(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Shugar:You need to appear calm and happy in front of bb.It will affect him if he witness you been so anxious.
The doc also found some stones in me last month. I wonder if a keyhole surgery can be done. My lymp node and thyroid gland is as swollen til about the size of an egg.
My wrist is injured and it makes caring for him harder.Most of the time he refuse to be fed by others even his daddy.So regardless of how MIL or mum likes to rattle about been 'experience'. They cannot handle him during feeding. Scolding me daily that i overfeed and injured my bb coz he drink abt 150m-270ml per feed.He become quite aggressive and wont stop crying when he is hungry. They are also very unhappy that bb will insist in me feeding him most of the time. Ppl around me said that i spoil him. I see nothing wrong in playing music, singing to him during feeding. Because he drink slowly and is use to listening to music which is a must during feeding now.I have been singing til my throat is sore. Did i spoil him? Why are these ppl critising non stop at almost everything? He is quite happy,sociable and active. I cannot fathom how he can smile,laugh and babble at everyone who smile and talk to him? The PD laugh at my concerns and assure me that my bb is very healthy and his weight is ok. He said every bb require different amt of calories.
I felt that i m shortchanging my bb if i go for the surgery coz i wouldnt be able to care for him this much for sometime.
I know that i m complaining alot and is worrying abt almost everything. I want to ensure that i am giving the best to my bb in assuring that he is and will develop well. Alot of frustrations!

Elly: It came as a surprise that I could feed her on bjorn. Also not by choice cos there was no feeding room. But you can try...be prepared for the mess.

Loke: Be positive lah. I have seen kids who can accept both breast and bottles. So, versatility can happen. Just that mine still learning hahaha..Anyway if they starts to reject either, just feed only when they are super hungry lor...

As for the weight gain, ask her mum to look at the height. It could be because Angel is taller. My YX always gain in height and of course her big fat thighs...face always small small one...so not accurate to see if she gain weight by the face. All her tops have become those midriff baring ones! Damn sexy! Hahhah
ww: looking it from a longer term perspective. If you go for surgery, at least you can recover and be able to care for him in the long run. If you delay, it might worsen the condition and future recovery might be tough. Not only that, you are in pain, you will be even more affected by words of others and emotionally you won't be able to cope.

I can understand because I sprained my wrist and still trying to recovering. The thought that you cannot care for the baby hurts and worries. That's why I make it a point to take care of myself so that I can recover fast and resume my role in a happier mood.

Ya the cushion below his leg suppose to put on higher but my boy still duno how to turn so I put lower part. The brand is First Year, thk Kiddy Palace should have. It a gift from my sis years back so I never ask where to buy.

The pillow he sleep on is Babysafe, you can buy at all the shopping area. Very comfortable and good for baby.


My Elder boy is sleeping on the thicker type.


I think babysafe also got the position pillow:-

vodka: for now its on demand. last last week i started to drop fm from 5 feeds a day to 2 feeds a day.. then i felt she lost some weight when i carried her. after that was ok.. then she had a jab last week, got fever.. after the fever my mum carried her and felt she lost a bit of weight... but all along i latch on demand.. no demand i also latch. dream feed and all.. cos i rather overfeed than underfeed since i don't know how much i'm feeding.

tien: not by the looks, but by the feel when carrying her..
Thanks gals!

Yup I'm not worrying too much now till we see PD on wed for further info.
Off late sam's moods have been a bit better... maybe got over his 4th month angsty phase? :p Hehhee... hope no such thing at the coming 5th month. *cross fingers*
hippo>> belle also wearing ralph lauren for the first 3 days of CNY..
and you have 15 bibs ah! let me go home and count my bibs.. i think you win for the bibs.. hahaha LoL but i think the socks nobody can beat me, coz i still bought another 2 pairs today.. i am such a sucker for cute socks!
duracell & tien: thanks for sharing tips on bottle feeding. i'll get the small hole size nuk teats to start with.

i tried feeding yuning the past 2 mornings on the bottle with ebm. she was sort of asleep, and i managed to get 20ml into her tummy until she realised what it wasnt mummy's nipple she was drinking from. hah! so she does know how to suck from the medela and dr brown teats after all!

