(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

oricule: there are still some poorer families having large families, but in my line of work, I'm starting to see families with lower income who decide to have only 1 or 2, as they also cannot afford to have more.

regarding rebates and tax breaks, I'm just speaking for people in general. I had the working mother subsidy and a one off bonus, which were quite generous, but we could always hope for more. hee. I think despite the rebate, it is still a hefty sum for people who really need to have maid but don't earn much.

re childcare teacher,
my friend from our school wanted to be a teacher at one of the famous schools. She has a degree and earns a lot already. but they only offer her $2.4k. How to attract talents?
last time I had Indian teachers in my kindergarten, so I think their English not bad. One of my investment advisers used to be a kindergarten teacher, and she really cannot make it for English. Thank goodness she quit even though she is very caring.

Do you know why my first skool and pcf can charge so cheap? It's because they pay their teachers really low rates. i heard only about $1200 or so. Someone with N levels and just a pass in English (actually it's really low standard, very easy to pass) can be a kindergarten teacher. If these people have children, their entire salary gone already!!!

actualy i am appalled at the salary of early childhood teacher.In my opinion, the best paid teacher shld be early childhood coz these are the formative years, but sad to say, the best paid are the lecturers. And yes, the pay is miserable. Heard the centre supervisor (aka principal lah) has to repair light bulbs at some centres...and earn only like 4-6k?
Hi mummies,
Thank you everyone!!! Indeed I am very relief to heard that comments from the Doc.
I am looking forward for his growth developmemt and hope he can walk on his own in no time.

In fact yesterday, he is using the chairs to start to walk a few steps....
I am so delighted to see that is happening then...

What a naughty boy that has make me feel so worried for all these months... ;p
#2 is also a boy!!! So I m already anticipating running after two active boys... Haha

Agree on the childcare fees n it is indeed costly to hv 2 kids in full day childcare...that's why I m contemplating wif two kids, shld I become a SAHM to look after them and then go back to work when the kids r slightly older...not only the $$ bit but it's also pretty disruptive when I hv to take leave when L falls sick n I cldn't send him to childcare
Hiyo back, alot of posts when i just mia for few days haha lazy to read back all
Jamie: wa salute u ,I will nvr have4 haha the most 2

Joyce: congrat tts gd news jiayou

Glass: errrmm upon suggestions will it help? We r just small fly, even when I joined rc, our suggestion din get thru.

Ya miserable my Godbro wife a kindy Cher w pcf n pay ard 1200 but again coz tts the pay of dip holder, deg grad got more.76, no la not all lecturers pay higher then pri&sec chers. My pri n sec sch cher frds draw higher pay then me lor but uni lecturer definitely earn more
hello mummies! I love the cool weather now in SG! Had a great time with the little fella...not kite flying but cycling! :p

anyway, i received the invite to go for this MP-led forum on raising the birthrate ytd at east coast. there was makan after the forum...lasted about 2+ hrs. there were two or three Dads and i think one of the Dad said it right that if the govt is serious abt making parenthood a shared responsibility, things should not be given in piecemeal..but to be a whole lot more holistic (create better family centres near neighbourhoods such as soft-play areas in comm ctrs, free bfg consultations, FOC vaccines, and gasp, FOC season parking or FOC bus/train rides....) haha, i think some of u here hv really good ideas and shld have been a part of the feedback session ytd! quite sure the slimming one - though it may be popular, won't see the light of day for sure!

anyway, here's some feel abt what was said ytd:
1) make child-bearing part of a compulsory marriage counselling course - that way, a couple would have a good idea what sort of living arrangement / funds etc would be required. i agree with this - i would stop at 2 max.

2) mindset change (thru campaigns) for grad women. i think alot of my peers have yet to settle down. all are rather ambitious and career-minded - so good luck to the govt for that. after spending 20 years of your life mucking around for exams...would u suddenly want to give up a high-flying career..interesting thing was, the 2 MPs chairing the session are high-fliers and they kept saying..you can balance work-life...

