(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

My girl treat me like a pacifier.. Esp at night ard 1-2am she refuse to sleep until I give her my boob and she went to lala land within seconds!! My cl says she want mummy's smell haha! So now I think it's becoming a habit liao.

When she's hungry she can't latch for long.. Cos I think bottle is faster for her lol so when cl was warming up the milk, I latch her first to stop her cry and when the milk is ready cl will feed her.. I'm wondering if I can total latch her successful without her screaming for milk at night when cl go back ... Sigh.. Then no need double work for me to pump out haha.

bluesea:guess so when in hospital bb jaundice was 1.2 discharge was 0.8 then when bld test at polyclinic thye go by hundreds.wa below 100 then can stop bld test!!! then my bb needs how many more bld tests my god

PY: thxthx.in tt case like bottle more worth it leh can reuse but then cant store alot provided alot bottles lor.wait till my supply alot like urs then buy haha now only sufficient for 1-2days supply:p

Gal: same here ,my cl said put in warmer n finish within 1 hr also like PY

Py:my bb also,once nipple into his mouth he will zz fast but cl said not gd coz bb be super sticky to me n moreover most likely i not gog be SAHM so now trying to stop tt.

jRRT/bluesea: wa u both shed very fast wo. mine b4 preg 48 shot up to 72.5 after delivery 67 now still64kg lor.i only eat like half bowl of rice,alot veggie n fish n 1 bowl soup for lunch n dinner,breakfast porridge or mee sua n 1litre of reddates drinks n 2-3 cups of choco milk a day wo.i still have 64-48=16kg to shed off*faint.......
annette: haha i'm ok with it coz i'm a SAHM hehehe.. but long time wise i think i gonna let her use a pacifier.. but now she reject pacifiers leh.. haven tried nuk yet though
if u r bfg, cannot go on diet. ur weight loss will b gradual. 4 me, it was coz i gained little weight during preg, thus easy to shed off now mah. cnt compare like tt.

yeah, my girl oso likes to latch long time during night feeds. until i caved in now and am co-sleeping wif her. this way, she, me and CL gets to zzz.
audrey went on a glucose high...she had to be taken off all feeds to go on the drip and so she was naturally very hungry and angsty. rooting non-stop and wailing...so the bright idea was to feed her glucose water using a bottle so she can be "fooled" into thinking it's milk. haha, she gulped abt 190ml every hr which is massive. no diaper could hold her pee...we had something like 12 changes of bed linen and she went thru' all her clothes we brought from home and exhausted Mt A's newborn size shirts yesterday night as the diapers gave way very quickly. you name it - pampers, huggies, gooN..all became wet dramas.

then it was the sugar high...i think we overfed her the glucose water bit. she didn't sleep from 2am till just (5pm!!!) - bright alert, awake and very energetic. HB lost his voice from singing non-stop for hours. unnatural till i read the glucose tin and it says "rapid energy everyday"... -_- the nurse actually had the humour to say maybe i should take a few cups myself.

good news is that her stools are now blood-free, still green though. tests showed that she isn't down with an infection - viral or bacteria, as was initially thought. they are now pursuing the lines that it could be a food allergy. since i don't take milk, shellfish and nuts, they are targeting eggs which I have been taking throughout my confinement period. have started to latch her on direct since 10am..no vomitting so far..so hope it stays this way, we find out the allergy, i get some rest and she sleeps well too..then the drip can come off tom and we hope to have a chance to go home tom..pray..thanks too for all yr kind words and thoughts..i appreciate it very much.

gal >> my CL encountered a case where the bb had a period...but in her case, it's blood in the stools..if it is menses, a swipe at the V would show.

jRRt >> you've got mail.
i tried pumping at KKH on 2/11 (am) - yielded 60ml from both..low ss continued that afternoon/night, averaging totals of 30-70ml max. Attached my freshly collected repaired pump for 30mins (abit extreme) at 3hr intervals yesterday and ss is now up again after all that- despite my exhaustion now. The last pumping session yielded 140ml from both so that's back to normal. Hence, conclude my ss dropped mainly because she didn't feed well for 2 days and that's all it took to get the ss plummeting more than stress as a factor. Now in love with Medela all over again..
PY/annette : within 1 hour need to consume the warmed up milk? then gotta throw liew. Think I feed bb with seringe already take half hour.