PY, maybe u can try bottle feeding while ur bb is half awake too.

duracell, 2 feeds a day sounds too little for a 4mth baby. do u top that up with the bottle?

siangjiao: aiya... my parents didnt buy the number. luckily it's just consolation prize. =P

mylvera: wa! the abacus is my favourite!!!! i want i want!!! but i m only coming back ard may. looking on the positive side, that's only 3 mths awaay. akan datang!!!
Went for 4th mth injection today.
Lucas' weight is 7.15kg and 63cm tall.
PD says his height is a bit on the low side but should be fine.
She also suggested I can give him a little bit of papaya, apple or pear now. Then gradually can introduce cereal to him. Anyone started to introduce these foods to your baby now?
miemie/hippo: wah! all ralph lauren babes!

elly: tried liao cnanot leh. when she know the fake nipple in her mouth she will wake up immediately! same goes to pacifier...
miemie: hmmm the previous PD, well, he's very experienced... but, no PR one leh. Hardly talks much and dun interact with sam at all. Every visit, always checks, poke and press same spots. Ask him questions, he dun really give direct answer. And very strange, talk without looking at you one. hahahah!
anyway, then my friend recommended her PD. said very nice and through and always explains stuff to her + very patient. So we thought we'd try a change lo. New PD turned out just like my friend said. think sam likes him too coz he always plays with him.
ww: i agree with tien that u shld go and have the surgery. in the longer term, u will b able to care for ur baby much better. i am myself suffering from bad hemorrhoid bleeding - bleeding everyday for nearly 5 mths now! i really want to have them removed surgically, but there is no one who can help to take care of my baby if i go for the surgery. so i'll just have to endure and wait till i move bac to singapore for good before i can get my problem fixed.
Loke: Hmm maybe just continue to let her latch for a few weeks till you see the PD. It could also be your arms getting stronger! I used to complain aching arms from carrying YX but these days I find her lighter...doubt it's cos of weight loss...so must be arms stronger and firmer hahahha

Mie/ HIppo: Hey YX also wants to be Ralph Lauren baby but she is outgrowing her rompers and polo the dresses I got all too big hahah...so she is going to be cheena / chateau baby this time round...

Shugar: Was just about to google about cranky babies who are turning 4 months and here you are giving me answer!! My YX basically goes haywire today!! Fuss a lot n when i try latching her both sides she suckle one side for 5 mins then sleep. woke her up to feed on the other side, sleep again after 5 mins. So she's feeding less than usual, i think. We suspected it's cos she din pooed today. Smile very little (usually smile a lot) except when my aunty came. Slept a lot. I wonder is it boredom from facing my mum and me everyday...but why are babies turning 4 months cranky??? No growth spurt right?

Anyway just to share...went back home to spring clean yesterday and found my long discarded GF book! Started reading as I was wondering why am I still feeding yx 2 hourly!!!??? Turns out that I shld have be latching her on both sides for every feed since she turned 3 months!

Now dunno can still store bm or not cos I only pump in the morning and from 1 side. If feed on both side sure dun have enough to store.

Worse still...my right b seems to have a blocked duct yet canno find the white spot on te nipple. Can feel a lump at the side...Suspect becos of this yx is not sucking well...
My gosh..now then i realise! There's growth spurt at 4 months!

Elly: must be tough on you taking care of the baby on your own. When r u returning bk for good?
shugar: who is e previous pd?

Elly/tien: I just had a C-S few months back. Now another 3 surgeries waiting for me. Omg!

