(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs


My hb is different if he see the clip he sure keep trying himself. Last time when Rhys where very small went to a PD and the PD is an old experience type and he use his palm to support Rhys in his battock. After he see liao, go home keep try wau piang scare me leh and warn him sternly cannot do it. But he still keep trying when I am not around or seeing. Actually I already warn him in the PD clinic that he cannot try when go home cos I know he sure will try it out when reach home.
2010: 32ounces seems alot n a target she nv met.
Yes I do mix her cereal wif milk but it is also not alot. Will borrow this book to read. Tks.

I wonder hw to cope wif the nausea especially in the morning. Makes me so worrying when i read most bb r drinking so much more.
Dreamgal: seems like nw she is older, she doesn't like us to even dream feed her. She has nv cry for milk, so I jus feed when I think it's abt time. U mention last feed at 9plus, but hw much did yr baby drink?
2010, I just saw the 32 oz milk per day. Not possible leh even before solid Rhys also nv drink that much. I think the amount is too much liao, Rhys now only drink 600-700ml per day nia sometime only 500+, cant force him to drink more. Those is exclude the milk that is mix with Cereal.
Wow....32 oz per day....I struggle with 500 to 600ml per day, and this is me trying to mix milk into everything...you mean that target is possible?? how to get babies to like milk again?? This is my daily struggle...he does not cry for milk so I'm not sure how to make him like milk better...perhaps add milo??

Also, can I check if I can give super diluted prune juice to my baby every day x once per day? I find that it helps him in his poo poo. They become softer and "nicer". But I'm not sure if can give everyday...views?
Hi Sunnyling & Mummies,
I have to admit I am relieved to hear that some of you also do not feed your babies with so much milk. I feed him with 130ml per feed and I have come across mummies who feed their babies with 180ml. My baby is 25 to 50 percentile so I often wonder if I am underfeeding him. Having said that my boy might just be taking after my husband and me who are small built. The learning from Ruth Yaron's book for me is do not increase the baby's food intake so much so that the milk intake is reduced.
Rhys also nv cry for milk but I just feed him when time is up. Every milk feed is a challenge now, when he open his eye he will not take in any milk.

I usually make 180ml, on and off he will finish the milk. If he nv finish I just throw so can imagine how much milk (or money) I throw. I scare that if he got good appetize want to drink more and I make less he got not enough and once he stop he will not take in anymore. So I rather make more and try my luck. But he alway refuse to take the first bottle of the milk daily duno why sleep so many hours wake up still not hungry.


Not good idea to add Milo, if not next time they will reject milk totally.

I think not too good to give daily, everything must be moderate. Just give to her on the days when she cant poo out.
Anybody interested in Nan Pro, my friend got 3 tins and she is giving away. 2 tin is expire Oct this year and 1 tin is expire 2011. And also 3 box of cereal (with prune) due Oct also. She living in the west, interest taker let me know ya. She is totally bf so all this is FOC from clinic.
sunnyling, babymax, and 2010...

i am so relieve to know that u all also have same problem with me..
previously i also thought that i am underfeed my baby ler...
especially sunnyling my girl also like Rhys ler, once u take out the bottle most of time she won't drink already.. but i never give 180 .. 150ml is more than enough already.. if she can finish it.. i will be vy vy happy already hahaha... but most of time i only make 90-120ml

now she is taking 400-500ml something per day except solid food ne.

my girl also doesn't take too much of milk. she takes 150 ml twice in bottle in a day. not necessarily she'll finish it always. most of the times 10-20 ml is wasted. for midnight feeds, i latch her, so dont know how much she wud be taking in. she latches for not more than 3-4 mnts at a time..
I tried reducing her solid food intake thinking that she'll take more milk - but no use. So i'm continuing to give her solid food thrice a day. Not that feeding solids is easy. sometimes its a war and soemtimes its a breeze!! :)
hi all~

it's friday! so it's going out days for me for Sat and Sun!

