(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Ddnikz: nepia has a wetness indicator on it. I order it online as it comes with free delivery.
webby: http://www.nepia.com.sg/english/index.html

Re: chic essence
I take tat to help mr stay more awake in the middle of the night haha!! I think it helps abit

btw someone mentioned abt tingkat delivery ? I can't find the archives man ha.. Any good Recomnendations on this? I'm sick of mil cooking! I told my hb abt my idea of ordering tingkat he said he tot of ordering for the whole family as he's also v sick of his mom cooking hahaha!! Even the son feels the same as me
xoxo: i was also thinking maybe do cup feeding first.. then try to intro the bottle again..

py: haha.. ok.. 夫唱妇随... in your case is 夫妇一起唱!
Hi all,

Bring my boy to jab 6-in-1 on Sat. And he was super cranky on sat and sun and also having mild fever. He cry till lost his voice that 2 days. Lucky now better. My hb travel for a week this week so yty was first night without his help wooo survive the first night.

Now I fully pump out and feed him om bottle. Will give my boy 1 FM or max 2 times FM on night. I just try to relax and dun stress myself that I am not on full breast feed.

Saw a few babies already sleep thru so envy.

For colic I suspect he have some also in the afternoon he wake up he will cry and cry until he got his milk seldom play. I usually feed him gripe water after his bath to try and get rid his wind. Usually I will burp him at least twice. break in between the feed, burp him one time and continue the feed.
Need advice!!!
Yesterday nite at about 9-10pm my bb yuxi keep wanting to latch. But each latch is no longer than 5 mins cos she fell asleep. Then when we put her down in her cot, she started to wake up again and the cycle repeats. Mummy gure Astro says that it's over-tiredness. Baby not train to know that the feeding and sleeping time are together..any experienced mummy can advise on how to train her? Or simply because I am her human pacifier...I refuse to be that!!

Anyway, in the end, gave her formula, cos dunno how much she wants (dun want to waste my ebm). Turned out after 60 ml she knocked out. Yet, she still wakes up at 2 and 5 to feed...headache ah...

I suspect that it is because I relied too much on her giving me the cue that she has had enough...she will usually reject my nips or fall asleep which according to webby and LCs, it means babies have had enough...seems like it is not true!!

Also do you latch babies on swaddled or not? I know unswaddling her is better but she can be quite violent.
Tien: where to sell ur DOM? i have 4 bottles DOMs n 5boxes of chi essence which i dun drink. My hubby decided to change pd to the one his frd using.but keep changing also no pt hope this the last. Dr Heng just seems 'dun bother' type lor,when ask qn also nvr really ans.cl ask qn he also nvr ans alwyas said wait then tts it.

ddnikz: initially is 100% BM, now i change to partial FM lor.fr external he seems better, thinking of bringing him fro another bld test to confirm but then he like cry so badly whenever go bld test

xoxo: try NUK milk tip n also pacifier,u using those yellow type? ur bb still dun like? my bb dun like the avent one at all, keep wanning me BF then my massage lady told me abt NUK pdt, it works, he like it alot.

I using Nepia for night so far so good and Pet Pet or Dryer for day depend on which brand my hubby buy. I like Huggies Ultra also but is more ex than Nepia so I stick with Nepia.

You can call them, they will delivery for free if minimum order of 4 packets.
Hi ladies,

I'm beginning to feel frustrated with everything. Sometimes over what hubby said/did, sometimes over what inlaws' side did etc... yesterday was ultimate, I screamed at hubby over something he did which I hv told him not to do. Though he apologised, I still ignored him and cant bring myself to talk to him. Is this the onset of post natal depression?

ddnikz>> I experienced the same thing with milk supply. When everyone went out and I was left with baby, I cant seem to pump much milk out. Usually, I can express out at least 160ml every 4 hourly, but when I was alone with baby, I only managed 100ml. I think I was stressed and worried that my boy would wake up and cry, so I try to pump fast ... end up didnt get much milk. When my mum and hubby returned home and took over the baby, I can express much more. Guess the saying that when we are stressed, it would affect our milk supply, is true.

Annette>> Tongue fight between your mum and mil? Mine is tongue fight with hubby. *sad*

Re diaper: I am now using Drypers for daytime. So far so good. Night time, I'm still sticking to mamypoko.
Annetter: Ong says can sel at the forum WTB section. I have checked it out yet becos I have not done a final count on how many I have.

