(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Xoxo: so sorry this has happened.. Is Audrey much better now?

KKH is quite kok up sometimes. When i checked in for delivery, the nurse barely glanced my file before ordering me to go to a room to insert a pill to soften my cervix. I thought it was strange cos the day before Dr already said my cervix has soften, and she would burst my waterbag upon check in. When i clarified my curiosity, then she read my case again and said "oops, oh ya, you can go in delivery suite now". Imagine, if i didn't ask, i'll be sitting in a room 2 hours waiting for nothing.

2nd kok up was after i delivered, and the nurses sent painkillers to my ward. The Cukoo Dr actually prescribed me a painkiller of the same class of a drug i'm allergic to! And i'm wearing this red wrist band that screams "DRUG ALLERGY". Same notice was placed above my bed.In-house doctor came in for the 1st time and did not admit mistake. Came and ask sheepishly what reaction i have if i take the medicine i'm allergic to. Then i think he boh bian, 2nd time, he came in, then sheepishly admit i was given wrong medicine and they will monitor me closely.. KAOZ. Luckily, nothing happened to me.. so hubby and i did not pursue further. But we did feedback to my gynae and the director of nursing who dropped by

so morale of the story is, we cannot completely trust these healthcare practitioners. Whatever they do, need to stay alert, more so for KKH

Mangogal: my massage lady gave me a bottle of the telon oil
btw where can we buy that frm? We've stop using ru yi oil Liao v hot for baby.. Even my cl says so too
PY: I dunno where to buy leh, think I just buy frm Mdm rokiah lor...she do deliver her products to hm.
But I am still using the 1st bottle,hehe
Xoxo>> sorry for your bad experience with KKH. Actually, me too had the bad experience with the A&E doctor. My girl was running fever @ 40 degree last Jul 08. She was just turn 2 that time.

Doc: Sorry.... I afraid your girl got virus infection
Me: So.... Anything we can do here?
Doc: Sorry.. nothing. Just monitor (fever). Should be recovering in 5 days time
Me: WHAT!!! So long!? Will there be the possibilty of my girl going into fit?
Doc: No lah.... I think you can be doctor liao. (he is trying to be funny here)
Me (Angry tone): Please give her the urine test, and I need to use the urine bag to collect.
Doc: Ok. As per your request!

Manage to collect the urine within half and hour, but I need to wait 3 hours for the result in A&E.

Result: My girl had blood in the urine and she was showing sign of urine tract infection!!!
So she was put on one week antibotic.

See... sometimes we realy need to do things that we feel right for our kids.
Dun believe the doctor's word 100%!!!
Xoxo: jia you! Audrey will be fine..kkh is simply horrible.

Re: Ru Yi oil
actually there's a milder version for use on babies. It's by huang Xiang hua n it's made in hong kong. It comes in 5ml retangular bottle. Think can get from Chinese medicine hall. My mum got it for me but need to ask her where exactly. My CL says this one not very 'hot'. In English they spelt as 'U I oil'.
annette : my bb gal is nw 5 weeks plus, she was 5kg when she go for her jab at 4 weeks. Think it abit big size for a gal, gal should be small size then pretty rite....hahahaha....
As for baby dun sleep at nite, wan to be carry, my bb gal was like tat, carry she sleep, once put her dwn she cry...at last i cannot tahan, juz leave her there to cry, once she tired of crying she will fall asleep...but mummy must be very firm lor, juz check on baby, if nv cry untill no sound or wat, juz let her cry...nw she will juz make some noise and fall asleep liao....

Baby very smart, she know once she cry u will carry her, so after a few times she cried nobody care her, she will know cry also no use and will fall asleep herself.....if u r FIRM parent, can try lor....
xoxo, hope that Audrey will recover very fast.

Joanne, my gal also like that, put in the cot will cry. what is the max that she cried before she really settle down and how many days it take for her to fall asleep on her own
xoxo>> omg.. thank goodness you came back from your pumping session before that bl**dy nurse could feed audrey with the medication!!!! hope audrey recovers fast.. *hugz*

joanne>> your girl 4 weeks take wad jab? we wanted to bring my girl for the hep B jab, so we called the clinic, they told us Hep B can take at 2 months.. different clinic different practice? so confusing.. and then wad abt the 4 to 6 weeks assessment?! im really confused here lo..
joanne: bb chubby is ok ,grow up will slim down themselves. U aldy tried putting bb to cry, i tried tt n my cl n hubby keep saying bb cried too long not gd, will ahve alot of wind in their stomach hence i nvr succeed.i read from a bb bk,author mentioned if bb wan feel the warm of us tts y when carry dun cry put down cry,no gd for her physical growth if jsut leave bb to cry. but my mil told me to do tt as well,feed him fully n put him there alone,cry liao will zz

