(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

<font color="aa00aa"> she refused to tell. just said if waterbag burst then go quietly, no need to tell anyone, once BB is out safetly then annouce. same thing when she told me not to sit on my bed while waiting the "fetch the bride" thingy.</font>

oh.. like that ah..

if at hm,then stil ok, can quietly go hosp but if at workpl, think by time waterbag burst, whole ofc will know coz quite obvious, then how?
<font color="aa00aa">limmil, i just laugh it off actually, i didn't take it seriously, I am not working also so I didn't think of this scenario!

for me, i won't tell the whole world for sure, like - what is the point? right? already pain, cramp, kancheong, if waterbag burst, dirty, rushing out ( to me still need to take a cab) why still bother to tell others, not that they can go into the delivery suite, only our hubbies can go in. I will only tell my mum because she will prepare my red dates drink.

so you see, i will still tell
limmil: whoa, okiez.. I also dunno whether is it considered cheap or ex.. but the 10 packs (80g ea) that I bought costs $8.. seems rather cheap lehz.. tt's why dunno if the diff brands works differently.. =p

was thinking of gg to taiwan and initial plan was to b/f baby for ard 6 mths.. any suggestions or advice? coz was afraid that am too fixated on wanting to join mum and sis overseas that other concerns are not noticed by me or too simply brushed off without giving them really deep thoughts and consideration... =p

protective sheets: where to get them? are they ex or? heh heh, was thinking if they are ex, then mi maybe will get another of those mats that can be used when changing baby's diapers or clothes etc.. tink more comfortable to sit on since the mat has pockets of air bubbles.. =p

water bag burst: neva heard of this, that cannot be too 'zhang yang'.. but since already hear fr someone else, then maybe can just follow? anyway, no harm in following right?

i've only heard fr my boss abt not setting up the cot too early etc, dunno why too, but think since she already told me and there's no harm following it, i just followed her advice.. till-date, the cot's delivery date is still not fixed yet.. =p
thats why i think for immediate family still have to tell, coz they might be helping out in certain areas.

for my case, i have to tell my mother coz she is incharge of my confinement stuff and standby to look after my elder gal.

then i need to tell my younger bro too as he is staying with me currently, incase he can help fetch my gal from her childcare if my mother not available.

ya.. by then we shld be in pain liao, so shld be making a quick check on our bag b4 gg hosp bah

oh ya.. mummies who have not deliver..
rmb to bring along ur ROM cert (for birthcert registration) and ur hosp pre-delivery receipt (for medisave deduction). someone reminded me so i guess just bring along in ur hosp bag bah.
<font color="aa00aa">backpain, march - weather is nice.
try to go F&amp;E,don't go with those hectic tour, quite bad, I joined tour this year to taiwan, 8 days and very rush, weather a bit up down and it may be diff to handle a 6 month old baby.
Hot water also got problem getting, i find Taiwan just another Malaysia, except there are not indian and malay on the street, hygiene wise - shake head. I just didn't enjoy my taiwan trip, maybe this is my first guided tour overseas, all along, I go for F &amp; E, even USA or Shanghai. Everything at your own pace and time.

protection sheet - disposable one is about $2 dollar for 5-10 pcs, can get it at pharmy. KKH selling cheaper. Mats are $12-$15, can get it at KP, I already start using since last week. better use and can keep for next time also because after delivery got lots of lochia.

Re: ZhangYang
yalor, depends on ourselves because someone has to know because we need them to standby soemthing for us right, my poor friend who delivered her #2, no drinks after taht leh, her dumpdump hubby kept asking her to drink plain water and she just pushed away until i told her hubby, ask family to prepare the drink for her.</font>
<font color="aa00aa"> thanks limmil for reminding about the marriage cert, must go and find now and standby too. but hor, i got no chinese name for my son yet so dont think will register on the next day, in KKH, to register birth cert, need to pay extra $40 than going straight to ICA because - service!</font>
going to do my mid year review with my boss tonight (He's in the states). We chatted a while this morning and he asked when is my due date, i told him 18 of Oct. Dunno whether i senstive or not, but somehow i get the impression, why i need to go on leave on the 2nd, so early for what.

