(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs


How to train bb to stop midnite feed? my son feed 2times. Sometime 12.30am or 1.30am and 4.30am or 5.30am. He mostly sleep around 9 to 9.30pm. Heard tat 6mths start train to stop midnite feed.Any idea how?

HI mummies!
Haha still free to pop in today.
Had a depressing day yesterday. Those on my fb would have seen my almost suicidal status.

Anyway I was the one who mention that Daiso has the grinder thinghy. I got it from the baby section at Vivo. PY is right. Kitchen side also have. And it can fit on different sizes of bowls. Buy those small small container to keep the biscuits and puffs...very very good.

Gal: I took extended NPL for 2 and a half months. Now regretted. Shld have taken more!! Sigh...

Glass: NOW i know! It's the carrots. I wanted her to have more Vit A and so asked my mum to put carrots. Shall tell her that that caused constipation. Gonna put broccoli instead.

Anyway YX has pooped!! Haha mum was describing to me how it is turning into those long type of poop...GROSS!! Hahah

Vodkarib: Hmm ya maybe you can try porridge. But not so much at one go. My girl definitely loves porridge more than the cereal.

Really miss my SAHM days!!!
browsed brieftly and saw ur qns on playgrds in q/stown.
My son is attending the one beside the MRT -the church since last yr. now he is 4, so he's in Nursery alrdy. If u r talking abt convenience and within walking distance, there r 2 at ur side... both are churches... but i think only 1 is a childcare centre type... aiyah slipped off my mind wats the name of the school now.. some Milky sthg sthg. hahaha.... rem that time i picked u up in a cab and u were waiting for me juz beside this building? its tt one.

anyway earliest u can send is 18 mths, so no hurry. 4 me, i sent my son only when he turned 2 yrs 3 mths.

there isnt much choices in q'stown. u can oso check the link tt PY has attached and check out the nearby ones.

OUCH! u were bitten by E? I know its def v painful! 4 my son, thankfully even when he was teething, he did not bite me (except on 2 rare occasions but he stopped aft tt) and i was able to carry on till he was 14 mths. 4 RN, i am keeping fingers crossed and i hope her teeth dun emerge anytime soon.

i am a mother of 2 alrdy and seriously i still hv no idea how to wean off night feeds. i juz let baby decide and since i hv gotten used to nite feeds now.
Some suggest cold turkey, some say give water, pacifier. I prefer to juz latch and solve the problen. heee...

wat happened? din see ur updates on FB. Yeah, sahm days r certainly good!

Mommies, to share a bfg poem here tt i like it v much. Hope this cheers u up and motivates u to go on and on!

<font color="0000ff">Mommy I love your milk so sweet and yummy,
It's the very best stuff for my little tummy.
Mommy when your patience is running low
at best, sit down, take a few deep breaths and
bring me to your breast.
Mommy hold me close to your soft warm chest
Because being in your arms is where
I like being best.
Mommy do not listen to those who say
I am spoiled.
It's just that you're my favorite person in the
whole wide world.
Mommy when their negative comments put you to the test.
Don't worry, trust yourself
Because mommy you know me best.
Mommy ignore them when they ask,
"Isn't it time to wean?"
Because when to stop is up to only you and me.
Mommy continue rocking me, sing another song.
I am still a baby, but not for very long.</font>
happy mummy
yeah u r right... tt part is really sweet. in fact i love the entire poem coz it gives me a really warm feeling when i read it.

i like the sentence on
Mommy hold me close to your soft warm chest
Because being in your arms is where
I like being best.
Jrrt>> that's very sweet. Sigh m really lazy to start the process of weaning him off bfeeding. But cos m changing portfolio soon, n it will be impossible for me to pump at work anymore.. So got to stop bf. But the thought of stopping.. It makes me sad.. So m still resisting.. Problem is I dun even know how long he will nd to get used to FM. Even when kid is 1 yr old.. He will still nd milk??
I was hoping I can skip the FM stage.. N go all solid at 1 yr old. Or at 1 yr old, he still needs milk?
yeah, when i had to wean my son off bfg then, it took me a long while to stop finally. i was v reluctant and emotional abt it. cried for quite a few days.

i am a firm believer tt a growing child needs milk. thus i din wean my 4 yr old son off milk btls coz i am afraid he will stop drinking milk totally if i do tt. i wan him to love drinking milk for as long as he can, even when he is 8 or 10 yrs old. coz i myself love milk till i was in my early teens. i rem drinking milk powder when i was in pri sch still.

actually FM is not bad too. why do u resist?

