(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Morning mummies!!

Jrtt: I am ok already! Yeah! Can't believe I can be sick for 2 weeks!

Glass: You are waiting for your 'auntie rainbow' also? Overdue already? Mine refuse to come. Now very very very very concerned..........

Jamie: Oh dear...sorry to hear about Naven. Hope he is feeling better already. You guys have to take care too!

Sigh...Monday is too quick to come. Missing my yx now. Keep looking at her video!
Tien>> I think u dun have to be overly concern. Cos my gynae did tell me tat ur "Auntie" will not come so soon if u are bf-ing. My friend who was bf-ing her son for 1 year only got her "aunty" few mths back.
good morning mummies! been a long time since i actively participated in this thread.. coz im in the midst of resigning, most of you who are on my FB would have known I guess..
anyway am resigning not to be a SAHM, but for greener pastures (i hope).. last day of work in this coy will be 31st May, so this is like counting down for me already! woohoo!

jamie>> take care, hope Naven has a speedy recovery.. you and your hubby needs to rest too ok!

tien>> are you very very very very concerned coz you scared you hit jackpot? heheheh
Mrs Neo: The thing is mine came last month. So just waiting for this month to come again. yet no sign of it at all!

Mie: YES!!! I am very very very very concerned as I do not want to hit jackpot so fast!
Mummies..on napping and sleeping:
my boy still needs either the yaolan or me to bf him to nap or sleep. Do ur kids fall asleep on their own or by patting?
Any advice how I can start weaning him off bf to sleep or less reliance on Yao Lan?
I feel like stopping bf soon but am worried it will affect his sleep
tien>> actually hor, if you want to have a bunny baby, now is the time to start trying le leh.. that is if you want a bunny la.. hehe
Miemie: That's the thing. I DUN WANT! I am still having fun with yx. Dun want to give her divided attention yet. Maybe a dragon baby ba.

Vodkarib: I am actually slowly reducing her reliance on latcing to sleep, by patting her. Just need to be really patient in patting her to sleep. I can pat up to half an hour just to make her sleep. Sometimes bottle feeding helps too. The suckling action will tire the baby out.
I try to train my boy to sleep by himself by putting him into his cot while he is still awake but sleepy. He might cry the first few times so you might want to stay around and comfort him by being there. However, he will soon get the idea that he can fall asleep by himself and he doesnt need mummy. I have also swapped around his bedtime routine. I feed him first and then change his diaper so that he will be awake when I put him down to sleep.
Hi all, not sure if anyone remembered but I posed many many months back when we were all waiting to pop in our final months. Anyway, how time floes, out little babes are 7 mths alr!

One qn I will like to ask - I have been bf-ing my girl since birth. My menses are not here yet!! Is it normal and does this mean I am not ovulating? And I cannot try for a second one until I stop bf???
Thks tien,2010. Will try this weekend
hopefully he wun cry the house down. Last weekend, he skipped his afternoon nap n he came very cranky at night.

Weaning recipe:
jus to share some of the stuff my mum/I prepared that my kid luv--
- sweetcorn, onion, chicken soup purée
my mum steam the sweet corn n onion. Cooksome chicken soup. Dumped all in blender n blend. He luv it. Ate one bog bowl each at lunch n dinner.;p he didn't mind the slightly rough texture of corn kernel.
I like this mixture a lot myself. I finish up evrything my mum prepared cos it tasted like mos burger corn soup.
Highly recommend that u all try ;p

- mash steam potatoes + broccoli
I like broccoli so it's no surprise my kid likes it too. Potatoes are very drying though so do feed a lot of water. I gave him his bottled water after few mouthfuls

usually after I feed his night feed, I will pat him to sleep. Depend how tired is he, sometime very fast sometime pat till I tired. But sometime he will drink and sleep at the same time so cant really tell. He use to fall into sleep himself when younger but now he want me to pat him to sleep. But at least now I no need to dream feed him have been dream feeding him for the past 2 months and recently he ok to drink his milk with eye open so far for 2 weeks liao.
erm... yes started weaning but i am super inconsistent! sigh! i am terrible at this. wkends i'll totally skip the solids. i saw how ginger painstakingly prepared puree stuff 4 A which i believe a lot of u 1st time mommies r doing... i believe most 2nd time mums r v hardwkg oso... Famela is... i saw her blog. aiyoh... i am totally lazy this time round.

yah the only nursing rm is at suntec 3rd level near the kids area. 4 me, i can juz find a quiet place and put on my nursing shawl and pump if there is really no room. 40 mins? U doing manual pump issit?

