(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

tien: hope yx is ok. did u find out the cause of the blood stains?

i've not been doing well since last sat. plugged ducts in both breasts! sigh.. and there are more than 1 hard lump in the right breast. i dunno whats caused my breasts to go lumpy suddenly. i've tried all ways to get rid of the lumps but they r still there! so annoying. i hope they don't turn into mastitis. it's been abt 4 days already!

Hi everyone, i'm new to this forum.. actually jus joined yesterday... dun mind if i join in.. Elly.. i experience that all the time. wat i do is use hot compress.. i mean very hot water or as hot as ur breast can tahan.. i use a towel, put in hot water than put over my breast.. after that.. i'll press or message the lump towards the nipple.. message a few times than i'll go n pump.. than after pumping, i'll put a packet of ice n water over my breast.. usually after 1-2 days it will go away.. hope this will help u :)
dear all, about ils and esp mils.. i don't know if what i'm going to tell u all below is going to help u all a little to love ur mils a little more...

my friend's mil (whom i know this aunty also), is 10x worse than any of your mils.

1) her mil's 3 children were birthed out of c-sect. so she's never experienced natural birth. and when my friend was preg with her #1, her mil offered to do confinement for her. end up, her down there was rotten very badly. cos the mil knows nothing and gave her eggs everyday during confinement.

2) her mil is totally against her bf-ing. so much so that she tells her son (who is my friend's hubby, whom i know for quite some time too), that breastmilk is actually human blood. if he doesn't believe, try squeezing out the bm into a bottle, leave it on the table for a while, it'll turn into blood. not only that, when my friend was staying with them, she will immediately throw away the bm my friend squeezed out.

3) when she was staying with the ils, the mil didn't allow her to stay in the room at all. she must be out in the living room during the day. so that she can check on her.

4) she's biased against my friend's #2, cos when #1 (boy) has a little bit of mucus coming out from the nose, she immediately brings him to the doc. but for #2 (girl), she can't be bothered even if she has running nose for 2 weeks.

5) she's so biased that she'll interfere when my friend and the hb are disciplining the son. she'll barge into the room when they are scolding the son, and pull the son out of the room.

6) even when they shifted out to their own house, she'll spot check their house from time to time. she'll go to the kitchen, check the fridge, and comment that its very dirty, and don't they clean up the fridge etc.

7) they are so ridiculous that the hb's side of the family saw the #1(son) and comment that he's so good looking, so handsome etc, and when it comes to the #2(girl), they kept commenting that she is very ugly.. and very very ugly.

8) the mil is so ridiculous that she can scold the fil in front of all the kids and in the public.

9) the mil puts on a facade in front of others, making others think that she loves both her grandchildren very much (i personally have thought it that way, until my friend told me otherwise). friend caught her mil and hb's side of the family (aunties etc) spanking the girl. she's not the only one, even the hb's sis' hb saw it with his own eyes (i also know the sis' hb).

so, somehow, when i read all your posts, i feel a little upset. your ils actually love all of you very much.. let go a little bit. they may irritate u.. but its because they love you guys and the babies. i seriously don't know how much my friend's mil love them. maybe she does, but she's been too overboard. over-stepping their authority as parents by interfering then when they discipline their child.

i hope this will release a little bit of your anger towards your ILs. try to see things from their perspective.
btw, just to let you all know how ridiculous it is..

my friend's son (#1), is so spoilt by the granny that when he hits his head with sometimes (for fun), she'll be so nervous and tells him not to do it.. if he wants to hit, he can hit her head instead..

he's so spoilt that he really doesn't give a damn to his parent's scolding or spanking.

he's so spoilt that my other couple friend was afraid to have children, in case their children also turn out that way.

he's so spoilt that even the part-time maid cannot take it..

