(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

hi mummies im a Apr 2010 MTB...me very stressed with the clearing of the guest room to convert it to a nursery room...need to let go of a Ikea TV bench and a standing steam iron. i tried to post under the marketplace but becoz im not yet a member for a year i cant post it there at all...sigh!

pls pm me if u're interested coz im not selling the things too expensively and i'll email u the pics first..thanks!


*fumes from a fireball* wished i didn't go to parkway today! got me really so angry - borrow a phrase from PY - i can kill pp. went into this elevator..as usual, crowded - elbows to jowls..and this rascal, can't be older than 6, was throwing a royal tantrum. his parents ignored him so his tantrums got bigger and bigger. in his hand, he held a weapon (book) and before i knew it, to attract his nonchalant parents' attention, he flung it in our direction! the book hit the baby of all people - right smack in the eye..saw the edge of the book flying into her eye..i couldn't stop it. too damn fast. obviously the babe wailed like crazy..out of pain. whole eye became red and started swelling..what these retards with that rascal of a boy do? FIRST THEY TOLD HIM TO PICK UP THE BOOK - the Dad continued looking at which floor the lift was at, the mother kept saying to that rascal - pick up your book..only when i was so mad, i said, excuse me? my baby's hit did she give a cursory glance and say..oh..sorry! big fat stinky apology that was, i could have put her thru a meat grinder and not felt one ounce of regret. promptly, they got off at whatever ratty floor that could host them. i was too pre-occupied dealing with a massively wailing bb to care. Anyway, she cried and cried and cried for the longest time..i thought that was over, we reached home, sporadically, she would break into crying fits. esp when we try to lay her down. sigh..called the PD at Mt A, told they do not have a pediatric opthamology facility...if i wanna, go back to KKH!! now she is asleep..i hope all is fine..no more redness as far as i can tell..red in the face from all the crying yes..but there's abit of swelling still...haiz! no doubt it is an accident but it was an accident as a direct result of latchkey parenting! can't they just stop the son from his tantrums in the first place? or am i not being too understanding abt this boy and his parents? heck abt being understanding..i wanna put them out in the line. *punch punch punch* ... so mad.. anyway, i have cooled somewhat after taking a long lavender bath. but still seething. now waiting for her to wake up..she sleeps and suddenly wails in her sleep. first time in days, she is taking a nap since waking up at noon today. and this wailing while sleeping is really something v new to me. awww..so very pissed.

mylvera >> my sentiments abt KKH abt the same. i am not impressed esp when they tried to give her paracetamol at day 28 when she was warded for bloody diaper - medication meant for a 9 yo was being fed to a 28 days old! unbelievably sloppy work. plus loads of other observations during her stay there that made me think it isn't a once-off WRT the administration of wrong meds...chronic lapses...plus the bad press earlier this year of similar incidents at KKH...haiz, i wonder..
xoxo: alamak! that sounds really bad! i would have demanded medical fees! such rude parents and kid! tsk tsk tsk! i feel angry for u. is baby ok now?

i didnt know kkh has such a poor reputation. it used to b the top hosp for child birth. wat happened?
elly >> Bb appears alright..though very exhausted from her ordeal..barely roused to feed, and promptly went back to sleep - this is a different routine from her usual. That's my own opinion abt KKH. Their apology letter to me was 4pgs long from that lapse. Anyway, I was the one who mentioned Baby Led Weaning (BLW). I encourage you to go and get the Baby-Led Weaning book..that's the title. From there and the videos you can see on youtube..it sounds like a blast! I am convinced and I will be doing this. Great if Dre has company! :D
hehe..the more i sit back and think abt how the past few weeks have been for me and the family - quite naturally, I realised I've become a Spock and Sears kinda household. Baby-led in every sense. She gets to decide when she wants to feed, when she wants to eat, when she wants to play and so on and so forth. And I thought I was the Gina Ford kind! It isn't even a combination..just really thoroughly baby-led. For the fun of it, and I again highlight every bb is really different, here's Dre's emerging schedule at month 4:

