(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

you all very bad, keep tempting me to go Isetan.. hahahahhahahahaa

actually i dun think jumperoo will cause crooked legs.. in fact my fren's baby loves her jumperoo, and her legs are super strong! even when you carry her, she will go 'boingggg boinggg'.. pple carrying her must have super strong arms if not cannot tahan her bouncing! hahaha

tien: i guess the tray in a way helps to prevent them from standing, but if your yx is very determine to stand, guess the tray cannot stop her for long also bah. by the way, bumbo seat can be quite hot at the bum area, you may want to let her sit in it when the aircon is on, or have a fan blowing in her direction. Kaelyn is a eskimo girl, so i usually have either one on and facing her.
my friend military train her son, bit by bit, day by day, now he can sit and finish his meal there already.

mie: agree with the high chair associating with meal time theory. will be getting one soon. now our babies are going into the weaning stage, more reasons to do more shopping... hee
Shugar: huh not you? Paisay! Cos I rem someone commented that the pd says that toys like jumperoo n exersaucer will affect knees or something like that. Had the idea it was you. Sorry ah...

Loke: I cannot go orchard lah!! Too far! Yx will starve. Probably go to the one in parkway.

Mie mie: haha shopping time!!!
Hmm jumperoo seems fun. Maybe can get that one. But there's no age specification. it only says baby must be able to support own head.

Mrs Neo: that makes 2 boring mummies.
Tien>> I use sebamed BB shampoo for my boy. But once every 2-3 days bah. If u r in parkway u an get it from the toiletries shop opp gnc. Heh much cheaper than watsons. Cradle cap I apply cailifornia BB cream to help remove
Wow... Hi all again, I hv been reading post. But nvr post any, due to short memories! I forgot my pwd to this forum...

Amazing stuff bout MIL n hb, I was complaining to my mom after returning from my IL's place too. As am a BF mom too, still rmbr when my ger ard 2mths, am down wif cold n flu... My MIL SMS my hb, told him I cannot latch my ger n hv to wear mask when am carrying her! N not to create conflick, I worn for 2 days eventho PD told me is ok. But wat making me irritated is... They nvr wear mask when they r sick but still carry my get n cough rite to her face!!! N the most annoying part is, when my ger cry... The whole troop of p.ple rush into my room n my MIL will follow wherever my hb n I go, till we surrender n pass her my ger! Den she will go on n on bout her superstitous kinda saying n method, am real pissed... Cos I only believe in facts...

I hv da lamaze caterpillar too for my ger, she plays wif in whenever the maid put her in da playpen. But playing by herself, she can even play wif her own fingers or a hanky for some times too tho...
tien: bring yx along!! haha. i always bring angel to office.. work until sian liao then bring her go walk walk at isetan or tangs.. keke..
duracell >> before i can wean, it's time to get the loots...plates, mugs, spoons, cereal..what else...ahh...bibs, hehe..the only thing i've gotten is the high chair so far...**smoke rising from the purse**. Hmmm..Dre is showing more signs:

tien >> from the lobang queen - shugar :D - california bb for shampoo..and i rented the exersaucer (safety first) from rent-that-toy...clean, great! Dre has her 10min playtime there every morning while i wolf my breakfast..and she goes at it with gusto. enjoys twirling the swings, moving the car and playing with the links. the peekaboo function there is abit tough for her to manage at this stage..but she can press the button to ignite yr "why-did-i-even-get-this-for-you" moment..the same irritating nursery rhyme would go on and on and on...ha! So far, enjoyable..I've abt 2 weeks more to go and I have already booked another type...

i cho-cho you to buy the bumper mat. it saved Dre many many times from hurting herself. you just wouldn't know when they suddenly flip backwards, sideways or worse, head-butt into the ground. between exersaucer and mat..get the playmat..nvm if she stuff all her fists into her face..and the drool is all over - the playmat is very easy to clean.

cat02>> your little sunshine sumo is sooooooooo CUTE! i love her spike of hair and happy face!

joey >> angry...hmm..maybe she wasn't ready to sleep yet? or you've missed the cue for her to go to sleep and she has become over-tired?
Hi All!

Another reader here ... lazy to post as I often read from my hp. Now typing in the dark as my 2 children sleep in the same room.

Reagan is another one who is not guai in bumbo. He will always bend forward to either his right or left. Then after 5mins, he will start making noise. I can't get him to sit up right!

