(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

ur miser is so funny! how can he say that of bally?! but the phase is very funny i burst out laughing.. "Miser says Bally looks abnormal. coz from behind.. cansee his cheeks.. "

ting: dun get too anxious abt the flipping over part..
up till 5 mths is normal says my PD.. esp if ur bb is chubby. coz they need to turn over.. hence u see the lighter bbs are normally faster in gross motor coz they are more nimble mah.. as for the firming of the neck. some bbs flip before they firm their neck.. bally neck super firm.. tummy time supporting on arms (like a 4/5 mths) but yet to flip too.. what u are doing for ur boy is good enough. keep putting him on the floor. tummy time.. entice him with a toy placed side way and encourage him to reach out for it.. will soon flip
every bb is different...
ting: miser keeps saying bally is fatterthan ting last time. i told him.. actually teng is fatter coz teng was 7.2kg at three months! bally is much lighter.. it just doesn't help that bally has miser's slits for eyes.. so he looks fatter lor.. while teng has my eyes.. so teng looks more normal..as simple as that..... *straight face*
wow!!! yuhe is really growing horizontally.. he has grown SOOOOOO much since i last saw him, which was in dec! and to think he was so tiny when i first saw him at Loke's house.. his weight has certainly caught up fast.. belle was weighing 6.68kg at week 16.5
i just cannot understnad how coem both boys end up looking like balls at that age.. teng was overfed.. ok. i anyohw feed him then.. this bally i didn't plus his lips clamp shut once he is full.. teng still drowns on. .but bally still became like that.. obesity is destined in their fate.. haiz..
ting: yah. dun get too anxious abt flipping. i realised that my boy even though he knows how to flip now.. when he is on his tummy.. he sometimes also goes argh ahhh ahhh.. cos i think he gets frustrated when he sees the toy but he can't reach it. he is 22 weeks by the way.. so dun worry.
jus keep playing with him on his tummy and encourage him with toys and you can lie down and face him so he doesn't feel anxious in not seeing you

xoxo: Cotton on kids clothes for gals are so preeeettty!! whenever i shop for baby clothes, i wish i have a baby girl (maybe next one)

They look more cute when they are Fat now just dun let them be too fat when they go into primary school. My elder was also very chubby when young and ppl alway say he got so chubby cheek like eating something in his mouth. But now at 4yr+ he was so skinny leh and my hubby say he look like those kids in Africa now. You can go my face book and see the pictures and you can really tell the great different. I try so many ways to boost up his weight now Western and Chinese Medicine for him. Really spend me alot of $ bcos of this problem.
sunnyling>> cod liver oil (yu gan you) helps? my mum beefed up my nephew using that.. he was really scrawny last time, after eating "yu gan you" for dunno how long, he just went boom, became ah bui.. hahaha
Shugar: Nice pic Sam! Gong xi fa cai! I think you make a good endorsement for kelloggs frosties =)

Astro: WOW! Yu He looked so different from the time i saw him at the xmas gathering!You better watch out for his cheeks this CNY, i bet a lot of folks will be reaching out to pinch
astro: u r right. bally is looking more and more like ur miser now.. but his growth is fantastic despite the ordeals he went through!

xoxo: pd said her weight is good.. but i only started to drop fm a lot more one week before visit to pd. i'll monitor and see how.. next appt in a month's time. i think unless she looks shrunken, there should be nothing to worry about right?

tien: haha. yeah strong arms.. i hope its just strong and not muscular........!!!

rooster/ting: thanks.

today had to give fm twice cos can't be around at home. ko last night, didnt get to pump..
Hello Mummies,

Just pop by to say "Hello!". Wishing all of you a very happy lunar new year and Gong Xi Fa Cai !!! I also wanna to share the pictures of my kids with all of you....
Hello Mummies!! :)


I have a BRAND NEW BABY BJORN (HOT PINK) SPIRIT CARRIER to give away for a price.

I have received a sling carrier for my bb's baby shower and I prefer using the sling. It looks like I have no use for this Baby Bjorn. It is NOT opened and definitely Brand New, comes with box.

I am giving it away for $150. I bought at RRP $179.