so much so for spoiling a kid.
hi ladies..i think i am about to burn out soon here. fuse really short. all the chicken essences in the world can't give me any great boost in energy. concluded that i need a holiday - anyone knows of baby-friendly places that would provide a cot? been thinking of japan ~ so bad, i wanted to sign up for the SQ promotion straightaway and leave in a few days' time. but i called several onsen ryokans and they don't entertain babies! haiz. then there's club med..but i get seasick so bintan's out; phuket ~ did i hear thailand having some protests gg on again? and the heat nowadays..doesn't help that my neighbour loves to fumigate my floor every night with their ritual of burning incense in 2 smouldering cauldrons. 1 isn't enough apparently to appease all that they need to appease. So fuming mad..and this morning, i woke up to the scent of burnt incense + fertiliser! They decided to be cheapos and scooped a whole row of cheap CNY flower pots from the market..and promptly scattered q a fair bit of fertiliser all over..what pong! i am so going to get my bleach solution into those pots later into this night ~ 4am sounds good...heh.

today was supposed to be vaccine day - turns out, we couldn't go. both my HB and her are sick with a hacking cough. only i am spared so far (touch wood!)..needed the air purifier, the warning light came on for a change of the HEPA filter..and the whole SG is out of that particular filter. kaoz..just my luck again. anyway, nothing much to worry abt, just a touch of it and i hope everyone at home will be back to normal soon...re-arranged her vaccination for sat.

those under the Siege of the Kikoos >> instead of my MIL, it's my own mum! muahahaha...well..in my heart of hearts, i know it's only because she really loves Dre. Anyway my entire clan is well-aware of my OB markers and they keep to it - except my mama..heh..that incident where she had a misstep and dropped Dre? that was a good turning point cos since then, she's mellowed her kikoo-ing alot more. however, there are still some flashpts..so when that happens, i try to heck abt it and not take it too personally unless it involves hygiene. as for gals who have to live with PILs...hmmm..try to ship out pronto..for everyone's sanity..but my hugs from afar for bearing with it all..!!

shugar >> yeah, keep the 2nd kikoo optional, vague, may-happen-may-not-happen kind :p

elly >> ouch! :S get yuning to latch with her chin facing the blocked duct. that's where she will exercise a direct, stronger suckle and hopefully that would clear. i also notice that i get these whenever i sustain a nipple injury (happening way too often these days)..so try to air the nips if that happens and load on the lanolin. hope things eases..and choy abt the mastitis thingy!

loke >> i ate eggs every single day of my confinement..i am ok leh...ahem.. :p but the favouritism part galls me..isn't she female? tsk!

hippo >> i see...i got q a fair bit of promos for him to help promote? can?
oh..yeah..and anyone of you experiencing the SCREAMING baby syndrome? mine has a rather peculiar habit for the past 3 days..she SCREAMS and doesn't cry. Even when she is chuckling at something, she must end that with a piercing shriek! Not funny esp when we have to bring her out..gotta keep apologising. Her screams are the sort that will crack window panes and cause flowers to shrivel... -_-
xoxo, of course. let me give you his email. btw, yuhua is uncontactable. any chance you have bliss' number? their website is down so i cant see their number.
yes. Min will be screaming impatiently while waiting for poor grandpa to wake up in the morning to take her for morning walk.
merrygo.me has quite a few travel promos listed. u wanna have a look there? berjaya redang i was told is really nice. they have their own flights there apparently. club med cherating? but long drive tho... or club med bali? 2nd adult free!

Rhys will scream when we put him alone in his rocker for too long and ignore him. He will scream for attention.


Oh merrygo.me got promo ah will go and see see look look. Am planning trip to Brisbane in June/July with my elder boy cos my hubby will be going there to work for 1-2 month. Actually he is going there also on end March to Sidney & Brisbane for around 2 months also but he is more busy for the March trip so thinking of joining him on the June trip. Still consider going to Sidney alone without my boys but scare my Mil cannot handle both...
Re: Irritating ILs
Loke is right. I guess, we are lucky that our ILs love our babies so much. I guess they are so obsessed with their grandchildren that they also forgot to look from our perspectives. For me, I only rant here and when I am there, I just close both eyes. I know they won't harm yx. In fact my MIL always scold my hubby for playing with yx so roughly (wait she sees how my mum plays with her..but for my mum I will tell her off cos she is my mum mah). So, when I am there, I just TRY to be a HAPPY Milk machine. Take that as a break lor. Since so many ppl willingly want to entertain little yx. In fact been thinking of asking hubby to send me to Jurong Point occassionally so that the old folks can spend time with her. Just that she recognises ppl now, quite tough. No one seems to be able to pacify her when she is upset except for my mum and myself. I am just not comfy with so many 'strangers' adding me on fb. Latest....some neighbour from my MIL's hometown added me!!??? Gosh! Just to see baby photos! I only seen her once when she visited my MIL last year. Also wish my ILs can behave less silly when she sees the baby. I just feel so uncomfortable to see both of them prancing around like monkeys.