3) I suggested giving a salary to one parent to PARENT the kid for 2 years - up to a max of 3 kids. what's the pt, i thought, of having children only to cart them off to second-rate caregivers? No offence to many here..but I think what the kids need most is not money, not clothes, not toys, not auntie, not granny but the Mummy or Daddy. So to make that happen realistically, is to give the parent that means to Stay-At-Home for 2 years at least. And ensure they are paid to do that cos SAH is not an easy thing to do and shouldn't be treated as free work. Take a long shot...kids brought up under the watchful eye of a loving parent are likelier to turn out better as adults, less delinquency etc. When asked how much was good enough, I replied, around $1,600 - or tied to a % of the sacrificial parent's last earned salary...this is with the view that most grad mums' opportunity cost is also higher.

4) One of the session's mums happened to be a biz owner and she grumbled that she had not one, but two mummies who left her employment after consuming all their maternity leave of 4 mths. guess some really spoiled the market, cos the MP agreed that this is actually one factor that's making it harder to up the burden from the employers.

5) CC cost..actually if u opt for govt CC centres i.e. PCF, it's really cheap and doable for most here. I don't think I can quibble too much here cos we are speaking of private operators who are there to make a profit in the free market...it's also obvious that despite the ridiculous fees, most of us here will guai guai pay those fees cos we believe it's the best for the kid. Best is, vote with your attendance..if u don't think that place deserve to charge that much, then don't send your kid there. Matter of time, the really bad ones will close shop. Otherwise, I really find it hard for operators to keep afloat..the rentals keep going up, the cost of food is up...so even if the teachers' salaries don't go up...there are many things sucking away at the bottom line.

English standard > One thing I'd like to say here abt the places I've visited before settling on CH. Degrees aren't everything k. Dre's teacher now is a Malay lady with just N-Levels (she's trying to work her way up to a Dip so good for her!) but guess what, her English is decent, she's very patient, pleasant and is really good with kids. I've visited a brand name place whose teachers were all Dip holders and the P was a graduate, evidenced by the honorifics attached in her namecard but goodness me, she ought to be sent back to kindergarten (what irony) to revisit her grammar! So don't tint expectations solely on qualifications...prolly the best thing is to get in touch with the actual teacher for your class and judge from there.

nlimm > even at $2,400/mth, doubt they can attract many degree holders....cos that fig is like the ceiling?

lucas > same here, i'd stop at two max. in fact, maybe i close shop already. one is enough with the scary inflation or else i don't have to save for old age liao.

joyce > your joy would be sweeter than most!! keep encouraging Nathan!

funzee > need a dictionary? hehe, don't be so modest lah..i am sure u are really powderful too! oops, what baggage?

76> not many value preschool education that much unfortunately. or they don't do the maths and realise that for peanuts (real peanuts ok), u get monkeys.

ting > good spotting there. for these sorta disbursements, i think they got to hire an army of pp to key in the credits. so june hols u'd see them recruiting part time data entry to help. govt dept not big enough!! hahaha...
hi all..
gloomy day today for me.. oh well.
bao has a high fever 39.6. he missed his ICR class and i missed my girls' night out.
got a whacking from a colleague.. and now to learn that japan has earth quake.. bad things come in threes?in a span of a day, i beat that no... let's see what else comes my way..

congrats joyce and lucas.

xoxo: ur suggestion is a gd idea.
re english standard
Well, Malays and Indians seem to have a natural advantage when it comes to speaking English. I have more of them who do well in English compared to Chinese students. So far, most of the teachers I've encountered at gug are non-Chinese, except the language teachers.

There are certain ways of teaching children, and taking a diploma or a degree in childhood education is definitely beneficial.

There is totally no link that they will speak better English if they have diplomas or degrees. It also does not mean that they will be better teachers. They are just more aware of certain skills and development stages of children.
Hi mummies!