+/- 1 hr

1100hrs: Wake up...diaper is usually clean at this stage, begin feedin ~ 40mins

1200hrs: Move her first massive poo of the day followed by pee

1230hrs: Prepare bath, "morning bath"

1300hrs: Play time

1430hrs: Feeding ~ 20mins

1500hrs: Hungry parents try to cobble lunch while she watches us; playtime

1600hrs: Chill out ... if she doesn't sleep, we all chill with lullaby tunes..usually the parents want to sleep, not the baby

1700hrs: Outdoor excursion.... + feeding time ~ 20mins

1800hrs~2000hrs: Dinner out, car ride etc

2030hrs: 1/2 feed, rest 15mins..bath time with conrad the duckie

2100hrs: balance feed + story time

2200hrs: daddy + baby time

2300hrs: last feed ~ 20mins or longer...then zzzz...
xoxo: poor girl... i hope Dre gets bac into her routine soon. u shld take her to the opthal if u see something weird in the next few days. just to b sure. is her name audrey btw? sorry i keep getting the names mixed up!

ok, i'll get the blw bk as suggested. i guess i m just too lazy and shorthanded to wean the traditional way. as long as yuning is not given foods that she shldnt b taking - salt, cows milk etc, i m keen to try blw. but i m wondering if i shld follow the traditional weaning way of introducing 1 new food at a time, to see if she is allergic to any.
elly >> heh, imagine if u were given one type of food...days at a stretch - to see if u were allergic to any! i'd protest! (which is what happens to most bbs according to the authors of BLW)... :D just be careful abt dairy, shellfish, nuts...there's a specific guideline in the book that pretty much addresses your concerns, esp that of the traditional wean-er...
xoxo: yeah, i would puke if i take broccoli 3 days in a row. but then again, babies take the same stuff everyday, every few hrs apart in fact. =P thanks for introducing the blw concept here! we can exchange notes. heh. when r u starting Dre?
Re slimming down and getting rid of stretch marks + cellulite: i'm not sure if the mama mio brand is being sold in sg. it's really effective! i have been using it for 4 months and i feel the difference. my tummy and buttocks and thighs are slimming down quite quickly. i dun do much exercise and i havent gone for a post pregnancy massage. i have mainly relied on this mama mio cream to kill my fats. i actually feel that my bums are now smaller than my pre pregnancy size! it's amazing. try it ladies!!!
Astro: Was wondering what is Zytec-D until I saw the big big bus ad drove past me yesterday! Anyway better check with the doctors to be safe

Elly: Ya..isnt it cool if the babies can teeth later? But guess what! Yesterday my YX gave me two bites on the nip!!

Hmmm mama mio? Never heard of!! Hahah maybe can organise BP, Elly? We buy from you!! I DESPERATELY need to lose FATS! TO the extent of limiting the dimension of bak kwa I can put into my mouth each day!

xoxo: That's horrible!!! Hope Audrey is alright now. Must sayang her more!

Actually in such situation, I would have picked a fight with the parents already! A baby was hurt and they are more concerned about whether the son picked up the book or not! Maybe if I were you, I would pick up the book and throw inside the bin. Since they cant discipline their son, we will do it. Or I will instantly become a 三八and start chiding and embarassing them. ARGH terrible ppl!

And guess what? I think Parkway is filled with really rude ppl. If not for the wonderful isetan nursing room and its proximity, I wouldn't want to go. Last weekend, I was also there. But cos hubby need to get some stuffs at B1 so, I had to 'jargar' the stroller and yx alone after nursing to meet hubby at B1. The problem is I am damn clumsy with the stroller so had to take the lift. And well, thanks to 'nice' ppl. I missed 3 lifts! WHY? 1 time was because it was packed. But the other 2 times were because these ppl have very heavy fingers made of GOLD. Too PRECIOUS to be used to press the DOOR OPEN button! All they could do is give you the 'I-would-love-to-help-but-hand-too-short-and-too-heavy' look! Next time if I encounter I again, I will surely shout CAN SOMEONE PRESS THE DAMN BUTTON!

