(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

loke> enjoy more while ur CL is still ard. It'll be hell after that haha.. then u will know why i want her to sleep throughout the night!

astro >> i need to get her to take feeds from the bottle because it isn't always that i am around and i'd like to have that flexibility. plus i thought it's good for the dad to participate in feeds so we can plan/ take turns and i can look fwd to a real good night's rest soon instead of lulling in this state of sleep deprivation. from what little that i know...when u introduce the bottle too early, they want that cos it means so much less work on their part. when u intro it a little "late", they would view this teat as a "substitute" mom and refuse it! i was forewarned abt this from my friend who actually had to starve her baby for two days before that girl would even be willing to consider the bottle. this happened when she tried at week 10. not a laughing matter at all..i didn't even think it was gg to be an issue... in my case, i gave audrey the bottle on day 3, by day 5, she doesn't want the breast. i'd to go thru' quite abit to get her on the breast. and since then it's been exclusively the breast. i'd my plans to get her on e bottle once a day by wk 5- a timeline recommended by e LC. delayed it by a few days cos of her hospitalisation...and when we tried it ytd, oh my...it was pure battle. she actually was willing to let milk dribble away, purse her lips shut..scream at us, use her might to bury her face just so we couldn't shove the teat into her mouth. just the sight of the bottle would set her off so much so that she actually gave up one entire feed. so this is boomerang-ing in my face now. believe me, she'd take feeds from a cup, syringe...anything but an unhuman teat....i am blending feeds now - half breast, half bottle...cos i am still a little concerned abt her digestive issue and don't wanna starve her the cold turkey method. so i battle the bottle with her at the beginning when she's really hungry hoping she'd relent and just take the darn thing..and whatever feed she doesn't accept from there (dribbling and drooling away), is made up for with the breast. so.....u hear my prb now? hehe, and when she does finally take the bottle, there's a very subdued look in her eyes. my hb has such a soft heart..he says, why don't we just give the breast till she can hold her head and we give her a cup...no bottles for audrey...well..i hope i don't have to come to that conclusion with her. as for the tea, not too bad..like a stronger chamomile sorta herbal brew.

astro / famela >> i thought this wound would have healed in a mth. i won't say it isn't healed but there is this sensitivity and i can feel raised tissue..sigh. after taking a sneak peek at it, i really don't wanna see how it has progressed...maybe i should have been more diligent and believing of the perineum massage thing...see what my gynae has to say when i see her tom.

siangjiao >> i'm thinking mother's milk tea. different from traditional medicinals. but that's a good brand too - i was taking their pregnancy tea. however, i suppose both have the same active content - fenugreek and fennel..the price in the BP is good! i paid abt $20 for mine...

famela >> yep, i never understood the term liberation...ha! just walking abt and feeding her, time really zooms alot faster than when u are stuck in a bfg armchair
only awkward part is when i made the mistake of waiting till she began to root ferociously before getting her under the shawl..that attracted q a few passersby attention becos of her flailing arms and audible protests. i think she has begun associating the shawl with bfg so the minute i throw the material over her head, she calms down. i wish u luck tomorrow...don't join this club of mine WRT bottle refusal... it gives u splitting ear drums and headaches... am taking yr tip for the mon petit poncho..gotta get an extra piece to make life a little easier..maid - yeah, MYOB really. my mum has been droning so has my MIL. i just said flat no. wasn't completely at ease with having my CL around even though she was superb. my HB was quite OK with the idea as he thinks it's just too much chores and juggling to do but i suppose as each day goes by, we are gaining a bit of confidence in relying on our own ways to get things done. i think in yr case, you seem to have everything in good order so why rock the boat with a new person and the dynamics in the household would surely change yeah? it'd be a nightmare for me if i return home one day to find that my child prefers the maid to me..or go looking for auntie rather than i...call me doubt i can be sanguine abt it.

