(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

hi mummies! just brought my girl for her 4th month 5 in 1 jab. No cries at all. she's a real stubborn girl. haha after that still can smile to the PD lol.

PD recommend me to start solids when she turns 6 months.. no need so gan chiong.. coz my mom and relatives say 4 month can start liao etc etc.. damn irritating!

Pd says since i'm breastfeeding so good.. unless she is sick of drinking milk and her intake has decreased.

Charlotte is now 6.2kg 64cm

oh yeah i checked with her if i can rebond and colour my hair she say can! i gonna go make an appt to do so !
astro : i wanna order rayan drumlets
hehe... he v cute :D

JTS : remember to email iras to update your child particulars so that can claim tax rebate for your income tax.
hahaha.. FAT hor?
he has three cny suits.. and i think he looks quite good in all three set *Thick skin* :p
will upload photos.. and maybe we vote for the best suit? hahaha.. sot liao..

happy cny everyone

gal: can place order.. just remember to sms to 'Astro is the best!'.. hahahah

shugar: that's not me wor.. i where got so tanned? :p that is my helper lah

ok.. another suit.. this one.. ha.. really ROUND


going to pick bao up.. bao has three suits too! when miser the slow poke is done with editing the photos..will upload more to share..
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">On Weaning</font>
Has any of you started feeding your lil' ones with cereals already? I rem feeding my FB with cereals when he was 4 mths. but haven started for my 2nd one yet tho he passed 4 mth le coz his head still not v strong leh.. sighz...

What cereals are u all feeding? Or wat other food are u all feeding?

<font color="ff0000">On Oral Thrush</font>
Any one had babies who suffered from this b4? I realised my boy has some white spots all over his lips.. after surfing, i realised its oral thrush and PD has confirmed that it is. Any idea how to cure it n prevent it from happening again?

<font color="ff0000">On Mama Mio</font>
I'm interested in getting the one for slimming too... i've got this super flabby tummy.. sighz. so much so my colleague actually asked if I was preggy again. pengz... low EQ rite, some ppl..</font>
Astro: keke, rayan look very cute and rolly Polly. His features look like his elder bro leh. Nice hair *so envious*

max: u can go abish abish yr colleagues liao. So sickening
hahaha... rayan indeed very round..haha.. so so cute and adorable! he really looks v good in the CNY attire. i like the yellow.. the red one makes him look like big boss..haha..so so cute..
Gong xi fa cai everyone!!!

been crazy busy since starting work til now. Min finally crossed the 6kg mark but still a lil ikan bilis. she's still wearing her 3mths clothes! hahaha... getting good mileage out of all her clothes hehehe...

hey, i dun wanna offend anyone here but i have a situation of extra supply of frozen breastmilk now thanks to my over-zealous pumping before i started work. Anyone here need FBM??? the stash i have was expressed in Jan so still good for at least a couple more weeks.
hippo: i told u liao.. dun need that much fbm one :p

sj: heh :p hey. u went fidgets? :p wah.. so early.. as in.. our bbs can't move yet.. but v exciting one.. once they can move. i think 2 more months (accordng to yh's age hor.. give him some time to catch up ah!!).. we can start attending trial classes liao.. gymboree ah.. kindermusik ah.. gug ah.. little gym ah..wah.. VERY fun!!

aria: heh.. still got one more blue suit.. same as what andre is wearing..but i think he looks best in the white and yellow suit too.. and in the red suit.. ya. he looks FAT :p
PY: Charlotte very strong and brave! So good. I am still reeling from YX's last jab. Cried so badly! Totally dreading her next jab which is next month (cos PD wants her to enjoy CNY)

Hahah your mum and my mum are in the same category! My mum also says to start her on 'bi gor' early. But I insisted on 6th months. She also bo pian.

Anyway I am one of those crazy mums who have let YX tried foods, not as full meals lah. Just let her taste and lick. She always drools and mimicks our chewing action so, better let her taste a little so that she won't be so tam jiak.

