(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Mrs Neo: Yes...my hubby is the only son. He has a younger sister though.

Yep now trying to get yx to start loving fruits, hopefully. Problem is she was ok but think I stopped for a while, she is showing resistance to them.

Dreamygal: Thanks for the link! Will go kpo!

All the MILs woes! Now I am just thankful that my MIL turned down the offer to look after yx! Or else the woes will be worse. Bet she is kicking herself now. But I am quite wary about her because she actually called my mum to chit chat and said things like, 'sorry to trouble you to look after YX'. I was like HARLOW...she is also my mum's grandchild! And she told my mum that she probably will stop looking after these 2 girls whom she has been nannying soon...dunno why something tells me that she will be hinting to my hubby about that..maybe she wants to come and look after yx? I will surely turn the world upside down if it happens!

Dunno is it me being the possessive mum or what. Don't remember being so guarded against her last time. Maybe it's her little actions that put me on guard...suspect that she has been hearing all those san gu liu po talk, coming up with all the funny theory.

Re: Porridge
So yx is not the only person not pooping cos of her porridge diet. Headache...can't believe that my life now is all about her pooping or not.
Sigh MIL stories nv ending one but I am ok with she taking care of my boys. She know my style and will not feed them anything without my permission, sometime I find weird that she will ask me on little little things which is common sense question. My only problem with her now is the maid issue really cause me so many problems and headaches after employ a maid.
Wishing all mummies a very bless n happy Mother's day

sunnylight>> i was at parkway nearing dinner time.Thks for the update n i manage to get some free photoshot taken
Sunnyling : Me haven start any fruit for my son yet. If he 2days din poo poo, the next early morning around 7am sure will poo poo and a lot. So can start with fruits already ah? Sorry ah coz 1st time mummy don really know anything.
hey peeps~ i am bk! mia for a long time! no time to post here leh, so i only update on fb cos there is the app on iphone... BUT hb just join FB, so better dun anyhow say there la.. not so good... BUT i still need to rant stuffs de ma.. so here i come! Lend me ur "listening" eyes!

TIEN> i am sure ur pil way better liao.. and i really envy u no need stay w them.. i wish i can move out asap!

My bb has been sick since last wed, which is the 7th day now, but he is alot better now after 2 days of antibiotics liao.. another 5 more days to go. i bought him to see pd twice, 24 hrs clinic once and hosp A&E once... he had high fever of 40 deg plus difficulty in breathing! in the end he had lungs and gut infection! Damn angry lo. cos why did he fell SO SICK in the first place?

my mil had a fever of 40 deg on last tues, so she was resting at home. and when we returned home after work, she faster woke up upon hearing my baby's chatters and come into the living room. (usually when she come home, the bb slp liao) and since i already knew she was sick from the maid, so i already "hid" my baby in the room with a qtr closed door and i spoke to the Mil in the kitchen to tell her to be take care & all. about an hour later, my MIL walk into 5 steps into my room and stood there to TALK (kikoo) with my baby!!! she went out again and come back a few times, each time advancing one more step nearer. i was in the kitchen and fuming mad when i saw. the windows were not even opened in my room yet. So i immediately walked in and show her a black face and OPENED the door to the fullest and immediately opened all the windows. i asked my HB why didnt he tell his mother off? does he know she had fever of 40deg?? and he was like she never really come in to the room ma... WTH??

dinner time. me, hb and bb in the kitchen. mil came in. kitchen so small and she was circling my boy who is seated in his high chair like a hawk. i was standing next to him and she kept ask me to go take my rice but i refuse to budge. cos i know what she up to.. i was STARING at her. and she kept on kikoo kikoo her face near my son's... my limit up when she damn childish and u know circling ard the boy and reaching out her hand to touch my boy face here and there!!!!!!!!!! I immediately tell her off "CAN YOU PLEASE DON"T TOUCH HIM? and you are sick you shouldn't be so near the baby you know? you will pass him the virus?" and her childish replies like oh i am not sick, i only got body pains etc.. please la.. body pains come becos of the super high fever ok..

that night my bb developed fever liao. of cos i damn angry and next evening i told her angrily that my bb sick with fever already. and she still deny that she was sick! and pretend it has got nothing to do with her! i told her you know bcos of wat she did the bb had to suffer and i cant go to work etc.. and she lit up her eyes and said she can help me look after! WHAT? i asked her you are sick how you help me look after? and she said she wear mask lo! Shacks! so she knew she had to wear the mask? i told her coldly, no thanks! i do not need you at all! my son i ownself take care. Fine! so i hid in the room all the time and refuse to go out. and i dun even greet them when they are home as well. simply just close my door all the time lo.