You should drink the chicken essence...it does give us the extra energy that we need.
Bluesea: It's normal...at least you let it out...if you feel that it is onset of PND, then you shld really stay calm. At least your hubby took a step down..I also shouted at him last nite (can't even rem what was it abt...think about he is not me he doesnt understand) This morning he was the one who took the step down to sayang me a bit...so, it's good that your hubby is willing to listen to you. Tell him that whatever he has been saying is stressing you up. Men are like this...must tell them else they never know...
my maid agency seems quite good cos they won't throw me a pile of biodata and instead they will shortlist a few for me to chose after i told them my criteria.Other agency i go to will throw me a huge pile of biodata and i can spend hrs there reviewing thru and some agency bio data are handwritten so i dun find them pro enuff. My agency have agreement with maid that employer r allow to keep their mobile and they can only call back once a mth. The maid r quite well train too. Nt many maid can handle bb and my maid can handle it well and she can cook too and is a fast worker. btw, mine is a transfer maid(rejected by other employer) cos i was in need of maid urgently. Sometimes transfer maid is gd too as they know they hv been rejected b4 so they will be extra hardworking now to the 2nd employer else they risk being sent back and loan unpaid. My sis is takg fm this agency too and she tink quite gd oso & hers is a transfer maid as well. She has been dealing with many agency before and she find this agency's maid r more well trained. Btw, i have pm u the agency that i am getting fm.

I am quite satisfy my this maid. She really help in alot of house work so far lah. she is with me for aound 1 month going to 2 months. My maid agency is Best Home Maid Agency at Thomson Plaza. Look for Jane if you interested but she is very busy.
For premium brand, i tink mamypoko is the best as material is soft and can really hold urine very well & oso they hv veri well cutting. tink sheng siong and CK is selling the cheapest so far for mamypoko(maybe aro $16, cant rem). I find huggies ultra a bit too stiff and thick in material & cutting nt so gd too. Fitti premium is gd too but nt many bb r suitable cos the cutting a bit high at the thigh area and r more suitable for chubby bb.

Maybe u can apply some thing on your nips to deter your bb fm sucking it. Sometin like chilli(tiny bit) or eatable ointment ?? Just some suggestions. After a few more tries and bb shld be able to take on to bottles cos they realised the taste is horrible on nips and this is the chance for u to intro the bottles immediately onto their mouth since they feel hot?? Just some ideas cos my uncle use this method to wean off his son fm pacifier. This method shld work i guess but maybe need to try once or few times.
It didn't come easy to me as well, I had my share of crying, pulling of hair and stress right from the start. That's why I didn't come in often cos I was concentrating on building up my supply and that leaves me no time to do other things!

Hope didn't use the ribena haha was thinking of using that so it look more like ice cream! I'm using the milk tray to store my milk so just ask my son how many sticks he want and give it to him. So bless isn't it? To be able to pump at 6 hr interval. Looking back at the 2 hourly interval, I really wonder how I can get through it! Your gal can still sleep for 2-3 after you latch her on. My boy will wake up half an hour to an hour. So I confirm he didn't have enough!

You in bedok as well? Whereabouts? North or South?! Can overlook sea?!

If your bb prefers one breast to the other, be careful, that breast will grow bigger the the less preferred one. Unless you are working hard to pump the other breast after latch.

Diaper>> I'm using Nepia as well. So far I find that they are the best. Though now I'm using pet pet for day as Reagan really poos a lot in the day. I always gotta change b4 it gets to the overflow stage.

Yesterday hubby out of a sudden took leave so that I can sleep and rest to built up my energy for the rest of the week! So today is the 1st day.. It's same like other days to me but I will miss him at night.

Why don't you spoon feed her for the time being? Let her forget about your breast before you re-introduce bottle feed again. But there might be a risk of her rejecting your breast totally if you didn't latch her for too long I guess? It all depand on what you want.

I just spoke to hubby about going back to work on part time basis. He said no even though location is in the east and timing wise only twice a week from 10am to 5pm. I feel so out of touch now.
He was asking me if I'm willing to uproot whole family to china if he gets posted there. I told him I would love to as that's too far for my mil to pop over!

Nepia has wetness indicator?! I've been using it but I dunno about it!

