(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

hi all,
din log in for perhaps a mth i guess as i have started work since few wks back and juggling with work and family committment is nt easy. Furthermore, i pump once in ofc aro 3pm & daily i got to rush back home asap cos i only store my milk in cooler bag w/o ice pack. So far so gd as the journey is less than 40mins so the milk is still cold when i reach home. However, regret nt buying 2nd hand dual pump earlier on so i dun hv to lug a big bag to ofc daily. Too late to buy one now since my supply is dipping since back to work and i have no intention of having a 3rd child. Some advice to other mommies whom are gg back to work soon to consider investing in a 2nd pump to put in ofc.

dropping hair
btw, i have this problem too after i back to work. Been dropping lots of hair. so scare i will be bald in the center.

Sigh, thanks for consolation abt the mil but given mine mil character, things are gloomy ahead. Every few days she will have a new patterns. It's always easy to say close one or two eyes, I even close my ears Liao. But there are things that I just simply can't accept lo. It's my child leh, if it's wrong or no good why must I endure and accept? I find it ridiculous lo.

Furthermore, since bb is born, I take care of bb all by myself. I rather dun need the mil help at all. Imagine this is my first born and I nv taken care of a bb before but when I see my mil bathe my bb etc, I really roll my eyes. I can do a hundred times better! So, I am different in the sense of getting additional help. So far I am enjoying my time w bb, and I bring him everywhere I go. We even bring him out to eat or shop etc. I am the kinda person I will do everything myself n rely on my own.

Bumbo seat
can I check where is spring maternity at vivo? Do u mean vivocity? I see the shops listings I can't find leh, can advise where is it? Thanks
Thanks.Will have to be more diligent and consistent...
hippo : Exactly what i want to complain about lele. He always get so distracted during meal times. He will latch and unlatch so many times.

When someone walks into the room, he will turn his head immediately while still latched on. Ouch...

When i feed him outside, he will try to lift the nursing shawl.

And i will try not to look at him when he drink, if not, he will stop drinking and tries to start a conversation.
Duracell Loke >> that's a duracell baby!! so chubby :p and so much like you! v charming angel!!

ting, mie >> i have issues with my own mum too. initially, my entire clan has this rather negative way of handling babe and me, for e.g. "you naughty girl","your mummy don't know how to make you happy..", "see your mummy bully you.." after tolerating the crap for a few times, i finally snapped (v typical of me anyway) and sat the whole clan down like a class itself and i listed this specific grievance. told them if they persist, it'd only mean i would make a choice not to meet up with them too often since this specific behaviour would upset me verily. they looked quite stunned and said "joking only.." so i told them, there are other ways to joke/create humour. but joking at the expense of my relationship with the babe is crossing the line. moreover, it is really important to cultivate a good and healthy sense of self for the child. we shouldn't be going around putting her down like "naughty girl"..i mean, at that moment, audrey was being the perfect baby! calm, smiling and then, this crazy aunt comes and say .. "you, naughty girl! why so naughty today?" .. if i were the baby, i would be so confused. exactly what is naughty and what is good? good thing is, my clan knows i can carry out the threat and my hb for once didn't try to temper my unhappiness. i am glad that this episode is now over for since that "talk", things have done a 180 deg change. it makes for a much happier interaction and definitely, more positive one within the entire family. hmm..i had to place my mum in my shoes before she finally saw that what was being said was simply poor humour. "mum, how would you like it if dad's mum (her MIL) were to come to me everyday and say..see your mum can't cook, see your mum don't know what you like etc..so while i am not here picking fences for mums out there...if there is any living arrangement / handling that you do not agree and particularly when it concerns how your child would view you and implicates matter of trust and ability - i think it is important to draw the line and establish clearly, what you would like members of your family to do. otherwise, it will create alot of resentment on our part and on the child's part, it is unhealthy. every single child development book worth its salt has mentioned something to this degree and if there is anything worth fighting for - fight for the right to live in a healthy, respectful environment for the baby and you. i won't trade bargains for the babe to grow up having an unhealthy perspective of either my hb or I..so sorry if i come across v strongly abt this but it is something that crossed my heart near and dear - hence, it really touches off a nerve when i read abt what u gals are trying to live with.

astro >> v glad to hear u are turning the corner over the recent spate of things...bally is just amazing! he definitely has alot of your genes..i am putting my bets on him being tally tally too!

