(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

PY : I wanna get a toy leash from you. I prefer thick ribbon. Did not see any photos in your link leh.

By the way, do we really have to stop bfing if we wanna try for another baby? I have seen success story. What did your gynae say? The risk is high?
vodkarib : Mine not back full force yet. Tough that day got a bit of discharge.
Last time when i switch Glynnis to FM, i think we took a while. We decided to do it real slow since i still have some FBM and i was still pumping at that time (was trying to drag the pumping session to stop supply then).
Vodkarib : I haven't switch completely yet. Everyday I let Josh latch around 4 times a day. When he wakes up n before his night sleep. So I don't feel engorge n don't need to pump my milk. I try to give fm for the rest of the day. But when Josh is fussy or I just feel like giving him bf,then I just let him latch

PY : uuuhhhh I want,I want! Shopping :D
Morning, mummies!

Vodkarib>> My menses is back le.. somemore, regularly since 2 mths ago.. sianzz.. miss the days w/o menses though. I realised tat the flow is also heavier than b4.

Heard from PY that if u are breastfeeding and having menses, means we are fertile. Err.. I got no plans for no. 2 yet.

BabyMax>> Yeah.. i need to be skeptical. Sianzz.. wanted to follow him today BUT MIL claimed that they never give her certain medicine, so, she is also following to get the medicine. I dun feel like gng liao.. sianz..

Everytime says things until very exggerating 1 lor. Last nite force my hubby to drink the medicine.. my hubby refused.. and she started saying, "Eh.. ur son still young leh.. u never listen to this doc, u will die 1 hor".. I damn pissed lor.. Gave her a hard stare. Wanted to ask her to shut her trap UP!

Somemore say tat if wanna see this sinseh, must Q LONG LONG de BUT if she goes, dun need to queue.. she can be the FIRST 1..

Funny 1 lor.. said she got high blood pressure, still ask her to drink a medicated liqour.. smell liao, also know the acholol content damn high 1.. anyway, if she says gd, then gd lah.. somemore, says drink le, her high blood pressure goes down.. Actually, i am not against chinese sinseh. But the way she says things make me skeptical. Very very kua zhang!

I dunno how long i can tahan.. cos i know if i explode 1 day, it will have a very destructive effect.
Hi Glass >> Yeah, I think so. Quite big and so round. The arms and legs are like lotus roots. But really lah...so chubby and adorable. Very good to carry. And I'm so envious that he wallops everything up!!! I have to battle my bubba when it comes to feeding times....jealous!!!
1. My menses came back when my bb was two months old... You are blessed in the way that your menses is not come back yet.... My friend total bf her son for 2 years, so her menses did not come back for 2 years as well... so good... The moment she stop bf, it will come on the following month. So dun worry too much unless you are planning for another one... kekeke

2. I have not started yet. Therefore, no comments.
Ok thx all for sharing. Not that I desire menses to b back.. But somehow my fren was tellin ne some freak story abt bf too long then no menses then hard to conceive in future. Hahaha I m scared. After all I wl like o try for bunny baby maybe at end of year..
But this bf thing Er.. Makes me kind of dry.. If u know what I mean ;p
AHHHh..... allow me to rant a bit!
(this is usually after our weekly trip to the ils)

sigh, i've a super duper cranky bub today!
He's been wailing on and off since last night and real bad at 3am and i've just managed to get him to nap now which is quite late for his aftnn nap.

i think he's over stimulated. anyone's bub ever had it so bad? sigh...
last night there was a kikoo choir at my ils place! oh the horrors! mil, fil and sil all joined in! loud and pitchy! oh my goodness... no wonder bub has been all jittery. i would be too! Gggrrrr!
and they kept annoying him by wiping his face, hands and head all over with a damp towel. first was after i fed him, which was ok. then later, mil said he must be feeling warm, so wipe again... n later when he was sleepy she asked fil to wipe again to fresh him up coz she just got to carry him after doing the dishes and dun wan him to zzz....duh~! and they wipe so rough one!

wah and mil carried him non-stop for a good 45mins, walking up n down the house. i asked her if her hands were tired she said yah a bit and then walked off with bub still in her arms! i was speechless! she only unwillingly passed him back when we were leaving at the door. but still asking bub if he wants her to carry and if he wana spend the night there. geez!

ok.. im done ranting... but still feel a bit pissed. haiz, they have fun but at night who gotta pay for it!
shugar>> Yah.. i think sometimes they treat our babies like some toy hor? But i do know that they love their grandchildren.. but... dunno wat to say.

I think most mils like kikoooo? Mine too leh.. LOL

Thank God your ordeal is only once a week.. How I envy u leh..
Hi Shugar >> Exactly right! Why can't they just be considerate and do what we do to avoid us having to deal with the consequences?? Oh boy! I can only imagine your frustrations last night..They just cannot understand why we don't want our babies to be carried all the time...and the funny thing is I bet you, they didn't carry their sons/daughters all the time either...so why us??