Re: KK A&E
wa better dun go KK A&E liao, so risky esp for me which is so new to all bb's behaviour n wont doubt the doc
ddnikz >> no, didn't take durians cos my MS would be triggered with durians. durian ice-cream taken only 4x. as for heaty food - i didn't really follow all the confinement sesame oil, heaty herbal stuff. in fact, i stopped it in week 2.

mangogal >> yep, gotta try to get rest despite it all. i am so beyond the pt of sleep, kinda tired but not sleepy...doesn't make sense.

miemie >> i really dread to think what could have happened. she's already sick - if loaded with the wrong med, i dunno what can happen. Dr T T was also freaked out so despite Mt A being really full, he somehow squeezed us in for admission. Very good PD I'd say and at the very least, having him manage her care now makes me feel more assured. Had I stayed on at KKH, god knows how much I've to keep looking over their shoulders to ensure we get the appropriate and rightful treatment...peace of mind is so darn precious. re: vaccines / assessment...anything u want to borrow my lips to ask him? I'd some ?? along the same lines as you but of course most of it have been thrown out of the window for now...

siangjiao/joyce >> HB just called from hospital to say she's running a low-grade temperature. QSM from KKH called to say sorry, just. I asked her, have you guys contacted the nursing director of the ward (which by the way, Audrey was warded in the private suites - hence, even choosing the best class don't guarantee that you won't have monkeys) to let them know abt the service lapse, she says they will be informed tomorrow and need about 5 days to investigate. These pp don't get it. It's not abt me anymore and saying sorry etc. - Audrey's not even in their care anymore! I just wanted to make sure the nurse who don't follow SOPs and place everybody's lives at risk to be taken off immediately, counselled and be placed back onto administering medication only when she can be trusted to do so in the right way. You don't need 5 days to get that straight in yr heads right? From yr accounts, it does appear that KKH has to really pull up their socks. Are their staff being overworked/tired?
siangjiao/xoxo : Thank goodness u manage to catch the practitioner's mistake. So scary.

xoxo : not sure if its related. could it be menses? or confirm its blood in stool?

quote"his type of vaginal bleeding usually lasts less than a day and is not painful. No special evaluation or treatment is needed; and in fact, such bleeding during infancy can be somewhat reassuring, because when a baby girl's body responds in this way to the drop in hormone levels, it's a sign that her system is working properly."

annette : my mum oso say shldn't carry. but i rem reading something about baby can feel lonely at times thus need us to cuddle. how leh?

Gripe Water:
my mom just gave bb gripe water (bb @ 3 weeks). gave half the dose. if bb drink gripe water oledi still need to put the oil (ru yi, U I oil, telon oil)?

my babe dun like thawed/warmed EBM that has been kept in freezer. keep crying n crying n crying. So that mean i must diligently pump every 3 hours to accumulate my mini amounts to feed during e evening/night.

I know this may be basic q, but i struggling to identify whether the bb is hot or cold(i.e. need to swaddle and put blanket)? Am purely guessing. Any tips?

Warmed up EBM.
How you all use the milk warmer? i find that the milk warmer take v long to warm up the milk..(well my bb no patience to wait). Do you all wake up half hour earlier before the actual feeding time to warm it?

How long can a warmed up milk be kept/used if he doesn't finish during tht feeding time?
my bb is now 24 days old. 3 days ago, at night, he started having marathon feeding session which lasts from 11plus till 1 am+!!! he will be suckling fast and furiously without stop like extremely hungry.. and i was so scare like i tot i do not have anymore milk left thus i cant satisfy him or something! if i unlatch him and put him down he will cry in hunger!

den 2nd day also like this and yesterday night as well... i began to realised a pattern... i think he is trying to stock up so that he doesnt have to wake up at night to feed!! cos instead of the usual 2.5 hrs to 3 hrs feeding... it became to 4 to 5 hrs gap! and yesterday, the next feeding was already like close to 6am!!!

