(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Dear Shugar, Tien, Lydiagal, >> Thanks for all your empathies. Have calmed down quite a bit. I was so pissed off yesterday when typing the story that I was shaking and all. I'm just trying so hard to like and appreciate her, but it is just so darn hard.

I must say I'm probably the lucky one since I don't get to see my MIL every day/month. I lived in another location away from them, so for them to come visit us will take a bit of effort and advanced planning. I just don't understand why someone who have brought up children before cannot understand and follow simple rules.

My bubba is absolutely picking up on the inconsistency in behavior so last night, he was complaining big time to want to be carried. And it was just a nightmare. Why could they not respect us?? I try to convince myself that they come from a good place and good heart...then I saw the realities of the behavior and I get so angry!

Oh Tien >> I feel for you. It must be so frustrating to see a drama coming and they keep playing it up. Like my IL, already bubba crying in her arms, but still want to keep carrying and swinging him. Sometimes, I feel like locking bubba in the room with me, away from her. And YX, must be uncomfortable as well. Oh dear, I would take her to see a PD and see what's up.

Hi Vodkarib >> could it be teething? I read somewhere that teething could affect naps and sleep patterns for a couple of days depending on baby.

Hahah...I actually read through my post again! So terribly written! Typed too fast because I was sensing some snoops in the office!

Babymax: Exactly! I see this kind of drama replaying almost every weekend! I am so looking forward to next! MIL going back Malaysia (please please don't cancel plans) so that means time to ourselves! Whoopie!

Anyway, yesterday when I was with them, I was constantly replaying this statement in my mind, 'they will not harm their grand-daughter' like a zillion times! This is to make myself feel better. And I just keep looking around, window-shopping away to distract myself. Or else I think I would be super stressed up with them.
Gemson : Nvm them. I will just say he is simply too active. So didn't pill up on the fats. Haa...

feifei : I gave lele plum as well. He loves it.

esther : Take care of yourself as well. Your baby need a strong and happy mum.

Alexis : I started lele on porridge before what i planned because of his weight issue as well. Everyone is stressing me on that. Haiz... Now cooking porridge - smell super nice... Haa..

famela : Your girl looks so sweet in the 2nd photo.

vodkarib : Its alright to continue breastfeeding but do see a doctor and let him know that you are bfing so that he can prescribe medicine safe for bfing. Regarding the walker, i will let lele sit in it when i need to bathe my #1. Then he will walk all the way to the toilet door and wait for us there. If i leave him somewhere where he cannot see us, he will cry. But every time, i wouldn't put him in for too long.
Vin, Sunnyling, Vankel, Gemson,

I actually love the size of my baby...LOL...I think smaller is cuter despite people around me say that he needs to be bigger cos he is a boy!! 3 CHEERS for petitte babies!!!!!
Gd morning, mummies!!!

Baby Max/Tien>> ILs issues are really touchy..

Had a bad week last week. Hubby was sick and down wif fever.. Worst part is, MIL brought him to a so-called gd sinseh whom can even cured cancer. Wow.. sounds impressive hor?

Came back wif a super dramatic story.. the sinseh made my hubby do a urine test. And the so-called indicator turned red. According to the sinseh, this is the 2nd time he saw such results. The 1st guy wif the same resulted DIED already.. cos he never listen to him and went to a western doc instead! MIL being the drama type broke down and cried.

Sinseh said tat its Liver failure. In my heart, i was thinking.. wow.. a small urine test can determine tat my hubby is suffering from liver failure ah?

Hubby's fever was still on/off. My mum came all the way from amk to jurong to visit. Bought also some threadfin fish, and stuffs.. So, i asked my maid to cook some fish porridge for my hubby. MIL came saying.. the sinseh says, NO FISH, NO PORK, NO CHICKEN, NO RICE! Damn lah.. then, eat wat? Put on drip better!

Then, she cooked the plain porridge for hubby and made him eat the porridge wif those preserved vegetable. In my heart, i was thinking, all these high salt content stuffs are supposed to be healthier than my fish porridge meh?!

