(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

cup :
what comes after straw?
i saw a combi cup with two handles. Do I have to get that? or ?

i notice that childcares are still feeding the kid with bottles during their milk time. Also read something about stopping bottle and moving to cup soon. conflicting? when should we move to cup?

i am stil using bottles to feed milk. And they are drinking plain water from straw of a mag cup. They also drink from cup, but i only use the cap of milk bottle as cup to contain plain water. Have not bought cup as i am afraid they may break it... any unbreakable cups around? Saw those thomas the train plastic cup, wch i am quite sure cant sustain the throwing after a few rounds...
Thanks, Joyce for the webbiie..Btw, how is nathan's progress?
hi joyce! thanks for the website. very interesting reads.

76 : plastic cups should be quite durable right?
any idea where to get those cups?? maybe i shld be getting for them too. Heard abt doidy cups...anyone got feedback abt them?
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">76</font>
u can get those plastic cups from Ikea. Durable and most imptly, cheap!!! $3.90 for 6 cups.....

<font color="ff0000">Contraceptives</font>
btw... just wanna check if anyone of u is on Mirena - a kind of contraceptive?</font>
pinkiemie : health booklet have a check on using cup around 18.5 month.

ILMM : haha. i like that word. cheap! heheheh. i thought most of ikea plastic cups don't have handle... *thinking* do we need to give them cups with handle?
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">gal</font>
hehe... yeah, cheap n good leh :p oh ya, no handle. hhmm... Malcolm is ok with using it. Though at times, he just prefers to pour the whole cup while drinking.</font>
Silent reader is back

I think tts the one given by my gynae to regulate back my hormone b4 pregnancy then. Cant really rem the name. Is it comes in a pink+ white rectangular box?

Any way of motivating kid to speak up? M always ahhh ehhh, don't speak unless I keep asking n asking
according to milestone chart, our tots shd be able to utter 6 words beside papa &amp; mama,&amp; a 2 syllabi word at least. m seems slow, helphelp

Stacking of 1 inch blocks( by 17 mth old):
This one headache also, m always exert too much strength &amp; always topple Fr 2nd to 3rd blocks. Anyway of speeding up this part of learning? I bought stacking container, he likes to play but don't like to stack

Gal/ ilmm/ mie:
Our tots shd be able to hold spoon fork to feed n cup to drink by ard these2 mths( according to the health booklet 90% of tots shd be able to do it)gal,u can go to those neighborhood voiddeck shop or ntuc or giant or kiddypalace , they sell alot of regular cup w handle ( like those use in cc) . Im still trying to find polycarbonate type so wont break.I tried ikea cup but m's grap not too gd most of the time slipped if I get him to get Fr table on his own
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">nlimm</font>
hey... M starting JG PlayClub this term ya???

Mirena is something inserted into the womb leh!!!

On Speech
Malcolm is only on 1-syllable words. Mummy becomes 'Mee'... Daddy becomes 'Dee'... Only 2 words v clearly are 'Ah Ma' n 'Yeye'.. so now u see why my ILs love him so much!! Duh!! Even Thank You becomes 'Kyu'.. sighz</font>
Oh haha then diff, mine was oral type only rem it stated w mi haha
M's class is sat 1130am wo, malcolm's stillon wed n fri, started yest?

Oh are yeye &amp; ah ma considered?I thought they refering to English word like hello with 2 sound ?m's 1st word was yeeyee during his 9-10mth leh, ah ma was ard 13 mth . Haiz gd enough to have mee for mummy , I requested meee for mummy Fr m also no response. Daddy becomes darrrrrrrr, fish become feast, yes become yeast.
hi ladies..

nlimm: keep speaking to M.. sometimes u stress the syllabi slowly , one by one to them.. sometimes it works. sometimes it doesn.t but dun get too freaked out .. seriously

enjoy their babyish lang now. v cute leh :p
when they get to bao's age and keep asking u why.. think u might want him to shut up :p
also kids' growth are uneven.. and all the development guides are only but a guide..