i can understd its totally possible 2 b sick for 2 wks coz my sis was like u too... in the end, the chinese physician cured her when she had been on 2 or 3 doses of antibiotics and it gets stronger but din cure her. *phew* luckily she's recovered over the wkend, finally!
If u dun pat YX, she wun go to sleep? if RN is not tired, she will not b contented wif me patting her... anyway she's a sarong baby lah, patting wun work 4 her.

hope Naveen gets well soon.
gd tt there r help ard.
Hi mummies thks for all the well wishes

Naven is much better now, fever is under control, throat infectious is showing sign of recovery which attributed to his high fever of 40 degree the day of his admission

Man, it's frightening to see BB naven shivering, with icy cold palms n feet

Thks God, during his stAy in hospital, he is able to feed well but was cranky n will cry if being place on bed or attended by nurses hourly n 3 times a day visit by PD
heyo! taking a quick peep as it has been very hectic on the work front.

i've been missing out more "firsts" from her which have been rather regrettable. But I suppose, it can't be helped for the next few weeks again. she has transferred her sticky self to her dad. she's stuck to him like a third arm since ytd..haha.. such is the privilege and burden of attachment i think. and she is our home's new nit-picker. somehow she manages to find all these little bits of paper, styrofoam, plastic from what i thought, was an arguably, pristine floor. funny girl - amusing herself for hours with these bits on the floor...which makes me realise the best toys for them - are free! nit-picker gets very upset too when she spots food stains on her clothes. it's half-comical, half-frantic watching her trying to scratch them out..and getting very vexed doing so.

Ms Ikan Bilis is now 7kg, 69cm and has a full ear of impacted wax. Caught her bleeding from the left ear and that warranted (yet another) a PD visit..which we waited 7 hrs for! A record! Need a return visit in 3 weeks. If the wax do not dissolve on it's own, it's another procedure to undergo

I am still doing my crazy work-home dashes every 3-4hrs. Her weaning is helping and she is taking 3 meals a day now and 5 milk feeds. I was reluctant to give her breakfast but she takes her morning feed and starts signalling she wants her food...so she gets to eat, afterall, this ikan bilis does need to bulk up a little. she enjoys scrambled eggs, home-made bread and muesli bars (dislikes biscuits -too dry?), pasta bolognese, aglio olio, fish porridge..salmon is a firm favourite and likes chrysanthemum tea (home-brewed, unsugared of course). she doesn't like purees and thus, we have stopped doing these altogether. she has stopped using her hands to pick and handle food..for that matter, she has also stopped gumming her toys altogether. Instead, she prefers the use of her trusty fork. spoons are almost inadvertently, left as motifs on the floor.

just for laughs, i really enjoyed this clip of "self-affirmation"..something to perk us up mid-week I hope...all of u are great mamas...go, say it in front of the mirror! :p


astro > thanks. how has things been going on yr end?

jamie > Take care..it must have been quite a ride. Hope all will be OK with Naven soon..stay strong.

babytum > mine's not back yet either! had a few occasions when i thought it's back - but they aren't..still bfg and i've read that in some cases, it can be as long as 2 yrs w/o. http://www.llli.org/FAQ/menses.html

vodkarib > onion = potent farts!! muahahah...one thing i can't quite get used to is how her nice (odourless) poo has changed so rapidly! now, i can smell 'em from a mile away!!!!

tien > haha, yx is one lucky gal!
Sharing on trg in suntec convention:
my worries r over.
my HR is awesome. Arranged w suntec pple. I will have a spare rm near my trg rm to pump w PowerPoint. N the suntec lady is kind enough to offer milk storage in her office fridge.

Mie: ooo. New job. Good for u

jrrt: 40min electric duo. :p my letdown/drip v slow. I compress also will take some time.

Weaning: :p weekend if go out I will also skip solid:p. Wat thermal flask u using?
Vodkarib: hmm. Sounds yummy the corn soup thing. Think I will try tonight.
for mi n hb. Haha.

Jamie: hope naven will get well soon. Do try rest whenever u can.
Hi mummies!
I am so tired. Totally looking forward to the long weekend.

Jrrt: I was cured by antibiotics actually. First time round, doc was reluctant to give me. But when it worsened the 2nd time round with fever, he gave me amoxicillin.

