(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

btw i called june. she said period must be coming this few days then can try the product Hahaahah!
anyway she took down my details. any future survey she will inform me. btw need to go down and attend the grp discussion ..

btw regarding the bday bash, 1st Oct (Childrens' Day) is a Friday. Anyone intend to celebrate your baby's birthday during that period? if not we shall hold it in late sept~
Silver bell: my boy sleeps at 11am n wakes at 6.30 when I ferry him. Then falls back tosleep arnd 7.30-10. So I wld like to think he has enough sleep of 7.5hrs +2hrs =9.5hrs. Then maybe afternoon nap of 2-3 hrs. Or is it unhealthy?? Pls advise
glass and blessedcny: Me too! Same profession but getting out of it soon!

glass : Think you need to do a sharing session on how to generate extra income at home via odesk since so many of us interested, including me! keke.. thanks in advance!

py: 1 oct is fine! But also need to see the availability of other mummies. I can help out after june.
hmmmm think my baby sleep the earliest. I like my kids to sleep early so I can sleep early and wake up for next day working. He sleep from 8-9 (latest 9) and wake up around 7am. After that go back to sleep around 9am-10am again and another nap in the afternoon around 2pm.
My gal can sleep really long hours. She needs to sleep by 8.30pm, otherwise she will get cranky. then wake up for last feed at ard 10+, and then back to sleep until 8am+ in the morning. Sometimes she will whine abit in the middle of the night, but not for milk. And she sleeps at least 3 hrs in the day. Wonder isit too much sleep?
Just saw abt bb slping. My bb slp abt 7 plus latest 9 plus and wake next morning 7+ jus nice when I wake to get ready for work. Bbies seem to know what time they had to wake up to go out ya? Then the moment we enter the lift he will be super happy cos means going out. The moment I enter fuji xerox's life he also super happy. Cos he knows he going to the infancare to play. Haha

sigh. My dear bb is sick now. Some viral infection I think. Fever for 3 days liao. 38.2 to 38.6 consider high or not? But he is super fussy (normal for sick babies) and I super deprived of sleep. I still need to work and also look after him. 2 days nv go infantcare Liao. But I still paying for it. Bleeding money and difficult to keep my sanity. And of cos my mind is super inbalance now. Damn angry w my mil who is so childish, irritating and selfish. She had fever of 40 deg and still go near my boy and touched him etc. When I ask her not to, she had the cheek to say she is not sick. Now bb fever she still claim she is nt sick and is ok. She is not repentent at all that's wat make me very furious. Cos it means next time she sick again my bb most likely will kanna again! I feel like asking her to eat shit and die! Pardon my language cos o have been bottling up and is going crazy soon. My bb now loses appettie and weight too. Sigh!!

Oct bdae bash. I m ok w the dates suggested

I also hope to be sahm. Shld look into home projects in case kanna kick out by co. 2 mths no pay leave. Come bk only I took 5.5 days leave of which 4.5 days for the bb Liao. Stress. Plus the office politics etc. Sigh
ting : i thought >38 is high liew. but i not sure.
but honestly, my mum n nanny told me b4 that even if high bring to hospital...hospital oso do same thing i.e. sponge and give panadol.

but u got bring bb to PD to check?
i take care bb 1 day for fever i oledi pancik. kenot imagine 3 days :S
Have been silently reading, dun really have the time to post.. :D

update on my boy, went for jab on tues, no fever (fingers crossed). His weight now is 8.5kg, height 71cm and head 42.5cm.

Glass: read about the lobang thingy, am interested also...

PY: 1st Oct is fine with me..

Sunnyling: envy u, ur boy can slp so early and wake up the next day, mine until now still not really that stable.. In order for him to slp at 10plus u have to prevent him from slping from 7pm onwards otherwise he will only slp at 11.30.. When seeing him slp so late I can be very frustrated coz his already not having enough slp.. Haiz..

Ting: above 38 is consider high already (I think).. But still hope that ur baby will recover soon yah..
sunnylight>> hi im interested to bring my little naven along for the contest, wat time will u b there? any registration required?
Hi mummies, anyone heading for the 3days bbies expo event toml? Can arrange to meet then head for the spree...

