(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs


heard that Pampers is the best, but i am using Huggies & Drypers cos Huggies is free de, i prefer Drypers, i feel more comfy seeing bb using it

heard from hubby that you can try getting it from some chinese medical shops cos they do they it at cheaper $$

Or mayb you can try applying for Sheng Siong Diners Credit or Limit Card-need nt earn $30K. Always got cash rebate, u can use your cash rebate from previous transactions to deduct off the current bill.

xoxo: KKH.. i tell myself i wun step near anyway near there for the next dunno how many years!
last week.. when yu he was merely day three old.. he had a fever.. and of course we went kkh .. (ok. now i will keep mt A in mind BUT i dun want any of my kids to be admitted!)..
the night nurses are good.. the day shift nurses cannot make it.. the docs are cool enough.. and professional.. at least the few i encountered. but they kept yu he there to monitor simply because of 'vomit'. which is wrongly recorded by a junior nurse who couldn't recognise the diff between regurigtation and vomit.. :S

the doc said yu he's urine sample was very comtaminated.. and asked me how it was done.. ???? i was like.. thinking.. but u guys did it behind closed doors.. and u asked me how it was done???

haiz. things hve yet fall into place.. last week was bad.. constant visit to the hosiptal.. yu he had my cold and developed a fever.. his juandice was extremely high.. 240.. because of vaccum bruise, our blood groups are not the same and bf dehyadration) for a day 3 old kid, it is 190 for acceptable level.. so.. haiz. phototheraphy. that one still ok. i mean 'normal'.. but all the different tests ran on him.. drawing of spinal fluid from the spine, blood culture.. urine catetar insterted to get urine, antibiotics placed on a drip on his tiny hand.. omg.. maybe i shdn't have induced so early?! :S thanks goodness it is all over.. now back to reality with bf-ing..

xoxo: i hope audrey can get out of the hospital first.. no joke and really heart pain to see our bbs warded.. :S

becoz of dehyrdation.. yu he has already had FM and bottles introduced.. i think he is not having nipple confusion.. i guess now.. a matter of time and patience.. for everything to fall in to place.. i miss the 'stable' days when it was just teng, me and miser.. haiz.. everyday is a 'battle' with yu he.. :S

i was a human pacifier the entire day.. really tiring..

the more i look at yu he. the more i love teng's eyes.. :S
and i feel that i have neglected teng.. so much so that.. i feel 'belonged' to yu he.. and teng is just another toddler who is merely staying at my house.. no longer my son.. gosh. i feel guilty for neglecting him..he has a cold now :S and i can't even monitor his temp during the nites.. :S. haiz..

Tien: i got doris to come to my house the other day.. she is good but can be cocky. but i am entertained by her.. so it is ok. much better than WBB i feel.. she told me yu he is very difficult to latch.. coz of his very thin(almost non-existent) upper lip.. haiz.. i am trying.. still trying...

after i latched on both breasts for the full feed..pumped around 30ml. at best i have 50ml.. and if i topped up ebm.. that boy will still take! wah liew.. now i am confused if i have enough supply. or my supply is way too low.. yu he is day 9 old now..

it is painful to latch yu he coz yu he's extremely small mouth wun open big enough.. and he clamps on the nipples Doris has to teach me different ways to latch him.. teng last time was easy. just that i cldn't stand the pain. this time i beared with the pain.. i hope it turns out well..

I received the following encouragement from a fren..' Yu He has seen the world liao at his tender age.'.. ah...

am still surviving.. but barely.. telling myself to just enjoy the moments.. come to think of it. yu he and teng look identical (minus the double eyelids and shape of the eyes) when both were infants..
i dun have any latest photos of yu he.. i dun even have time to sit on the sofa to play with teng :S.. sometimes my meals are delayed because i have to latch yu he to sleep.. he doesn't have the paci yet.. gosh..
boi910>> yah i think crying loudly from their sleep suddenly is quite common in babies.. mine will also cry (With her hands in the air) and eyes big big like got a shock..

so i pat pat her awhile tell her mommy is here not scare not scare.. if she still cry then i will carry her up.

Oh my god.. so sorry to hear abt yu he.. i hope he's better now. Be strong ok!
Everything will fall into place soon.
BF is tiring.. dun give up.