Hi Mrs Neo >> I smelled a big fat rat! Will your hubby not listen to you and perhaps see a proper doctor secretly? I think it will at least put you at ease right?

I worked really late last night all to avoid seeing how my MIL "treat my bubba as if he is a puppy." When I went to work yesterday morning, she was doing her usual "song and fan" dance around bubba and I swear I'm not exaggerating - but the entire floor of apartments can hear her song and voice. I really scared my bubba will have hearing problems later on..

Then this morning, she told me in Mandarin, she felt so sad that my bubba is not responding to her. She said that "how ah, cannot communicate to you guys because you speak English, cannot communicate to bubba because he speak English (???). I'm like "are you nuts??!!" If I have you yelling down a song and putting your face right in front of me all my f!@#king waking hours, its a miracle I don't have nightmares all the time. I forced a smile (i mean literally, my mouth only went up a mm) and quickly went out. Otherwise, I don't trust what I will say/do. hahahaha

Sigh...counting down...counting down.

My menses still not back yet too. And yes, got discharge which i took it to mean tt i am ovulating. For my #1, menses returned when my son was 10 mths old and i continued to BF till he was 14 mths.
Some mummies will not hv their menses back till they stop bfg (the lucky ones!) while some will resume while in the midst of bfg.
And yes, i am kinda dry oso. which is quite normal if u BF thou not all mummies experience tt.

As for FM, no plans to introduce yet coz i don't intend 2 stop bfg so soon.
hi mummies,
sorry i left out the details,

area of stay is bedok...

pt-helper/cleaner to help do housechores
prefer to come during wkends
$$/hr between $10-$15.

those with recommendations do pm me.
BabyMax>> Think hubby is kinda convinced that the sinseh can cure cancer.. hence, very very gd. I dunno lor. But I feel tat pple our generation shld trust more on western docs and technologies? Anyway, he is there wif his mum le. IF his mum ever mentioned again tat his son is gg to die again.. trust me.. i swear i will scream at her! I cant take it anymore!

Btw, hubby got no symptons of anything lor. He just had fever last few days.. and he's okie liao lor. But its based on the stupid urine test which the sinseh concluded he has liver failure. Stupid, right?
Ling>>thx for sharing the philips sale. Er baby bottles on sale not? Or only electrical appliances?? Hehe else will prob only get a blender!
My mum has been naggin me to replace the 3 milk bottles son has been using since 4 mths old. Jus abt right time to change right?
your boy's weight sounds good to me! I already feel tired carrying my son around and he is only about 8kg! They say good thing comes in small packages. LOL!!!

have you guys started feeding your baby with yoghurt? I have only managed to find Dairy Farmers yoghurt that is not low fat. Every other yoghurt on the shelf is low fat!!!! Arrgggh!
Babymax and all :

I've found the article from baby centre that say like this:

"Until they are one, formula-fed babies still need at least 500ml of milk per day as a main drink. Fresh milk from cows, goats and sheep are not suitable because they do not provide enough iron for your baby's needs."

it makes me more relieve to think at least fm 500ml per day is enough for our baby.

More than that, this morning just went to see PD to consult about my baby's low milk intake. Then the PD said it's ok since the baby take solid food already so she can get the callori she needs from the solid food, no need to force her to drink more milk, let her decide herself how much she wants to drink.
Hi... Mummies... It's FRIDAY!!!

Have a great weekend... For those who will b meeting up wif ils over the weekend.. All the best!!! Hope they dun come out wif funny things!!!
Hi mummies...

Thanks all!! I am feeling better although not 100% well. Back at work after the MCs and am already pissed by people!! I am soooooooooooooooooooooo sick of my job!

I want to ask you all someting. For those who are still bf-ing and menses have already come, was the 2nd menses on time? Or it has become irregular?

<font color="0000ff">Anyone keen in getting a BN Lucky Baby Car Seat (still in packaging)? Suitable for Newborn till 18kg.

PM me if interested
thanks feifei! Good to hear. Today has been one of those terrible days again. Right from the beginning of the day, my bubba refused to take milk. However, he laps up his cereal happily. He cried the house down everytime he sees a bottle of milk. I felt so exhausted by him and his behavior. Not sure why he suddenly react this strongly towards milk. I battled him every milk feed but he never reacted this strongly. Today was really my worst day. So much so I had given up feeding him his bottle, just mix the milk into the cereal. But still the milk intake till now is less than 300ml. Really worried. How can a baby take so little fluid?