YX actually will sleep once she is tired, sometimes, we don't even need to do anything. Actually at night I will let her latch to sleep. Unless she still fusses after latching, then I will pat her to sleep. In the day, she is a yaolan baby too. We try not to put her in yaolan at night.

xoxo: Love to hear updates from you about Dre! She is one cool baby! Another similarity between yx and dre! Both puree haters! She loves fish too! But kinesthetic wise, yx is definitely lagging behind because of her bone structure. According to her PD, she is a'soft baby' aka yoga baby, so sitting, crawling, standing and walking wise will be slower. So, despte training her since we last met, her sitting is still wobbly.

Thanks for the info on menses. I shall adopt a wait and see attitude. Maybe last month was a fluke?

Vodkarib: Thanks for sharing the recipe. Sounds yummy. Shall try it when I am all alone with her when my mum goes to Taiwan. Right now she is I/C and I hardly have time.

Hi mummies, it seems like some of you are already giving your babies very advanced recipes. I have only given my boy avacado, banana, cereal, broccoli and sweet potato!

wow dre still on 5 milk feed with 3 solid feed that very good. Rhys is only on 3 milk feed now with 3 solid feed. Each feed around 180ml-210ml depend on his mood bah so he drink around 600ml per day nia. I wish he can intake more but even I give him more he will not take in.
Hi all >> wow, I think all of you are very advanced with your solids and milk feeds. I really struggle with my bubba.

Update >> He is 7 months now. on 3 milk feed only and this is anything between 60ml to 150ml depending on his mood. He would not drink more, and I had to mix his milk into his cereals/puree to give it to him so as to reach min of 500ml/day. He is on 2 solids per day, one lunch and one dinner, taking only cereals, with a bit of vegie (sweet pea and potato) and then had fruit puree for dessert. Recently I gave him a slice of apple for him to munch on and I don't think he knows what to do with it. haha. He just suck and suck and pound on the apple with his two little pearlies. Then he proceed to blow into his apple slice (??) really hard until he gets red in the face. Quite funny boy.

I have not tried other food yet, so perhaps I should try to give him a bit of meat to test reaction.

Last night, he woke up at 2am and did not go back to sleep until 4am. Cried very badly. Went through milk, teething gel, etc routine and could not get him to like anything. I think he just needs to cry it out. And sure enough, after couple of minutes of really crying it out, he went to sleepland. And funny thing is he actually was shaking his head at me when I pat him. He stopped when I stopped patting him.

My MIL has returned home (yippee) and I now felt so much lighter and happier.

I had a girlie talk with one of my friends and she told me to have another baby quickly. Otherwise, energy is going to be even less in the future. I'm now considering if I should have another one so quickly or perhaps to stop altogether. I already am so tired out by bubba. But she told me actually number 2 is going to be so much easier to look after because I would be more relaxed and less panicky. Don't know whether true or not.
xoxolight: wa.. did u really wean your baby with all the food u said? :p

she enjoys scrambled eggs, home-made bread and muesli bars (dislikes biscuits -too dry?), pasta bolognese, aglio olio, fish porridge..salmon is a firm favourite and likes chrysanthemum tea (home-brewed, unsugared of course).

May i know does she has any teeth already? do u make a scramble egg with egg yolk only? haha so sorry to question so many, cause i am vy curious ler hehehe
. I tried to feed my girl with a little coarse food, but she always refuses it.. (currently she still no tooth).
xoxo>> i love hearing updates about Dre.. her progresses never fail to impress me! and wow, her meals sound really yummilicious! with teh pasta and aglio olio.. your helper can really cook or was it mummy who did all the cooking?

wad's with the ear wax?

i would really love to see her trying to scratch out the stains on her clothes.. im sure its pretty amusing (on an outsider POV).. hehehe
u know as I read how u described audrey, i find myself nodding my head too! And yes, oh u r so right - the best toys r those tt is FREE!!! RN is not v interested in those teethers we specially bot 4 her but she is happy holding on to the cover of my water tumbler. She can munch on it much longer than any of the teethers. So now i try to give her other "safe" household items to much and play wif like kiddy bowls. She loves to munch on fabric stuff as well. Nowadays she likes to go ard the hse, pulling my mum/my sis/maid/me/hubby's shorts/pants/dresses and stuff them into her mouth. a v funny sight!

and i think RN oso dun like purees! U shld hv seen her expressions! So amusing! And oso i dun hv much time to prepare puree, i let my mum jump directly into feeding her porridge fr my 11 mth old nephew's bowl. but of coz RN does not take any meat/fish yet. its mainly juz porridge and veg. And i witnessed myself how happily she was eating the porridge so i conclude tt she probably does not like purees and rice cereals. Too boring??? Hahaha.