I'm so happy now coz i just latched Charlotte both sides of my boobs and she's sleeping now. I hope she can behave like this when CL go back so i do not need to spend time pumping.. as i'll be left alone to take care of her.
PY: that is what i am doing now.. latched and then pumped after that.. the rest of the day i dunno what else i am doing.. exhausted..
after full atching of both breasts.. i pumped. left 30ml.. at best i get 50ml out.. then both breasts are soft.. yu he is day 9 old.. and he needs only 60ml the last time in the hopsital. i was told.. but even after latching. feed him ebm/fm as a top up. that boy can still whallop everything!.. strong suckling reflex.. so ladies.. pls take care. dun over feed ur bbs..

now i am confuse dif my supply is enough.. or i am way under.. haiz..

hope u n bb is fine

think your son will understand that there is a new member at home and you arent neglecting him bcos of bb de..

u dont feel too guilty too cause u noe that u love him, bt need to gif more time to the NB, he will know it de...

take care
hi all

my bb sometimes spill out some milk during sleeping. why is it so huh? is it bcos hes too full?

sometimes he even cough when crying, is it bcos no1 attend to him, theres why he cry till cant take it and end up with a cough when crying?
Hi everyone,

nowadays, really have to find time to chat in this forum...

more kids...hehe
I old liao, 40...dun think I hv tat much energy...

glad u enjoyed my story, will post pix as soon as I can

Initially I opted for c-sect coz I was worried abt a chest injury from an old car accident and my piles. But thank God I listened to my gynae and went natural...

3.6kg is a big baby, but wat's important is baby and you are both safe and healthy

i also feel that 30ml is really little. I pump for about 20 minutes each time, 2 breasts. Today managed 40ml. I'll just keep going lah.
Supplement with another 50ml of similac formula.

BTW, how much milk does a week old baby consume each meal?

We rushed her to A&E but they said there is nothing wrong with her respiratory system and gave us a choice to either admit her for observation or take her home and go ahead with PD appt that same morning at 10am.
We fed her some milk and she fell asleep so we decided to take her home.
When we related story to PD, she said she's glad we din admit her coz it is quite common for new born to show these signs as they are trying to clear their throat or breathe...

Mensus/Bloody discharge
Anyone's baby girl has/had mensus like/blood discharge?
My girl has been having it and according to the PD's guidebook, it is normal but my hubby is really worried.
astro >> i didn't see you peeing and waving here so i thought it must be hectic for you the past week or so but i never imagined you had so much on your plate. i hope yuhe is fully recovered now...great to hear he is eager to take in all that milk! those were really rigorous tests they ran on him and i agree, it is very painful and unbearable to watch them go thru' these things at such a tender age.

audrey is back, day one from mt A. it felt like a second homecoming after a "delivery" cos it is exactly one month. she is back to her energetic and cheery self so i hope the worst is over. i still hv to feed her oral antibiotics and she has a swollen right hand to remind us of her ordeal... agree agree..i will never ever step foot into KKH ever again. these guys do not have their hearts in the right places. the QSM give me templated replies and don't seem genuinely concerned abt the lapses - it's like they heard abt such things many times and it's a non-starter. great for folks who had wonderful experiences there but the number of trip-ups that occured on my stay there were simply too many for me to even imagine them as one-off issues.

i am sure you are really drained from the bfg thing..but do persevere..i am sure you can succeed thin lips or latch or whatever! just to share, in the first week after i saw my LC, i was told i had to use the football hold for the right breast given that the nip is too short for her. amazingly or rather, naturally, as audrey grows i find that she has begun to find a way round every single feeding curve i throw her. so now she can do the suckling be it sitting up, lying down, football, cradle, cross etc...try experimenting and be patient, i am sure as yuhe grows and get stronger, things will be more manageable..

hope to hear of happier moments from you (and me) soon...too much grief over the last week..so let's turn over a new page, take a deep breath and stay positive yah? there's just so much growing up to do for these little ones.
Astro: cheer up Okie... Realise that I have been so stressed with latching yuxi that I'm slowly not enjoying time with her around.. The only time she is with me is feed otherwise its with my CL.

Actually despite having Doris, I am still having problem. Her case is similar to yuhe, thinner upper lip but thicker lower lip. Last few days were Okie (but I suspect was becos of my tolerance for pain) today then I realised that her smacking tongue is back. After latching and sucking well for a few seconds, her tongue starts to smack and rubbed my tongue against her upper palette. Now my nipples are swelling again.. Also her rooting instinct is not opening mouth, it's her smacking tongue! So to get her open mouth is like strike lottery or when she cries (which is traumatic for both me and her) So, I'm seriously contemplating of giving her ebm already.. Cried a few times Becos of this possible decision... Feel really lousy... Only 2 weeks plus already cannot bear to part with the bond but then again cos of this bf stress I'm spending time sleeping to build up milk then carrying her and playing with her... Sigh
tien >> how abt before putting bb to the breast, if you see her smacking her lips...hold her close to your face and imitate the big mouth you want out of her...i do the "O" thing with my babe and it works cos she imitates that. don't give up! abt enjoying the baby...haha, that's tough. i was also running out of things to do with her - given that i was so tired and really felt like i was only a milk factory.
xoxo: good to hear that Audrey is back home! Poor mummy also got worried for a few days.