Interested, please PM me or email at [email protected].
re flipping: yuning is 20 wk old today, and she also can't flip... the physiotherapist, who saw her for her plagiocephaly, checked her all over and found nothing wrong with her neck, limbs etc. he told me that babies will turn when they r ready. no need to worry too much. u start worrying when they start flipping. =)
Elly: Lucas at 4mth is also showing no sign of flipping. PD says it cld be his body is too heavy...haha.

xoxolight: PD mentioned weaning can start between 4-6mths and she looked at his growth and mentioned he is ready. I did ask her again to confirm coz he was born a borderline preemie case at 35 weeks, and I am concerned whether he is ready. I think I will start with the fruits first at very small amount. Btw what is the title of the book u r talking abt?

glass: we did not "force feed" him lah. I do stop if he does not want anymore milk ;) nowadays he has mastered the art of pushing the bottle away when he is full...

talking about poo, he did not poo-poo for 2 days in a row over the last weekend and that got me worried as he usually does it daily. The malay lady who came to massage me then did some light massage on his stomach, circular movements starting from bottom left side. i am not sure whether it's the massage or not, but he definitely managed to poo 3 times after that...one of which was in the bathtub when i was almost done wif bathing him only to realize the water suddenly turned yellow wif his poo...and i have to bathe him all over again!

hope that everyone has recover over at yr side? YH has changed so much from the last time that i've seen him! Aiyo, he's so chubby now! yr bm is indeed powerful
reagan is very slim at 65cm & weights 6.6kg. Guess i've kinda giving up to puff him up cos he's getting longer instead.

Slapping is definitely not acceptable!I will b so upset if i'll u. if the teacher admitted to it, i'll make her apologize to my son!
habits >> Dre is forming some v queer sleeping habits of late. Not napping at all. I find this highly abnormal. She wakes at 10am-noon and after which, she doesn't nap all the way till 11pm or MN. I have to be this jaga for all her waking hrs which is alot - and now i know why nature gave these babies the need to take naps..so caregivers can rest! i do everything with her..time to nap, i lay her down and darken the place, quiet etc..but she will be raring to go..do stuff..look at you..wanna play etc..at first i thought it's a once-off..now it is beginning to shape into a habit proper... *_*

elly >> 75th percentile is a good sign! certainly not classed as obese..that'd be "off the charts"! hehe...besides poop, she loves bathwater..slurping all the soap....today it was all over the place. she stuffed both fists into her mouth, then stuffed her bib, before i could settle the all-over drool on her onesie, she grabbed her toes and tried to stuff that into her mouth as well...by the way, those were the toes that had just whacked the diaper...i'd no time to decide which to focus on. took her toes away, checked, in went her fingers again, took that away, the other hand came...when i basically fixed her in a scarecrow pose, she promptly yelped and squirmed away from the changing mat in the awfully cramped changing area of a shopping centre.... headache headache! think by the time i am a master of diaper changes with an ultra squrimy baby...my multi-tasking skills will be superb.

tien >> i think so..i take q a fair bit of veggies...

sunnyling >> don't worry abt the flipping... in their own time. dre is smallish..so like what astro says, easier for them..

ting >> if dre poos 9x per day..i faint! your mess sounds v much like mine..only that she doesn't vomit..heh..thank goodness! not stressed out..but it just sets off a real massive headache.

rooster & moo >> sounds quite inappropriate to me..show of force and violence not a good thing for anyone, what more a child? hope yr visit pays off..

glass >> hehe, shugar has a source to dairy-free CNY goodies...and the good news is..kueh bahlu can be taken! love letters too! hahaha..i went nuts buying them today..yummylicious! uh..i am fixated with pi sai...hahahaha...abit twisted like what hippo called me. for cotton bud, just insert gently, twist it in one direction a few times, it will cause all the "sai" to roll into a bigger "ball of sai"...heh, then what u do is try to gently press the cotton bud and tease it out from the side. something like that..

zombified >> pls don't zombify yourself into flu bug!! haiz! and he looks very different! very Miser leh! :p don't tell me abt KKH...that's quite alot off! but Rayan is so smiley! yeah..i wanna pinch his cheeks!!! :DDDDD