does anyone face this too? he is just 24 days only wor.. already will like this liao ma? but the 1 hrs plus feeding session is very tiring! somemore, in the middle of the night, my boobs will be very hard! and i had to wake up to pump out, cos i scare if bb dun take, den i dun pump, my brain will signal to my boobs that bb is not hungry and den ss might drop!
I find the gripe water half a dose not that useful leh. Jolie still cries alot... the colic manages to subdue only abit. ( I still apply Ru Yi Oil) After I increase the dosage to 5ml, she seems better. Have checked that it is safe for everyday consumption. However, I still in doubt about how many times per day to give? Anyone with answers to this?
congrats!!! ur son is doing cluster feeding!!!
this means he is stocking up for the night so tt he lasts longer. once baby sleeps thru for nxt 5 hrs, he is considered sleeping thru the night. keep on latching! ur body will receive the signals within the nxt 2 days. my girl did marathon latchings in the hospital for 2 days and when i returned home, my boobs swelled and milk came in liao.

and oso at 3 wks old, they might b facing a growth spurt as well.

poor u! yes u r stressed now, so naturally ss will plummet fast. esp u dun hv enuff sleep and rest, it is def affecting ur ss. i know u cant help being worried abt audrey - i will be too! but do take care of urself coz if u fall sick, there is no one to take care of audrey. still got enuff stock of BM? if not, i can get my sis to donate her stock. she has plenty and her milk is abt 4mths+ old. she is 4 mths ahead of us. pls let me knw. I PM u my HP aft this. let me know if u need help. i got my own BM but its not a lot since my ss is stabilised aft i send signals to my brains not to produce so much.

joyce & siangjiao
its scary tt things like tt happen!
PY>> You're really a record holder! 120ml each side is very good! Way to go manz!!

Annette>> I see... hope the moisturiser works for your bb. I hv also bought J&J lotion to apply on bb's little feet as they seem to be dry and started to peel a little.

As for jaundice, hope your boy's level will go down soon. My boy at Day 11 was at 114 (down from the previous 156 on Day 9), he will be going again for checkup this thursday, hope below 100 and no need to go back again for blood test. Before the level went down, we also had to sun him once a day. I can understand your worries. Hugs to you.

Xoxo>> Sorry to hear about what your little one went through. Hope she's ok and can be discharged soon. It must be a heart-breaking experience for you too. *Hugs*

ddnikz>> I hv confirmed with Sweetest Moments, they are indeed halal. Tks for pointing it out to me. Will most likely order from them so that I can give to my muslim friends.
ddnikz : my mom shared earlier today that if bb colicky then can give twice a day. however i am unsure if she is referring to half dosage or full dosage
thank god you move ur bb to mt a. Indeed a scary experience. So far we've not encountered such horrible experience with kkh but will definately keep ur encounters in mind.

you bb could in a growing spurt stage. Once over, his feeding schedule will beback to normal. And during this stage they drink a lot and sleep a lot!
xoxo> Dun worry i'm sure the nurses and doc at mt A will take gd care of Audrey
Meanwhile dun get too stress up and take care!
gal^ : Guessed Lele just wanted to let his mummy off on the 1st day. Haa... Let's see how i fare today.

xoxo : Stay positive and strong. Audrey will be alright very soon. You have to take care of yourself.
Hi limmil, i've catered from ecreative catering last weekend for bb's full month. The feedbcks given from my guests were v good. Yummy n tasty.. The curry chicken, yam paste, mango crepe cake, etc..
No prob. Good info must share

It's written on the bottle that can give up to 4 times per day. but for "maintenance" dosage, I think once should be enough? My mum's advise is once per day - according to her, that's the dosage she gave me during my time.

6 hours so good ah? Wah. I go for more than 6 hours also not so good leh. These few days don't know why... Milk ss dropped drastically. Used to be able to get 180ml for both sides in the morning. Now only get 130ml. Breasts not so engorge in the morning also. So worried that my breasts going to stop producing milk liao

any updates on Audrey?

My bb don't cry at night but she simply refused to sleep. Think she has confused day and night. Trying to get her to wake up during the afternoon to evening. but I worried she not enough sleep leh.
ddnikz> my ss also dropping i think.. sigh.. now i can tahan for more than 5 hrs and breast not that engorged hehe.. but so far still ok i have alot of frozen EBM in the freezer... hopefully still can meet her demand till at least 3rd month ?
xoxo: audrey will recover well,patpat

gal: i aslo dun know sometimes.let him cry too long like heartpain also.