hope Audrey is ok now.


kkh sucks BIG time to me. imagine, Yixin had diahrrea n pooed when the idiotic SN was ard. I had a call fr hb n he told me "URGENT N EMERGENCY". meaning i must quickly listen to his call. So i requested the idiot SN to tend to yixin's poo as she was crying. SN gave me a shocked look (as if telling me "why should i be the one cleaning her poo??"). told her i have an emergency call n nid to do more calling (cos YF breathless n hb cannot contact my dad to send them to kkh A&E. hence i must call my mom, sis hse etc to look for my dad). tat idiot told me tis "oh, i cannot clean her poo as i m going round the ward to dispense medicine." WTH!!! i told her "if u cant, can u get yr COLLEAGUES to help?" she replied "ok" n walked off. after settling the emergency event, cleaned YX's poo, i still dun see any of her colleagues coming to help me!

erm... mama mio good ar? haha help me buy can? :p
Morning gals,

I am so angry, initially my office say today we will be release around 2 or 3pm. Now told us cannot cos our manufacturing plant side do not have early release. So angry if I know there will not be early release I will have take leave today.
OMG.. i was fuming mad when i read your posting.. damn damn damn.. really retards.. so rude, so thick skin!!! feel like skinning them alive! should have at least apologise profusely to you!!! OMG! are they aliens??
mm..looks like my little Naia is on the heavy side. She weights 6.9kilo last Monday
. Time really flies. She’s 4 months now and can flip on her back. I remembered a mummy asking what to do if her babe flipped and sleep on her tummy. Well, v v troublesome ah.. Naia was like that and whole night poor hubby kena woken up by her cries and had to flip her back. Luckily, she somehow managed to learn how to flip back a few days later. Between then we had to remove everything from the baby cot just in case. Her neck was quite strong and she can sleep with her head tilt to the left or right or she would sleep on her folded hands..haha…

Anyway, this is a picture of Naia taken a few days ago. She has quite a strong neck. Wishing all gorgeous mummies and handsome and pretty babes a Happy Tiger Lunar New Year!! Gong Xi Fa Chai!!

mylvera & SJ: i have piriton (chlorpheniramine) at home.. i was trying not to take that because it makes me v drowsy.. still i took one last night. but bally has gotten my blocked nose too and woke up every 45 mins! i tend to him.. and this morning. i have a MASSIVE headache.. till i didn't bring teng to his cny celebration at his childc are centre.

so much abt breast feeding lah.. if i down.. yh SURE down because he consumes my body discharge (bm).. i am asking miser (had a row with him too this morning).. to bring the entire family to the PD again.. i go and see GP myself.. later PD sure tell miser i stop bf-ing for a while.. if not becomes so serious like last time.. where will this end?! kaoz...

happy mummy: i am ok with his comment. i too think he looks like a meat ball.. i forgot to ask him. what flavour he thinks bally is

sunnyling/mylvera: i have decided to get the honeywell purifier.. but have to check out if that comes with the ioniser.. and i will save up for a rainbow/dephine (thanks loke for the recommendation).. and eradicate this stupid issue forever!!

this bally is VERY strange.. he can fall asleep by himself.. dun need pacifier.. dun even suck his thumb.. just give him his cloth napkin.he talkes to himself for a while.. then he falls asleep.. now dun need to carry him to sleep! that is if we dun miss his cues that he needs to sleep.. but still he is waking up at night.. athis feed timing.. take a bit.. then refusted.. go back to sleep..then also during his naps.. he will wake up crying and cannot self soothe himself back to sleep.. just what is wrong with him? i look at him.. urges myself to have patience.. in the boy's time.. but really i no strength to dong like that liao.. haiz.. dunno what to do with him..

xoxo: sms-ed u but u yet to reply. how is dre?

how come u must stop bf-ing? my PD never stop me from bf if i take those medication safe for bf.