About Weaning
can i check if you all have started feeding 2 solid meals to your baby already? my boy is taking one solid meal at the infantcare and when i reached home in the evening, i recently tried giving him some food to eat as well... however i feel that he don't seem to be adjusting well cos if i fed him solid in the evening, he doesn't sleep well at night at all.. is it because it's too late? about 7pm! haha

how is your baby food intake so far? i realised my baby can't take any food in orange color well -> sweet potato and carrot will cause him tummy pains and he will be fussing and crying.. pumpkin will give him rashes like it will give the mommy leh...

how much are you feeding your baby too ah? i only feed like about 3 tablespoon worth of food and my colleague was telling me that's too lil!! is that so?

Milk intake
my boy is taking very little milk each time too.. about 130ml every 3 hours, but i do realise that there are babies taking 180ml~ really envy
Hi Fei Fei, Sunnyling, Baby Max, Ting, Vankel & Vin.

May I find out how heavy your baby is since it seems like our baby's milk intake is similiar. Mine is just under 8kg and he has turned 7 months a few days ago.
Hi Ting,

I too only feed my baby with 3 tablespoons of cereal twice a day. Sometimes, I will swap one of the meals with sweet potato, avocado or banana. We are supposed to increase it slowly over time so I don't think you are feeding too little.
2010 : my son usually 4hrs take 180ml milk or else 3hrs take 150ml only but sometime can sometime cant finish and I got to throw it away. I also feel my boy intake very less. He now coming 7mths only 7.5kgs. My family comment him very small size. He started solid food like rice cereal and porridge. Alternate day feed cereal n porridge. 1 feed per day only for solid food.
2010 : I still cannot see his teeth leh.

sunnyling : Actually sometimes i think my hubby should be the mummy instead. Hee...

Vankel : I don't know how much he is drinking as he's on direct latch all the time. But i don't think he is drinking well since he's only at 25 percentile.

BabyMax : Milo don't seems to be a good idea as its sweet and may be too heaty for some babies. You wanted to give your baby prune juice daily? How is his poo now? Are they hard? He got problem passing them out? Is he constipated?

ting : I'm currently feeding lele twice. 3/4 baby bowl of porridge at noon and 1 tablespoon of cereal + 2 cubes of puree in the evening. He is taking all the food pretty well. He don't like sweet potato tough. Ok with all others. He loves plum and pears.
2010: my girl at 7.5 months is 8 kgs. i checked with dr if she's underwight. Dr said she's quite active, so it shouldnt matter so much..
BTW my girl already got 2 lower teeth and 3 upper ones..for lower ones, no problem.
but for upper ones, she was quite cranky...and now she loves feasting (biting!) on my fingers. middle of the night also she takes my fingers and bites it nicely :)
the month of may - worst month for me, HB and my boy.

2 weeks ago, my boy down with fever, running nose, cough and throat inflammation while i'm down with sore throat. 1 week later HB down with flu. and on wed my boy high fever 38.5 so brought him to the PD in the morning yesterday. PD suspected HFMD so was asked to bring my boy for blood test to confirm. test result was out on the same day, doc say virus infection and his fever will keep fluctuating for 3 to 4 days and highest will hit 39 so went home and gave him the fever medicine and on top of that he still has to take his cough, running nose and thraot medicine. just when we thought everything wil be fine. nightmare came this morning vomitted twice, so called HB back and brought him to PD again. was given anti-viral, antibiotics and some other medicines. and due to his vomitting no milk is to be given for today, only some kind of saltwater prescribed by the doc is to be given to him at 30ml half hourly to prevent him from dehydrating.

want to check with mummies, have you come across a medication known as LactoGG??
xoxo: that's one of the things i learnt from my gym
cool right? i love doing that with the kids. ana loves it. so does adil
i can still flip him in the air liddat and he's 17ish kg. ho ho ho.

and i love the crawl and learn ball! more than ana does i believe. hehe. i got one for adil too previously. lent it to a fren for her baby and it's still with her so i got a brand new one lar.

tien: *waves back* glad that you're feeling better. i bet you can't wait to get rid of that mask so that u can play freely with yx..

in the past, i used to hide out at the homec room to express. but u know lar how time table is.. very very irregular pumping times.. so in the end, my ss dried up.

