(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Just to share, when I first tried bottle, baby D rejected too and was fussing so I latched him for a few minutes to get him into the momentum of sucking and back to bottles. bang! It worked.

Not sure if this will work for others.

bottle rejection>>
i suggest u all just take it easy.. if u need to go work, bb will know and slowly but surely bb will start to take from the bottle, though maybe not full amt. talk to baby and dun force bottle on the baby.
PY : Ya. I heard Nestle is sweet. So i never buy at all. Even gave away all the sample. I'm trying to get my hubby's brother to buy for me as he is going to US for biz trip. Hopefully he remember and have the time to buy loh. There is an overseas spree on Happy Bellies cereal now.

My MIL nearly fed lele ice cream just now!! Luckily the one holding the ice cream was my hubby's sister and she told my mil no when my mil told her to give lele a bit. If my mil was the one holding the ice cream, lele's first taste of food would be chocolate ice cream le.
Elly: ya let's ganbatte together. But I won't force on her. Very heartpain to hear her cry.

How's your blocked ducts?

Loke: yep not forcing yx to take bottle. Anyway by the time I return to work she will be weaned. Agree that when the time comes baby will accept. I guess I'm just concerned what if I need to be out for more than 3 hrs.
tien: hubby wanted to get for my bday but i said no cos i like sony ericsson's hp camera lei.. thot want him to get me the SE Satio to upgrade from my c905 but wasn't too sure so left hanging liddat. skali after tt they announced the ipad! hee hee lucky i said no to iphone cos i surely want the ipad more!
so now waiting for it to hit stores. wheeee~ my hp can do everything else.. write blogs, tweet, surf.. just cannot post to forum. i've only successfully posted from my hp maybe twice or thrice only. every other time it just won't load. dono why oso. hmmph!

haiz. yah, so that's the story of my hp.. a longwinded one nonetheless. o_O

you miss my advice? lol! u being sarcastic isit? want to suan me for being ya-ya-papaya isit? hehe

my rant for tonight:
difficult son and fussy baby who refused to sleep despite being so tired and sleepy. ugh! so difficult to make her sleep these past few nites. heard the sound of mucus in her nose so am hoping that's the culprit.
Thks for yr advice.
Paige has never been on full BF coz she refused to suckle from day 1. So my milk supply started to delete very fast.

Ana looks so cute in it but looks kinda small huh?
Started putting Paige in hers too...hers is purple...simply adorable...hehe
has anyone ever tried kin's kitchen tingkat meals? thinking of ordering from them.

Tien/dreamygal: i mean supply is depleting...
Famela: Hahah you can detect sarcasm???!! I must have sounded super insincere hahahah...anyway I dun think anyone minds some advice from mummy of 2.

Me also want to get ipad...lucky my iphone is the old one. So, got reason to upgrade.

Ana is sooooooo pretty in her bumbo. My yx has more or less grown sick of her bumbo. Not sure if getting the tray would help. Everytime we put her in, she will tahan for about 3 mins and start to jerk herself up...it has become a hazard now...

Angie: Well I guess you have tried your best. Give yourself a good pat on the back for coming so far!

PY: Erm...actually many of the brands mention here are organic, if I am not wrong leh. Even Heinz got organic version. So, what has organic got to do with immunity system? Hmmm my food science fail one..cos never take.
Anyway mummies, got a question to ask.

What will be the meals like for babies 6 months onwards? If we wean the babies, how many meals of solids do we give them and how many milk feeds would there be? And how much solids per meal?

Need to get some idea as I am very convinced that my yx totally loathes her bottle and I dun see any reason to try and make her upset since I am only returning to work when she turns 6 months. My only hope that I do not need to resort to spoonfeeding 100 over ml of milk is training cups with spout/straw...
Angie: kim's kitchen you mean? I ordered from them a while ago. Found the food not bad. You'll get bigger portions if you opt for the microwaveable containers (which is also a little more ex than tingkat)

famela: hihihi! Long time no see! Ah! Anna's looking cute n chubby! Pretty too
vodkarib >> I tried everyday from the day she rejected in week 5 until week 16. initially she gave in to taking the bottles, then she decided she doesn't want any of it anymore. i failed in this aspect, and we aren't even trying anymore. hung up my pump, placed the steriliser in cold storage..even the IQ bottle warmer is useless..now contemplating selling these...

