(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

jrrt :
5am - pump. wash & sterilise n put pump in locknlock
6am : wake & feed bb
630/645 : daddy bring bb to nanny. mummy go bathe and prepare to go work
11am : pump @ office
5/530pm : pump @ office
7pm pick bb from nanny, read bedtime story and put E to zz.
8 pm dinner
wash pump, wash bottle (ya the morning one) and sterilise both. (er...since i bring the steriliser to nanny, i using rice cooker to steam/sterilise but can only fit either all my pump stuff 'or' feeding bottle.
9pm : bathe, do bit of reading mails, hse work, etc & let food digest
10pm : try to sleep
11pm : pump, wash, sterilise.
1145 daddy feed milk
12midnight : sleep
cycle repeats. if i lucky can sleep 5 hr straight..but the bewitching hour of 3/4 has been happening lately.. (think coz E sleep v little at nannies
today only slept half hour *sobs*. come home couldn't even gimme a smile..concuss once put on cot

jrrt : sounds like u got less sleep leh :p

nanny woes : she raise white flag liew this morning. i need a new nanny.
Mie: no need to meet up once a wk.. Depending on the packaging, can just distribute if in sachets. If not then distribute in tupperware.. Heh.

Hippo: she couldn't finish the milk leh. Morning I gave one 200ml pack. Pour out only abt 180ml. She finish left abt 80-100ml. I keep the leftover cos v wasted to throw away. Kept it warm, 1h later she fuss.. Then give her the rest. Still cannot finish.. Left abt 20ml. Bo bian, throw away. So sorry.. Do u rmr roughly wat u ate mainly during that period? Maybe she doesn't like the taste.. Cos she takes my fbm quite well, so can't b due to it being frozen before.
hey ladies.. <font color="0000ff">famela</font>'s in da house~~

baby <font color="0000ff">ana</font> thanks all aunties who were so kind to comment on her photo in the bumbo..

hi <font color="0000ff">angie</font>! the kiddos really cute in their bumbos yah?
this thread needs more photos lar.. to make it more colourful. hehe. you mean ana looks small or bumbo looks small? either ways oso i agree with you la. my girl is still rather light compared to the bro at same age but i'm putting it down to her being a girl. hehe. bumbo is small but, but, but, my son who's almost 4 can still fit into it. but then again, maybe it's cos he's only 17 kg..?

<font color="0000ff">tien</font>: JK lar... even if you suan me oso i don mind one.. cos my skin is very the thick :p hahah!

it's not your yx only lar.. all babies liddat one. they get bored of stuff easily. which is why i lent out my bumbo once adil was done with it. rotate yx's toys every week or so to keep her interested in them. that's what i do anyways.

<font color="0000ff">weaning/solids</font>: got not much to comment cos i didn't really do much reading last time. i started adil with heinz plain rice cereal, then went on to fruit/vege puree, then nestle's brown rice cereal, and then at 8 months started brown rice porridge with fish/meat/chicken/spinach/carrot/brocolli/anchovies no salt (cook then blend everything). when i go out, i relied lots on heinz organic bottled baby food for convenience. this time round i will more or less do the same except that now will probably try out the new range of organic cereal that's more readily avail.

i will definitely be holding off the solids til my girl hits 6 months. just because...
<font color="0000ff">xoxo</font>: thanks for coming by to read my blog yah? always happy to read comments from the mommies here
hey and u mean to tell me that you read that longgggggg blog entry on AP?? i myself found that article very eye-opening esp upon reflection and on hind-sight. i think i am more AP than i care to admit. but i am not ALL AP.. because i like having routines and i think routines are good in keeping everyone sane (at least in my hse) but i am not the kind to force it down the kid's throat either la. i won't wake up a sleeping baby just for the sake of following a routine for example. i think we will all eventually develop our own parenting style. we start fr an ideal base (eg AP) and then we branch out to whatever feels right in any given situation. in my case, i'm a little lucky cos my mom, the main caregiver when i'm at work, is completely pro-AP.