PY>> im fine with 1st oct
how can i assist u? There is a Italian cafe located in Tanglin Mall serve good organic coffee, for those who prefer tea, they have nice tea too. Signature cake-strawberry shortcakes & other serving too... Nice ambience, spacious n bbies friendly. I can ask the boss thru my friend whom is the Manager there to check if we could book the cafe jus for our gathering???

Angelina & cat>> im staying west too, bt batok... can meet up with the rest of the mummies & bbies, west zone mummies & bbies club ha ha
re freelancing at home lobang
Give me about a week or two to go and do research then I'll let you people know about it.
<font color="0000ff">Anyone knows the contact for Angel wipes? I need to stock up on my wipes already. Still waiting for my fren to reply with the contacts.

Just wondering, anyone keen to order as well?</font>
Jamie sorry seldom cx forum during weekend. I go today at 3pm but my boy dun cooperate dun smile but manage to tAke the picture back. The last day is tomorrow.

Gal I will carry my boy up for his last feed ard 10pm. He got bad habbit only sleep then drink his milk so morning before work I will carry him up and drink again bit Dino y his morning everytime drink little Nia so many hour still not hungry weird.

ting keep sponge your bb is fever still high
hi mummies

I am sorry to "gatecrash"
I m also an Oct 09 mummy. My baby girl was born on 31 Oct 09. Now i am trying to introduce some solids to her, PD say start with pumpkin or something to make her like solids. She would eat lar, just 1-3 spoonfuls. But hor, she will grimace and make a face like we are feeding her the worse food in the world, then hor she will look very grateful when we give her breastmilk...

Then we try bananas, papaya, pears like different fruits lar.. mix with a tiny weeny bit of BM but hor she make same face... then will sigh big sighs... look away and then look back at me and force herself to open her mouth to eat "just to make me and hubby happy" cos we keep encouraging her to eat...

haha... just want to see if this is a common first reaction when baby first start solids or my girl just loves BM too much.

We using the AVENT blender and steamer 2 in 1, steam the pumpkin then i will pour away the excess water cos will "dilute" the taste then i will add a bit of BM then i will blend

Thanks in advance for any advice!
Arghh... Feeding Elias cereal yesterday and today was like war. I m sticky. Floor is sticky. Bb sticky. Bm spilled when his hands and body move everywhere. At the end I wonder how much he ate n if he still need milk. :s hb say if he hungry he will cry for milk. How long u alltake to feed bb cereal? I took like an hour !! Any tips.

Melody: same here. Just fed him apple and he went "gahh. Ack. "
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Angel Wipes</font>
If anyone is keen to combine order, do PM me k. I managed to get the contact and will be ordering soon. Pickup location: Jurong West / Serangoon</font>
melody, i started with rice cereal mixed with bm. took me at least 3 weeks before he liked it. before that, he would just take a bit, make faces, and start sucking his fingers to signify he had had enough.

then i would give him bm.

maybe you could stick to one type and get her used to the idea of the new taste and texture.

after nearly 2 months, he likes to eat solids. most types of heinz food, porridge (doesn't like fish that much) and thankfully, vegetables!
PY : Josh was born on 1st of Oct,so I don't think I can attend the bday bash. Cause I'm celebrating with my fam on that day.too bad though cause I'm very keen on attending

Maybe some other date?
Glass>> dun think my boy reject solids but not huge appetite yet. He is still drinking milk at 7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm n 11pm. Eats cereal at 1pm n 5.30pm. Wonder if most babies r like that now? Oh n he eats only 3tbsp of HT cereal mix w veg or fruits... (sigh still on HT cos dun have other brands)
Hi mummies,

Have been quite a bad week for me. Me and lele have been coughing away for a week. Brought lele to the doctor of Thursday and he was put on neutralizer to clear his phlegm. He is still coughing but recovering.

Birthday Bash
I'm ok with 1st Oct. If date is confirmed, i will get my hubby to take leave.