I have my share too! She has been popping in 2-3days in a week. Then she will inspect my house, see what I'm doing. If I'm cooking, then she will ask what and how I cook. She will comment on my cooking and said "you gotta put this and that. If not, it's not nice." "cannot cook in this way!" gosh, I don't really like her cooking cos she put msg in her foods! Sometimes she will bring loads of vege over or foods over. There's only my 6 years old son with me in the house. We can't finish so much! And most of the time, I have already cook when she brought the stuff over. We are living too close! So I wanna move!!!

I want to do my own brown rice cereal. Got the organic brown rice already and will start to grind in the next weekend when my hubby is around. Quite looking forward to wean Reagan as he is very interested in our foods nowadays. Didn't have the chance to do so with my elder son as I'm working then.

Reagan also not much hair to wash! Still the same lenght as when he's born >_<

I wanted to rent the exersaucer for Reagan to try too. But as he always lean forward when he's sitting, I really dunno if he can sit in the exersaucer.
Just finish feeding Reagan. Oh ya, Jrrt/gal/vodkarid
I'm joining you guys in the panda club though I'm not a working mum.

Reagan is still waking up in the night for feeds. Gosh, I also dunno where to start!

1-2am Reagan wake up for feed
4-5am Another feed
6-7am pumping milk
7-8am Reagan wake up
9am cook "lunch" for elder son
10am bath Reagan
1045am Bring Reagan down to send off elder son to school
11-2pm Reagan's nap time, my lunch + washing up (This is where I will steal a nap and miss my lunch if I'm too tired)
3pm pumping time
4-6pm Reagan's 2nd nap, cooking of dinner for me
6-7pm Reagan's bath
715pm down to fetch my elder son with Reagan
8-9pm Reagan's sleeping time, elder son's dinner
9-10pm Elder son's revision time
10pm sleep for my elder son
10-11pm washing up dinner stuff
11-12am pump

There, this is my normal day.... gosh, it seem that I really don't get to sleep past 3 hours!

Is Reagan the only one getting up for feeds still?!
sotong mum >> u wanna try the exersaucer at my place for Reagan first before renting?

Hallo! Hallo! This is not a Hwa Xia sort of swimming..where a neck float is used and the bb has to amuse themselves by floating abt. My friend formed a group to get lessons and had very good feedback. Principally, baby will actually be thought how to swim, dive (yes..those shots u get of babies open-eyed in water, breathing out air bubbles happen!) etc..but more importantly, to utilise their natural buoyancy to engage them in this life skill..so there's less tendency for them to fear water which will set in as early as 8 months to a year old.

The classes begin from 6 mth old. Once a week. At a private pool. If we can gather 6 babies..the cost is $84/mth. Lesson duration is 30mins.

Let me know ASAP so I can arrange for the instructor etc to be on this just nice by May when our babies are safely 6 mths. If we don't garner 6 names, no issue - just that we end up paying abit more per baby.

For more information: http://www.swimminglessons.com.sg/infantaquatics.htm

Those interested, please use the following to indicate a possible day/time.

1) Xoxolight (Mon-Wed, 5pm)

Thanks and hope to have the Gang of Six! :p

It looks like it's fun! Am thinking if the timing is all right for me as I gotta pick Ryan up at 715pm. Guess it gotta depand on where you guys are going? But thanks to you, I got to know about the Jun intensive course for Ryan and I'm going to sign him up!
i want! but i can only do weekends no particular time, preferably after 10am. ... swimming lessons of course i want. hehehe... i didn't even read the link you posted YET.

Wow Isetan and Spring Maternity selling at 40 nia, I will go AMK Hub tonight and buy at Spring Maternity after work. Hope they got sell tray too, I see in the web 2nd hand also sell around $40.


I am interested but the timing cannot cos I am working leh......

Those mummies that still wake up and pump in the midnight and working I must really applause you. I am lazy type now I only pump 3 times per day 6am (before work), 1pm+ (lunch time) and 9pm (before sleep) so my milk really drop alot but I have more sleep myself (pai seh to say that)

Both my boys are sick now, elder sick and keep go and hug &amp; kiss my younger now my younger also got mild cough and running nose still monitor and want to bring him see a doctor.
Morning mummies!
Cold war continues...

cat02: Hmmm tray may help? That's good news. Will see how it goes. My yx is also an eskimo kid but I am training her to be a tropical one. Looking at the crazy weather, she better be able to survive the heat. Else, her mummy and daddy will be broke paying the air-con electricity bills.