Gd to hear tt audrey's taking really well wif solids.
And wow! She's into so much varieties alrdy!!!

Impacted wax? Wats that? Any explanation why its like tt?

How often do u pump now? Coz i find 40 mins too "harsh" on ur boobs.
I'm not using any thermal mugs yet coz RN is not really into solids yet. But in time to come, i'll b using Tiger/zojirushi - bot quite a few when my son was on solids then & had to cook & bring out.
Ohhhh oh u meant thermal mugs 2 bring out hot water? I dun bring any coz i'll latch RN when we go out. I'll bring a small btl of water 4 her thou.

Amoxycillin is safe 4 bfg, i rem. Gd 4 u tt u r finally cured!

YX will latch to sleep and sometimes fuss? Mine will def latch to sleep and conk out. Sometimes she awakes when i put her down so i juz let her roll abt and play on ur own till she fusses (all these r done in the dark coz its alrdy lights out & i don't play/talk to her at all) then i latch her to sleep again. Darn bad habit, i know! Sigh.
RN will not sleep in the yaolan at nite too. Since young, i kept to this habit as i dun wan her to b over-reliant on the sarong (which she is terribly in the day! sigh!). so far so gd. Even when she sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night, i juz let her b - she can play on her own till she fusses and I latch her back to sleep. I wun switch on the light nor talk to her at all. i play dead lying next to her and she attempts to play wif me by patting me.

How many times hv ur menses arrive so far? I rem for my son, menses came at 3 mos and i felt so cheated then coz tbfg mums shldnt hv menses coming so soon... then it disappeared totally till my son was 10 mos... so perhaps ur case is like mine?
gal > good to hear that the expression thingy has gotten good help!..if i am in the suntec area and need to nurse, i head to conrad for the "room with a view".. :p

tien > kinda miss tall yx quite alot! don't fret abt the sitting bit, it'll sort itself soon enough. she was very cute and smart with her "pai pai shou"...yx's really good with the sleeping bit too! nowadays i ask dre..pls "clap your hands" and she just scrunches her nose at me when in the past she would gladly do it! getting mischievous..and she does need to nurse to sleep still. we are both indulgent mummies - don't want purees, ok, no prb...don't want bottles, ok, no prb....wahahahaha...the weather is really bad today - hot and hazy! must drink liang teh!

sunnyling > i was wondering, when we feed them 3 meals, won't the milk feeds drop? i don't know how much dre is taking as she still latches 100%. in any case, she feeds on demand still and it is hardly predictable.

feifei > dre has no teeth - boh gei still :p but she can gum and break food down that way...? we feed her the whole egg. just use a tiny saucepan and scramble it up - no salt, oil etc. this makes for excellent breakfast and dre has no prbs finishing one whole egg on her own. i know there are places who tell u, not to feed the whites and eggs are contraindicated for allergies. but there is also another camp that advocates giving your babe plenty of different tastes and textures (and i subscribe to this camp with my PD's blessings) as long as u stay away from crustaceans, nuts, and in dre's case, dairy. it's your call really. you can do more research on "baby-led weaning". the process starts with them taking food into their own hands and self-feed..so with trial and error, the baby very quickly understands which pieces she can handle and which she can't on her own. this afternoon she had minced beef bolognaise with spaghetti. but if u want yr babe to have a "finger" feeding variety, fusilli as pasta is an excellent choice. my experience with foods she does not like...there is one - she hates barley. the trick i read is to stop trying to feed them the food item that they dislike. try something else. then re-introduce that item again a fortnight later. true enough, second round, three weeks later, she took to the barley. u can try..key is not to create any unhappiness when feeding...

mie > my domestic help does all of the cooking. mamma me is only good for milk
she has read GF (read but never follow), the BLW book, amanda karmel (v good stuff) and so on...went to library two weeks back and she came home with a few baby recipe books. must credit her..she's the one game to try out things with dre. she has 4 kids of her own and she tells me how to do the scrambled egg for example. plus she does the baking of bread and muesli bars cos dre's allergy to dairy means ALL the teething biscuits u get from stores are out, not to mention, they hv salt or sugar in them. usually she tries to mirror dre's food with ours. so for e.g. if we had beef bolognaise for lunch, dre will get the same but in a format suitable for her.