my gal woke me up at 3am tis morn n refuse to z. i cannot tahan.. nearly went out to maid n ask her look aft. i told my gal firmly "mummy still nid to work tmr. u dun z, i z." den i doze off.. next thing i know is ...she doze off by herself. :S

Me also wake up at 3am cos my hubby set his phone alarm to wake up and call US urrrrrgggghhhhh. After that I cant fall back to sleep and now I am in the office Zombieeeeee. And worst come to office my colleague tell me today no half day, pengzz.
i roughly scan through the old post and saw your Bally.. OMG.. so chubby, so cute! His cheeks are to die for..I think it's worth it lah.. Don't stop BF ok? See how you plump him up!
mylvera/aria jo: not stop bf.. just temporarily pause for a while.. else risk worsening the symptoms for the young boy.. anyway. that only a suggestion.. .. she respects my decision at the end.. she just only go 'sigh'..:p then check the boys nia..
aria: bally is not tbf leh.. he has his dosage of fm also.. i think more of that one feed a day fm credit. aiyoh. he woke up crying again.. wah liew.. haiz. ok.. can't talk
mylvera: yixin really started to turn very early! i think she'll b very athletic! =)

aria jo: naia is so sweet! i can see that she has very strong arms from that photo.

astro: if the medication that u take won't harm the baby, u can continue to bf. if u r afraid that the bally will catch the virus when being too near to u, then try expressing the milk out and get someone else to feed him. hope u get well soon! hug hugz.

re mama mio: wat a disappointment that the brand is not sold in sg! it's started by 4 mummies - 3 americans & 1 brit. the amazing thing is that they use natural ingredients and the product actually does what it says on the box!!! i switched from neals yard and biotherm to mama mio. i use the tummy rub stretch mark butter, and the pre-preggie cellulite on my hips are gone incredibly - or so that's wat my hubby said. i m gg to try their boob tube - supposed to b great for firming up our greatest asset. heh... i hav nv started a bp before. it may b too troublesome for my parents if the bp response is overwhelming. if u girls are interested, i can start something on our oct mummies facebook page, just to limit the number of pple who would possibly b buying. check out their webbie:
CNY is almost here..haiz..no mood. First, tonnes of work. I really don't know from which woodwork they are popping up from; Second, my aunts contracted shingles. I never had chickenpox..so best to steer clear..mental note: ask PD if i can take the varicella vaccine. Third, my sis just had to do her annual ritual of picking a fight with my mum/aunts/whole wide world. I think I shall just hide in my bomb shelter...Last...do you gals smell this burning that's in the air? It's choking! I can't open the windows for nuts..gg out for a short while and the little one starts hacking...

elly >> (no offense to bbs on fm at all)...WRT "same thing everyday"..the BLW book actually says bbs on bm take to BLW well - simply because they have been exposed to a variety of tastes in their mother's milk. Have you noticed this? I ate curry, and there was a distinct smell of that in my bm..which Dre hates. I've more or less found she "likes" the taste of tonkotsu ramen, honey, and fish. Hates tomyum, satay, garlic. All by accident cos my poor HB had to drink up the bm that she wouldn't take from the bottle after I'd expressed it fresh. So he could taste the different flavours..and when we read BLW..it was a WOW...just an interesting note.

when to start her? i don't really know myself. Guess things will fall in place. I am ready for her to show me when she is ready. Been getting her to join us at her bb chair at all our mealtimes...playing with her mock food items during playtime..I don't really know how much she can understand but it's just to pass time for now. Prepared my notes and will discuss with her PD later this month - once he gives me the all-clear and affirm/question/reject some options, I might have a clearer picture of when/what/how.

Can I Mama Mio from you then? I have impossible stretch marks at my bum; my hips need work...I am thin but I am fat. I sound ridiculous.