last year my skul underwent prime so now we have a small room designated as a nursing room so that's an improvement. i still need to figure out how to work around the time table issue though. last week, i met with a lactation nurse at KKH n asked her for tips regarding expressing at work. she told me to start preparing 4 weeks before D-day. start expressing every 3-hrly. then the 3rd week before D-day express every 4-hrly. 2nd week before --> every 5-hrly. and finally 1 week before --> every 6-hrly. am gonna try this out and hopefully this will prove to be the way to work ard the irregular free period slots.

ducts are cleared now.. but after 2 whole weeks of recurrent blocked ducts on BOTH sides, my supply has dipped by A LOT. hardly feel full these days. quite worrying and depressing if i were to allow myself to dwell on it.

dreamygal: dads are definitely more protective hor? my hubby was liddat too. in the end, i showed him online search results wrt to benefits of rough-and-tumble kinda play. here's one. http://www.whattoexpect.com/playroom/playtime-tips/rough-and-tumble-play.aspx

maybe u can highlight to hubby then he'll be more game for this kinda of play?

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Rough-and-Tumble Play: When It Benefits Baby
<font size="-2">Do you find yourself worrying too much about the "rough" part of roughhousing? Here's how to focus on the fun instead.</font>

Dads are famous for roughhousing—tossing their precious babies into the air, tickling madly, wrestling, or even making loud, scary noises just to get a laugh. If your child is enjoying himself, and if the play falls within reasonable safety limits (no shaking the baby, for example, which is extremely dangerous to his growing brain), then it's harmless—and even beneficial.

Physical play helps a baby learn about his body: where it stops, where it starts, and what it can do (he's still working out that these cool tools on the ends of his arms are his very own hands). "Flying" as Daddy (or Mommy!) swoops him high and low stimulates his sense of balance and coordination. Once he can crawl, he may enjoy being chased—and how about that for a good workout for everybody!......<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

and here's my blog entry regarding this one other article which i stumbled upon yearrrs back and liked: http://wp.me/pfsLh-m1

babymax: oh please don't give baby milo. it's too sweet..

ting: i'm still feeding only 1 solid meal. usually as brunch around 11.30-12pm. will slowly increase in the next couple of weeks. don't really measure out how much cereal i pour out from the box but i usually use about 60-80ml of fluid and just add the cereal to that til it mixes to a pasty mixture.

i think ana is pretty light too. should be 7+kg only now...? and she's already 7 months plus. the recent bout of flu also caused her to lose quite a bit of weight. her round chubby face went down literally within a couple of days.

vin: as long as she's not biting your nips!
so cute bite your fingers. hehe.

esther: yikes, sounds bad!
poor baby and poor you and hubby.. since pd advised no milk, just follow yah? and keep hydrating your boy yah? hang in there!

the erratic weather is causing many people to fall sick these days... take care everyone!
can I also check if any mommies here breastfeed and also give their baby pacifier?? I would like to intro the pacifier to my son now (at 7 mths) cos I realised he wouldn't go to sleep if I do not latch him on. I feel in the long run might have problems if I really need to stay out late or travel. Worse, I think if I continue to latch him every night I will have trouble to stop bf when he is about one yr old. He is ok to drink from tommee tippee bottles. I bought the tommee tipee pacifier for him (6 to 18 month size) but he doesn't like it! Kept on pushing it out with his tongue. I would like to use a pacifier for him to use to sleep leh, any recommendations or advise?
2010: my girl was only 6.7kg when she was 6.5mths. Only 25 percentile. But pd say ok so far cos she is tall. Nw not sure hw much she is weighing.
Esther: lactoGG. Yup. It's good bacteria. Very well researched one. V ex. My boy was perscribe as it potentially helps some eczema cases n he was gassy few mths bck. So take lactogg and prutttt... (fart)
2010: my girl now approx 7.5kg in 7 months. I don't know her exact weight since my weighing machine got lot of variance hehehe...