dre's ear is suffocated with wax
so the pressure is causing the ear drum to bleed = bleeding from the ear. she perspires alot so PD says that coupled with environmental dirt and water that gets logged can create such prbs. haiz..the lift upgrading has created so much dust and we live along the common corridor!! it's generally rather clean in the house but somehow i think, it's not very ideal to have a baby around this lift upg thing...
let's hope the wax can dribble out on its own otherwise, they have to make her sleep and take out the offending wax....argh. video ah...facebook takes v long to upload..i'll try though i have become lazier in taking pics.

jRRt > yep, i stopped buying toys already. just give her a stack of old magazines, and she is happily "reading", "kissing", "licking", crushing and tearing pages for a long time..plus she is never as bored with these as she can easily be with her other toys. does RN have a plush toy favourite? of all the stuffed "animals", dre had to choose a pirate soft toy..so now she lugs along cpt jack sparrow on her travels within (and without) the house and his sleeves and trousers are soaked in dre's eau de toilette. thus, mark my "last" toy extravagance for her..particularly cute when she hugs the pirate to sleep.
Jrrt>>My kid is just like YX in terms of sleeping pattern. I also latch him to sleep when he fussed at night. I also do the lights out, play dead tactic. But he will NOT go to sleep on his own. Heh.. Sounds like u r not worried abt weaning him off the breast soon.. I am!!;p but at the same time, not too sure what else I can do. Except to try patting him this weekend
Jrrt: Yep! Amoxycilin is safe for bfg! I checked before I took. And thank goodness for that. Or else I think I will still be voiceless.

Yes...yx sometimes fusses even after latching. This is especially so if she is over-stimulated. That's when she will latch and unlatch and keep repeating the same action because she wants to play. So what I do is I refuse to let her latch and just try to pat her to sleep. And when I do that, I frustrate her and then she will slowly feel tired then sleep.

My first menses came last month when yx was 6 month-old, and that's the last I saw of it. So, waiting for the next one. I certainly hope my case is like yours. Let it disappear for another few months. Kinda like the idea of no menses for so long. Hahahah

WAH YX can also hi-5 RN. She also is a porridge baby. Her menu is mainly porridge with vege and fish. Super nutritious!

Oh, I wanted to ask you, do you still express 2 times at work? I am getting very lazy these days. I latch her in the morning and then just express 4 hours later. After that I do not pump anymore and wait for her next latch, which is usually 5-6pm. Very scared this laziness will cause my milk supply to disappear real soon.

xoxo: Yes! Have to agree that we are very indulgent mummies. I am just glad that this yx came to her senses and decided to take bottles although she tries to avoid such situation as much as possilbe.

You know what, both you and jrrt are right. Babies really can play with things that bascially cost nothing. But I think it's me hahaha...too stress at work. Everytime I am out, there's bound to be a new addition to her toys collection. Just bought that ball that you and famela has. Now I am just waiting for her to throw it aside soon. I GOT TO CONTROL!

I am very happy for you to have found such a wonderful helper. Wish my mum's helper is a fraction as good. My goodness, hers is a total blur queen....dun even know where to start. I am just glad that she is not here to take care of the baby. In fact my mum makes sure she stays far far away from yx!

My BLW project has once again been stalled. Why? My mum got a scare when yx stuff a whole piece of potato into her mouth hahaha...but the thing is, my mum panicked and so din wait long enough to see yx spit it out. So, now, although my mum will try to give her bite size foods, no way she will let yx hold the food. Sigh...but on weekends, when i am able to, I will let her try feeding herself during her breakfast with us. Now I can't wait till June hols. My mum will be away for a week. Hmmm a little concerned to be the one taking care of yx on my own again but at the same time excited. Hope I have time to whip up some yummy stuffs for yx.

Hmmm this ear wax thing is quite scary. But are we supposed to even clear their ear wax?

and yes, the weather is crazy. Kinda reminds me of last year around the same time. Preggy and suffocated under this kind of horrid weather. You take care too ya, given that you have to rush to and fro work and home everyday.
when it comes to RN n since she's e 2nd child and e 4th one in our family, i am pretty laid back liao. i am so tempted to juz jump direct into porridge and say to hell wif the puree-ing!!! hahaha

agreed tt as long as they r happy; we're happy too.

