(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

tien> yes dear, the IQ warmer can warm frozen milk directly without the need to de-thaw first then warm it (the normal warmer)

i want to post. i want to post.. aiya. milking duty again! i am exhausted.. second day human pacificer again! :S

aria: try doris.. she is my saviour. today tried to arrange a meeting with her but she's unwell. her number is 96387660

i didn't forget that i have posts KIV-ed to reply to .. wah liew.. i tahan.. soon. soon. staiblity will return.. :S

ok mooing duty.. and also (for the demonic boy to excercise his jaws one me!).. haiz..
see if i can latch and type? hhahaha.. i try :p
Hi hi astro!
Me also waiting for my next duty call... Hope the latch will be a success!

Btw you are seeing Doris again? Me also contemplating...
astro! jia u!!! don forget your breast shells and medela creams to air it during the breaks!! hehehe. freestyle is really good isn't it! its my savior!!

u surely can one.. but hope he is in a good mood of cos!! mine will knock his head against my boobs if he is frustrated n cannot find the nipple! he knows i am not focusing!! wahaha
HI mummies, i'm from Aug thread.
i got 1 pack of huggies ultra S size (44pcs) to let go, free delivery to SK area. $12. anyone interested? my boy already wearing M for 1 mth before i realised i still got 1 S size in the storeroom. PM me!
roxie >> yeah, it was all in those few days. what a whirl right? glad to see u ard again after so long. my hospital charges totalled $2.9K, after medisave, had to pay $1.2K - doc charges were $700. my CL has gone back..you have extended her stay for another mth? whoa, very tempting for me leh..esp since her last day was the day audrey was admitted to KKH for that bloody stool thing...very sad, hb told me that the CL cried cos she didn't think her stint with us would end this way. would have to say we had a really good CL and developed quite a close bond. i was really thinking of extending her stay but she has another engagement so too bad...
astro >> can type..i am doing it chopstick style...hehehe...glad to hear you a little chirpier..things do get better (like they always do even when they don't seem so..)
back.. and a quick post before i head off to bed.. not too bad the latch. but the boy dozed off.. wah liew.. :S.. feed him tiny bit of formula lest he wakes up too early in the night for my liking..i wonder how he will be like when his juandice clears. i hope more alert?!

roxie: hmm.. i dunno leh. the free style.today i had a fren. who is an established moo moo to come over my house and use the free style coz i want to see if my pump is the problem or i am the problem to keep pumping out only 55ml (max) if i dun latch :S.. i do two hourly pumps.. i pump after latch. i drink the papaya soup, take the fenugreek, take the molitium (dunno how to spell) prescribed by my gynae to increase milk supply, become human pacifier.. STILL 55ml?! i cannot believe it man..
but my fren only pumped out 40ml! heh. coz she just fed her girl lah. she said she can come over for a morning pump..so our experiement is inconclusive.. hahahah
i think she wants to prove that the pump is ok.. and i am the one with the 'problem'.. hahahaha

hey, ask u.. Rayan is about 11 days old now.. 3.3-3.4kg.. drinks about 60ml.. so pumped out is enough one..Cld u remember Titus.. at this age.. (if u already started pumping) how much u got 11 days post delivery?

tien: yes. i am getting her again. coz that time yu he super drowsy and sick.. so we let him sleep.. and didn't manage to practice much on the special latching techniques that our little love birds need :S *sigh*. i think they collude by the little river and swear by the pale blue moon to do this to us! haiz..

also i got some 'theory' questions which i am confused about for breast feeding which i need some clarifications to.. else i never rest man. knowing me and my incessantly, annoying 'want to know it all' character.. heh...

Angie: urs question is easy to reply.. ur girl def dun need that much! 90ml is way too much for her now.. and u have enough bm (40ml huh?) to sustain her 30ml appetite.. (for the first week)..
to calculate how much milk ur girl need:
2.5 ounces * per pound of body weight = daily milk requirement
(so do ur conversion first)
so suppose u want to feed 8 times in 24 hours.. just take the daily milk requirement to divide by 8.. can liao.. one onuce is 30ml for ur info..