Loke: I still dun dare to drive yx to orchard on my own esp nowadays, she is starting to hate her car seat. Been trying to 'jump'out of it these days (see? YX is really notti) The fartherest I can manage is parkway parade for her. Sigh...Anyway my mum's helper is going to be gone in an hour or so, so, I better be around to help out. Will probably pop by parkway late afternoon for a quick shop.

vodkarib: I din know sebamed has BB range! Wow how you mummies get to know all these??

xoxo: Ok...judging by the similarities that YX and Dre have, think YX might just enjoy the exersaucer.

AS for bumper mat, does Dre like to slam her face or rather face-butt on it? YX LOVES TO DO IT on the mattress whenever she is on her tummy! That's why I dun dare to get it. Very scared her nose gets flatten or face gets dented. Been wanting to get one...but this girl's behaviour is telling me that it could be a hazard instead.

Sotong_mum: Thanks for the assurance that YX got a friend who doesn't behave in bumbo too. But huh...she is behaving like a boy? Pengz..haha...

Grind brown rice? How are you going to do it? Use those electrical grinder is it? Hmm i dun mind doing it myself too.

Btw, don't worry. You are not the only one getting up to feed the little one. YX has helped me sign up for the Panda Club, temporary membership with option to turn permanent, since she turns 4 months. Been waking up at either 2 am or 3 am to feed her. Sometimes she will decide to give me a break, that's why my membership still the temporary kind, but it's like once in every 2-3 days type.

xoxo: The swimming lessons sounds good. Diving...gosh..sounds scary though. Let me ask hubby (hopefully we start talking ok). But but that means the mummies have to don swim suit right to go into pool with the babies? OH NO!!! That will be traumatising for me.
Baby Aquatics >> I was trying my luck with the timing..cos I was concerned about weekends - wherever you go to the pools - they are full of pp! Hmm...I am OK with the weekends too but for the babies, I read it's much preferred to be late afternoon when the sun isn't too strong. So I re-try here...see if this new timing is better. I am actually OK both Sat and Sun - this swimming thingy takes priority over everything else...but Sat is more preferred for me.

By the way, for location - I have access to a pool, but it's all the way in Bt Timah (Dre's godma). I recce it a few times and it's barely used. The other pool I have access to is in Tiong Bahru (meraprime condo - BIL's place but that pool is crowded)...if any of the Gang of Six has a pool in mind that you know isn't going to be running riot..please let me know k? The instructor can be assigned to any location..as long as we are entitled to use it. YIPPEE!!

1) Xoxolight (Sat, 5pm)
xoxo: I can volunteer my pool. Although will only move in the new place in June but can start using the pool. Only 20 plus residents there. Pool not very crowded but it's in the east.
sotong, hippo >> of course i know you two are more than water babes! muahahaha..

sunnyling >> hope your little ones recover! the timing's been changed..how? you still keen?

tien >> aiyoh, time to hang up yr cold war...i cannot tahan more than a day kind..erm, usually, i lose becos of that...
hope things thaw today k? i told the PD of Dre nuzzling the mat or any other surface and he says it's normal. This girl without fail, would knock her head agst something everyday - our supervision q jialat but she really just butts her head here and there and it's quite unstoppable.i laughed when i read abt the nose bit and the face bit..hmmm..now that u mentioned...Dre's face esp nose is flat! :p
Erm...sotong said "is diving necessary"? actually, it isn't diving lah. it's more like teaching bbs how to exhale in water when their faces are submerged - key to impart swimming styles to them later. some natural born swimmers then take it further and go "diving"... i was very surprised to learn they can be taught - but my friend's videos and photos have convinced me. in fact, my friend was telling me that her daughter sleeps SUPER WELL after each swimming lesson...as for the mummy must wear a swim suit..well yes. but u can get the daddy to do the honours too...and why traumatised? I am also v conscious of the stretch marks at the thighs so i am so going to get a swim suit that covers me to the knees! don't shy lah...
JAzol: You can try my confinement lady. Aunty Mei Yin. Her number is 021 7 712-62-98. She is very good and quite pro-bf.
tien >> they only use the part of the pool or the pool with a depth of 1.5m or less for the babies. mummies are all standing!!! no swimming necessary on the part of the mummies...heehee..whoa! i love yr idea of using yr pool..i ASSUME your new place is in the East? :D

must depend on location if too far I cant also as hubby is travelling end of this month for 2 months so I need to bring 2 boys and my elder will also want to swim if I bring him there and I cant leave him at home with my MIL he will cry till my roof drop.