Max: You started your FB on cereal @ 4 months? That's fast. I will probably let my girl taste cereals at 5 months to find out her preference.

And your colleagues are horrible. Can suan them back. Tell them ya lor...I preggy again. So going on leave again so that you all can do more of my work!

Astro: Your YH must be the crowd favourite this CNY in your family right? Got fu xiang...soooooo cute. I want to feed my yx so that her face can be rounder but all the milk seems to be stretching her more in terms of height. She has totally outgrown her sleepsuits! Need to buy new ones!

So, hippo, good that Min is getting good mileage out of her clothes. My girl is totally oblivious that her mummy is on No Pay Leave liao.

Hippo:: Tong Bang you! I also have Jan batch of FBM. Since I have more or less given up on feeding yx bottle and will only return to work in April, I guess I dun want to see my FBM go wasted. Not many though, maybe about 10 packs. Any takers?

Mummies, so any bps for cereals? Hahaha...can buy big packs and share share? Cos I only want YX to try try to find out which brand she likes. I know there are a few brands esp organic ones in the market. But dun remember their names.
Hi all

I am august mommy. i have a brand new tin of karihome goat milk infant formula (0-6 mths). expiry : May 2012. Would like to let go at $22. Anyone interested, pls pm me. tks
hippo/tien: maybe i want. haha. i dunno what to do now.. tried "tbf".. end up. angel lost so much weight can feel her bones everywhere.. i feed so bad.. nvm. dun wanna talk about it anymore.
hey mummies i have some problem here..
last month i tried to BD and it bleed! we were so shocked to see the pool of blood on the bed after the deed. and the colour of it was bright red. very different from those menses blood. and i tot it was just so coincidence that my menses was round the corner.. and next day, my menses came.

then again now we tried.. and again i bleed!... but it's still not 1 month yet.. dun think it's that coincidence again..

do i need to see my gynae abt this problem?

so scary .... hai but it's not painful for me.
<font color="0000ff">SJ / Tien
ya lor... i hit her when she asked mi that. So now i dun wear that blouse anymore. But even den, quite sad to have this qtn thrown at mi lah..

ya... started him at 4mths.. so now 2nd one i tot should start him soon.. but quite lazy leh.. n forgot how to start le.. haha

hhmm... i think its best u check with ur gynae to be on the safe side coz i dun think it's normal.

<font color="ff0000">On Cereals</font>
I noe there's Bellamy's and Healthy Times. I used to do bulk purchase together with my Sept 08 mummies for Healthy Times cereals coz my boy was eating so fast (like 1 pack a week). If i nvr rem wrongly, its 15% off for orders above $250.</font>
Happy cny still everyone ;)
gosh time flies n I m heading back to work the week after next. So next week m goin to put baby with my mum full time just to get him used to it.. The thought of it is already making me miss him so much n sobbbb....
I m going to miss hanging around with him in the house just rolling around n playing the same old toys.. N the thought of missing the first time he sits up.. He weans ...or babble some new word...
I think I m the one suffering frm separation anxiety
I hope he will cope well

anyway for mums at work...any tips for me to overcome my "sadness"?? M already dreading work with the early morning rush, n havin to rush home after work to pick baby up n the Pumping!!
Do u think pumping once at 7.30am then 12.30 n maybe 6.30 after work, can that work? cos I dun want my boss/colleagues to think that I m skiving.I will need to "yield" 4-5 bottles during these sessions. I have tried these few days n again I m experiencing poor letdown when I pump..argh. Tips??
let me know if u want? I just dont want it to go to waste. Put in a lot of time n effort to pump those out

baby rice/cereal,
i know theres one bp for bellamys right now. Dunno abt others.
Loke: yep you let mr know if you want the fbm.

Re: cereals
hmmm heard of happy times. Probably will check out the bp thread. Or where to buy? I dun mind organising.