Instead of chicken essence, I have been drinking fish essence at least once everyday.
Hi, can i check how do we take temperature of the baby? I stick the thermometer under baby's armpit and it reads 36.9 Is this a true reading?
Oh ya, forgot to mentioned that my method can only be used if u decided to wean her off your breast totally else she may reject them in future. Happened to see sotong's post so remind me of this.

my bb dun smile much too maybe i wasnt too happy when i was pregnant with him cos due to the work stress. He mostly smile while sleeping.
shld be true reading cos 36.9C is within the standard temp.range. For bb,think it's better to use ear thermometer cos can take reading faster. armpit can be slightly difficult cos bb can move alot and it takes some time for it to beep.
Sunnyling: tts nice pic,till now i yet to capture one of my bb smiling so difficult

Bluesea: ya i missed the fun coz was at another rm bfing bb. coz my mil keep saying taking care of bb super easy n boost how she take care of her 2 so well n so successful now etc n wan me to quit my job n be sahm n my mum just bombard her back every statement she said lor. u know those typical taitai style tt smy mil la but usually i dun bother to bark her back anyway i cnat haha so my mum 'helped' me in a way.ger guess we r just abit emotional. my gynae said due to a drop of progesterone afetr delivery tts y post natal blue.i broke down a few times n hubby so worry n get med fr my gynae but i also nvr use it now.I also quarrel with hubby on bb fullmonth, guess we r just tired too plus all the things tt we dun wan him to do n yet they just forget. forgive him la

Tien:pardon me wat WTB?i just cant stand the chi essence smell n taste lor.

ong: can pm me ur agency contact, might need one too.From next wk onward i be battering the war alone sob ahha.wats the rate now for maid?

siangjiao: ya i agree with ong, im using those ear thermometer too.

im using Huggies, so far ok. but my bb outgrowing from the NB diaper liao

Re: Shaving hair
All mommies: do u all shave ur bb hair on full month? i dun dare to do it wo. Does ur bb has layer of skin growing on the skull portion?cl said need use ' Gan Lan you' to remove tt n hair will grow also,do u all use tt?
Need mummy advice here.

Re: Colic
I'm not sure whether my bb is having colic. He will cry non-stop and refuse to sleep at night and need lots of coax and carrying before sleeping. He will tend to throw out some of the milk after each feed in the afternoon. We tried to give him some ridwind but he still throw out a bit of milk everyday.

Re: BM
Is it true that bb drink BM will tend to have lot of poos? My bb is taking BM and FM now and we notice that when he drink BM, he tend to poos a lot.

Re: Diaper
My boy is using mama poko and Nepia. The best is still Nepia but can only get it at liang court meiya. Some NTUC do carry also but always dun have Small size.

Re: FM
Does anyone know how to calcuate the amt of FM shd a 6 weeks old bb take? Currently im giving 100ml but bb dun seem to be full.

BM will have alot more poo than FM.

I nv calculate how much milk to give to my boy, I just give him and if he drink finish and still sucker mean he want more so I will increase slowly slowly. Now I give him 120ml. Sometime finish sometime left 10 or 20 ml.
soh:guess its colic.mine also throw out some of the milk,few days ago was threw out small fountain of milk n pd still said normal.can only trust wat pd said lor.

Re: BM
ya usually if fully BM, poo shd be very liquidfy yellowish if mixed with FM like mine, sometimes the poo not so liquidfy

Im using Enfalac.on the can it stated 2-4wks, 4scoop in 120ml of water,4-8wks,6scoop in 150ml of water. now my bb is 4th wk gog 5th coz just started FM, cl uses 3.5scoop in 120ml of water

Shugar: how much is nepia diaper?cheaper then huggies?like alot of u use nepia
annette: i order 4 packs for $60 and get them to deliver FOC. each pack has 60pcs. Find nepia material quite soft and so far no leaks.
wah.. super shacked.. morning had kelly's session.. managed to finish withint he time allocated thogh kelly was late and caught in traffic.. thanks to me.. hahaha. i hav a way with my boy. most of the time i calmed him down.. bf him.. so that he stays concussed.. but still towards the end.. he was alert. for the series of 'in the basket'.. hahaha.. shd be quite funny.. teng loves photoshoot also.. i think i need to bring him to one solo one in future.. that boy likes to say cheese and take photos.. it is asy to get him to cooperate.. just keep telling him he looks handsome.. whahahahha:p

tien: eh.. sala lah. i said ur feeding and timings.. i.e. ur schedule.. is not in synch with the bb's needs.. i dn mean to say that feeding and sleeping shd be together.. in fact they shold not concincide.. a bb should not be fed to sleep.. feeding shd happen when a bb wakes up from his nap.. in bettwenn the bb shd stay alert.. that's the basis of the gina ford routine and the E.A.S.Y schedule of tracy hoggs.. in fact all parenting books advocate that.. coz bbs are programmed this way..

Yu Xi is waking up all the time : two possible reasons..