hippo >> ikan bilis club also has audrey don't forget! at yr new workplace..do u have your own room? that would make things alot easier..if not, u probably have to invest in button shirts..slip a nursing shawl and pump under covers..wish you luck but don't give up the pumping no matter how darn hard..u have already come v far!

distracted-babies-at-feeding >> my little one has been this curious one for the past two weeks at least? never able to nurse as well as she used to. i can no longer walk abt nursing her under the shawl. horrors of horrors, she will grab hold of the shawl and pull it into her mouth while feeding..duly exposing me. after a few attempts, i am abt almost surrendering. now fleeing into nursing rooms for feedings. bye bye nursing shawl. that's not the end of things. she loves to play with the bra strap. pull..twang! and she giggles. i fed her w/o the strap in her way for her to explore..she fussed and tugged at the opp side's strap instead! buay tahan..anyway, i can't exactly take off the whole bra right..leaks..so i live with it and let her pull and twang all she wants. now my bras are really out of shape. and the more she does it, the less of a novelty..but just today, new trick..she curls the strap around her wrist. once she gets stuck, she gets frantic and the feeding has to stop..

baby-changes-pattern>> the audrey i used to know is no more. while she used to be rather unfussy .. she has morphed into a v fussy babe..screams, cries quite often for no apparent reason; used to wake up cooing and smiling..now she howls the whole place down; used to be such an efficient feeder/latcher..now giving me tantrums at each feeding; used to be easy to change her diapers..now is a battle; used to enjoy storytime..now she cries at the sight of a book..so on and so forth..getting used to her new pattern....kaoz..
haha... unfortunately, no i dont have my own room. i would be very very senior to have one. hehehe... i'm just a lowly minion in the greater scheme of things. i have to book internal meeting rooms to express. HR head said they r re-stacking office right now & a nursing room is being planned for, to which i replied "so by the time u have it, i prolly dun need it anymore huh?" he just managed a helpless smile. kok! &*()$%%^$#@&*

Min's new pattern - doesn't cry or howl when she wakes up anymore cos thats the only time when she can sneakily suck her fists. when she wants to sleep, she'll be screaming until she sleeps.

yah lor. she unlatch and pull my nips along like as if its rubber man. have a sore nip on 1 side and now that side is yielding 20ml less than the other when i pump!

forgot to tell u to keep the romper. cos i bot a pack of 3s, and she has so many nice colorful ones now so she hardly wears these anymore anyway.
Morning mummies!
Looks like most of the 3 month-old are changing patterns. My lil one is no exception.

xoxo: sama sama...yx no longer smiles when she wakes up in the morning. She will fuss and cry. Usually I will change her diaper first before I gave her breakfast not I have to give her breakfast then change her diapers just to get to see her morning smiles again.

I am luckier.She hasn't learnt the pulling of bra strap yet. But she learnt something else. She started massaging my breasts with her hand!! I am not sure if she realises that by doing that more milk will come out. So, it's quite funny...

Hippo: Must not give up yet. Just try...just use the meeting rooms. Don't care! Remember to prepare a tag - 'pumping in progress...DND'

Pearly: You are welcomed. I also discovered the good deal by chance.

Ting: Spring @ Vivocity is on the second floor. Opposite Tangs / GG<5. Hope you find it! Actually you can call up and check if other branches have the bumbo too? Cos the one at Vivo only has turqoise.

Loke: Yep yep...Angel is really a carbon copy of you!! Sigh envious...everyone is saying tat YX is a carbon copy of my ah lao!!!!!
thanks! I feel u understand what I talk about. I cannot tolerate anyone try to tell my baby that his mummy is not good or very bad when all I did was to tell the mil not to repeatedly do things that are bad for the baby! I wished that I can snapped like u did but it's a lil more difficult because I am staying in my in laws place. Staying under one's roof have to watch one's behavior! Sigh I secretly hope I will jus snapped and tell her off about every single thing and then just bring my baby and move back to my parents house for good! One problem that I have is, hubby is a very parents' boy. U imagine, now even their maid will scold my hubby n give him attitude! How my baby grow up watching his father?

thanks! I will call later to check!

Distracted during milk time
my baby starting yesterday, keep wanna put his thumb into his mouth when latched on! Aiyo!
Morning galssss,

Wow so many posting cant read everything kekek.

I am so glad that Rhys go back to his normal self yty night and sleep on his own in the bed instead of want me to carry for the past 2 nights.

