(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

PY: sad to see the milk go down the drain yah?

playmats: i see quite a few buying/contemplating buying the mats.. just want to chirp in that it's a good buy for pple with babies and young kids. def won't regret it. it's good for laying baby down, crawling, changing baby's nappy and good for a designated play area as they grow. so those who haven't bought it might want to seriously consider
i love mine so much i got a 2nd one to put at my mom's place. adil enjoys sitting on the mat doing his daily play activities even til now.
so buy! buy!
jRRt: yeay for RN!!! glad that the PD cleared her already. now you can relax abt her weight already yah? good for RN! good for you
Hi all, please confirm the no. of people by Sunday 13/12/09 1159pm. Time is running out. We gotta place order for catering asap. Btw neo garden is having promo (free delivery for orders placed before 10 dec) which is tml lah! haha dun think we can enjoy that liao.

Date & Time
19 December (Saturday)
3pm to 6pm

Courtesy of Astro, we're gonna hold it in Woodlands!
(Address will be known at a later date via PM or Email)

Gift Exchange
Min $20 (Among babies only)

- Mie - 2 adults
- PY - 2 adults
- Loke
- roxie
- shugar
- gal^ - 2 adults
- annette
- siangjiao - 2 adults
- Astro 2 Adults, 1 mini adult
- jRRt 2 adults + 3 yr old tod
- dreamygal - 2 adults + Glynnis
- Ong
wow! ur ana can go w/o feed for 12 hrs straight???!!! I am happy enuff when RN can last 5-6 hrs to the next feed. if she can last 12 hrs, i will jump for joy. but then again, i doubt it lah. wif my son, he nvr weaned off night feeds till 2.5 yrs old. so i dun expect RN to do tt either... so as it is, her able to last 5-6 hrs is enuff to make me happy.

Yes, perhaps u shld pump at 11pm to keep up wif ss. so when ana latches in the morning 4 her 1st feed, she tkaes both boobs & empties them???

yeah, i agree wif u... i pity my son oso... alrdy stayed at home during wkdays... so wkends shld go out & hv fun! its gd tt these few wks my sis & BIL brings both tods out for movie & ice-cream!

i am planning to bring both tods out for movie (Area 51, if i rem correctly) sometime next wk.

goodness! Ur girl is alrdy outgrowing size S???? I am juz upgrading to S sized diapers only...
Oh we went to those indoor playgrd oso.. agree its gd to burn off their energy but he likes us to follow him so we end up v tired as well. hahaha...
jRRt> hmm i think 2-3 more weeks maybe she cant fit into S liao haha... right now still can. but the fasten tape is at no.3 haa used to fasten all the way till the centre ..
Roxie: are my eyes playing tricks on me? how come that Antharcite looks like chocolate to me on that website? hmm....

<font color="ff0000">Nursing Ponchos</font>
Ops! it is me with nursing ponchos shoutout again! but this time, good news! Tituteo, being such a dearie pal to moi, managed to negiotiate with the orginal supplier to get for us the range (Rayon Spandex for $33)..We dun need any more pairings!!! kekeke!!!

xoxo will help us collect it
thanks xoxo, another dearie

so erm. to facilitate payment. pls transfer directly to xoxo? Xoxo, you mind letting us know your account number? how do you want to get this done? because payment will be in cash if self collect lei. let us know? or u want all to transfer to me.. then i withdraw the cash for u.. so that u dun have to do any order of prioritising? let me know?

also because i see repetition in some of the colours.. i think we go by order of payment received to secure the colour choice? easiest and fairest way, first come first served?

updating the list
-xoxo (Peony ($28), if OOS, Antharcite)
- dreamygal (chocolate if OOS, wheat)
- myself (Framboise,if OOS, chocolate/anthracite/wheat)
- roxie (chocolate, if OOS, Anthracite)
- Tien (Anthracite, if OOS,Wheat)
- PY (Anthracite, if OOS, wheat)
- Shugar (seafoam, if OOS, Wheat)
- famela (1 chocolate and 1 black, if either one OOS, then drop both)
-loke (Peony ($28, if OOS, Framboise)
-hippo (Framboise if OOS, Peony)
- Joelle (she will getne also :p)
- Astro's fren (Lisa) (Antharcite if OOS, Sea Foam)
-Loke (Peony, if OOS, Framboise)

kekeke. can't believe hit the MQO liao :p

chynle: u want? :p

Famela: just to double check. have seen ur pm
.. so 2 ponchos for u..one in chocolate.. the another one is Jet. if EITHER one is oos, then drop BOTH?
Was so tired. Took the 2 kids out to meet up with some ex-colleagues for lunch at Selegie. Luckily today we managed to get seats on the train. Initially wanna go PS to shop but heavy rain. So took a cab back to shop at AMK Hub instead.