sippy cup >> gave her one to attempt getting some water into her cos of the recent heat, she gummed the handles, played with it, gummed the spout and sucked just once..and promptly threw the entire cup across the room. i think this girl has something against teats of any sort except the human kind. sigh..but she would lap water from a standard mug..and it is always messy.

famela >> HELLO!!! besides, your blog does help to ensure we remain connected to you still! :D Ana is looking very healthy and chubby...and looking more like Daddy too! heh..and the last time you shared abt attachment parenting? at first i was skeptical about it..but increasingly, upon reflection of what i am doing daily..seems like without much conscious input, i've become more of an AP than any other method. at least AP works with this baby...so out of the window goes the parenting methods of my parents' generation...the older folks in my little village..they don't really encourage AP and all..so implementation is still in progress...heh..but no amt of sweet talking from me can get her to accept the bottle...

weaning cereals >> happy bellies seem so promising abv Bellamy's, Healthy Times...only question is, they claim to have DHA in their cereal but no such information was reflected in their nutritional information... to make me buy now, u just need the "No dairy" marker...haha..how easy...
another thought, Oct thread shld organise a cereal party..get the different brands and try out for all bbs..then the mummies wld know which works on their fella and which doesn't..i've learnt my lesson with FM. discarded 3 good tins of those while attempting to get her on the bottle..such a waste! if i make a wrong move for this arguably, pretty fussy baby...i can't imagine having to finish up each tin of cereal which she doesn't want...how? what do u gals think?

tien >> YX and Dre can shake hands...don't want bottles, don't want pacifiers,..then comes the "prefer this breast over the other.." and yes, bfg..just when you thought u got everything pat down..pop comes another hurdle. the latest in this corner is that she GUMS hard on the nip and refuses to let go. Mean streak..giggles when I exclaim in pain..then GUMS harder... =_=

angie >> it depends where u live for Kim's kitchen. I ordered from them and it was terrible. the food arrived at 3pm! and i had spoilt soup when i opened the packages to eat at 5pm. but i must say, i am a fussy eater so...
Hi All Mummies,

I'm a March Mummies. Any of u using tollyjoy detergent (Powder type)? Interested 2 buy at a cheaper price? i had 9 boxes on hand to sell. Kindly PM me if you are interested. Thank you
i'm sold on the probiotics in happy bellies. so am ordering 2 of each flavour with rach. her spree closing tom night. but if u wanna just try first some1 mentioned that some shop in pkwy sells a lot of these brands. at a slightly higher price lah.
Hippo >> Yep - I read dairy-free (good), DHA (great), probiotics (Wow), certified organic (wonderful)....but just thinking...buying the whole tin now just based on what the label says...and skali she doesn't like it...how?

Duracell >> trying from 6 mo..? not buying now at all..i happened to bump into this store at city sq mall which sells a decent variety of organic bb cereals..hence was comparing the various brands.
angie : i liked kim's kitchen catering. they normally deliver at 6ish 7ish for me. i normally eat at 8/9ish so will heat up the food on my own. i recently stopped.. as it is easier to control my diet by ordering from outside (my bb allergic to certain food)

xoxo : thx for the jpg. i recently has been short fused esp to my HB. just had a tiff last night...he was trying to help but i just machine gun him down. sigh.

Need advice. Mummies who has gone back to work and still pumping. How do you catch up on sleep or split the task with hb to ensure both hb and u have adequate sleep? I haven't gone on 'full force' at work and I'm already burned out (approx 4-5 hrs of sleep a day only). Can't imagine when I have to start taking night calls again

nanny :
anyone got nanny to recommend who stays at queenstown/redhill/tiong bahru? There is high chance my current nanny is going to bail on me
say my bb hard to take care ... i was like huh??... sure or not.. coz i find my bb quite an angel leh. only cry if got reason.
Hi mommies

I would like to find out if any of you have good PD to recommend. My boy is currently seeing dr Ang AT at TMC n and we r not pleased with her n the over crowded clinic. we always have to wait very long to see her and she always seem to be in a Rush during consultation. I heard level 5 has a baby n child clinic n doc there are good?

gal: the nanny no patience. sack her... haha..

xoxo: icic.. we can share one tin. at least won't waste. in case bb are allergic or doesn't like the flavour.
Tien: thanks for the encoragement