PY >> good that yr CL gave u this piece of advice! mine didn't not that it's her fault really..just plain trouble for me that i have to now grin and go thru' this phase. nvm, i believe i can get audrey to succumb..my will over hers...hehe..i'd love to bring my bb wherever i go actually but sometimes for practical reasons, i can't do that e.g. when i am doing major marketing at the wet market..

pigsy_sg>>i bought mine at mom's essentials - level 4, tampines1 mall. they have a branch at KKH i think.

loke >> angel sounds really sweet to you and that's such a blessing isn't it? DOM - i am just so out of that stuff..3 full bottles untouched. i'd rather have my beers any day but everyone ard says it ain't the same thing..well, to me, it's much better than DOM. ..now craving for alot of weird stuff - like crabs, candy floss and beers..grin..sounds preggy eh? i cannot get drunk at all...ever since her discharge, i have been having midnight shows at home, i.e. entertainment central from 1-7am. afternoons are her snooze time. haywire. sigh.
SiangjiAo/astro: re traditional medicinals tea, think ong posted a link to an online store in the last round of posts that sells the tea for $9.50. ( postage Included)
My CL advised not to take alcohol if we bf baby. Is it safe to take DOM then?

re: maid,
Totally agreed with the "hatred" for having a maid. but my prob here is that no one to look after Jolie when is time for me to go back work. Infantcare abit risky and the idea of nanny is scary...

re: ridwind,
I don't supposed is sweet like gripe water? I am afraid that if added to milk and change the taste, will bb take milk again without the "sweetener"?

My CL uses Ru Yi Oil and seems ok too. Think is my prob lah - bb only cries when I m the one to massage her. She reacts well to CL and jamu lady leh
Yes Dom is ok
I've checked with pd. But gotta add warm water and cannot one shot finish the while glass.. Must spread out

xoxo: ha.. Ya she told me abt it. But I'm a sahm so ok la
actually direct feed gd leh no need to bring bottles etc.
Good morning mummies!

I've just finished my pumping and thought of popping in to say hi!

I've more or less decided to do excusive pumping and give up on latching. Reagan is such a sleeyhead that he fell asleep within 5mins regardless if he's at the bottle or breast! At least for bottle, I can tap on it to make him suckle. For breast, most of the time, I can't wake him up to suckle. Or if I do, he will stop and fell asleep again in 5 mins time. Bottle feeding save my back! So much so for me going on about insisting on latching this time round.

I have been very kisu and "over pump" (is there such a term?!) and is now having over supply such that my freezer is full and my elder boy is taking my milk & milk "ice cream"! So now I'm trying to reduce by pumping every 6 hourly.

There's a AMK & tampines gang, there is a bedok gang around?!

My mil is going back on her word to take care of Reagan. So I can't go back to work in Mar/Apr as planned. My hubby has suggested The Maid but I'm not taken to the idea though I've agreed to give it a try. I 've informed him that if Reagan or me don't like the maid, then I will be a SAHM till Reagan is of age to go childcare. Well, shall see how it goes.

Tomorrow is the 1st day which my hubby returns to KL for work. I dunno if I can handle everything myself.... wish me luck!
astro: here's the link to the BP http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3216464.html?1258301982; but shugar and ong has a better lobang for the same exact item at the mammabebe website.

Shugar, xoxo: is this the same brand that you have been taking to increase supply?

Last nite Andre fussed from 12-3 am... now i really have panda eyes. He was full and he was sleepy yet he doesn't want to sleep. Put him down, he'll cry. Carry him, he'll seem uncomfortable and cry. Burp him, swaddle him, change him, tummy massage, sing to him, talk to him nicely, talk to him sternly... Nothing seems to work *throws my hand up in exasperation* Finally after a prolonged battle, he finally fell into unsettled sleep with lots of grunting noises. Now that he's getting bigger, he's starting to kick and wriggle very hard when pek chek. Can't imagine what's the struggle like when he grows bigger and older.