*sniff sniff* you think i should separate my BM's into bottles of 20mls then warm them up separately as and when the baby requires? wah..but baby will wail man. the warmer take a couple of minutes to warm up the milk. he no patience.

or how to minimise wastage? heart pain to throw BM.

xoxo : wow 190ml!!
so happy to hear Audrey is back and well :D
v good news

hee..maybe you can try drinking e glucose to see if works or not. if it does..muahaha...maybe all of us should drink some at night :p
gal >> yep it works. i hv not slept at all. just took one glass at 5pm after she slept. and i am really energetic now. haha...go, go buy yr glucose.
hi all

do ur bb have cough? mine seem to have abit of cough and also when doing bfing, he will get choke sometimes...

is there any problem w him or the problem is w me?

btw, how can i noe if bb jaundice level is high and needs to be hospitalised? i mean any symptons? and what are the consquences of not admitting bb to hospital if it is too high...?
hi all

any1 of u sign for cordblood banking & cancel? i sign during june SMH & cancel it recently after discussion w hubby..

sis upon knowing was damn unhappy about it & ended up i feel so guilty abt it now... but what done cant be undone...

any1 in same position as me?
hi all

sharing ard some web i visited when bb is asleep

Should I avoid any foods or drink when I'm breastfeeding?

Signs that your baby is getting enough milk

How do I know if my baby is latched onto my breast correctly?

Establishing good sleep habits: 0 to 3 months

How to swaddle a baby

10 dad-tested ways to soothe a crying baby
jRRt >> i haven really try night latching yet... so i dunno if she takes a long time anot.. right now she's 80% on bottle feed.. only before she wanna sleep she wanna suckle my nips lol...

and before CL warm up the milk, i let her suckle first so she wont cry and cry .... maybe i should try night latching when the CL go back.. at least i wont need to work double.. imagine i gotta feed her, burp her, then go do my milking biz..
i think by the time i finish she'll wake up for another feed liao haha!! i no need to sleep
xoxo>> at least Mount A they are working on Audrey's case.. that is good to hear and there is some progress.. hope Audrey is well to go home by tomorrow.. take care babe..

*and thanks for volunteering to want to help me ask Dr Tan abt the injections..*
miemie >>thanks.. i really hope to get home tom. asked him abt injections/schedule - he says no real defined need to prep it acc to mth or age - those are just guidelines. growth chart in our mt A health booklet is meant for us to verify if our child has met the milestones though if the PD sees your kid now and then, s/he should be observing key milestones in any case. so bottomline, go for the vaccine only when yr kid is well. and vaccinations (i think u already know this) does not provide 100% coverage; and you need to take a position on whether to send the babe only for the compulsory ones or for others (ike pneumococcal/rotovirus etc).
Xoxo, glad to hear that ur gal is recovering well!
So egg is the culprit, think you gt to avoid it at the moment

PY,haa..good to hear that, oh bm has natural sweetness
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Hi Mummies,

Since Baby Paige is sleeping, tot I'll share my birth story with you ladies...

Last Thursday, 29 Oct 2009

6.00am : I was woken up by some discomfort, like mensus cramps starting from my back. I wrote down the duration of each contraction.

7.00am : Went to the toilet, I noticed that I had some bloody show. So I decided to take a shower and wash my hair. Then I continued to monitor the contractions.

9.00am : I called my gynae clinic and she told me not to worry as it is my first birth so will not deliver so fast, can have lunch then take my time to go to the hospital in the afternoon.