Wow! Serious stuffs going on here! When it comes to this, I have lots to say! Was sharing with a fellow mummy on fb on this too. Maybe some mp shld drop by the forum often to hear the truth...oops

Honestly, it's really a chicken and egg issue and the macro topic on our economy needs. Unfortunately, our economy is not quite the same as many European countries (but look at their economies now, they are definitely not doing well). Our economy cannot afford to lose manpower hours and everything is about efficiency and productivity. So, that's why we cannot have men taking too many paternity leave especially when the women are already given that 4 months. So, unless our govt is willing to let go a bit on the productivity bit (which is IMPOSSIBLE), then childbirth rate is unlikely to increase.

Actually, I kind of like the idea that European countries like Germany is doing. All children's education all the way to first degree is paid by the govt. But then again, it would mean higher tax rate. No tax rebate or any bonus for us. And we are talking about tax rate up to 40%! This can't work here because 1) sure tio complain by the ppl especially those unmarried ppl (but then again, it will encourage them get married so that they won't lugi the money?) 2) We are not a welfare state (can't blame me..I am an SS teacher. Ask me all abt Singapore and the idea of Welfare). But we actually could do something similar. Instead of tax, maybe we can look at CPF? More govt contribution and allowing us to use CPF to pay childcare related stuffs (and not 'borrow' money from there to pay for uni fees and make the kids return when they start to work). It's supposed to be savings anyway. Think recently, the govt is actually subsidising companies part of the CPF contributions if they employ older workers, so it means, govt can also do the same if it's childcare related?

And I definitely concur with xoxo on the number of singles around. I have hit the 3 and believe it or not, being married already put me in the minority among my peers! And when it comes to finding LOVE, I am sorry, govt can't do much. And unfortunately, it's because of our education system that resulted in the increasing sophistication of women yet men can't keep up.

Anyway, it's just some thoughts because I, for one, wanted to stop at one when I had Kay only. Now with small K, I want to stop at two. I actually wanted 4 initially but really, unless I earn like 10k a month, I think I can just forget about it. Also, money aside, I already feel super bad that Kay has to share attention with meimei and she is not as close to me as before because of meimei, having another child is definitely out of the question. And this intangible bit cannot be rectify by any $$ and only time can help.
Glass: I so need ur point #12! why r u not my mp??

Joyce: I'm so happie for Nathan! Encourage him more, I think he is going to surprise u even more soon!
Xoxo: work life balance? I cant stand this term! No way high fliers can balance. They need lotsa luck (with the bosses) and help from maids n parents. I'm just brutally honest. Perhaps a poll can be done to see how many weekend parents (those who leave kids with parents on weekdays) are there in Singapore? I don't call this balance. So, the definition of this term is ambiguous.

Hee... Btw u hv u great ideas there (love the one in giving grant to parent if they stat at home) y u not mp also?
Astro: chin up girl! It's just one of those days. Hope bao get well soon. As for japan, monitor these few days. Have u booked the tickets? If uncomfortable just change destination. Australia is great for kids too but not too sure if they hv recovered from the floods.
astro > sorry for the blues but it's probably a good idea to postpone yr trip. major road tunnels hv given way. u wanted to go to urayasu and then to fuji? there's a major pass from there that has been damaged. i am trying to reach my friend in chiba. we stayed at his home just last month, facing the pacific coast. i understand from another colleague in tokyo, that spot - boso, has been hit by e tsunami. now praying he is fine but can't help feeling a rising sense of panic. very upsetting night indeed. good thing is, those in tokyo are all ok.