Btw I have decided to go rebond tomorrow and intent to throw away the milk for the day and maybe also the next day milk after I rebond. Luckily I still got alot of spare in my freezer.
so where u cutting YX's hair?
Min hasn't learnt how to grab things yet but she certainly knows how to stake her claim, like putting her hand on my boob like saying "dont touch my food". likewise for the milk bottle. hehehe...

i'm gonna be missing her @ work next week man...
mie: How old we can use the bjorn carrier till? i've seen so mnay folks on the streets using it and i'm tempted

Loke: Angel's a replica of you... Nice pic

Hair treatment: umm.. actually i went to rebond my hair when Andre is abt six weeks. Falling into depression cos my hair was a messy crop. I did not think too much about the chemical treatment, anyway, what's done cannot be undone.

Hair drop: I'm dropping so much hair now, it's scary. My hair stylist warned me "when your baby starts to smile, your hair will drop" .. how true for me

ting: Your MIL is so funnie .. the ki koo ki koo one.. I was chucking in my office. Reminds me of the time when my MIL was here.. she'll go "Xiao guai guai, xiao guai guai" (little good boy), then she'll change the pitch from the 1st ying to the 4th ying "xiao guai guai" (little freak), then "xiao gui gui" (little tortoise). KNS, i remembered i couldn't be more irritated then.

Shugar: how much is it to rent the pump from mums and babes? I'm thinking of getting an electronic one, but thinking if i'm going to stop bfing in a couple of months, like very boh hua. However, after agressive pumping using the avent hand pump, i scared my hand reumatism in future. Now, its starting to get quite sng.. not very ergonomic

PIL living in their own time: My MIL come tell me "seventh month sit, eighth month crawl, ninth month grow teeth" (you know there is this chinese rhyme). I told her this statement is obsolete liao. My friend's kid started sitting on the 5th month and crawling by the 6th. Some even start sprouting teeth ard the 5th month.

Pi sai: PY, tweezers are so dangerous. Our babies are doing sudden jerks all the time, very hard to control. I bought the nose pump, but i find it useless. Maybe my boy's pi sai too stubborn
distracted baby: Mine's also unlatching all the time. If the daddy or grandma walks in the room, he'll stop and kay po a bit. Latest hobby is to unlatch, and then pinch my nips, if not pull my hair.. so many pattern. My husband was joking that we need to get one of those airplane eye covers to cover his eyes during feeding.
ting: it's happen to me also, but that's my nanny instead of my mil. She keep saying 'ok ok mama bad girl y mama bad girl' to calm my baby when she was crying while i gave medicine to her and took over to carry my baby.
. Other than that she also keep calling my baby 'naughty girl' arrrgghh told her so many times not to call like that, but she get use to it already... hopefully my girl not really take the words with her to grow up.
Same sentiment on positive teaching. But sometimes I myself like to tease my babe by saying, you naughty naughty girl..haha… I guess mummy can say that but not other people ok? How lame..hehe…

I saw a nick in FB, tien tian. Is that you?

Distracted Babies:
Aw…how I miss this…boo hoo…. No chance of latching my girl. Yeah, this is the phase where they suddenly can see things clearly and start to be really curious abt the environment around them

You’re welcome. I sincerely hope you’ll persevere a little longer to see the improvement. Jia You!
Distracted Babies
Wow... So lele is not naughty. Its suppose to be like that. All the unlatching, pulling of nips, pinching on breast and playing with bras or anything they can reach for are all common.

Last time i can't latch Glynnis, so no experience.
i'll keep trying...in fact now expressing ...hehe

The milk used to "shoot" out but now just dripping

Try to get my girl to latch on each night.
Tien>> I supposed other Spring branches has the bumbo seat as well.. I bought mine at AMK Hub but they also only got turqoise..
Is it okie to rent pumps? I also quite tempted to rent 1.. but i heard its not too hygiene.. is it true? I think shld be okie, right? As long as the pumps are sterilised b4 use?

Btw, any1 getting walker soon? I heard babies can use walker/jumperoo/exersaucer when they are 4 mths.. mine reaching 4 mths soon.. but i still dunno wat to buy leh.. Any recommendations, mummies?
yup, i'm wondering if we still have those eye masks which came with the bilibed we rented when we DIY phototherapy at home. let me go find! haha...
Hippo: Me going to Parkway to cut her hair. Hahah our fave hangout!

Aria: Yep that's me! Add me!!