i've read abt your battles with the bottle. not easy huh? ana's ok with the bottle now. in fact, i sometimes catch her eyes light up at the sight of the bottle esp when she's really hungry! my breakthrough with her came when i decided to feed her the bottle myself while she is lying on the bed, on a pillow. i realise that she hates to be cuddled if she wasn't going to get the boobs. hehe. now if i'm giving her the bottle i put her on her rocker. so far, so good. and for that i'm grateful, of course

<font color="0000ff">gumming down on the nips</font>: Ouch! i get that too!! why do they think it's so funny?? it's NOT!!! grrr.. this morning i scolded her just as she was abt to do that gum-and-pull stunt. she stopped short and stared at me as i told her sternly that i was gonna smack her cheeks if she continued. she didn't continue so my warning must have worked! haha! but then i got a scolding from adil for reprimanding ana the way i did. hehe :p
<font color="0000ff">gal</font>: i feel ya. must be tough having so little sleep. i won't be going back to work til july but i can just foresee the problem of pumping and waking up early. i'll need to be out of the house by 6.30am LATEST every day!! def not looking fwd to that. you hang in there. u still pumping in the middle of night? if poss, drop that pump? dono how useful that advice is for you though... can't advice much abt splitting of work betw u and hubby cos my own hubby doesn't help much ard here. he's a workaholic!

<font color="0000ff">hippo</font>: she's got her daddy's eyes! i think they're pretty too
but she has a tendency to look sleepy like allllll the time just like her daddy!!! O.O

oh, and go show your MIL your frozen stash to shut her up!!

speaking of <font color="0000ff">MIL</font>: i read with interest the rants about the different MILs and their antics. hehehe.. i'm glad mine stays allll the way in pasir ris while we're in woodlands. whahahaha! she's nice and all lar.. but i do get irritated by her once in a while so i understand all the irritation voiced here. it may seem small to us but if something e MIL does/say irks you, then it just does! no matter how silly or trivial it might seem to someone else. and yes, i have a MIL who's like super eager to feed baby too. wth??? adil was 4 months during hari raya when he was fed with lapis cake by the MIL!! i seethed inside lor. what to do?? but hubby scolded her outright. gave me mixed feelings, that did.. angry that she suka-suka feed my baby, but felt bad when hubby shouted at her. haiyah. i think, generally speaking, it's tough to be DIL lar. but as much as poss, i try to let things slide me by lar.. i haf a son too and i worry abt things like karma.. heheh.. skali next time my DIL don like me and don let me see my grandchild then how? yikes. i better be nicer to my MIL the next time i see her lar.

<font color="0000ff">tien</font>: hope you're feeling better now. arguments with hubby very common when we're over-tired, and there's a young baby in the picture. (the relentless heat n humidity is not helping matters either) so don't beat yourself up over it k? hey glad to hear that your NPL is approved.
syiok yah? hehehe.

and i like your retort to your MIL re the cereal that's otw to sg. whahaha!

<font color="0000ff">PY</font>: charlotte is adorable!! voted for her liao

<font color="0000ff">vin</font>: hope riona is ok.. must have been a scare for both of you

<font color="0000ff">jadebelle</font>: all along been using opera as my browser lei.. have never tried any others. still liddat. sometimes can. but most often my posts won't get tru. i gave up long ago already.
<font color="0000ff">gal</font>: just saw your schedule. perhaps u can try skip/ignore the household chores bit for some nights? the rest of chores try to catch up over weekend with hubby's help? is it possible to bring the 11pm pump session forward? pump after shower, then can check mail while pumping, let food digest while pumping.. all in one. so you can sleep by 11pm latest? dono if it might work though... just trying to help
i brought Dre to the PD today cos her cough has been ongoing for more than a week and was getting worse. she had already missed her vaccination last week..strange..the minute i walked into the clinic, her coughs evaporated and she's completely fine right now. lungs clear, throat's OK..she was given her jab.