I attended a party before and they have goodies bags sponsored by companies. Companies that i can remembered are Nestle (their cereal and sachet milk powder), drypers sample, 1 magazine (can't remember which one) and the rest i can't remember. I think got rattles and bibs. At that time, someone from Nestle even came down to share weaning tips with us.

Lele so far tried carrot, pumpkin, pear, apple, sweet potato, banana. Today he will try spinach. For cereal, he took happy bellies multigrain. The cereal never fail to make him poop. Everytime he constipated, i will feed him cereal. He is now on 2 cubes puree mixed with 1 tablespoon of cereal - compared to some babies here, he seemed to be eating very little ya.

His schedule -
7am milk, 9.30am milk (he just wanna latch to sleep), 11.30am cereal + Puree, 2pm milk, 5pm milk, 8+pm milk, 9+pm milk

I am not sure when i want to squeeze in another solid feed. I don't want him to reduce his milk intake.

My mil has been stressing me to let him take 'all sort of food'. She kept comparing lele to his cousin who is 3 mths younger and commented that lele is not big enough.

Things that SHE fed him without my consent includes orange, egg, toast with butter, SWEETS!!! Even tough its only very little amount like one or two bites, i am very ANGRY. I think it just show that she don't have any respect for me as the baby's mummy. Especially when i have told her numerous time that i don't want him fed any other things. I don't even want to think of the things she used to feed Glynnis when she took care her when i was still working.
i've just started on my bb on cereals. but did not add in any puree. i guess his cereal must have tasted very plain. any suggestion abt fruits / food to make it more appetitising? and how to go abt doing it? what are the electrical applicances required to make the puree?

Milk Intake
my baby is taking abt 150ml of milk every 2.5hrs. is it considered little? he will sleep through the night after his last feed abt 11odd and my mum will feed him at 5.30am once she wakes up.

Birthday Bash
do u mind if i were to join in the birthday bash too?
how to make sweet potato puree?
i steamed the sweet potato, then grated it, but it was too dry. I read online that we can add any liquid. What happens after we put in the fridge? It became greenish in colour. I don't know what to do with it.

I m also an Oct mum. My son, Aidan was born on 14 Oct 2009. Been silently reading the posts for couple of months. Mind if I join in?

Need some advice on feeding. My son eats cereals twice a day. Each time is abt 50 ml cereal + 50 ml puree + 40 ml milk but he still demands for his usual milk feed 1 hour later. Is that too much?
haha gal^...i got adventurous and tried puree some garoupa yesterday.... so she got sticky and fishy (after taking only 3 tiny weeny mouthfuls) and we have to bathe her again after that....she seemed to make "lesser" faces at us though (or maybe its just my imagination from too much stress haha)..

War is the right word... and the baby always wins
I m like a bit stressed lor... tats why have to come to this thread for help.... I even have the image of my baby as an adult still wanting milk bottle... haha...

OH glass.. thanks so much for gving me hope leh.... i tried for like 2 weeks liao still no improvement.. its comforting to know that ur success story started with baby making faces and looking tortured too
So initially when u tried right, did u religiously feed her some solids every day? Sometimes i took a break from "war" for 1-2 days cos very "tiring" to fight with her everyday mar...

Which brand of rice cereal u use? I have the brown rice one from nestle but haven used yet... is it good? So i start with cereal for a week or 3 weeks befoer i change food? But if she take same thing for3 weeks wun she get bored of it?

Thanks for all the advice again *very gratefuL*
Dreamygal: SWEETS?!! oh my! :S

glass: i made sweet potato and added some milk so it won't be too dry. I try not to keep so most of the times I make small portions only. Hmm it turned green next day?
Melody: hmm you can give the cereals alone for abt 3 days for a start and after that add different fruit or veg purees to it. But try to follow the 3 day rule for each new item.
hi shugar, thanks for advice, tried cereal alone just now... looks a bit more promising, took 5 spoonfuls this time before getting upset, throwing up her baby hands, looking away in exasperation.

My dad, mom and me cant make her go beyond 5 mouthfuls... will try again tomorrow
Morning, mummies! Hope the day passes FAST! Damn tired siazz..

