(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Happy mummy day too u too shugar...and all mummies here :p

LiewCloset : still tink if ur old boss not admitting / regret for her action, better not stay.

silver_bellzz: i oso wanna know. when will i stop shedding.
maybe u try ask ur hb or yourself to demo crawling? or put a toy in front of her while she do her tummy time? my boy's new favourite toy is : PASEO TISSUE BOX. :p

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">祝所有的伟大妈妈们:母亲节快乐,天天开心!</font></font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2">Wishing all wonderful mummies a Happy Mothers' Day!</font></font>

Btw, may I check with all the 2nd/3rd time mummies <font color="0000ff">(Astro, dreamygal, aria jo)</font> on the progress of weaning for ur babies? I hv to admit i am downright lazy this time. So far poor RN has been stucked wif rice cereal most of the time, and tts if i even rem to feed her that. Other than tt, once I gave her strained apple juice. Erm, thats abt it. Tdy i directly jumped into giving her porridge (a few mouthsful for my nephew's lunch). Sigh... this poor girl lah. ANd she still cant swallow v well yet. She's trying to do that but ends up pushing most of her food out.
I was v diligent wif my son. Made him fresh puree on the days i need not work. Terrible me!
How i wish I can sjip weaning and go direct into just feeding!
hey gal^, my boy loves the kleenex pooh bear and mickey mouse tissue boxes, esp the red chinese new year boxes.

Then he loves to hit it, touch it, lick it, bite it, and most of all, pull all the tissue paper out and put into his mouth.

All these done within 30 secs, so when I'm changing his diaper, he's faster than me and I have to pull the box away.

My son still can't sit up by himself, but he's trying to prop himself up in the standard crawl position. 5s before he collapses and roll over.

re jumperoo
i've just rented one, and he likes it for 5 to max 10 min jumping and bouncing before he wants to get out. so quite fun. my MIL hates music and sounds, so no battery for him to get the music playing and lights flashing.

not sure why he has been screaming and screaming lately.
Glass: haha. Our bb have tissue box in common.
I m always worried he injure himself on the edges.

Childcare :
what should we look out for and ask? I going to take leave to check out. Do we have to call make appt?
jRRt : For me, its totally opposite. For Glynnis, i was working and my mil was in charge of her weaning. She only ate avocado puree and cereal. My mil started her on porridge and all sort of things she wouldn't want me to know from 4 mths.

As for lele, i prepared a lot of different types of puree for him. He ate cereal as well. I intended to start him on porridge by 8 mths but... Last Sat when we weighed him, he was only at 25 percentile. I was quite sad that i asked my hubby that is it because that my milk is not good.

I started him on porridge on Sunday as my mil and mum have been stressing me. My mil said that its because we refused to let him start eating, that is why he slimmed down so much.

Glass/gal : My lele loves whatever his jiejie is playing. Haa... The snatching game begins...
good morning to all mummies out there!!!

how's mother's day yesterday? yest was the first time i cook for my baby. first time i felt i did my part as a monther. woke up at 8.30am, cut pumpkin &amp; wash rice, put everything into slow cooker. everything is ready by 11am. lunch out with my IL family, so brought along his porridge kept in thermo. fed him while he is sitting in stroller waiting patiently to be fed. he seems to be enjoying his porridge.

i felt very encouraged. he's always so smiley. opens up his mouth automatically when i place his spoon near.

this morning, brought the balance over to my mum's place. the pumpkin, carrots and potato. now keeping my fingers crossed that the food does not cause constipation...
Hi Ting, after reading your post on your MIL. I feel very angry as well.... Try to let this incident behind and move forward. Bear a little while, and soon you will moving to your new house....

Re: Sitting/Crawling
My boy till date (7.5 month) still cannot to both tasks... In fact I am little concern and I am thinking of bringing him to see the PD. But my family doc told me to wait till he turn 8 months, cos some babies are slow learner... Question: Do I need to bring him to see PD noe?
Hi all,

Belated Mother's day wishes to all!! though i feel that everyday is Mother's day :)

Riona has been crawling since she was 6 months. now she stands with support and tries to walk(holding ofcourse)...just 1 or 2 steps and she looses balance or stops herself. Is it ok for a baby to try to walk so early? hope it doesnt cause too much strain on her legs!!