Wat I cannot tahan is.. she kept uttering nonsense to my mum.. saying, her grandson still so young.. if no father at this age, how? Shit her lah! I so wanted to ask her to shut her trap up! Made my hubby also so negative.. kept saying he is dying already.. Made me so damn pissed!

My mum being the typical "lao hokkien" said the fever might be "Mao Dan".. so, she used an egg to roll over hubby's body. The egg yolk indeed developed some white heads kinda spikes. So, my MIL asked me to buy some Mao Dan powder. I went to all the medical hall in Jurong point. 1 of the uncle told me that the powder is banned in singapore le.. cannot find liao. When i went home to tell her, she said, "never mind.. tmr i go buy.. sure can get 1".. I was fuming again lor.. shit lor.. she trying to imply tat i did not try my best to find or wat? Super angry lah!

I was enduring and enduring the whole of last nite.. nearly wanna explode. But endure becos hubby was not feeling well.. dun want to make a scene.

Then, my boy was sitting nicely in his walker, watching tv.. Suddenly, she just came by and carried him away. My mum then remarked and tell her tat since the boy is sitting in his walker.. never make noise, why must carry him? Its spoiling him. Then, she carried him and rocked him away.. saying the boy wanna sleep already. I buay tahan, so, tell her, i am bringing him out. Dun let him sleep at tat kind of odd hour, ie 5pm.. if not, at nite, i suffer when he cant sleep!

When i was abt to bring him out, my boy started to yak yak a bit.. She then happily said, "oh.. dun bring him.. he wanna sleep le".. But i insisted to bring him Wah lah.. 6pm, nap wat?

ROARRRR.. a lot of things, i really tried to endure le.. but these few days, she really getting on my nerves!!!! Sighzz.. now, i only hope hubby recover fast... otherwise, i truly believe, the next step she will do is.. she wil go medium and get some charms for him..


Sorry for the long long post! I really really need to vent!
your girl is really very very sweet looking!
Can i check with you where you bought the crawl ball from and how much is it too?

Babymax :
I empathize w u!! When I read your post, I was like wah kao another mil that cries? F*** la!! I will only use this word on this stupid situations!! What's w the ils nowadays? Cry cry CRy when they are obviously in the wrong. and then we still need to go comfort them.. I really think we should cry too! And then when they ask us why we cry we shall act very wei qu and like dun wanna say like that! Angry!! My mil also made me angry alot of times... Is those kinda that will shiver non stop kinda anger!!! I think after give birth aged alot not bcos of not enough rest etc, but bcos of the angers suffered. Sigh!!! But at least, u dun have to stay w ur ils!!!! Which I envy super big time!!!!!!!!!!!

Conflicts w ILs:
Now, I just pretend/imagine I am a tenant renting a room from a family that is not so easy to live w.... Since I can't move out..... I need to keep my sanity right? Everyday I will rush home, bathe, eat dinner then take everything I need such as my water bottle and some bread etc and go bk to my room and close the door, then I bathe bb and feed him and he slps. But of cos nowadays dunno y ils come back earlier 7+ instead of the 8+ last time.... So no choice will bump into each other and mil Will kikoo abit to the bb. (seriously she still kikoo now, next time I gonna ask my boy will he rem about nai nai when he grows up). Oh yes, I am treating them like strangers now. I m that kinda person. The more u wanna force me the more I shun. so now when i meet them, i just greet them and dun talk much. i will never talk much with them again cos i realized, there is nothing to talk about. my mil loves talking about others and putting people down. so... dun talk merrier!

i used the excuse of "no grandparents will harm their grandchildren" BUT.... the truth already showed that it's not truth!! they might not want to harm them from their hearts... but "Harm" is also perceptive! See~ my mil did gave my boy high fever for 6 days and lungs infection! though she DIDNT want to harm him that way, but she did even though she can tell me later that she will wear masks to take care of him blah blah blah... certain things really made me feel like showing middle finger or scold vulgarities or throw things or .... anything u can imagine to vent my frustrations!

i started thinking y do we have such issues about ils nowadays?? i can only figure out that probably our ils are not as educated last time... and in this modern world all female are highly educated as well as we can possibly earn more than the males..... i have this feeling that my mil feels tat we should be the weaker party and listen & follow to what everyone in the family says... pls~ it's 2010 now!
mrs neo!!