Dreamygal>> Think MILs are like tat.. Maybe they think they are experienced.. and since they can bring up their sons in their method, their grandchildren can grow up tat way too..

Ask ur hubby to talk to her lor.. hope it works.. Its always not nice for us to talk to them.. cos cfm will bear grudges de..

My MIL also lor.. kept insisting my son is hungry.. when I repeatedly tell her he has finished his milk.. but she still insisted to feed him the porridge.. but kena rejected after a few mouthful, she still held the bowl, trying her luck.. i got damn pissed.. took the bowl from her saying i wanna warm the porridge.

Hubby asked her what makes her think baby is hungry.. she said, "of cse i know".. think when my boy rejected the porridge, she a bit pai say.. so, kept forcing him to eat..

And the last thing to expect.. my mil sleeping ON MY BED after i came home from a movie wif my hubby last nite.. i know she wants to take care of my boy.. but i find it a bit weird leh.. Sighzz..

End of ranting...

Wah so many mummies in the same profession!! Haha Tis my favourite season now! Although it's going to be madness but at least I don't need to face any 'customers'

Been reading through and I must say i am glad cos I'm absorbing all the ifo here. BB YX has been on porridge for 2 weeks already. But she is pretty bored by it already. But good thing is, she can actually finish about 3/4 of the combi bowl.

PY: read that you tried cooking porridge. So, decided to respond here so that mummies who wants to cook can try. What my mum does is to boil meat stock and use it to cook the porridge. so that porridge is not bland. YX loves it!! Only thing is, she is quite constipated.

So, as dreamygal has mentioned, I am going to give her happy bellies cereal to replace 1 meal of porridge. We also tried to put broccoli puree into the porridge. She seems to hate it first time round but trying again to get her used to the taste. Going to try spinach puree too. Other than these and sweet potatoes, any idea what else can I add? Carrot is out cos she gets constipated after that..sigh... trying to let her eat more fruits puree too but she seems to dislike them!
MILs....sigh the story goes on and on...

Anyway when I am back in the west, I become the Filipina! Push stroller and carry backpack. Never fails to make me feel lousy. Now we make it a point to meet the outside cos yx really hates the house there. Then everytime after meeting them, yx will come back with swollen eyes from all the whining and crying. I just hope that they understand that they need to give her some time to get used to them before insisting on carrying her because she hardly sees them. She obviously ONLY wants me to carry. And they would rather let my hubby carry than me!!??? Nevermind, when I finally get to carry her, this MIL will hijack again! Put her on stroller when we are looking at things, she will hijack again and push to dunno where. On one hand I feel sorry that her grandchild doesn't want her, on the other, I feel heartpain for my yx.
But I guess I am lucky as compared to Mrs Neo and ting, I am not staying with them. Been hinting to my hubby, as much as I agreed last time that at a point in time, I will resign to that fate, I do not want it to come sooooo early.
Tien>> U just given me an idea.. Think I shld use the big pork bone to boil stock. Then, freeze it in cubes. So, I dun have to boil stock everytime... Just need to boil the stock once a week?

Have you tried giving fruit to YX? Hopefully fruits will help to move her bowels?
Tien>> Is ur hubby the only son?

Haiz.. I kinda resigned to my fate le.. though hubby did promise tat we are selling the hse and move elsewhere 2 years later. But I know he hopes we can bring his family along despite the fact he knows tat i dun feel really comfortable staying wif them. A lot of restrictions. But who asks me to allow her to pay for the hse reno.. shld have gotten bank loan instead. So, i told hubby.. when we sell the hse, we will pay back the reno $ she came out wif.

Imagine I was watching TV in the living room and out she comes... took the controller and switch channels RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY EYES! Sianzz..

Endure.. 2 more years!!! I know i must let go a lot of things in order to be happier!!! Dun see, dun ask, dun talk!
Rhys also start porriage 2 weeks ago, actually wanted to wait till he 7th month. But he reject all his cereal and milk last 2 weeks due to sick so I try porriage and since then start him on.

