(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

yeah its over! And my gal is amazing! She just slept throughout and she is still keeping now...Haha...must be her staying awake from 1.30pm (astro I typed wrongly lah) to 7.30pm last nite.., And my CL was a hawk making sure no excessive carrying...kudos to her! And many did not hv a chance to really see her cos my gal took 1 hr to finish her fm Haha...and she was drinking in a corner.. No choice but to bottle feed cos my latching in public was a disaster Haha...

Siangjiao: Haha loan shark? Ya better dun wear not nice in pictures..anyway abt jewellery I completely forgot (think maybe my MIL noticed) so din wear jewellery from both sides...fair n square...but also good...my gal's outfit already very cumbersome...with jewellery will be worse..

indeed think all MIL has this idea that bb will not be close to them esp if they are not the ones taking care of the baby...honestly lah its best to hv bb close to parents first...I think I'm terrible...dun really want her to take care of the bb. Cos I see how she babysit these 2 gals...she is so good with them that they stick to her more than their parents..and I hinted to her before that she shld try not to bond so much with them and allow the mum to pick them up way after the agreed time..indirectly she is no encouraging the gals to bond with their own parents....think if scared I Shld be the one...

Cjdg: thank goodness I held it outside... We really had abt 100 ppl! Mostly relatives..my frens only 1 pathetic table! can understand your situation..can see the mess you had to clear up...but its over

Robinson sale is on..many ppl..wanted to hv a look but too tired! Anyway tml last day

Sunnyling: yes it is a custom if your in law has ancestral tablet at home..if no can go bk anytime...to me the custom is a bit duh... Baby one month old...how would they recognise where is where,,,so I really dun care...

Actually my mil is Okie..she dun quite dare to insist...if she wants and is reasonable of course I am Ok...she dun suggest to me but to my hubby so my hubby got stuck lor,..Think I'm upset with her since the day she started asking if bb got drink milk and if I had milk or not..and she asked everyday till I complain to hubby... Think I very petty
gal: not 2 days in east and 2 days in the west...was just saying that if we din hold it outside, we will have to hold it twice...once in east and once in west...just glad its over...
tien : hehe.. i know. i read ur post. i was just suprise if 2 days in east and 2 days in west..wah... the crowd must be huge. and indeed 100 pple..huge. like wedding banquet :p
good that all went well :D
Hi everyone,

So mentally tired these 2 days. My mum who can help me to look after baby, now got some issues which she may not be able to help me. So, we need to re-plan on who will take care of baby. Haiz...

PY>> Hope Charlotte can sleep well tonight. Did you let her suckle your breasts to sleep? I feel my boy need that to sleep at night. He's ok in the day to sleep/nap but come night time, he needs my breasts in order to go la la land.

Siangjiao>> Your description of bb looking like da yi long is so funny! Haha ... For my kids, think aside from anklets, I wont let them wear anything until they are older. Even for anklet, only wear on occasions like full mth, CNY only. :p

Agree with you that the hubbies will be the ones torn between their mums and wives. But it's still best for them to approach their mums on certain issues, cos if we say out, their mums may not like it or take it differently from our original intention.

Tien>> My hubby's side also got custom must go back pray pray to ancestors on full mth. But I guess for me, no big problem as we are not holding a party, so just arrange a time to bring baby to inlaws' place for a short prayer session, then can bring home liao.

PY/Siangjiao>> Think our mils same one! Wont wake at night to check out what's wrong with babies or offering any help. :p I suppose they "help" when we do not need, and "does not help" when we needed it. Haha ...
bluesea>> ya ya!! at night between 1-2am she will become cranky and need my boobs to go lala land as well lol! it's becoming kinda habit liao. When my Cl was here she tried to coax her to sleep but she just cry and cry.. then when she handed her over to me, (even without rocking or pat the buttock yet) she quieten down liao hahaha! V amazing!
Siangjiao: hehe, Like yours, my MIL also says dun carry bb too much but she's the one who cannot resist! When bb is sleeping she will be hovering around him and at any little whimper, she all ready to pick him up. Sometimes think she forget and thought that bb is hers wor! Always worry we duno how to look after bb.
and always asking bb if he wants to go home with her (faint!!!)
Hi, anyone with difficulties with breastfeeding? My breasts felt sore after latching her on. Will this feeling be permanent? I applied thick layer of nipple cream but still..