wah i read ur posts~ i also buay tahan leh! can u please bring ur hb to go see a good western doc now? i mean please la~ initially no need to die de... den anyhow anyhow, wah lao~ later really got prob! if really liver prob den shld see a specialist! and pls!! eat plain porridge and those can food where got nutrients for him to get well soon?!

hang in there!!! i hope u will be back to happy mummy soon!
Ting>> I am in the same clinque as u.. cos i have a crying MIL too.. Sighzz.. I think i lagi wanna cry liao! Sianzz..

At least u are better than me.. cos u only need to tahan a few more years and u will be out of their hse le! Jia You!!!!

Thanks for the advice and encouragement.. Seriously.. last nite, i really wanna explode le.. Anyway, i secretly "smuggled" subway sandwich for my hubby.. cos he told me he really craving for something wif taste. And poor hubby has to eat the sandwich secretly in our room. WTF! Its our house leh!
Hi, I'm selling off my HAENIM Playyard at a discount price $100 (bought 6 months ago $180+).

Item in good condition.
Product Code: 6 panels HNP-734 (Japan)
consists of 1 Activity + 2 Door + 3 Plain.

Any interested mothers please PM me.
Thks all for advice. Am actually at the doctor now. The FLU BUG is really all around. The q no at the doc now is 7 but my q no is 24. Can u believe it????
Would not want to see a doc if not for the fact that I nerd advice on what type of cough syrup I can take while breastfeeding

everyday I m praying my boy doesn't get infected

m trying to not sneeze or cough in front of him but m afraid my house is full if germs.
I m tryin to continue breastfeeding as much as possible so that he can fight the bug!

Dreamygal: my boy also called lele (as in happy) heh
Not sure if anyone observed same thing as me
we r happy mummies during weekdays.. But we turn grumpy mummies over the weekend (Monday!)
and it's becos of unhappy or tiring weekends with the in laws??
I jus hope it's jus a phase of getting used to being able to get along with parents n in laws with a new baby in the house
Vodkarib: good observation!!!!!! Anyway me in same boat as you! Flu!! Had it since last Monday! Also concerned abt passing go baby...

Mrs Neo: PLEASE take your hubby to a proper doctor. And you also poor thing! Must go all the way to jurong!!? Let me share a quick story about my friend and sinseh and make sure you tell your MIL out loud!

My friend's mum has been refusing to take the western medicine that controls blood pressure, preferring to go sinseh instead. Guess what? She got a stroke while watching tv! I told my MIL the same story cos her knees have been giving her problems but she still goes sinseh to 'tui na' like he can regrow her ligaments and tendons! A bit upset that she is not taking care of herself and sort of giving such stress to my hubby. Best is she dun want to tell us about the truth about her knees. we got to know only when my SIL MSG my hubby. Anyway after telling her the story she sort of relented and agree to go for a proper check up at our family doc.

Ting: really lah! Think ILs stories can go on n on. It's their generation. And I hv to do my own rationalizing as I dun want to risk the relationship with my hubby. Actually he is very sweet and I dun want him to feel stress. So, I'll psycho myself but of course once they crossed the limited I will say NO!

Ya one more thing about my MIL. Apparently her knees are so bad that she can fall even while standing up. But she asked my SIL and FIL to keep it from us. Yet she keep insistng on carrying yx every minute and sec, FIL also encourages that lor!! Then nvm, play 'running' and 'stomping' with yx. Very scared she will fall with yx and even fall on yx (and she is big). But we cannot say anything as we are not supposed to know. That's why I die die want hubby to bring her t. See te doctor so that we can legtimately know! Pathetic right? So I just keep telling myself she will protect yx, she will protect yx.... Sigh
Mrs Neo >> please please go bring your hubby to ses a proper doctor. What is your MIL thinking?!! This is so ridiculous it made my blood boil. We are not living in the 1920s lah!