I am also giving up on BF soon, too tired and hb travelling so will be more difficulties for me.
1) Xoxolight (Sat, 5pm)
2) hippo (sat, 5pm)

thanks tien! your place sounds FANTASTIC!!! i can walk there!!! hahaha... ooh oooh oooh so excited now. when can we start??? ;)
Hi gals,

Sorry to intrude this thread. Was just wondering if any mommies are interested in buying Healthy Times Organic cereal and other munchies for your babies. There is a 15% disc off prices quoted on the website.

As I am capping at a total max purchase of $300, do send in your orders soon...

Collection Points: Redhill (aft office hrs or weekends), NEL Outram MRT (during office hrs), Bishan (my MIL's place, timing to be arranged), Joo Chiat area (during weekends, timing to be arranged).

Orders and payment (less 15%) to be made to my account by 5 March as I wish to place orders by 7 March. Please give me abt 1 wk for delivery and sorting out of the items among the mommies...

Please go to website www.healthytimes.sg and PM me your orders giving me the following info:
Your Nickname:
Contact Number: (compulsory, so that I can arrange and inform you of the purchases. Do not worry as I will not share ur no or spam it.)
Name of item:

Thanks and have a great day ahead!
Hi mummies,

Long time nvr post but have been following the thread. Update - My boy will hit 5th mth next week, last check wt 7.7kg, ht 66cm. Have not tried the bumbo seat. PD suggested giving him cereal but was hesitating. After discussing with HB, have decided to give him after next wk.

Saw many mummies still BF (envious), baby has been introduced to FM after his first mth due to low supply. Currently on Enfalac.

-Baby Aquatics
Am interested also, Tien juz to check with you your location.

-Night Feed
Mi too waking up at 4 to feed my boy but on occasional basis.

-Flipping in the middle of the nite
There was 2 nites my boy woke up at 4plus in the morning, playing on his own so din really bother abt him as I was so tired. Thn went to check on him (tot he went back to slp as no sound), his butt was facing upwards (OMG).

-Foogoo Food Jar
Saw in previous posting that someone ask abt this also. Though of getting one also. Any mummies know where I can get it?

-Shichida Method.
Anyone heard of this??? This is sort of training the babies brain.

Hi Mommies,

if interested, please PM me

Huggies Ultra - $14.50
Huggies Pull-up - $14.50
Huggies Dry/comfort - $15.00
Collection at Punggol.
Jazol: u can try mine too. i like her alot haha. she cook very nice food for me and pro BF.

auntie bee ching 82672062 (sg no)
msia no: 0192249371
cereals: i saw healthytimes have other type of cereals.. like barley etc.. hmm we can give our baby that too right? but we just gotta start weaning by giving them brown rice right?
Bumbo tray

I saw at kiddy palace compasspoint got sell at 17.90 but I din buy cos I tot everytime must take out put bb in then install again troublesome. But with the tray I think better cos the bb will have a surface to press on. Keke.
Btw, am sending my boy to infant care starting 22 march. Any mummies here also send their bb to infant care too??

Mine will be opp my office. Del-care. Any feed back?
PY - heard that its better to start with brown rice. I was being recommended to get the rabbit brand "si sen" brown rice as other then brown rice it has also got barley inside.

But have not given to my boy yet.
Jazol: Think cos Aunty Mei Yin is in Singapore..her daughter just gave birth. You try her Singapore number 98709953.
xoxo: I think there's a part of the pool that is 1.2m, if I am not wrong. Yes, my place is in the east, somewhere near Bedok South, no need to assume hahaha...I hardcore easterner.

Just that depending on when we are starting, there will probably be a situation where my place still under renovation but we use the pool first.

Hippo: Haha walk with Min to my place...quite far whoa. BUt you should find the place easily, I am just one street behind my mum's.

Bbseed: My place is behind bedok court which is along bedok south ave 3.

I am very keen in the baby aquatics but need to check with hubby on the timing. Weekend is the time for our journey to the west to ILs. So, will have to see...hubby probably will kick a fuss if I say dun visit ILs. So, I dun dare to promise anything yet esp the day. Really need to discuss with him...sigh...looks like to have to open mouth first in this cold war.

Re: Bumbo tray
I saw it at Parkway Isetan!! $24.90. Last week I stood and stared for 5 mins...in the end din buy. hahahah...
Baby Aquatics

1) Xoxolight (Sat, 5pm)
2) hippo (sat, 5pm)
3)Astro (sat, 3-430pm. 5pm is dinner time for bally)
4) The battery (Sat after 2pm)
tien: $24.90 for the tray is ex leh! y the price diff so much???

xoxo: yes.. lots of things need to prepare for weaning.. i haven't got my highchair too.. and i need to buy TWO! haha.. nvm. think my mil wil pay for the one at her house.. kekek..