3rd day, my bb still sick and the maid was saying bcos my bb teething, and i was like huh? who tell u my bb teething? and that night my mil saw me and ask if bb still sick. and i goes YES and NOW HE HAS HIGHER FEVER. she had the cheek to say it's bcos he is teething. i gave her a cold laughter and said teething will have high fever for 3 days meh? and i went back to my room to pace... i was fuming mad. this woman is not remorseful at all. so i went out again and ask my pil if they knew y my son is sick. and i narrate wat happen that day and imitate my mil talk to my son and touch him. and i highlight that my bb is VERY YOUNG with particularly very low immune system and bcos of wat she did he is suffering and i said sorry for my bad attitude cos i was very angry with her (else she dunno i am angry) and that she is a mother too so she shld know how i feel. so she immediately said sorry etc...

but things just got worse lo.. my boy fever become higher and higher and wouldnt come dwn the nxt day.. and she went to temple to bring home some holy water to ask my bathe my son, and ask me feed ling yang and rub a cooked egg on him cos he is too heaty etc. i just tell her no feeding of other thing except BM & Water & med and no need to rub egg cos he is not heaty, he is sick. by then, both me n hb already no more than 2 hrs of slp at any one go and we were really really very tired to speak or watsoever. the bb just cry and cry and cry most of the time. and in fact we were ignoring the rest of the pple at home (not deliberately, but who has the mood to entertain?) so when i walk out to get my baby's med or water etc, i saw my mil knealing in the living rm praying?!?? if it can make her feel better, i think is ok.. Sat is a PH so PD not open, me n hb rush ard to look for a 24 hr clinic to get brufen for my bb for his high fever..

On sun, my bb complications. he couldnt breathe so we went to the NUH Children A&E. i went home and my mil ask me wat happened so i told her, now the bb had lungs and gut infection. and he had to take antibiotic now. (minus the sucking of mucus and phlegm cos i think anyone who knows will be very heart broken) BUT she had the cheek to say all babies will fall sick de, it's common, so i said ya! but we all will try to prevent the bb from falling sick and not deliberately make him sick right?

that night, when my bb cry again and we faster go get the med for him, my hb went out and realised my mil sobbing quite loudly in the living room... and he came in with the med and said he had to go talk to his mum... so when he come back he said his mum dun wan to talk. and then the bil come home to find his mum sobbing and the fil wake up to find the mum sobbing.. i was all the while in the room thinking, do i need to go out to console her? my child is so sick and i haven even cry yet why she cry? is she crying cos she is guilty? or heart pain for baby? or upset cos we were all ignoring her? i spoke to hubby and we decided not to go out to complicate matters...

frankly, now i dunno even noe how to face them. it;s like more and more things caused me to super dislike this place....

ok!!! KD wailing liao.. need to attend to him now!

I absolutely understand how u feel.. cos I had the same experience wif my mil too.. sick and yet still wanna get near my boy... Even when my FIL told her off, she can still scold him vulgarities, words like CCB etc... I was so damn pissed tat I wanted to buy a mask for my boy.. and hopefully she will get the hint..

Anyway, dun angry le.. most impt thing is, KD is recovering.. Hope ur MIL will learn her lesson this time..
ting>> im sorry but i tink your MIL cried on purpose. of all places, why must she sob loudly in the living room? she wants you all to hear it.
and she wants everyone to think she is very pathetic and she din mean to harm KD. and she din do all these on purpose, yet she is like a sinner.
Ever heard of the story of Goldilocks n the 3 bears? Now I truely understand how the baby bear might have felt when he saw goldilocks sleeping on her bed. I had the experience not once but twice! Came back home fr work n found SOMEONE sleeping on my bed AGAIN!!!!!
ilovemaxmax: What are the flavours you are interested in getting? You can get them from Taste Original in Clementi but it cost $9.50 per tin.
You interested to share with me? Can get it at 7.50 a tin if we purchase 12 tins. But now only got multigrain & oats. I am in the west too.
Woah in a fit of anger I wrote a very long entry! Hehe thanks for reading! I am very angry because I would like her to know what's wrong and learn and do not do it again. But all she has is excuses and excuses. I dunno how to show u all but really u shld see her pathetic look. It's like looking after the very sick baby is not enough. Still need to console and entertain her? Of cos, I think I am very mean to say this. But it's not funny at all. How can anyone in the right mind not know? 40deg still wanna play. Play play play. All they care abt is to play w the bb. Even if it's obvious the bb ignore them they still wanna continue as if the bb loves them alot. It's a damn selfish act.