nightz all. wah liew. i got more things to reply..:S
wow my dear, how come my hospital charges n yours have such a big diff? Yours is natural w/o epi? Hee i have engaged her for two months, recommended by my colleague and i booked her for 2mths way before. She's really my saviour, am very close to her as well. Been crying whenever i thought of her leaving soon. Her cooking is fantastic, very on the ball, did my housework and titus likes her alot. I'm still looking for a nanny to take care of him after i go back to work. If still cant find a suitable one i'm thinking of engaging her. But have to apply work permit for her. Sigh, but that's the last resort as it's going to be very costly. Hope i'll find one soon
night night mummies!
xoxo: hilo! not really chirpier per se, i am just comforting myself and patting myself on my pat (hmm realise i dun have the flexibility to do so...) that this time 35mths ago. when it was rayner's time. i didn't even complete more than 10 latchings!... this time i become human pacifier.. so it is a big 'improvement' already!
(sometimes in life u have to do this.. make jokes and see the humour in miserable situations.. :S )

nightz all..
roxie>> i also stayed from 30th (admitted on 30th midnight) until 4th Oct.. but you and xoxo were in the St Raphael ward.. me stayed in My Lady's ward.. i upgraded from 2-bedder on 2nd Oct only coz they were just so out of one-bedder! i was pushed into the OT ard 8pm plus.. i din see you, but i got my hubby to go and KPO which suite you were in.. heehee..

my bill is abt more or less about yours.. plus an additional $700+ when Isabelle was admitted on 7th Oct for jaundice..

i managed to meetup with xoxo over the curtain.. LoL.. din manage to see her face to face.. so near yet so far..

gathering>> me cannot offer my house coz im staying with my parents in tampines.. no space..
i would suggest we organise a xmas party first? woo.. that is like NEXT MONTH only!
astro: let me try to recall, on the 8th, i brought titus to pd, he's weighing 3.85kg and drinking 90ml already. (8 days old) i have to express out when he was 5 days old and he's already drinking 60ml. Checked with pd on his consumption, she say it's ok. As long as bb don vomit and can last 3hours for the feed, its alright for my bb to drink more. Good for his jaundice too. So could say i'm already pumping 60ml on day 5, 90ml on day 8 (3hourlyhourly) i pump at midnight too. Ate fenugreek too. Now titus is weighing 5.4kg, drinking 150ml 3hourly and i'm pumping 340ml in the morning, 200 to 260ml every 3 to 4 hourly.
roxie >> yr hospital bill looks quite large...but i suppose emer C with epi is around that? mine's was nat w/o epi and i stayed for 2 days less (assuming you're in 30 and out on the 4th)..the few hrs i was in a 2 bedder was calculated as a single-bed charge eventually. i suppose these are factors to account for the bill differences.

my CL sounds exactly like yours! hehe, i booked her in my first trimester..and she is godsend...you will tear when she leaves..i was crying myself (here i go again) when i said farewell to her at KKH rather than at home. returning to our home after her departure just didn't feel the same..i thought i would just disintegrate into chaos but surprisingly the gold standard she set for us in managing audrey's care helped alot. home has never been more organised and better equipped
don give up astro, think muz continue your fenugreek, drink more soups. I love my freestyle alot cos it's very efficient. I finish my pumping in 10mins the most. It works very well for me. Save alot of time and i wont feel so tiring and lazy to pump cos it's a short routine. Just tat i have to sterilise many times a day. Now got cl doing it for me. Think after she heads back, i'll be doing washing all day..
roxie: i think hor. this is my own hypothesis again.. our bodies has it that given the weight of the bb..our body produced accordingly.. at least initally.. so titus is a big bb.. and u managed to latch him. by comparision yu he is much smaller.. and i miss out one week to latch him (given his stay in the hospital) hence accounting for my 55ml on day 11 still?
crap lah me and my bullshit theories.. just trying to make myself feel better? :S dunno lah. need to ask doris fok...
roxie: practically only living on soups now. i laughed out loud ot myself once during dinner time. my mother thought i freaked out big time liao. asked me what happened.. i told her.. 'look at how much liquid i got to drink?! how to eat like that?!'.. ha..yes.. i am having all the works now..:S
don give up astro, think muz continue your fenugreek, drink more soups. I love my freestyle alot cos it's very efficient. I finish my pumping in 10mins the most. It works very well for me. Save alot of time and i wont feel so tiring and lazy to pump cos it's a short routine. Just tat i have to sterilise many times a day. Now got cl doing it for me. Think after she heads back, i'll be doing washing all day..
roxie: just few last questions.. did u notice a SHARP increase in ur supply suddenly? can u recall when?.. also how many days have it been post delivery for u now?