Shugar/xoxo/gal: thanks for yr feedback on kim's. i live in yishun area so wonder wat time they will deliver???
gal >> the jpeg was actually sent to me by SF. it's his hint that i am being ultra-jumpy..and indeed so. guess the weather, lack of sleep, mozzie attack at home, a screaming-shrieking baby...have all combined forces and my patience was getting tested. but it's better today. i tried my best to keep my temper in check...one day at a time...i am really not the most sanguine character abt now..

loke >> variety is the spice of life..thought of letting her try a different brand each week and see how she takes to each of these..before settling on a more permanent mix...but not possible unless i can combine purchases with...you!!! muahahaha...

angie >> call them to find out first? but they will always give a range...take the trial first..think it was $40?
Famela: anna's so cute. Love her beautiful eyes.

Xoxo: wah try one different one every week? Audrey's very lucky. Im going to be autocratic n Min will get what i think is best for her. So happy bellies its gonna be ;)

m gonna swallow my words n rant a bit abt mine. U see, if i dun c her, i wont be irritated n i wont hve anything to rant. So i had to see her on sat n so i gotta bitch a bit.

She cant stop saying why never cut her hair. Doesnt she understand that Mins hair is extremely precious n pple whose bbs dun hve much cant exclaim enough that she has a lot of hair!!! What her fixation w cutting her hair abt??? I rather Min look like woody woodpecker than be botak can or not???!!!

Then kept saying my BILs kid started eating Bi Gor at 4mths. Thats cos his lazy mother din wanna BF anymore lah ignorant fool! Rolled my eyes til they nearly popped out of socket!!! Hmph!!!
Loke>> Thanks for sharing ur friend's story. Kinda really does makes me feel fortunate that my mil is not such...

I guess we all love our in laws.. just tat, they are not like our parents.. if we see them do something not so right, we cant correct them. So, what we can do is to go thru our hubby. And if our hubby is defensive kind, there is no way for us to rant.. but to rant here... Thanks for all those who tolerated my rantings.. :p After each ranting, i really do feel better..

Our in laws certainly love our kids.. and we are glad they love them..

Haizz.. its monday.. blue blue blue.. just like wat i am wearing..

Good day and gd week ahead, mummies.. Jia you!
Morning mummmies.

Me in bad mood. Had a huge fight with hubby. Shall spare everyone the details. But to sum it all...2 things triggered it all: 1) Parents 2) Facebook (those who are on my fb would see my status) 2nd fight on a week. And I thought the little date had helped.

Xoxo: Ya I think so that Dre and YX can shake shake hands. Can imagine if they meet, they might conspire and come up with more challenges to throw at us.

Hey I dun mind a cereal party! Sounds fun! When when when?? Have to be before 26 April which is my D DAY! Yeeks!

Loke: No lah...not weaning YX early. Same as xoxo, 6 months...but I will be letting her taste taste try try...quite fun these days to let her taste foods. KNow my PD will probably jump at me. But dun like to see little YX drool at the dining table. Scared she grow up to be tam jiak and gian jiak.

Hippo: HAhah this '4 months can eat bi gor' statement is sooooooooooooooooo familiar. I think it pops everytime I see some old folks. Lucky my mum know has a standard answer, ' Ya, wa4 zai1! But her mummy say wait till 6 months!' Hahaha...now even better...when MIL asked, I just say, 'OH IT'S on the way from USA!! Just ordered the ORGANIC one...will only reach in 2 months' HAHAHHA
<font color="0000ff">NUK Teats
I'm using Stage 1 L size teats for my boy though I'm only feeding him FM. M size flow is too slow for him. He takes about 30-45min to finish 150ml of his milk. But when I use the L size, he can finish it in 5 min with minimal spillage.

haha.... my MIL used to keep telling mi tat too.. that BIL started taking 'bi gor' at 4 mths. and the ultimate was that he ate noodles and rice at 4 mths. I found it too far-fetched so juz took it with a pinch of salt. haha.. mayb he's juz 1 wonder baby. But i definitely will not let my son try rice n noodles. At least not NOW!!!</font>
U know whats worse? she used to tell me she will come n teach my maid how to double boil porridge for my bb. Tsk tsk.