I did just that and prepared lunch while my hubby was out running an errand.

1.00pm : My contractions were 5 minutes apart. I couldn't cook lunch so I waited for hubby to return about 2pm and instructed him on the prepartation of lunch.

3.00pm : We had lunch. After my lunch, took another shower before heading to hospital.

4.30pm : Arrived at Mt A. My contractions were 4-5 minutes apart. They hooked me up on the machine and did a VE. I was 3cm dilated. Nurse asked me if I wanted epidural, I agreed.

5.00pm : Epidural was administered.

5.30pm : My gynae arrived around and I was 6cm dilated. Gynae asked the nurses to order her dinner and advised my hubby to go have his too. Gynae then burst my water bag.

6.30pm : Both gynae and hubby returned from dinner and I was 8cm dilated. She got ready and told me that it's anytime. The nurse actually asked my hubby to go round and see my baby's hair...

The epidural was quite mild, I think coz I could feel my baby's head pushing down on my vaginal area whenever I had contractions.

When gynae was ready, she told me that once the next contraction comes, I will be told to push like going to "pang sai" and I did just that. First push, Paige's head was out, then with a second push, her shoulders were out. Then gynae lifted her up and said, congrats it's a girl...
The next thing she said to the nurses and midwife was, "such an easy delivery, right?, this girl wanted caeserean u know..." And we all laughed about it.

I didn't have an episiotomy, it was a natural tear. I could feel the gynae stitching me up and it was quite interesting for us to be chatting during that process...hehe.

Praise God that I had a smooth and easy delivery.

The only challenge I have now is that I can't breastfeed Paige coz my nipple is too short. Even the nipple shield is now helping much. So i have to pump every few hours. I am able to do about 30ml each time. Is that little? Today is my 6th day...

Hope I didn't bore you ladies with my delivery. Will try to upload her picture the next round...
so glad to hear tt things r looking better 4 u both now.
glad to hear tt ur ss has gone back to normal so i guess u dun need the EBM anymore.

wow! she took in 190ml of glucose water?!!!!

if ur baby chokes while bfg, it cld indicate tt ur letdown is too fast... try propping him up more so tt he dun lie down, hence wun b choked.

i prefer direct latching thou it takes more time. but my left nip is now coming up wif a small pus, i am letting my boobs rest in the daytime tdy so hopefully can b more geared up for the night feeds. will ask CL to cupfeed her meanwhile. i heartpain to let her b on cupfeeding when i am ard the hse lah. but i need to rest my nips else it will nvr heal. sigh... really din anticipate such drama for bfg this time round. v sianz...

yah if u direct latch at nite, u dun hv to pump, else jia lat lah. no need to zzz...

ur delivery is fast! Oh u wanted a c-sec?
hi xoxolight,

Glad your baby is recovering well. For KKH A&amp;E services, they had told me that on that day my girl admitted, their dept was facing an exceptionally high volume of patients. Thus they only apologize for the poor services.

Hi Bluesea,

Yes! Breastfeeding mum will get hungry quite easily as we still need extra 500 cal each day for the milking process

Hi limmil,
I have engaged Orange Clove.
hi all,
need some advice. which brand diapers are good and cheap? currently using pampers for my girl and i find it a bit expensive..

i have also seen some BP for diapers. is it worth getting from there?
jRRt> yah.. maybe i shall try out if it works for me.. if not really double work
either double work or i gotta wake up every hr to feed her haha. coz she cant stay awake for more than 20 mins when i latch her.

i've intro the bottle since day 5 or 6.. so i guess she prefers the bottle when she is really hungry. if not she just suckle my boobs for comfort only. bahhhh
So happy today! Brought my boy to Polyclinic for his 3rd checkup on jaundice. His level is below 100, no need to go back anymore! Yeah!!!

Tks for sharing mummies, so it's normal to feel hungry easily while breastfeeding.