Help me. My bb seems to comfort suck. She sucks for 30 mins go lala land..
hey mummies, those who has my fb account, do go and see the videos that i posted up. It's very useful!

Today i tried the happiest baby swaddle technique and it works!! Charlotte sleeps for at least 2-3 hours straight ! I finally have some free time for myself!
tien>> i saw Kaylea's full month celebration photos uploaded by other pple.. saw that in one of the picture is my secondary 1&2 classmate! i tink he is your colleague now ba.. wad a small world.. heehee
shugar, my mil did that once too! she told bb to go home with her. Just take those freezed EBM and spend the nite with her! isnt that obviously trying to snatch my ger??

When we bring her for checks, she always follow, and talks to the nurse/doc on our behalf as if its her kid! Fact is, she know nuts, and she's not even my CL. she even decides when's the next appt date for injections, w/o consulting us!! these are the things i've been putting up with... dunno how much longer i can bear

blessed, so far for me, if bb burped, then she will not throw up the milk. else there's the possibility.
regarding breastfeeding, maybe u did not latch her correctly? is the nipple that feels sore? if so, den I believe its due to the latching
MIL>> so many horror stories about MILs.. im very thankful im staying with my mum and not my MIL.. but then, staying with mum there are many woes too..
Shugar: Same! My MIL is from China, and she always talking aloud to the baby " bao bao, you want to go back to China with me?" hehe, i think she is just waiting for me to say yes.

Actually, my MIL is not that bad la.. her intentions are good, but i feel she over dotes on the baby already. Not surprising though, she's 72 and its her 1st grandchild. This is the no. 6 for my mum, so maybe that's why she more boh chup.
Siangjiao: I believe most grandparents have good intentions one, just that sometimes over excited/kancheong already. They tend to worry that we dun know how to care for bb (Esp If it's our first child) and that they know best since they brought up kids before. But what annoys me most is when our child care methods differ from theirs they'll faster say stuff like "but last time we used to do this this other way one" or "this is how I brought up all my kids" etc... :s
So I am not alone. My MIL also thinks tat my bb is hers. Everytime when my bb cries, she will just snatch the bb away as if I dunno how to pacify her. A few times my hb stop her fr doing so coz ultimately we are the one who will b taking care of bb. I have been telling myself to bear with it and sometimes I just run away fr the scene as I scare I will scream at her 1 day. She only allows her own way and if I try to make some changes, she will quickily change it back to her way. How can I make her understand tat THE BB IS MINE??!!!
think my MIL is very different. She is afraid of taking care of babies, and thinks I can't do a single thing, so when I said I could bathe the baby, she was so surprised. Before that, she kept worrying when the CL would be away for a week, that I didn't know how to bathe the baby, and kept telling my hubby to get me to do it. I coped a few times, and I deliberately bathed the baby before she came over to my place. Felt like she was doing the spot check. When I decided to put baby on GF routine, I pushed back the bathing time, so she happened to see, and then the netting slipped.

Sometimes when the baby got problems, she will just hand over him to me, saying she doesn't know how to burp him, doesn't know how to do this or that. However, in the end she learnt and was better.
Shugar>> You're right, they like to say that and that their children grow up okay too! In fact, mine like to say that her children all very good, Honours grads etc sorta implying what could be wrong with her methods? Sigh.. Dunno what to say, so where I can, close one eye and dont say anything. Anyway, been hearing these since my #1... now oredi #3, I immune liao.. haha
Oh RN was borned on 18th... i count 28+2 days coz the 2 days in hospital not counted mah. then add aother 10 days for extended confinement aft CL leaves. I am so dreading the day tt she leaves! Aiyoh!
now i regret why i din hire her for 40 days ah... haiz...