My bao's classic case.. gross motor. gosh.. cannot make it. speech and fine motor. way ahead..
SO.. my pt.. enjoy the kid .. and try to relac a bit.. M is def not slow.. in his time..

you are doing a gd job with the constant stimulur.. their vocbulary has spurts one.. bally was like almost SLIENT three weeks back. now very chatty. and it 'just happen' like that.. no intentional teaching on my part.. i getting lazy :p

the upgrade of cups is more of preventing milk teeth decay as they continue to suck milk in bottle to sleep.. also .. it limits the amount ofmilk they drink.. sucking via bottle is easier than drinking via cup.. and hence more milk drunk.. then reduce comsumption on solids. which is what they neednow..

LVMM: ur boy very efficient with words wor.. kyu. :p
cute mah..
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">nlimm</font>
yeap.. started ytd lor. haha... i paid course fee for this term.. n signed withdrawal form as well :p Astro is right. I think u dun have to worry too much abt M's developments and speech. He's doing great so far. N you've been stimulating him alot. Really 'peifu' u for having all the initiatives..

<font color="ff0000">Astro</font>
oh yes.. haha, heard of the 'Why' stage. Max is at the 'Where' stage now. E.g.
Max: Mummy, zoo where?
Me: The zoo is at Mandai
Max: Mandai, where?
Me: Errmm.. Mandai is near Woodlands
Max: Woodlands, where?

N so it goes. till i get frustrated. n sometimes we end up going round n round, haha.

On drinking from cups, any idea how I can get them to drink from cups? My boys are still drinking from bottle. I've tried b4 to get Max to drink from cup, but he refuses...

On speech, hehe.. yeap, Malcolm v cute with words. Innovative lor
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Biting</font>
I need some help here. Lately, I realised Malcolm is on a biting spree. He juz goes around biting people. Max has been bitten by him a few times already. Sometimes while playing, sometiems it's coz Max antagonized him. N he juz bites n grinds his teeth in the gorgor's hands, after which gorgor will have teeth marks and swollen hand.

How can i teach Malcolm not to bite? I've tried talking to him, beating his cheeks each time he does it, stopping him from biting, none of which works. He still continues to bite.

I'm so afraid, he will just go on a biting spree nxt time when he starts CC in June and den i'll get endless complains... HELP!!!!</font>
ILMM:haha Max is so cute with the where!.. hey. an idea for u. get him a map! he asked where?.. u pt 'there!'.. end of story. :p:p

u cld get the combi mug.. or itszit pigeon. eh forget brand. they have it in teats and then sprout and straw and then cup one? i tink mag mag or combi? seirouslly cannot remmeber.. but.. when it is in the cup phrase.. the rim which u fit onto the plastic cup is blue in colour. then got a platic lid with two slits. one is big . the other is small.. it controls the speed of the fluid as they slit the cup.. bally likes that though he can manage sipping from open cup.. bao was also trained using that..

biting.. i think bally bit my helper twice. on the shoulder.. like love bites!:p ops.. anyway. he seldom does it. more like during teething he has that urget to sink his teeth into pple.. but he smart. nvr do that to me. else he gets it! :p
i think u have to continue to reinfornc wrong to bite.. i tink persistency. else really no other way also.. right?
Maybe im too kancheong but i expect him to meet the requirement for a average kid. Interm of speech he has not meet what 90% of the tots shd hit.guessed i sacrified too much for him &amp; my expectation of him is high.
Need to talk to my mum abt these soon. She keep comparing to her frds' grandchildren who only learn this at what age tt at what age which is slower then even whats stated in the heslth booklet. If i want m to be like them, i dont mind to spend so much $ &amp; time on m right? Just send to a $250/mth cc tts it right?! I dont wish to be so dtraightforward to my mim coz shes sensitive, when i lectured m, she said im indirectly lecturing her!!!! M's tantrum &amp; behaviour are getting fr bad to worse, what i hate to see in a kid all on him now. Throwing things ard at home, outside &amp; at restaurant. When we dun go his way outside, he will cry &amp; scream &amp; sit on the floor tts horrendous. I don't expect a disciplined kid to behave tt way, I got to do something right? I can only talk to him when he's calm &amp; at those moment outside I will have to grab him off to a quiet plc wait for him to calm down ( which usually take 15-30 mins) then he will listen to me.&amp; what happen if my mum &amp; Hb ard? They will just give him what he wants ,&amp; when I voice out my unhappiness tt they shdnt give in to him they r unhappy w me,what can I do?