Loke, think your fren really very unfortunate. Very classic case of zhong nan qing nv. Thank goodness my MIL loves girls more. Feel very sorry for your fren's #2. Must tell her to love the little girl even more ok.

Elly: Your method of using warm salt water worked on me the other time. It din work for you this time? Just keep doing it. What I read is, you must look out for white specks on your nipples, sometimes even 'dig' to find them. Then try to remove them. If they are like dried up, can just use clean fingernails to remove. But if like pimple, might need to squeeze. Can be real painful. Massage also. I massaged until blue black the last time. Sigh...all the hardship we go through just to give the little ones the best milk! Sometimes I think I am crazy!

xoxo: Haha sounds familiar...Definitely to get attention! Try ignoring her. Unless she does something crazy like digging her gums till they bleed.

Ting and Elly: Thanks. YX seems alright after yesterday's episode. Super chirpy the whole day...guess cos we went out. Going to stop her from eating her hands. Later might go and buy pacifier although attempt #1 failed before. Any good brands to recommend? PY suggested NUK right?

Sidetrack ranting! I HATE THIS WEATHER! RAIN RAIN WHERE ARE YOU? ANY BABIES BUBBLING???? My mum purposely taught her to bubble in hope that rain will come hahahhaha....got the horrible migraine attack suddenly again yesterday. Went to Hougang to bai nian and came back with the migraine (cos of the weather) Had to throw up...dun even have the strength to nurse yx. Just keep REN-ing...
Another lament...ARGH....TRAVEL!!

Xoxo: Try Japan lah. Maybe not the onsen ryokan. Book with JTB and ask them for advice. I think they will give you good ideas. How about Club Med Sapporo? Anyway think most hotels do have baby cot right?
Wow loke, ur friend mil is really problematic! Frankly if my situation becomes like this, I would have just walk out already!

I believe we all still love the in laws n still respect them for bringing up our hubbies la. Wo them then our babies wun be possible. Just that we do rants and of cos certain things that they do if wrong are still wrong.
Hi everyone,

Talking about mil... Well, mine is trying to spoil my kids from day 1. When my hubby tried to discipline, she will scold my hubby in front of my girl. When we scold the girl, she will come over and give my girl sweet. And these 2 weeks, her favourite phrase when she wants to interfer is "granny is the biggest"... I am super angry with her.

My hubby sister's eldest has been super spoilt by my mil and her parents. She is now practically not scared of anyone or anything.
wow.. wad a lot of ILs ranting going on in here!

good morning babes & mummies!

how can i miss out on the ILs antics.. LoL

My MIL also carries baby the moment we reach her house.. we usually put Belle on a mattress in the living room, so that my grandfather-in-law can see his great-grandchild as well.. and my MIL will sit next to Belle, even while she is sleeping, and the moment Belle stirs, she will scoop Belle up and whisk her off to play, when actually Belle still needs to sleep.

and she loves to ask baby if she can recognise Ah Ma. Then continue with "so long never come back, you dun recognise ah ma already is it" when we go back on a weekly basis.. and then she will tell baby to smile at her so that she can tio beh pio (strike 4D). wa lau, i cannot take it.. but when i tell my hubby to ask her mum to stop making such comments, he say just let her say lo, nvm. i am just a DIL, who am I to say her?