I want to check with you all how much milk should a baby be takin gonce we start them on solids? Riona's milk intake has really dropped!! she takes 150 ml milk twice in a day. She wakes up in the night 2-3 times to take feed. I latch her that time. When i latch her, at the most she takes in 3-4 mnts - not more than that. So i'm really worried on her milk intake.
she take solid food twice and little puree in the evening. Am i feeding her too much solid??
Hi Vin, you might want to read Superbaby Food by Ruth Yaron. You can borrow it from the library first and see if you like it. The book basically says that milk is the most important nutrition in the first year of baby's life and it is essentially not to reduce her milk's intake. The book says that the milk intake should be 32 ounces per day. Otherwise, reduce the food intake so that your baby will drink more milk.
Hope this helps.
Hi vin,

my girl also same with your girl.. now i am giving fruit in pure in the morning, porridge in the afternoon and cereal in the evening everyday.. so the milk intake was drop when i started solid food ler. currently she drinks milk about 400ml-500ml something everyday. i tried to give her alternative calcium such as silver fish into her porridge and the cereal already contain milk also, so hopefully she is getting enough nutrients
oops bbies b4 1yr old cannot take honey, im totally not aware!!! will stop giving Naven. Thks for the input, mummies esp xoxo &amp; aria

Mrs Neo>> i ordered the trial set for my elder boy Nicholas. Actually its jus another version of disney stories n its super xxx. Therefore, i cancel the order n bought the ladybird version from popular...

glass>> rented jumperoo! where? brand new?

stlock15>> wat a wonder mum u r

Joyce>> Naven is exactly 7mths today
he cannot sit nor crwal now but im sure every bbies development is different. So not to worry ya

2010>> is yr little one born on 1010 too?
py>> so do u want me to find out more venue for the oct bdae bash??? hv to start planning if we want sponsorship...n who r the mummies &amp; bbies interested???
PY>>> i have tried balloting for a bungalow at nsrcc on 1st Oct.. But the results of whether I will get the chalet will only b known on 1 jul.. If the birthday bash is on 1 oct evening, we can use the venue if u all dun mind. Tat is provided I get the chalet.

Can bring our babies for swim at the splash pool.
Hi Jamie,
yes, my boy is born on 9th oct. I am currently giving him cooked pear, sweet potato, mashed avocado, banana &amp; cereal. Now that he has turned 7 months I cam start giving him other vegetables according to the book.
dreamygal > you are doing great with your bfg gg on even at this stage. so pat yrself on your back - lele's weight has nothing to do with the quality of bm or the lack of it!

vin > check with the PD? the advice we had was as long as it is an activity that she initiates, it should be perfectly fine. no walkers though. i think Riona is doing great! don't worry!

jamie > yah, honey is a no-no. i am also blur...didn't know that kiwi is a no-go...been feeding that little one quite a fair bit! hmm..
stlock15 : Nice right? Lele kept wanting more. Felt so happy.

Joyce : Every baby developed at their own pace. Don't worry. My sil's baby only walk at 15 mth. If i did not remember wrongly, she flipped and started crawling quite late as well.

Vin : Same here. Lele is now trying to climb all over the places and he always want to grab us, support himself to the standing position. He loves it when we hold him up and let him practice his walking skill. But my mil was not a bit happy about it. She blamed me... As if i can stop lele from wanting to walk.

xoxo : Really kind of you. Thanks. A bit upset as she kept comparing lele to his cousin who is 3 mths younger. And that day at a family gathering, she complained to all my hubby's sibling that we refused to feed lele. As if i will stave my own son.

Mrs Neo : Swimming will be good. Lele loves to swim. He hates his neck float tough. Prefer to try to catch the neck float instead of wearing on his neck. :p
Hi mummies,

Yesterday I bring my son to my aunt house. Due to she very long time din see him. As my son now getting very naughty, don wan sit up only wan standing and keep jumping and move non stop flip here and there. My aunt ask me to monitor him as he so active scared will have "duo dong zhen". From birth till now he very active move non-stop. When i heard my aunt said this...now i start worry cant really sleep well. Do I need to send him check up? I so sad now
Hello Mummies,
Thanks for your reassurance. Cos I dun see this late development for my 2 girls.
So I am a little bit concern. Well... I guess I should wait and see... Thank you
Gemson : Lele is also like that. So active that i sprain both my wrist trying to catch whole of him. He kept moving non-stop, really NON_STOP. He crawled all over the places, grabbed everything within reached and put them into his mouth, even when i carry him, he will turn all over trying to see what's around him 360 degree. I think of it as being a good sign that he is inquisitive and exploring things around him.

Joyce : Ppl also say that boys are later than girls. Lele's development is also a bit later than his sis.
Joyce : My son also don know sit up. Ya i agree with dreamygal, boy are slow than girl.

Dreamygal : My son also same, grab watever into mouth and carry him, he will turn 360 deg even wear cloth and change diaper move non stop. I hope is a good sign for them explore. But the way my aunt told me, i a bit worry lor...
Dreamygal : my son day time sleep very less. when put him sleep sometime not even 1hrs he wake up and play don wan sleep. Play about 2-3hrs then sleep not even 1hrs wake up again. Is it also normal ah? After my aunt told me all tis i started think tis n tat, maybe also coz tis is my 1st baby.
Mrs Neo,

Haha I have booked NSRCC on 2nd Oct also LOL and check out on 4th Oct. I get my frd to booked for me who is a member. Cant afford the chalet on 2nd Oct because is the I am inviting my frds and relative but if on 3rd October you ppl dun mind to come which is a Monday.