Hmmm really encouraging words from you... I have been hoping everyday that my yuxi will stop those smacking tongue habit. I know my latch is also not perfect..but when she struggles and cries its really hard to latch her... Esp when she is outgrowing all her swaddle..
astro: u here.. wanted to post this for u... incase u miss it in the other thread

<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">astro:</font></font> makeur name big big incase u cannot see. hey i wanna encourage to to continue to latch YH leh. drop everything else, dun borther about teng, housework, ur mum or ellie, just park urself at the soft or bed.. when YH cries, ask ellie or ur mum to carry him to u. or u can carry him to u too. then just feed on demand, too young to CIO and he needs to be back to birth weight by 1 mth. U can email doris with ur questions, she is very helpful, she will reply. or call her. yeah thats her rate, but worth it cos i was desperate and no one could help me.. i cried for an hr in front of her, i think apart from teaching me about BF technique, she was counselling me too.. hahaha

rae dun have thin lips, and i also get crack nipples. cos ur nipples not season enuff and constant abrasion will cause it crack. get a tube of the lanisoh cream (can get it here http://www.momsinmind.com.sg/bfaccessories.html) $6.50 only, very good and air ur nipples as much as u can. after 1 mth, ur nipples will get seasoned and will not crack that easily. one reason could also be that YH is not latching properly. did doris tell u that YH's mouth must open big big before u push ur nipples in, if his mouth shut, dun latch, high chance it will not be a good latch. call me, i help u.
Hi mummies,
sorrie to disturb.. im an early childhood trained ex childcare tchr n have becum a SAHM aft i've given birth to my boy tis yr.. i would like to continue with my passion of being with children, therefore i've decided to go into babysitting.. if anyone is looking for a baby sitter in the east.. pls feel free to contact me thru my email : [email protected]..

Thank you for yr time!
i am doing an experiment.. yu he is amazingly already on the GF routine.. hahaha.. way to go my young boy. u take after ur bro in this manner.. (pity u dun have his mesmerising eyes.. or rather.. my mesmerising eyes..:p) kekeke.. so for the 945pm feed.. i latched him on both breasts.. if he can sleep till the next feed.. it means i have enough! ok. will test out and let u gals know. then i will be RELIEVED!

xoxo: i am going off now to sleep i am EXHAUSTED from being a huaman pacifier today. this is when everythig is too screwed up for Astro to handle. then she MIA.. haiz.. anyway.. i got more KKH stories to rant! i will let u know .. tomorrow..

Tien: i also got more stories to share with u.. but later..

Angie: common to have the blood discharage for young girls.. ok. glad it was a false alarm.. for u

i got the formula for counting the ounces that ur girl needs.. how heavy is ur girl? less than 3kg right? erm.. and u gave birth later than me.. eh. i am afraid u are over-feeding ur girl liao. yu he was 3.3 kg.. and even that. he was only given 60ml per three hourly leh..

boi: thanks for ur kind words
it was hellish. but i am glad it is over.. hmm. now for this bf-ing thingy. must perserve! else my ah boy got dehydrated for nothing.. :S
common for bb to bring up feeds.. (a little bit.. if a lot and like projectile vomitting like that.. then cause for concern).. my boy also have this cough like cry.. haha. it is interesting. apparently.. different cries means different signals.. more to share .. laterz..

ok. make a mental note.. must reply tien, xoxo and angie.. nightz..
alamak STAR! :p okok. got it liao.. hahaha
ladies. in case u are wondering who is starfruit.. :p she's the bf-ing guru from my other thread.. she was the one who recommended doris
like what gal told me.. i think the parentcraft really shape our mindset on BF.. like total latching.. no water etc.. sometimes i feel that everyone mother and baby pair are different.. cannot 100% follow .. if not we will all be v stressed up!

thanks for advise too

ya, bfing is reali tiring, must hang on hor...
different cries means different signals? wow, there's really very hard to noe...

all i noe is bb very impatient, cant wait. when hungry, just cry for milk...his cries so loud till i headache le

u must hv a gd rest hor
hi mummies..
Just had 2 painful latch with my yuxi...same prob her tongue plus her mouth bu she de open big big as she keeps doing her smacking tongue as her rooting action...

