(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Hi Mommies!! My husband and myself survived our first soccertots class with our little terror on Sunday morning. My poor husband was so tired that he had to "recuperate" in the pm. Out of the 6 or 7 toddlers (all about 19 months or so), my little terror proved to be the most challenging of students. Let's see. When he is supposed to sit and wait for his turn, he runs all over the field. When he's supposed to kick the ball, he either go and pick the ball or decides that he is shy after all. Then when he is supposed to be shy, he walks straight up to another toddler and babbles at him at the top of his lungs when the toddler was playing with the ball. Then there are the collisons, the pokings, the snatchings...and its quite a row. But I find it absolutely hilarious! The coach was very patient and in full soccer spirit, blew his whistle at two toddlers about to ignite mini world wars. Oh well, just another play date I think.

I think my little one is in his full blown temper tantrum stage.

Xoxo : I loved it! Dre "raging" at the teacher's lousy singing. You got to give it to Dre for voicing her dissatisfaction! Dre got spirit!

hihi.. its nice to see postings here again.

an update on my child:

after kd turns 18 month, on 2 May, i moved him to the CH near where we stayed, reason being i might not start my day in my office but have meetings elsewhere and it's very tedious to rush to send him to the cc at my office there and then rush to another side of the island for meeting.. also, placing him near my home saved me $200+ a month... but so far it's a horror (for me n kd la).

prior to him starting in CH @ IBP, we actually brought him there 4 to 5 times and he seems to like the place, very spacious, clean and he particular loves the play area as well as the imaginative play area.. and we thought since when he turn 18 mths, he would have to transfer out from the IC to the PG anyway (previously he was in Delcare, the IC is in a separate unit from the CC) so since he has to experience a change, changing to a different sch might not be too difficult for him right?

i also have been talking to KD one month before he leaves the IC that he is a big boy now and big boy will go to big school soon, and also told him that mommy needs to work, but it's ok, he will go to sch and play with other kids and learn and soon mommy will come fetch him home. After which, when he started the PG @ CH, the dad will help pick him up and rewards him with his favorite bananas and also a walk in the park in his tricycle etc.. we tried to "compensate" for the frightful experience he had (a new environment with no one he knows).

aiyo, 2nd day he already lost his voice, end of 2nd week, he developed high fever due to sore throat. for the past 2 weeks, he been having nightmares every night and crying out Mama! Papa! Bao Bao! or screaming he wanna go Gai Gai (walk walk, which means he wanna leave the place). it's been very tired for me to drop him off cos the moment the car turned into IBP, he immediately recognize and scream at the top of his voice inside the car already.. when i stand outside the big school and PG1 is right inside, i can hear him scream hysterically for Mama or Papa in fear.. heart is very pain.. but what else can i do?

because of this, i been having arguments with the daddy too. cos i been feeling very bad like i made a very wrong decision for KD.. and i wanted to pull him out of CH. when i was in the school w KD, i observed that the kiddos there dont seem happy.. it's a very wrong feeling as in, previously when KD is in IC, everyday when i walked in, i can feel the babies are genuinely happy but at this CH, it seems like the kiddos are there for the sake of being there... but hubby kept on saying its worst to make a change for KD now and it's not good for him.. let's just let him adjust and get used to this sch.. tat's where we cant agree to each other lo.

KD is a timid child, i observe that he is the nice nice boy whom has quite good manners.. ;p when other kids threw toys at him, he will pick it up and walk back to the kid and passed the toy back to the kid instead. AND then the kid will throw the hard toy at KD's body again, but he still pick it up and pass it back to the kid. else other girls will come and pat him with a lot of strength at his back etc.. KD is too short now! i am shock to find a few kids in PG1 with the height of what i tot is of a 4 yr olds leh. kept asking the school if they are sure they are of same age.. KD is the shortest there!!! boohoo..

as a parent, i will be kidding to say i am very cool about it. but in fact, i worried alot about the child's adjustment to the new environment. but i also believe to give it some time, let room for the child to learn to be independent and gain strength to protect himself.. i hope that soon i will be saying here that KD is happy in class.
btw, i heard of more n more good news that many mommies here have promoted to be a 2nd time mommie! congrats to you all ya! Gambateh!

and angelina, i think u are doing a really great job! it's not easy taking care of one, let alone 2. just hang on..
Btw, have you tot of putting jordan into infantcare in the same sch w josh? will josh feels better if he noes his didi is in the room next door? and yet at the same time, you can have a breather? it can be for half day.
clarin: I told myself must start exercise.
I actually started jogging at work, but it's only once every week or two, so not very effective. I've told myself now that I'm going to go to the gym at my new place. will force myself to do so even before i move in.

gemson: try another clinic, maybe it may work.

angelina: well, it's only a few months since you have given birth, so no need to worry! You have the skinny frame, so I think you will lose it all somehow.