ok siam.. night!
astro >> i am sure you will catch the balls in the air! you DO SOUND loads better..and don't worry abt the numbers so much...these babes..they are quite "zun" abt how much they need.

i went on errands yesterday leaving a nervous hb with the bb alone. he ended up feeding her 140ml x 2 in a 4hr period. that's massive in my eyes. but she's happy and that's what she wanted. surprise surprise..when i pumped out upon my return, guess what..i got exactly 140ml. no more no less..it's like the boobs are in sync with the baby's mind. this morning, another of such experiments..my hb took over the 4am feed using a bottle (we planned to intro this this week)..and she gulped 150ml though we prepared 160ml..and she couldn't be coaxed to finish up the remaining 10ml.. i woke up to pump out and got..150ml. exact again. haha, i don't know exactly what this says but it just goes to show that in a mysterious way, our body will provide appropriately for the baby..

last bit for the night...hang in there and let's make it thru this bfg thing successfully, together!
miemie >> yeah..so near yet so far! barracuda was going at me then and delivering all her battle wounds...no worries..if a christmas get together is in store..that's the time...hohoho!
astro: you din managed to latch after delivery? I think it's okay. I latched on after op till day 5, i can go home but titus can't, so i started expressing. Plus my nipples were sore and left side was bleeding. I survived on medela cream n cabbage leaves for a week to air my breasts n let them recover. But still got maintain the pumping. So i think you should not be disheartened for not latching for a week k dear. I'm also tired, shall go rest already. Continue tml! Hee. Xoxo: i wanna hide my confinement lady's passport! Don let her go back! Hee. She also can't bear to leave my boy, say if i wanna bring him back to kuantan with her for few months, she also don mind! Now i go out also don like to eat outside, prefer to go back let her cook while i wait. Cos her cooking is so much better then outside food. I bot wmf pressure cooker ytd to let her cook for another 3weeks. Yumyums! Miemie; your hubby should have said hi to mine! He is s bored ha ha. I was admited on 30th 9am plus, forgot to eat breakfast first. In the end got to starve till 1st oct afternoon then can eat. I was grumbling thru out labour how hungry i'm. Ha ha.
astro: titus is 5.5weeks old now. No sharp increase suddenly, but i tink after my first medela pump passed down by my sis went hay wire, i bot freestyle.. My pumping increase at a faster rate.. Think it's around 20days after delivery, i can pump more with freestyle. Be patient k dear, supply will come when you're less stressed about it too. Muz relax and let all those ducts open up. Soon u will see milk spraying out! Cannot give up ya! Hang on there! Titus also need me to latch on in order for him to sleep, even after a feed. So i started giving him pacifier, if not he will suck his mittens n gradually thumb. Sigh at least pacifier can throw away but cannot chop his thumb away when weaning right. So many factors to consider for our precious! Ok i got to go zzz already. Church tml! Nite nite!
Handling 2 kids will b sthg i dare not try for the time being, esp hvg an active 3 yr old boy can KILL!!! U r my heroine! hahaha.

My pus is a really small one (even gynae commented) and i am not doing anything to it yet for fear it will worsen. Burst it open and it means bacteria can enter. Worrywart me lah.
U r really a warrior! exclusive pump for 2 mths!!!! And its amazing tt Adil still wanna latch aft 2 mths!
Yeah i rem tt u said tt ur boobs hurt like hell each time when ur hb drove over a hump! *OUCH* i can empathise with tt. Coz the last few days when my boobs were so full and my son juz ran into me, I went like, "OUCH!!! That hurts Mommy!" This boy muz b real puzzled why did it hurt. Hahaha.
I guess everything there is a trade off? U had a difficult start wif Adil, so this time with Ana, u had it easier? While i had a smooth sailing bfg experience wif my son, now its pay back time.

Thks 4 posting abt the phillips sale. I was waiting for tt! Tdy will get my hb to go down there. eyeing a baby monitor!

babies gatherings r v cute. Imagine i had tt 4 my son too. it was v fun. We shld do tt!