The 1st day of CNY, we brought her back to my MIL house (after a long and tiring session at my uncle's) thinking that Belle can finally get some sleep and rest.. was trying to pat Belle to sleep on my MIL's bed.. but coz Belle wasnt used to sleeping on my MIL's bed, she was fussing quite a bit.. my MIL said baby dowan to sleep, then she promptly carried her and brought her out to play. i got quite pissed, i told my hubby that baby needs to sleep, pls go and bring her back. then back came baby. and when Belle woke up after a power nap, i was carrying her, she kept telling me to put baby on the bed to sleep. wad is this man! my baby, i dunno her patterns meh?
loke>> i would keep my kids away from the grandparents if they were like your fren's ILs. very sad for the girl.. so unfortunate.. your fren is the mummy, she should do sthg to save her kid from the ILs evil clutches.

xoxo>> go for a getaway.. erm, would sentosa be good? wad about a staycation? about the incense burning.. i guess it would help if they burn them somewhere further from pple's doorstep? my parents also burn incense, but they would move the cauldron to the stairway, away from my malay neighbours' door, so that the smoke would not go into their house..

Wow you very Gu Lat leh still wake up and pump at 2am I forgo this timing pump very long liao keke me a lazy mum. I usually wake up at 6am+ to pump then after go work. Will stop the bf very soon around next month bah cos hb going to travel for very long so will stop next mth. During CNY no time to pump bcos of the numerous visiting so my milk drop alot tooo.
mie/ting/xoxo/tien: my friend is keeping her boy away from the ils. i must salute her.. she's tough. though she can get quite depressed over those incidents, she still can be so strong to insist on her rights.. her mil is manipulate types. very scary. even the boy's school teachers and schoolmates' parents are afraid of her.

xoxo: i didnt eat eggs or chicken cos by right not supposed to eat. it could have been reaction between eggs and something else. anyway, i feel that her mil is quite ignorant.. hence her manipulative nature.. btw, is it possible to complain to nea/hdb about your neighbour?
sunnyling/hippo> last week (CNY week) i pump ard 4 times a day. hahaha even at 3/4am! then suddenly one morning i woke up with 2 hard rocks! lol.

Hippo> Min is used to her daily routine walk liao ah.. aiyoh i dun dare to bring her down v often.. haha skali next time she sure scream and cry if i nv bring her down
mie> aiyah.. same lah those IL's stories.. hear until sian liao.

until now if charlotte wakes up after like 30 mins nap, she still talk to her lor! dunno if she purposely one (coz i am in the room, playing with the comp) then when i hear her talking, i will go out and shake her back to sleep in her sarong.

then she will tell me she rock v long liao still dun want to sleep... or say she keep spit out the pacifier..

but when i go and rock her back to sleep, ok leh. either she got no patience or charlotte likes me lol. today is a peaceful day. i on aircon in the living room, draw the curtains hehehe.. hopefully she can sleep longer.. coz earlier she was fussing.. kept waking up like 30 mins nap.. hai.
dreamygal> hmmm no.. but better than 2 weeks back.. so pathetic lah only 30ml lol. now can get ard 70ml
i give charlotte a bottle at night before bed. the rest all direct latch

actually i dun really want to give bottle.. but sometimes i need to go out cannot bring her along.. so yah need her to get used to the bottle as well =\
Tien> I tried TT and NUK. at first she's ok with TT but dunno why she dun like it later.. lol.

now i use TT to feed water and NUK for milk.
need patienceeeee! hahaha.. jia you ok. dun give up. I believe that one day bb kay will accept too. coz their behaviours will change. like for charlotte out of sudden, she accept bottle and paci.
Loke: Your friend's MIL sounds SCARY! Some MIL from hell....YEEEKS!

PY: Charlotte so guai...can accept bottle. Do you feed her when she is wide awake? Thinking of trying Avent stage 3 teat as my friend suggested. Actually she can take bottle, just have to wait till she is very very hungry. Just that she will just take 60-70ml...that's pathetic, considering that we starve her for 3-4 hours. And during her struggle, she will spit out milk...so, effectively she takes lesser.
cos i scared not enough mah. So was crazy pumping n all then become too much. But i hvent decided when i will wean yet so just REN the 2.30am shift indefinitely til i cant take it.