famela : Kids explorer my favourite. I like to let Glynnis burn off all her excess energy. Haa... But her daddy also get slimmer.

I also reserve weekends for my family because weekday we don't really have much time. So weekends we will be out of the house most of the time.
astro: oh now back to $33. ok ok.. for now just go ahead and order. will check back with my fren and confirm again later yah?

thanks thanks!

after i posted earlier i got worried abt my SS and inspired to pump. baby woke up also so latch right side and pumped left. got 160ml.

jRRt: she takes only one side and in the mornings usually cannot empty lar.. cos very full

ok baby crying now.. laterz~~
dreamygal: tiring to bring the two kids outs yah? esp with the trips to changing room to change diapers, toilet trips for the toddler and the stops to nurse baby. hehehe.. but what to do? sacrifice for the sake of family.. hee hee

i like kids explorer too! it's hugeeeee! it's very far from my place but my MIL is in pasir ris so when we go over, that's wer we bring adil to. my MIL oso likes to bring adil to downtown east when he sleeps over.

same same lar.. weekends seldom at home. unless we have visitors over for gatherings at home..
Hi Astro

yes please. I can self collect, just let me know the place. Thank you

I want Chocolate, if OOS, wheat or Sea Foam.
jRRt; ya now n then have been trying. today M super extremely cranky,from8am tillnow 611pm he only zz ard1hr my god , dun knwo wat the hell happening

envelope:jiayou u very gd aldy, my mil nvr even help me.only keep saying taking care of bb is easy easy n easy. n hubby nvr buy back lunch for me as hes very busy i also dun wan him to do it, he ask me to cater lunch but then sometimes when M get cranky i also dun have time for lunch hence drop the idea also. My lunch so far sicne cl left is only bread with eggs or milo with biscuit lor so non-nutritious. tts y also pondering to switch M to FM liao but he just like to latch on n dun really like FM.
breast milk collection

Remember this $100 dollars thingy i was talking abut? doris visiting me to collect my milk tomorrow.. anyone is keen to do this?

BUT ur bb must be from week 6 - week 8 (till next week).. then can qualify for the collection.. for the collection, u need to latch and then pump over specific timings of the day.. according to a perticular way of collection... she will go over and give u the tools for collection (the small containers (2ml capcity) and syringe etc)..and collect from u the next day..

anyone keen? PM me
this morning my girl can last 4-5 hours till the next feed.. but i not sure how much was her intake .. coz direct latch

she tend to wake up once or twice in the night.. so i just latch her.. sometimes not even 5 mins she go back to sleep.. then when ard 8-10am she will keep fussing.. so i latch her again.. i dunno if she's hungry or what..

hmm not sure if i'm doing the correct thing here?
last night she puke again.. kena the whole bedsheet.. so we gotta change our bedsheet ha.. in the middle of the night 1am. gosh!

i think before that i latch her lying down and she just went zzz and i also didnt burp her.. sigh
and also i was having a headache.. =\

latest update:
i gave her today's ebm and she drank 40ml again. now the qns i keep asking myself.

maybe she's not hungry yet.. but i see the timing was like already 3-4 hours apart liao.

aiyoh i damn headache man. if i fully latch, wont have such problem lor haha!
PY : not really lei.. if she goes over tomorriow.. u express take one day n freeze.. maybe still can? :p i dunno her schedule though... u want try? :p
how old is charlotte? 8 weeks how many days?
8 week 2 days haha. i dun mind. coz i can express out and freeze.. coz charlotte dun drink them =.= so sian!

lelong lelong! who wants FBM? i really got alot.. abt 20 pkts.. (100ml - 200ml) v sayang to throw leh.. i rather give to other babies hehehe :D
famela : Ya. I have to bring Glynnis to the toilet 3xs. She purposely did that. So naughty.