RN dun hv a fav plush toy but my sis specially bot her a really nice soft minnie mouse mini blanket 4 RN 2 grab/bite/lick. i love it coz its so soft and has 2-3 texture... but this girl, she prefers hankies! aiyoh! anyway watever tt rocks her boat lah.

oh yes!!!! RN loves to go ard in her walker grabbing newspapers, recyclable bags, books tt r lying ard the table and do all sorts of things to them until we caught her! She's so funny - sometimes she grabs wat she wants and quietly retreat into a corner and happily munch on it till one of us starts looking for her and caught her in the act! Cute lah.

ur helper sounds great! v innovative and initiative! dre's meal varieties sound so yummy!

milk feeds shld drop eventually when dre's on 3 solids a day as in she takes a decent portion. but u dun hv to owrry since u latch fully. breast will adjust accordingly.

u confused me wif tien issit? YX is her baby while mine is RN lah. hee...
RN will usually not go back to sleep on her own too... once she fusses, i latch her to sleep and end up falling asleep b4 she does! hahaha. i juz wan her to know the difference & its not daytime so mommy wun play nor talk to her.
i am not worried abt weaning her off the breast yet coz it wun last forever. so wanna enjoy the bfg moments while it last.

u can read up on weaning off the breast to sleep habit... it wun b easy but persist and u will see the results soon. Gd luck!
i understd those voiceless days coz i was like tt a few mths back. i was so desperate coz i needed 2 sing 2 RN n she was waitg 2 hear my voice.

yah tell me abt wantg 2 play when she's supposed 2 b feeding! ARGH! Angry n frustrating coz she's like yx - latch, unlatch, look ard 2 kpo, latch, unlatch, look ard... i oso put her down n let her play till she fusses then pick her up n nurse.

of coz those menses can MIA 4 as long as they wan! haha! i dun miss it either!

yes, i still pump twice at work; 4 hrly intervals. issit coz u r busy so u dun pump? i feel ss will b affected if u skip e session... so i dun dare 2 skip at all. even during wkends its oso 4 hr intervals.

haha... u like 2 buy toys coz she's ur 1st baby. when u hv e nxt one, this habit will stop or at least urge will decrease! hehe!
HEY!! my clienT just sent me her wedding video and it's so damn cooool!!!! Her wedding is really like a dream wedding leh!!!!! So nice!!!! Waaaaaaah I like it so much!

Share with you all: http://vimeo.com/10208033

my hubby said Lucky We already married and with kid Liao, else his pocket Burnt big time!
<font color="119911"> hi mummies, sorry to interupt, im from dec 09 thread, i hve BN thermos foogo bpa free food jar 10oz for sale, pink n blue, pls PM me if u interested, tks! each for $36.50
Xoxo: wahh fantastic spread of yummy food. P/s : Conrad has nursing room? I must go kpo one day

jrrt: so far ok. Haven use nip cream for a long time. If I no pump thatlong I can't hit the Amt Le. Scared if I reduce the time. Boob think I no need so much.

Eek, Am I underfeeding? E now mon-fri 4 milk feed + 1 porridge (pork(no eat), spinach, carrot). Weekend 4 milk feed + 1cereal w a lil bit of purée ( yes 2 day only, not 4 days) Should I increase?

Purée: so far tried pear, apple, carrot, avacado, sweet potato. This weekend will try pumpkin. V slow variety/taste for Elias since I only give 1 type 1 weekend.

Going to try give him sippy cup this weekend.

Harlow!!! Hows everyone doing? Been busy with work as usual.

Min is now about 7.1-2kg finally. Now can sip with her hello kitty straw bottle. Have stopped latching her since she crossed 6mths n have introduced Similac. Her appetite has been good since 6M. Im quite enjoying the pureeing because with the avent steamer/blender it is indeed very easy.

I take a different wrt to BLW. I think that Min will have her whole life to eat normal food so I just wanna take it real slow n intro as many variety as possible. She has taken french beans, spinach, brocolli, cauliflower, pumpkin, carrot, sweet potato, potato, carrot, corn. Fruits she has tried apple, pear, avocado, papaya, banana, mango.

Shes taking 6 tbsp of brown rice cereal mix with veg for lunch n fruits for dinner. Just started oatmeal cereal for breakfast n she's having it with fruits as well. Her milk intake has gone up too, much to my delight. After her solids, she will happily down 100ml of BM in like 5mins flat. Other than that she takes another 3 milk feeds totalling abt 450ml.

She loves swimming with us but hates the classes @ aquaducks so i hve a problem there.

Hey there was some talk of child care n that has prompted me to rethink if i wanna check out the other schools in my area. Anyone has any recommendations for East area?
Morning, mummies!

Hippo>> Yes.. pls go and check out the childcare fast.. I sent my enrollment form to My First Skool n intend to enrol Aaden only in Oct next year. And shit lor.. i am on waiting list no. 70 leh. Think i shld go source for a few more too... Scary!
Morning mummies!
One more day to long weekend!