Going to continue to bear the pain and pray and hope one day she will suddenly decides not to smack her tongue..i wonder was it during my c-sec that the midwife sort of reinforce this action in front of her,, I heard that usually when bb is out they show long tongue for bb to imitate.

Xoxo: I have been doing the 'o' in front of yuxi.. Sometimes she follows sometimes she just prefers to smack her tongue..even resort to putting finger into her mouth to push her tongue down.. Just hope that things will be better...

Sigh just got a message from my boss to submit work review aka appraisal form...i was like wtf so stress abt bf and this bloody indiot come and bug me for this! Grading already decided what! Going to ask hubby for help to type for me.. Can't be bothered
poor u! so much thing happening!

Gosh, we facing similar problems at bfg... i am not hvg a gd time either. initial days I was practically on the bed most time, nursing! I hv seen LC and there's nothing wrong wif RN's latching. its my nips lah! The only hope is for RN to grow up faster and mouth to expand!
i din hv this prob when i was bfg my son. it was a breeze! sigh... this time is totally different!!!

Poor Yuhe! Hope this boy is strong &amp; will b well soon.

Hey same sentiments! At times i juz felt tt my son is juz a tod in my hse and i felt really guilty i dun spend much time wif him. But coz RN's bedtime is quite fixed, so i will go to zzz wif my son. its v little time spent but at least better than nothing.

hopefully things will look up 4 u soon!

1 wk old may 60ml? trial and error...
PY: totally agree with u abt parentcraft.. Really a lot of stress abt bf cos of their propaganda Haha... Even my pd says its Okie to intro bottle...so far my girl is not showing much nipple confusion... Honestly even when drinking from bottle the also dun want to open mouth... My CL says she takes at least half an hour to finish her milk..highest record is 45 mins... Really a xiao jie
Famela>> The foto is very nicely taken!

PY>> So gd, you're a SAHM. I'm already feeling I cant bear to go bk to work when I look at my boy. Cos when I start work, I will hv to leave him with my mum and I wont be able to see him daily as my workplace, home and inlaws' (where my 2 elder kids are) place are in the AMK area but my mum's is in the West. Haiz.. complicated logistics issue.

Siangjiao>> Hope that with your towel-throwing stunt, they will get the hint and not barge into your room as and when they like. The fact that your fil just walk in like that, really ultimate leh. Although breastfeeding is nothing to be ashamed of, I still feel others need to respect our privacy right?

Annette>> Maybe the jaundice level is starting to come down slowly? Just to share, my ex-colleague's baby had jaundice for over a month before his level came down to an acceptable level. So hang in there, and hope your boy will be ok soon.

Astro>> Glad your boy is ok now. It must hv been a very worrying experience for you. Hugs Hugs.
Hi all,

Too busy to login for the past few days. So tired and milk supply is not enough for my boy. So he will be 1 or 2 feed of FM at night depend how much I can get for him. I am quite depress initially but now take it easy cos dun want to stress myself out. But I discover now I can pump out more milk so if my supply go up I will give him back full Breastmilk again.

My boy now can smile at me when playing with him, so cuteeee. But now in the day time he want to be carry and sleep if put him down he will make alot of noise or cry out loud so I am asking my hubby to take out the sarong for him. But headache is my hse is full of things so finding a place to put the sarong. As my sarong is auto so need a bigger place.
btw who got massage lady contact and how much is per session? I have past one month so able to massage now. Still got 4kg to go off from my body so hope that massage can help
Hi mummies.. Anyone using mamex gold? I have 1/2 tin and wondering if anyone want it? Cos my girl on total bf and I'm afraid the powder will spoil.. Interested let me know k
Astro : Hugs!! Take care of yourself. Don't be too stress about the supply.
Think its normal that you feel guilty towards Teng. I was there too. Was so guilty towards Glynnis as i need to spend so much time with Lele. It will get better. Glynnis is so much better now. She will help me to look after Lele when i bathe. She wouldn't cry if she wake up in the middle of the night and she see me feeding Lele.

boi : I let my boy cry leh. Haa... Bad mummy. But i think its ok to let them cry for a while. I only have a pair of hand, so he must learn to wait.

Bluesea : Me staying AMK as well. Next time if there's a chance, meet up at AMK hib for kopi. Hee...
Astro: Jia you! *take out cheerleading poms poms* I'm sure your determination to BF will tide you over the initial difficulties. Oh dear, more horror stories on KKH..