My boy is 4 yr going 5 yr old and he still took 2-3 times milk per day. Milk is good for them let them have it even they grow up.

My frd jioing me to go the Potrait Contest in Parkway this weekend. Mummy interested can bring your bb there too. Got 3 catagories:-

Cos There is 3 contest

1. BAby alone, aged 0-6
2. Babies with Motherr, aged 2-6
3. Baby with Mother, 0-2
Jrrt> not that I resist formula milk. I fear the transitioning. Afraid he kicks up a fuss switching frm BM to FM like how he fussed to switch to Bottle feed
Jrrt : nice poem,thanks for posting it

Tien : am sure baby Kay is missing u too,nect time bring her romper along. But I don't know whether that will help u or make u miss her even more

Gemson : before Josh sleep I always make sure that he's full. Take solid food plus bf straight after,just to make sure that he's full. Usually Josh won't need night feed anymore til 7 am

Question : how to stop producing milk? I want to stop completely but don't know how. When will we get our period? And last question,any recommended infant care in west area?

Everytime you just pump 50% instead of 100% and slowly decrease by day. That what I do and I stop bfeed my boy 2 week ago. Now now milk liao.
jRRt: that is what my mum told me too, let them decide. But i want let him sleep more and better sleep.

Angelina : I only wean solid food (porridge) 1 time a day only. the rest of that is FM. Solid food in day time. He usually drink FM 6oz around 9.30pm then straight sleep till 12 or 1.30am milk again..then 4 or 5.30am again..
Sunnyling : I stopped pumping already,so I just latch like 3 times in 1 day. Morning,day time n before he sleep. But sometimes I feel engorge before his latching time
its quite easy to stop.

eg if u take 20 mins to express, now u stop earlier. so mayb u juz exxpress for 15 mins then stop, regardless of issit still jetting anot. u reduce it slowly and eventually ur body gets the cue tt ur baby does not need anymore milk. and then u can drag the intervals tt u pump. but do it slowly so u dun suffer fr engorgement.

oic... then u can add FM to ur BM to slowly transit ur baby. eg start off wif 75% EBM, 25% FM for wk 1, then move on to 50-50 for wk 2 etc till ur baby is accustomed to FM. it might not b as bad as wat u think.
jrrt : i love the poem! i love latching my boy (until that eventful day).

abt childcare, the milk thingy should be milk n honey but not v good review. My nanny's plc's K1/K2 kids goes to Good Shepherd. You think its good? True Way heard that lately the teachers turnover quite high. Your boy okay with Trueway? :D

er..true..18 mths..but...got pple say 2009 intake full liew gotta queue. :S I hope neighbourhood one not so fast full but..think i better quickly decide and register :p

yep, press on! Each time E bites u, unlatch him and gently slap his cheeks to say that biting is not allowed as it hurts mummy. keep repeating.

yah yah! its Milk &amp; Honey! hahaha... the 2 pregnancies wiped off 99% of my brain cells liao. hee...

I heard gd Sherperd is gd... True way ah... i wun say its v gd but i cant complain lah. its the nearest to my mum plc. Beggers cant b choosers, right?

Yes, u'll b surprised tt there is a list waiting! U can call &amp; find out 1st but doubt they take in registration tt early. U planning to send E to pre-N in church or aft 18 mths send him direct to childcare and not hv nanny anymore?

juz saw tt u dun pump but latch only. if u wanna wean off, u gotta stop direct latch totally, else cannot wean off since each time Josh suckles, its alrdy stimulating ur brains to keep on producing milk.
jrrt> nice poem! yes i agree that our baby will only be a baby for a few months of their life..
how i wish my girl will remains as a baby forever hahaha..

the last sentence of the poem made me tear
Morning mummies!!
Haha popping in again.