OMG Tien! Exactly my MIL as well! Her leg joint is so stiff that she has to drag her leg when walking and when she sits, she needs to sit on the sofa and slip down onto the floor. She cannot just sit on the floor from a standing position immediately. Her hands joints are in odd shapes and very very stiff. And she wants to carry bubba!!!! I'm so worried she will drop him when she already has difficulty moving herself. But of course when I suggested that she should go see a proper doctor, she exclaimed in Teochew "No need. I very strong. I can walk very fast. My leg is ok. I had an accident 30 years ago when a weighing machine hit my leg. Now it has become pain a little." !@#$%. Don't you think its a problem when she is denying she has a problem?! I mean, really. One of my friends saw her and told me that your MIL has very bad arthritis and if not careful, will create a lot more trouble later. Come on!! Sorry. I must be very biased now. Everything about her just irritates me at the moment.

She don't talk properly to my bubba as well. She treats him as if he is a puppy. Will clap her hands, will swing him, will ah goo goo him, will broom broom him, I cannot even begin to type those words because they are not words. I felt like telling her that bubba is a human, not an animal.

I felt that if she dared to cry and make a drama, she is very manipulative. My own mum does not even do that! At the very least, there was an explanation, we tell her why we want things done in our way. She could not accept it, and we corrected her. and then she go and cry. And I had to go talk to her. I doubted that she is being very transparent. I think she cannot take criticisms and make issues that its our problem in communication. f!@#ing idiot. Oops. sorry for the language.

I wonder how our relationship deteriorated so quickly. I never seemed to be this irritated when I just got married and seeing her couple times when in Singapore. My issue now is I don't know how to face her and the family later on. They would think the worst of me. At first, I thought that I'm the bad person, but hang on a minute, I've given her fair warning and repeated instructions! So I'm so angry that this is unfairly put on me. And I hated her even more for putting me in this position.
vodkarib>> I guess the complaints come when we are spending more time wif ils.. otherwise, its peaceful.. :p

Hope u recover from ur flu soon!!! Take care.

Tien>> No use telling my mil the story. In her heart, this sinseh is GREAT! Claimed to be able to cure cancer, okie! How awesome!

I being an not so understanding wife decide to rant to my hubby and tell him my feelings..

I cannot take it cos he has been so affected by wat the sinseh said.. becoming so unhappy and negative in life. Sighz..

He told me old pple are like tat 1.. thanked me for not exploding last nite and enduring.. his mum also gan cheong abt him, cos she loves him too.

I was out attending a wedding lunch when hubby was down wif fever on sat. So, when I rushed back when he told me he was running a high fever, wat i saw was heartbreaking.. He was in the room sponging himself! His mum and sister were in the living room WATCHING TV!!!! My god! And its of cse not apporiate for the maid to sponge him. @ least his dad did make an effort to cycle from his hse to bring ice cubes. Ya.. my hse got no ice, cos the ice maker trays were spoilt by my mil.. :p

good afternoon mummies, sorry to interupt.

i have a gently used walking wings to let go(used 2 time only) cos my baby learned to walk overnite!

RP is about S$50. Asking for $35. Collect at Bedok or Alexandra. Can deliver if timing and location convenient. Pls text me at 9029 7390 if you are interested.

Thanks for reading!

What is Walking Wings?
Walking Wings helps baby learn to walk balancing more naturally, hands-free, and experiencing fewer falls. This unique padded support vest easily fastens around the chest of the baby and has two adjustable, detachable straps with padded handles for your comfort. It's healthier for baby's shoulders (no tugging on little arms) and kinder to parent’s backs (no more bending over!). Pediatrician recommended for babies learning to walk.

Product Details:
New! Improved Design with more support for baby and increased control for parents
Adjustable parent's straps have padded handles for greater comfort
Straps detach, so you don't have to keep taking Walking Wings on and off baby
Padded vest features adjustable hook and loop closure and safety buckle for secure fit
Avoid the back pain associated with teaching a baby to walk
Walking hands-free helps build self-confidence, babies feel like they're walking independently
Minimizes the number and severity of falls
100% Cotton
Machine Washable, dryer safe
Recommended Age: 6 months & up
Vest fits: 19 - 26 inch chest circumference
wow, all bout the ILs issues. I really really dun understand why our ILs, especially the MIL can be dat "SICK", or u guys hv a better word for it?