astro : Lele too old le... If not, i want to participate. Hee...
PY: i will ask doris first. before getting back to u.. will need to give ur hp to her hor.

dreamy: how old is lele?

my ah boy, teng is getting more and more charming ifeel.. ha. i am falling in lovewith my older son again :p.. i used to find him a nuisance.. hahaha. these days helearned to 'lie'.. he wld, upon instructions from my mother, come and request for something.. i wld say no.. then he goes back and tell my mother.. 'mama said can'.. just this morning. i caught him sucking his thumb while playing with my mother.. the moment hesaw me, he pulled out his thumb and hid behind his back and laughed! wah liew.. cheeky!

envelope: sorry. miss ur post. hmm. i give YH 2 bottles of ebm per day.. both times i give him 120ml.. eh.. actually according to calcuation he shd be having 100ml because of his weight.. but i was like.. 100 difficult .. 120 nice number.. BUT 120ml is for 5kg for 7 feeds in 24 hours :p
at times he can drown all .. at times he spits a little.. but he is scrawny to begin with.. so wun do him ay harm lah..
how are u and ur babe? long time no see u online. still coping well?

Angie also never come online for a long time liao
how are u angie and paige?

PY: wah liew. that website in chinese.. by the time i finished one page.. day break liao.. and hor. taiwanese side leh.. big pple like me got size meh?

how to solve this?

i latch on most of the time and onli give FM during midnite..

due to tis, my bb always smell milk on me and wants milk whenever i carry him or else will cry. what can i do to ensure that he doesnt cry whenever i carry him?
astro> haha i also cant read their traditional chinese.. so just agar agar haha.. hmmm they have their measurements at the bottom.. can ref to that.
sometimes i buy from the spree also just fit nicely. if suay then cnanot fit lol. i also dun really follow their measurement one waha!
Astro: I am interested with the Breast Milk Collection survey too if 8 weeks 2 days (as of today) is ok with the surveyor. Let me know what information you need.
Famela: Sorry not able to post a reply earlier.. Andre started fussing after lunch yesterday and today's my mum's birthday, so sneaked out during the day to get a present for her.

Thanks for sharing your experience. I think you are right, perhaps the separation anxiety hits the adults more than the kid cos we think too much. I guess the key point is to slowy ease the child into the new routine, and with lotsa assurance, they'll be able to adapt. I guess after my MIL leaves, i better bring him more often to my mum's place. He's quite a good kid so far and more or less has a routine (touch wood, dun want to jinx myself), just need to tweak the feeding times slightly to fit my working hours. i guess its my own emotions that i need to manage. Discuss with husband and we concluded that a lost of one income presently will be straining on our financials.So i guess, no choice but for Andre to be independent la...*weak smile*

hehe, every since we concluded that, i have gone mad shopping in sprees and toys. Maybe in a way i feel guilty and want to make it up to him
cynle n limmil: received ur pms.. will let doris know tomorrow..

anyone else who is interested.. just pm me lah. leave me ur name, hp and age of ur bb. i will get back to you tomorrow.

night all.. *praying yh's rem not as terroh tonight.. haiz..*
astro: sorry my fren just got back to me. getting 2 ponchos. jet and chocolate. just a slight change - if OOS then drop, but do NOT drop both. will take whichever of the 2 is avail lar.. u get what i mean hor?

<font color="ff0000">Nursing Poncho: Updating the list</font>
-xoxo (Peony ($28), if OOS, Antharcite)
- dreamygal (chocolate if OOS, wheat)
- myself (Framboise,if OOS, chocolate/anthracite/wheat)
- roxie (chocolate, if OOS, Anthracite)
- Tien (Anthracite, if OOS,Wheat)
- PY (Anthracite, if OOS, wheat)
- Shugar (seafoam, if OOS, Wheat)
- famela (1 chocolate and 1 black, if <strike>either one</strike> OOS, then drop. <strike>both</strike>)
-loke (Peony ($28, if OOS, Framboise)
-hippo (Framboise if OOS, Peony)
- Joelle (she will getne also :p)
- Astro's fren (Lisa) (Antharcite if OOS, Sea Foam)
-Loke (Peony, if OOS, Framboise)

dreamygal: i tot only my son does this going to toilet many2 times.. typical of them lar yah?