Happy_mummy: Other branches should have. Cos I rem that they could help me call other branches to find out about the colours.
my fren passed me her exersaucer.. i intend to let belle sit soon since she's 4 months this coming sat, but my mum tells me baby is not ready.. tell me dun put her in it.. and i have a BN walker at home, company gift.. dunno want to open up or not..
PIL : I guess it's because I'm a SAHM.. Get to be with baby all the time and sometimes, I feel overwhelmed (hope got someone to take her off my hands for a few moments to take a breather for myself).. Saying this, I still love my baby girl.. But maybe if I'm FTWM, then I might not want anyone to interfere my time alone with baby ba.. Nevertheless, hope she grow up faster so can chat with me at home.. LOL.. I think I'll love it when she can chat chat with me.. xD

Bumbo : I just bought my bumbo seat purple in color yesterday @ AMK Hub.. Pink color only left display set @ Suntec when I called yesterday.. Can get their numbers from their website.. Ask them transfer for u to nearest branch also can.. They have good service (at least the one I called @ causeway point) http://www.springmaternity.com/catalog/outlets.php

Hair dropping : It starts now? So late? I always though it was straight after birth.. Mine haven't start yet.. Hope it'll never start! lol..
fei fei: ya, i feel we shouldn;t let anyone tell our baby that mummy is bad at all. no one has the right except for the mummy herself! i am like that! call me possessive, but i do not care!

siangjiao: yeah! she is so funny. do you know even when we bring baby out to eat with them at resturants, my mother will just stand up (cos pram will always be between me and hubby, so she is like one seat away from baby0 and start her ki koo nim bong rap.. i really hated her lo. it's like she is not the only person in the resturant (world) who has a baby! why act like a clown? if she is cooing soothingly i dun mind.. but she is making a nuisance scene and being really noisy! and my baby will always end up crying!!

Pearly: i guess it can be overwhelming, i mean when i look after my baby myself, expecially in the early days, i was feeling drained as well. but i just kept telling myself that my baby needs me and i just involve baby in everything that i do lo.. even when i go bathe and baby is still away, i will bathe with my bathroom door opened with baby safely lie on the cot to let him hear the water sound.. then i will tell him that just now he bathe liao, now is mummy's turn etc. i will also be on the laptop and if he is crying, i will let him cry awhile cos sometimes he is just fussing and he will quiet himself after a while.. actually u can chat with your baby now! that's what i do! my own mother also advice me to to start chatting when he is a baby, so that when he grow up will be use to it and can foster a close relationship!
My girl demands attention so much.. I try my best to give it to her.. Since it's only me at home, I have to do everything in my power loh.. haha.. Want to go do big business also scared she cry and want my attention halfway.. LOL.. But life goes on la.. And now, she starting to recognise me, I think.. I think it's becos she sees my face every waking moment.. xD Now, that's the rewarding part!

I have a worry leh.. If she's very attached me to cos I'm with her everyday, every waking moment, will she have more separation anxiety in future? I've been trying to let her stay the whole afternoon at my parents' or aunts' place once in a long while but duno enough onot..

I do chat with my girl.. She coos a lot, very responsive.. What I meant was grow up to talking age.. Will be so cute.. xD

I don't think u're being possessive la.. It's only right for the parents to teach the child.. And it's bad of adults to contradict each other, even parents, in front of babies.. In future, the child won't know right from wrong and won't know who to listen to liao.. So I don't think it's right for other people to say negative stuff about the parents even if it's only a joke or passing comment.. The baby doesn't understand jokes leh..
Tien>>u stay in the east too? Saw ur parkway fav haunt. Mine too cos it's easiest to bring my baby along for wkend grocery shopping. Lol maybe we can go there together on wkdays? But m not SAHM so leave is ending pretty soon too
hippo: was just thinking of u yesterday! which building r u refering to? we have shifted to a less sleazy place at international building. just beside the thai embassy.. hehe.. orchard towers it not for us. our new tenant now sells novelty stuff.. hahhahaa....

xoxo: nowadays i'm reducing the fm.. but very hard to keep the timing regular. going to try out the ameda lactaline pump next thurs at the BMSG.. the avent is pumping out more milk now.. i think the milk is indeed increasing.. but it definitely can't empty the breasts. and a lot of wastage. all stuck in the pump. i estimate this wastage is prolly about 10ml..