Famela: yes, its the mon petit shawl... It's good, but the material is a bit slinky, and it drapes on his face, making him uncomfortable. So i'll stick my head in to hold the cloth up. It's weird, but still good cos it beats being exposed!.. haha. The 1st time i used it at home, Andre fell asleep almost instantenously, cos the cloth was so comfy, it's dark and there's the comforting smell of milk.
sotong mum: i'm sure you can cope after 1 or 2 days. Wow, you have so much supply. I'm only 1 or 2 bottles ahead of each feed. Very stressful.

re milk supply. After reading PY's bad engorgement problem, and then suddenly she has plentiful supply, I think it could be good to have engorgement. After the full month party, I went without feeding and pumping for 6-8 hours, and had super rock hard breasts. When I pumped, I had more than 130ml, which is much more than my usual mediocre amount. After that, it dropped, but had been sufficient to meet my baby's demand.

I also think being hydrated enough works. I just drink 2 glasses of water, milk or longan drink (whatever liquid is fine) and it works. I thought about this and my book says to drink a large glass of water while breastfeeding.

Then my friend told me to visualise the milk supply like a fountain. I thought of the Bugis Junction, waterfalls like Niagara Falls and thought of how much milk I had. Even visualised as wonderwoman type of powers with milk shooting out from bra (weird but works! hahaha), and I find the supply increasing. I still can't have excess yet, but at least I have not fed my baby FM for nearly a week!

I also try to relax, and think of the milk letting down.

After pumping, let baby latch on to trick brain into thinking there's not enough milk, so much produce more.

However, I think even though my CL is back and allows me to have time to myself, she is screwing up the routine. Had a bad time yesterday. I'm supposed to feed Elgin at 5pm, and 6.15pm. But my mother wanted us to over to in-laws' place for a while. So I told her just to bring half the amt, which she super grudgingly agreed. She then accidentally split the rest of the milk (@#$%!!). Then after that, my parents took longer than needed to come back to fetch us, then my husband suddenly felt like going to showflat. I thought since they should be closing, it shouldn't take long. However, my baby started bawling at the place, and there wasn't any milk, and I wasn't there to breastfeed. My in-laws called my hubby for SOS.

In the end, the whole night, the whole schedule was gone. Then I think CL and me super pissed with each other. She must be thinking she's right in the first place. Even my mother sided with CL, saying don't have to follow the book. But I had been doing so for the past few days when CL was not around.

Anyway, one lesson i've learnt is to be prepared. Think next time go out, must bring FM along, just in case!

For example, this morning baby woke up too early instead of 7. He was making some sounds at 5 plus. She insisted that we woke up at 2 plus to feed him, instead of 3 plus which I saw on the clock. So he should be hungry then. But he wasn't. He was just making sounds. She was prepared with milk right away, but in the end, he continued sleeping until 6plus.

He should be awake now, not sleeping, but she put him to sleep while she could do the household chores. But that means the whole routine will never be established. I appreciate her help, but I just feel frustrated that she is not following the schedule, even though I know it takes time to get baby on it.

Argh! Ok, finish ranting. I need to finish some work (they called me up even though I'm on leave) and after today meeting the supervisor, I will get back and ensure that it's adhered to.
Sotongmum:haha milk ice cream. Did u use the ribena that we used to make the ice cream? Lol!! I also pumping every 6 hourly instead of 4 liao... My girl also has the same problem. Cannot stay awake on the breast for long. Cos I think breast means gg to sleep soon time haa.. But so far I'm still doing latching and bottle. Sometimes she sleeps for 2-3 hours after latching on 1 breast so I think she should had enough ?
<font color="ee1289"><font size="+1">Sleepy Wrap Baby Carrier</font></font>
any mummies interested in the above?

Let me know..coz i'm getting a very good price for it.. need MOQ 10pcs.. we have about 4 orders now.. need to get abt 6 more to secure the good price.

You can read more about it at: www.sleepywrap.com

please PM me if u are keen as i wont be checking this thread.. thanks...
i anticipate the trouble to intro bottles after a mth and tat's y i prefer to intro it when they are still newborn and not few wks or mths later. i make it a pt to feed them one bottle a day up till now. The mothers need to be very patience in this case as bb oreadi used to the breast. I got no patience so i prefer to start early for training.
Sotong_mum: ME ME ME!! BEDOK GANG!!!!!!