1. overtiredness.. so she gets cranky.. and over stimulated.. wake up every 20 - 45 minutes when she transits from deep sleep to REM sleep.. and needs ur assistance to go back to sleep.. i remember leaving a note on PY'd face book on this as well.. either intro the pacifier.. or u become the human pacifier to help her ease back into deep sleep when she comes into REM..the more iron heart ones:p can let the bb cry.. max 10 inutes so that she can learn to settle herself to sleep. i plan to do this with yu he when he reaches 6 weeks.. i hope i am able to do it man.. heh :p

2. hunger.. but i dun think so.. but can possibly consider this to yu xi's waking.. coz u said she is sleeping when feeding.. aside from medical reasons.. like jaunaidce for yu he.. bb should be at their most alert to feed.. so that they feed enough. a sleepy bb dun take in a lot. and they will keep waking up to feed which in terms make them more tired.. and hence u see.. a vicious circle..

ong: for a moment.. i was like.. xoxo wants to stop bf-ing liao ah? when i read u asked her to apply chili etc on her nipples :p:p

soh: formula to calculate how much ur bb takes
75 * per pound of body weight = daily amt requrired
divide by 8 for X ml per three hourly feeding

xoxo: ha.. we are at two extreme ends..:p
ok.. yu he is not confused with the bottles. i think too much liao :p he is just simply spoilt by the flow.. and hence towards the end of the feeding when the flow is not as fast as he expects it.. he gives the pattern liao.. and also if he has had enough and i still latch him. he cries and push the breasts away. all these i took it as nipple confusion! while in reality the boy is just trying telling me he has hand enough.. heh. miser said i like to force feed.. with teng.. i force fed him formula.. with yu he. i force bf him.. ha.
try tommee tippee.. the teat is designed to minic the areola.. when ifeed yu he with the bottle. i pressed all the way in one.. theni realised. coz he has to hold the wide teat in his mouth. he tend to suck like the way he does at the breast.. u try and observe? all the wdie teats operates on this principle i think. but tommee tippe is the ultimate liao. really wide.. whahahaa.. supposedly got some gold award in feeding one. and they have cute decorated bottles in pinks, blues and greens! :pPP
all bfa free.. a decent buy i feel..

shugar: thanks for the link on neipa delivery..

hey.. anyone want to share share ah.. coz 4 packs mah. and i dunno if i want to order that many. i take 2 packs.. of newborn.. someone take anoter 2 packs?
i was told. nepia.. their best is newborn and small. beyond that their absorbency decreases and no longer as soft liao wor..

aneette: oh dear.. 245 for matthais's juandice..? did they recommend phototheraphy before suggesting all those tests?
yu he gena till 240 on day 3 of birth liao.. in a way the admission to the hospital was a blessing in disguise.. coz then they arrested his jaundice fast.. else skali hit 300.. blood transfusion possible wor..
last check at polyclinic yesterday. dropped to 107.. no more need to go back..
sunnyling: what a cute smile!

blueseas: it is like that one lah.. i tell my hb.. dun talk so much. just let me snap at him. once i clear this period of uncertainity.. i will be at his beck and call! :p
take it easier.. post natel depression is more serioues than the bb blues.. i suspect u are having the blues. nt really post natel depression yet ..
.. so chin up la. i know easier said than done. i am ble all the time. if i have to do endless latching.. argh. gets on my nerves :p

tien: ya.. i wun want to be human pacifier coz i un have the patience. and hence u see. i hae alreay intro the pacifier.. :p
Tien, Shugar and Annette>> Thanks... I feel better after venting. Hubby did call me in the afternoon to see how I was but I was still cold towards him and ended up cutting off his line as baby started to cry.
soh: colic is widely used.. anything which makes the bb cry .. and yet we dun know. we say it is colic.. :pP
i tend to subscribe to the belief that if the bb is well rested and well fed.. eerything in synch. the bb dun experience that 'colic'..
ur kid is overtired. funny how bbs are over tired and yet still cannot sleep hor? ha...
and it is normal to regurgitate.. it could also be the bb is taking a larger amount of feed that he/she needs. one way is to caluclate the feed accordigly...dun go oer.. if u are excelusively latching.. then small and frequent sessions..
unless the bb is in obvious pain. u might want to see the PD.. coz the bb might have GERD.. gastro E (ehh forgot how to spell) Reflux disease.. this is tricky. and very painful for the bb..
Astro>> He did let me rant initially, but later also offered lots of reasons/excuses etc which fired me up further. Haiz... yeah, I think I'm having the blues and the cause of it is not baby, it is baby's father! haha... feel like kicking him sometimes!
bluesea: ya.. i snapped at Miser endless times.. that day at polycilic.. i called him a retard :p:p
miser just said.. 'where's the pyscharist's contact again?' :p
Annette>> My boy on enfalac too! But not on 120ml, think maybe 90-100ml only. He's only on FM in the night and I feel he doesnt drink that much at night as maybe he's sleepy, so we prepare less for him. He can drink 120ml of EBM in the day though.