Was scrolling down this thread, and right hand pumping my breast, when i'm done with reading and looked up, WHOA! i got 50ml from 1 breast (and its after a feed)..There must be something i've done right (or my baby hadn't had enough <-- he's sleeping now though)

Today is Andre's full month party. Please help me pray for good weather k? cos i got limited shelter at my bbq pit.

Sweetest moments just delivered the full month cakes and cupcakes... The presentation is really good. Now i regret not ordering more.... Looks like money well spent!
hi dreamygal

ya, u r rite. they must learn to wait

bt i heard from my mom tt its nt too gd to let them cry too long cause air ll go into stomach, not gd for them...

wonder if it is true??
hi siangjiao

ur bb soooo cute

intend to shave off all his hair? my hubby intend to shave off all my boi hair cos he fear that if dont, there ll be dandruff

bt every1 against it, cos they say the hair very nice
Just got a domestic helper recently and i am glad that i do cos she reali help out alot.

congrats to the mummies who popped during the last 2 wks!


Same as glad, I am using EQ oso for my 1st one and 2nd one. Cos i realised is cheap n gd. I will use my hand to touch on the urine area to make sure the area is dry(aft bb urine for few times) before i decide to buy which brand. I use EQ for day and mamy poko for nite. Have found that pamper cannot reali hold the urine well as the diaper is wet when u touches it. Remember astro mentioned abt sealer. Sealer is gd too as i use it for my #1 last time for nite use. Sealer is a gd choice if u r looking for alternatives brand other than premium brands like pampers, huggies or mamypoko.

Now just stk up on fitti premium as there is this promotion of buy 6 pkts at $60 and is free delivery. I bot 12 pkts to stk up after trying out 1pc last wk. quality is gd and i intend to use them for both day n nite since i bot at promo price. Promo just ended on end Oct.

once your Cl left, dun tink u will still want to pump at nite. I switch to full latching after my cl left cos saves time.

the photo is so cute. maybe i will try this position later for photo taking.

so cute your boi have side parting cos he is still a newborn.And his double eyelid are very obvious.
Astro, yes! I have delivered. Baby was induced on 28 Oct as planned. Am now struggling wth the bad-tempered baby, pain due to the wound &amp; pile, constipation, etc.. so many problems. How I wish she is still in my tummy.
Dun worry, things will fall into place for u soon!

glad that your bb r well.

btw, did anyone weighs yourself b4 and after bf? I did and i realised i lost aro 300g ea time i bf my boi. That was when he was before 1mth. Now i lost abt 100-200g each time i bf. Just boliao so tot of weighing myself and bb for fun. haha

congrats to envelope !
Dreamygal>> Hey, sure sure, next tme we can meet at AMK Hub for kopi.

Siangjiao>> Presentation aside, are the cakes/pastries from Sweetest Moments nice? We will be ordering from them too. Want something that look and taste nice. Which package did you order? I'm looking at "Joyous Picks".
Congrats, Envelope!

Ong: That's good info to share hahaha...300 g per bf session is good! I dun even dare to stare at the weighing machine. Will be asking my mum to bring over...when I feel courageous I will check.

siangjiao: BB Andre is soooo cute...he has a very wise look in this picture as though he is pondering over something deep...

Re: Full month celebration
Actually, if we are holding a party, there's no need to give out full month cakes right? That's my understanding. Cos next Sat is BB Yu Xi's full month. Already got a place to hold the party so now pondering if should even get cakes cos' we are like inviting everyone.

anyone of u gotten a masage lady called Sadiah(not sure if spell correctly)hp 97724579

Afriend recommended her n i called her last wk wanted to start massage this wk which is my 3rd week. Then she proposed start next monday,9nov n will confirm timing with me later since just few days away i accepted. Today aldy 6th nov,no sms from her so i smsed n called her, no reply!!K Maybe shes busy. Then till evening i smsed her again then she replied n wanted to start tomm instead which i cant. And then she said if start next mon, she will do it mon,wed and fri,WHERE GOT PPL DO IT ALTERNATE DAYS isnt it gog to be not as effective as continuous days?!!!And she can tell me its the SAMEEEEEEEE.If i not happy with it,look for another ML!!!!WHAT THE HELL!!!!If not free tell me cant,promise ppl yet nvr fulfil. NO JOB ETHIC.

Sorry fisnihed complaining.

Bluesea:ya now i try pump out all milk n feed him EBM at least i know he drink how mcuh.Was told bb need enough milk also if not jaundice wont go down.

Blesscyn:mine Mt A cs with epi,can i help u?

Astro: u back!!! miss u hehe

Tien: depends on ur parent lor.Usually need give to relatives.but if ur parent r those very modern type like my hubby's parent then dun need give,but i need give to my side relatives