My dear feather daughter is only 6.18kg today. At just a whisker off her 5 mth-old mark, she was of concern to the PD that he actually asked for her health booklet to reference her birth details, started marking all over the place and i, gulped, asked him..erm..what's her percentile and he was saying..nearly out of the charts..she is not keeping up with her birth percentile which was 50th. her height was good - 65cm..head circumference was not taken. but not her weight. so he suggested we wean her as soon as we feel comfortable -within days actually. hmmm..i would like to mull over it just abit more. Dre doesn't show much signs of being unfulfilled by BM, so what's the hurry?

Developmentally, she is doing great. So that's something that tells us that despite her weight..she is fine. I hope the PD's right when he says she could just belong to the thin but lanky type..or that her body is devoting more resources to other forms of development rather than weight. Well..I can't do much now for her weight if she still isn't weaned. She would have to see an allergy specialist by next month if her dairy-intolerance is still not healed. Bloody diapers in the past 2 months sorta tells us all is not well still.

As for me, whoa..i am seriously thinking whether i am preggers again! had MS the whole of today! wha biang..i was ultra-sensitive to the lift odour, the car smell...and i actually THREW UP - MS-style ... ok, will check and update later..not a funny scenario at all.

mylvera >> i love your witty reply abt giving the MIL an ice-cream...

vin >> thk goodness Riona is fine! angels are looking after her :D yeah..gotta be very careful - so tough when I am a blur sotong through and through...glad for you that she's taking the FM/BM..always a relief when you can find a way!

jRRt >> you've got a panda friend in me @@

miemie >> my idea of a cereal "party" is to get together a clutch of weaning cereal brands in tins and redistribute them into smaller amts for each of us to take back a variety - so we can try out at our own pace. thus, we can access several brands at one go and see which suits our babies the most. haha, this approach actually got my PD chuckling..good he says if you can try different types..so they benefit from different tastes/textures and this is a good form of tasting stimuli...hehe...and maybe for the more experienced mummies to demo some simple purees...erm..would be fun for the babies to be pictured having a "tuckshop" meal together? :D

loke >> soon soon! shall arrange and let u know!

tien >> ganbate for you in getting YX onto the bottle! i know how hard it is but i hope you succeed before your return to work!

famela >> yep..thanks for your post abt AP...it's made me more understanding and feeling towards her needs.
famela : my supply only allow 3 feed p day leh. if i drop one more pumping session will only feed mayb 1.5 feed a day of BM

bringing forward pumping time... I can try.

catch up on post later. gotta b superwoman.....n go work :p

u wana try some supplements? i m taking mother love more milk plus to increase the supply. so far, i can do with just 1 single pump for 3 feeds. (lazy me, don't wana wash/ sterilise pumps so much, hence only pump ard 12 noon) the rest of the time, during the night, i latch directly.

i have started working so i can only pump during my lunch hour. when i am back at home, it will b direct latching.
Morning mummies!
Thanks for all the kind words. No more fight last nite. Just simple exchange of words like,"can you pass me the hanky?' guess both of us din feel like talking. Going to let this pass over these few days. Should be back to normal soon. Since he is the working parent now, I shall take a step down. A good opportunity this week as my mum is going to send the burmese helper home tomorrow. Cos she actually had the audacity to sneak out of the house to look for her comrade next next door while leaving the back door unlocked!! Luckily my dad decided to u-turn back as he forgot to take his stuffs and discovered her antics.

Famela: Rotate toys? Honestly, I dun think it works for YX! Her attention span is like SHORT! The only way to get her engaged is to play with her or bring her out. She is very into interacting with human beings, the fan, my Mayday poster and the lights but not toys. Thankfully, she seems to like books. Anyway my bumbo has to be kept away or lent out cos she is starting to try to stand while in bumbo. That's why it has become a hazard. Wanted to sell it away, but forgot that I might not stop at one.

AS for offering bottles while baby is lying down, I tried it once, it din work. But can't rem if it's because she was not so hungry yet. Maybe shall give it a shot.