Joyce >> your girls are so pretty..! and that's a very cute baby! blue a meaningful colour for you?

lucas >> the book is called "Baby Led Weaning".. i really like what i see..after quite a long debate with my hb, Dre would more or less be given the opportunity to feed herself..inspired by this method...there's truly alot of things in there that makes sense. more info anyway:
- http://www.baby-led.com/
- http://www.babyledweaning.com/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=73
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baby-led_weaning
- http://babyledweaning.blogware.com/

like elly says, u worry when they start flipping...true..mine just went off the mat, under the piano, must have hit somewhere again cos started wailing.. time to get the haenim play yard that i've been putting off. *alarm bells*...
sotong_mum >> you and zombie can set up a store called Bally & Tally...hehe..good business! those who need beefing up can drop by for Bally BM...those who need vertical growth spurts can have yours! as for me..unless both of u carry dairy-free versions and have a super duper minder who is capable of getting Ms FussPot to take her feeds from the bottle...i pass..thus, she is Tiny and Shortie..hehe...it must be late..i am gg nuts..

kkh is @#@!#!@ one lah.. din recognise kawasaki when most of the symptoms appear during my gal's stay.

re: flipping

agree with elly n xoxo. when they flip, is the beginning of our hair turning white. mine can turn in the middle of the nite with her head faced down. whole nite cannot z cos duno if she had turned and have to flip her back. daytime she dun wana sit liao. only wana lie on the playmat n turn n turn. who got the time to keep monitoring her? haiz.
HI Xoxolight,

Actually that is the family Tee and it only come in Blue option. However, this colour also happen to be my family fav colour.....

The family tee is from DNF BP? I saw that but never purchase. I like the Daddy and son Tee very much. But as I had over purchase ALOT of clothes for my 2 boys, my hubby had forbidded me to purchase any more clothing. I like the one that write "Hu Fu Wu Quan Zhi"


I am not worry about his flipping just that see so many babies can flip liao quite envy.

Btw recently Rhys will start to shout when we leave him alone in his rocker or bed. Until he see someone he will stop making noise and smile or laugh at us. So now is the state that he require out attention liao.

Can i check how do you clean your baby's toys?

Mine are all smothered with drool (and sometimes snoot).. The plastic ones so far i just rinse with water, but do we need to get anti-bacterial wipes for them? The cloth ones i just dunno what to do. Tried to wash one and now it lost its squeak already.

Andre's drooling so much nowadays that i can't help but scold my husband for not fulfilling all my cravings during my pregnancy days.
i love to peer into belle's nostrils for any signs of snort too! she hates it when i try to dig them out..

i use the cotton bud, but i will wet it first, so that the snort sticks to the cotton bud and is easier to get it out. she kicks me furiously and will 'scold' me when i do that!

SJ>> belle's not interested in toys at all, she doesn't want to stuff the toys into her mouth, she prefers to use her fingers to DIG her mouth, and then the same finger to smear my face! yucks! or the same finger to dig MY mouth or nostril..
i tink is ok to rinse the toys with water only.. the cloth toys usually have the 'washing instructions'.. but coz belle doesn't play with her toys (as in she wun hold them) the cloth toys are still in acceptable condition, i just wipe them with a damp cloth..
Astro: yh NOT fat! Chubby!!! Sooooooo cute!! My mum says such 'hang ni' babies will grow up to be good- looking! We shall see yh becoming a da shuai ge!

Teething: good if yx follows me! I teeth at 9 months! So she won't chew my nips off early!

Mie: I totally understand how belle dig her mouth! That's y I cAll yx the mouth expanded! Why the baby girls now sooooooo da glam?
mlyvera: oh wow! yixin has started turning and turning? she must b such an active baby! can't wait to hug her!!! yuning is too lazy to turn yet. heh.