Mrs neo. My mil also like to go on my bed alot. My bed is the very low kinda like Japanese bed. Last time she loves to step onto my bed to handle my bb during my confinement and I super hates it. So now I simply just close my door lo. Actually Thats the reason y I send my bb to infantcare instead. Cos I really know I cannot take it if come home to see all her funny actions. Plus I dun think she is fit at all cos she too smart Alec already. Trying to show how good she is but her ideas all scare the hell outta me.

Yeah cammie, I kinda feel the same way u do. Cos after my hb said I walk to my rm door and woah she is very loud lo. IF I had to cry I hid in toilet to cry? Mayb I should learn from her to cry loudly to everyone in the hse and then say how wei qu I m!
hi ting,

I really symphatise with u... u mil is already so grown up already, why is she picking such a delicate time to sob and throw tantrums?

If she really feel bad, she should not have not take precautions when she is sick wat... prevention is better than cure! Now baby not well then she have to take so much effort to go temple, pray, take holy water when all she had to do was to resist the temptation to go near the kids for a few days till she gets better.

Sometimes these oldies are very stuborn and childish, dunnoe what they are thinking. I hope ur baby will get well soon and hopefully ur mil will learn her lesson lor... but from similar stories i hear, a lot of mils never learn one...
Hey babes,

Min had two blocks of 3 days of no poo. Finally normalise a bit. I dunno if im right but i think generally we gotta take weaning slow. Everything is structured round a timetable for a reason.

After trial n error, here r my findings. Apple, pear n papaya r good for bowel movements. So these three r rotated for dinner feeds. For lunch she takes only abt 1tsp rice cereal plus 2tbsp vege (rotating spinach, french beans, brocolli, cauliflower, pumpkin, corn).

Have taken out sweet potato, potato, banana, carrots, avocado for now cos i suspect they cause constipation.

Im not sure but i think maybe meat stock may be too early for our bbs at this stage. They gut may not be ready to process the proteins yet. likewise, i think its impt not to feed too much til they r used to processing solids in their stomach.

M using happy bellies cos its the only brand with probiotics. Oatmeal cereal is high in fibre n will intro once her pooping is stabilised.

am giving her water and prune juice diluted down 1:1. so far it has improved. *fingers crossed*

agree with miemie. your MIL should receive "hong xing da jiang". she is damn good with acting lor. seriously consider moving out on your own. tell your hubby for his own sanity and everyone else's. poor K. hope he is ok now.

my Min 3 days never poo she like damn in pain when trying to "gek" i already very heartpain. cant imagine how you must've felt... sigh... *hug*
Hi all not been posting but have been reading on and off. Amelie was down with a cold and I have caught it from her. Hopefully we don't pass back and forth to each other.

Amelie has been on a milk strike. She absolutely refuses to drink milk. Then last night woke up at 5.30am hungry. Grrr. She refused one full feed at 2.30pm today and yesterday and I only give her 3 full feeds and 2 half feeds these days. Most of the time she doesn't finish her 6oz anyway. Very sian.

Eating also sometimes quite challenging. A lot of food being pushed out of the mouth. Her fave avoidance act is to hang her head down and wipe her mouth on the chair. For those who are having difficulty getting the bb to accept food, try to mix the veg/fruit into cereal. That worked for me. I was trying to give her pure veg puree and it flopped. She took better to it after I mixed with rice cereal.