Btw anyone knows the retail price of thermos foogoo flask and food jars? I want to get from amazon so need to see if it's indeed cheaper. Anyone keen? Me dun feel like getting from bp threads. They always overcharged the exchange rate. Anyone also keen?

Got a question in training mugs. Any good brands to recommend? Need to start bringing out water as been feeding yx junk. Realise better let her down some water after that. Secretly hoping that this can ease her bottle rejection a bit. I actually got the pigeon mug but just realized that there's no indication that says it's bpa free!
ilovemaxmas: oral thrush can be prevented by applying some gel. The brand is dentinox oral gel. don't get confused and get the teething gel wor.. :p orange flavour.. but i think still safe for consumption for infants since it is meant for that. i bought a tube but yet to use it on yh.. but i undrestand most docs will prescribe that to clear the oral thrush too..

tien: i have a fren from other thread who used to do foogoo bps.. but now she is working.. i got my foogoo from her.. i can ask again for the quotation..

happy times available at any cold storage etc..
got a more exp brand.. organic.. earthbest.. v exp :p

i used to buy all the organic stuff for teng till miser shakes his head and say it is not necessary.. hahah. but i still do it.. hahahah..

wrt to training cups hor.. hmm i didn't notice whether it was bpa free last time with teng.. prolly because i wean him when he was 6 mths..and by then dun need to sterilise bottles and such anymore.. hmmmm.. try nuby also? also.. my bf cow fren :)P) told me.. bf bbs esp direct latch has strong sucking ability wor.. they take tostraw v fast.. hmmm. u want to try? else normally kids drink from straw at abt.. 8 mths...

wrt Bally.. ya. crowd fav. all lining up to pinch him.. hahaha.. in that red suit.. he looks like those little children beside the Fortune god.. u know what i am talking about? :p

haiz.. height huh? u give me height.. i give u width! :p

cat02: thanks for that link.. seen that before. now i complemtating geting some spritzer from her.. and that wall diffuser.. hmmm...
heinz also got organic white rice cereal. maybe can try that too.. i have frens who also use the eu ren san brown rice cereal.. then i also tried nestle ones before. iwas told v sweet. but teng was happily slurping them up and since it comes in tins.. i didn't bother that much. just buy.. hahahaha..

later go and check out if the bellamy bp is indeed much cheaper than what is sold in cold storage..

so fun lei.. soon our bbs can start weaning liao! i love weaning!! :p
last shot of bally in the blue costume.. :p

now this one he doesn't look that fat coz dark colours are slimming! but look at his eyes.. and compared to bao's eyes. haiz .. LOSE out liao! :S

Seems like weaning is the next stage we r lookin or not so lookin forward to.. Heh never heard of bellamy n happy times cos to me cereal is just nestle ;)
anyway the topic on weaning rminds me that my boy is G6PD deficient.. Any other babies here who r? Maybe can share some thoughts on what to avoid or brands to take for weanng.. Since I heard that they shld watch out for soy n legumes as they may not take well
astro: ur boy is very very cute!!!! i like him in the red costume! the rayan drumlets must b very yummy..

mama mio: i finish abt 1 tub in 1.5mth. they hhave many different creams, but i think it's all abt the same la - just slight variation in the concentration of the ingredients. i dun tink i'll b organising any bp. those interested, can write to me at [email protected]. i'll try to consolidate wat i can.
xoxo: i could not believe my eyes when i saw what bentos the mum prepared for her kids at mothering corner... imagine all that time and effort! i must kow tow to her...

re weaning: yuning is 21 wks now. i gave her banana and she loved it! i didnt mash it up. just offered her a cut piece of the fruit. she couldnt stop eating and i had to "wield" the fruit away from her. i also gave her HiPP rice cereal in milk. she quite like it.