Is e growth percentile impt?
elly: two fm feeds.. the rest all latch on demand.

tien: wahh.. that's v comforting to know.. hehe.. she looks chubbier today leh... haha...

shugar: that's very sweet of you and sam!!
btw, today is day 2 TBF. tmr dunno can tbf or not.. need to go office in the morning. dun have enough ebm leh...maybe i should pump tonight..
py: yuning also rejects the pacifier! looks like our babies have some things in common.

tien: yes, there's a growth spurt sometime betwn 4 - 6mths. they get cranky. some of my frens' babies start teething at 4mths! the babies, who used to sleep thru the nite, started to cry out in pain every now and then and mummies lose their sleep.

i dunno when i can return to sg for gd, but i really hope it will b sometime soon. london is driving me nuts. today i took yuning out for mother & baby yoga, and we got caught in this crazy snowfall. luckily i had protected the pram in rain cover before gg out. cowz...

i have a good solution for clearing blocked ducts - speaking from very painful experience...

soak the nipple in warm salt water for 5 - 10min. I use sea salt. Then heat up your breast with a gel pad for abt 5min. Feed your baby. Depending on
which part of the breast is hard, u may have to change the feeding position. i find the rugby hold very good for clearing any hard lumps that are near the centre of your chest.
shugar: sam is so cute holding that frostie tiger box! GXFC and WSRY to you and Sam!

ww: Keep looking on the bright side and dont despair! When i feel down, i will picture yuning and myself 5 yrs down the road. We will go shoppin tog, i will buy nice clothes for myself and she will help me carry my shopping. there... i feel so much better already!

i m not sure if jumping from 1 growth percentile to the next is important. but i do know that as long as the baby's weight continues to grow along its current percentile curve, he/she will b fine.
tien: hehehehe... hope YX will pass that phase soon. Actually I didn't know why till the new PD told us that when sam fuss during feeds its coz he doesn't want to drink liao.
says BBs at 4months are starting to be very aware of surroundings and getting more playful. So we took his advice and stop feeding each time he fuss and play with him till he calms down then resume feeding.
Found that this works for sam!

ww: Previous PD? Dr Ng from Mt A. rather quiet man and sometimes got to wait quite long for our turn coz he's up in OT or NICU.
babylucas: 7.15kg at 4mths! wow! strong and healthy baby! =)

I'm gg to start yuning on rice cereals first. she is turning 20 weeks tomorrow, so she shld b able to start weaning in a wk or 2. i m sort of delaying it, cos once i start, it is gg to b so much more work!! =P

i have tried to feed yuning some water using the spoon, juust to let her get used to water and the spoon. good thing she didnt reject. pheew!

oh, and i m so happy tat my hubby bought the red bumbo seat! it is fabulous! she sits in it perfectly well, and my hands are free to feed her!
duracell >> consult yr PD over yr concerns of weight loss esp with the change of "formula"..from fm to bm? once u get the assurances u need, it'll be easier for u to make yr decisions and have yr family to support u on that?

elly >> "london is driving me nuts"..hahaha...i made that stt many x in the past! thank goodness u had the pram protected from the freak weather...wishing u warmer and drier days ahead..how are u celebrating CNY there?

vodkarib >> i second yr choice! i am a fan of CoK..like it that their clothes for some reason, is poo-friendly. easy to wash those frequent, nasty attacks without much fuss! her upcoming wardrobe is almost filled with CoK but before u get ideas that her wardrobe is HUGE..it's tiny..only abt 4 onesies and 4 sleepsuits. ahhh....

lucas >> your PD recommended that u begin weaning for the babe? did s/he explain why? on this topic, i recently read this bk called "baby led weaning" which is highly at odds with the usual practice of purees etc that is given by spoon from a caregiver. plenty of material there makes perfect sense to me - but it is a completely different perspective. wonder if u have come across something like that, or would you be considering?

shugar >> thanks for that! did u know when i was expecting...the most acceptable breakfast that would not induce a session of MS is..frosties! haha..the next time i will bore u with our frosties jingle..the "fetus" that is now this little Miss..will do her "wave" when we sing that! :p so here's wishing Chairman Sam and all at home a prosperous, roaring year ahead!