As for meat stock, I introduced it when Amelie was 6mths 3 weeks old (was following Gina Ford that time). Mix rice cereal with chicken stock. Apparently she loved it. Now she sometimes gets a little bit of meat in her puree. Am starting on pork stock too. You can only start to intro meat if baby is used to digesting a good quantity of veg/cereal. Think guideline is 6 tbs according to GF.
Hohoho. Ya I think she shld win hong xin da jiang for the most jian (cunning) character. U noe during my confinement I couldn't take her so much that on my bb shower I packed my stuffs wanted to go home w my parents immediately after? But of cos in the end the guests wouldn't leave and I had to stay cos not very nice to do it in front of others la. But that day, my mil complained to my own grandmother leh....like she dunno do what de jiu me and I treat her like outsider. My grandma so old Liao. Y anything she cant tell me straight but must go one big round and trouble my dearest old people? And is bcos she crazy my own mother come see me and carry my baby she told my mother not to carry then when my mother went home she kept carrying?? I really wanted to move out asap but flat not ready in 2013 (by then kd will be 4yrs old Liao!! :s) and if we move back to my parents place my hb said it's difficult for him to move there w me but he said if I really ant take it I move bk alone w my bb, which I dun wan to have a "broken" family... And frankly finances already very tight Liao, how to rent place? Just avoid as much as I can and think of solutions ba....

On side note, kd started turning ard in his sleep yest night! He knows to turn when it's get too hot on his back Liao wor. Haha. It's very cute.

I am very glad I went to buy an infra thermometer when kd abt 3 mths old cos initially we got those old digital type. I been taking temp so many times for the past one week till hand soft!! but so glad that kd no more fever at all already!!!

Suction of phlegm or mucus :
this is something I would like to share w mommies here. When I went hosp I know we had to suck the phlegm out cos kd cannot breathe properly. And I was thinking when he was born, the midwife also put the tube in to suck the liquid from his lungs so the bb can breath ma.

the nurses will ask u to go out. But please do not!!! Cos it's a very tramatising experience for the baby! (also for the mommy la cos heart broken to see bb go thru this). Please stay w the bb to let the bb trust u that watever happens u are there to accompany him/her. The nurses will hold the head, the arms and the legs down. Stuff the super long tube into his nose and use the machine to suck the mucus. and push the long tube in out in out like to suck left suck right inside. The machine sounds are loud. But my baby screams are louder!! Till now I still rem his screams and frightful expression! Like killing pigs. And he was so tramatised he turn purple for a while and I panicked. I was trying to talk to him to calm him or distract him but he just scream and scream and scream. When it was over he also scream and scream till I quickly carried him up into my arms and hug him tight then he stopped. And he fell asleep almost immediately I thought he fainted man! I wonder y the nurse would ask parents to go out cos it's so scary!! I feel all the more the parents must be there to accompany the child. *till now still heart broken!*
hippo > there was a period last month when dre was also "constipated". we brought her to the PD after 6 days of no poo..only to be told that real constipation is when the stool is hardened, pebble-like and the tummy is hard. suppositories are required then. otherwise, it's alright to wait up to 28 days! chk with your PD? they might just send u (like in my case) with suppositories that u give after 10 days (and if the stools then are still soft..the next time u give her the enema, is 14 days later and so on...max is 28 days)...
funzee > it is very frustrating when the babe refuses food. same case here. she refused her instant cereals..thankfully my domestic help arrival 6 days ago was the balm i needed. my fussypot wants fresh food, at the right temperature. anyway, hope amelie gets well soon! don't worry abt the to-fro..u get the germ, u develop the resistance..it will never bother u again! hang in there...cheer up, don't sian k?
ting > i am so traumatised just reading your post. -_-

first, u have my utmost respect for having the ability to control yr emotions towards that MIL of yours. her behaviour is really unhelpful and has caused much suffering and pain. now that KD is on the mend, try to get as much rest as you can..it isn't easy juggling these issues with work etc.

and your living situation is quite a toughie. sigh. absolutely not in terms of having KD and you away from the hb. how abt renting a place first from HDB or something? guess u just have to try your best otherwise to put up with this crap and minimise contact btw yr MIL and KD...

it is definitely traumatising when the babe has to undergo these procedures. i can't imagine going thru' such medical probes myself! monthly vaccinations, drawing of the blood etc is OK for me. but u really have the guts to stay and watch. i couldn't, not that i was allowed to.. when dre was warded for her bloody diaper at 28 days old, those 6 days in the hospital were terrible. the daily drawing of blood on all limbs... the worst was the part when the PD says she has to be put on the drip. her hand was real tiny..and the thing was, the nurses actually soothed her away from me (it's like tricking her!) and brought her to do the drip...i can still rem the screaming till today. thankfully she had no fever otherwise a spinal tap would become necessary. though it was short, but it isn't easy...i look at those pics of her (taken on her 1st month, with the drip and a huge bandage on her entire arm to keep her from moving)...sigh, i still cry. so it's bad lah. the nurses didn't allow us to be in the procedure room...on hindsight, better that way. i might have interfered or become badly affected...on a lighter note, i fully understand what u mean by the thermometer is yr best friend. it's one gadget u cannot stinge!
Little Naven had smash bb potatoe with breastmilk in the morning around 9 or 10 depending on the waking time. I prefer to give him homemade receipes than cereal