I oso had baby shower yest aftn. Contrary to most babies tt sleep thru'out the shower, mine was not like tt. she slept a while then root, and I had to BF her. I used a nursing shawl so i was practically walkg all over & talked to my guests as I was nursing her. But coz i 2nd time mom liao, BFG in public is 2nd nature to me liao. U will learn it in time as well.

Then best thing is she was cranky at night... CL says its coz of the baby shower. She din zzz well and had marathon latchings fr 11pm-3am!!!! luckily i've mastered the lying down position to nurse, else i DIE ah!

We got another round of baby shower tmrw evening... i dread to think wat wld happen AFTER tt. Sigh...

I will burp baby whether she falls asleep aft tt anot, esp when she has only finished 1 boob and still got another one to go. The only thing is i tend to 4get to burp aft feeding her.

babies will tend to b more efficient at emptyg our breasts as they get older and aft full mth. so if baby seems satisfied, leave him be. in fact i am so lookg fwd to my girl cutting down on her marathon latching times!

u r not alone wif sore nips. the gd news is it will go away. the qn is WHEN? i am still battling wif sore nips aft 4 wks and this is my 2nd time bfg... 1st time was smooth sailing and no such problems... so i juz coat wif BM aft each feed and air dry, then apply nipple cream. dun need to apply thick layer lah, ur baby will end up taking in mah. so juz a thin layer will do. i see hope, its getting less sore and one nip is still wif pus. so lets hang in there... we will get by!
Hi Blessedcyn

You don't accept PM? Just realised you were also on the "Teacher Mummies" thread too. Did your P eventually allow u to break leave eventually? What's your email to add u on FB/MSN?

Confine is tough la.. But bear with it.. only one month. I just finished mine after 28 days. After that u can go out for all u want... get a nice hair cut, do mani, shop a while, ...then return to baby. That's what I did. After that, went home for a nice long shower.
JRrt: now I know why our end of confinement is the same. That's becos I counted from the day of delivery! Yuxi was born 2 days after RN that's why!

Have to agree that CL is now so impt. We have decided to extend our CL till 40 days. so that my mum won't be so tired out cooking for me also to learn more..quite lucky that he has no other assignment these 2 mths.

My girl was opposite after bb shower. She was so awake at nite. Keep wanting to play. But we were so exhausted that we passed CL at 9.30pm and told her to feed fm, to make bb sleep a lil longer, for her 1st feed then ebm and pass bk to
me at 5am.

Can understand your concerns abt baby showers n how babies can be affected. May your baby will sleep through the 2nd one? Since it was tiring for her yesterday. I was quite scared that's why decided to just hold once and for all and for 3 hrs only. Restaurant was 'chasing' us out around 3 pm yesterday so no choice party has to stop. So, it was not a bad idea in the end.
Hi mummies,
Back again. Been so busy with my colicky baby.

Is there med for colic? Thought the only solution is gripe water. Jolie's colic now "upgrade" to puking out milk.Poor gal been crying alot esp in evenings.Tried diff ways to carry her and she sure burp alot.

My jamu lady told me that the Ru Yi Oil is abit too heaty for the baby. Recommends me the Malay one instead. That one not too bad. After applying, baby farts alot.

Re: happiest baby swaddle
I tried that during the confinement period. Each time always end up with her doing the David Copperfield act (the one he do when he is in chains trying to escape) and then pop, her hands are released. So now only wrap the body at night. haha.
haha...i've been busy being ard these few days! finally plucked the courage big time to bring audrey out..and it's been out everyday since! what a difference from being all cooped up at home

mostly, it's to have makan around home in tampines..so century sq, tampines 1 etc etc..the furthest i had was to plaza sing and thomson plaza. must say, i find all the nursing rooms very dismal. no matter the decor. the seats are almost always stained, the rooms hv strange musty odours...