Loke: Think Angel misses your smell lah. How about my fbm? She took them?

xoxo: Honestly, I am super half hearted when it comes to getting yx to accept bottles. Even my mum gave up the idea and started brainstorming yesterday. She is going to try syringe. Hahah...yes we havent tried that. Spoon-feeding is a semi-success.

So, that's the answer to why Dre is learning things so fast! She is using the food and nutrients to develop other areas!! May not be a bad thing, xoxo. It probably means you can start experimenting all the recipes etc.

Lydia: Take care ok. In the meantime, also take some vit C. You need it to keep your body strong in the midst of these crazy days and weather.

Re: Cereal Party!
Me getting excited!!! Haha finally the super cheapo daiso puree storage mini containers can be used to store the sample cereal!!!
Hi ladies
I just gave birth to my baby boy on 3rd jan. Planned to breastfeed but unsuccessful - now on FM. Now I am trying to clear excess balance of the GNC Fenugreek (to boost milk supply) which I have no use for now. I have 5 bottles of unopened Fenugreek (expiring on July 2013) - this is selling at $29.50 each at GNC. I am planning to sell each bottle at $25 each. Anyone interested pls PM me.
hi mummies, its a long time since i logged in..

just to check if your bbs have milk rash on the face? cos jo been havg it and its on and off... any solution..
Jrrt/gal>> I m joining u gals in the panda workig mum club. I really think will age super fast with just 5-6 hrs of sleep every night (and not those sound asleep type)
my day starts at
5.30 latch n feed baby
6.15 send baby to mum place
6.45 back home for breakfast n some house chores
7.30 if have time, will pump n prep "sterilized package" to bring to office
(but usually skip this pumping session)
11.00 pump usually enough for 1 feed
15.00 if not too busy in office will pump 1 feed else will have to delay till 17.00 to get 1.5-2 feeds
18.00 rush to mum place
19.00 dinner n latch baby
21.00 already home n bathe while daddy give baby one bottle
23.00 latch n feed baby then zzzz

problem I have now is that I can barely pump 4 feeds while away from baby. At first I thougt by every 6 hrs will yield 2 feeds (when I can pump 1 feed every 3 hrs) but it doesn't happen that way.. Now thinking of how to reschedule my pumping sessions as it's definitely not enough as I m already starting to use my frozen stash.
Gal...as I can see ur pump schedule is similar to mine...any tips to share?
Else I think I may have to start baby on FM before he is 6 mth

I keep reminding myself to drink more water at work but keep forgetting.

By the way my baby LOVes to pull his hair n ears.. For no reason..That I worry his ears will fall off. Quite a few scars scratches already. Any way to stop him??
I thinking of intro rice cereal to Rhys also after his 5th month mean this Friday. He been rejecting milk and I have to every time make him sleep then he willing to take his milk so shag.

Any one can share their feeding time now, the amount and time. I thk Rhys have take too litte. He is only having 5 feed now per day.
Belle has not been drinking as much as she used to, dropped from 150ML to 80ML per 4 hourly

on good days, she wallops all 150ML, if not she will only drink 80ML max.

not sure if its coz I just changed her FM to Enfalac. she was on Nan HA previously but i decided to change coz Nan is quite thick and caused her to be phelgmy..
Tien, hehe... Love it when my frens are biatchy in my defense
tks a lot babe!!! Aiya just bitch abt the ILs here. But not to your hubby lah. For me thats one golden rule. I dont complain one word abt my MIL to hb. Otherwise will have ww3.
tien: she took urs... gave one of the 160ml one.. not enough! the others 120ml one i had to mix w fm.. else sure scream if not enough...

mie: maybe the taste different.. u want to try mixing them first?

lasrt night got ww3 at my mil's house... but not between me n her, but between angel, mil n the maid... haha... was on course last night, from 7pm to 10pm. reached back ard 1030pm. when i passed her to hb at the office ard 645pm, she was asleep.. dozed off in the car on the way there from home. think she didnt see me when she woke up.. screamed the house down after mil picked her up from the office.. scream until the neighbours go n check out wat happened...

n then ah.. i dun like it when they assume things... i was already 730 when they picked her up from the office... then they still bathe her after that when i already bathed her before i left the house to the office.. cannot check with me first one leh.. very irritating.. just call and ask also cannot one leh.

xoxo: think the slow weight gain may be due to the cold too.. maybe can start weaning her bit by bit liao.. dre is gonig to be 5mths old in a few days time!