Jrrt: Nice to 'see' you around here! Sigh..work lor. Don't like the fact that I am being dump in the so-called 'condemned' projects and expected to perform miracle. Not the first time. But this is the worst! dunno to feel flattered that they think I can perform miracle or feel shitty cos if it fails I am as good as dead!

Lovely poem. Thanks for sharing. I am glad I din fall under pressure to wean her off latching a few weeks back. Now I just love the moments of latching her at night and in the morning.

Angelina: Sigh I think if I bring romper I will cry!!

YX really sweet lor...think babies are very intuitive. She knows that it's time for her to wake up when I go to work. But now she is smarter. She won't go to sleep after latching. She will stay awake and see me off. SOB SOB...tearing again...din know I will miss her so much. Yet I am resisting going home early cos the moment she sees me, she dun want anything else but me carry and latch. dun think it's healthy like that. When I went home at 2pm on monday..she was soooo fussy when I refused to latch her that we had to drive her out to distract her! So, trying to help her get use to the life when my work starts to pile up next week.
tien : ya..baby v intuitive
YX so sweet

Anyone has any idea whether Piriton is safe during breastfeeding? I like remember its okay leh, but went to see web look like some say ok, some say not okay. I popped two tablets yesterday now thinking if I need to throw my milk
haha, its the IN thing to b in FB now mah, so the kindy oso jumped on the bandwagon!

same like u, i oso wished RN can slow down and remain a baby always. i dun wan her to b so mobile yet. in terms of development, she's faster than her gor-gor. and oso coz she's so light-weight, she's v swift in her movements as well. I prefer a lazier her lah.
And yah they wun b a baby for v long...

I guess aft u being away fr work for so long, its so-called normal 4 u to b dumped wif those silly projects. esp u r not ard to voice up. sigh.
Yeah aft going back to work, dun u juz treasure those moments u can latch?
I do!
YX was like RN - when i 1st started going back to work, she knew instinctively when i wake up in the morn and does so together wif me. watching me pump &amp; get ready for work until my mum picks her up. but slowly she got used to it and dun wake up so early as me anymore.
Same, same! When i get back home aft work, u can see how they literally lit up and jump rite? I will latch RN if she wants to. I would like to think all these r coz u juz resumed work. she will soon get the hang of it.
and the idea of being such an impt person in her life delights me!
<font color="0000ff">I've been so silent for so long, gosh. Just came back from Beijing. Brought my elder boy along and we totally enjoyed ourselves just that the weather was pretty cold. about 10+ degrees. Now his cheeks red red

<font color="ff0000">Bday Bash</font>
I'm interested in the bday bash too.. but hope more central location coz i'm in the west

<font color="ff0000">HT Cereals</font>
Oh no.. i missed the report on the worms. Now i cant see the thread already. And to think i still have a few boxes of brown rice cereals at home. Malcolm can't take them so have to sell them away.</font>
hello mummies,

i was checking my archive mailbox and found this old email that i send to my gf abt introducing solid to my elder girl. so, for those who has yet to start solid, something to share with you


The rule of thumb is introducing 1 food at a time to check for food allergy. I started with introducing organic rice cereal (think it’s Heinz) mixed with breast milk for 1 of her meal and do this for 1 week. After that, I introduce 1 vege at a time and add to cereal. Again I feed her for 1 week. My first vege is potato follow by broccoli , carrot, sweet potato, pumpkin, beans, green pepper.. The sequence depends on you but try not to intro sweet vege first. I hold on to sweet potato and pumpkin because they’re very sweet. Don’t want Aria to develop sweet tooth.