Anyway, a bit nervous and stress about the review tonight. i just have to tell myself 2-1/2 days of working that's all :D

My husband's colleagues are expecting a full month party. Looks like i need some time to plan the caterer and full month cakes.. I like parties, it should be fun! But oh no, how to slim down and not look sloppy in a month's time..
<font color="aa00aa">siangjiao, don't worry to much about the review.. will be fine la..

party!! Can't wait to start calling caterer..ahha.. you mustn't eat tooooo much during confinement, you got massage session?? </font>
if u r still latching ur bb,then its easier (provided u dun mind latch on anywhere/anytime), u dun have to think of bringing along hot/ cool water and milk powder / breast milk.
else, u will need to bring alot of barang barang then whole trip is like so troublesome to carry so many things..

protective sheets: can get from guardian pharmacy, think 10pcs cost abt $4+. (dun need buy those extra big size lah). u still can use it during ur confinement to prevent staining of ur bedsheet.

herbal bath: not sure abt price. but 10pks for $8 really sounds cheap. where did u buy them?
siangjiao : u will look like a happy glowing proud mummy in a month's time
if u going for the neo garden catering, early bird got 20% disc.

diana : tmc oso. pay 30+ nearly 40 oso for service. if we go ica do its $18. can take cab there and back eheheh :p
<font color="aa00aa"> me me!! I am going for neo garden, so many years liao, they serve good food and service is good also.

gal, on top the bedsheet, won't stain bedsheet.

the service for birth reg, from my place to ica also $20 cab fee loh..just that need to travel all the way there, will ask hubby if he is willing to because he is always busy.

now tell me tomorrow need to go office from 0730-1030 for meeting, this week onwards, he alrady working from home and his coll all happily taking over some task, unlike female working environment, all siam away...</font>
Backpain >> i also have the same issue. Im not even allowed to have my baby cot delivered cos my mum insists no empty bed. So I will need to call the delivery person once I deliver! Argh.. so chaotic during delivery already still need to attend to the cot delivery. i get really pissed off by these superstitions.. argh!

I think I will prefer to go in on a low profile too.. not even telling my family.. no point making them kan cheong and waiting in anxiety at home. the most need to inform boss if it happens on a working day.
<font color="aa00aa">babytum, nevermind la, think +ve side, baby's cot and bed not dusty when baby arrives. Mine - hubby use bed sheet to cover to prevent dust. I have to set up early, no choice bcos once we all reach home, cannot go straight to settle the cot but settle my 2 dogs!

one of my sister so kancheong that she insisted me to tell her once i am going to deliver, she wants to see baby right a way then my hubby told her, no one will carry baby away, come later also can see baby...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">gal, you put under? then you ended up need to wash the sheet also..
aiyoh, now bb moving moving moving non stop.</font>
hey good afternoon ladies!!

been a while since i checked in with everyone.. more births!! congrats to all mommies who have just given birth!!
rest well and do come in to share your birth stories with us soon ok?

diana, you're still here? would have tot you'd have popped already! so induce this sat? good luck yah?

superstitions: am glad my mom or the old folks in my family not the superstitious kinds. if not all my the things on my to-do list will be stuck! moved the furniture in my son's bedroom so many times already. i even painted the wall a few weeks back. cot all set up. yest just fixed the bedding set onto it.. I can't stand it if have to do last minute stuff lar.. need to pace myself.
regarding telling me pple when going off for delivery: i will def be telling my mom. and i foresee she'll be telling her whole 'village' of family members. and i'll oso def be mass smsing my troop of loyal girlfrens. and of course there's my twitter!! hahaha.. so i think it's safe to say i will be telling everyone i know!

i dono... i'm a sucker for positive tots. more people know, more people thinking and praying for you, no?

but that's just me lar
really agree that this waiting game is no fun at all! hahas..

i'm going for my checkup &amp; CTG scan this friday evening. next week is my hubby's birthday on the 8th.. dunno baby will pop on the same day or not :p

re: the telling part, i will have to tell my mum when i am in labour, cos she will then buy tickets to come here cos she is still in Msia. will also inform my sister
trip -thx alot for the advices and all... =) hopefully my b/f will be successful.. haha.. then really sounds much easier to bring baby overseas..

yarz, think will go f&amp;e coz hb's those kinda person who likes to plan his own trips except for places where the language's v diff, then best to join tour, if nt get lost then cham.. haha..

was hoping tt with mum, sis, hb and myself, then we can juggle the tasks and the stuffs needed for baby... can also take turns to carry baby.. but HB said my idea of nt even bringing the pram along is cmi onez.. coz will carry till siaoz.. then he said somemore 6 mths baby, heavier lerz.. then will move/wriggle ard more often, hard to manage.. =p

protective sheets: oh yar, I forgot abt lochia already.. tawt pads'd be enough.. =p forgot tt need to protect the car seats and bed.. dun wanna be wasting time and energy washing bed sheets siaz..