Rhys also on Nan HA, reason I got staff purchase and my elder can only take Nan HA previously (he having sensetive intestine so previously i have try so many brands on him even Soya but he is not suitable) so this time I just go straight to Nan HA for Rhys. Luckily I got staff purchase so is very cheap for me.

Rhys will take around 150-180ml, mostly 5 feed per days sometime only 4 feeds bcos he keep reject his milk and my MIL cant really make him drink at times. But if I am at home I will make sure that he take 5 feeds per day.
from wat i see abt ur schedule, u need to do some reshuffling like wat famela mentioned so u can really hv decent rest and not worrying abt chores or waking up to pump/feed baby later.

personally i prefer to finish everything then go to sleep than to go to bed without a nagging thot tt i gotta wake up later to pump. i won't b able to sleep in peace this way for sure.

poor u, wake up at 5am to pump and sterilise aft tt? its v early considering tt u only go to bed at 12MN. why do u go to bed so late? and since ur hb is giving baby the btl, y not u go to sleep earlier? do u find it hard to sleep at 10pm then wake up at 11pm to pump? i find it distracting. why not u adjust ur last pump to 10ish and then finish up everything and go to bed? i agree wif famela, skip the less impt chores. i do tt.

i do not get uninterrupted sleep but tts fine coz i am so used to it ever since i got pregnant wif my son. on the average i get up twice a nite for toilet visits even now tt i am not pregnant. so i got used to it alrdy.

Poor E! he sleeps little at the nanny? did u ask the nanny how much E naps? coz naps r oso v impt for their growth &amp; development. if this nanny cannot make it, muz fire her liao. so fast she raise white flag liao?! u'll b better off w/o such a caregiver! any chance u can get help fr relatives 4 time being?

same like u, one day sometime 3 wks ago, i had to feed RN via btl coz i had expressed and there wasn't anyone in the hse to give ebm. so i prop her on a pillow and fed her. she actually almost finish everything. i was so pleased!
since then whenever i had to give her the btl, i will prop her on a pilllow. at times i ask my hb to do the same esp when the weather's so hot; she gets irritated when she's carried to be fed. it works for RN.

talkg abt baby biting during latching. my sis actually scolded and lightly slap her son when he bite her repeatedly a few times after warnings. this boy went on a nursing strike for several days whenenver my sis wanted to latch him and he was so persistant tt he wld rather go hungry than latch. my sis was so upset wif me coz i was the one tt taught her how to stop him fr biting her but i said tts the way i read abt! i asked her to b patient and stay off latching for a few days for him to gradually forget abt the incident. luckily it did work and now he's back to latching.

i used to take for granted tt all hubbies will wash pump parts for their wives until i talked to my frens &amp; colleagues and realised tt my hb is the only one tt consistently does tt. i really do appreciate this gesture and i think he knows i am tired out by all the night feeds and i still gotta wake up early to pump, then go ready to work so he has been doing tt all these while since my son came along. but pls dun compare my hb to urs. afterall u both r new parents so ur hb is still trying to get the hang of things so give him more time. and MEN! dun assume tt they know. juz tell them outright the things u wan him to do for u. it beats hvg to do guess work and u get mad at him.
u still hv abt 1+ mth b4 u head back to work so u can start ur pumping schedule alrdy. but my pumping schedule during wkends is all haywired coz depends on when RN feeds. u gg back to work full force at once issit? i find tt its harder to transit back. 4 me, i started back work on half day basis for 2 wks then slowly i resume full gear. its easier 4 me to ease back to work.

Same for RN, her attn span is short nowadays lah. she likes to b carried and DEMANDS for it. this chilli padi!!!