xoxo: ok, no wonder. It only costs about $300 plus for full day child care after subsidies, so I guess it is really bad pay for the rest. I had walked past one near my mother's place, and I don't have negative vibes. I haven't done any other research on other ccs. Since my in-laws don't want him to go so early, I'll just kiv for the time being.
I actually want him to be more exposed to Mandarin, because he now speaks more Cantonese than Mandarin! Currently he's only exposed to Mandarin when I'm around (very very few hours a day with him, sometimes I don't even see much of him) and gug lesson every weekend.

babymax: regarding soccertots, my ex colleague said the one in Singapore is not very good. waste of time (he's a PE teacher) and he was expecting tactical training, but I think too advanced for young children.
you sound like he really had lots of fun!

so far, my son only kicks football at home, and there are a few videos of him kicking a football with the neighbours' children. He would keep rewatching those videos.

oricule: my son is also very short. he is at least 15 cm shorter than bally (can't compare because he has really tall genes --looks at astro). Was trying to compare their height during class, and since he's one of the youngest, the other classmates tower over him!
Oh dear oricule. I feel for you. And KD. I have not gone through that experience, so cannot really comment, but I think I will be fraught with worries and concerns if I know that my little one has reacted badly to school. Is it worthwhile doing further research on this particular class? Maybe onsite survey if possible for a day or two? I agree that its even more disruptive to pluck and drop little ones in classes but I don't think having reactions like this should go un-noticed either. Is KD still reacting in class?

glass >> I think no tactical training lah at 18/19months. It will be a god-send if they even listen to the coach instructing them to run after the ball and KICK it. Strangely my little one likes to run after the ball and PICK it. hahahahhaa. Probably I need to enrol him in rugbytots instead. But one thing though...they would be totally knocked out by end of session. as far as I'm concerned..I will give it a vote on effectiveness. hahahahaha. Whatever you do, just exhaust him. I'm not sure if my little one has fun, but mommy here is laughing at the antics the toddlers can pull up. Its a herd effect. There are at least 20 balls all over the field. But once a little one runs after one ball, the rest of the toddlers started to go after that particular ball. Then they collide into each other. WAHAHAHHAHAH....You can see it in slow motion.

One question : My little one wakes up from his nap grouchy and crying recently. Any experience with this?
babymax: hahaha, that is a funny sight. Sounds like human instinct starts young, you know, just like how queues suddenly form when people show interest in a stall, just because other people also want, you want.
maybe he can have a career in ball picking for super stars at premier leagues or whatever. and he would be on TV! hehehe!
glass >> Its actually quite funny. I was telling another mommy sitting along the porch.. "they are going to collide, they are going to collide" and WHAM! Its like they have no braking function yet installed on them. The only time they can stop when in full run mode, is to collide into someone or something...or otherwise, trip and fall because top part of body is portruding waaaay out of rest of body...

Yeah! Totally agree...little picker!~

i think you're going to go through what i just went through with the help not returning. for sure, the tot will go through a lot of major changes in her life. for us, we were just too thankful that she did not once ask for my maid. perhaps she is too young still. but i did notice that her eating habits changed dratically. i think that's how she's coping with the change. previously we'd give her a wide range of food - carb porridge or pasta will be alternated, then she gets 2 kinds of veggies and 1 meat and they're always rotated. then all of a sudden it became harder to feed her and she just refused to eat totally. i had to fully blend everything i.e. no texture at all and she only accepts very smooth mashed potato as the main carb. luckily by now she's back to eating the whole portion of her meals but they are very well blended. like her food when she was 9 mths old! am going to try and let her have porridge again this week. but you know what's the funny thing? she doesn't ask to eat our food and even when we offer her something to try, she will shake her head and walk away. so when its meal times in school, she eats her home-brought plain white bread!

i think for josh it must be very traumatic at all the sudden major changes and every effort must be made to reassure him that mummy loves him and all. for Min, she was great when i started childcare with her the first 2 days. i spent the whole time there with her. but only for 2 hrs. by now she's there about 3 hrs everyday. then they told me on the 3rd day must just say bye bye and drop her off and leave. cannot stay around and peep. of course she cried buckets lah. and it was really bad the first 1.5weeks of so. thankfully i dont have to go through the tough time of dropping her cos i'd already gone to work. my mum dropped her. we also decided that amongst the parents and grandparents, the one that's least close to her should drop her off. i.e. my mum. and my hubby, whom she's dearest to, never went to her school for fear of letting her feel like her daddy abandoned her.

by the end of the 2nd week she was already more stablilized. and now she doesn't really cry anymore. but that doesn't mean she loves it. she knows the way to school and as soon as the car reaches near the school, she'd turn all quiet, but funnily she's happy when she presses the door bell and goes in.

the teachers also did tell her to talk to her about school, that big girls go to school to play and make friends, etc. but really for me, bottomline is, all the teachers in the toddler playgroup are very caring and always take turns to sayang her cos she's obviously the youngest there at 19 mths, most of them already 24-26mths already. so she takes to 2 teachers in particular and they always carry her and sayang her, which i believe has helped to calm her down a lot in the early days.