will it be v uncomfy to slp on the sheets? coz my body temp seems to be relatively high these days, worried that the sheets will stick to my body..

babytum: whoa, guess ya really in a tough position.. m also nt too keen to have the cot delivered only when i go in to deliver because think i will be very stressed.. setting up the cot is one thing, but doing up the cot nicely is another and i really hope to be able to give baby a nice cot when she returns home..

one good thing is that the one who told me of this is my boss, so guess she cannot 'supervise' me at home.. haha.. was tinking of maybe getting the person to deliver the cot at 39th wk or so, but HB was saying since baby can come anytime after 37th wk, he prefers cot to be in and settled at around 37th wk..

ur mum really insisted on no cot set-up before delivery ar? tried talking to her or? hope that she'll budge and compromise..

catering: think yls also not too bad.. HB ordered that for our house-warming and the food portion was generous wor.. haha...
i think we just need to be logical and practical about telling people if you are giving birth. what's the definition of zhang yang anyway.. tell family members is out of respect mah.. tell good friends because is a good news!

anyway, setting up cot also got superstition. i still think we need to be practical about things lah. imagine u dun set up cot early (at least before delivery).. then when u deliver already who's going to set it up? hubby would be in the hospital serving u all the time lor. then after u come back from hospital, u not going to expect the cl to do it for u right.. hubby might be too tired to do it also.. everybody needs to rest. so pace the things to do before delivery is better. some impractical old wives tales can just be overthrown lah.. times have changed...
<font color="aa00aa">famela, yup, not popped yet, baby staying comfortably inside. my gynea so worried that I will be late to reach hospital as she suggested to go for Epi and I can only have it before 6cm dilated.

I think better not to scare myself, my gynea, my hubby and everyone at home. after discussing with my immediate family, if nothing happens in the next 3 days, will induce on saturday.

Famela, +ve thinking is good!! I am not telling relatives because takut ppl come and visit me..haha, but will surely mass sms/twitter/FB/BLOG after that!

clumsybabe, when my mum went to msia last week with my dad, she also telling me the same thing, then last visit 3cm dilated my sister called her and she is back the next day and my baby still happily in the womb! ahhaa..now she is not going anywhere, just wait for BB.</font>
<font color="aa00aa"> LOKE, that's why I find it a bit hard to listen to this zhangyang thingy loh, plus she didn't tell me the rationale behind it! and I am definitely telling ppl when I am going into labour esp. family members. by the way, how are you arr??</font>
diana: i'm fine! went gyne yesterday.. actually baby's not engaged wor. i've grown over 1kg. but baby still 2.3kg! the water retention was back.. but today seems better.. gyne said maybe mid-oct. and i'm getting tired of going office lah.. so i'm gonna self-declare leave on friday.. go shopping with my sis.. haha.. and prolly self-declare holiday from next wed on.. keke..

so how dilated are u now?
<font color="0000ff">tien:</font> i think i read a couple of days ago about the issue of your maternity leave..? i wanted to reply but cos was checking in via HP, i could not log in. dono why. type and type but just couldn't log in using the HP. so bo pien, take out laptop now then can reply you...

my P is a biatch lar. pardon my french. if i were to tell you the stories i have of her, you'll also shake your head.

when i applied for my leave, i just enquired abt breaking up the extra 8 weeks and she apparently jumped! then she started scolding my RO (my poor, wonderful RO had to bear the brunt of her wrath) and this was when i was only enquiring.. i am also not very sure about MOE's maternity policy mah? Moreover, am not so hard-up for the ML cos already told them the earliest they can expect me back in school will be after the June holidays next year and will def be taking NPL. no way am i going back to crazy school when my baby is only 4 months old.

so as it stands now: my ML will end some time end of Dec cos i started my ML early. Then i'm applying for childcare NPL for at 6 months. if all's good, may extend my NPL til end of the year.

this breaking of maternity leave really depends on your P lar. i haf a fren who just delivered last week. and she also started her ML the same day I started mine (ie after sept hols) and her P allowed her to break it. so her ML only ends some time in Feb 2010.

my P...? hmm.. my story with her is very much like the story of God and his fallen angel. hahaha!
i used to be her favourite. until one fine day... long story lar..

sorry for the rant ladies.. but that lady really makes my blood boil lar
<font color="aa00aa">famela, you contacted cik zainab? how was it? you dah resting at home right?

loke, last checked 3cm on friday. after taht never check already. going to see gynea on friday again.</font>
wow Diana, you should be the next to pop liao
my mum's permanently in Msia.. she told me she'll come as soon as i'm in labour. she'll be the one doing confinement for me.

my hubby kept telling me, my baby refuse to come out cos she is as KL as the mother.. hahaha!
loke: go for that shopping trip and then go take a break already lar.. your case even easier to take leave rite? am sure your FIL will not object.
hehe.. envy envy!

is your hubby back from overseas yet?
Harlow mummies!!