finally bought a nursing shawl too..from mothercare and it's been fantastic being able to bf anywhere everywhere...walking ard shopping for christmas stuff, on escalators, at restaurants..no one gives you a second glance. well, only once..at the checkout cashier at Daiso, audrey chose to do her big-time squirms and nearly lifted the entire shawl..and the cashier was "ooohhh..i didn't know there's a baby there.."..haha, i was thinking, did u think i had loots beneath my shawl then? :p

so it's been very liberating this past week. UNTIL YESTERDAY when i realised to my horror that Audrey DOES NOT WANT TO FEED FROM THE BOTTLE! it's a very serious issue. just showing her the milk bottle will send her into a screaming fit. she howled and argued with my hb for three hours before succumbing. at the next feed, i tried to give her the bottle, and we had a screaming match for an hr. it wasn't crying cos there are no tears. and she can go from screaming to acting completely nonchalant until u bring up the bottle teat again. my hb was super patient, trying to explain to her why she needs to accept the bottle and that the breast wasn't going anywhere...but she refused. haha, plus the manipulative side of her showed! when screaming and yelling at us, burying her face to the side, cowering under her little palms didn't work, she suddenly smiled, gurgled and cooed at us, thinking that will soften our stance..nope! so back to a huge screaming fit. i am now waiting for her next feed and this time, it's going to be bottle again...and i fully disagree with the term - nipple confusion.. i think it should be called nipple preference. she isn't confused abt the breast or the teat. she simply prefers the breast.

gal >> i was trying to find the tea that shugar bought..when i walked past mom's essentials at tampines 1..they had the mother's milk tea. i've been taking just for 2 days..quite a big jump in ml. from a miserable 30ml (rock bottom), i have gone back to the usual 120ml per b per pump...and the b feels constantly full. good recommendation you've got there!
and good to hear your babe's fine. nothing like good health yeah?

mie >> mummy woes with our mummies yah? i've my load to share too. but as in all things, keeping my own crankiness in check at times help not to make things worse. i think both my mum and I are learning how to cope with the new dynamics - that she needs to let me make my own mistakes in mothering and allow me to develop as a mother too..instead of intervening too much or passing unnecessary comments. glad to say, it is getting better. haha, they are having their AMK gang..i think you & I are the tampines bunch right?
Re: MIL,
So many stories about MIL. Don't know if I am fortunate or not - I do not have one. Sigh... Now CL left, people around me are pressurizing me to get a maid. Even my hubb who initially also against maid is now brainwashed.

I don't like the idea of maid. Gives me creeps.
Rather have MIL...?
ddnikz >> i'm also getting the "why are you not engaging a maid"? comments...

i rather have no maid, no MIL, no anybody..just me and my hb even if we live a little close to the poverty line!

seriously, maybe my family hadn't the luck to engage really good and problem-free maids but we had our issues with them. one smoked on the sly, nearly setting the hse on fire; another broke things and refused to admit to them..so credibility issues.

true it will make our washing, sterilising and other hsehold chores very manageable but i think it's easier to manage all these hsehold duties than to manage them :p

so go with what u prefer..my response now to these sorta of comments is..yah yah agree..thinking of getting one..yada dada...and of course, it's always "thinking"..
Yea, my MIL likes to say she raised 2 kids, and its my 1st one. Come on lor, her last baby carrying experience is 38 years ago

Today we brought Andre out the 2nd time.. Better experience than last week. The nursing poncho i bought from the BP is quite good. Xoxo: you're good, how did you manage to bf Audrey even when walking? The moment i pop my head out of the poncho, Andre's latch will go haywire.But one thing, he does not like to sit in the stroller! So i had to carry this little 4.7kg fellow all the time, and my arms became so sng. Anyone's baby like this too? How to make him like the stroller?
siangjiao : er.. heard some got stroller preference. maybe try bring him try try diff stroller?