Astro: Seems like we are sharing the same problem when it comes to bf! Yuxi also keeps arching her back...I really had a good laugh yesterday...kept telling her your milk milk is here (kept pushing her to my nip but she kept turning and arching her back the other way!! Couldnt stop laughing at her lor...By the time she latches after such brawl, I am already in sweat!

Hmm could it be confusion??? Sigh really envious of mummies who have calm babies esp when they are near the breasts!

Been too lazy to pump these days only wake up once at most twice to pump for nite so really admire mums with fridge-full of ebm...still want to perfect my latch although my nips are still cracked...sob sob...

Re: Dom
Think during the pre-natal course, the person mentioned that we can drink about 1 tablespoon a day or half of the tiny cup they give. I also have a lot about 10...goodness...can open online shop to sell!! Not drinking it cos my CL is doing this ji jiu for me once every 2 days with martell...that one I also dun dare to drink too much...when she cooks I drink only half hee hee...
py: i roughly know angel's schedule and her 'pattern' so i just try to follow what my cl does.. so far angel is really an angel.. so i hope it should be ok... i just need to be SMARTER...

astro: why u want to bish me flat flat?? haha..

DOM>> can drink. just need to put in water bath to boil for 30mins to 1hr. it helps to purge out the extra water. so u perspire a lot.

u all can try this brown rice drink also. good for the body. also good for baby cos most of us bf-ing. u can get this at ntuc.. 20 sachets in a container.

xoxo: she's truly a blessing. like i said, i just hope i can be as much a blessing to her. i'm like astro lah. detached mum. haha.. more stuck to the laptop and the tv than to the baby..
u can still take the DOM on every alternate day since u took the ji jiu on every 2 day. u can add a small part of water to dilute it. After taking, u will fill SOooo darn hot! I used to do tat when i had my #1 5yrs back. Now i dun drink DOM liao but just the handmade chicken essence(ji jiu). Cos for 2nd one, i just chin chai on the confinement and dun follow so much like last time.
I just got a maid few wks ago. though she is helping me alot but i still feel like no privacy at all. And cant tahan that she start wearing V neck tops on 2nd wks onwards and her bra can even be seen clearly even without her bending. My son was teasing her that he can c her "nei nei poh". She is a philipinas and i do know 99% of philipinas are all like tat cos my sis is very experience with maids as she been hiring maid for more than 10+ years so she will tell me their patterns. I did not restrict her for the first few times and she start to get worst and wear a round neck top with even lower neckline and i can c even more clearly on her bra when she bent down to fold the clothes near the sofa area and my hus was just sitting at the other end of sofa! So i cant tahan n give her warning that she shall not wear any revealing top that can see her nei nei. I even bot 2 cheap round neck tees fm giant at $8 for her cos she say she got no other tops.
siangjiao: Yup, the tea in the BP you mentioned is the one that I'm taking, Organic Mother's Milk Tea. Cheaper to get from the webby that Ong found. think xoxo is taking another brand, Organic Milkmaid Tea, But the contents of both brands more or less the same.

gal: I'm pumping to give BB EBM coz he has some problems latching on... he's got no patience and when vy hungry will kick up a big fuss. :S
ong: Feel 'darn hot'? Then no thanks...me prepare to sell my DOMs away...so many how to finish...shld find out the market price and start selling them away hahah for BB Yuxi's diaper money...

The ji jiu you drink is also cooked with martell? I find the taste a bit too strong..not sure if the alcholic content is truely gone that's why always never finish...of course I nv tell my mum nor CL...
Got a question to ask...anyone of you has problem latching on one side of the breast? For me, BB can latch very well on the right...painless in fact and suckle well but both of us are struggling with the left side...I can latch and so she can't suckle properly...end up my left breast is really sore and everytime it's time to latch I really scream in pain!
yes, the ji jiu is brewed with martell, hennessy VSOP or XO. I got many bottles of cognac &amp; vsop so took this chance to clear up the stk else no other chance to use it. I always finished up cos i believe it is gd to take more tonics during our confinement period.