6.18kg and still considered feather weight? i am thinking RN might not even b 6kg yet. i'll find out during her vaccination next wk but i stop being so stressed abt her weight alrdy.

so u did a pregnancy test alrsy? u skip protection issit? i dun dare to skip at all, not even when tbfg.
mie: Sam takes about 90-120ml every 3 hours. On good days (vy seldom) its 160ml. Longest he can tahan to next feed is 4hours+. But if I BF him... only lasts 2 hours!

hippo: same here... i only rant here or to my mom. Hahhaha, I dun wana risk ranting abt mil to hb! :p Already got 1 headache, I dun want another one!

vodkarib: hmmm... how about wearing a beanie and keeping the ears in for protection? hehehhe... ear muffs? :p or just make sure to trim his nails often to lessen any damage.
loke>> coz the other time my PD asked us to change from similac to nan HA, she told us not to mix the FM.. she say not good to mix FM, just do a direct switch.. so this time round i also did a direct switch..

am thinking if she still dislike enfalac, will have to switch her back to Nan HA..
Hippo: Ya tell me about it? I have learnt it in a HARD way. Shall not breathe a word, oh I mean, an alphabet about MIL ever. Shall do all the rantings here hahaha...sorry ladies. Can't even do much on fb now..since the whole IL's village (relatives to strangers) from Singapore to KL are on my list and on my friends; request list.

Mie: Maybe Belle is also ready to wean??!!

Loke: OK that's good. Not sure if you still want, let me see how it goes when I return to work, if lil yx continues to be a stubborn ox and prefers to eat solids to drinking bottled ebm, I can pass you even more. Now my stash are from Feb onwards liao.

Dunno leh. Dun you feel a sense of happiness and pride when your baby kick a fuss when they dun see you or when others can't handle but you? I damn happy about it lor. ESP at ILs' place hahahah...

JRRT: You must muack muack and sayang your hubby a lot more. Really sweet of him. Nay wont compare my hb with anyone else's. LAter he will also start comparing me with someone else's wives etc. It will NEVER END.

Actually now, I am sort of on a schedule. YX has been waking up between 5-6am these days. So, I usually feed her on one side and pump the other. This timing is good, when I return to work. Intend to send her to my mum's after all these before heading to work. Usually need to reach workplace or rather my school, at 6.50am and my school is like less than 5 mins drive from my mum's. And my mum's place is only 1 min drive from my own place, just a street behind. Will need to see my timetable to come up with a pumping schedule in school. Probably timing will be something like yours. 1030am and 2.30pm. Then back to mum's to feed her at around 5 plus or 6 plus.

AS for workload, I purposely chose the exam period to go back. The teacher who is leaving will still be taking the classes. So, I expect myself to have minimal classes. So, back just to mark papers. Usually can leave right after school and I can return home to do the marking. Then in about 1 month, it would be June holiday yeappie! The challenge will come when the holiday ends. But by then yx will be around 8-9 months. Should be easier by then.

Anyway I got question to ask. According to babycenter, babies around 4 months old shld be able to play by themselves. So, want to check with all mummies, what do you let the babies play with? I am thinking of getting a playgym but seems a little late right? I really am running out of ideas how to keep her entertained during her wake hours. Now she only takes a short nap at 11 am and a longer one at 2pm. Also, since mum's maid is leaving, I want to help her with the housework at least until the new one comes. Yet my yx is a MEGA attention seeker.
Also want to ask...mummies who washes the babies' hair with shampoo, which brand are you using?

Cos of yx's seriously itchy cradle cap, I have been using dentinox. But lately, I notice she likes to scratch her forehead and the front part of her hair. I am suspecting that it could be allergy to the dentinox esp since the cradle cap has cleared. TIA.
Hey Shugar, thanks!!