Soon u will learn how to latch & eat ur meals at the same time! Last nite RN was so hungry tt she was wailing so loudly despite me alrdy latched her on both boob & her mommy here oso super hungry. My dinner was alrdy prepared so in the end, I juz BF her and ate my dinner at the same time. Din care tt the door was open. My top was shielding my boobs and i figured no one will notice wat i am doing. Dun care... CL was astonished! hahahaha... i told her more of such things to come... esp aft she leaves.
U doing 2 hrly pump? tedious! And hope ur ss comes in real soon!
morning mummies!
astro: I think I'm an idiot at latching.. Sometimes can..sometimes cannot..n bb yuxi is so strong lor every feed is like a battle. Think I'm likely to give up on latching n do more ebm..but part of me cannot bear..a bit at a loss to ask Doris again or not. I also know myself, doubt I will let her latch for very long. Very hard to do things and do not want to create this dependency in her... In the meantime still hanging on..surviving on Medela cream n the breasts shells (as what roxie says)... Must jiayou together!

Re: milk consumption
My girl is actually taking 110 ml of ebm at night. That's abt all I can pump from full breasts. so far my highest record from pumping fr both breasts is only 130 ml n cos I latch bb, hardly hv time to store up milk. Bb is abt 3.9 during last pd visit when she's one wks old.. Now she's completing 3rd week really going thro growth spurt I think.

Anyway sharing my joy! I have abt one more week to the end of confinement! Yeah!
Thanks for the number. Btw Doris is a nurse? What's her charges like? 

You exclusive pumping for 2 mths and still manage to latch on? No nipple confusion? How did u do it? I'm praying everyday that I can latch my girl successfully or rather she wants to suckle. Sob sob. 
Aria: Doris charges are $ 60/65 per hr and have to
reimburse her transport. For eg, I saw her for 1.5 hr the charge was $120. She is really good. (just that I'm a bit of a poor coordination student) and she is nit a nurse. Sh is a lactation consultant. And she does research in this area and in bb's behaviour. Many of the articles on babycebter.com.sg are written by her.

As for nipple confusion, I also intro bottle to bb right from start but I limit to not more than 2 a day. Mainly at nite (cos my confinememt lady takes care of her) Initially she was confused but now she is so much better. So Aria, trust your
baby, nowadays babies are really smart. In fact once confinement lady is gone, I'm thinking of giving her fm at nite so that she won't be waking up so often to
Shugar>> Hope you get recover from the throat infection soon. I'm a FTWM, and my workplace is also near AMK, so maybe next time we got chance to meet after work one day for dinner/kopi.

PY>> Xmas gathering? Sounds fun! Imagine all the babies together!

Siangjiao>> Your boy looks alert and handsome leh! Does he look like gor gor?
The pictures of the cupcakes are beautiful! All from Sweetest Moments? Wah, drool liao...

Famela>> Are Petpet diapers good? I'm thinking of switching of a cheaper brand for daytime, currently I hv bought some Drypers but am open to try other brands if they are good. Otherwise, if my boy is full-time on MamyPoko and Huggies Ultra, I will go broke very soon. Keke ... Specifically, must be good to hold those watery poo, I'm so scared of leakage!! haha ...
By the way, ladies, do you adhere to strict confinement rules and stay grounded at home? Ie. really doesnt go out?

For me, I hv gone for my post-natal check-up at gynae's clinic and bring baby to the Polyclinic for jaundice check-up 3x. On my way home that day, I popped into the supermarket and bought some necessities (hubby carried the stuff back). Now, 3 weeks into confinement, I feel like popping over to the mall (just across the road) and walk around. Just feel so "suffocated" at home so much so that I feel like venting at hubby as he could go out while I couldnt.

It didnt help that newspapers are publishing Xmas shopping everywhere, how I wish I'm in Orchard road now!!
Bluesea: same as u.. Suffocating at home. My CL is watching over me lor...Only time I went out was for check up too. Couldn't go out cos ok folks dun want us to catch a chill.. But thankfully I only have 9 more days to go and 5 more days to bb full month party outside yeah! But still hv to be on confinement diet for a full 40 days...sigh

Think depending on you... If there's no one tracking your movement and u are all wrapped up when outside should be fine...
baby gathering : count me in ;)

fyi, just did 1mth celebration. Delihub was good - food, timing, presentation. I ordered only 80% of my guestlist & still have excess :S my breakfast, lunch, dinner for next few days.

bluesea : er.. i totally break all confinement rules. :p that reminds me, later i wanna eat ben & jerry ice cream. :p
For those whom r keen to know how to latch on properly or juz to check if u r doing it right, check out this video.


i had to watch it too coz i juz cldnt understd y my nips r still sore aft 3wks.

