(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

xoxo>> yes, her rash has almost vanished. the K solution is indeed very effective! im keeping her inside the aircon room whole day long too, but am worried that pro-longed exposure to aircon will cause other problems - sinus, dry skin etc.. think i should consider the humidifier.. wad brand you using?

hi all, do anyone know that whether we can mix the ebm of different time into one bottle to feed the baby? ex: i have leave 20ml ebm which is pumped at 9am + 100ml ebm at 2pm, can i mix in 1 bottle to feed my baby?

thank you.

hapi hippo,
Does dieting affect your supply? I'm worried that my supply will dip if I go on diet leh..I'm eating a lot at the moment but luckily didn't put on weight lah. But I would still like to loose a few more kilos. My ideal weight will be abt 48-50kg but I don't want to lose the cup size though..hahah...
Thanks, Silver_Bellz... today heard from one of my friend that breastfeeding might not make you lose weight too.. argh.. i was so upset.. felt like giving up bf-ing and start losing weight.. nvtheless, thanks for your encouragement.

Mommy Tien - ya she arrived earlier, else i will be in the Nov thread.. haa.. :D
Well, being chubby is a good sign that we are leading a good life ya.. I think it's good that we eat well and feed our bbs.. putting on weight is secondary.. we can try losing weight later.. :D

oh ur gal woke up in the middle of the nite now? my gal used to wake up once or twice every nite.. usually 2am and 6am.. haa.. but before I return to work, i told her pls wake up just in time so that mommy can feed her, put her to sleep, pump milk and get ready for work. And voila she woke up at 5am on my first day of work.. (i planned to wake up at 5.45am to express milk)... so she was just in time.. these few days woke up at 5plus.. but this morning slightly early at 4plus. haiz.. im so tired havin to tc of her and work in the daytime.. but hope i can adapt to it soon.. i wish i could like u, taking NPL and enjoy ample time with my darling.. :D miss those time playing and sleeping with her :D
recently my girl started decreasing her milk intake by drinking at lesser intervals

i have no qualms abt her skipping one feed during the night as she sleeps through the night now, but NOT the bedtime feed! she's only having 6 feedings / day now; 4 out of which is being bottle-fed EBM by my maid. I feel so 'unwanted' cos i can only let her latch on for 2 feeds per day
vodkarib: oo ic, so it should be no problem to mix it ya.. i thought can not lor...

clumsybabe: my girl now also take 5-6 feedings per day.
Haven figured out a way 2 put up e curtains in e car yet. I consider myself an old hand at handling a cryg baby needing 2 feed when we r out but gosh, am defeated by RN.
U stopped introducing e btl altogether? Or tryg it every nw & then?
I'm still in wee hrs feeding club. I thot RN was gg 2 "promote" me outta this club some 2 wks b4 I resumed work but no, false hopes! Instead of e usual 1-2 feeds at night, she decided 2 do 3-4 feeds. so far still coping well at work. E plus+side+2+e+many+night+feeds+means+I+can+skip+e+3am+pump+so+I+am+not+complaining,+yet.+Or+maybe+she+misses+my+boobs/smell+in+e+day+so+she+latches+more+at+night.+I'm+oso+tryg+2+stretch+my+3+hrly+expressing+intervals+to+3.5+or+4+hrs.+hope+yield+is+proportionally+increased.
Rooster & Moo,

My girl had not poo for the last 5 days. I have been feeding her with BM in day time and FM (once or twice) at nite. Made her drink water and gripe water (twice a day), she still cant poo. I was wondering what happened, then she poo. Speaking of mommy eating fruits seems to work, cos it works for me too :D
did you try to post something here from your iphone?? the alignment got mess up :p I use an app called awesome notes to type out the words and then cut and paste here. Viola, it mess up the alignment in the thread. Everyone has to scroll left and right to read.

You can mix EBM from different timing. But you have to ensure that the milk are of the same temperature.
If you have a bottle of chilled EBM from 9am, you can only mix the EBM from 2pm provided that the 2pm portion is chilled to the same temperature as the 9am one.

xoxo / JRRT
I did not put any curtain. Just stick the sunshade on the windows when I bf.
But am considering to buy those mesh like material curtain from car accessories shop and install ourself.
Its something that look like tis http://www.flickr.com/photos/carcurtain/sets/72157600978672791/
my hb installed those in-car curtains for me prior to my girl's arrival. and we also had our car's windows tinted so that i could breastfeed in the car with much privacy.

the curtains are also good to block off sun shine during afternoons when baby is asleep in her carseat
Mummy Joy: Priness D is so guai! She knows you need her cooperation and so, she behave. My one...goodness! I think she play too much in the day and decides to feed at nite!!

Jrrt: Well, I am with you liao. Let's ganbatte together...as usual looking at it positively. Feeding at nite means can lose weight??? Hee...