tien > i find that term out-of-touch too esp to us who's living thru' the day-to-day grind of child minding.
wana check anyone intending or knws hw to renew maid's contract? Do i inform the agency or i just do myself??Mine ending Oct, thinking of renewing hers..but not sure if she is willing coZ she ever said she missed her kids when i 'tested water'. Her current pay is $350 (with going out once a mth)..Any tips in enticing her to stay? Increase salary to??? How does$400/mth sound, with air tix back to visit family for a week.If she dunwan, then i start to reduce time to 9mths, followed by 8mth, 7mths...etc etc...
For the maid the easiest is $$$. Depends on whether she knows the new contracts are starting at $480 (am not sure if this is cast in stone or just rumoured). If so u may have to match that or u prolly hve to fork out this much for the new one anyway.
To me, if the help is good and is someone you can trust, then i would raise to a reasonable amt to retain her rather than risk having to get a new one, which is prolly gonna not be good.
hippo/76: not rumoured. official. new indonesian helper wtih zero experience needs $450.

76: if u want to retain ur current helper, u need to up her salary quite a fair bit already.
in fact mine.. i have to increase her pay by a $100 because she has experience (flipino)

xoxo: ya. i know.. with the nuclear thingy going on.. i also dunno how.. miser checked. cancellation no penalty due to the quakes..

anyway. there goes Japan..

anyone has any recommendations for kids and adults? preferably cool places.. and clean.. i can't imagine staying in SG while my helper goes home for that week..:S
76 > There's a good link here abt DIY. Another way is just to call the embassy and MOM, find out the procedures. I have heard it's just a little bit of legwork, and u can save some money w/o having to go thru' an agency. http://singaporemaid.blogspot.com/2008/02/renewing-maids-work-permit-and-passport.html

astro > i was supposed to be there today, i managed to get the tix for the two fellas open-dated indefinitely. v sian for u too. my friend only managed to tell everyone he was safe last evening. they are experiencing aftershocks like, every hr? how abt s.korea, hk, shanghai, beijing, hanoi (elephant sanctuary, halong bay, has wintery areas in sapa), macau.....ha..or take a trip to europe. some of the deals look really good.
astro > just struck me...osaka should be ok. why don't you divert your trip to osaka? the surrounding areas are also nice...such as kyoto? or even himeiji! with the volcano erupting at kyushu, fukuoka is out of the pic unfortunately...
Thank you tien & gal^!!!

Re: Maid
My maid has agreed to work for me for another 2 years. Her current salary is only $340 and that is all I can afford her now.
In fact, she is also aware of the recent news on salary increasement.
I am still struggling how much should I give her.
Because currently half of my salary goes to her.... $340 (salary) + $170 (levy) + $200 (expenses)....
Please advise... thank you!
Joyce > You have a good-hearted maid who obviously ranks her familiarity with your household as being more important than money. My second maid joined us and within 2 months, there was all these news of Indon maids earning a starting pay of $450. She knows about it and I spoke to her about it. I was amazed (by Singaporean standards..how we would badger our bosses) that she declined my knee-jerk reaction to pay her more and insisted we kept to our contract- I pay her $380 and this for someone who has had 8yrs of working exp in SG, and 6yrs in Taiwan. So I show my appreciation by getting her superb roti prata, buying gong cha for her, a snack here and there from wherever.. getting cute writing stationery for her to use and so on..haha..u get the idea.

Maybe you can work in an extra off-day for your maid instead of using upping her salary? Or bring her out for a treat whenever u can? Sometimes, I like to think that money is not everything.
xoxo: I guess it's true about the permanently distracted. By the time you want to worry about the 4th kid, already been there done that. You will be worried about first kid's schooling. I think the 4th kid even gets to eat dirt off the ground.
just to check on speech

my son had been making sounds like ohhhh, ooohhh, ahhh, etc to communicate. He only says words like ba (referring to everyone and himself), and now he seldom says 'ball' anymore.