Vin: wow your baby has so many teeth already y? i 've checked my baby's gum, still no sign for teething ler though she has been drooling a lot since her 5 months old. Now, she just pass her 7 months old.
Famela: thanks..
will hang in there, hope his recovering.. This really shag me and HB out and also the little one. Have to keep crying asking for milk when he can only drink a littlt bit at a time.. Heartpain.. Hoping that I'm the one to get all this rather then him.. And know wat, he was required to go for blood test so I took him in for the drawing of blood.. That was the first time he cried and I cried with him.. My heart really break..

Gal^: ya my boy also now been prescribe the lactoGG.. And true it's freaking ex.. Can check with you how much you bought it coz thought of letting my boy to consume daily..
Hi mommies >> so relieved to hear from all of you. I realised we are all in the same boat! Yeah, I will hold off milo, prune juice is something I'm debating on. His poo is very hard and he seemed to strain really badly to get them out. After I gave him a little prune juice (0.4 ml juice + 150 ml water), his pool is very nice and soft and he seemed not to fuss. So I'm very tempted to try giving him daily or perhaps every other day. What do you think?

My bubba is appx 7.5 kg coming to 7 months...so sounds like we are in range. He takes a bit more cereals since he can eat it awake (we put with milk) but refuse to take milk. I've given up trying to make him drink. If he wants it, he will let us know right...

The joy of motherhood, I get so excited over soft poos and milk feed finishing in one sitting...hahahaha
BabyMax: may i know what kind of prune did u buy for making prune juice?is it the dry one? which brand y? cause recently i gave my girl pure plum and looks like it vy sour ne.. :p
i am still bfg &amp; RN has been on the pacifier aft she turned 1 mth. I latched her to sleep every night too.

RN uses TT milk bottles but sucks on Avent pacifiers which she takes to it v well. I guess u gotta trial and error. I bot TT pacifier but my mum said she dun like it? Anyway watever makes the little lass happy lah.

Teething - RN still not sprouting any and I am not tt eager to hv her sprout her pearlies so soon.
hi all.. LONG TIME NO HERE..

i am reading all the weaning issues. eh.. have an idea or two to resolve smoe of the issues. but i dunno where to start ha!

gal/esther: i switched from lactogg to biogaia.. coz 1. darn ex.. 2. teng who loves everything hates that.. will vomit it out!..
so now switched to biogaia.. hey.. bao and bally both take the liquid ones.. while i take the tablet.. occasionally if teng is in good mood. he takes the tablet.. hah.. cheaper! tastes better :p
hi all again,

haiz really really bz these day... cant wait for June, then can hv a break wif family n bb.

my ger is 7.8kgs for 7 months, but she only put on 0.1kgs this month tho
PD said she is too active maybe, so urging me to start her on porridge.

Ting, i gave pacifier when bb is 1 month+ after the confinement. she take the avent pacificier well, n doesnt like da TT too. If ur bb dun like both brand, maybe can try MAM, my nieces n nephews use dat too
astro > haha, glad the biogaia has found favour
...weekends are out, extended family day now...i've just signed up for a trial at my gym. heh. i don't think i can do those flips. my arm has been giving me prbs of late.
esther: awww... tough. *sayang sayang baby* hard to see our precious little ones in pain..

astro: where haf u been??! eh, share about the weaning ley. would love to learn too. i still have about 1 month at home so i'm game to try and see what else i can do to make this a good experience for ana.

how's teng's hfmd? still recovering at home or back at school already? it's a good thing that bally is spared.

babe, did you go for classes at both little gym and and my gym? i am asking cos i just want to hear your opinion... i only went for 1 trial class with little gym and didn't think much of it. wanna hear your take to see if it's worth going for another trial class at little gym with ana. gonna start her on one gym class soon.. dono if i should enrol ana with my gym at tampines (FAR! but i recently found out that's where the old civic centre branch relocated to and i LOVE one of the teachers from there) or try another gym in town, possibly little gym.. you have any input?

xoxo: which branch? marine parade or tampines? i hope dre will enjoy the class. adil bawled his eyes out during the trial class. but grew to love the class after that. we almost didn't sign on for the package after that horrible 1st trial though. hope dre's 1st experience there will be fun, fun, fun
what happened to your arm?

haven't seen babies' photos here for a while.. glad i get to see some on FB. all so cute and lovely! :D i don't post there so here are mine of my little gal.