for feeding, i totally agree with xoxo. after a certain time, just don't feed altogether. when they are hungry the next meal, you get a much better behaviour. for Min, thankfully we have already established since we started introducing semi-solids at 7 mths that all her food will have to be taken in her highchair. no chair means no food. of course we make exceptions lah. like when teething, she's cranky, then we carry her and feed. but if no good reason like this, it's always in the chair. same as the car seat. these 2 are non-negotiable. cos we already lost the stroller war. so i am bent on keeping the ruls on the two chairs.
and if she is still eating (very unwillingly) after 45mins we stop feeding. so far that has panned her rather well. I have not let her feed herself yet since i think she will eventually learn that in school and she has her whole life to feed herself. so am just happy to indulge her for now. she's still my baby afterall!

fully agree about the wearing them down with sports part. only thing is Min goes to Aquaducks swimming class, but when class ends, she doesn't wanna get out of the pool!!! hehe... but she'll nap very well once we get home and have her showered and changed and fed. this is one class we don't have to drag her to and she is more than happy to jump in.

aiya no need to lose weight lah. figure it out after #2, if you're gonna have a #2. hehe... that's my excuse and am totally indulging myself at the moment.
angelina: my girl's at the northstar branch.. so is josh starting to adjust better now?

xoxo: chk with u, since dre is still on bm, does it really help with her immunity? as in she won't fall sick as easily after entering cc?

oricule: did u consider learning vision, also at ibp? i heard it's quite good there.. somemore very new..
i am happy to see this thread so alive! keep it up gals... :D

jadebelle > i won't really know to what extent bm helps or not. i continue giving her bm cos that's what we are both so used to already and it was her call from the beginning. plus, she has a milk protein allergy that makes even soy milk iffy - so i'd very little choice. touch wood, she hasn't fallen sick in cc. last week, i'd the flu bug myself and every member in the hsehold fell sick becos of me (sian)..but she only came down with the runny nose for a day and was ok after that. i suppose they say that when the mother is sick, she produces the antibodies for the babe and so the babe is less sick? whatever. i did take the doc's advice to give her probiotics though. maybe that helps.

hippo > is your new help arriving soon? maybe min's teething = wanting to eat blended stuff?

babyMax > hilarious! i love the "helpless" going to collide, going to collide bit... :p Dre's raging at the teacher involved covering her ears, shaking her head furiously, and finally, screaming at the teacher to stop stop STOP!!! hahahaha..the teacher is really traumatised. can tell the teacher doesn't like Dre! and i can't blame her for that... :p

gal > do read baby-led weaning. they have quite a few gd tips to manage mealtime issues. u don't have to subscribe to it all the way. we started Dre on that and it went well - then my panadol maid that got fired went to spoil it all by following her abt the hse with the spoon (when she started walking); once we decided that wouldn't do, we have not looked back since. all the best and hopefully your mealtime issues will be resolved soon!

glass > beyond the "brand", if the vibe is good..go for it! I am thinking of sending dre to a mandarin playgroup in the afternoon but met with strong resistance from my ah lao who is worried it's a case of "too many classes". that i've to agree...we cannot go overboard, it's so easy to sign up for classes but i am a tad concerned that that's not exactly the best way going forward. so it's back to the day-to-day effort to ensure she's conversant in english as well as mandarin etc.

ting > sure sounds like KD is traumatised. how long would u give for KD to be settled before deciding that wouldn't do? are the folks at ibp attentive and caring? did u notice the unhappy kids before?
xoxo/hippo :
thanks. will google and read up. will try to be calm and repeat firmly. he seem to eat well at nanny's place today. other than refusing yakult and his fav banana.

babymax: the soccer thing sounds really fun
. (any pics / video taken? share share? :D )
hullo hullo!

how are you all?

been busy at work to even breathe! ha.. anyway.. let me see...

adjustment to childcare issues?
Xoxo: i am not an ideal person to ask.. coz my stand with Bao is.. let him cry it out. .. of course in between i bribe (promise sticker ah, chocolate ah, icecream ah...) if he doesn't cry.. the thing with bao.. he still cries!! ha.. dun ask me how i survived it.. i dunno! we have long figured out that is his nature.. anxious and wants comfort.. the moment i turned to leave , he stops his antics and ok laio! in the evenings.. i pick up a happy chirpy boy.. i asked this chirpy happy boy.. 'you had fun in school?' (replies 'yes!') want to go to school tmorrow? (replies 'yes!').. will you cry? (replies 'no!').. bullshit. next day starts again.. habitual so i let him fuss. and i REMIND him in the evenings that he was notti in the day and he resists and protest.. but i still make it a point to remind him!! ha.. so i am a bad mama!