siangjiao: no worries. always a pleasure to share.
yah.. i know what u mean abt managing our own emotions.. hey don't despair yah? Andre will know you love him the most regardless whether you stay home with him or work. cos he knows you're his mommy
aiyah.. me oso interested in BM collection survey but BB exactly 9 weeks tmr. bah! too bad..

astro: teng is so cheeky!!
love them being cheeky! i always tell my hubby that it takes a certain 'smarts' to be cheeky... hahaha!

goodnight, i hope yh will be good to you tonight..
astro : Lele is 9 weeks 5 days le. Hee... Big boy boy le.

shugar : I was there at about 2pm - 3.30pm today.

famela : She is always like this, playing difficult in front of others. Haa... But at home, she's ok. She knows if she misbehave, she will go straight to the naughty corner.
shugar: yup, i'm staying north. at buangkok, which is near hougang! that's y always been thinking of bringing bb out to AMK hub walk walk in the afternoons, but nvr tried

regarding separation anxiety, i foresee i will definitely experience dat come feb!

so i guess i will need to get a small fridge to put in office to store EBM then. any sprees for mini fridge now?? hee..

I've also been lurking the BP pages. I'm tempted to get the playmats as well! tot it'll be good to put in bb's room and will come in useful when they start crawling n all. Playmats are not cheap ah, so ex... seems like less design now? I'm looking for Pooh ones.

PY, that clothes u showed us, its pretty!! doesnt look like nursing wear at all. can wear for cny?!

ooh, u gals are gathering on 19 Dec??? Too bad i can't join...
wrt to the formula of the amt of milk tt baby shld b taking, i asked PD yest &amp; he said dun follow tt caln strictly as most babies drink more than tt. which was true in RN's case. Rem i was saying she shld b taking 2 to 2.5 oz each time only according to caln but she's actually drinking 100ml now. So its ok to give YH more.

Hey i am keen on the BM collection, provided its not too much of a hassle. collection of 2ml???!!! hahaha... i wan her ask doris some qns abt latching as well. considered free consultation? Hehehe...

RN is 7wks+ old now... so we shld qualify bah?

I PM u in a while.
Hi Mummies, I just joined this forum thread. Am an Oct 09 mummy too. My son was born on the 6th of Oct at TMC. ;) There is just so many post... dunno where to start.
dreamygal: that sounds exactly like my son!! and yes, we enforce the naughty corner too. it's the one thing he hates.. more than the cane!!! he's always extra loud, fidgety, and downright disobedient when others are around.. think he knows that there's a certain "immunity" cos mommy and daddy won't really blow their tops in front of people so he keeps testing limits and pushing boundaries... that's why i say it can get embarrassing. :S

cjdg: the parklon mats are cheaper than the LG ones.. if you're not fussy, for $119 i think can get one parklon mat. don't need so thick as well. really.. tried and tested already.. tt time when i bought mine more than 3 years ago only have very few choices and in terms of thickness oso not that many. i bought the 12mm ones and it was sufficient to provide enough cushioning during the learn to crawl period when they keep falling down... no creases after you lay it out for a while.. one of my best purchases for the kids

mummy143: welcome!
Thanks Famela. Let me know if there are any mummy+baby outings okie. I love to join. Been at home for dunno how long already;)

Just a curious question. Have all the mummies here started to regain their figure? As in, have your tummies start decreasing in size. Im quite sad as I still look 3 months pregnant. Have people commenting that i still look pregnant. Sobb ;<

Hi all,

It's been quite a while since I logged in and the posts are moving super fast!!! How's everyone?

Paige is growing so fast and she is getting so heavy for me. She used to just drink milk and sleep, now wants to be carried more and scream her lungs out when she wants something...;)
Sometimes my neighbour will pop by to "rescue" her. She thinks we are helpless or "torturing" her....hehe. Papa and I trying to stop her bad habits...

Will try to pop in off and on to keep myself posted on current events.

Astro/PY: having gathering at yr place on 19 Dec? So sweet of u to offer yr place. Dun think we can make it coz it's my hubby's birthday on that day! Anyway, will stick check with him later and let u ladies know by Sunday 13/12