xoxo: mother's milk tea. 30ml to 120ml? awesome!! (er..i haven bought yet. getting a fren to buy for me next week)
siangjiao >> i think Audrey is much lighter! so that makes it easier..she's 4.1kg at the PD this Thursday past...already that's a load to be handling. cradle hold obviously...i just make sure she latches and sucks for ard 4-5x first before i walk abt. when she reaches 4.7kg..i'll think again what to do...

gal >> i must say gd tip from shugar to try this. i was thinking if the tea didn't work, i'd try the supplements..if supplements don't work, goto gynae and get the Mxxx that astro was talking abt. if that doesn't work, FM. so quite happy that ss is recovering. so go get it! first cup of tea, no effect. 2nd cup of tea...much better
but i think abit over-ss now cos audrey obviously not taking 240ml - she just took 160ml for dinner so that means i really don't need to stimulate that much for her. HB has told me to stop drinking that tea for today. he got abit worried cos the medela bottle used to collect the EBM is at its limit, almost...and i sense engorgement if i persist...so prolly hv to listen and stop for the next few days to make things abit more normal. speaking of which, tom i've an appt with the gynae..u know..i think i've scar tissue over there
think the stitching up and the healing didn't really go my way cos i can feel raised skin..eeks. and it's still sensitive so many days after delivery...sigh. is this how the epi wound heals?
xoxo: u seemed quite bent on getting audrey to take to the bottle? not afraid of risking nipple confusion? I am asking this becoz.. i am worrying that yh might be confused...he is still latching.. but he struggles and put on a fight.. arches his back.. cry.. on latching.. so i dunno. getting blue one this also..i read u said that she isn't confused. but prefers the breast.. is yh preferring the bottle as well?
aiya. sian.. argh..

aria: cld i ask?.. naia is not latched on. yet u have such a bountiful supply. how do u do that?
xoxo: this time round. i had a natural tear.. and i think it heals faster than a epi..
how does the tea taste, btw? pleasant, i hope? :S
ddinkz: My PD prescribed Ridwind for baby's colic. I think you can find it at any pharmacy as well. Supposed to give 15 mins before feeding.
ddnikz>> yah malay say the ru yi oil is too "hot" for baby but PD says it's fine. I was applying the telon oil given by my massage lady.. but like not much effect leh. Ytd i apply ru yi oil and she poo and farted alot hehe. the med that PD prescribe for my girl is call acolic lol.

jrrt: yeah i find that burping them when they're sleeping is easier! coz mine always dun let me burp. Either she will try to lift up her head of she will just stretch herself (leg straighten) very naughty girl!

sometimes in the middle of the night when baby cries, dun u wish that they came over and carry the baby away? lol!!


My MIL mentioned abt hiring a maid to help her out in the house before i deliver. But end up her children do not buy the idea. coz she said "at home nth much for her to do also.. if she got free time, can let her go out do part time."

HAHHA my hb works in MOM and that's against the law lah. u think he will allow the mother to do this? so in the first place she said nth much to do then why want a maid?!
siangjiao: i give the ridwind just before afeed.. it is ok also. in fact with bottles. it is added to the bottles and given altogether..
hi Shugar, Xoxo: there is this BP selling Traditional Medicinels Mother's Milk Tea for $13. Is this the tea that both of you are taking?
gal : of coz if poo at nite then need to change diaper lor...but my gal seldom poo at nite now...but even change her diaper if she poo, will put her to sleep after changing unless she cry for milk...my gal will only make like streching sound when sleep.....seldom will cry at mid of nite.....
hey everyone..

<font color="0000ff">siangjiao</font>: i dono abt the pumping air thingy that you were describing but my girl always sounds like she's gulping for air as she feeds. she chokes on milk very often too. then haf to stop and wait for her to catch her breath and continue. the clicking sound is pretty obvious too.

she's always latched for a short while. currently only abt 10 minutes. max is 15 min but very rarely. most times it's less than 10 min. but she seems contented and can last for quite a few hours before going for next feed and is gaining weight well so i am just following her lead lar. she was 4.86kg during the hep b jab on thurs. she feeds only on 1 boob each feeding.

have same prob as you abt her regurgitating her milk too. even while holding her upright against my chest and shoulders. not too sure if should be concerned.. cos didn't experience this with adil.