how do your child communicate?
i think i am quite mean compared to you guys...coz i have heard of too many nasty stories about maid.
1) I have seldom leave her alone at home (for the almostt 2 yrs she is here, at most 3-4x alone but that is i give her tasks to do before i return in less than 1 hr)heard of maid sleepign on employers' bed when they not in.
2) She pays for her own toiletries eg pad, shampoo etc
3) She puts her hp that is swtched off in my study room. Only takes out at night to sms only. She can call once a mth but at night
4) She also seldom goes out, except for that once a month outing, coz when we go out, we deposit her at IL house. We dun take her out...coz i dunwan my boys to think she is part of my family. And i rather carry the things myself..yes tough..but i think that is to let me know the true reality of having 2 kids.
my boys are catching up. They din speak till quite late, wch make me worry..onmly at 16mth did they start talking..now they are 18+...coz i know other kids speak at 1yr..Now, they say mama, papa,ah ma,auntie, uncle, car, lorry, bus (but just 's'), yue-liang, moon, star, gege, yogurt (gurt gurt), umbrella (um-dada), ball, banana, apple...something like that...
Hi Xoxolight, ya I am thinking of giving her off day every 2-3 month. And you are right maybe can get her some other things as well...
I had once asked her to re-born her hair as it was super messy..... Hahaha... of course I had paid on all the expenses incurred..

Hi 76, can understand your worries... Because my maid handle all my 3 kids and my mother-in-law. I dun think I can afford to be mean to her....
4 lives are in her hands....
yup, different pple have differnet ways of treating maids..as long as the maid feels fairly treated and she is still happy with it, i guess it shld be ok ba... Maybe my 'lower than norm' standard in treating her now, gives me more room to 'up' the remuneration package to retain her? Say, now instead of call home once a mth, she can call home every week? Or instead of every mth day off, she can go off 1 more day?I am sure she has heard of the pay rise from frens, but i have not spoken to her abt it..and she din ask...i suppose we will leave it as it is. think she is quite good in that sense lah.Oh yes, i wake up early randomly at 5plus to spot check on what she is doing too. But of coz i pretend to loiter around lah, not to say upfrotn "I am spot checking" just let her know that i am not dead asleep.
But generally i think she can be trusted..so far, spot checked, nothing suspicious. But still cant let my guard down..Even in schools, Principal conducts spot check by walking round the school, let alone maids, if we think abt it. I sound like an evil monster. but never mind.my hubby also thinks i am too suspicious...oh yes, i also randomly spotcheck by calling his office when he says he OT till 11pm..so i will call at 1030pm and spotcheck..i also check his sms OPENLY and help him reply SMS. It is a habit already...so he is used to it..I think i v jialak..but must have strategy to do it "nonchalantly" anad yet achieve the secret motive..wahahahhhaa....(evil laughter)
<font color="0000ff">Hey mummies, I just needed to check if any ur kids are going through their terrible twos stage now?? Malcolm is at the most stubborn stage where even after hitting him on the thighs (whole thigh red with my handprints, he still can continue doing whatever he was doing).

Also do they have a period whereby they'll dream and cry all nite round??

Malcolm is sleeping with me these days. And he's been crying the whole nite. Almost every hr or even shorter intervals at times. I know he's dreaming coz he will keep shouting, sometimes say 'ball', den 'NO' den scream n cry... or else he will scream.. den suddenly clap his hands and laugh.

It's disrupting hb n my slp greatly. Though I'm quite surprised how come Max can sleep through all these screaming and crying...

Anyone experiencing all these as well???</font>
ilovemaxmax: my son will cry sometimes in his sleep.

if Malcolm keeps waking up, is he getting proper rest? Check whether he has dark circles.

Do you mean terrible twos start so early? I know sometimes I cannot handle him. I'll hit his palm and tell him not to do, but I think hitting him constantly doesn't work.
76: ok, I'll be hopeful that he will say a few words soon. He had said 'purple' 'rubberband' 'star' before, but after repeating once or twice, he stopped. That was many weeks ago.