Tien >> You betcha!!! Parkway IS FILLED WITH RUDE FOLKS. Haiz. This is my territory too leh..I grew up near you/hippo...and its the singaporean bunch who are doing all the rude crap. By contrast, this Indian lady (from India gg from her accent) was the first to render us help. I wanted to pick a fight too..not sure how to fight with a bawling babe..so settle her first..by then too late. Now got alot of unresolved anger. Her eye..seems to have a line leh..but like I told Astro..cannot quite decide if it's bak sai. She is otherwise OK today. Grrrrrrrrr.....

aria_jo >> Naia is so cute under that "leaf"! Gong Xi Gong Xi to your girls and your family!! :D

mylvera >> You've a very bright and understanding baby! My "firm and no-nonsense" tone to Dre brings about a huge tongue sticking out of her mouth and a squeal - plus she will proceed to "do" whatever I've just told her not to...like drink soap water...she must have drank a gallon today....haiz.

zombie >> replied to you :D hope the virus will self destruct ASAP cos i think i've gone far too long without hanging footloose with astro at my place or vice versa...sigh...certainly don't want u gg back to work without meeting up at least one more time...

for the mama mio, i can help u for the distribution in SK or north area. jz ask yr parents to pass to my parents

Those who live in the north n who are interested can collect at my hse but no delivery as i got no car n got 3 monkeys at home :p
Happy Cny to all the mummies here!!!
May u have a gd and prosperous year wif lots and lots of milk milk for the coming new year!

xoxo>> I think the parents of the boy also @#!%^*.. Damn.. Angry! Cant they see that their boy had hurted a baby? If they are more apologetic, then, at least wont be so angry! Anyway, glad tat audrey is okie...

Elly>> Slimming.. slimming.. I WANT!!! And need it desperately!!!!
For the Westies.. i can help.. can also come collect at my hse, since my hse got pple 24/7..
aria: naia is CUTE!! hehe.. very adorable.. looks so innocent..

astro: yes.. i think its the one feed per day of fm too.. this whole week angel can't be on tbf cos i had to attend course and then no ebm for her.. i noticed she bulked up quite a bit just these few days.. 1feed of fm per day powerful.. btw, the delphin one they allow instalment $98/mth or something. just to let u know..

xoxo: YES. the haze and the burnings from all the rituals for CNY.. i dun like it! anyway, the bak sai may be just the dried up discharge from the wound at dre's eye. baby's skin heal very well and very fast.. and with ur bm, it should leave any scar there.. so no worries! and remember to tell ur pd of this incident so that he/she will check the eyes more thoroughly..

py: haha.. happy CNY to charlotte!! (says angel)
Happy CNY to all mummies! Have not logged in for some time coz bz at work. Still trying to come to terms with working and not seeing bb on weekdays.

Amelie is sick - down with a cold, or possibly gastric flu. She was pooing more than once a day, not normal by her standards and more watery. Went to see the PD yesterday but forgot to mention the more frequent poo. She got meds for her cough, runny nose. It was terrible when she was sick. The first night she wouldn't sleep at all. Just kept crying and would only sleep if someone held her or rocked her. Let my maid take care of her that night. Yesterday afternoon was my turn. Had to hold her, can't even change positions. If I stand, she will cry, if I sit she will cry. Must just stay put. She is stoned and dazed today. So sad!

xoxo, my sympathies! I think I would have said something nasty to the parents. I hope Audrey is feeling better.

Amelie has finally learnt how to flip at 4.5 months. I didn't witness her first time though. And she does it quite slowly and can only do from her right side. Left side not so successful. Hasn't learnt how to roll back from her tummy to her back. Sometimes she will get frus and complain. I guess wrt to the flipping, you just have to let them take the lead. They will do when ready. And yes, heavier babies will take a longer time to do it, that's what my PD said when we brought her at the 4th month.

Let's hope the Tiger year is a roaring good year. May all of us and our babies have good health! Happy angpow collecting. For the first time mums, we can finally recuperate some of the outflow. LOL.
astro, just went back one page and saw a photo of bally. So cute & funny! If it's any consolation, Amelie is 70-90th percentile in weight but only 50th percentile in height. It's been like that since she was 2 months! Oh well, can only hope that she will grow "taller" next time. In the meantime, enjoy the chubbiness.
Hey Mummies...