<font color="0000ff">astro</font>: jiggling and pulling? wah you really watch all the videos? i didn't even get there. ok later i watch and try see

<font color="0000ff">xoxo</font>: glad that you're going out and enjoying the outings with baby in tow. and really glad to hear that you're able to nurse baby while out and about too.
i've done the feed and walk feat as well and i think it's cool and really handy. heheh.. and you're right no one really bothers or gives a 2nd glance. at most, what i've gotten are smiles from other mommies
real encouraging.

your experience with audrey rejecting the bottle is making me slightly worried. was jst telling hubby that i wanna start ana back on 1 bottle feed per day starting tmr night. she's only taken 1 bottle per day during the 14 days i was having my massages. 0 bottles since then. i hope she doesn't show this nipple preference. wish us luck for tmr night!

<font color="0000ff">re maid</font>: hey i have been battling this "you should get a maid" issue as well. it's really pissing me off to be honest. my hubby even sought the help of his friend and his wife to psycho me into agreeing to get a maid ourselves. i HATE the idea of having a stranger live in my house. i've never had a maid before so you can imagine how the idea really irks me. grrr.. i mean, if i need help and i think i need a maid then i'll look for one lar. but right now i feel like i'm coping ok so why can't they just drop the idea and let me decide if and when i need one..? really man.. wish all this people will just mind their own biz.

<font color="0000ff">siangjiao</font>: you got the monpetitjardin poncho? hope you're finding it handy.. some babies take a while to get used to things. if your baby really really prefers to be held, then maybe get a baby carrier/sling to help you carry baby?

i think i'm lucky, ana seems perfectly happy with whatever we throw at her. she sleeps happily in stroller, sling and carrier. her brother oso liddat which is why i am ok with buying these things lar.

<font color="0000ff">xoxo</font>: i had an epi too. but it's healed by 3rd week. first 2 weeks was rather painful. a new experience for me actually cos i virtually felt no pain with my first delivery and first epi. i went to pharmacy and bought procanol solution as recommended by one of us here.. can't rem who sorry. but it helped with the healing and the pain.
eh.. may i check how many of u the bb sleep throughout the night w/o waking up??

My girl is taking 80ml for 2-3 hrs interval.. so at night she will wake up at least once or twice for milk... is there any method that i can make her sleep throughout the night???
i think my kid is not confused. I'M THE ONE CONFUSED. haha!!

to give the breast or to give the bottle. Angel really lives up to her name. she's an angel to my breast as well as the bottle. and she takes on any kind of bottle teats...

so what am i supposed to do?! haha....

its a pity that i dun have much milk for her. otherwise she'll be a very very happy baby...
py: i think its good leh.. 2-3hrs interval.. my bb usually sleeps almost thru the night.. from 9 or 10pm all the way to almost 6am... but she ends up very hungry in the morning.. then she dun get enough from me.. she'll keep awake for the nxt 1 to 1.5hrs.. bo bian cl will feed her fm of about 90ml.. then she's ok for 2 hrs.. and she's hungry again.. cos the night is too long for her stomach to handle..
xoxo>> yes! my CL told me that if the mom is going back to work, they dun dare to let them latch on completely. coz it's very hard for them to go back to work as baby will always look for them. And also if other people were to take care of the baby for you, they going to have a hard time too ..

Charlotte is ok with both bottle and nipple but she is treating my boobs as a bedtime pacifier haha.. but if i latch her for feeding, she is ok too. hope Audrey can accept the bottle soon! if not you gotta bring her where ever u go leh.
loke>> i want her to sleep throughout leh.. we are so sleep deprived. Did u feed her FM before bedtime? that's why she can tahan for so long?
py: not really.. if i feed her fm, it'll usually be 7 or 8pm. two hours later then she'll fall asleep.. normally she doesn't and needs me to be the pacifier.. after 5mins on the breasts then she falls asleep until the next morning.