Don't think too much, Rhys also move cant stop. Now changing cloth and diaper for him is really a challenge, keep turn and grab everything near to him so difficult. He also put everything to his mouth if he able to grab it.
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">On Crawling</font>
Some babies skip the crawling part altogether and proceed on to walking. This was what happened to my couz's daughter...

<font color="ff0000">Birthday Bash</font>
Am interested but if at NSRCC den I prob have to give it a miss. Too far for me le coz i'm in the west..

why dun we have it in a more centralised location like a baby gym, etc. my no. 1 bday bash was held at gymboree if i'm not wrong. but i didnt get to attend, coz I was preggy with no. 2 and pretty unstable tat time</font>
dreamygal: ya, the pumpkin porridge is yummy. my mum also cooked the same thing yest but bb jh did not seem to like it. kept shouting when he saw the spoon. haahaa...

sunnyling: bb jh also cannot stop moving around. he keeps turning and grabs everything within his reach. also puts into his mouth once he grabs them. very challenging to change his diapers and clothes now too. one moment he's lying on his back, turn to my side to reach his barang barang, he's on his fours already. really cannot tahan...

even carrying him while sitting in the car is not easy. one moment, he is standing with his body learning against mine, the next moment, he twists his upper body to look at the sides to the extend of doing an almost 120 degree turn. so worried that he might injure his back..
I will probably try to rope in my cousin in law who is a professional photographer.. If everything is firmed, I will ask him.

Nsrcc is ulu but that is the biggest n nicest.. Aranda is only a suite.. BBQ plc also limited
Yap I agree that NSRCC is bigger and nicest. It also have their own bowling and jackpot place for entertaining. I find that Aranda a bit old and not that clean.
gemson > they aren't textbook babies...in fact, every bb is different and have their days! hehe..take comfort that he had his naps - however short they are! mine over here does not nap during the day at all! so i can understand that u are feeling tired that he is not napping for longer periods...but just get used to it...
hi all,

my boy recovered liao.. also finished his course of the antibiotics. but he slim alot. the face no longer BIG. haha. anyway, he went back to infantcare last thurs, which is like MIA for 1 week from school.

feeling a lil vexed and down... my FIL called my HB yesterday to meet him outside to have a TALK. and the topic was about ME. and i really dunno what they want from me from this talk w the HB. FIL was telling HB that the MIL was very sorry for the incident and whole week never get to see baby blah blah. (????!??) we were staying with them lo... please.. last week the bb was sick so we were in the room all the time with closed doors la, i mean who wanna intro more virus to bb right? then also because my bb slp early de, so even before he fell sick, if they come home after my baby sleep also will not get to see him.

anyway, i really feel so irritated to the point i do not want to see or talk to them.. so i do deliberately avoid seeing them such as gobble my dinner dwn and hide in the room before they reach home. and weekends i will go out as well. i dunno why i am behaving like this but i just feel depressed. whenever with them, i feel very stressed especially they like to talk to my son and ask my son this and that when he obviously cannot answer them. or when they were carrying my son last time and i take a bib out for my son to wear so the saliva won't wet his clothings, but they will said to my son "it's like that one what! baby will drools!" when my intention is i dunno wan his clothing wet later he catch a chill~!! i mean i have been doing all i could to avoid them and now, when my fil talks to my hb, i really dunno what he want from me or HB. he actually tells HB not to tell me about this meeting.. and what was discussed but HB told me anyway..

i find it so difficult to wait till 2013..

really very depressed. sad
on another lighter note, my baby is 7 mths old today! i feel glad i have come this far and for my bb i will stand firm to my own beliefs of what's good for him!

he is now super playful unlike last time when he so guai guai leh. he loves touching my face which i read in books is a display of affection (LOVE). when i pick him from the infantcare, he will really laugh out loud when he sees me and kicks his arms and legs.. he is already flipping like roti prata on our super low bed with wooden sides compartments.. of cos he knocked his head a few times and will cry super hard and loud, but whenever i pick him up, he will start smiling again. he loves playing peek a boo with me and he can sit unsupported albeit being unstable where he will fall face down or sideways and will giggle non stop when i caught him before he hurt himself. he also loves splashing water deliberately as well as waking earlier than i do!

i can confirm the best thing that happens to me is having my baby, but i can't help to feel sometimes that he also bring along the worst thing in my life ---> obsessive manipulative in laws. if i had knew it will be like this, i will insist to move out first before having our own child!
hi all,

happy belatd mothers day to all, been mia for awhile now... super bz these day, haiz!