I guess it all depends on u. i guess it does not do much harm to juz pop over the mall for a while to maintain ur sanity. juz make sure u r dressed in long sleeve.
Bluesea: same as u.. Suffocating at home. My CL is watching over me lor...Only time I went out was for check up too. Couldn't go out cos ok folks dun want us to catch a chill.. But thankfully I only have 9 more days to go and 5 more days to bb full month party outside yeah! But still hv to be on confinement diet for a full 40 days...sigh

Think depending on you... If there's no one tracking your movement and u are all wrapped up when outside should be fine...
Just came back from Phillips sale... I'm so thrilled. Got my Avent steriliser... YAY! No more pot and boiling water.. and no more fear my hubby will burnt my breastpump again

Now i'm seriously wondering if i should go back for the IQ bottle warmer ($85). The normal one they have is $50. Can heat frozen milk (15 mins) as well, but the SA says need to put aside for 20 mins before feeding the baby. Total is 35 mins (too long for my bawling son). The IQ one can feed immediately. Oh, parking there is no problem.

jrrt: the 40 cupcakes and the cake on top is $118. No GST.But you need to rent the 3-layer tier at $10 a day. There are 3 different design, can see from the sweestest moments website.
mascot: where is the philips sales? Until?

Haiz, cannot stand the boy! He keeps falling asleep when latched on! I never take sleeping pills lei! Duh.
jrrt: read in gf book not to let bb latch on an empty breast. Recalled you said that RN is am active sucker who does marathon sessions. Do you think that might be cause for your sore nips?
i din order the set like u did. dun wanna spend so much and oso i hv 2 rounds of baby shower. so juz ordered the mini ones.

hahaha, u r funnie lah! u din take sleeping pills? LOL! hahaha...
But then our breasts r nvr really empty mah, so u cant say she is latching on an empty breast. and moreover she is not doing comfort latching, i can tell mah. sore nips caused by improper latching, for sure. LC alrdy seen me and say RN's mouth too small and my nips too big 4 her, so its a v challenging problem! nothing much to do other than wait it out, i guess.
Tien, thanks for the info. Wah, quite ex but then I'm desperate liao. Will just engage her for 1 session first. Haiz. Unfortunately I bottle feed her all the time. Sob sob. Really hope Doris will give me a miracle.
Loke, here r my bb's details:
Hospital : TMC
EDD : 9 Oct 2009
ADD : 3 Oct 2009
Gender : Girl
Weight: 3.41kgs
Dr Loke Kah Leong
Length: 50cm
Method of delivery: Natural (assisted) with epidural
Baby's Name: Alethea Ong Yu Dan
sometimes my girl will oso b like tt. My guess is the flow might b too slow, tts y she's pek chek. i will massage my breasts to allow a faster flow. or sometimes i realised tt she poos aft tt. so u juz check the diaper?
JRRT : my boy pattern is if he poo, he cry. we chg his diaper oledi he still continue wailing and next signal he give is hungry. So once poo -> feed.

Sometimes even better...multitask...while eating..poo then continue eating. :S

hmm..slow flow. ok ok. ;) will try massage first.
jrrt: also dunno but that's what the book says. Breast can never be completely emptied? I somehow feel mine are! Haiz. My left nipple also too big for the demonic boy to handle. Haiz. Always get chomped on.

Aria: she can be a bit erm self engrossed but i think if you look worried enough she will focus on you more than herself :p
What bottles are you using for naia? Maybe not now but in future , tommee tippee bottles quite good. It mimicks the human breast very well and i always force it right in to pry his mouth open so that he suckles like from the breast. Quite good i must say. Got gold award for feeding one this bottle.

Gal : i remember you asked about weight of your bb. Yu he also having the same pattern now but his is more worrying cause of his hospitalisation history. Lost 100grams, back to birth weight upon discharge. Wah liew. Never give face this boy! So eventually how did you resolve the weighing issue? I dun think they sell a 2 decimal pt machine around lei.