Annette>> Let's work hard together to shed off those extra kilos! And hoep your boy's jaundice's level has come down. When is his next checkup?

Angie>> Glad that your delivery was smooth. I pushed so long also cant push my boy out leh. End up gynae assisted with forceps. I attribute it to my boy being bigger at almost 3.6kg... when I had my #2 who was 3.4kg, I could push her out with a few tries. But this one, I tried with all my might also cannot do it. Hee ...

Xoxo>> Glad to hear your girl is doing well. Hope she can be discharged soon.

PY>> Anyone helping you when your CL goes back? Btw, are you a SAHM or FTWM?

Vin>> I am buying Mamy Poko and Huggies for my boy. So far, I hvt participated in the BP for diapers as I find those sold by NTUC are reasonable. In fact, NTUC is having lots of baby products on offer now till 11 Nov. Can check them out. I made comparisons in terms of prices and some come in jumbo packs so after working the price out, cost per diaper is cheaper at NTUC.
PY>> same here. My boy now didnt want to latch when he's hungry. I think he got no patience to suck. So usually, I give ebm during feeding times but in between feeds, if he's cranky, I will latch him and he will suck and fall asleep.
mymelody: my bb will cried abt 5 to 10 min on &amp; off b4 she stop..different bb will be different lor...

Mie Mie: my baby take 2nd Hep B jab at 4 weeks...tot it all the same?

annette : somtimes really cannot tahan, carry whole day very tired leh...hubby also at first dun allow me to leave my bb to cry, so i hex care ask him to carry since he dun bear, untill he cannot tahan also so in the end no choice try wat i say...now bb cried after feed he will nt go carry her...must trained la if not where got so much time keep carry them...
PY: ims till pon deirng whether to be a SAHM but seems like i just cant handle bb always need cl's help n we prolonging her for another wk.

jrrt: haiz no way i can diet now lor.cl n hubby feed me like a pig lor.

xoxo: gd to hear tt audrey recovering well

Gal: mine some in bottle of 60ml some 100ml actually i din purposely separate yet those r coz diff timing i can only pump diff amt.

Boi: not sure for cough.my bb choke sometiems too coz he drink too fast n cl said after feed when sit him up to burp dun be too abrupt,too abrupt might cause choking also. As for jaundice,u look at his eyes,T zone n eyes area,it will appear yellowish.

PY: my bb now into the 3rd wk,when discharge his jaundice only ard0.8=80.then zoom to 200+,then270+then after sunning down to 250+ n pd said dun need go back for bld test yet cnat admit him for phototherapy then despite daily morning sunning afterwhich he appear more yellowish so i requested to go for bld test again n its 288 lor,yest sun him once today hes 273 still very high
Not sure y thinking if coz cl cook my food with ginger hence his jaundice din go down,now all my food no ginger n trying to feed him 100-120ml EBM fr bottle at least can monitor,wonder is it he din suck enough when direct bfing also.

angie: great to hear from u again.ya ur story not boring la fortunately u opted for natural, my wound stil give me pain sometimes when trying to get out of bed dun know y. try pump more nipple will get longer hehe,30ml like very little wo

Vin: im using huggies,frd said gd so i use not too sure how to compare wo.huggiees newborn is $7per pack,Small is ard13 n Medium is $14
re: full month celebration

i will be holding on next sat. any halal caterer to recommend? coz might have 1 malay colleague attending..haiz, for just one person, might have to go for halal food.

hungry mummies:
i am one of them. feel so hungry. always have tb in the afternoon and during 10+pm.
plus super thirsty.. keep drinking the red dates longan water.
tien and bluesea: Thanks for your suggestions. My MIL is quite sensitive, so i'm afraid if i tell her directly or close the door, she will read beyond the words. Yesterday was ultimate, my FIL just walked into the room while i'm BF.. now i just keep a nappy towel near by, everytime i hear footsteps, i just throw it over my breast

Hunger: Yea, i'm always hungry and thirsty too! I eat oatmeal 3 times a day cos i think it will increase milk SS, at the same time, i snack a lot too :p

JRRT: you're so lucky... you're nagative 2 kg liao.. i think my weight loss has hit a stagnant.. for the past week, my weight stays the same, 4 kg over pre-pregnancy weight.