Jrrt: Wah you very hardworking! For me it's laziness to express. So, I just express once. Twice will be tough for me especially when my I hv full hol lessons next week because timing canot be fixed. Also these days I return home around 2-3 pm which is expressing time, so I will let her latch straight. Anyway, my milk ss is definitely going down. Cos no matter how long I express nv exceed 200ml.

Hahha you are giving me legitimate reason to buy toys! Just because she is first born. Oh well...I guess it's very true. So let the buying continue. If have 2nd one I will just pass all the old ones to him/her.

Ting: The wedding video is soooooo beautiful!! Actually lucky this company based in Philippines. Even if we have chance to take, also wont go all the way there!

Hippo: *wave wave* How was your trip? Good right?

Your Min Min is very guai! Take puree foods. My yx will reject purees after at most 3-4 teaspoons. That's why I totally gave up on that. You hv no idea how much pear puree, sweet potato puree etc I have thrown away because of that!! And I painstakingly prepare them! Now even when we feed her papaya and strawberries, she will reject the smashed version and choose to bite. I guess different babies probably have different appetite.
Hi, everyone, was going to come in and seek advice on feeding. Amelie has been refusing her food since yesterday - all breakfast, lunch and dinner! Can hardly get her to drink liquids too - milk, water or juice. It is terribly frustrating. She is almost 8 months already! Our family has to resort to singing and all sorts of entertainment to get her to eat all the time! Something which I really don't want to do. She also refuses to hold her cup and bottles. Put it near her mouth and she will just push it away or fling it down.

People think that she eats and drinks a lot cos she is chubby (8.8kg) but actually every feed, solid or liquid, is a battle. Sigh.

xoxo, I'm very impressed by dre's food intake. Thumbs up! Your maid also has a lot of initiative! Good for you. Now that baby is eating solids, I am so glad for domestic help because Amelie creates a major mess everytime she eats.
wow good morning mummies!

and hello especially to our mummy hippo!
the avent blender cum steamer is really a good buy hor? saves a lot of time and less washing i feel.. but ive been doing the same old purees for belle - pear, apple, carrot, potato, sweet potato, broccoli..

belle loves her fruit purees, esp the pear.. i did a 'threesome' - apple, potato and carrot.. she went 'yucks' and promptly spit it all out.. she hates potatoes..

jrrt>> really the urge to buy toys will go down when we have our 2nd kid? i really hope it will be for my case.. same as tien, i cannot stop buying! online or offline.. everytime i go out for lunch, i will just feel the need to buy something, even if its just a small pack of pigeon biscuits.

tien>> you haven been cleaning YX's ear? or am i the only one who has been cleaning the baby's ear? belle enjoys such moments, of coz i wun probe too far in.. belle will lie on my lap quietly when i try to clean her ears..

xoxo>> you are very lucky to have found a helper who can cook and takes so much initiative.. really.. things are looking good now right? no need to fret over the housework, and SF and you can concentrate on Dre instead of worrying abt the chores, and your meals are taken care of!
funzee > amelie's of good weight! fret not! yep..such battles can sap yr energy and test yr patience..and it also makes for unhappy mealtimes.

mealtime battles will be history with baby led weaning. takes away the stressors and instead, gives plenty of opportunities for the baby to decide and be creative with how they want to handle their food and eat. you can read more and decide if this is something u wish to explore. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baby-led_weaning

this link is to the book that i read that got me started. http://www.baby-led.com/

above all, don't worry if amelie decides she doesn't want to take solids...dre also had that phase when she took nothing for abt a week plus. that was before the arrival of my domestic help. and i put it down to her not liking the cereal after awhile. usually a reaction in the early stages of weaning and is perfectly alright. main nutrition is still from milk..

u can place the sippy bottle and (empty) cup with her toys and let her interact with them outside of feeding. if she doesn't want to hold, it's also ok..in due course she will. just hang in there and don't get too frustrated. bb can sense yr emotions (one wise mummy fren of astro told me that a long time back and i fully agree)..and will react to yr stressed feelings.
hippo > haha, i nod in agreement at your 7.1-2kg FINALLY! waiting for this ikan bilis to slowly creep to the 7kg mark has taken a really long time!
i am having doubts if she can triple her birthweight by the time she's one!

how was bali? *envious* wahahahaha...no way i can sneak for a break like that..