Tien: like i say, this pair are in cahoots. Teach bad one another! The boy also alway pushing my breast away with his hands and very difficult to latch him as he struggles. Then sometimes he arches his back,, lagi worse. Then he likes to yank the nipple around,haiz. He's only 3.2. I can imagine how strong your girl is! Lets form a new club? The demonic latchers club? Can't think of a more pleasant name for them! Who wants to join the club? Haiz
Astro : we bought a digital weighing machine (Brand : Tanita). Couple of days ago we weigh him and was 4.5kg. Today we weigh him he is 4kg? not sure if we saw wrongly earlier or hmm... i will take it as i saw wrongly earlier :p But either way..he increase weight. Is there like a guideline on how much they should gain by what week?
Today my CL left. Not sure if it is cos' she is a nice lady or I am feeling panicky over the fact that I will be taking over her duties, I actually missed her!!!??? Been feeling down since she left

After she left, I tried to do all the work and I realised I don't have enough time to pump milk.. Now thinking of the night duties I feel scared that I don't lost appetite for dinner. Sigh...
gal : i dun recall a guide line per se. But they should be back to birthweight by one mth. Also since weight varys amongst individuals, they go by percentile for age. Teng is way off in terms of weight and height for a three year old! Ha. Yu he seemed small. Maybe should go surf around to check on his percentile but think too young, dun have yet. Not sure.
yeah most times if RN poos big time, i'll hv to feed her immed aft tt.

i oso feel my boobs r empty aft expressing but books say if u latch, bb's suckles can still get somemore milk. so think +ve!

at least u only kena 1 nip... i feel so battered! its literally gritting my teeth each time she latches. wat i can only do is to squeeze more of my boobs into her mouth aft she latches so she holds more n i dun feel so painful. LC showed me this trick else i oso gong gong.

aiyoh y u call him demonic boy?

each time b4 i latch RN, i'll ask her to open her mouth big big n if she's lookg at me, i show her my widely opened mouth. i think this girl has gotten it n each time b4 she latches, i'll remind her. she's usually cryg 4 milk by then but the moment she hears my reminder, she slows down her cries n opens her mouth. whether its coz she can understd my reminder or simply coz she can smell milk comg, as long as she opens her mouth, i'm happy. so keep tryg!

my hb is oso v worried how we r gg to cope when CL leaves. haha.
hi all

need to ask something abt 'Period'...

Mine came from 15-24 oct after c-section with GA on 15 Oct

2nd time, 03-05 Nov (abit onli)

3rd time, today came again (abit onli)

Is this normal?

When will we return to Normal de? can any1 guide?


boi: that's not the period. that's the lochia.. u had c-section.. so ur lochia will not be as much as those who have vaginal birth.. and ur menses normally return earlier if u do not breast feed. mine came back last time at week 6 coz i didn't manage to bf teng exclusively.. for bf-ing ladies.. can be up to one year and menses still not back..

Jrrt: ha.. ok.. think positive.. bear with the pain! ha.. actually initially it was both nips.. but and both swell in size somemore! so lagi hard to latch. given his TINY mouth (his, tien and RN's cases quite similar).. now the right nipple returned to normal size.. which is manageable for him. just the left one.. haiz. still too big for his mouth.

ya. these days i tell pple. 'if u need to make a face in front of yu he, pls go ah.. and open ur mouth big big! dun let me catch u purse ur lips in front of him.. i will whack u up!' then just now i asked miser to open his mouth big big.. also so small! haiz.. like father like son. *give up*
ya.. Doris taught me the same thing.. coz my breasts too round for him to handle .. so 'offer it like a sandwhich, not an apple'.. that was real useful!
ha.. he is a demonic boy because he is impatient.. chomps on pple and bad tempered :p

ddnikz: it is understandable to have those fears.. i recalled the first day CL left hor. i quarrelled with my mother because of money matters coz i wasn't working.. i told my mother i might need to reduce her pocket money by a little.. $50.. she not happy. end up. i was quarelling with her and tearing.. and amongst all the noise, teng can still fall asleep! steady bom pi pi!

relax, just handle each battle as it comes.. tell urself. the bb WILL stop crying

ha. the first day rayan comes back. and he was already unwell. he woke very frequently in the night and i was having such cracked nipples it is soooo painful to latch him.. it was nightmare! so there u go. second time parents also might not be able to handle it.. so go easy
.. me and miser were looking at one another , no words.. but we 'asked' ourselves what have we got ourselves into ?! hahhahaha .. u can do it