Anyway, hanging in there. Always hoping that tomorrow will be a better baby day.
vodkarib, is there an "expiry" to milk bottles? Some of Amelie's milk bottles have been in use since she turned 1 month old le... and she is almost 8 months already. Oops. I only changed the teats le.

feifei, thanks for sharing. Yah, I am also one of those who struggle to get baby to drink milk. Everyday also count how many ounces she drinks

Last night baby woke up 3 times and cried quite a bit. My poor hubby was already so tired but had to go and carry her each time and rock her standing up. I couldn't help since I've just had my spinal op and can't carry her. This is something that really makes me unhappy. While I am home on MC, I can't really play or interact with her or give her the care she needs simply because I am so limited in my movements! Think this will go on for at least 3 - 4 months, or even longer. It makes me very sad.

It's the weekend! Enjoy your weekend everyone and good luck for those meeting the ILs.
doubt there's any bust firming cream tts safe 4 bfg... no matter how much they claim its safe. i prefer 2 stay off it till i stop bfg.

hope u recover soon!

hope things get better at work soon!

RE: Changing of milk bottles
i dun really chg them 4 both my kids. dun c y the need to unless its really dirty. so far all e milk btls look v gd still. RN is using 6 TT btls 4 feeding n i hv > 20 btls used solely juz 4 expressing. i din buy them all. half belonged 2 my colleague whom i pass my extra BM to. of coz i dun use so many in a day lah. its more 4 rotation purposes n they are in 3 locations - my home, office &amp; mum's plc.

RE: Milk feeds
RN is still stuck at drinkg only 120ml/3 hrly. i cant seem 2 'upgrade' her! sigh.
FunZee: get well soon. U can play peek a boo

Sweet potato purée: er. After blending it is mushed up but quite starchy. Normal? Do I need to add water?

Ah... Pumping beside bb cot n bb sleeping. Bliss. Hope he sleep longer. :p.

Jrrt: u start weaning oledi?

Anyone any idea of got nursing rm near suntec convention centre? I going trg there soon. Worry how to slot in time to pump n eat within an hr. :s since I take min 40 min to pump
Gal, there is only one pathetic nursing room at suntec and it's at Level 3 Family Link (besides Kids Mall) #02-006 Les Enphant. From convention centre, u go to Watson there is an escalator up. Then u gotta keep walking till the other tower and go up again. It's where toyrus is.

I tried pumping in the toilet in hall 6, but was disastrous. So 2nd pump I went to the nursing room lo. Lucky me only one day there!
Since is near to convention hall. can cross the bridge to go over marina sq ther is a nursing rm at the toilet area which is opp esprite.
Shugar, PY, went to take a look at your buttons &amp; bows, so cute! Love the Russian dolls - can't decide which to get. Can you make into pins (i.e. brooch) instead? Then I can get a few to pin to her tee shirt.

Also, if you could make toy/bottle leashes, that would be great. A keeps throwing her cup down from her high chair.
hey mummies, just to add to the list of suitable venues for holding our babies' 1 yr old birthday bash...

i brought my gal to Jacob Ballas Children's Garden at Botanic Gardens last yesterday. Saw that they have spaces for parties too... there's a outdoor (but sheltered) large area, and there's air-conditioned rooms as well. Seems pretty suitable for holding large birthday parties. The place itself is very suitable for young children to have fun too... here's the link http://www.sbg.org.sg/bukittimahcore/ChildrenGarden.asp
My poor little baby Naven was admitted to Gleneagles yesterday morning at 2am... He was having fever, and our GP attributed it to teething...but he gave us a scare when his fever shot up to 39 degrees at 10pm, and we rushed him in to Gleneagles immediately. Specialist diagnosed that he has viral infection of the throat...and have to be warded for observation.
We had little sleep last night, keeping virgil over Naven...he refused to be put down on the bed, and had to be carried. Any small movements or noise will wake him up and he'll be crying. What a stressful event....
Mobilized whole family...my older boys r with the in-laws and lucky maid and mum came to relief our duty this afternoon.... If not me and hubbub would have had less than 4hours of shut eye since sat.
Now typing this post via my iPhone, patting Naven to sleep
Jamie: take care. It is always v hard when kids are hospitalised. U try to sleep too.. rotate with ur hb.. lest you burn out.. take care..

xoxo:eek:nce again, happy bday
Sorry to hear that Naven is unwell. Glad that your husband and you sent him to the hospital very promptly. Hope Naven recovers quickly!!! Take care.
Hi all,

super busy last week due to a big meeting all VIP in town.

Rhys went to his last dose of Rotavirus last Thursday and he only weight 7.8kg and 70cm. Seem so petite compare to other
Jamie: hope Naven get well soon. Did the doc say how long till e infection clear?

Sunnyling: Rhys still heavier than E. E last sat 7.7.