py/siangjiao/tien: i think i must put my ic photo beside angel's passport photo to see the resemblance.. i seriously don't see the resemblance between us. haha.. neither do i think she looks like daddy.. hahha..

astro: wow! 210ml!! that means... my ss is at least 150ml from both sides! cos i only give max 100ml fm at night. and she always latch and doze off for 30mins to 1h.. then wake up want milk again. forever trying to catch up lor!
Do you gals find troublesome to pump in the office? I about to give up BF cos everytime after work I need to rush home to store the milk. So it mean I cant go out to dinner or shopping with my frd or colleague.
sianjiao: hahah yah i gave up my manual pump sometime ago... :p too tiring!
the rate depends on which medela pump you wana rent. but if rent 3 mnths block its cheaper i think.
hey. wanna gather for CNY? haha.. i open my small humble messy house lah. just come.. bring bakwa if u want to. i can go get a pack of yu sheng stuff.. and that's for the "meal"..

anybody interested?
shugar: u rented which medela pump? the symphony is $13/day... i think this is close to the ameda lactaline one... similar description...
shugar: hmmm.. how to rent? go down to the shop? i looked at the online website but no mention of pump rental

wah $13 a day is also not cheap... I realized that Bfing is expensive man... hehe, just invested in a fridge to put under my office table. Was thinking, if i'm not bfeeding anymore, can also store my snacks

sunnyling: get a fridge-to-go cooler bag. Some models can keep cool for 12 hours. Abt $80 if i don't remember wrongly but you can google for their website. Like that, you can go gai gai liao
For me, cos i get home within 1-1/2 hours, i have a normal cooler bag. Hehe, and i'm buying a lot of ROYCE chocolates to get that free gel ice pack :p
siangjiao: what fridge did u buy? where and how much? i'm also thinking of getting a fridge. my pigeon fridge-to-go can't last too long. i need to store/freeze the milk cos my per pump is not a lot..then must accumulate.
aiya u shudda asked last week! taka had additional 10% cardmembers discount last week &amp; fridge-to-go had a combo promo. i bought the 12hr cooler bag with extra set of ice pack for $79.90 b4 disc. with extra set, i can effectively last for 24hrs outside. somemore i kiasu borrow my fren's medela ice pack so i have 2 of these as well. tried &amp; tested. milk like fridge temp with extra medela ice pack inside for 12hrs!
wanted to share this BP with the SANRIO lovers out there. can't stand those ugly distorted fake cartoon cloth that pple sell for pillow cases. anyways i finally found authentic hello kitty fabrics and this BP can customize to your dimensions.

BP thread

not sure if above BP still open, but this is their website:

they have the favourites - hello kitty, my melody, little twin star, etc
aiya i was just @ pkwy yesterday!
anyhow, i keep wondering if i shud cross the mrt track to your side when i take min out for walk. this morning i nearly did it. was on the main rd already. then this stupid big bus drove by and startled min and she cried so loud. i had to u-turn back to my side agn
kua kua...
Go get fridge-to-go FTG1200s. this model can keep your milk chill for 10 hours! well, at least 8 hours if you factor in a warm freshly expressed breast milk. I used to bring my pump and FTG out in the morning say 11am. Pump in shopping centre and store directly into my chilled FTG and when i come home around 6-7pm, my milk still v chilled! If you a bit kiasu, buy extra cooling pad to last longer even.
Loke: LG bar fridge with 2 years warranty. It has a freezer compartment so i can freeze my ice packs. Bought from Carrefour at suntec, $179 less 5% everyday card rebate. Over last weekend, there was an additional 5% immediate discount using this credit card. so abt $150.
Loke: i rented from J&amp;E Baby &amp; Mothercare Products.
i think these 3 are all the same company though (mums&amp;babes and baby specialist) coz they all hv same address.

its a hospital grade pump but no phase function like the symphony.
Pearly: My girl is taking Enfalac... Recommended by my auntie who is a nurse. She has only tried this brand. She poos once everyday and sometimes once every two days which I thought is still ok. She is also potty-trained too.
eh anyone wants to buy my pigeon FTG? i only used it twice when Isabelle was hospitalised for jaundice that time.. condition is excellent.. wanted to sell in the WTS thread, but got pple offer me ridiculous prices for my FTG which is as good as BN. PM me if you interested ok!

But the bag look quite big to me also keke and if I go out from office I still to take the pump and my handbag leh mean so many thing to take if wanna go out......