PY: May i know where you buy the BM bags? Mine costs $18 for 25 bags

Xoxo: Glad to hear that Audrey is well. Must be a stone off your shoulders. Your description of glucose high was quite funny. Hubby keep asking what i'm laughing abt.

Jaundice: Today baby Andre is 30 days, and his jaundice finally hit below 100 at 94.Dr says jaundice stays longer for total breastfed babies

Angie: Congratulations! Only 2 pushes, whoa! I pushed like dunno how many times, until i can feel sound is totally cut off from my ears. Hehe, you should consider more babies

Vin: I use Pet Pet. Its about 17cents per piece.
Bluesea: had bld test this mornign drop to273 but still high,called Dr Heng he said will get back to us waiting for his advice lor.Now change to Dr Heng(kidlink) hes not bad so far after 1st consultation but then bld test need go polyclinic so stupid.my previous pd everything done at her clinic but price double la,bld test polyclinic 6 bucks hers 12 bucks.consultation high also.

Joanna:see when i bear to let him cry la then i try ehhe.

all mommies:
Re: smile n 'talk' when zz
Does ur bb smile n laugh n 'talk' in his sleep? Mine very often wo,much more then when hes awake.then sometimes will just scream n cry once awake fr zz like had nightmare etc
My confinement's over, nw taking care of my girl myself. During the day, there's hardly any time to do ANY other thing! Cos she cries the moment she's put down into her cot. carry her, and she sleeps soundly...
as a result, she ends up with nt much sleep in the afternoons, and i also dun haf much time to come in here.
THankfully she's nw asleep, and i hope this nice weather will make her sleep longer!

how's everyone else coping?

i'm wondering if i will b able to cope bringing her out on my own. taking the bb bag, stroller, and her... ha..
limmil, ecreative n orange clove serves halal food.

Re: diapers

Usually, i used those cheaper diapers like Eq or drypers during e day cos we changed more often n those more ex like pampers or mamy poko during e nite as its more absorbent.. At least not tat siong.
cjdg, y dun u invest in a mim sling or pupsik pouch? More convenient if u r bringing bb out alone..

Blessedcyn, u pop liao?
Hey mommies! Long time no chat... Need to make this quick.. Been busy handling my 2 kids all alone. No cl, no mom/mil. My mom only came by in e mornings wen i was having my massage sessions. That was for 1st 2 weeks or so. Once tt was over it's jus been me. Hubby oso working busy busy.

Shiong! But still managing ok la. Luckily i don haf to cook. But today told hubby to send my boy to my mom's cos it's been some time since the grandparents saw him and i felt like i needed some quiet time today. V peaceful without my lil chatter box.

Astro pop oredi? Don see her ard...? Congrats to all mommies who have jus recently popped! My Ana Sofia is exactly 28 days today. So fast time flies... Feels like jus yest i gave birth.

Ok, baby stirring oredi. For more updates from me just visit http://famela.me ok?

Oh, and for those mommies who're pumping hard even through e nite, jia you! I'm trying to NOT pump btw. Now pumping to relieve engorgement only. Think it's working cos i can now get away wif jus 1 pump per day max now, some days don even need to pump at all.. I'm lazy and prefer to latch on only la. And plus i've really run out of space in my freezer with all the frozen EBM.

Ok ladies, Hang in there!