sometimes it is really the nature of the kid.. for bally, i haven't start childcare.. till i start planning for #3 i suppose.. he attends gug with elgin.. and bally is soooo different from bao.. he goes about his daily biz with confidence and gung-ho ness.. i am beginning to think if i put both of them at the same place.. thisbally wil race ahead, and sshouot 'byebye mama!' while his whining elder bro will hug my leg and keep whining 'hug me mama. kiss me mama..'gosh. why do i have such different sons? ok. god is fair :p

angelina: i know it is easier said that done.. kids feel our anxieties.. so, smart josh might have picked up the anxieties of him and his relationship with jordon.. and thereby reacting to it even more.. def not easy dragging a whiny boy to school. but press on.. things dun get stuck in a rut forever (yes.. even with bao :p) you can do it one..stay positive.. josh WILL stop one of these days.. u got to keep your cool with you..
there were (many) times bao would lie on the floor outside my flat.. yeap. no typo error here. and all the neighbours clustered and jeer at the boy for not wanting to go to school. i feel like shouting at them 'get lost!'.. of course i didn't.. then i literally dragged bao to school.. his shirt and pants black. his knees scaped.. so u cannot imagine how bad it was last time? now no more such early morning dramas. but he is not the chirpy bird kind to go to school happily.. so ya.. i know how u feel..

Glass: ha.. bally is tall huh?.. i still find him a shortie.. :p

that day.. bally was playing with his food.. feed him he spits it out.. feeds him another he spits it out again.. purposely one.. i warned him. he doesn't pay heed to my warning.. so what did i do? i flicked at his cheek!
ha. then the petulant terror started his act. he started SCREAMING and SHOUTING while crying.. but of the former two to show his anger and displeasure than the crying.. v v v obvious.. wun stop wor.. 30 minutes on his high chair.he shuots and screams.. then i fed up.. made him stand at one corner. he wants to run away. i lifted him up and made him stand there. the terror continue screaming.. and screaming.. then i tell him 'if u dun stop. u can continue to stand there and scream'.. the moment he stopped to catch his breath.. i carried him away (else really stand there crying!). ha.. ok. so it was astro 0 bally 0.. great.. this boy is worse than his bro.. haiz.. it was bao 0 and astro (infinity) all the time1 hahaha. then after the nap. the terror woke up all smiles and giggles! schizoprenic!

BabymaX: i think the boy is still tired.. hence he is grouncy despite the nap. how long he sleep?

angelina: try this? make the two bros wear matching clothes or identical shirts? apart from looking very cute..another purpose here..
i tell them 'look! u are wearing the same.. you are brothers!'.. bao and bally get very excited wearing the same design! hahaha..
Hi Astro >> He slept for 2 hours already wor...and still wake up like that every nap time. He's on one nap a day. starts from mid afternoon to about 2pm...sometimes 2.30pm...but still wake up like that. Somemore wake up himself...One minute awake and ok, the next just turned into a grizzly bear, and whiny. Not sure what happened.
xoxo : we went to CH 3 days in the rows before making our decision. n josh was playing happily through out. but once he starts on day 1, everything was changed. last week i kept him accompany for 1 hour every single day. the teacher said its really improving. josh is actually behaves better after i left

happyhippo : yesterday i actually tried not sending him to the cc. the moment he step out the house without me then he start to cry, wail n roll on the floor. same like what Astro describe on Bao
but at the end of the day, the teacher said that he never cry for the whole day n followed what the teacher asked him to do

ting : i feel u !!!!!! but now he's better , pray pray pray it will stay like this

astro : i remember u told me this story before, way before we even give birth to oct babies ;p
anyway, reading about Bao makes me laugh, cause thats exactly what Josh did few days back. n i can really imagine like what u said bout Bally n Bao go to school together. one is happily saying bye bye while the other clinging on ur leg :D
angelina > yep...pray it will get better! kids are notoriously tough to predict..so i suppose we just have to remain calm and serene through it all - it WILL get better! ;)

astro > nah, how can u say u are a bad mama? i think u are firm..hahaha, if #3 is a girl..i just wanna see if u will morph into astro the soft hearted? hey..when are u planning for #3...i am stuck thinking next yr, the yr after next, the yr after the next the next, or never...miss u lah...hope u have time to meet up or something...

famela >wah..u must jio me to spend right? looks interesting..but where can u buy the helmet? Dre has a tricycle that looks alot like this but minus the pedals. she loves it so hmm...*smoke rising out of my pocket*

gal > meditate...u are a christian right? try meditation...it is helping me cope.
xoxo: I saw some helmets at toys r us. Not sure if they have small size for our toddlers though cos wasn't really looking for 1 the last time I was there. but sure can find one ah. I buy bike first. Hahahaa! :D

MOQ already met but Chief Shark said can still accept some last minute orders, so be quick if you want to grab one yah?

