Jordan ard..and I think it's been tough on Josh too - so many changes etc.

Dre wasn't a meltdown case. In fact, she barely cried except at that singing teacher. For her, she actually refused to participate, choosing instead to observe the class for a really long time. For days! She did nothing, refused to respond (except scream at the out-of-tune teacher) and that was that. Then one day, abt a week after she started, she began behaving as if she was at home..completely at ease and responded to every request asked of her etc. Every child will be different as every centre is different. Just a curious point: was Josh ok with CH when u first went there to check it out?

Funzee > My, and I wished Dre was closer to A's size! :p sorry to hear abt the helper...are u getting another? what happened?

BTW, my current helper's cousin is not continuing with her previous contract where she worked for years. Reason being, the elderly grandpa she looks after..his medical condition has deteriorated and the family will be placing him in institutional care. So she is looking for a new place. If any of u are interested, I could ask my maid to provide more details.
angelina > here's a good read. i think for us, we did go to CH before she started, at least three times. it's near our home and we let her play at the playground there. also, my hb did read to her a bk abt going to school. not the same bk as the one here but i think he did tell her abt how school works, what happens, what she should do etc. last but not least, lighten up..sometimes kids do pick up on the parent's anxieties and amplify them. http://life.familyeducation.com/working-parents/child-care/40379.html

this link has many parents talking abt their experiences: http://parents.berkeley.edu/advice/school/preschool_adjust.html
xoxo : you mentioned the characteristic of stubborn and tantrums. E is the same.

how did u get dre to understand no food if she doesn't sit?
u tell her firmly? and ask her every few minutes whether she wants to sit and eat?
u put the food somewhere she can reach?

I'm only starting him on Childcare either end Dec or nxt yr.

dj : haha. i like the who is at the door tactic. hahaha. but i think my boy will just look at me blurr blurr. i tried the magazine method... no luck
gal > for e stubborn calf, i nag. "Dre, if you don't sit, you'll fall and hit your head. It'd be very painful, you'd cry and everybody will be sad." the whole tone is exaggerated. the word "don't" especially. i repeat it twice. the third time, i speak faster and i rise to carry her out of the chair, plonk her on the floor and i'll return to the table, and be really dramatic abt easing myself to resume my own meal. sometimes she would immediately ask to return to her seat - and i'll try to solicit a promise from her - "are you sure you would be good?" if all is good, I'll say, "ok, mama's going to put you back, you'd need to sit ok? etc...and return her to the high chair. now, if she cranks up again, i'll remove her and purposefully ignore her thereon and she'd be really upset..seeking out her dad or the maid for help. so over time, if she "spends" all her chances with the dad/maid, then endgame - no more food and we stick to that. i will not go after her to ask her if she wants to eat at all. if she doesn't come back to ask to be returned to the dining table, i take it that she's done. nowadays it gets alot easier cos she will tell us when she is full and we will respect that..of course, i always ask her to take another bite or try something..sometimes she agrees and at other times, she will say no and if it's a no..we will accept that. when the fruits or desserts are introduced, i'd always make a point to ask if she'd like them and usually she would. in the beginning, when she throws a fit and refuses to eat, she went hungry and i won't offer snacks even though she whines alot and hankers for them..come the next meal, e.g. dinner - u get beautiful, and at the very least, better table manners.