Btw I wanted to ask you about exersaucer and jumperoo. Which brand did you get? I am thinking of getting an exersaucer for yx. But scratching head over which brand and type to get. And where to get huh? Dun rem seeing them at toy rus?
mie: ohh.. icic... then u try again ba...

tien: toys? how about rattlers? i think lamaze toys r good.. colourful n got different textures.. plus can make different sounds at different parts of the same toy. angel loves to play w her lamaze caterpillar.. she can play w it for quite long.. exersaucer is good too.. can turn around 360deg.. see different things at different parts.
tien>> i dunno if Belle is ready to wean, but her daddy strictly said NO when i asked him if i could start her on some cereals.

as to washing hair, hahahahha Belle hasn't got much hair to wash, we dun do much shampooing.. more like wetting only..
cat02>> i should go and buy the tray for Belle.. if not she sit in her bumbo, she got nothing to put her toys on, end up i have to be her servant and serve her.. hahaha

kaelyn is looking good! wow, 7.7kg.. just weighed belle last sunday, she's 6.8kg at 5 months..

tien>> the one i have is leapfrog exersaucer.. feel quite tempted to get the jumperoo too.. but obviously i cant la, my mum's place is packed with Belle's stuffs already!
I am using Gaia organic shampoo for RN. However for bathing gel, she cant take anything; not even the organic ones. so i bath her in warm water only. this sun i will shave her liao, coz her hair is dropping so much and the back of her head is so botak. balding here and there. so ugly. i will b super sad to see her hair shaved off but i tell myself its 4 the better. my hb insisted we shave her. haiz. she will look even more boyish aft tt.

Heee... muck him more ah? now no time and no mood lah. most times juz wanna quickly settle my things &amp; head off to bed. but i do tell him i appreciate his gesture v much lah.

Oh yes, ur schedule sounds v much like mine then. if i can drag furthur, i shall try stretching to 4.5 then 5 hrly liao.

wow, u need to get to sch so early... and its so convenient to ur mum's plc, ur plc &amp; sch!

Smart of u to plan a timely period to return back to sch so its less busy! sounds like a gd arrangement.

Usually at my mum's plc, we let RN lie in her bouncer so she can watch her gor-gors and jie-jie running ard &amp; play by themselves. i noticed tt she likes to watch them playing. owise, she will b lying in FP rocker and try to reach for the toys to play. now tt she loves to feast on her fist, i try to give her teether so she learn how to grasp things. a play gym can oso b used when she has flipped. u might wanna ask ard who has a set to loan u? or u can loan from those rent-a-toy site for a mth or so. then continue renting if YX still likes it.
Tien>> U may want to rent an exersaucer from "rent a toy" 1st.. i rented the exersaucer for Aaden.. but ended up, he din really like it.. I was thinking.. really heng tat i didnt buy it.. it cost $45 to rent for a mth..
mie: yes the tray is a good buy... when they start to wean, the tray will be their dining table as well... but Kaelyn never guai guai play with her toys, she will sweep all the toys off the tray and end up i'll have to pick them up also... LOL
cat02: Kaelyn is looking good in the bumbo! Why most babies are guai guai in the bumbo but not mine? Would the tray help prevent her from attempting to stand. I also have been looking at adding the tray, but hubby is convinced that she hates her bumbo so, tray or not won't help. NOW, I am seriously thinking my yx is quite notti.

Loke: Where do you get lamaze toys? Problem is, I got rattlers and teether from infantino and combi and tinylove. I put her on her rashule upright, she still prefers her fists and will just sit for 10 mins before losing her patience. So, I think she doesn't like the toys she has. Maybe shld go get lamaze.

Mie mie: Does Belle like her exersaucer? Hmm leapfrog, another new brand...haha I shua gu one...so many brands in market I nv heard of.

Mrs Neo: I did look through the rent-a-toy webby. But many interesting exersaucers are rented out. So, dunno which one to rest. Also, how's the condition and cleanliness of their toys? I am pretty worried about this, that's why been browsing but rented nothing yet.

Jrrt: YX also has the fp rocker. And she doesn't grab the toy there! She prefers to kick them! And same thing as bumbo, and rashule, 10 mins is all she has for the rocker. Same as RN, feasting her fist or anything that comes to her hand is her favourite.