B4 nap he will have a bottle of BM 100ml. After nap he will have porridge with veg(choice of green leafy vege & roots vege) + powdered anchovies for lunch, usually at about 1pm, than nap again.
Mid afternoon when he wakes up, he will have his BM again(120ml), 1/2 hour later, fruity time
he had tried apple, watermelon, strawberry, pear, banana, papaya, honeydew n avacado+honey...
nap & awake at dusk to have dinner b4 7pm. Before sleep, usually around 9pm, another BM again.
11pm ask for BM again, throughout the nite late on at interval of 3 or 4 hourly.
Hey mummies....spent best part of the morning reading all the posts...info overload. But thanks!

Hippo: Long time to hear, see, talk! Really a timely reminder from you on 'taking it slow' when it comes to weaning. Need to reboot system.

*wave wave* to xoxo too!! Thanks for sharing what your PD said. Hmmm pebble like poop. Think yx is passing this. Very concerned...

Ting: Gosh...sounds really bad at your side. Just have to tahan..rant here if you need to.

Anyway, just saw this banner on the forum. Some superdad competition. I know a few dads of oct babies actually qualifies (DEFNITELY NOT mine at the moment). Here's the link: http://www.abbott.com.sg/superdad/?utm_source=sgmotherhood&utm_medium=banner&utm_content=728by90&utm_campaign=SuperDad
ting : Your mil same as mine. Mine also will cry loud loud, slam door or run away from home. Childish...

IloveMaxMax : I got mine from overseas spree. I think it cost about $7 per tin.

hippo : Lele always poop when i fed him Happybellies cereal. When lele don't poo because of some new puree i introduced, i will add in cereal in the next meal. Sure enough, he will poo later in the day or the following day.

Haiz... My mil kept complaining that i let lele wear shoes. I only let him wear once during CNY and she has been complaining non stop. Now Lele prefer to try standing up to learn walking and she kept telling me that its my fault. She said baby should not wear shoes before 1 year old and if they walk too early, they will have a very bad life. As if i can stop lele from wanting to learn how to walk. Pissed off.
dreamygal>> I think all MILs are the same.. drama kind.. n like to cry.. sighzz.. I must bear in mind NOT to be like tat when i am a MIL in future.. LOL

Ting>> Though things are bad at ur side but endure.. at least 2 more years and u can escape from the clutches!!!
Oh dear.. yes, your MIL is really extremely inconsiderate. That was indeed an extremely potent virus. I remembered my elder caught an extremely potent virus from me and the symptom came fast and furious. It’s like day 1 running nose, day 2 lung infection!!! She had to be hospitalized immediately. But surprisingly after that episode, all the other flus and virus seem minor to her., be it stomach flu or running nose, she took less than 1 week to recover. Hopefully after this episode, your bb will be stronger.

I guess you have to be tactful handling your MIL. They are very sensitive people. I had my fair share of experience because my MIL took care of my girls too. In the end, I have to grit my teeth and apologize and explained things to her. There is no other way to make them understand things until we sit down and share our opinions to them. But of course, they must have the receptive nature lah. If your MIL has a mind of her own, then it’s really difficult. For us, if my MIL is sick, I will take leave to take care of my baby myself. If my FIL is sick, hubby will tell him not to go near bb. If no choice, buy mask for them to wear if they need to handle bb. Remind them to wash hand and face when they want to touch bb.

I hope after this episode, your MIL will learn not to take things for granted, ie sick still go near bb..
Dear Mummies,

Have u all heard abt this company called Grolier international? They are selling an educational programme, mainly books for kids. I bumped into them during the baby expo. Their books seems to be impressive but damn ex. Any1 used the programme b4? How useful is the programme?
Mrs neo : Why do you find it good? Anyway, if you are getting the logico board, can get from overseas spree - cheaper.
Dreamygal>> I think the books are quite cute leh.. disney characters.. They also have this magic english and dvd of mickey mouse. Seems like quite fun as the DVD also have a part whereby the kids can have a Quiz after they watch the DVD.