Xoxo & Jrrt: Hmmm been wondering how the curtain can work cos I think it's a great idea to solve my CNY visiting woes! I think I must be the first person in the family to do tbf and at the same time baby can't take bottle well. So, I think they will feel weird (esp the older relatives) if I ask them to let me lock myself up in a room...so shall turn hubby's car into a mini nursing room! I am thinking of getting those sunshades...dunno if that will work??
er hem.. *clears throat*


Roxie has bought the Top 100 Baby Puree book, she finds that the receipes inside are not suitable for babies yet (at least the majority aren't). She strongly recommends "Super Baby Food" which is the book that I have as well as this book has the facts and what to avoids etc.

Just to share with all mummies here la, so that you all wun go buy too many unnecessary books..
Hi mummies,
my boy is 3mths+, always has nose shit and sneezes, his nose was blocked and sometimes had running nose since yesterday, can't sleep well and cry.what should i do?
childlike: i use sterimar (spray in to the nose) if my girl got blocked nose. That's not a medicine but could help the nose shit come out or go inside so the nose won't be blocked again.
I also join goondu club! Tapped my access card at lift lobby but gantry wun open. Then someone said to me "think u are at the other stack go to the other lift lobby" wah lau eh n somemore today in powersuit n all trying to look sharp but actg like a bird brain. Kua kua kua
actually i wont know cos i hve been very strict w what i eat since confinement. Cos my doc never stop nagging mah. I also thought better watch it lah. So its paying off lor.

everyday i come to office n stress about my room access for pumping. My boss just gave me my numbers for this year. Ha! Wonder if my milk supply will drop cos of them.

btw, audrey crossed 6kg yet? Min is finally bordering 6. She was 5.9-95 yesterday.

Re: 2nd jab @ 4mths
heard most prolly will get fever from my doc fren. True? Those of you who's done it?
Hi duracell,
abt e fore hindmilk imbalance, i experienced it b4 too. A tip dat worked for mi is to gently unlatch baby n allow letdown to settle b4 gv baby again... alternatively, can express out b4 latching but dat is more troublesome
without fail one...every time we hit her monthly mark (4th of the month)..she will fall sick or something. sigh..what is this? i was adamant we would NOT EXPERIENCE any sickness this month but sure as hell, she got a big bloody diaper ytd. today, my dear ikan bilis was like a floppy fish...no strength. i still cannot comprehend what i ate that gave her this bloody diaper. lagi worse. SF is pissed that i cannot figure out my "prb"...haiz. i am pissed with myself and pissed with him. then i had work. rushed off at 2pm, returned at 6pm. needless to say, my floppy ikan bilis didn't feed. SF tried to give her the bottle..such creamy milk - you could see a layer of fat in the bottle! but she didn't take to it. bit on the teat and just stared at him....now the bloody diaper is gone but she is still rather lethargic. and i am still pissed with him (and me)...

Tien >> thunder legs and thighs! muahahaha! that was very funny. ikan-bilis-with-slightly-less-thunder-thighs did the same to me ytd - woke up at 4am! very unfunny. but she was so sweet about it. no crying, just plenty of shuffling that woke us up...plus her big wide smile..so even when i just pumped at 3am....what to do? latch her lor...you be the chairperson of goondu club? OKOK ..looks like we have a healthy membership going :p erm, i be the secretary...though my note-taking is wonky, worthy of a Goondu secretary!

sunnyling >> OK, confirmed membership # 2 for Goondu Club

glass >> I am so miserly nowadays (astro, your miser is still the Miser..) but anyways...I find paying $20 for a bb haircut a little steep. But what made me SMILE today was I found out that Hwa Xia cuts at $10 (the plc that does the bb swimming)...being the goondu that i am, i did not cut ytd when i was there..it took me one big circle before I realised i can do it there..heh.

Mie >> That's great! Relief for belle
I am using Honeywell..

Feifei >> No problemo abt combining EBM till u get yr magic number ;p just ensure u store the ebm properly...

jRRt >> i sit at the back passenger seat. one end of the large towel, use a clothes peg, peg it to the seatbelt loop of the front passenger seat, then stretch the towel and peg the second end to the seatbelt loop of the back passenger seat. u are "covered on the remaining three sides by 1) front passenger seat, 2) child seat and 3) the seat you're on! muahahaha..total coverage unless of course, u join the goondu club and do silly things ;p...wah..maybe your RN is on a growth spurt?

rooster & moo >> I did consider the mesh..but it isn't total defence!

natalieL >> whoa! impressive..yr hb is leagues ahead and has foresight! i for one did not even rue this day that i got to flee to my car to latch..hehe...how i miss those "walkabout latching" days!

roxie >> you lazing about where? hey..thanks..i won't buy anymore books grin..i will just call you!!!