My MIL always "imagine" things for herself too, like how the son (my hubby) so filial n love her too much till buying her this n dat, or even do this or dat for her. In fact, all thing was bought n done by me!!! KNS lo... din she realised, her life is better afer the son got me as his wife? Am not trying to say am the "angel" or anything, but am treating them better n so generous to them compare to my own family!!!

Am the one who paying for the dinner when we r out! while my SIL (late 20s dat already working, din offer to share cost) will only check online which posh restaurant she wanted to hv her fine dining experience, then my MIL will invite the whole troop... aunties, cousins, ah ma! I dun mind paying, but everytimes come bak she tells me... the food not nice at all lo. ALAMAK! I very heart pain my hard earn money tho, I can hv dat wif my family n i dun even pay a cents! She should just go n eat her zi cha better! No need to waste my time n money! N I dunno why, she is just on average income family, but always comments like a millionaire!

Aiyah, all those MIL will never come to an end... so I declare to my hubby... I dun wan to go bak anymore, I dun wan those stupid stress, I dun wan my MIL telling my dotter dun LOVE the mommy so much, hv to love them!!! stupid! really feel like swearing whenever I talk bout dat side of the family~~~
famela: just managed to have a clear look at the pics of ana you posted and wow, those lashes are lovely!

Tien: hehe, yeah same! my mil would pass bub to fil, sil, or hubby when bub is crying badly but seldom pass to me... duh~ duno what they thinking hor? anyways, sigh i used to think, ok, once a week, 2 hours, ok i 'lun'! but now, mil says once a week not enough(good grief!)... want us to go over 2x a week... haiz, had a bad arguement with the hub over this. But i know he's stuck also lah, coz very hard to say no to my mil... she's very persistent. So i might have to put up with this 2x a week... sigh....
I used to tell myself its ok, close one eye... they also love bub that's why they behave like that. but when the drama is in front of me... haiz, very hard to keep this thought in my mind! -_-
I wish my ils would go on a holiday too! but sadly, my mil said they won't be gng anywhere till bub is older... coz she said she's afraid we cannot handle when they are away. erm, hmm, duh!~ hello?! we dun stay with them and only see them 1-2x a week... and we are doing fine lor! I really dun see the diff if they are away or not! bleah!!

babymax/ ting: hahaha, the ngry with ILs till hands shaking i had that before too! wah its like so damn mad that wana explode type. bet if i took my blood pressure then, maybe the reader might spoil! HAhahaha

babymax: mine claps and ah-goo-goo nonstop too!
hahahha... and sometimes the more carried away, the louder! *speechless*

mrs neo: really hope your hb gets well soon! Really should try to bring him to see a GP. might just be a bad case of the flu bug or something. Good to check and get a peace of mind also.
shugar>> Sometimes i really really do hope to have a break from the ils 2.. have some quiet time as a family at home.. cook something nice for hubby and son.. but its impossible cos my mil and sil are basically very homely pple. Its home--->work--->home.. and home when not working.

I feel tat relationships wif ils will definitely be better if not staying 2gether.. cos not seeing 1 another everyday ma.. and thus not so many things to be unhappy abt?
Hahah all the tigeress and lioness here!!! Roarrrrrrrr!!

Funny right? How MILs can look so silly these days? My MIL realizes that yx dun take to her ang gu gu and singing so she decided to be loud these days. Like pretending to scare her etc. I just find it very funny and weird. Maybe cos it her size... Then yesterday, still on walker incident, she did her stomping and she really stomped!!! So loud and hard that I could feel vibration!! Super pity the neighbours downstairs. My yx is not the baby who likes stomping! U just need to smile n laugh she will do the same already pengz...

Shugar: I had the 'duh' moment when u mention the reason why your ILs dun want to travel! Strange hor, their thinking??? I simple love it when my MIL return to Malaysia!!! Terrible hor?