any reason why she doesn't like aquaducks?
tien > great singapore sale begins 28 May...may your buying spree begin....muahahahhahaha

mie > yes, my help has given me my sanity back. makes me feel more of a tai tai now. wahahaha.. but i still insists on taking care of dre on our own. things like bathing her, clearing her diapers, playing with her etc. also, that hb and i wash our own cups, get our own drinks and clean our desks. the one thing that is still not yet OK is her milk protein allergy - i "stress" test this area and her stool showed signs of bleeding..haiz and her ear too...bleeding. life is never perfect i guess :p
this isabelle has been coming up with new patterns recently.. she suddenly decided she wants to wake up at 5am every morning and will only go back to sleep if we put her on our bed. very bad habit. if we dun do that, she will keep on yakking and yakking and refuses to let us sleep!

so she will fall asleep on our bed at 5am in the morning, the daddy will put her back into her cot after that. and a good 2+ hours later, she wakes up again when im preparing to go to work. this time round, she will NOT go back to sleep. she will keep giving me the "bao bao" sign - spreading her arms wide open, and spit out her pacifier and her legs go "kick kick kick" and refuses to let me out of her sight. end up im always late for work (not that i really bother now that im counting down to the last days of work here)..

previously introduced fish to her, but she rejected the whole bowl of porridge.. re-intro fish to her on monday, she happily wallops down half a bowl of porridge now.. but once the porrdige turns cold or watery, she will stop eating. she simply turns her head away and will not open her mouth, and pushes your hand away.

she drinks plain water with her hello kitty straw mug, or with a spoon.. no bottle feeding for pplain water.. she refuses juices too.. but at least she's drinking plain water.

pincer skills are picking up pretty well, she's a leftie i guess coz she prefers using her left hand to pick things up. not that im bothered by it, im pretty ok whether she uses her left or right hand.

we can't eat in front of her, she will ask to be fed, so going out now means i need to prepare a small container of her biscuits. no teething rusks for belle, she hates them, and so do i! hahaha

she drinks her milk on her own now. we dun carry her to feed most of the time.. will put her on the bed with a pillow support and make her drink her bottle milk herself. on good days, she will drink on her own.. on bad days, yes, pretty obvious wad will happen! hahaha she will let go of the bottle and go screaming for milk and wants us to hold the bottle for her.

cant seem to stop once i start talking about my baby.. hahahha.. sorry for the long post!
tien > oh yah...wrt yr stalled BLW attempt...don't worry abt her taking a HUGE piece of something..i am actually not bothered cos there is no way they can choke. their gagging reflex is strong and that would help. what u shld be careful is not to introduce grape-sized stuff...cos that's the exact size where choking can occur. so u either cut things in strips (think french fries) or u give them huge chunks. boh gei dre has learnt how to gum (not chew) food..and she gums off portions she can handle. all the best and have fun!
xoxo>> let's hope Dre will grow out of this dairy allergy very soon.. our bebes are turning one in another 4 months time! time really flies ya?

how's the ear bleeding? hope the ear wax will come out on its own.. did Dr TT prescribe any ear drops to assist in the breaking down of the ear wax?

parents always have things to worry about somehow or other.. haiz.. the worrying starts the moment the test kit turns positive!
Mie, I absolutely agree with you! The worrying starts once you find out you are preggers! I feel as if I have aged so much in the past one year plus... doesn't help that I had the bad back to deal with. Living in perpetual pain, and coping with pregnancy and motherhood took a toll on me, I have to be honest. But, I also have to be grateful for all the support from my parents ande ILs, and a pretty good helper.

Thanks xoxo, for your suggestion and encouragement. I tried to give her a large piece of steamed carrot during lunch, as well as a slice of pear. I don't think Amelie is ready for BLW. She can't seem to put food into her mouth. Not sure if I should be concerned about this. She dropped the carrot onto the floor, no attempts to eat it whatsoever. For the pear, managed to suck on it with assistance. I notice that everytime we give her food, even if she manages to pick it up, she doesn't get it into her mouth. Say little pieces of crackers, she holds it and then sucks her thumb! It's hilarious but at the same time I don't know if this is a sign that her motor skills are lacking. Getting her to drink from bottles or cups is a constant battle too. My helper and mother also concur that she is very difficult these days (Amelie got scolded by my mum!).

OK sorry for the complaints. Just feel quite demoralised right now.

Tien, xoxo,
bali was fantastic even though i was sick. But we missed Min a lot. So checking my iphone all the time for updates from my dad. Think if we do it agn, it will prolly be 4 days max.

Min also may be leftie leh! Im so hyped cos im leftie too! Hee hee hee...

So, no one has child care recommendations??