Oh yah forgot to say she has this super irritating tone that made me wanna scream at her. Sheasked "so does min have enough milk?" my hb answered "more than enough. Gotta give some away somemore". Then she gave him the i-dun-believe look and said "really meh??? Sure or not???" si bei irritating can???!!! Aaaarrrrgggghhhh...
hippo> haha it seems that all mil or moms are the same.. they keep asking us to start weaning at 4 months.

hi all, i've submitted Charlotte's photo for this voting contest.. which is kinda stupid coz it's based on the highest number of votes =.=" hahaa pls support! well, i just submitted for fun :p you girls can do it too! but they will put it up for April voting


voters will stand to win $50 takashimaya vouchers!
Hi mummies, anyone want to buy a medela mini electric pump? i just bought it last week and only used for 2 times. Full warranty and in excellent condition. willing to let go $150.

Reason, i got another electric pump from my friend, so i will not use it anymore. Pls pm me or contact me on 8138 5073 for anyone who interested.

Thank you.

erm.. one of these days, perhaps u shd give yr MIL a packet of yr ice-cream? den u can tell her.. "see, i hv so much excess tat i can give u some to eat"
hi all, some updates from my side...
Finally Riona started taking Formula milk..

Funzee: thanks for ur suggestion of mixing BM and FM till Baby gets used to the taste of FM. it worked!!

For 3 days, i gave her BM mixed with FM and slowly reduced the proportion of FM in this combination. then after 3 days, i tried giving her FM alone and she took it :)

Riona turned 5 months yesterday and i started her on solids as well. am giving her Organix brand rice cereal mixed with BM. she took the cereal very nicely both yesterday and today.

even i wanted to wait till 6 months to start her on solids but finally gave in to MIL.. Also, Riona's milk consumption was gng down....checked with Dr and he said that i can start her on solids. so just did that.

BTW Riona fell from the bed yesterday morning. she was sleeping and was in the centre of our bed. i just stepped out of the room to talk to my MIL for a couple of mnts. then i hear her screaming. i ran to the room but didnt see her on the bed. then i see her lying down and screaming on top of her voice. in these 2 mnts she got up and moved to the bed side and fell down also :-( felt very bad as i had not surrounded her with pillows/cushions as i usually do...
Have to be very careful gng forward..
hippo > long time ago they did wean at 4 mths. THe nurse in polyclinic say after extensive research they found that when last time they wean 4 mths the bb got a lot of allergy issue. They soon realise its coz their liver/organ not fully develop yet which is why doc/nurse now say start at 6 months.
py.. do we have to join as member to vote? i clicked submit to vote and was prompted to join member.. not sure if i voted already or not

jane: we tried these methods for bottle feeding
1. everyone else except mummy to bottle feed baby
2. mummy to hide (if together with baby) while bb drinking from bottle
3. before feeding, squeeze some milk out onto the teats and let bb taste first
4. walk around while feeding baby
5. sing to baby when they are drinking
6. burp bb after a while and continue feeding after burping

mrsL: i heard dr ong at tmr baby and child clinic is good

gal: i'm also sleeping like 4 to 5 hrs everyday. wake up early every weekday morning to feed baby and pump out excess after feeding, pump twice in offc and final pump before sleeping and after feeding bb the nite feed. Have been munching on gummies or mints everyday at work when feeling sleepy

famela: maybe u can d/l another internet browser for ur SE hp? like Opera?
how's ur schedule like now?

I've gone back to work full force since end Jan and I am still surviving. but surely got all the panda eyes and will age much faster for sure. the consolation is it will get better! i juz dunno when.

on a typical wkday, i pump twice at work. here is how it usually is like:

- RN will wake up to nurse at least twice, usually ard 2+am and 4+am. The timings are not fixed though. U will know that she tortured me by waking up at 4.30am the other day &amp; waking up every other hr since 12 MN.

- I will wake up to pump at 6.30am. Thereafter in ofc will pump at 10.30am and 2.30pm.

- reach home ard 6pm. There will b a mad craze to bath, pump 1 side of the boob while i "keep" the other to latch RN, eat dinner and latch. They r not in order though. It depends on wat order RN allows me to do 1st.

- reach home 8+pm. Bedtime routine for RN, latch her for the last feed and she sleeps. Sometimes i end up falling asleep wif her too.

- Last pump of the day to empty breasts aft the last feed is ard 10.30pm-11pm.

- the night feed repeats. sometimes i kena blocked ducts &amp; hv to die die wake up &amp; clear them else i cannot zzz.