as for weaning cup, i m usin tommee tippee. it's pretty good. yuning can drink from it and she loves the cup. they have 2 types - 1 is the normal one, suitable from 4mths, the other is a special one for transition fr bottle/breast to cup, also suitable fr 4mths. yuning prefers the normal one.
i'm having my moments with the state of nursing facilities here...really lamenting how shopping ctrs design their nursing rooms. well since it's free to use, i shouldn't gripe. but...who changes nappies horizontally? and..who can feed a babe without ventilation in the nursing room? all these little bits aside..i was appalled to discover, after waiting for quite awhile outside a nursing room that was "in use" to find a young teenage couple emerging! GASP!

astro >> my turn! LOOK AT THOSE ARMS!!! your very own michelin man! woohoo!! out of the 3, i think the red one is my fave! bao has very expressive eyes...but i won't rule bally out...always felt he is the dark horse kind..and proven right once more! can't wait to see bao and bally soon

PY >> could it be dryness?

excess EBM >> believe you can use them for the weaning stage? mix in with cereals?

loke >> what happened?

elly >> inspiring isn't it? i was blown away too!

erm... the teenage couple finds the "bed" horizontally nicer? haha erm... the designers for nursing rooms are MALES who knows nuts abt nursing?
Astro: Thanks thanks! Could you check out the foogoo prices for me?

Wah there are so many choices around for cereals! That's good! Can start experimenting with yx! So fun! Need to get a bowl for her too! Although as usual my mum will be like 'house got so many bowls liao still want to get special one' as she did when I bought the spoon! Maybe I can try the Nestle ones. I have sample packs somewhere in my kitchen cabinet. And YESH! Time to shop @ Cold Storage!

Nuby? Where to get? I guess I am looking for BPA ones because YX just turned 4 months. And well, since she loathes the bottle so much, I can't feed her water in public using bottle, so thinking of trying training cups to see if she is willing to accept it.

Din know the relations between bf and straws. Hmm will try on yx maybe. Might just work...then she will be a real geninus...MY FAT HOPE!

Ya I know what you mean by yh looking like those children with fortune god. That was exactly what I had in mind when I saw his pic. And seriously, we can consider exchanging bm hahaha...to balance out the height and roundness. Btw totally agree with you! YH and Teng resemble each other from nose down. Eyes very different but both good-looking kids in their own way!

Elly: Your girl is also not taking bottle well right? So, she is accepting training cups? Whoa...that means I got some hope! Ok will also go and kpo tommee tippee.

Btw me me want mama mio! Sending you the email in a while!

xoxo: Hmmm the teenagers walking out of nursing room story sounds familiar! NOW I remember, I saw that before too! I even have this cleaner aunty taking an afternoon nap while yx was fidgetng and clamouring for milk right outside the room! Oh and not forgetting those doors with broken locks, broken bench, cockroaches etc. We should compile Singapore's worst and best nursing room experience into an article and publish in ST to embarass these shopping centres.

PY: Have you seen your gynae? It could be tightness too. Maybe haven't BD for a long time?
Astro: Your 2 boys very yan dao leh ..now put side by side, don't look too similar.. but i guess it's the overall feel

PY: Better see a dr... always scary to see blood.

xoxo: kaoz.. young couple emerging... *shake head shake head* dunno what to say also

tien: i 2nd you on the article writing. Was at Iluma the other day, the nursing room was so dingy, wet and smelly. I walked in then decided to feed in the car instead. They should really limit access to folks with young children. I always see all the ah wu ah boh, aunty ah soh, treating the rooms like their shopping retreat.

All the BPs on weaning, i want to join .. I know nuts about it man (me lazy bum)...Anyway, baby saw the PD this morning for 5-in-1 jab. His weight, height all never increase for the past 3 weeks. So PD says it is time to start the rice cereal already at 4-1/2 months. We can probably try to give more milk, but she said there is a capacity to how much they can take each time.

loke: Angel's not putting on weight, could it be time for weaning as well? Check with your PD.