2010: my ger hv the same bday as ur son

ting: been reading bout ur MIL case. Sigh, if i were u... i surely will react the same way as u. U know wat, I dun care if they regards me as a bad DIL... but I havent been bak to their house for months now. She has to learn her lesson till i decided to pop by again. No dat she asks hb bout me n the grandkid also... Jia you ting! time flies when u least expected it
Ting: reading your post, hmm, i can understand how you feel. but I think you're doing a good job having hung in there for so long! Give yourself a pat in the back. Haiz, such things with ils.... hard to avoid. I have my fair share of 'horror' stories too and am sure super glad we dun live wuth them or i'd have lost my sanity long time ago!
Yeah, i used to be able to tahan them quite well... till bb came along... and it became a whole diff story.
yeah! i used to be able to tahan too... till bb came along! why ah? now is like, even i hear my MIL's voice also i cannot tahan!! dunno why :S
Hi, anyone has any idea if it's normal for babies to crawl backwards? Mine can sit without support for a while but no matter how hard we try she just won't go forward. Even when placed on walker, she goes backwards too. No children in our families crawls in that manner leh... Or maybe they start off with backwards then forward? Any idea?
Ting: good that your hb is Your good support.

Dreamygal: lele is growing well. Doc no raise concern should b ok. Sigh.. Try to ignore that statement abt starving own son. Sighh.. I encountered that before from my 'own' mother. But u as lele's mummy know best.

Recently my il ask me I drink a lot of hot water/stuff during pregnancy that is y my boy little hair.
Xoxo: kiwi kenot?? Is it all berries cannot or just kiwi?

Durian season here.
Canwe eat durian n bf? Must limit or can whack?
Bb can eat durian purée? Hmm.. Durian high sugar content rite?
Candywhite: got some advice from pd regarding crawling coz S does kind of crawl backwards too. Was advised to use my palms to support n help push him forwards when he's attempting to crawl. That will help give bubs the hang of crawling n learn that they are supposed to move foward... Not back! :p

gal: I guess you could still eat some durian but wrt feeding baby durian, maybe you'd like to hold on till they are older as sugar and protein content of durian maybe too much for them to handle right now... Plus too heaty also bah.
Hi mummies
Haven't been posting here much. Been too busy. Lotsa things been happening actually, especially with hubby. Now both of us are really working to bring sparks back. Anyway, a wise lady once told me that I should not forget that other than being the mother, I am also the wife. Just thought that I should share this

Updates about YX. Nothing much really. She is sitting but still quite wobbly. Problem with her is, she disliked to be put down on the playmat and so, her time to practise sitting and even crawling is limited. But recently she is showing signs of trying to push herself to sitting position from her tummy. Not sure if this is normal. Anyway, she hasn't been successful. Candywhite, my girl also likes to crawl backwards hahah...thought it's so cute. I think it's quite normal. Something like a prelude to crawling forward. Anyway according to old myth, babies supposed to sit from 7-8 months and crawl 8-9 months.

Have also been solving her constipation problem. Was on MC on Monday and so saw her cry when she was pooping. The poop was so hard that I think it hurt her. She was just staring at me, as though crying for help. Heart almost break. But lucky that day she pooped everything out. So been diligently feeding her water (which she hates) and giving her fibrous foods like spinach, papaya and pears.

Gosh...really miss her when at work. It has been 3 weeks since I am back at work but I still having this separation anxiety thinghy. Not helping is my flu. Havent been carrying her much even though I was on MC for 2 days. She would just looked at me and cry because she wants me to carry. That's my mega superglue.

Re: ILs
Kind of agree that for some reason, relationship with ILs changes with the baby. I am also trying to come to terms with this. I don't even see them everyday ok! My FIL is the type who doesn't really care. He can go wipe his hands with some foodcourt table cloth and then come and touch baby. Lucky we all saw that and refused to let him touch the baby. For MIL, I am trying to let things go. I have been psychoing myself to look from their perspective, i.e. they love and dote the baby and it's normal to behave in that obsessive way especially when they do not see the baby everyday. That's why I still upload photos on fb so that my SIL can show her. the only part I can't stand is the obsession of the Malaysian kampong (my MIL's relatives and friends) with YX. I dun even know them...so I block them all on FB! Anyway, we try to meet my ILs outside these days. YX is less cranky and more willing to let them carry and play. sometimes I see them so happy playing with her, I also feel happy, only thing is, if only hubby dun make me pass the feeding of porridge to MIL. She always has problem feeding her. Sigh...

They will start with backward, no worry. My elder nv crawl, his crawling method is use his backside to drag nia. And I think nobody beat him in walking, he start walking only at 22 months. If the old ppl say the later they walk they more good life they are. Then my boy is super good life siah. Even bring him to see PD why he cant walk...


My son also started crawl backward,He use his tummy drag backward and now he use same method drag to front. Is like swimming..He yet still cannot sit.