Haha I be doing tt too. I don't like it tt they increased fee but nvr give early notice. Though I like their lesson but $60+ for a lesson is too much for m's age for this type of lesson. fortunately is playclub now n not playnest which still match my intention of a term playnest &amp; a term playclub. I told siti n she said she also just knew abt it then ard wk9-10.

M been doing tt since his 1set of teeth. He will only bite my mum cox my mum don't beat him, just tell him it's painful afterwhich. He don't dare to bite me coz since his 1st few bites on me, I will always beat his mouth( or rather just tapped his mouth)&amp; tell him cant tts painful. At times he will bite again despite telling him &amp; I bite him back haha then he stopped( which again my mum said he dun know anything , bite him for what?)he knows if he don't know y would he stopped? He don't know what is painful then I demonstrated on him then he knows lor haha( crazy me right?) todate, for his subsequent teething, he don't dare to bite me but during play he might forget &amp; bite me &amp; I will say'( with a stern look) it's painful, do u want me to bite u back?'either he just smiled back at me &amp; went off to play or hug me. So I agreed with Astro, use the mtd u prefer &amp; be persistent.
Hi mummies,
Nathan has just completed his 2nd session of
the physiotheraphy yesterday.
Doc commented that Nathan has make a huge improvment from the last time that she see him.
He has met all the goals that she has given to him.
And she has given him more challenging goals now.
I will keep you all posted on his progress.
So far he has started to cruise around the house.
I am very happy for my little boy!!!
Glad that he is making improvements - good news indeed!! Keep the faith!!

Would like to share a video of this man who self-composed a song for his daughter on helping us see assessment (&amp; tests, and indirectly academic) and life in perspective...I enjoyed the lyrics and found it meanignful personally.
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Astro / nlimm</font>
thanks.. I've hit his cheeks each time he bites, sometimes, n quite painful, coz afterwhich his cheek red, but he doesn't learn. He can bite gorgor at least once every day (n this is not bcoz gorgor provoked him leh).. n he bites us too.. sometimes just playing, den he suddenly come to u n bite u

We dun bite him at all while playing, coz dun wan him to think that it's fun biting ppl. I always tell him it's painful too, but he just super stubborn leh..</font>
For us, our boys do bite but nt frequent like last time. Now, when we see 'imminent danger', we will say love love, gor gor loves didi, or didi loves gorgor...(depending on who is the agrresor), then the danger becomes kisses on the hand or hugs. Of coz, before you say these, you must have trained them about love and kiss...coz my boys kiss the dogs, bears, penguis in the books...and when we say Lovelove or hugg hug, we dun sound gan cheong..if not the biting will take place speedier..hahahaha

Sometimes they bite to get your attention or solicit a certain response from you. When Min used to do it, after that she observe our reaction. Eventually when she saw no reaction then she boring already. Moved on to acting cute to make us laugh.

Perhaps u can try ignoring M and see if he outgrow it?
happy hippo
Who does Min bite? If she bites u guys, maybe you can 'ignore'..but say she is playing with other kids, then how do you manage if she bites? Do you still ignore? Just wondering...
Happy hippo
U have a happy problem, she chooses who she bites and you can use these moments to teach her not to bite pple she dunno..Cool
Dear mommies : May I check what sort of toys are appropriate and interesting to engage our little ones at this stage?

I think my boy is getting bored with his cars and balls. Is not interested to play with building blocks yet.