SJ; I just put all the soft toys into a laundry bag and dump into the washing machine. the squeaky ones are still working fine. For the plastic toys, i wash them in soapy water, didn't use any anti bacterial wipes cos i'm afraid the chemicals will stay on the toys. yuning loves to put things into her mouth now...

tien: wa... teething at 9mths! i hope my girl does that too. else it will b very painful feeding her.
Hi Mommies,

Was reading all your post on baby's weight and thus would like to share that my boy was 8.66kg at 3 mths... More than the 97th percentile mark. Btw, he was born on 22 Oct 2009.
hi zarina.. are u the zarina who ame and pick up the ponchos from me?

wah.. 8.66?!.. power :p
my Bao (my first son) also lose to u :p he was already a heavy weight at 7.2kg at 3 mths then liao :p

ladies.. ha.. i shd take a photo of Bally with mouth closed.. he looks more like a puffer fish that way.. :p

sotong: not well.. another wave of virus making its way in my hosue.. :S we shd seriously take on xoxo's suggestion.. then we can also mutually benefit .. :S ... :p

xoxo: i have morphed.. into the bug itself! it never seems to leave me.. went and got Zytec-D. hopefully my nose will clear.. i tried to convice miser to get the Rainbow.. FAILED! wah koaz.. yes.. coz of the price tag.. argh.. fed up!

mylvera aka my idol: hmm so far bothmy experices.. the docs there quite good. it is either the nursing staff or the environment which makes me pull m yhair out.. btw.. how are ur kids now? u recovering also? haiz. now i got a blocked nose.. haiz.. sian..
wow! all the super power babies are in our forum!

astro, bally is very adorable. i want to kiss his chubby cheeks! =P take care, and hope u get better soon. maybe u can start taking garlic pills when u have recovered, to boost ur immunity.
Hi Joynbaby, can i check how is the quality of the DNF family Tee? It's kinda ex, so i am hoping that it is at least of good qual material?

the docs there quite friendly but they still failed to recognise the kawasaki symptoms! 1 of the SN there SUCKS. treated us as highly contagious disease patient, refuse to render any aid n even gave me instructions for her duties (giving medicine, collecting urine etc etc)??? WTF! I am a paying class patient hor!

thanks for concern. the kids have more or less recovered. as for myself, still coughing at times with phlegm. took mc on monday cos my gal woke up at 3am n wana play! i can only z at 430am. since still coughing n lack of z, i went to see doc to keng mc lor haha.

u better see doc now for yr blocked nose. wat u nid now is more of water n REST! once u hv these 2, u shd recover soon. haze is coming back i tink. can smell smoke these few days. haiz.. my hb spent so much $$ on air purifier. let's hope the $$ gone will improved the kids' health.


hb wana me to tell u tat yixin was very active when she was still in my tummy. can see my tummy changed shape every nite. naturally, when she out, she oso active lor. haha imagine, day 28 or so already FLIPPED successfully?? now her head oso very firm. jz abit worrying is her wt. she on diet! haha reduced to 5.8kg last week.
Astro>> Ur bally is so cuteee....

Went to see the PD on Monday and she remarked that my boy is ready some solids.. So, she gave me a tin of nestle rice cereal.. I gave a small tablespoon to my son in the morning.. seems quite okie for solid.. She said give different food at 1 week interval.. so, next week can try fruits.. My boy boy's expresssion when he tasted the rice cereal is so funny..
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Flipping</font>
I think its inevitable that we get envious of other kids if our own cannot meet that particular milestone yet. I rem for my no. 1, i was worrying constantly when he couldn't smile yet, den when others could flip already, he couldn't flip yet. But alot of mummies here in the forum encouraged me and told me to give him time.

True enuff, he reached each milestone successfully but much slower than others. I've come to accept the fact that my boy is slightly slower in terms of motor skills. Even now at 18mths, he's still not talking. Onli babbling his baby language.

For no. 2, not sure if bcoz i'm so super relaxed or my can't-be-bothered attitude already, he has started flipping at 3 mths. BUT BUT BUT, he still can't lift up his head. Think too heavy le. Btw, he's about 8.3kg when we last weighed him. He was born on 12 Oct. Very heavyweight lor. Wearing same size diapers as korkor already. Scary!!!

<font color="ff0000">Poo</font>
I'm not sure why but my boy simply loves to poo when he wakes up for milk in the middle of the nite. Be it 330am (like last nite), or 445, or 545... he will SURELY poo. n den nite time about 8+pm will poo again.