Mie >> for socks i am tops...from the bottom...hehehe...officially i don't have anymore socks now! too lazy to put them on for her and before i knew it, the few pairs she had are too small..now waiting for 8 brand new pairs to arrive! how have u been recently with work and belle? ;D

ww >> get yrself healed so u can take care of yr babe. try not to feel frustrated etc..like u put it, the bb can feel that..so cheer up k? let yr little one cheer u up!
elly >> hmm...my little one "dropped" from one part of the curve to the line below her "original"..my PD wasn't the least fazed so for all my panic, there wasn't much for me to rev the panic further. he said..look at you..u are small..so don't expect her to be anything but..haiz. thou shalt not look at graphs. they just give me either a headache or palpitations or both.
tien >> can i rephrase that and say..the growth spurt is all over the plc! :p ha..soon enough when teeth starts popping..we would be blaming "teething" for everything! just go with the flow...today she gave me 6 poo attacks. she returned home precariously close to wearing just her diaper. heh..i know both hb and i have reached another plane when we weren't fazed abt that huge bag of pooey clothings and her whacking her hands all over the diaper area (new thing from them?), then promptly chomping on her hazards..*gg gila*
xoxo: i agree that it's good to stay away from the graphs. the last time i looked, yuning had jumped from the 0.4th percentile to the 75th. i thot she might b turning into an obese baby ... can babies b obese anyway?!

well, i empathise with u for having to take 6 poo attacks in a day. i totally understand. the poop seems to be finger-licking good to babies for some strange reason. i nearly fainted when yuning grabs her poop-smeared ass and then promptly popped her hand into her mouth, finishing it off with a smile.

there was also once when i got a triple whammy from her. she pooped all over herself. when i was changing the nappy and cleaning the poop from her back, she wee wee onto me - dun ask how. and just when i tot that the worst was over, she vomitted all over. and i was home alone. with her. period.
xoxo: Wah Audrey power! 6 poop attacks! You ate a lot of vege is it? Or Audrey decides to detox? And she likes poop? Oh dear...I better start watching out...

Elly: London is still snowing at this time? It's going to be so troublesome bringing the lil one out! Have always wanted to visit London. Looks like this period of time is not a good time to go. But then again, with this yx, I doubt I can go anywhere for at least the next couple of yrs...sob sob sob...

Gosh!! Finger licking good poop poop?? Hahah...I think I will freak out if my YX starts doing that! Dunno which one to clean first..hand or smelly buttocks! I will probably wash her mouth first...make her puke out whatever she licked!

Just a thought...It seems that it's always the lil girls playing the pranks. Poop attacks followed by urine assaults and then finale with vomitting? My yx has also done that! Best! She can poop and vomit milk at the same time! And it seems that it's also the lil' girls who are rejecting bottles!!

Loke: Well done girl!!Press on tbf and cheers to toned and strong arms!

WW: dun think too much into it. Remember it's for the long term good

Sam: Happie new year to you and mummy Shugar too! Haiyo...you look soooooooo cute!!!

Re: Fussy babies
Sigh...I really hope that today yx will behave. So tired from her antics yesterday. But funny thing is...she managed to poop in the evenng yesterday and her mood became reasonably better. Think it's gas. WHICH ALSO MEANS THAT...I have to go through another round of fussiness since there's the growth spurt to look out for! ARGHHHHHHH...

And speaking of teeth, I am very worried she is going to be one of those babies who starts at 4 months! We have been seeing some whitish stuffs on her gums. And she is starting to drool and bite her lips. Not forgetting chomping on her own fingers...Next thing you know..you will hear me complaining that my nips have gone missing...

OH and my dear yx has successfully expanded her own mouth by pulling her lips and stuffing about 8 fingers in her mouth at one go all the time! This morning I looked at her and really sigh...sooooooooooooooooooooo ugly lor! Her mouth are not small to begin with and NOW....*shake head* Thinking of stuffing her a pacifier to shrink it abit.
Wow so many babies can flip liao but my boy didnt show any sign of flipping leh.