Xoxo, wishing Audrey a speedy recovery. You take care too!
audrey has just been discharged today. moi won't be able to go and eat my fave eggs everyday now since that's a suspected food allergen. surprisingly, despite her being ill, she has managed to put on weight. must be the glucose..hehe..came home and now we are all on our own - no more CL, no MIL, no mum, no maid. wish us luck ok?

jRRt>> Thanks babe! after the episode of losing all my EBM thanks to someone who didn't close the freezer...the discharge from hospital has saw me returning home with abt 12 EBM in bottles..i hope it is sufficient since i am continuing to do the direct latch for her. try try..but i will keep you in mind

famela >> that's very sweet! kelly is really good with textures and props esp hats!
siangjiao> i got mine from this website http://www.***********.com/Products.html but i've ordered from dreamygal as well hehe. trying the various brands see which are better.. so far the nanny ones are not bad lah. :D cheapest so far as now they have promo $8.50 only

Bluesea> I'm a SAHM .. No one is helping me.. i've MIL at home lah. but she cant even carry the baby the correct way.. u think i'll feel safe if she really help me around the house? sigh.. i'll be happier if she dun touch the baby haha!

Yah i think Charlotte behaves the same as ur baby. when she get cranky normally she will when she want to sleep.. then i will just put her to my boobs and she zzz within seconds haa amazing!

Annette> hmm coz my CL told me then jaundice is dangerous if it nv go down after i think 10+th day. but so far Charlotte has no jaundice at all. I told my insurance agent when he asked and he was very suprised haha. anyway jaundice is very common in babies
they will get well soon! hai if only our babies can suckle well when hungry hor? =\
RE: Pus in nipples

I am hvg it on my left nipple liao. its a small one and i hv seen gynae. she said its nothing serious and i can continue to latch. But its v painful when i latch. so tdy i stopped day latchings to let both sides of my nipples heal (the other side is sore now). I feel so sad tt i cant nurse her though I am at home. CL doing cupfeeding. Intending to latch her aft she chg into her PJs and will continue for all night feeds.
Was toying with the idea to use a needle to prick the pus and squeeze out but worried will end up wif an infection. SIGH SIGH SIGH!

direct latch is v tiring coz they take a long time to suckle. but oso i enjoy this closeness and bonding.
gd luck to u!

soon, soon! u got only 4 kg to go only!

u r my heroine! juggling 2 kids on ur own???? i can faint!

am sure u slowly can build up ur stash again!
Mummies here, FYI regarding BM

Another piece of news i read: We should serve BM at the time that it was pumped&amp; stored. E.g. a morning pump should be served&amp;used in the morning. A night pump should be served&amp;used for night feeds. This is because the different no of nucleosides compounds will active/relax a baby. It's amazing, the breastmilk will act like coffee or chamomile depending on time of the day!


So do nt offer 'coffee'at night or chamomile during day! :p
jRRt> yeah i also enjoy the closeness too but she only suckle for comfort before bedtime haa! but at least she need me if not she cant sleep. So i'm the only one that can put her to sleep? lol!!

siangjiao> You bought pigeon is it? haha.. actually there's alot of BP in this forum too on milk bags.. can take a look too :D and it's less than $18!
Efg, e sling or pouch u mentioned, is it ex? E thing is I dunno if it's tiring on e shoulders using these! Is it diff to use as well? Cos I once saw a mummy trying to put on e sling while carrying her bb, n pulled up her own clothes in e process! So I abit hesitant towards using them..
limmil: ISS is halal also

Py:ya quite worried also coz it shd go off withing 2 wks fr birth.if not will cause brain damage n other prob.now trying to feed him more milk see if any improvement

i went for c-section with GA at Mount A in 2 bedded, for 4D3N (Mount A call it as 3 Days). Total is 5200 ba. ard 4K is via Medisave &amp; rest is $$

Hope this helps



his eyes is still yellowish. i oso dunoe when his jaundice is consider high or low. MB i will confirm w doc when i bring him for jabs at poly on 18th nov

btw, mine bb always smile when hes asleep, although he dont scream, bt sometimes his cry from wake up is like as if he got a fright