He prefer porriage than cereal now but he still like cereal mix with fruit or pumpkin. The only food he hate is potatoes duno y.

Talking abt IL I have been staying with them since married, been closing one eye usually but recently after employ a maid really create alot of problems. Because my MIL keep pick on the maid, you know how old ppl think and treat maid. Until making me and my FIL damn angry, just like this morning she scold the maid until cry again. Damn jiat lat her, I can talk non stop about this MIL and maid thing.
But weird cos see alot of bb constipation after start porriage but Rhys sometime will poo 2 times per day.
shugar : Ya lah. Those sugar coated gummy. Was so mad at her. Yesterday she gave my Glynnis 1 piece of cracker and told me that i should let my kids try all sort of food. I told her off straight in her face that these are junk food, it does not matter whether they know how to eat it or not.

Happy Mummy : My hubby go even worse. She will start scolding him loh. And tell you something, she beat and scold my hubby in front of Glynnis. Went too far le.

Tien : Baby sweet potato leaves, Lentils, pumpkin, anchovies?
Got a website to recommend (a lot of recipe) -

sunnyling : My mil changed 4 maids so far. None is good. But i think the problem is not the maid but her. Haiz...

My first maid leave also because of her, cant stand her scolding daily. I been keep telling her all maid is the same, if they can do 70% is consider good liao. She just cant change herself, I really give up on her. Lucky recently my hubby travelling if not if he is around sure scold his mum. Got one fine day I really bei tahan till I raise my voice on her, that was the first time I raise my voice since I stay with her for 8 years. So I complain to my hubby, he also cant take it.
ling>> Yah.. dun expect too much from the maid.. Furthermore, i feel tat if we treat the maid like family, they will appreciate, and in turn do well..

So far, i am grateful i have a gd maid. B4 the maid came, hubby alraedy warned his mum never scold the maid.. cos he knows his mum can be bossy at times. Thank God so far, she still quite okie to the maid.. never scolded her.. treated her quite okie though at times quite bossy still.
Sunnyling : When my son started porridge, he 2days then poo poo. Don know is it really coz porridge. Coz nanny everyday 1 time feed my son porridge.

I also feed him 1 time porriage per day. I still let him eat apple, pear or banana also sometime for breakfast. And my MIL will poo him in the potty every morning and he will poo mostly and sometime in the evening he will poo again.
hey, I'm also having porridge related constipation problems for my son. He had 3 suppositories inserted so far, and that day he squeezed and squeezed until the inner part of anus came out, and there was blood. Super hard poo so I had to use the suppository. Now, he is still passing pellet looking poo, except not so hard, and it still isn't easy for him. It's quite heart pain-ing to watch because when he was on bm/fm totally, he pooped a lot every day.

So i think it's porridge coz maybe it soaked up all the moisture in the intestine. I stopped for 2 days and still it isn't that good. So I don't know how.

Regarding meat stock, actually we just slice the meat into small portion and put into plastic bag, so each day just take out one plastic bag and cook it with the rest of the porridge and spinach. So it's a bright green water when we cook due to the chlorophyll (yikes, can't rem how to spell). Wah biang, my MIL kept using salt to clean the veg, and it turned out to be too salty. I think it put pressure on his kidneys. Yet she kept insisting it was good salt and just to kill the worms. But I told her when I eat it, it's super salty, which is a big no no. The first time she go and put salt on the pork. Now using veg detergent so I hope it won't be a problem.

Melody: I'm using Just Organics Baby rice cereal for 4-6months coz I had a major problem with si sen which had chinese herbs that caused major eczema in my baby

Re MIL: to continue the TV watching thing, can understand. For me I have to keep the volume to be super soft. I can't hear a thing at times. I've to depend on the subtitles. Lots of other weird stuff but I just bear with it, coz even though I'm home whole day, she and FIL help to look after my son while I do my computer stuff. So close one eye lor.

after reading all ur posts, realise that it seems like all old folks always like to feed the bb with all sort of food. really dun understand them. when u tell them this food cant eat now they simply dun listen. so fed up with them.