this one was taken earlier today at paragon:

and this one is my all time fav shot of her (for now at least :p):
famela > ana's all flowery and girly! very cute! take one with her eyes..i love her big, doe-eyes! :D

heh..come over to my gym tamp, nvm the distance! hmm..and do choose the same lesson with dre ok (that is, if we continue after tomorrow's trial)? :p

my arm &amp; back got injured last week...i had to catch dre suddenly when she unexpectedly decided to spin backwards while attempting to climb the stairs. angle was awkward and all - the pain comes whenever i clench my fist and it radiates all the way to the end of my shoulder blade..
esther > hope the worst is over and yr babe will be hale and hearty soon! hang in there..and try to get some rest for yourself..you must be worn out!

ting > http://www.kellymom.com/parenting/sleep/comfortnursing.html - hope it helps

tien > hahahaha....hey, but u have way more experience as a teacher in setting limits and getting yr young charges to adhere to these! :p for me, i admit defeat. i am definitely all wobbly and i just can't say NO to her...
Esther: sorry been some time I rem it's abt 1 or nearly two bucks per capsule. I bought the whole box. But it didn't help w his eczema. Mayb can try the biogaia that astro shared?

Astro: where do u get the biogaia? Pharmacy have?

There is a concern I have. When we keep giving good bacteria to our babes, will it make them dependant on it. I m giving ridwind diligently. Thinking of stopping.

Think I must b the most boring mum. Where u bring your bb over weekend that is non crowded and baby friendly. Think I must make effort to go out.
Famela: Ana is so cheerful
ya.. 2nd pic v nice

er any bb dun like cerelec cereal? How do we know whether is it they don't like or... ? (I tried tasting a bit. Eeww. I dun like. Sticky. :p) I took an hr to feed cereal today (keep having to reheat up :S) then top up 60ml milk which he gobbled down hungrily.

Initially the cereal was good texture but my 1/3 left it becomes watery. Anyone have similar encounter?
Hi all,I've been mia for a while
I went back to jakarta for 10 days. Now is my last night here with Josh,waiting for the father to come in the morning so we all can fly back to singapore together

I thought Josh is okay for a while,the cough has stopped completely 1 week before we fly to jakarta. But on the 2nd day in jakarta he started coughing again. So must go to hospital to check on him. Haizzz this never ending story about the cough. Am thinking to let josh see a specialist once we're in singapore. So weird that he's coughing for more then a month

I bring Josh for a hair cut here,he looks more chubby with his new look. N so happy to see his appetite super increasing in jakarta. He ate super solid food almost 4 times a day n in a big portion

Josh love to stand n learn to walk around the place. So glad that I spent this last 10 days around my family n friends n relief that he's not scared when see new faces around him

Josh also very guai on the airplane,he was sleeping n woke up to eat solid food then sleep back. Hope tomorrow on the flight back he'll guai guai also

I can't sleep right now,so happy n waiting for my hb's flight to reach in 4 hours time... Can't wait to pick him up on the airport
I needed an outlet to vent...its official...I cannot stand my mil. Over the past week, I keep reminding her nicely that please do not carry bubba too much and too often..he can be put in his playpen or on his playmat and he can amuse himself for at least 15 minutes. I know I'm paranoid but I spent 3 freaking months trying to wean him off this habit so forgive me if I don't want someone coming over to spoil him and I have to live with the consequences after that. My helper tried reminding her when I'm working (even when my bubba is crying in her arms, she refuse to let him down!! And proceeded to stand and swing him around!!). Then the latest was yesterday afternoon when my bubba poo'ed finished and all, my helper and myself went to change him on his changing mat, and she volunteered to clear the potty, and the diaper, etc. But she just take the potty without clearing the diaper, without clearing the rest of small items (never mind all that since I've a helper) and clean it, and then quickly came over to want to carry my bubba (all without washing the darn hand!!). My helper was like "grandma, you've not washed your hand yet.." and she's like never mind, carry first! I was so pissed off I told her (very sternly) that "I'm sorry, but I have to insist you wash your hands first.". Then I quickly put bubba in the walker. Then of course, he will grumble, and immediately she said "let me carry, let me carry." I was so pissed out of my mind, that I said "No, please don't carry him whenever he makes a little noise." And took him and the walker into my room.