I will boiled the vege first and then mash it and mixed it with cereal and BM. The first few times, she takes may be 2-3 spoon and slowly when she can swallon properly, you can slowly increase the amount. Aria was on cereal for 2 months and when she hit 9 months, I started to intro porridge. I will throw 1 or 2 vege inside the slow cooker to cook with the rice for abt 3-4 hours. 1 month later, I introduce fish. So, it will be 1 slice of fish, 2 veges. From then, I alternate the diff vege each day and even add red dates and wolfberries to make the porridge nicer.

When she’s 10 plus month, she’s on 2 solid which consist of porridge for lunch and cereal for dinner. Her typical feeding something like below:

When I first intro solid:
5am: latch 1 side
7am: latch 1 side with more milk
12pm: cereal
4pm: EMB (express breast milk)
7pm: EMB
10pm: EBM and/or latch

When I intro porrige:
5am: latch 1 side
7am: latch 1 side with more milk
12pm: cereal alternate with porridge
4pm: EMB (express breast milk)
7pm: EMB
10pm: EBM and/or latch

Abt 10 months till now:
3am and/or 5am: latch 1 side (bad habit, naughty girl)
6-7am: latch 1 side with more milk
12pm: porridge
4pm: EMB (express breast milk)
6.30pm: cereal
9pm: EBM and latch on off till KO
I oso scared of intro formula to my gal. She was on bottlestrike when she was 3 months old.

u tried mixing formula wif bm? I heard dat was nt advisable. Maybe its e mixture.
Tien : u sounds so sad.. Hope everything will work out just fine for ur work n for baby YX. I'm considering to find a job but reading ur story makes me think twice about it. Everyday with Josh sure it will be difficult to be separated even for few hours
hey angelina, why don't u consider doing online freelancing jobs?
try odesk.com (can be virtual assistant, organize stuff, type, do commenting on forums (i'm sure we all love this!!), write articles, etc) and fiverr.com (anything for 5 USD)some people do crazy stuff like draw picture on sand, or send postcards, or others.

if u r interested, i can tell u more about it. then u don't need to go out to work and can still spend time with josh
Jrrt: Ya I hope we both get the hang of me going back to work. Anyway I am now looking in the short term. Hopefully I hv the guts to just give it all up when the time comes. This job does have a special place in my heart. It changed me a lot.

Don't we just adore the attention we get from the little ones? See lah...type till I want to tear again. Sian...today cannot go back earlier. Got meeting till 6pm!!

Angelina: Really...if you have a choice, be a SAHM. Like what glass said, do freelance, if you really want to earn a bit of pocket money. Really envy young SAHM like you and PY. Young and full of energy. Great age to be mummies! Really marry the right hubbies...hur hur...

Just a lament...seems like it was only yesterday I was sitting at the very same table typing about being preggy...now we have moved on to talking about the lil ones...
Alot of mummies like to be SAHM here. For me I enjoy my working life which I can chit chat or talk rubbish with my colleague but I also enjoy my life with my boys at night. I don't think I can be a SAHM cos every weekend when I fully take care of my boys I find more tired than working. But in near future I might be a SAHM if my hubby is changing his job which I dare not think about it.
I'm a between... SAHM is quite relaxing cos my mum helps mi out during e day but life is kinda mundane. Still contemplating whether to extend my no-pay leave. Scared quite tiring in e morning esp when my gal slp abt 11 pm every night n I gotta be up at 5am to prepare for work.
Btw, any mummies ferry their babies to their parents' during early morning?
silver_bellzz, I ferry my girl to my parents' place every morning and bring her home every night during weekdays. We'll leave home from bukit panjang at 6.30am to Commonwealth. At night will reach my parents' place at about 8pm and after dinner, we'll reach home at about 1030pm.
Glass : that sounds great,thanks so much for the info

Tien : ya I think I'm lucky enough to be a sahm at this age. Enjoying all the privilege to be with the little one n witness everything. But sometime I miss having my own "me" time,I know I sounds selfish. But I just need few hours to do my own thing. Omg,I really sounds selfish. Don't know whats gotten into me