So should all Ralph Lauren baby meet for CNY to take photo hahahaha. Rhys is one of them also I bot Polo Tee and Romper for him.
Elly: Forgot to thank you for the tip! Din know salt water can be used to clear block duct too! I used it to cure my cracked nips! Hee shall try! Thanks!
my boy is turning 4 months this thursday but he hasn't flip too! hmm, and i think his neck is not exactly strong enough to carry him with neck unsupported leh.... is it a must to accomplish both when turn 4 months??

uh... u mean bf babies poo very lil de ma? my boy poo about 6 times a day on normal days de wor!! he can poo up to 9 times a day once in a while!! and i had many similar attacks of
- he poo while feeding him, and then when i stand up and bring him to his cot, i turn around to realised that his poo has leaked and dripped all over the floor (and sofa!!) without me knowing!
- his poo leak from his behind, and thus need to change his romper, changed the romper first and wanted to proceed to his soiled diaper, he wee wee onto himself and the beddings! then faster lock the soiled diaper back first and take another romper to change him cos scare he catch a cold... changed liao and proceed back to his soiled diaper and... he wee wee onto himself again!! #@%$#%@ take another romper to change him again!
- his poo leaked, and then when changing he peed all over, and then when changing again he vomit
i used to be very stressed out during those moments. but now i just "scold" him and said hey stop playing with mommy! be a good boy la! imagine leh.. i had practical at least 6 poo a day, of cos have to be used to it.

I wanna congrats you!! see! your efforts will pay off! i always believe that every woman will surely have breastmilk for their child one. just whether or not you start off correctly asap after giving birth.. to want to breastfeed your baby is alot of hard work to latching as many times as possible which many woman finds it draining. and from the beginning shouldnt introduce the bottle at all, cos once u introduce the bottle the baby won't be hungry at your breast and baby will be frustrated cos latching milk flows slower than bottle. i feel that if just pump but do not latch, it doesnt effectively stimulate the brain to produce milk leh.. but of cos some women are just blessed with loads of milk even if they dun intend to feed their baby breastmilk at all... but everyone surely can breastfeed de!! i read a report in a magazine that even man can breastfeed leh!!! when the baby is born and the man latch the baby on for a certain time everyday, one week later he really produce milk!! u go google see if can find? it's all in the mind ok!! just keep tell yourself you have SO MUCH MILK for your baby and dont stress! gambateh!

About Teething >>
my parents told me that my boy is going to teething cos he is biting his fingers and also using his tongue to click his gums or suck on his own lips as if his gums are itchy.. i think could be possible as it's only about 2 months to 6 months old and weaning ma.. can i ask some experienced mommy..... roughly how long this process will take before the teeth appear and will the baby gets fever and how many days of fever ah? also, if breastfeeding, how to teach the baby not to bite?!!? scare scare!!
by the way, i have extra units of the below to let go. am using them and they are really good! but i have too many extra which don't think is good if keep for too long! please PM me if interested.

1) Earth Friendly Baby, Daily Care Cream, Organic Calendula, 4 oz (113 g) @ $12.50 each (Kiddy Palace retailing $18+)

My son has quite nasty nappy rash which wouldn't go away despite applying the hydrocort cream from doctor cos he poo too many times a day ler.. but i just started using this on sun and immediately after a few change the redness has gone away! i am impressed!


Certified Organic Ingredients
For Wetness Protection & Moisturizing
Healthy Planet, Healthy Baby
Dear Baby, This natural calendula daily care cream was created to give your wonderfully soft, sensitive skin protection against wetness, and to moisturize it when that is what you need most. We have gone through many steps to ensure gentleness. This product is natural which means that we use only ingredients that are 100% derived from all-natural sources, where possible. You deserve the best, and we want to make sure you get just that. This product is not tested on animals.

Suggested Use
Use with every diaper change to offer maximum protection against wetness. May also be used as a general moisturizer for sensitive skin of all ages.

2) Tooth Tissues, My Dentist's Choice, Tooth Tissues, 30 Wipes @ $10 each


Invented by Two Dentists for Their Kids
My Dentist's Choice
Fluoride Free
99% Natural
With Xylitol
Paraben Free
Dental Wipes for Baby and Toddler Smiles
Dear Friends

As Practicing dentists we know that, starting from an early age, cleaning teeth and gums everyday to remove plaque is necessary to prevent decay.

As parents, we know that is not always so simple. That's why we created Tooth Tissues: easy to use disposable, and effective wipes for cleaning your child's teeth and gums.