Grateful for any advice.
U can try water play or sand play. Go playground? I tot by 18mths our toddlers shld be able to stack 3 cubes of a certain dimension, do refer to the health booklet.Maybe you can get him started? Books? musical instruments e.g xylophone?
I am proud to say tat my boys' 1st towgay has started to flower...yay!!! Can see the yellow bud liao...My old neighbour says i am lucky to get flowers...
BabyMax > get him crayons, fingerpaints etc - writing and colouring can be something they might enjoy. the trampoline is a firm favourite here as are fingerplay songs. how abt puppets and play dress up? for boys, can try pirates, put on hats, eye patches, fake tattoo..haha...the girly version here is to put on necklaces, sunglasses, take her "handbag" and go shopping :p

gal > are u gg for all the fairs?i went to the taka one but came out empty-handed...

diaper > Dre's night-time diaper is completely dry. we had this for several nights in a row so this morning, right after she woke up, we told her to go get her potty. she needed help with her diaper but peed in her potty - and promptly got up to play with the pee nearing the tail-end of her peeing session. it was a mess >.< now i am thinking if i should carry on cos i did initially felt we should let her tell us when she gets the urge to go rather than have to train per se. for poop, she has started to tell us she is poop-ING, but not before the act itself. any ideas how to let her know we need to know a little beforehand or we can't react fast enough? another headache is we just bought tonnes of normal diapers while she has shown she was able to take off her diaper cover on her own..and that just means we should have bought pull-up pants? are the pull-up pants diapers any good?
76 > water play is something Dre enjoys. as for sand play..there aren't many sandy playgrounds in SG. one in pasir ris park, the other in AMK..do u know of any others? and wow..i've never seen a towkay flower! post a pic!
xoxo : no, not going for the fairs. quite far for me. I went taka and came back empty handed as well.

how do you play dress up? Just dress dre and yourself up and ... ?? how do you get dre engaged? or ?
Cant get it uploaded...it says exceeded 600x600..how to shrink?
Think we planted it for 2mths before we see flowers, and i think i just saw the fruits..look like pod..but v small, i dunno what it will turn out yet.. As for sandy playground, Old airport hawker centre has one such playground...
76: haha, i also never see towkay flower. Mine would die when they are quite long.

xoxo: Elgin has been using mamy poko pull up pants. Very good. There's sale at NTUC this week. You reminded me why we decided to switch to pull ups long time ago.
after mine grow long, we transferred it to a pot of soil. Now they are flourishing outside my house along the corridor and my boys watering them 2x a day before their daily outdoor. Mine still not yet changed to pull up, i find wearing pull up v leh cheh...like kiap the bird bird...wear a tight shorts.
Thanks xoxo, 76. Ok now I got a better idea. He has been going to parks and gardens to "try" to kick around a ball. I think he is into the shape sorter type of toys at the moment. I have also been told to get him a push pram of sorts for little ones, and they would love to push around as they enhance their gross motor development.

Then I should think about playdough, to train them in the finer motor development.

All very cheem...Just to share what I have gathered from mommies so far.

xoxo, I think your gal very advanced already. Mine is nowhere close.
gal > yeah, what a bummer right? hehe..on hindsight, i really regret splashing out on some things when she was younger. plenty of toys and stuff (like drinking cups!) turned out pretty redundant very quickly...thus, i keep asking myself - do we really need this?!?! = nothing's bought. :p

76 > take a screenshot? are u using windows or mac? thanks for the old airport rd intel. would check it out. i can't change to pull-up immediately. i've one big pack of unopened diapers and one other pack that's just been opened. finish those then we see where we are. today, we have been trying to practise with her the undo-diaper-flap-let-the-diaper-fall-walk-over-it-and-walk-to-the-potty thing. hilarious results. all these growing up moments..ah...

babymax > actually there's alot u can extract from existing toys too. for e.g. we have a small ballpit at home and the balls come in many different colours ( u put three colours apart and ask him to put more of the same colours accordingly); count (put 1, 2, 3, 4 balls and ask him to identify or count out the right number of balls and deck it against a number - u cld be pleasantly surprised)...as for balls- there are variations that you could do to..get him to pitch them from a distance into a basket, over a hula hoop (or improvised stuff), take a large towel, put a ball or two there and have fun playing swing and catch the balls . i got my helper and hb to hold an end each of a towel and got her to sit opp me (so she can't see when i am throwing a ball over) and she has to learn how to anticipate and "catch". that was loads of fun too. if u have a laundry basket on wheels (which we have)..that could be the "pram". the kids each hv their unique strengths, so have fun discovering these.
glass > good for you! drats, i just didn't have that foresight...plus i gave in and bought the two-pack promo :s..and now when i need her to "use up" the diapers quickly, she's not running thru' them fast enough. i change 3x per day. so rough calculations mean i would take nearly 2 mths before i can consider mamy poko.. thks for the recommendation though.
xoxo: I bought 9 packs few months back. left 3 packs. Yesterday I bought 6 packs (already very kiasu), and my husband went to buy another 3 packs in a bigger size. We now have 12 packs of mamy poko.