How can I change his morning poo pattern coz it always ends up he becomes so wide awake after i clean him up that I cant sleep oso. becoming panda already</font>
Wow... A lot of chubby babies here. Hee...

Lele is not flipping yet as well. He only know how to flip back when i put him on his tummy. Kept doing it. He hates tummy time. But so far, he never succeed in flipping from back to tummy.

My mil is coughing, the cousins are coughing. I hope mine don't catch the virus. Haiz...
Ladies.. ask u all.. can Zrytec be used while bf-ing? i remembered (and as recommended by xoxo) can wor.. then i went and bought it yesterday.. It is a slight variation called Zrytec D. meant for nasal decongestion.. then i told the pharamacist still bf-ing. asked if it is safe. she said actually all anti-histmine contained dunno what chemical. but v little is secreted into bm.. so if not prolonged use.. still can use..
then i go and read the leaflet.. said drug shoud not be used for bf-ing mothers.. haiz..

so can Zrytec-D can be used wheb bf-ing? i took one tab.. decided. better clarify. now stich to panadol..

elly/happy mummy: thanks. today i showed a colleague's bally photos.. his first comment.. 'alamak! he looks like a MEAT BALL!'.. wah liew..ha!

mylvera: what air purifier did u buy?
miser said dun need to get such an exp vaccum cleaner.. told him i know. but i need something to clean the air! then he said teng's prob is not air dirty (like real) but more of dry air from aircon.. so i told him get a humidiflier lor.. he said what for?! then will spoil the aircon.. wah liew, this cannot that cannot. fed up!
so after CNY. i am going to get someone fix up the stupid aircon. clean it! then buy Sharp Plasamacluster ioniser.. then one air purifer/rainbow etc.. else forever teng will have his blocked noser problem.. already theboy.. speaks with a nasalised voice liao :S.. then me. just last night in aircon. whoozy again. toxic ah my aircon! haiz..
u rest well too.. between cough and blocked nose.. i rather choose blocked nose :p
Astro>> Wah lau.. ur colleague very mean leh.. My friend told me its okie for infants to be a bit bigger cos when they started to crawl, they will lose some weight..

Btw, mummies, check wif u all.. Is medela freestyle better or pump in style? Haizz.. My Advent died on me today.. Sianzz..

take chlorpheniramine for running nose.

as for purifier, will let u know again cos i SBC (simply bor chap).


Pump in style suction better. am using both.

think the purifier is honeywell brand. can buy fr best denki. my hb say ioniser no use. as for aircon, we get them cleaned every 3 mths. but still dirty n has algae. worst still, my area lots of construction n the surrounding neighbours are smokers. but since we bot the big (n exp) air purifier, we dun really smell ciga smoke. duno whether is it tat miracle or not haha
Astro, me and my boy got very bad sinus too. So we usually switch on fan instead. During the first 3 mths when I just give birth we switch on aircon daily and caused my elder boy sinus got worst and visit a few times doctor so bo bian we go buy another fan for the baby. Now my rm got 2 fans, playpen (cant put babycot cos not enough space), my elder boy bed and our bed. You can imagine how squeeze my rm is barely got space to walk. But when we on aircon I always on the humifier, it does help a bit.
joyce: Thanks ... they have a store at centrepoint. I am on leave tomoro so i think i will check out the material ...

Astro: Agree with mylvera on chlorpheniramine. My GP prescribed to me recently when i got a drippy nose and i was taking the same medication when i got my rashes during pregnancy. Its an antihastimine.
Now on my way to Far East Plaza and later got time will go Ang Mo Kio hub. Hope I can find a nice dress and shoe. Anybody interested to join keke
sunnyling : Just now was at AMK Hub. Hee...
You shopping for yourself huh? I like the clothes at RED.

But AMK hub not much clothes for kids... Only baby fox and Cerisi. Nowadays i prefer to shop for the kiddos.

haha I just left AMK hub. Managed to buy 2 pairs of shoes there and 1 dress at Far East. Mission accomplished.

Dreamgal, buy for myself. Had already brought too many clothes for both my boys.