You will find that they are the best product on the market for your child's oral health.

They are uniquely textured for plaque removal, neutral-flavored, fluoride, paraben and sugar-free, and 99% natural.

Tooth Tissues may be used from birth to promote healthy habits that will last a lifetime. You might even like to use them for your own teeth between brushings!

From our family to yours,

Dr. Grace and Dr. Jon

My Dentist's Choice

P.S. Please remember to have your baby see a dentist by his or her first birthday.

Suggested Use
Use wipe around all surfaces of teeth. Cleanse around gums, tongue and cheeks. For use from birth to approximately 16 months. Dispose after one use.
Hello mummies

Need your advise here.
My son had feedback that the teacher had slapped him for not placing his shoe into the correct pigeon hole in the CC. I have checked him and did not noticed
any bruises on his face.

May I know if Teacher is even allow to slap a child (even if it does not cause bruises) as a form of punishment? I agree that adequate punishment is required to
enforce discipline, but slapping is a no no to me. Am I overreacting?

Loke : Congrats on your success story on TBF.

Shugar : Sam is so cute.

Tien : Same as yx, my gal is able to stuff her fist into her mouth. Last night she had upgraded to stuff one fist plus sliding 2 fingers into her mouth at the same time..

Ting : My girl is past 4 months now. But she has not master the flipping yet. She is able to hold her her head well during tummy time thou. 2 days ago, she was
able to roll to her back from tummy position.. Is that considered as flip?
ting: wahahah! I can certainly emphatise with that. The poop + urine multiple attacks happened before and my son even pooped right on to my finger just when I was applying diaper cream. Just yesterday, when my hubby was feeding him, he didn't realise the shit dripped to the floor coz the diaper was a bit loose. Sometimes changed shirts a few times because of urine, it's a major argh!

One thing I try to minimise such attacks is to make the mmmmm sound to make him shit as much as possible before changing, coz he will take about 5-6 times for about 10-15 min before he's done.

lucasbaby: wow!!! You are really great at force feeding lucas. Elgin's 6.6kg and 64cm at 4 months, and he was born big. Doc said he's average only.

xoxo: I'm also in the no diary products club. I think I'm allergic to diary products myself!!! All my itches went away after I stopped diary products for 2 months.

I thought love letters is made from eggs? I'm trying to avoid that. I think the only time I can eat pineapple tarts is to go to my aunt's place. She is a vegetarian, and always try to give me pineapple tarts without eggs. They don't taste shiok, but I guess that would do for me.

gal lydia: sometimes my son will sleep on his tummy, esp in the afternoon. I know it's not advisazble because of SIDS risk, but I think a short while shouldn't be a problem. At night, we put this rather heavy bean bag on him. It's heavy at the sides, so the beans are actually not on his tummy, so he doesn't turn and sleep on his tummy at night.

Re pi sai
How to remove pi sai, where to get tweezers? Using the cotton bud will simply push it in. I see such a huge piece of pi sai but don't dare to remove it coz every time I do it, I fail terribly.
Ting, my son also turn 4th mth last Friday. But he is able to hold his head well.


Confirm cant slap his face. I will not allow anyone to slap my son face even my Hubby.
rooster: corporal punishment is not allowed in schools. slapping (even light) should not happen. i would be very upset if that happened to my son. there are other ways of discipling him such as time out or depivation of things he likes.

however, sometimes the teacher can be very upset when she has students who do not listen to her, and she might have lost her temper.

what i suggest is to check the story with ur son again. sometimes children are over imganiative, or they hide certain truths when they tell their story. after u have got the full picture, speak to the teacher in a calm manner and find out what exactly happened and whether she did that. you may want to start by asking about your son's progress in class first, and ask what u can do to help make his stay there a pleasant one.
this is to prevent her from getting defensive.

show that u r an understanding parent. then after that, u mention that ur son told u something that u didn't think was true i.e. she slap ur son. tell her u don't think that is possioble as she is a good teacher who knows how to reward and punish students in an appropriate manner. this is actually to hint to her that ur son tells u every thing that happens to him. also add that ur son enjoys coming to school, and u hope he won't get turned off because of that.

if she claims she did not do it, then you might want to give her the benefit of doubt. coz she should get the hint. if ur son complains again, tell the person in charge of the centre to take action or u will pull him out.

my friend took her daughter out of the childcare centre immediately after she felt the teacher was very fierce to a crying child who missed his mum in the first few days of school.

hope your son is not traumatised, coz some kids become withdrawn and scared to go to school.
Thanks glass.