WTS thread hv many ppl sellg DOM at maybe $35 or lower. Under WTB thread, there r ppl asking to buy the DOM too. U can try your luck there.
then how do you space out your bf-ing? cos I am not sure if it's wise to take the ji jiu and feed / pump straightaway...do you space out?
I will bf first before i took the chicken essence. Accordg to CL, shld be fine even if u bf straightaway cos she say all the alcoholic content r oreadi evaporated after brewing for so many hrs. But to play safe, i still bf before i took it.
tien>> my fren's surname is Poh, he is wearing a white shirt in the photo.. heehee

re Oraganic Mother's Milk Tea>> im taking that, but din see much increase in the supply of my milk leh.. in fact i have tried many stuffs le, taking fenugreek, supplements from my gynae etc.. i tink my case is just an issue with lack of milk.. and my milk is kinda thin, not creamy enough.. so baby is on FM almost totally now.. my breastmilk is enuff for at most one feed, and that is after accumulating from so many pumping sessions.. was in distress for not being able to give my girl BM initially, but now more or less have accepted that i got no milk lo.. and i cant possibly let her go hungry can i? heehee..
Andre has colic? I am in the same situation as you few days ago. Mine worse. From 2am till 6am never sleep! Nothing I do in the night can make Jolie sleep. Later I learn that cos of her colic, she felt like puking if lie down. That's why find more comfort if cuddled. Try these methods:
1)burp more than 1 time after feed.
2)let him sit in your arms or leg for a while (like 15 mins)
3)let him suckle on the pacifier (for Jolie, she spits it out. My jamu lady suggest adding some honey at the tip. should work.)
4)if feed at night, try not to switch on the bright light. ONce bb fully awake, very difficult to get bk to sleep.

option 3 works wonders - I didnt put honey. Just keep pushing in the pacifier. Once she learns to suckke, she will accept it.

your prob with the maid is what I worried also.btw, is your maid good other than the clothing prob? Can pm me your agency?
ddinkz: ya, i suspect Andre might be colicky. Hmm.. i thought its supposed to happen in the evening only, not middle of the night. But you're right, the only way to make Andre calm down is to cuddle him (1st i need to wrestle with him 1st before he gives up). Looks like i need to intro the pacifier soon
Hiyooooooo IM FINALLY BACK, SO TIRED.2days celebration for bb's full month.Gotta cut it short ,bb cried every now n then this 2 days

My confinement went back on sat to gte extra chop fr the custom n left me with bb and i took 1hr + to clean n dress up bb b4 the fullmonth dinner my god. finally shes back for another 7days,gotta really hands-on while shes still ard.

Bb damnc ranky the whole nite n ppl carried him one after another n i cant stop them till thye cnat stand it n gave him back to me.
Siangjiao: Then my mil like urs,quite boosting to my mum taking care of bb is easy,eat n zz ,eat n zz n both of them had a tongue fight tt nite till my mil nothing to said.

ddnikz/siangjiao: ur pd still suggest med for colicky bb.when i ask my pd moreover my bb puke also small fountain of milk for 2 days wat can i do since bb is cranky every evening n he said is colic,HE SAID ITS NORMAL TO PUKE SMALL FOUNTAIN OF MILK MY GODDDDDD. Then jaundice still high at 245 n i told him polyclinic doc suggested urine test n liver bld test(coz then his clinic not operating hence need bring to polyclinic) and he just go ahead with urine test n said liver bld test can wait WITHOUT answering my qn,i was asking him y urine test lor,how is it link to jaundice!!!!!!!!!!!!!but now he prescrive antiboitics for bb

All mom: anyone has good nanny to recommend?
annette: tongue fight between your mum and MIL .. hehe, should be quite interesting to watch.. looks like you're not very comfy with your PD leh