These look too fun la, cannot resist. Though now I'm beginning to worry abt storage. Cos it's already 1 bike, 1 tricyle, 1 ezy roller n I scooter at home.... N counting. It's q clear that i'm a wheels-junkie - anything to help me drain out some of that energy from my energizer bunnies. :p Think I better sell of something to make space!
babymax: does ur boy sleep well? as in.. does he have any signs of nose blockages?
coz.. sometimes.. their nose is chronically blocked.. just like teng.. so without adequate oxygen .. sometimes the quality of sleep is not that good. so they wake up still grouchy..
bao is also like that.. he will be at times, angry.. other times . happy. sot one the boy.
bally is forever happy.. his nose is ok..

famela: the bike looks interesting. i am thinking to get one for bao instead! but no pedals one huh? that's why it is called glide bike? wheel junkie... hmm. how many cars you have then? .. kekekek :p

Angelina: tough it out lah. seriously. retracting now might be worse? i mean i dunno. i know how tough it is.. so hang in there..

haiz.. i think that scene is seriousy going to come true.. hahaha

BUT today. and for the past two days. the grouchy bao.. didn't fuss. and do his drama mama.. and insisits to hug/kiss/ whatever not me.. and just said 'byebye!' and went to his teacher! wow.. let' see if this continues..

xoxo: been swarmed with work.. i am thinking.. come july. then after that.. i will turn part time.. so that i can coach bao who will go to P1 in 2013.. a year ahead of his 2007 peers.. haiz.. i think bao will need some help then..
so maybe july i try lah.. but i am very overweight. almost like 15 plus kg over! haiz.. die!
if #3 is a girl... i think it would be interesting.. coz i enjoy boys a lot.. and i can punish them and they dun realy suffer too serious consequences. i think girls are petty..like i am.. :p maybe. need to be more intellectual when dealing with them?.. then i will need to seek help from u liao! hahahaha
sms u again. when my precious two weeks break come about in June..

we shouold arrange a 2009 outing!!!! been like ages right?! i think it would be soooo fun to see all the toddlers now!!!

who's on for the outing?!
@astro It's said that the glider is best to help train kids to go ride a 2-wheeler. Supposed to help them learn balance 1st before pedaling cos pedaling is easier than the balancing part. I experienced this personally with Adil when I took of his training wheels to teach him ride on 2 wheels. He had no concept of balancing at all! Cos he's so used to taking off with both feet on the pedals. So it was rather backbreaking labour on my part la.

I'm getting one for Ana but I know Adil will want to monopolize so I'm getting one for him too.

Unfortunately, my humble teacher's salary (only 3/4 of it summore!) is only enough to afford miniature wheels. Ahakz. I only haf 1 car, n only 2 doors. N even that is not mine! I have many different 'chauffeurs' driving me around everyday though. Hyundai Sonata, Toyota Crown.. Even a merc! :p
Thanks Astro. I think my little one is also sot. Some days, he will wake up with a dazed look on his face. When I greet him in the morning, he has the look that says "huh...you talking to me ah...". Ok then, I shall tough it out as with all other of his antics last 18 months. And pray its a phase. Gasp, don't tell me its teenage angst come early! hahahahahaha
xoxo: well, my maid pulled a stunt on me while Amelie was very ill. She told me on a Thurs that she wanted to leave that very Sun! To join her husband who was going to Kalimantan to work! (And of course, over time we have realised that she has been using our house phone to make phone calls when we are out but I can overlook that as long as she gets her stuff done.) It really added to my headache cos I had a very sick kid, and my husband was going away for 2 weeks! Anyway, managed to negotiate for her to stay till 5 Jun. While we are getting new help, we've signed her up for full day CC anyway. I just hope the CC works out. I am not 100% satisfied based on what I see but we are making do for now. So far I have not seen anything in this area that I really like.

I expect Amelie to ask for the helper at least for a few days. BTW I don't think Dre will be much smaller than A. And I think A must have fat genes. Eat so little, and yet can look like that. Could feel that she was much lighter after her long episode of sickness - well, she more or less fasted for 2 weeks!

I suspect A will be a bit like Dre and just look and refuse to participate, cos she spends a lot of time staring at other people.

Hippo: my mother said the same thing! About the fave parent not being the one to drop the kid off! She said that 100% my hubby can't be the one. A going to full day CC, so I think will be very stressful for her. Not sure how well she will take to it even though I am psyching her up for it by bringing her to the CC to peek, playing with the kids at the playground, letting her watch Elmo DVD on going to school and reading books on school.

I notice over the past couple of months that A has been very insecure. But for no apparent reason. While she used to be happy going down the slide on her own, she wants to hold hands now. Even in the house, must walk around holding hands. Can't go to bed happily by herself like she used to. I can't understand the reason for this as it started even before the upcoming changes.

BabyMax: A used to have the problem of waking up and crying but that was when she was on 2 naps. She would wake up from her mid afternoon nap around 4+ or later crying and wailing. After I changed to one nap after lunch it improved. Could be a case of not enough sleep yet.

Atro: people always say mummies are nicer to boys and daddies dote on gals. Does this mean that you will be even firmer with a girl?! I would like to see how things turn out when you have a girl!