yah she loves her walks so much. When i was home used to bring her in evening. Nw that im working i ask my parents to bring her in the morning lor. She gets very happy looking at trees n everything lor. To stop bringing her like depriving her of sth cos we dun really take her to malls. Weekend mornings is to east coast lor.
Question: Anyone here their period has come?
Next Question: if you have, do you experience the low milk supply during this period?
Tien> i using stage 1 small hole. hahha.. yeah i feed her wide awake. and i feed her myself. i dun like other people to feed coz always cannot finish or will end up like talking to her etc.

i'm a control freak wahaha!!

hippo> oh ya hor.. u nv bring her shopping hah.. at least bring her out for walks so she wont be so bored at home :D

Joyce: My menses came last month hmm.. i didnt pump regularly so i dun know if supply dropped during this period.
Tien: ya jus try the bottle everyday eventually baby will give in. Mine did reject bottle for a period of time (1mth) and on n off he will erratically reject. Impt thing is dun force it upon baby and make her fear the bottle.. Was usig stage 1 then changed to stge 3 and variable flow also (thinking that he may find milk flow slow) but these din work. Eventually settled for avent stage 2. I always keep fingers crossed that he doesn't start his erratic behavior.

Do any of ur babies sleep in yaolan? And ur mum r mil or caregiver rock yaolan violently? My mum is getting worse everyday rocking more n more violent. And my baby is so use to the rocking that he can't sleep any other way. I m afraid this rocking is making him sleep becos he is super dizZy.. Shld j be worried?? Sigh whenever I bring him home at night, I need to rock n walk him to sleep for probably an hour plus..it's really very tiring for me and him. What shld I dooo??
mylvera: photo-taking in the middle of bf session? alamak... that's so inconsiderate! tsk tsk tsk!

tien, xoxo & baby mmooo: thanks for your encouragement. the hard lumps are mostly gone after 2 nights of long hot baths. i did manage to find some white spots after soaking in the bath. it was painful squeezing out the hardened milk deposits but it was definitely worth the pain & effort. i felt so relieved when milk just started gushing out of my breasts! breast constipation is no joke man... yes, tien, even the saline soaks were useless. i think the hard lumps might b caused by yuning's erratic feeds at my breasts. she took less milk after i started to wean her. i didnt give her a lot of food. just a teaspoon of rice cereal mixed with milk, once a day. maybe i shld time the rice feed further away from the next milk feed. i m feeling so much more relieved today!
PY: I envy u so much. charlotte can take bottle and breast! i'm still struggling to get yuning onto the bottle, just like what Tien is doing with her baby.

Tien: lets jia you together! i'm sure our babies will successfully wean off us eventually! ganbatte!
heya ladies. it's been a longgggg time... hope everyone's well. just tot i'd drop in and say quick hello. i'm still faithfully following this thread but my SE hp (still) won't allow me to post so just read lor..

too many issues to comment on so i think i won't even begin to try responding.. will be reading..

ciaoz~ :D
Hi everyone,

Same here Famela, It's been a long while since I logged in .....

I pop in off and on to read the threads.

Baby Paige is growing well but my only complain is my depleting milk supply...sigh. She is turning 4mths at the end of Feb, When can I start cereal and is helathy times good?
PY and Vodkarib: I din read your post in time. Went to buy NUK Stage 1 large feed hole, only to realise later (I'm never an instructions reader) that Small feed hole is for bm, medium hole is for fm and large feed hole is for milk plus cereal. Now I am using medium feed hole, I am wondering if it because she doesnt like medium feed hole. At the beginning I gave her small feed hole when she was a newborn, she was showing signs of rejection and so I change to medium which also seems to be of no use (she drinks but always stop at 60ml). Now dun know if I should go back to do an exchange. Or just let her try the large feed hole....problem is she does like my left breast due to forceful let down..so not sure how the flow of the large hole will be like.

Vodkarib: I tried Avent stage 2 teat on her too. She hates it. I really dunno what she wants.

Anyway my project pacifier is a failure. She hates it too...wasted my money! She is going to continue to chew her fingers.

Then speaking of breast preference, yesterday she showed an outright disdain for my left breast. Latch, suckle for less them 10 secs, unlatched. And this went on for half a day yesterday. Cham....as a result this morning when I pump my left, only yield 100ml. The lowest since I got my supply back.