Forum has come alive again!!

My migraine attack is here for the 3rd day. Going to disappear to sleep again. I dunno is it stress related....dunno is it stress over coming up with materials for students of anxiety related to BB's arrival. Havent been sleeping well. Last night also felt what I think is contraction for the first time. Slight tummyache (like cramp) but it just happened once. Had planned to walk around the house to do some cleaning up (hopefully can help in dilation) but the migraine is killing me.

Re: Zhangyang
In my case, I will probably inform my mum and MIL first. After BB is out safe and sound, I will sms my close friends. I just feel that it's something more like a family affair so, will keep it within the family first. After that, I guess the mums will go and 'broadcast'.

Re: Cot
Agree with Loke. Certain 'pantang' things can listen but some, out of practical reason, I just close one eye. For us, we got the cot delivered last Sat. The only 'pantang' thing I did was to hid at my mum's place when the cot came. Out of practical reason, it is better to have cot here earlier (but we make sure it's after 37th week) cos' during delivery, I think most likely we will be busy with other things other than remembering to call to ask for delivery.
diana: induce not so bad lar.. really. i had myself induce for adil last time cos water too low liao. and i was only 2.5cm dilated then. went for CTG the night before induction, nurse oso said i was already having rather regular contractions but i oso didn't feel it.

people say the oxytocin pumped in will make the contractions extra painful but i felt it was ok. of course painful, but it was not NOT manageable, KWIM? it just makes everything progress much faster so you go through the different stages at an accelerated speed. you don't worry ok? don't be scared off by your gynae. if you want to try without epi, then just stick with it. i did ask for epi when i heard that i was 7cm dilated. cos i tot needed to labour for hours and hours more. then the midwife asked, "are you sure? already 3/4 there already?" so i said ok, dowan epi. and what do you know, i went from 7 to 10 within the next half hour-45 min. so glad i stuck with the no-epi stand. otherwise waste $! hee hee

i think you can do it if you want to too

at least this is what i'm trying to remind myself lar. dono how this 2nd labour will be like. hope my pain threshold still can tahan and do without the epi

haven't called her lar. will just wait til she comes to my house then ask her about her charges lar... then can cocok2 her for discount

oh and yesh, am just at home now. resting.. actually at home got more stuff to do lar. still have my son to take care of. prepare lunch, get him showered etc not to mention the never-ending household chores. but no stress lar. all own time, own target one.
tien: go lay your head down and rest.. prob a combination of anxiety of work and baby coming.. if sick, go rest ok? work can do later.
Famela: I asked about the breaking part through my RO. Apparently, he is damn lousy. I did not bother to speak to my P cos according to the HR lady, 'it's a rule of the school' that no breaking if allowed. She say until like that, you think I will be dumb enough to go and ask. I am lucky cos doctor gave me MC thse few weeks. Had intended to start ML next week actually. But if by end of my MC I still havent delivered, I am going to ask my doctor for extended MC. If they 'biatch' I also have to be one. 'Milked' me throughout my entire pregnancy with added responsibility and almost causing me to have high BP and yet can't even give in to this tiny request (same as you lor...my dept won;t have problem with manpower...I even told my RO how to plan!!) Of course, I will 'milk' them back...

I will be taking NPL till term 2, tentatively. I will see how it goes. Die die must go back sometime next year cos next yr is my connect plan year.
tien: oh yah! you remind me about my connect plan too! mine's next year as well. 2nd payout? what abt you? i was goona go europe with that $! whahahaa!
Ya mine is 2nd payout too...looks like we join teaching the same time!! It;s going to be quite a good sum but if you take NPL, it will be pro-rated. So, I am taking my NPL with care...
re:protection sheet,
I bought a pack of 5 to 6 at Taka baby fair at $4. when I came home, realised it looks like my doggy's pee pad! (no offense to those who do not like dogs) but I have cheaper alternative if you gals don mind. I bought my dog's peepad at daiso. 1 pack of 4 (cant rem is 4 or 6) for $2. around the same size as the one from the baby fair. Can consider that if you want.

re:water bag burst,
my friend told me to bring an extra set of clothes and towel to office just in case the water bag burst... say the clothes will be dripping wet (sounds like exaggerating? will have so much water?).. I think that is good advice... just in case bah?

re: underpad / protective sheet
Is this the waterproof sheet that you gals referring to? The instruction on the pack that I have indicates to put below the bedsheet. Guess that should be it.. Wanted to put on top one, but I think if poo poo got on it, that's it.

re: setup cot,
sigh... my house here now have renovation going on. The cot sheet sure gets dirty if I set it up now. Feel so tempted to set it up now...