Angelina: I think the BP has some threads on family tees, you can take a look.
morning mummies!

funzee > Glad to hear that A is much better now..she looked really ill in the FB pic...and for the maid to announce then that she wanted to leave, that's simply horrid! i hope u have found the replacement and she turns out better than this one! i had the "end-of-the-world" feeling when my first maid turned out to be a panadol addict...but it's a blessing in disguise: the second was way better than the first in terms of temperament and she has managed to catch up in cooking (which was the domain of the first) so i'd say, silver lining! any chance for u to look beyond where u stay? near yr office?

Dre has small genes - both SF and I aren't big-sized, so I don't expect her to be tall or big or anything like that. Dre takes awhile to warm up to a new environment/people - just like A? But don't worry, as long as there is a caring soul there and once they are used to it, they will be fine.

babymax > Dre "stones" in bed when she wakes up...i think it's normal lah..cos..even i do it! *sheepish*

famela > hahaha, you have many chauffeurs indeed! we asked Dre if she wanted this glide bike thing and she said no! asked her three more times thru'out the day and she still said no. asked her why and she said there's a heavy hat ref to the pic of the glide bike with the helmets! this gal doesn't really like to wear hats and things like that. guess she will miss out on the fun of it then! thanks once again for the heads-up...i can see the Dad wants it..for himself? agree..it's too hard to resist! muahahaha...

astro > work is heating up for me too. i've got two launches in july/aug to work on and come aug, Dre might move to a different class and that means i might hv to settle her in a new environment etc. chk yr whatsapp for an update..
hi mommies,

check with you all. tis coming Sat i will bring my son go for chicken pox injection. is there anyone taken tis jap and any side effects? read website some scary effect brain inflamation and nerve disorder. scary leh...
<font color="0000ff">Morning mummies,

woohoo, this thread is alive again!!

<font color="ff0000">funzee</font>
So mean of your maid to give you such short notice esp when A was sick. But i guess this happens all the time, coz afterall, it's not their own family. They think that they can leave as and when they want.

I, on the other hand, terminated my maid earlier then discussed. She was supposed to help me till end of May then Malcolm goes to CC, but something happened last Tue, and wed morning, MIL told me something, so decided to send her off earlier.

Fri, I just told her to pack up her stuff and sent her to the agent. Heng she didnt try to pull any stunts. In fact, I sensed that she was quite pleased and relieved to be able to go the agent and work for the new employer sooner. She smiled and packed her stuff really quick (we were out of the hs within 45min).

So far, Malcolm has only asked for her twice and I don't see much difference in his behaviour. Only thing I noticed was that, he seems to be more jumpy and cries in the middle of the nite. I would attribute this to her leaving bah, coz no other changes.

Would like to ask, do your kids cry (like as though they just had a nitemare) inconsolably in the middle of the nite - juz keep screaming n screaming?

Malcolm will be starting cc this coming Mon. I hope all is well coz he seems really clingy and not so independent these days...</font>
Hi! Today I went for a dental check-up, and brought A along as what xoxo suggested some time ago. Dentist said it was a good idea (pat pat, xoxo), so she would not be scared next time it is her turn. A was frightened though, and started to protest, maybe cos she heard us say "Doctor". She was calmed down by stickers and eventually we got her to sit in my lap and the dentist was kind enough to demo the chair to her. I doubt A would let her check her teeth though. Hard enough for us to brush her teeth as it is. Anyway, if you are going to a dental check-up, do bring your kiddy along!

xoxo: actually I thought that pic was not too bad already. She was worse in person. Really so ill that one day, she couldn't even sit up. Just flopped backwards when I sat her against my bolster.

About the maid thing... seems like it is going to be a really long wait before I get new help. Also don't know if the new help will be as good. This help is very smart and efficient. Or as we all conclude, too smart for us lah. Actually she has been popping my panadols too! Without informing me. Apparently she suffers from headaches (I suspect it is also the family problems that she hears about when she makes those illicit phone calls). Think it will be a challenge for me after she leaves, but just take it as it comes lah.

ilovemaxmax: Could it be night terrors?

About the glider: think it is a very dad thing.... my hubby went to claim for one using his miles. It's been sitting in my study cos A is too short to use it, and as I pointed out to him, she can't even move forward on her ride on (which she hates anyway!). Think it might be many more months before we can take it out.
glide thingy :
i am so tempted. was looking at y-bike the other time but didn't buy. let me buy a trike first :p next round if have glider bulk purchase can let me know?

ilovemaxmax : it happened once or twice where my boy will suddenly cry and was inconsolable. still don't know what happened. other times are i suspect tummy ache, when that happens we just give aniseed (similar to gripe water) or probiotics (lacteol). his molars are out so i don't think its teething for mine. is Malcolm's molars out?