hippo >> that was a "can-the-ground-gift-a-hole-for-me" moment! muahahaha...ok, so u are goondu member #3...(aside to tien: u shld charge membership fees...very healthy nos...)..i really hate targets babe...any hint that this is a place with shifting goalposts? hmmm..your organisation not very mummy-friendly...? tough lah..u just joined, can't possibly demand too much too...audrey is also on the precipice of the 6! weighed her at the bb swim day ytd evening - 6.07! i give discount to the full diaper so thereabouts...
got a question on tummy time :
recently i switch to do tummy time at the playmat instead of the bed. I am concern whether when his face plop down to the mat when he is tired.. will it injure his nose? or the playmat is soft enough? no signs of flipping yet...nearly 4 mths old liew.
gal: angel now likes the bottle.. previously she loved it.. now i think she finds it soothing to chomp on my boobies. though still fuss at times. the expressed milk will be kept in the freezer. :D

mie: thank you very very very very much! i'll keep trying. technically speaking, my ML still hasn't ended yet. haha.. xoxo asked y i suddenly want to tbf.. seriously... i also dunno what came over me. maybe astro's pd inspired me.. maybe my fil's story about this african lady who just exposed her huge b and stuff her baby's mouth into it inspired me... (i thought it was funny though)... or maybe just my pride cos i just don't believe there's no milk. btw, thanks for the info on the books!

glass: yes. increased greatly, but it was tough before that..

silverbell: my pd said dark green poop is perfectly fine. less urine is also ok.. he said it goes to show that baby is absorbing everything from the bm. i cannot slowly unlatch angel.. she's a chomper. she'll scream if i do that. so i'll just latch n if she's hungry again, i'll latch on the same side..

hippo: jiayou in your work! i'm struggling here. haha... haven't get to try out the ameda pump yet. now i'm htinking if i should fully latch. which is what i've been doing. if i decide to do that.. then i'll have a human pump.. most efficient of all pumps. haha!

py: as a business owner, i understand that the retail price could probably be at least $50 (i.e. $49.90). if sold from internet i think max i'll pay only $20.
duracell >> soon enough..angel would LURVE you more than a plastic bottle! then i would like to hear from u if u felt this is the right/best choice! regardless, one word to sum up everything i think abt yr U-turn...you're BRAVE.
xoxo: hey i was studying in london a decade ago too! was at ic. where were u? this city's not changed much since then.

duracell: well done for deciding to go on tbf for angel! jia you jia you!!!

btw, my uk mummy frens told me to register yuning for preschool and primary sch now. and they said i shld register for 5 diff sch to guarantee a place. this is so kiasu!!! my jaw dropped when 1 of the mummies said she registered for the sch on the day her baby was born... wa biangz... is the situation in sg also this ks??
Xoxo: not sure if u have seen yx's latest picture on sofa? Her thunder thighs are soooooooo pronounced! My ah lao kept emphasizing that she got it from me! Dunno y all the milk seems to be going to her thighs n arms but nt the face?

Good good dun mind a secretary! Calling for hippo! Need you to start collecting $$$. Sculli whole club only 3 of us! Anyway speaking of being goondu, I think it's helping me to work out! I can climb up n down the stairs at my mum's at least 2-3 times to finally remember what I want to take from my room!! Arghhh... Never felt so horrible abt my memory!
Py: the booties are soooooo cute! Hmmm if you are selling to me, can price at $10. If you are not then $20 is reasonable! Hiak hiak...

Loke: you r amazing! Talk about perseverance... Waiting for the day you start complaining abt bottle rejection!

Jrrt: I certainly hope yx won't decide to do nite feeds when I return to work. I will sure die given my work nature...actually ur case is not surprising. My pd did mention that babies will basically latch on you becos in the day they did not get to. You will notice that she purposely take in less bottled milk in the day just to wait for you to come hm.

Elly: think mummies in London r a bit more ks! In our case even if we want to register for p1, we can't do now. Hv to wait till the kids turn 6. But I hv heard of mummies signing up for their kids, preschool since the babies were born! They can happily be on waiting list for 18 months!
miemie> i also not v sure if the material is good anot leh. but according to their website, they hv strict quality control standards .. hmmm
yesterday jab. this morning fever... angel's pee is dirty yellow... is there anything wrong with it?

xoxo: i think i'm CRAZY. haha. if she u-turns to love me more than the bottle, i think i'll be mroe than happy... cos then i can just bring her to the office. ILs will not say "y bring her to office? just give her milk powder lor"...

elly: thanks. with all the encouragement and help from mummies here from this thread, all things are possible! haha..

tien: hahaha.. seems like everybody waiting to see Angel cry at the sight of the bottle.. i don't know when that day would come... hahhaa..

py: people say babies are expensive.. but i say, baby girls are MORE expensive! haha.. $20 is a bit steep, but reasonable. $10 would be more than ideal. keke.
PY: Quick quick do the BP!! I want to book a pair..

Loke: No lah..u know we are justing kidding. I think Angel wont reject bottle. She probably is versatile enough to take both liao.

xoxo: Oh dear...so, you brought Audrey to see the doc?

Not sure if you still want to try on Audrey. I actually succeeded in feeding YX 120 ml of ebm while carrying yx in the Bjorn a couple of days back when we were shopping in NTUC. She actually quietly drank it. I think walking around helps. Tiring it was but quite happy that she was not resisting. When you feel like it, you can try.
i thinking of doing it after the CNY hahaa coz during CNY i wont surf the net as often as usual so i believe other mummies also the same.

hehe go my fb to see the designs :D
$20!!! U r the perfect customer man! Hehe... Dun spoil mkt lah!!! $10 i pay!

do b4 cny lah then they can all go n bai nian wearing same shoes!!! Hahaha... :9