U heard of this company b4?
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Ting</font>
gosh... ur MIL so super buay zi dong leh.. n i agree. u have been really really patient n giving her face. big hugz and well done for 'Ren-ing'. It's really not easy. Hope KD is better le

<font color="ff0000">Liting</font>
I wanna get 1 can to try first. coz not sure if my boy can take it. I gave him Healthy Times and he got stomach pain after that. so it's trial n error for me.

So far he's tried Organix and he can take it. I'm buying Bellamy from BP to try.

U can spare me 1 can? if he can take it den I'll consider buying more.</font>
Happy Mummy : They always have promotion booths around the island. Fantastic sales talk. Take a step back to access whether the books are really that useful and worth paying that much.
dreamygal>> True.. they super hard sell.. but i was firm to say no.. Just curious.. whether they are gd.. in fact, i am only interested in their disney dvd and books.. they said its $600+.. consisting 26 DVDs and 26 books
Ting: i give u 5 stars.. no wait 10! for still being able to stay under the same roof with your MIL. If its me think i'd either have exploded with rage or just pack and move! hhahahaha.... I can only say I really hope KD is doing better!

Jamie: strawberry and honey are not advisable to be given to babies before the reach 1YO. due to possible allergies and infant botulism.

Constipation: Mummies with bubs having this problem can try giving fresh, ripe plum puree as plums have a mildly laxative effect on the body and may loosen your baby's stools.
Tell me abt prunes. Fed min diluted prune juice last evening this morning she made two nice long submarines without crying. Yay yay yay. Never knew there'd be a day poo excites me. Ah... The joys of motherhood.

Think wanna nominate my ah lao for superdad. Hehe... He is 24/7 w min if not at work. Hmmm im xing fu xiao nu ren

busy busy at work lor... No time to pee even. Now doing waxing then hve time to post lor. Yah if like pellets then may need to feed more water.
Lookg forward to bali nxt weekend. But think we will hve separation anxiety leh... Not bringing min
xoxo, hey, good that your help is here. Hope things are working out with her. Frankly I really take my hat off to all of you who take care of baby without help! Esp now that baby takes solids, need more time to prepare the food and do the massive clean up after each meal. Even my mother commented that Amelie has food all over her face (sometimes hair) after a meal. Sigh. I don't think that I can ever feed her solids in public because we would need to give her a bath. And our little friend absolutely refuses to learn how to hold her own milk bottle or hold a cup properly. She just wants to hold the rim and not the handle of the doidy and chew on it. I notice that she is also more fussy and demanding these days. Wants to be carried very often.

Am staying home this week, trying to recover from my cold quickly before I go for surgery for my slipped disc on Fri. Kinda sad that I am not able to interact with Amelie cos trying to avoid passing the germs back to her again (who knows maybe mine is from office and not from her). And I realised that I will be spending my first mother's day as a mother in hospital, probably without Amelie. So sad.

Poor Ting, I think I would have stomped out of the house a long time ago. Hope KD is well.
hippo>> long submarines.. wad a way to describe Min's poo.. hahahah i can almost visualise them!

and ya, im gg to nominate my ah lao too! he is the superdad.. he bathes Belle more than me, feeds her more than me, pats her to sleep more than me.. then i just sit there and shake leg and watch tv..
when she wakes up in the middle of the night, the daddy wakes up too, whilst the mummy snores away..
wad is this mummy doing man! hahaha
funzee > sorry to hear abt the slipped disc and cold! yeah..get well so that you can recuperate faster from the operation. yes, i think those days w/o a maid was foolhardy of me. you know in thoughts amelie would wish you the best mummy day ever! get well soon...*hugs*
Hiyo im back , super busy and dreadful 2 mths episode, gog thru the fighting match in sch.
For mommies who knew abt my case, my principal finally admit its management fault!!!!At least he did something n pacified me , if not i wont be able to face tt hb of mine staying in tt institute.He wanted to give me back my lecturer post shd i take it? but under tt old spinster again, till now she still dun wan to come forward.Even if i go back n work like hell i wont get promoted right as currently my performance garding n student feedback are among the top 95% lecturer lor but old spinster dun wan renew my contract just coz she dun like my face and criticised me of taking 4 mth ml!!!!dun even know y she dun like me in the 1st plc.I cant go into another sch within my institute coz my hb is there!!!Anyway terrible dreadful months, see my hb also flared up wearing tt shitty tee everyday.