She then said to her son, my husband, that she cannot communicate to me nor my helper because we speak English. ~!@#$$%! which language was she speaking with when she communicates to my helper!!! English!! She can speak sophisticated' sentence like "I want to go downstairs with you.." .."you cook very well." Bloody hypocrite!

Then she go and cry in her room. I had to go in and ask her what's going on. She said she cannot communicate in English (and I know she is faking it) and that she thinks she would like to go back. Fine. If she felt so difficult to respect simple instructions, then be my guest. She then go and tell her whole family that she wants to go back early. I know for sure they are going to blame me. Do I give a darn about it?!

Yes! I cannot stand that she could not respect house rules but proceeded to use other excuses. I do not appreciate that despite repeated attempts to explain to her (in various languages) the rationale for certain house rules, she tells everyone that she could not communicate with us.

So its official. I cannot stand her. I felt that she's an utter hyprocrite.
yesterday brought him back to the PD, PD mentioned there are some ulcers popping out so gotta take note of his appetite, in the event that he refused to consume anything he will have to be on drip.

other than that he has got cough, so doc gave him some ventolin to open up his airway coz she's afraid that he might have Bronchiolitis.

today my boy's cough has worsened so smsed his PD (i brought him to another PD instead of he one he usually went which is Dr Ang from Thomson.) asking whether can i give him the cough medicine tat was being prescribed by Dr Ang and know what, according to his 2nd PD (Dr Heng) that is not a cough medicine its some kind of anti-viral medicine for his immune system (OMG). so no point giving as his already taking the anti-viral medicine given by Dr Heng.

Dr Heng called me back immediately after she receive my sms saying to increase his intake on ventolin and bring him back tomorrow. she may need to use an inhaler on him..

really hope my boy will recover soon...

astro: thanx.. at least there's another option than lactogg.. coz really super ex.. will check biogaia on the net..

glad that bally is being spared from HFMD. its really very suffering for them as their still so young and there are alot of food that they still cannot take.

famela: ya sayang sayang him but still sometimes nearly lose my temper due to his crankiness.

your ana is a pretty babe i must say.. looks so sweet..

xoxo: thanks.. i really pray and hope that the worst are all over.. u too have to take care..

gal^: yup.. most probably will try the one astro mentioned..

according to one of my friend, she's still giving her girl (now 1 yrs old) everyday.. so think shld be fine.. however i will still check with the PD.
Recently my boy has problem sleeping n taking naps. He is sleeping at max 10 hrs
am quite worried for him cos when he skip naps, he doesn't sleep well at night ie have. Nightmares n scream in the mid of night. Anyone has same experience? Wonder if due teething?

Baby walker: any one using it? My mum keep askin me to put him on it. He us enjoying it. Cruising sideways. But m not sur if it is damaging?? I mtryin to limit his use but m sure when I m at work, my mum will sit him in it quite often
vadkarib : i'm using baby walker for my son..usually @ home i will him sit walker for about 15min then put him playpen. Nowadays I found out tat my nanny, put my son sit walker more than 1-2hrs, what she told me coz she busy and need to do some work and my son din sleep in afternoon after 2pm onwards. I so angry. PD got said cannot let him sit to long no good for thier back.
By the way, any advice on whether I can take cough medicine n flu mediime when I am breastfeeding? I hav a cough thar refuse to go away. Will it be ok if I take it at night like 7-8 hrs to the next feeding? Ant advice appreciated. Feeling quite horrible now n can't wait to see doc tmrw but thinkin of takin cough medicine to suppress tonight so that I can sleep
Hi Vodkarib,

It should be alright to breastfeed your baby. When I had cold the other time the doc says it is ok to breastfeed my baby ad long as I do not have a fever. He gave me medicine for my throat and running nose.