Now it's just grunts and ahhhhhs

I'm super bored!!! I'm supposed to go MacRitchie today, but it's cancelled due to the rain.

Checking on ID and spying on people who live in the same place that I've bought. I'm really bored!!!

76: I think you are just too bored! If I'm busy I won't have time to spy on people.
76: I'm just curious. How do your two boys communicate with each other? Baby talk? Do you think they understand each other well? Is there a dominant person already?
hahah, i am not bored..got things to do lah..just that i already put 'system' in place liao..i even have 3 cameras beaming in my house, even though mum is around to supervise.

They comminicate by fighting, snatching, staring..of coz they understand each other well..coz when one comes, the other can sense the 'terror' and start to take the book/toy away fearing the other will snacth... dominant person yes, the younger one. He got a mind of his own, and gorgor is the follower...I sometiems wonder if there is anything wrong with gorgor's mental ability...he really copycat. Didi wants a book, he also takes, didi dunwan the book liao, he also give up on that book...didi says ahhh, he also says ahhh..didi throws things, he will follow..really no mind of his own.
glass : my boy is not speaking much at all. only consistent ones are ball, open, no more. rest are babbles.

he doesn't seem to recognise any body part. either that or he knows..but doesn't want to do it. If i ask him to clap his hands, he will. Ask him where is his eyes (no reaction), where is his nose (no reaction), where is his fingers (no reaction), where is his hands (no reaction)
. Just bought a body part poster. First thing he does is touch the baby's eyes. Tips..anyone?

ILMM : yeah, he cries at night too. normally around 10, midnight, 1am, 4/5am. but he sucks his thumb back to sleep. I am hoping its just a phase.

astro : Australia farm stay should be quite enjoyable.
does he like to sing song? There is this song on "My toes, my knees, my shoulders, my head" with actions, which you can teach. google you-tube.For me, i just keep asking him the same body parts and then during conversation will ask him. But it's only 1-2 body parts per day..and u focus on those 2 body parts..even read story book, u also ask same body parts...so its like the theme for today is nose...then everythign is on nose. then when u feed porrdge, u ask, wow, the porrdge is so fragrant..can u use ur nose to smell,...then u demo sniff sniff..somethign like that.
Oh yah, sometimes when i read story books, i dun read line by line, word for word, i invent my own lines...or i read fewer lines..i also focus on body parts (or other things say transportation, depending on what i wana teach) even tho that book is not on body parts or cars.
wow... i had not been in here for a long time.

glass: my boy oso made some noises and said a few words.. guess boys are a bit slower.

ILMM: for the last 2 nights, my boy sleeps with us and he was cranky and din wan to go to bed cos my mum is sick and we din him to disturb her. guess its the stage of their life tat they are goin thru now.
76 : thanks! I'll go google. Think i heard before. Yes he love action songs.

It is really true that parents need 'a lot of patience'.

Dear mummies,
Have you given your kids distilled or mineral water from bottle? Which one is safer, distilled or mineral? (in the event if there is no coffeeshop and in desperate need)
gal: i gave distilled water once but not alot cos we went out and my helper forgot to pack his water for him.. tink distilled water is safer..
76: next time you can probably guess who got into trouble first, esp if didi tries to shift blame to gorgor.

gal and jazol: oh well, guess we can slowly wait for the boys to start saying more words.

For body parts, I try to touch them when I'm naming those parts. Sometimes he gets it, sometimes he doesn't. Maybe you can work on another body part until he gets it before moving on to another part.
thanks jazol. how abt other mummies, have you given distilled/mineral/spring water before?

76 : do you focus on that particular part until the kid understands? or maybe repeat for a week then move on to other parts?
i cant really remmeber coz that was some time ago. But i think it shld be when the kid understand. Usually i only teach 1-2 parts, nothing more.
okie dokie. Thanks 76.
I shall aim for eye and nose first :p

Anyone went to baby care fair? Any good buys? Is there a karihome goats milk booth?