Re: Milk SS vs Menses
Yep read an article on this. Although my menses are not here yet, I did a bit of reading because my doc told me that ovulation still takes place even if the menses is not here. And the results of my 'findings' are - YES, milk SS goes down suring ovulation AND menstruation due to some hormones thinghy. So, the only solution is to let baby latch on more and must pump more...SEE? Aren't our lives very pathetic and sad?

The journey of Breastfeeding is like a bumpy road. One after another hurdle for us to go over...May not be a bad thing to wean her off bf-ing. But then again can't give her Fm due to her bottle rejection..

I am soooooo sounding like an OLD NAG here...

You very good leh I cant take it to pump at midnight now. I stop my midnight pump after I start work. Tat y now Rhys is not only fully BM he took FM in the night.
HI Famela and Angie!!

Famela: It means it's time to get a new phone..hee hee...iPhone lah...love it! Really miss all the advice from you!

Angie: Good to hear baby Paige doing well
As for when to wean, I guess more PDs would advise 6 months onwards. BUt it still varies baby to baby. Can check with your PD
PY : At least its better now. If you continue to pump, it will increase. Currently, i am pumping twice daily. Was thinking of dropping another pump or totally stop pumping after baby start on his solid at 6 mths. Hmm.. Let me think think...

Angie : Healthy times quite good. I've let my #1 tried Healthy times and the Yu Ren Seng Si Shen Cereal. She hates Healthy times brown rice but like their barley cereal. She also don't like the Si Shen Cereal. But my girl is very picky to begin with.

This time round for lele, i am thinking of getting Happybellies brown rice cereal.
Hi vodkarib
My baby doesn't sleep in yaolan but he was very fussy previously. Have to walk around and rock him to sleep. He wakes up when we put him inthe cot that I had to carry him all the while during day time and can't do anything else.
So, I tried letting him go cold turkey. I let him cried in his cot till his voice turned hoarse (really heart pain and I get scolded by everyone!) and he cried to sleep after an hour or two. Since then, I just have to carry him for a while and sing and he falls asleep within 15 minutes. If you decided to do this, remember to check on him when he's crying as it might lead to fits. If his cries turn into distress, better carry him for a while then put back to cot. If he gets confuse, stop the training for a few days before trying again.

Hope this helps.
Mine sleep in yaolan when we go over to my mum's. Same, she will rock him violently especially when she wants the baby to fall asleep fast. I always tell her not to.

At home, lele don't like to sleep in yaolan. He wants to take daddy's place. Daddy end up sleeping on the floor cos his girl refuse to let him sleep with her on her bed. Poor daddy. I told him if he wants #3, then he will end up in the living room.
elly: dun envy me! i've gone through the same shit as tien and you too! initially during the first few weeks Charlotte is able to take both breast and bottle! but i pigu itchy coz see her always wasting my breast milk so i decide to latch 100%

but one day i decide to feed her with bottle coz i'm gg somewhere and i cant bring her along.. wah she reject the bottle lor!!

really gotta be patient cannot force them to take the bottle.. when the time comes, they'll accept it willingly
jia you ok!
dreamygal: where can i buy those cereals? BP? i've a tin or nestle brown rice liao leh. but someone said it's v sweet =.=

hai should have waited for all of you to recommend haha

Need your advice:

my boy has not been very keen in drinking from the bottle despite exploring all the different kind of teats.
So we have come to the conclusion that the problem does not lies with the teats.
cos he will only drink after kicking up a fuss for abt 20-30 mins each milk time.
my mil has run out her patience on him to the extent that she jus let him fuss and sleep if he refuses the milk bottle.
then when he is awake and remembers that he is hungry, he would scream the house down.

my mil suggest that i go cold turkey on him by not latching him on at night(the only time he latches on).
she even suggest that i feed him from the bottle during weekends as she is not around to help me feed my boy.
my hubby has no patience so after bb fuss for less than 10 mins, he would give up trying to feed him fr the bottle.

Help! I am returning to work soon and my boy still not taking milk well from the bottle.
Appreciate all your suggestions