Oh, and don't be kiasu like me, start baby in jumperoo and exersaucer. PD says even though they seem to like it, it is not the time. Andre's legs has become curved from over bouncing on the toys and on my thighs. So just need to hold it off at the moment.
Xoxo : agree w u that nursing rooms outside are really terrible at some places. Maybe we should compile a list of nursing rooms and give them ratings. Hurhur. Btw, if u were u, me n hubby surely tell the young couple off and tell them if they dun be careful next time also have to look for nursing room to change diaper for their baby! So inconsiderate!
Here is a list I copied from Singapore breastfeeding org and put in my iPhone to add on as and when. If you know of extra, please add on too!

 Shopping Centres with nursing room
Borders, Ground floor
-Level 3 (next to cargo &amp; restroom)
-Level 6 (next to cargo &amp; restroom)
*Century Square
-Level 2 (Exclusive Ladies Floor)
-Level 3
Compass Point, Level 4 (next to food court)
Causeway Point, Level 3 (near Metro)
Forum Galleria, Level 1 (next to Watsons)
Great World City
-Level 1 
-Level 2 (Mc Cafe &amp; Bob Christian Book Shop)
Hougang Mall, Level 5
Ikea Alexander, Level 2 (Opposite restaurant acing Ladies toilet)
Ikea Tampines
- Level 3 (behind Information Counter) 
- Level 4 floor (next to restaurant)
- level 1 toilet opposite Sony
- level 1 toilet outside giant
Isetan Parkway Parade, Level 2 (Kids section)
Isetan Scotts, Level 4 (Kids section)
Jurong point lvl 3 beside old town
*has ac outlet
Liang Court
-Level 1
-Level *B1 (in restroom)
Marina Square
-Level 3
-Level 5 (near restroom)
Parkway Parade
Plaza Singupura, Level 3 (behind John Little) and level 6 at kopitiam
Raffles City, Level 3 (near Robinsons)
Seiyu Bugis, Level 3 (Baby section)
Suntec, Level 3 (Family Link between Kidsmall)
Takashimaya, Level 3 (Baby section - Thyme Maternity)
Tampines Mall - all levels (next to restroom)
Tangs Departmental Store, Level 3 (next to restrooms)
Tanglin Mall, Level 3 (toilet)
*Tiong Bahru Plaza, Level 5 (opposite Eu Yan Sang Clinic)
United Square Shopping Mall, Level 1
Vivo City
-Level 1, Ladies Restroom (near Bakerzin)
-Level 1, Lobby A Ladies Restroom
-Level 1, Lobby H Ladies Restroom
-Level 2, near Lobby A Ladies Restroom (outside)
-Level 2, Lobby G Ladies Restroom
-Level 3, near Lobby L Ladies restroom (outside)
-B2, opposite Lobby L Ladies Restroom (outside)
White Sand, Level B1 (near restroom)
Other Public Buildings/Places

Changi Airport
City Harvest Church
Creative Technology (Employees only)
Credit Suisse First Boston (Employees only)
DBS offices (certain locations for employees)
Del-Care Edu Centre Pte Ltd
DSO National Labaratories (Employees only)
HDB Hub (Employees only)
HDB Hub (for Public, Level 2)
Hewlett Packade
IBM (Employess only)
Jurong Polyclinic
KK Hospital
Microsoft Singapore Pte Ltd (Employees only)
Motorola Electronics Pte Ltd (3 rooms for employees)
New Creation Church (Suntec City)
-Clinic A (Ground floor, Main block) 
Sapphire Clinic (Level 3, Kent Ridge Wing)
SIR Building
SSMC - Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company Pte Ltd
Wesley Methodist Church
* Has AC outlet 