It is not advisable to put babies in walker according to the studies from USA. It says that it ll hinder babies from walking as they are happy with their mobility independence and hence do not have the need to learn how to walk. The study says it is ok to put baby in the walker before she starts crawling so she does not feel so frustrated about her lack of mobility. However, it must stop once she knows how to crawl.
Babymax: oh dear... I hope you are feeling better now after ranting. ILs issues are always tricky and hard to handle. Sigh. Think many of us here have had our fair share too.
My mil loves to carry my bub a lot too! In the 2 hrs or so when we are at their place... A good amount of that is spent with her carrying him all over the house. So I told her now he likes playing so carrying around too much he might find it boring.

Vodkarib: when you see yr gp regarding your cough let him/ her know you are breastfeeding n they'll give you suitable med. ( alchol free, non drowsy, etc) hope you get well soon! Drink lotsa fluids!
Vin, Sunnyling, 2010, Gemson:

Guess all our babies are rather small size... Wondering how can I further increase her weight. haha... every feeding time is a challenge!!
Babymax : sad to hear that. Not easy when comes old
folks thinking. I like your maid. V sharp. Initially my IL keen to carry wo washing hand. My hb was like a tape recorder keep asking before they carry have u wash your hands. So now they have it etched in their head (and we still double check by asking)

sitting at walker/bumbo/high chair affect spine dev:
what's the max hours they can sit there. When I feed cereal he sit for at least 1hr. :S

Morning mummies...it's Monday again!
I am still sick!! Gosh!

Famela: So, you see? Can't really get rid of the mask yet. Been worrying that I might pass the flu to yx. Cos sometimes I forget to bring the mask out and yet she only wants me to carry.

Hmm interesting way of working around the irregular. Actually I am lucky. I came back when at a time where there's no classes allocated to me. Maybe I will need to try this method when next term starts. Anyway by then, chances are I will only express once as she will be about 9 months then. Intending to stop bf-ing when she hits 1 year-old.

AND!! Ana is soooooooooooo pretty! Sweet little girl!! I am trying to dress up yx a little more these days. I think she is getting more and more tomboyish and behaving like some pre-historic mankind!!

Xoxo: Guess what? I am going to go for a trial at My Gym too!! HUbby said no-no to basically everything I suggested at Tanglin Mall and for some strange reason he is willing to try at My Gym! So, I will be calling them up to arrange for a trial class on Vesak Day!

Welcome back, Angelina! You actually travelled with JOsh on your own! Well-done! But really better get him checked quick. There's this crazy flu bug flying around.

Esther: Hang in there! Hope this irritaing bug will be gone real soon!

Babymax: WHAT! You know what? Think I will react the same way if this comes from my ILs. I am just luckier that my hubby will be the one screaming at my FIL! Yesterday he did it again. Wiped his hands with some restaurant table cloth and kept insisting on carrying yx. Lucky hubby saw that and asked him to go wash his hands!!!

Shugar: Your predicament sounds like mine lor. Every weekend is like that. Almost every minute we spent with MIL, yx will be in my MIL's arms, then my SIL then my FIL and they rotate. They would rather let my hubby carry than to pass to me cos they know once I carry her, no one can dream of taking her away from me! Their thinking qutie warp, I feel. I mean if yx cries, like I can stand aside and look on?

I almost screamed at my FIL too yesterday. They bought YX a walker and so she was trying it, at 10pm ok! I actually just wanted hubby to take the whole darn box and leave after I fed her and NO, they assembled it. So, no choice, yx had to try on it. Problem is she was ok initially. But the moment she sees my FIL, she screamed! And yet he still play 'catch catch' with her!! So, she screamed and cried even louder!! At that moment I almost wanted to scream at him but luckily hubby did it first..phew!

I think I have voiced out this problem before. Sigh my YX is really constipated, based on xoxo's pd's description. She is 5 days without poo, since 2 m&amp;ms care not considered poop. Stopped her porridge yesterday and gave her full milk diet. If today still no poop, think might need to brign forward her PD appt. She is also not taking water. Yesterday discovered that she can take straw and managed to feed her some but she is way too clever to be fooled. Tried all sorts of fruits and juice like papaya, pears, apple prune juice. I really dun want to see suspository going up her butt...super worrying.