She has also flipped. But when she flipped, she continues to feast on her fists or like to slam her face into the mattress, which is another reason why, I haven't bought the bumper mat yet. Ya...renting toys may be a good idea but really am worried about the cleanliness as she loves to put all sorts of things in her mouth.

Thanks! Will check out gaia shampoo too. I can understand your concern about shaving RN. But according to older folks, it means the baby will have nicer hair in future. And guess what? More reason to shop shop FOR HATS!!!

Aiyah find time to muack muack your hubby. He might even do more for you!!! Hee hee...

Yes, I have to go school that early. That's why totally not looking forward to work. AND thank goodness I got to extend my NPL!

Hee hee...super happy that yx is taking a super long nap...from 2.30pm till now...hiak hiak hiak..evil mummy dump her in air-con room in her cot...that's the only way to get her nap more. Feeling good man to be loitering around this forum...
tien: i didnt get either. Sam playing with his lamaze play gym still. and also some stuffed rattles which i make. think you may wana rent like what mrs neo said... test first. dun wana buy these big tag toys and find that bb dun like... heart n wallet pain ah!
hihi, how can I put my baby to suck on pacifier, she wanted to suck on something to slp, but when i push the pacifier to her, she was so angry and suno how to suck, she prefer her hand instead, but it doesnt put her to slp, somehow i rather she noe how to suck a dudu and this can make her fall aslp fast..she is very cranky when she wan to slp yet cant fall aslp, carry her to slp she also angry, rock her in yaolan she also angry, i realli duno what to do liao..haizz
tien>> eh, regardless where Belle sits, she prefers her fingers to anything else.. so the exersaucer to me is just another place to put her in.. any frens of yours with jumperoo? go and try it out, maybe Yuxi is more active and cannot sit still kind so the jumperoo will be a good way to distract her? can jump and rotate 360degrees..

lamaze toys can be found at toys r'us.. actually i also dunno how to keep babies occupied.. i play a while i sian already..
cat02>> yeah, time for me to go get the bumbo tray! hehehe
but i read in books that it is advisable to get a high chair when baby starts weaning, so that they can associate the high chair to having meals..
Tien>> I rented from Rent That Toy.. the webbie which shugar recommended the other time. I rented the Evenflo Exersaucer Mega Farmyard... condition quite good.. clean.. but a bit boring.. only the chicken will make some music.. the rest will not.. My boy sat for less than 5 times in the whole mth..

Rent a toy got more variety compared to Rent That Toy.. but i dunno the conditions of the toys though

I bot at around 29.40 per tin.

I am also looking for Bumbo seat for my boy. Initially my SIL want to give it to me but her is still with her SIL so cant wait liao going to buy one myself.
Btw, any1 knows that FM gng to increase in prices.. my mum heard it from dunno where.. and a lot of pple stocking up FM le.. Said will have a lot a lot of price increase.. dunno true or not..
Shugar: Ya I know about the Isetan sale. Maybe tomorrow I will go check it out. Think if I go alone, wallet sure big big hole.

Mie Mie: Ya, I suspect she is the active type! Super short attention span. So unlike me and hubby actually. Jumperoo seems better for her but I rem Shugar mentions something about crooked legs, right? That's why I have my reservation.

Sigh me too..play with her a bit I sian liao.

Hmmm Toy R'us. Will go kpo this weekend.

Thanks Mrs Neo. I will check out Rent That Toy instead.

My goodness, YX is still napping???!!! almost 3 hours??!! What did she do last nite? Or she is too bored to be awake? I must be a very boring mummy.
Tien: heheh i was there yesterday... had to control myself and not anyhow buy! hahahah
Hmm, no leh, i didnt comment about Jumperoo. But i try not to buy bulky toys.. hahah no place to keep lah!

TIEN: CALL ME IF YOU ARE GOING ISETAN!!! cos i'm gonig office tmr!! fil request that i go office for the morning until hb returns from hk! hehe.. my office just beside isetan at shaw leh.. need to buy some stuff too..