I tried potty training earlier, but now that I'm working, my in laws are not doing much to help train him to use the potty.
Hi all!

Joyce: So glad to hear that Nathan has made good progress!

Cups: man, I have the same problem as xoxo. I have so many different cups, I must have spent a small fortune on them! I have used combi, pigeon, foogo, avent and recently tommee tippee as well. Combi is expensive, and I find that it's not worth it to buy the covered cups (after a while, they grow some black spots which are hard to remove and spare parts are expensive and hard to find), but that first cup which is open is a good buy. I got that for Amelie to practise using a cup at meal times. She drinks well from it if it is something she likes, like a cold sweet drink. Other times, it's for pouring! Pigeon is value for money for the straw cups and all.

Astro: sorry about your aborted holiday. I was supposed to go to Taiwan and decided not to go after the Japan quake. Didn't want to head north as I would be uneasy.

We went to Bali for a week. Changed our plans on short notice. Spent half of the trip doing kiddy centered stuff like going to the Bali Safari &amp; Marine Park, Elephant Safari Park and the beach. Must say that the parks there are pretty good, world class definitely. The Elephant Park was really beautiful and we took an elephant ride there. The beach was an interesting experience for her. Our only grouse was that she woke up really early everyday, before 6am and on our last morning woke up at 5am! The Balinese adore kids though and the angmoh tourists there just seem to love Chinese kids. This is a possible place to visit with your kids, but be prepared that the 2 parks I mentioned do not come cheap even in Bali (prices are $30+ - $40+ USD per pax).

Amelie is recovering from a mild case of HFMD. Thankfully the spots disappeared after 1 day and she is generally fine. I have to keep her at home till we do a review with the PD and honestly, quite challenging to stay put at home! I try to engage her in activities but she doesn't want to play. My husband tried to revise what she learnt at little gym but the only persons sweating it our were the him and me.

Have a good week ahead!
Hi funzee,

Thanks, I really hope that he can chase his development. Seeing all your kids are running and playing, sometimes I just can't help to feel sad!!!

Nevertheless, I will not give up on him...
As I really believe that he is a normal kid!
I am sure you and Nathan will do it...jia you!
Ideas for kids...We went to this Kids Kampung at Pasir Ris Farmway, Aqua Fauna centre... the kids get to catch fish from the man-made lonkang (tho me and hubby are the ones catching), but all we could manage was 1 fish (half dead de)..not ez lor...Then, they get to feed the fish and even touch the fish...surprise my boys so daring..i havent even touched live fish before...Then they get to feed the rooster, chicken, duck and rabbit...good experince for them coz the animals from the books came alive for them and they could associate them.... My boys put the 2 fingers on his head when they saw the rabbits...It was v enjoyable..and we got back small pails and 2 small nets (used for longkang fishing) as souvenir...and guess wat? Today, we used those small nets to go catch butterflies downstairs..(new activity) of coz, din catch any lah...but just to give the kids a sense of 'catching'...the pails?? Used as toy..they wear it on the head....spin it...and all sorts of things lah...go try...i will go back again...Just to share ideas..
hi blessedcyn,

i'll be placing my boy into Sunflower Tinkleland (Ubi). i like the teachers and the facilities. can walk in too.
76 : kids kampong sounds found!
That will definitely be in my to go list.

back to eating question again:
any tips on getting them to eat faster? My boy of late takes 1 hour (even at the nanny's plc) to eat 1 bowl. i had to resort to letting him play things at the table. outside is worse
i had to resort to let him play with iphone to get him to "SIT STILL" to eat.