Here's wishing everyone much health and happiness in the year ahead. CNY++ much love too! Don't forget the romance...ha!
*Muacks to all the cute and wonderful babies here* ...祝你健康快乐更吉祥!
Aiyoh..so quiet here? How can??? *xoxo sets off the firecrackers*...

Grin..ha, better..even if I am talking only to myself :p

The first day of CNY and Dre's first CNY for that matter...was rather uneventful. All I can remember was melting under that 35 deg C heat. Too hot to bear.

Now hammering some work for a deadline that's looming so large right after CNY. Took a nice break with this site: http://motheringcorner.com/

Waaahhhh..the day I can do this, I suppose I am a domestic goddess incarnate. Heh, but I will try :p decided already, I will make cooking my new hobby for the new year. Too ridiculous to be covering the food beat and yet, not being able to cook..plus it's really time to learn for her sake....*xoxo is already shaking her head and having nervous giggles*...

anyway, hope the link can inspire and create colour here :D
xoxo: really quiet in here eh.. all gone to collect angbaos?? anyway, i'm here to join u.. working at this hr!! and nothing on the tv to accompany me..

went to kluang yesterday and stayed over one night.. this morning set off to kota tinggi.. took photo with the waterfall and left the place. haha.. not bad.. had a good rest last night. time to chiong again..

have a great chu 3!
Hi mummies! Happy Lunar New Year!

Sorry to interrupt. I'm a sept09 mummy and have 4 tins of Friso Gold Stage 1 (0-6 months) expiring 30/7/10 to let go at $20 per tin. U.P. at NTUC $34. Please PM me if you're interested! $75 if you buy all 4. Thanks!
Gong xi gong xi to all oct mummies n babies!

Terrible start to new year! Migraines 2 days in a row! And chronic ones! Can't blah much!

Elly: I so need mama mio! Count me in if there's bp!
Hello everyone,

Wishing all the mummies and babies here a happy Lunar New Year. May all the mummies here be qing chun mei li, and all the little bubs kuai gao zhang da


(so hard to get the baby to look into the camera nowadays... this is the best effort after me and hubby both prance around like monkeys yelling his name)
SJ> must always take photos with baby hehe.
Charlotte knows how to look at the camera since she was v young ago lol!

so now i take out the camera, she know where to see liao heheh!
cutie baby pics :D

happy cny everybody

Re: Rashule
Those who has combi rashule, er... the bottom part of rashule is plastic right. Does your bb kick kick on the hard plastic part? mine does and i can see blueblack on his ankle
i suspect its him kicking rashule. Any suggestion on how to pad it? I put bolster but he kicks it away. if no other choice i going to wrap cloth on his ankle to cushion the impact liew

c la..he got himself early hongbao
*ding ding ding* got FREE lobang here...

me on leave today, so i brought Andre to check out this indoor play gym at Turf City. The place is call Fidgets. For adults and babies below 1 years old, it is free entry.

They have a play area for kids below 2 years old. But take note, i find it quite small. Our 4-5 months old babies are probably still too young to enjoy the games and structures, but i guess once they learn to sit, crawl, it'll be more fun.

End up, i only spend 15 mins at the place. Just let Andre play around with the balls for a while.


To get there is like a maze. I had to call several times.
1. Drive to the back entrance of Giant supermarket. This is the entrance facing the race track (not the one inside the building). In between the 2 ramps leading out of the supermarket entrance, there is a flight of stairs (abt 10-15 steps)
2.Take this stairs. (To make sure it is the right entrance,hanging on the entrance is this zao pai call magicboo)
3. After you enter the building, turn left and there is a lift lobby. (this lift lobby looks super dodgy and dingy and like a small cargo lift). Take to the 4th floor and you'll find Fidgets.


<font color="ff0000">CNY Festive Promotion--> Rayan Drumlets</font>
No Preservatives. Freshly Marinated. Tasty and Succulent. Makes a filling snack. Pre-orders necessary. While stocks last.
To place orders, sms to 1800-Astro-is-the-Best.