My hb helps by washing my pump parts &amp; sterilising them aft my last expression while i try to quickly get to bed by 11.30pm. I hv to admit tt at times i do hv short-fuse and tends to snap easily, esp if RN kicks up a fuss. But overall, we r managing quite ok wif hb attending to my elder son and me tend to RN. My hb sleeps ard 11+pm and gets up at 7am. My son do wake up occasionally once or twice at night but so far dun really disturb my hb's sleep. And coz my son is coughing, both RN &amp; I hv been sleeping in another room for weeks alrdy. Gosh, i really miss my bed!

I guess ur nanny finds tt E is tough coz she haven "catch" his pattern yet since she juz started to care 4 him. but i do find ur E generally a mild baby &amp; easier to manage as compared to RN.

think u hv too many tasks at hand to complete thus triggering the quarrel. anyway hope u both make up soon.
open ur fridge &amp; show ur MIL ur stash of FBM! why is she so skeptical u got extra ss???!!!! issit coz she din hv during her time?

i agree tt last time babies used to wean at 4 mths but not so in recent yrs. some old folks still stick to the beliefs. i refused to let my mum start at 4mths, regardless of wat she say.
hippo: lemme talk to ur mil.. haha..

tien: good that US is taking so long to ship the stuff over!!

mrs neo: u r right.. we can correct our own parents, but difficult to correct the ILs.. so thats the prob..then the hbs will be sandwiched which we don't want to happen too...

vin: u mean milk consumption going down means can start on solids? my angel's milk consumption going up up up leh.. 200+ml!! i'm very tempted to give her solids now, but she just past 4mths.. n cant sit up properly yet. so i will wait! haha...

xoxo: lets go togetheer! letme know when!
jadebelle>> yah need to join as member. coz i think if not how they know who have voted and joined the lucky draw to win the $50 taka vouchers heh!

vin> heh thanks!
Loke>> Yeah.. many times i already close 2 eyes le.. if not, hubby will be sandwiched like mad.. But the sick thingy is something i cannot tahan.. so, i voiced out to hubby.. in the end, poor fil kena scolded vulgarities by her when he told her to stay away fr bb when sick n carry on carrying and playing wif the bb.. Haizz.. Anyway, she recovered le.. hope she stay healthy, so that the episode will not repeat again.

My boy is taking 120ml every 2 hourly.. means he is taking 240 every 4 hours? A lot hor? I let him try some puree like broccoli, papaya... and he hates banana.. haha.. so cute leh.. when my maid tried to feed him wif banana.. he shut his mouth real tight and refuse to open.
Loke &amp; xoxo>> i wanna do that cereal party too! i've already bought some from a BP.. but does that mean we have to meet up every week for a cereal/puree party? i understand that we should try one food for one whole week (in case of allergy)..
Hey babes!
Hahaha... Thanks for getting on my side... Hehe... I dont think shes really skeptical. Shes just very low EQ n very irritating. Keep repeating the same things cos its not done as she did in her old days. Or maybe shes still skeptical cos she was there on the 2nd day in the hospital b4 the milk supply came in. So she kept asking why no milk then. Idiot!!! Anyhow its nice to just rant a bit while im pumping at work.

Wah lau can i pls say i m si bei tired can???!!! *yawn*

Py: Charlotte very cute leh! Me vote later! Want to join too! Too lazy. And also kena Criticised by hubby for being an Internet n fb addict (among many other issues), so now just not in the mood.

Hippo: I got an idea! Ah bo you once day serve her dessert with fbm popsicles! Then while she happily slurp slurp you ask her nice bo.. Then kindly inform her what it is! Bet she will threw up! then you can reprimand her fir wasting!!! Good idea?? See? Women in bad mood can really be evil...

Jrrt: ya I guess you are right. Maybe there have been too many things and issues. I will see how it goes... Simply no mood to really 'settle' the man... Very envious! Your hubby so sweet to wash stuffs for you.. Think for my hubby to do that I must br down with migraine or something more serious! Anyway I like your pumping schedule! Maybe I cab adopt it when I return to work!

Speaking of work my extension of npl to 23 April is approved! Will return to work on 26 th. But I counted... Less than 2 months to go... I'm so going to miss lil yx.

Mrs Neo: your baby dun like banana? Hee maybe it's the maid feeding that's why he dun like!? My girl also like papaya!

Ok grumpy tien shall go n ger lil yx to cheer me up.. Ttyl