Sigh, my Andre is still quite cranky today.. Hope this phase will past soon. His feed and sleep is so disrupted until i also dunno when to feed him, when to make him sleep. Too tired liao, i just left him and my MIL together to do whatever she likes. Before this post, he just let off one explosive, mighty BIG POOP that leaked out and stained his jumper. Mummy's too exhausted now.
MieMie: I was like u initially... pump and pump only to accumulate only enough for one or the most two feeds of BM then always have to supplement with FM. Then I was frustrated with comments too.. MIL and CL refused to take my BM to feed bb and almost wanted to throw away my BM and I flared up! Haiz.. now accepted the fact that it's causing the stress and bb is already on FM.. Thank goodness she's growing well and fine..
Siangjiao: kindly trust watever he said since hes a pd, my hubby dun really like his 'dun bother' style also tts weird lor coz frd told me hes gd tts y keep him.Think hubby gog to change to another pd.Matthias quite cranky this whole afternn also maybe coz of the celebration yest n my plc super nosiy renovation gog on at nowhere knows where again
Ong: Yep I also try to drink the chicken essence after feeding her or after expressing...and I try to wait for at least 2-3 hours before the next round of feed or expressing.

Mie Mie: Ya I know Poh. He is my hubby's colleague!! The world is sooooooo small hahaha...

Annetter: Why don't you seek a second opinion from another PD?
I hav't bring the bb to PD. Giving the colic gripe water cos I heard that it will help. Sad to say, I think your PD is right leh. Is norm to puke a small amount of milk IF your bb has colic. Mine also like that but it happens when her colic worsen. Initial stage don't have

Your bb full month already still have jaundice ah? Oh dear... Sorry for my poor memory, but did you give her BM?

talk about leakage, I also sian leh. I have tried few brands of diapers. So far ALL have leakage prob - Huggies Ultra, Goon, Petpet. Goon and Huggies are very good brand. I am beginning to wonder if it is cos I never put the diaper correctly but it does seems right. Everyday I got to change Jolie's romper thrice from leaked pee. Sigh...

re: chicken essence,
Think I missed this post on chicken essence. Does it help in BM ss???

re: milk supply,
Mine dropped drastically ever since I took over taking care of the bb. The supply HALVED! now everyday feed only like 1 bottle. Was wondering if I should just continue leh. Have been drinking the MIM's nursing tea (yuckey!!!) but doesn't seem to increase the ss...
ddnikz>> use mamypoko.. its working for my girl leh..

candy_white>> oh really ah.. i thot im the only mummy feeding her baby with FM.. was really super depressed on the milk supply..and i still wonder why my supply so little..

and mine is not my MIL giving me problems abt my BM.. its my mum.. i cried many times over it..

anyway until now she still is giving me problems.. everytime baby whimpers a bit, she will rush to see and carry her.. it ends up as a habit for baby already.. i tried to tell her so many times not to carry her everytime she makes a bit of noise, but she turns a deaf ear.. she feels that she is more experienced in handling babies, so she dun care abt wad i say.. i have no say in how to handle my baby! i cant even bring my girl out without her consent. WTH.

tien>> you know Poh as well? he is a very nice chap ya? he got gf yet or not? heehee..
ddnikz: I dun think chicken essence helps in increasing milk supply. But it helps to build up your body so that you can better cope with the baby. So far other than the ji jiu that my CL cooks, I have been drinking brands everyday twice a day...i find myself less tired...honestly I hate it...but also taking it to clear my many boxes of brands.

Mie Mie: Dun be depressed. I seriously think milk supply has
a lot to do with hydration and latching on...sometimes we may feel that we do not have supply but you will be surprise. Like
just now, I was not drinking a lot of liquids and so breasts are like jellies, but my girl still manage to draw milk from them...this is something that pumps cannot do...that's why you all are depressed...