By the way, how's your boy's jaundice?
Astro>> Haha ... "retard"?? I hvt try that, but I said he very 讨厌 , maybe the word not strong enough, he feel I dont mean anything or maybe even think I joking with him. Duh!!!

If this man continues to irritate me like that, think I really need psychiatrist liao.
Shugar: wa tts cheap.huggies NB was 7 bucks fro 22 pcs if not wrong

Astro: day 3 matthias jaundice only 120 down to 80 when discharge.bb cnat admit to hospital coz pd said less then 300. gog to bring him for another bld test if not dun know if its down, last few days raining cant sun him at all ,but his skin n eye white not that yellowish hope the j level is down. this thur seeing new pd,see if she can judge M's j level or need another bld test.
Do u have formula tts in kg?hehe:p

Bluesea:haha maybe u shd just ask ur hubby to leave u alone:p
Shugar: Thanks for the link... now we can order online and it is much easier than goin to Meiya or NTUC to buy. BTW, I brought the tea tat u recommend earlier and hope it's help

How does all mummy here store your BM? Have anyone tried using the milk tray? For me, usually i will latch directly and will pump once in morning. But i guess i need to start storing EBM soon when i'm back to work. Did anyone of u brought a mini freezer just to store all your EBM?

annette: your bb still having colic?

Astro: Thanks for the calculation table.

sunnyling:im giving my bb Enfalac A+ (soy milk) and was afraid tat we under feed him... but when we top up more.. he cant finished. We are giving 100ml but putting only 1.5 scoop. We used to giving 1&3/4scoops of powder and bb tummy cannot take it and throw out. Maybe we have to slowly increase the nos of scoop.
Bluesea: glad all is ok now

ha! now my turn to rant....
grrrr... my ILs are over at our place today. MIL insists on cleaning bb's tongue herself. Although i told her i cleaned already she insists still dirty and cleaned it anyway. of coz bb cried... but after that she said he's more comfortable now since she cleaned it and that now he'll have better appetite...*rolls eyes* Hello!! his appetite has been good all along lor! Sigh... and somemore still came over and ask me "you dare not clean your son's tongue isit?"
Re : sleep vs feed.
if bb sleep 2-3 hours it means bb have sufficient milk? if bb wake up less than 2 hours insufficient milk? Is that correct?

will there be instances that bb have sufficient however wanna be awake and play?

Re: bb tongue
Today i tried using the gerber wash cloth to wipe the tongue (normally use cotton wool). i tried to wipe off the back part of tongue but the white white stain still there. hmm..can it be wiped off?

shugar : ish..ur IL. nmind she not staying w u. visit only.
bluesea/astro: ok la i ask my hubby to get out of my sight lor:p

Soh: ya he still has it.colic plus jaundice but seems better.bringing him to pd n see how on thur

Astro: hehe no la u see ur formula is 75x per pound rite.if i change to kg is it still 75? Shugar said the nepia is 60 bucks for 4 pkts dun know if can mixed

I called Nepia company and the lady informed me thatthe price is $50 per pack regardless of size??? Quite different from what you(Shugar) said, $60 for 4 packs. Do enlighten us on the price again....

It's been some time since I logged in. So how's everyone? Can log in and chat a little today coz hubby not working and at home so can relieve me of some tasks...

Hubby and I learning to cope with Paige and now she is starting to want more attention and want to be carried before we put her down to sleep. Trying to discipline her but visitors (friends and relatives) "spoil market lah" - u know what I mean?...

Started on my post natal massage (10days package $650) and the lady is really good. I feel great after each session and can see waist shaping up again...Yeah!!!
Super vain mother...hehe.

BTW, does anyone know if taking the immunization jabs at Polyclinic are the same as those given by PD and if the cost is the same?
Nepia diapers: it comes in a carton of 4 packs, so I dun think can mix leh. But the newborn cutting is not very small. The man says if you cannot finish the diapers n your bb grows out of it, you can call n exchange any unopen packs for a bigger size.
Price wise is $60 for 1 carton (4packs of 60 pcs) included delivery as well.