Congrats and jia you!!!!
Haha Famela, guess what! Me too! Quite tired...really need a break...

Okie dok...I really need to take a nap...just finished my baked potato and salad lunch. Will join in later.
<font color="aa00aa"> Tien, have a good rest.

Just came back from lunch with hubby, showered before going out, haven't step out of the house already sweating like mad cow..sigh

clumsybabe, haha, still got 3 more days, more mummies will pop before me I think.

Famela, enquiry only then she like that..really shake head..eh, don't talk about money leh..i no money, no bonus, kak I took last year I think, lima digit !! Enjoy your europe trip hor..

Yes yes, asked for some disc bcos you recommended her to us then now she got a bit more business too.ehehee...

the inducing part, i am very glad to see your post leh...make me feel good, also the VE, but my gynea, she not very gentle leh, I felt sore after that but no blood la. Now...sigh, I was just thinking, if more than 6cm when checking then i'll go w/o epi, if not, very tempt to get it.

If manageable pain then is ok, I really don't wanna be a moron in the room, tossing and turning, or worst, screaming. I think there are patients like that and diff to control when come to give intruction, that's why my gynea just pre am me.

ddnikz, yes you are right, the incontinence sheet is exactly like that, some called it Absorbent Sheets</font>
sigh... all the comments on my mum's superstitions r making me feel more sick that i cant have the cot now!!! the only redeeming factor is that i have a play pen.. so worse case scenario babe sleeps on the play pen for the first few days while we slowly set up the cot..

thats y cos of all these superstitions and customs that make me decide i will do without a confinement lady.. no CL, no mum and no MIL! my confinment lady will be my hubby.. cos i do not want to be spending my time and energy arguing about such traditions then..
<font color="aa00aa"> babytum, if hubby can cook for you, why not?hehee...I never thought of getting my hubby to become my CL, haha..he can only cook indian roti, chappati.(not those from ntuc)</font>
helo ladies. i so excited and nervous. my friend who is 3 weeks later than my edd gave birth today. And I was just sms-ing her like 2 hrs before she delivered! so chop chop..2 hr delivery.

Thanks for sharing on underpad. Er...baby cot mattress protector put above or under bedsheet? :p should be below right? :p
famela > your post is the first positive read i have on induction. make me feel better.

Er..if gynae ask me induce this sat saying bb not growing much.. should i? or wait till bb ready to come out on own?
babytum>> yes especially if those relatives decide to pay a visit to you at ur house.. they'll turn ur house upside down with all their opinions and superstitious comments. ROAR!!!

gal>> if baby is not growing much, i'll let him grow more before he decided to come out. hehehe
PY > for those relatives, just go orh..reli..hmm..okay.. one ear in one ear out :p i'm sure they mean good and wanna share their enthusiam/experience with new mother
but we take those we agree on la.

my bb now >3kg liew. but weight gain not muchi. tht y i have a feeling that gynae may suggest to induce when i c her tis sat.

duno leh..after my friend give birth, i feel a bit torn. oso feel like seeing my bb soon, but oso wan more time before bb come out to settle stuff. fickle me. :p
<font color="aa00aa">gal, also wanna mass sms everyone and post baby's photo at FB right?hahahaha...

YES I have to agree that Famela's posts are always nice, after reading, relieve sia..</font>

famela: my hb is BACK for good for the rest of the year until maybe March next year.. then i'll be travelling together with him, hopefully!! but my fil will be going away next week lah... sighh.. my hb always got to get out of office one.. then i have my staff around to handle. so i can only just play by the ear... u know ah.. self-employed cannt slack.. got business much grab!! hahaha......

ddnikz: my friend's water bag burst when the baby came too. and she was totally unprepared for that.. so i think from her description, the car was pretty wet.. she told me to put lots of towels in the car just in case. so i guess if it happens in the office.. a few more towels will help.. but maybe just one extra set of clothes ba.. cos anyways it's going to be a lot of water coming out.. cant keep changing clothes also.

py/gal: getting excited for u both wor... seems like both of u prolly the next to pop?

babytum: good to get ur hubby to do it if he's able to.. :D