Yep I certainly know Poh..he has come to my place a couple of times when my hubby invited them over for gatherings...haha he is still single I think...although rumour has it that he is after a gal..oops...that will get my hubby in trouble
Re Diapers
I have concluded that pet pet, drypers are lousy hahah...so far huggies is not too bad esp for newborns...will be trying other brands once I have used up all the given ones...
i am very close to defeat. audrey just refuses to take the bottle. no matter who is giving the bottle to her. the entire night was sleepless. she actually went to the cot hungry and hummed to sleep on her own. one defiant baby. woke up and the nightmare continued throughout the day. she has screamed herself hoarse i think i cannot take it watching her go on like that. anyone has any strategy to get bb to take the bottle? i just emerged from a feeding session and i was gg nuts. in the end, gave up and gave her the breast. i've not heard of a bb who won't take a bottle. how?

sotong_mum >> how was yr first day on yr own? i am supposed to begin some light projects from tomorrow - with a breakfast appt and a business meeting in the afternoon. now really dunno if i can go since she can't take the bottle. still considered SAHM but not 100%, more like 80%.

ong >> good that u knew abt this bottle thingy - i didn't know! all i knew was to breastfeed and i thought intro the bottle is such a natural thing since they have such strong suckling reflexes...sigh.

miemie / loke >> sigh, we all have issues with ss and bfg and generally FEEDING. things just don't always go our way...but glad you have both saw the light in your situation. i have yet to find an answer to mine so very blue at the moment.
astro >> this bb can really drink alot. usually takes abt 130ml just that one feed she gobbled 160ml...glucose water in hospital she took 190ml in one go. and she feeds 3hrs ~ 5hrs apart. but her weight seems normal or even, below average. i guess it depends. her schedule has long gone down the drain with the hospitalisation. anyway, i can barely get her to drink anything now that she can't even be coaxed to accept a feed from the bottle.. she is on a hunger strike WRT bottles. in the evening i relented and gave her the breast. my will not iron enough.
xoxo: could it be due to the bottle teats? does she take the pacifier? maybe u can start with the pacifier? cos if its for comfort, pacifier should do the trick..
xoxo: wat bottle and wat kinda teats you using? Avent teats are v diff fr our boobs. If you're using tt, it might be e reason why Audrey's protesting and refusing bottle. Try NUK? The fatter bottle. Or the tommy tippey or sthg liddat?
Hubby is bottle feeding Ana now. So far so good. They're in e room and i'm in living room now and it's all quiet so i guess she's drinking it all.
loke / famela : I am using NUK. I've tried the free Avent, pigeon teats given together with the bottle warmer/steriliser. Thing is, she doesn't even need to suckle to raise a ruckus. Just the sight of the bottle is enough! Another oddity, she did take occasional bottle feeding here and there from a few days back and it was fine, even with some protests it wasn't anything on this scale till the day before. Also fine during the hospital stay (2 bottle-feeding session with a special soy formula for her sensitivity). It just that her protests are getting worse and worse to the pt she is now completely refusing it. Screams herself silly and inconsolable. I give up. Tom I'll hunt down this tommee tipee thing or a cup to give that first while i think of what to do when i don't have this migraine induced from an entire day's worth of battle..famela >> good, better introduce the bottle. breastfeeding should come with this warning...
did she have bad experience with the bottle? like the flow is too fast that she can't swallow properly then end up liquid coming out from the nose or puking milk etc??or try giving her when she's sleeping? (doesn't sound like a good idea though) but the idea is that if she's sleepy she might not be able to differentiate bottle from breast?
nepia? Didnt see this brand anywhere leh. I still have one big bag of Goon and petpet havt finish. Think by the time finished, my gal would have moved on to M size and then I will try Nepia and mamypoko. Heard Mamypoko not bad.. but well, some said Huggies not bad also but is quite a disappointment. Which brand has the wetness detector? Love that function. So far only Goon has it.

re: chicken essence,
kept forgetting to take that. guess I better drop a reminder tomorrow. Is really tiring to take care of the little munchkin esp now that she has this colic thing going on. sigh... hope the battle with the colic will end soon.

loke>> not that i know of. she just plain hates e sight of e bottle - my hb just raised an empty bottle in front of her face and immediately she scrunches her face wail and goes top pitch in secs. we don't even hv e chance to place e teat in her mouth. i think forcing this on her is way too distressing. in a bind, prolly do cup feeding tom.