Cat : we live nearby
I'm in bt.batok

Sahm or working : am really considering to put Josh in infant care,so I can have a break for myself. Either find a job or just find something to do. This last few days its been tiring for me. Maybe because Josh has been sick for more then 3 weeks,n I have to handle fussy sick baby by myself.so its super tiring. Even my mil can't help anymore cause she's busy working. So its really just me. Really wish I have a job so I can be a happy mummy when I spend time with my Josh. Or else like now,I'm just a grouchy always tired mom. I'm too tired even just to play woth him. N I hate being that kind of mum
hi all, i've been a silent reader of this forum since my pregnancy. now, i'm already a mother of a 6months old son.

i wish i can be SAHM.. i wish that i can bring my son home everyday.. however, due to the irregular knock off timing, i'm not able to. i feel sad whenever i leave my mum's place without him, to the extent i tear when i left.. frustrated that i cannot accompany him and witness his growing everyday.
Jrrt>> thks I think I hav set a arget date to start intro FM when he is 8mths old.

Angelina>>odesk.com thing sounds interesting. R u actually feeelancing via this portal? Wld like to hear abt it. Though I dun have any specialized skillset but wld be gd to know what r my options if I wan to be SAHM

I ferry my baby to mum place every morning at 6.30 and bring him home arnd 9.30pm every day. By the time he sleeps wld be around 11pm. When I first started this schedule 2 mths back, I was so tired but now m getting used to it. I will feel very uneasy if I have to leave him overnight at my mum place..so I try to minimise it to max once a week (usu wed). But it's actually kind of good cos then I will have some me time to either meet y gal frens, or go for a nice dinner with my hubby (alternate)..cos come weekends it is jus baby baby baby 24 hrs ;) but m not complaining either
everytime I feel tired at work, I will tell myself
1. If I stop working, I will prob feel grumpy facing baby 24hrs a day
2. Baby sleeps around 4 hours a day during the day so am not missing his action very much since am only away for 5/6 hrs while he is awake
3. Force myself to work harder during office hours n clear as much work so that I can spend 100% time with him at night
4. It's really goin to be hard to survive on single income so I will jus Tahan until my hubby ask me to throw in the towel...
Envy SAHM but I am sure everyone has it's own worries.. B grass is always always greener on the other side
vodkarib: i think you are talking to me. i haven't offered my services at odesk, because i prefer to be the one outsourcing my projects.
just go there and look at what services people are offering. you can't compete on price with the filipno and indians/ blagadeshis, but some of the more qualified ones charged higher, like at least US$15 per hour. Other charge by projects.

if you be WAHM, then the grass is green right on your side!
Glass: heh paiseh got mixed up w all the posts.. Ya thks for advice. I never knew abt the portal. Maybe can start searching now n see if it's viable ;)
blessedcyn: that makes a lot more. tien and famela are in the same profession too!

gal and vodkarib: yup. there are other portals too. but i haven't really explored them.
i just got a 5 dollar job that will just take about 5 min of my time.

there are other ways to make money on the internet without leaving the house. maybe i'll go and write a report on that and pass to you guys to take a look.
By the way read that some of u checking out the expo baby fair today.. Updates updates later ok? On whether there r any gd deals for items for babies of our age.. Contemplating whether to go after work ;)
glass: wah, stay at home and can earn extra income !!!

I am interested too.. do pm me if there is lobang available.. hee..

Thanks in advance!!
Hey glass, inform mi of ur lobang too!

Seems like quite a few babies (who r being ferried to n fro)r slpping ard 10-11+. I trying to get my gal to slp early. Target abt 10pm cos she slps at 11pm nw. Cant imagine her slpping late when I start working. She tends to be woken up easily, so will wake up in e morning when we ferry her to my parents'. Any of u started on bedtime routines? I trouble my mum to prepare dinner earlier for us so we can reach hm abt 8pm everynite... but my gal still slpping at e usual time... guess it takes time
wanna earn $100? Call June at 98424483 to do a sanitary pad survery, must be A level or Diploma holders age 18-24

not sure if anyone younger than me lol. =x but just share this lobang k!