According to Singapore Police, it is not an offence to breastfeed in public, if the woman is decently clad and she does not expose her breast more than what is necessary to breastfeed her child.?( letter from Singapore Police on breastfeeding in public?
On the day of my op. my surgeon told me to delay it. Coz there is a chance that i can do without it. Did an Fna. My thyroid gland is getting very big. Think my bb is very affected by my mood. Seldom smile at me. Fell sick again and went to the Pd. 7.3kg. Weaning is quite a challenge. Cny is terrible, all those visits to others' hse. E moment he does not see me ard, he start wailing.
My bb dislike cerealac alot so we ended up sharing the same food. Of course have to crush, smash his food before giving it to him.
xoxo: My bb was pinch by a naught boy abt 5 years old. He was pretending to play with my bb but in reality pinching my bb til his belly is reddish.I only realise it when my bb shriek. E boy and his parents just look at me so innocently. Didnt even apologise. I am really outrage by them. I should have been more cautious than to be deceive by his innocent looks.
tien: aiyo.. not a genius to be able to suck from straw lah.. just a mastery of muscles lah.. bf bbs takes 44 muscles to suckle.. so there u go.. face more 'toned'.. hahaha.. u try.. nuby? can be found in metro, kiddy palace.. almost everywhere wor..

ya.. i will ask her.. sat and suns my other thread gai gai day.. hahaha

SJ: ya.. if u put them together they look 'smiliarly different'.. hahaha
hey Dr ong say can start weaning liao? hmmmm...

xoxo: bally's michelin is no comparison to teng's at that age! ha.. yalor.. hmm. i still like teng's eyes.. (coz those are my eyes.. hahahaha).. miser/yh's.. accquired taste.. though my other thread keeps telling me they like mimi eyes.. sot one they all :p

wrt the young couple emerging.. shd just tell them off them 'fun? u know karma? bb outside screaming for food wor.. u inside creating life?'...duh...

elly: ha.. coz he is those children beside the Fortune God!
hey. hmm.. regards to introducing bananas hor.. bananas and avocados are v filling. even in small amounts.. u might want to try the 4 Ps.. papaya, pear, prunes, peach .. for a start first because they are less fillng and wun fill up the bb up so much tht they reject milk.. coz at this age.. they still need milk as their first food. and tbf bbs normally experience constipation when first start out weaning.. so the 4 Ps will help them move their bowels

ww: i hope u are feeling better.. hmm at this age, perhaps u could try some fruits instead of letting them eat our food.. with the exceptio of critus fruits.. most are suitable for bb.. vegs also. the root veg such as carrot, potatos etc.. our food now is too complex.. and might trigger allergy.. and because so complez.. wun know which is the food which is triggering the allergy also.. so better to hold it for the time being..
elly: and i forgot to say.. too much bananas actually constipate the kid! ha.. i was surprised to know that.. i thought banana aids the bowel.. it does if one or two.. too much. it constipates.. how interesting!

another interesting fruit is apple.. fresh apple puree/apple juice.. is a laxative.. it helps to move bowel.. but if the apple is cooked.. and then pureed i.e. applesauce.. it constipates! :p

oh. i forgot.. any fruit introduced now.. needs to be cooked .. steamed or boiled.. raw fruits.. 7 mths onwards..
i checked with my gynae already.. she told me probably it was due to dryness.. but if it happens another time, i gotta call her and make an appt liao. =\
Astro: Yar, Dr Ong ask me to start weaning liao. That is in consideration that Andre is not putting on weight or growing in height. Also he averages about 150ml 5 times a day, but is not poo-poohing much. So perhaps his body is absorbing all the stuff bah and probably not enough for him. He's really active now; i tried to increase his intake, but somehow he wouldn't take more. Asked if i should change to formula cos read that formula-fed babies fatten up easier. She said no. Say that as long as BM is available, BM is still the best. That's the gold standard. I guess weaning is a case by case basis. Really depends on the indivdual child.

btw, for a start, i'm supposed to mix 1 tsp of the rice cereal with his usual feed. Those mummies who are familiar with Avent teats, am i supposed to use a bigger hole teat? currently, using no. 2
ting> thanks for that info! i've printed a copy to put in the car hehe.

btw that time i bf in public with my poncho in TCC. my friend asked if i wanna go out.. coz he said he saw someone was asked to bf outside the restaurant (but not at that tcc)..

what an idiot right.. haaa we're not in the wrong to nurse in public.. somemore i got a poncho to cover! :p