how is bb now?recovered?I felt its better to talk to ur fil or ask ur hb to talk to ur fil n ur fil to ur mil, tts provided ur fil is those who understand u. &amp; the situation and educate ur mil abit. i cant imagine u got to go thru tt, be super dreadful, howover is fever which is crucial as mind affect bb brain development , i was so panic n upset when M down with fever for 2 days lor n worse aldy 1 wk
Be strong, u will pull thru it soon.After hearing ur story,im glad im not staying with my inlaw hehe.

mrs neo: oh ya i was stopped by tt cpy twice at expo too, super ex wo.very comprehensive though but usually will end up collecting dust after sometimes.

funzee: u r fast.i havent intro meat only fish but guess my M a glutton , wanna eat everything we eating . fussed nonstop till we let him taste

tien: haha im preparing for tt but after 1 wk i only write 1 statment n din go back to it,wanna give my hb a surprise if really get selected
baby under 1 years old cannot take honey ah..

anyone who sign up for sean lau went to take picture already? Mine is in early july but i'm a bit panicky now because my girl start to crawl!! She's doing the commando crawling and can glide herself forward from one end to the end of the playmat very very fast! headache ah... Any baby start to show symptoms of crawling?
hi mummies..

have been on and off reading..

Ting: ur MIL really ai yo.. but my MIL is the reverse of yours.. she will quarantine herself in her room, we are even not suppose to enter her room only FIL is allowed.. as for playing with my boy, most of the time she will not disturb much and will just pop in once in a while to play with him then off she goes either going shopping or back to her room to watch tv.

My boy down with fever, running nose, cough, throat inflammation.. have been sick for 4 days lucky fever subside but still gotta take medicine for cough, running nose and throat. he will make a big fuss when taking medicine (it taste super awful)after taking the medicine he will have cold sweat (heartpain) and his poops is super watery, it came out of the diaper and went all the way up to his back, so can just simply imagine how watery it is.. seeing him taking medicine, i told him " i rather be the one taking all the medicine".

the mummy not in good form also, sore throat and cough.. have been popping in all the throat medicnes i could find in the hse on top of that star fruit juice.

my this post looks bored hope nobody will be affected.. :p
Sigh. I can only sigh and sigh. My mil is no doubt difficult to live with. But my fil too. Anyway not to bored u all w my poor stories... Till another episode from them again, I will be posting here!!!

Btw, do u all taste whatever u feed to ur bb? I will leh! Including my own bm, medicines and the solids I mix so I know how he feels when he taste the med ma. Frankly, I dunno y they will like to drink bm. Haha. Like teh w a fishy after taste!

Then that day when we came home from hosp w the antibiotic I was about to taste the anti biotic when luckily my hubby stopped me! Cos I am allergy to amoxicillin ma. Lucky he stop me else we will have to go bk hosp again. Haha.
ting>> Dun think too much! Hope u wont have anymore problems wif them till ur get ur hse.. I know its impossible but Jia you!!! Perhaps the thought of breaking free from them in 2 years time will brighten u up?

Least ur hubby is on ur side. But mine.. Sighz.. Everything is.. I am pin pointing on his mother.. so now, i just kept my mouth shut lor.. Sianzz.

I will taste the BM b4 giving to my bb.. to ensure that the milk has not gone bad or sour though its only maximum 1 day old in the fridge.. but i am pananoid.
Happy Mummy : Hmm... I wouldn't say its not good as i have not really look at those books in detail. Maybe i can say that a coach bag and a no brand bag serve the same purpose. Its what individual wants and whether they can afford. Being single income, i have to choose the training material and enrichment courses carefully loh.
dreamygal>> Ya.. i know wat u meant.. Even though, me and hubby are both working, but still $ hard to earn... Plus the package is not $20, $30 kind.. we are talking abt few K leh..
Bday Bash: Sorry was quite bz lately.. i'm afraid that i wont have the time to plan it already
coz has quite a no. of projects to work on... anyone wanna help out?

we're still stuck on the venue...
read some babies have begun to crawl... My gal doesnt fancy tummy time. Will cry n then roll back to lying back position.

Btw, when will hair dropping season be over? Tot of rebonding when my gal is a yr old but i tink my hair will look v flat cos not so voluminous as last time!
Hi mummies, I am wondering if there are any stay home mummies living in the north and ll like to have a play group
for our children? I live in Yishun and my boy ll be 7 months tomorrow.