I will be taking leave and go to school tomorrow to understand teacher's side of the story.

BTW, my son refuse to go to school today, he was telling me that the teacher is very fierce. Last week, he was still very happy to go to school and even wanted to stay late in the CC to play with his classmates. But today, he told me he dun wan to stay late, he wants to be the first to go home. He dun like the teacher.

I keep asking him for more details. He is saying the same thing until he gets pissed off with me and say he dun wish to talk about it anymore. I even told him that I will check with the teacher if what he mentioned to me is real, he even nodded his head. But he keep telling me not to mention the name of the teacher cos he is afraid the teacher will scream at him next time. Haiz!

Very upset now cos, my son had just settled down in his new school. He was screaming and crying for the first 3 weeks in school. Finally when we are seeing improvement in his behaviour, such things happen and he is showing withdrawal to go to school today.
rooster: how old is ur boy?
teng, at this tender age, is over imaginative.. he said.. BALLY pushed him..:S
then he said i slapped him! erm.. need double check.. agree with glass. coporal punishment not allowed in school.. dun say touch lah.. even detention class also have to be issued carefully..

Bally--> KKH over estimated his height.. :S so he takes back the title of shortie in my family.. at close to 14 weeks only.. 59.5cm?! then KKH can tell me 65cm?! alamak.. too big a mistake.. right?!

flipping over
PD said. up to 5 mths is common.. esp if ur bb is a big chubby.. they take longer becaus eof the fats around their shoulders..
rooster: hmm one mth past 4.. 4 years should be able to discern and be 'truthful'.. think ur decision to take leave and go take a look for urself is a wise one..
Tien: teething.. unless father and mother early teether.. normally around 6 mths.. bt i have frens who kids teethed at 3 mths.. the outlines are there.. but it will take a while for the teeth to erupt.. and even if the bbs are crying out in pain..it can still be weeks/mths before the teeth erupt..

and yes.. xoxo. soon we will be blaming teething for all the crying!
My son can flip when he 2mths plus and My son now 3 month 3 week and 2 days old. He still not strong enough to lift his head up..
xoxo: the graphs. bally is indeed growing the WRONG way.. average for height.. ABOVE average for weight?. tsk tsk.. that's not the way to go/glow/grow!.. 6.744kg at week 14.. i want more vertical length.. else he is going to turn into a perfect circle liao

Presenting The Puffed up Puffer Fish.. tsk

Rooster: Miser says Bally looks abnormal. coz from behind.. cansee his cheeks.. i agree. with his slit-like eyes.. it just enhance his roundness.. Bally is so apt for him..

rooster> wah! i can't imagine if next time my son grows up and attend school to have a teacher "slap" him??! why would a child lie about this unless he needed certain kinda attention? yes! please go to the school and observe to find out more!

yups! now i try to coax him into pooing "finish" else i sian to change diaper so many times too! lol. just need to be careful when carrying him cos dun wan the sudden leak. lol

my son neck can stand, just that sometimes he will go left and go right (abit like helicopter la) doesnt seem stable leh.. i scare he sprain himself so will still support his neck when holding him... is this normal? i wonder if i need to bring him see doc if he doesnt master firm neck or flipping by a certain time?

is it a must to do tummy time everyday? aiya then i think my boy must be too fat for his own arms! everytime i put him tummy time, a while he will keep ahhh arrrhh arrhhhhh like he is very tired! ta bulek tahan! i am looking forward to him flipping leh! wait till my neck long. am i suppose to do anything to help him?

ahahahahahha! no wonder you call him bally! lolx! he is really really cute!! feel like carrying him! haha