Bluesea: oh my bb too.cl said its normal for newborn bb to 'peel'.mine all on his hand peeled off aldy left those on his legs.was told have to feed bb enough milk then those dry skin will peel off faster by itself,dun go peel off for him. Mine discharged only80+ then up to 200+ then 278 then down to 256 then pd said sun him ,we sun him everyday then find him getting even more yellowish so when brought him down to consult his skin ask for bld test again n its up to288, tomm gog for his 5th bld test sob y cnat they just let him go for phototherapy i dun understand y must hit 300
PY, Xoxo and Mie: I wouldn't say the whole of KKH is bad. My gynae herself is quite professional and skillful, and so are some of the nurses i met in the delivery suite and ward. But problem is among these very good staff, there are those who screwed up too, so must remain alert. Xoxo: Hope Audrey is recovering well now. Be strong and stay calm ok?

Ting: My boy was also like that... sometimes, he'll do a marathon feed and then sleep for 5-6 hours. He's gained 1 kg at 4 weeks which the PD says good. PD then gavethe go ahead for him to sleep as much as he likes at night, but to ensure 6 feedings in a 24 hour period.

linmil: I have ordered from Melrose Bake house. The full month celebration is this friday, so if you can wait, i'll give a review this sat
I haven't tried them before and don't see many reviews on them on the net, so taking a risk this time. But their customer service had been excellent so far. I remembered one of their staff called,and my baby was crying. Without hesitation, the lady just said, "Your baby is crying now, would you like to tend to him first, and call me back when you're comfortable?" Whoa, i was impressed. Now, hopefully the food is as good as their customer service. Their pricing is quite cheap so far, so i'm really keeping my fingers crossed.

Question: My MIL is staying with me for the next 1-1/2 months. She has this habit of popping in every 5 mins everytime i feed, stare at my breast (look out if baby's mouth is moving) and ask if baby is still suckling. I'm pretty ok to have her in the room, but she staring at my breast is irritating me. Any advice how to handle?

Sigh, yesterday baby slept like an angel for the whole day. Today, he refuses to sleep well. Really cannot praise, so xiao qi! And he's spitting up so often, esp after i burp him. He does not seemed bothered, should i be concerned?
anette: Yar, when baby cries, my heart super pain, esp when he goes an octave higher, wailing and sobbing, i feel like crying with him too. I heard that if baby cry too much, they will have more wind trapped in their tummies.. dunno if this is true leh
Hi mummies..
I suspect my girl is starting her growth spurt stage already. Today is start of 3rd week. Have already latched her for 4-5 times since 6 this morning. Very unusual. She wakes up almst every 1 hr. Now finally sleeping. Really no idea when her next feed will be. So now keeptelling my brain that I need more milk... Hope it will work.

Siangjiao: just tell your mil that you are not comfortable. That's what I did when she stared at me when I was doing pumping. ( but I say nicely lah) She was just staring lor...
Ever since then when she pops by to visit she will siam when
I feed.. Actually I feel really bad toward her these days. She so badly want to look at bb n yet could only come on
weekend yet she couldn't stay long as bb either sleeping or
feeding. Have been quite mad at her for keep askng me abt
milk supply for 4 consecutive days last week. Now she
doesn't call much n doesn't know what to ask when she calls
after my hubby told her off...
Breastfeeding mummies,

Do you feel hungry easily? I do! I'm usually not a supper person but I feel very hungry by 10pm+. Need to hv at least 2 slices of bread before I can go to bed comfortably, else my stomach will growl non-stop. :p
Annette>> Dont worry too much first, maybe your boy's next check-up will show that the jaundice level has come down.

PY>> Wah, how much did you store in the freezer?? So far, my supply can be consumed within 2 days, so I only store in the fridge compartment. Dont think I hv any excess to store in the freezer yet.

Siangjiao and Tien>> During my first pregnancy, my mil also stood and stare at me while I express. Feel so uncomfortable lor. Subsequently, I just made it a point to lock myself in the bedroom when I express. Think this is a subtle message to all that I wish to be alone when I express milk and do not wish to be disturbed. :p
bluesea> i have abt 10+ bags of 100ml-150ml hahaha.. i'm still waiting for more milk bags from dreamygal .. now i dun dare to pump out too much later cannot finish those in the fridge then wasted.
annette : hmmm jaundice count differ from mine one?
mine is once hit >15 oledi go phototheraphy.
on bright side i guess since they say haven hit 300 no need phototheraphy is because there is no need to? i.e. he hasn't reach the stage where he need phototheraphy.

bluesea : hunger easily. yes i do. i have a flask of milo drink for my night.