@ Nanny around Simei area :
Asking for a friend. Anyone has any nanny (not confinement nanny, but the nanny that takes care of kids for long term) near Simei to recommend? TIA!
xoxo :
thanks. he is better behaved these few days. :p right after his daddy say "WEIIII" when he was throwing one of his out of the blue tantrums. *phew*. :p
gal > you are so cute - "..anyone has any nanny (not confinement nanny...)..." muahahaha..for a moment, u know what i was thinking! ;)

funzee > are u supplementing probiotics for A? i usually double the dose when Dre gets her allergic runs to cow's milk in the past and the doc says that is good whenever our kids come down with severe diarrhea...i didn't know A's condition was so bad. What a nasty bug! For us, we did think abt coping without a maid but realised that's not being practical. It's a human resource issue - just like if we have staff under us who cmi, after they resign or are fired, does it mean u go without that human head count? before we had a kid, we did not have a maid and for close to 1/2 yr after Dre came along, we still did not have one. but i felt quartered on all ends and simply didn't have time to do my parenting and work matters well if i'd to cope with housework esp cooking....and whereas in the past i'd merrily dine out at restaurants, we can't do that with Dre and tingkat simply cmi.

gemson > every vaccine has potential side effects. u can ask the dr for the leaflet that accompanies each jab and read the contraindications. of course the doc will tell u the likelihood of those remain v slim. that risk is always relative. u'd hv to make up your own mind abt the risks vs benefits u want to take. in particular, for CP - the doc ran a blood test on Dre and found that she has the antibodies (meant she kena already from the episode eons ago)..but since her reaction to the CP invasion wasn't severe, i.e. she exhibited initial rash and high fever but the rash did not go on to become blisters; it really is an open qn mark if the jab wld do her any good. u might also want to know that in particular, CP vaccines do not confer lifelong immunity - after 5 yrs the efficacy goes down and protection levels are varied - around 90% and even as low as 70% in some countries. additionally, beyond vaccine injuries, a CP vaccine once administered can also lead to shingles in infants and there is a definite causative link in countries using the varicella jab and their infant shingles rates. there is also this thing called the breakthru' CP after the jab is administered. last bit, if u do give your kid the jab, be sure to keep him away from pregnant women, young infants as the vaccine contains a live virus (not all do) for at least a week in event of any breakthru' CP which is contagious.
thks gal &amp; xoxolight.i have called PD and ask and i decide to let him inject CP. PD advise do not send him to CC for a week coz might out few after this inject.
funzee: how do you brush A's teeth? Whenever I try to get my son to brush his teeth, he will put the toothbrush in, move it about for a while, then bite it. Unfortunately, he refuses to spit it out. He doesn't want me to give him water to rinse. Any ideas?
glass: funny why you ask me about brushing teeth leh! It's a daily battle with her! For a while she liked it but she is now in a phase (I am hoping it is a phase) where she doesn't enjoy it. We've gone through the holding her down and her screaming phase, the try-to-rationalise with her phase by telling her that she will have smelly mouth and no one will talk to her phase. Also tried giving her one brush and me taking another. I think it is normal to bite the brush. Wow, Elgin is doing great, brushing on his own! A will take the toothbrush and quickly suck all the toothpaste and do nothing. I will still brush her teeth after that. And she can't figure out how to spit. So I am sorry, no ideas here for you for now.

xoxo: you reckon yakult counts as probiotics? Been giving her once every other day.
funzee > sure, yakult is a probiotic drink. BUT, it is high in sugar (1.5tsp or 11.4g) when the recommended limit for toddlers below 3yo is 8tsp, and less if u can help it.

gemson > yep, good that your PD has the sense to advise u to keep him home after the jab.
funzee: so i guess it's common for them to swallow the toothpaste. I tried demonstrating last night, but he only knew how to giggle and laugh. After that, still swallow the thing. I'm only concerned that he might have swallowed a bristle that came loose.
funzee/glass : my boy same same. love to eat the toothpaste :p so i put "very little". he will take and suck the toothpaste. some days he will be busy doing something and i get to brush. some days i brush with ease. sometimes a squirming angry baby (do it fast :p).

xoxo : i wish i needed one :p but ... nope. heheh. :p
Xoxo: looks like bm still is good in terms of building child's immune system..

Brushing teeth: my girl also likes to suck the toothpaste only and close mouth really tight making brushing v hard. I just try to make her say ahhh during brushing so she can open mouth but still tough.. I bought the spiffles toothwipes recently and find it quite effective.. I will use it once a while cuz at least I can feel her teeth and make sure they are cleaned..

Probiotics: yakult contains probiotics but the amount is v little.. End up take in more sugar so better not take too often.. Might as well take it direct.. But my pd say it's not necessary to give on regular basis also..
jadebelle > if u are still bfg, just continue..if u are not, honestly, i don't think this bfg is a game-changer - i do it out of habit and also, it saves money. but i won't beat myself up over whether or not i am bfg. there are many ways to ensure a healthy immune system - diet, rest, environment (water, air) etc etc.