Anyway mummies, keep roaring n take care!! I cannot take it already. Came home earlier to sleep!! The flu bug is really irritating me to max!! Going to sleep it away!
vankel,2010 & dreamygal :my son today exact 7mths.Tis morning went for 3rd H.b jap. checking his development, his weight 8.16kg,height 69cm,head 44cm. 25% only..they said is normal for 7mths bb.
ya ya ya, Tien.. mine also leh.. like to stomp on the floor... there was 1 time, i was telling hubby.. dunno if the downstair pple will complain.. Worse is hor, the downstair pple is some1 i know..
Gemson: u din take the 6-in-1 jab for yr son? My next development chk will be when she is 13mth..... Wondering hw to monitor lor.
ILs... ILs... ILs... Haiz... I am waiting for my mil to go for a one week holiday in June... Then i don't need to go to her house

Gemson : I'll tell myself its because he is very mobile, so lose weight. Haa... But very hard for me not to compare lele's development to my girl. I have to keep reminding myself that every child is different.
Dreamgal: same here me also trying not to compare. So long as she drinks her milk w/o fight, I m happy. But seems difficult, everytime reading the posts here I will wonder why she don't drink milk, her intake is low etc. Sigh. Worry tat she din drink enough.
Morning mummies..

Vera>> Waahahhaaa... tats an idea but i wont go to that extent. In fact, I know my downstairs neighbour were initially quite upset wif us for hanging out wet clothes. Erm.. u shld know who is the culprit.
Happymummy : think should just bring hb to a gp.so get proper medication. Hope he'll get better soon

IL's : hang In there moms. Can imagine how difficult it is for us n also for hb

Shugar/PY : I want the link
is it for baby girls only?

Gemson : happy 7 months.congrats ur baby passed 8 kg. Josh is still 7 something...little ikan bilis
Angelina>> Yap.. i wished.. but hubby's just refused lor. Think he is so influenced by his mum and think tat the sinseh is gd.. Anyway, he will be having an appt wif the sinseh tmr.. I wld go see how great he is...
Vankel : I only take 5 in 1 jap. So next jap on 15mths.Then next development on 9mths.

dreamygal : same here..i sometime will told myself maybe my son like move a lot burning his fat so looK slimmer..

angelina : thks...according to bb weight chart, is normal if our child 7mths 6.8-9.8kg. But of coz all parent wan own child lOoK Chubby cute cute...hehehe...
Hi mummies!
I'm sooooooo sick! Fever this morning! Have to leave work early. Waiting to see doctor now. My mum is irritating mr, questioning if I can still bf. I know can continue breastfeeding but my mum is a big worrywart!!! 
tien, i guess your mum is worried abt your well-being. you will tired urself out when u gotta take care of your bb though you are having fever.. you shld at least have a good rest today..
Tien : take care!!! Get well soon,n have a good rest

Happymummy : ya u better go to the sensei tom. Just to make sure. Hope ur hubby will get well soon
Yes, Angelina.. I wanna follow him tmr. To see how gd this sinseh is.. since my mil had said until this guy is so so great! Sorry but i cant help being skeptical at all!
Tien>> ya. Hav a gd rest. I rested yesterdy took mc. Din brig baby home. Just continue pumping n sleep 18 hrs in total. Feel so much better now.
Tien >> do get better. Must rest well.

Mrs Neo >> You need to be skeptical! You must fire off all those questions at this miracle doctor and hantam him! See him squirm!

I just found out that a friend of mine's son who's born on the same day as my bubba is 10kg. Unbelievable!! Apparently he has such a good appetite that he eats everything in earnest! Lucky mummy. I'm so envious!
Wanted to chk w mummies who r on total bf:

1. Any one menses back? Mine not. Shld I b concerned? Or it wun be back until I stop? Though I noticed white discharge recently

2. Anyone had experience switching frm total bf to formula? How long did it take for ur kid to accept?

Vodkarib : 1. No menses til now.

2. Bf to fm : so far I gave Josh gradually. Still latch but not as often, I gave fm bit by bit. Ofcourse he rejected it in the beginning. But now,he accept it. The best time to give Josh fm is at night, when he wakes up in the middle of the night or in the early morning I just give him fm. Cause he's sleepy at those time,n not really care on what he drinks