Yesterday i thought i finally got a good strategy. i could pump every 3 hours from 9am to 2am next day. and even manage to watch a movie with hb yesterday night while baby sleep. was blissful.

my happiness shortlived. 4am onwards baby keep waking up every 1 hour. then since 9am this morning he hasn't slept a wink. Keep asking to be latched. I am so tired, sleepy, damn thirsty. Didn't pump at all. At last we just gave EBM and he drank the whole 110ml and still awake and opening his mouth???!!!. Am concern without being able to rest/hydrate, my SS will drop (since he latch but not full) and I no time to pump.
somemore i pump v little amount need time to accumulate.

Best of all. Think my mum has phased out her dotter (i.e. me). I told her that I think I need to sleep, eat, drink, feed, sleep eat, drink feed. She responded 'that is how it is ah (she is referring to the baby).
limmil: i intend to go for ISS.my sis's cpy use them food quite gd,have $8per pax menu but most likely i go for 10bucks.

PY:super envy lor haha mine now sufficiently to meet his increased diet only. ger if u stored in bag the need pour into bottle then into warmer?bagcan reuse?how much is the bag?so far all i stored using storage container n bottle 5for 18.90 quite ex.

gal/bluesea: huh ur count differ fr ours.now i can see tt his white portion of his eye r yellowish lor n the skin ard eyes slight yellowish too.now i ask cl not to put ginger at all liao hope it down.
At least you have frozen EBM to tide over. My EBM super fresh. Finished everyday and not enough
Don't know if ss will drop till I give up. Sigh...

Finally got the courage to try breast pump. Managed to get 25ml out of both breasts. Haha... Should I be happy over it? Since previously I pump so long and yet nothing comes out.
Hi Xoxo, any updates of ur gal?

PY: for frozen BM, u may like to mix wif chill EBM when u feed ur girl, cos some babies taste bud are very picky n dun like to drink frozen BM, that is what happen to my girl and some of my frens' babies as well...:p
Cos frozen BM & EBM taste different, u shld try n taste the difference before u feed ur girl

Suggestion: 70% chill BM & 30% frozen BM
bluesea:no wo im super full w tt3 meals cl prepared,no choice need to eat so milk have more nutritous for bb.

siangjiao:when we cry dun feel bloated ma.wonder y they said bb will feel bloated w wind!!!:p

ddnikz: try more often u get more i start off w 40ml fr both breats now 80-180ml fr both depends on timing of the day hehe
mangogal : oo...good info. my baby hate my frozen ebm. will cry. but my mom stuff it in his mouth anyway :p

q on warmed EBM :
okay, once we warm up let's say 50ml EBM in bottle. once bb drink only 30ml then full. what do we do with the 20ml? can it be left in the warmer for next feed? or coz' oledi in contact with bb saliva gotta throw? how to minimise wastage since we duno how much the baby requires?
PY>> 10+ bags in freezer! So good... *envy*

gal>> You also got hunger pangs very fast? At least I'm not alone! hehe ... Gd that U hv a flask of ready-made milo. Sometimes I feel tempted to cook maggie mee, but since I'm breastfeeding and still under confinement, I dont want my bb to take non-nutritious food. So I'll just make do with biscuits and bread now.

Annette/gal>> Think the 15+ (2 digit) level is from pte PD/hosp. When my boy was in hospital, they told me his level was 11.8, but after discharge and we went for follow-up checkup at the polyclinic, their measurement for jaundice was 3 digits, like my boy became 156. Could it be 156 is referring to 15.6? Haha ... just a rough guess because at the hosp, PD told me bb could discharge if below 10, and polyclinic also said if my boy's level is below 100, no need to go back for blood test, considered "discharged".

Annette>> I'm so hungry that I'm afraid that I'll put on weight. But as it turned out, although I'm eating more... with breastfeeding, I seem to shed some kilos! I lost only 7kg in the first week after delivery but today when I weighed, I hv lost 10kg liao. So happy... but still got 6kgs more to lose.
its normal to feel hungry coz we r bfg... i hv a big plate of rice for my lunch & dinner, and for my tea break at 3pm and 9pm, i hv a cup of milo and 2 pcs of bread. heee

I oso shed weight... now weigh 2kg lighter than pre-preg.
Gal: regarding ur qns my cl told me can keep in the warmer but must consume the remaining within 1 hour. Cannot leave it in room temperature. Gotta soak in the warmer

Mangogal: so far she is ok with 100% frozen ebm leh. Lol I dun dare to drink my own milk but I taste a little bit when I was testing the temperature of the milk. Tasteless one leh lol!!