brushing teeth > i've been cleaning her gums and teeth since she was still a baby so she doesn't protest. she has been brushing her own teeth for awhile now but when we got her started using her toothbrush, we got her the same coloured toothbrush as her dad since she hero-worships him and will do almost every other thing he does. true enough, she very gamely used the toothbrush the same way. i'd a friend who got success using a battery operated one (u know how they like gadgets?). on those "off-days" where she is sloppy abt the brushing, i get her to hold her own toothbrush while i guide her.
Hi mommies! Happy Monday! Just checking in to let you know that my little one had his booster jap on Friday afternoon, and was not 100% afterwards. He can still run and fairly alert, but come meal time, it was a struggle. Not much appetite, and at one stage, vomitted out the porridge I fed him. So he skipped his swim class and soccer class over the weekend, and HK decided to pour rain over the same period, so as you can tell, having a grumpy and little ball of energy at home was almost quite a disaster. Come dinner time, I was so frazzled and ready to call it a day that when he started his antics of acting up, I really struggled to avoid snapping. Helper was off, daddy went down to grab dinner, and was just yours truly and the little monster. He just wanted to take his favorite fruit puree snack, refuse to take his dinner, and swiped everything off his highchair table. To say that I nearly breakdown is an understatement. I had to go one corner to regroup while still able to watch him but yet leaving him to wail in his highchair. I really don't know how the full time mums take it. Its patience test over and over again.

Ok enough of my whining. He did something amazing though (that is in my view lah). I tried to teach him hi 5 for ages, didn't get it, or he didn't have the motivation to do it. Then yesterday, I put up my palm, and he came across and hit it! Wah....so proud of him. Then when he wanted to go for his sleep, he say bye bye to all and wave his hands....awww.....

brushing teeth >> doesn't happen for him. He take the toothbrush, with the baby toothpaste on it, and proceed to move around his mouth, before sucking on it. After he has his "fun" with it, then I took over to brush his teeth. He will then guai guai open his golden mouth for me to do it, else....you can imagine..

xoxo >> sounds like its your brithday! Warmest birthday wishes from me as well!

Any mommies gave their little ones fish oil? How do you get them to take it? My little one does not like it...
babymax: doing hi 5 is an achievement! I had been trying to get mine to do it for the longest time. He would not high 5 just because you ask him to do so. There must be a special reason, like he had managed to complete a difficult task or some other task that I got him to do, then he would be very happy to do the high 5 with me only. And even then, he was actually doing a low 5 - fingers facing down instead of up. I think it was only just this week he was willing to high 5 other students in his class! (part of their greeting routine at gug).

The next thing I'm hoping he can do is to say more words.
babymax : good job malcolm!
*high 5*

fish oil as in the liquid type? I'm giving my boy scotts emulsion white colour type. what we do is we feed him then ask him to feed us. so it sort of incorporate the fun part. (and mummy n daddy gotta sacrifice and swallow it too :p..for our own good too)
Hi glass, gal! yes such a big achievement for my little one. He has a proud look on his face as well when we cheered him. OK, mine is the liquid one from the "Eye Q" series, and I tasted it myself and OMG! Darn fishy! I think I will stick to Scott Emulsion then. But still had to be really quick to feed him, else he sniffed it and its case gone for me.

Happy Tuesday!
Babymax and glass> i give my girl multi-vitamin, the liquid form by Appenton. this is because she is a very fuzzy eater and i afraid she does not have enough nutrients. But now im going to stop it cos i afraid she will go overweight...

i intend to send my daughter to sparkle tots this july, anyone had any comments over this cc? The main reason is she is extremely fuzzy eater and i hope in cc environment, she will have the peer pressure to eat her food. hopefully it will help a bit...she is now in the phrase when she like to copy what the same age children do...

ilovemaxmax> today should be the third day in cc for Malcom, hope he is doinf fine, jia you!!
Clarin: I've not given any multi vit

re toothpaste
I think I might have talked about this before, but I cannot remember. I had stopped getting my son to brush his teeth a few months back, because he broke out in angry rashes when he used the toothpaste.

I tried again recently, and the rashes are back, so I suspect he is allergic to some of the components, especially since he swallows the toothpaste instead of spitting it out.

I had been using Pigeon (orange flavour) if I'm not wrong.

Where can I buy toothpaste and any other brands to recommend?

<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Clarin</font>
Thanks for asking... he started crying as we turned into the car park and kept pointing to the other other direction and say 'Go'.

Cried even harder when teacher carried him over. I hope he's ok.. losing his voice liao.. dunno from all the crying or he's having sore throat, coz mummy here is down with sore throat!

<font color="ff0000">gal</font>
not sure abt the molars. Dun think so, coz my elder boy's molars juz came out only, so i dun think malcolm's ones are out yet.

<font color="ff0000">On Vitamins</font>
I'm giving the multi-vit from Hero Nutritionals and Omega 3 6 9 as well. Just ordered from iherb coz they finally got stock and can use the $5 off code for new customers. If anyway interested can get also. Shipping is a flat fee of US$4 for items not more den US$80 and weight less den 3lbs. Can use the code <font color="ff0000">NUL154</font> to get $5 off
With this code, effectively, shipping is free, and u get additional $1 discount off your items costs as well</font>
