(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Tell me abt it. M sitting in one far corner in my gp clinic hoping all the sick pple dont come near me. Tummy feels a bit upset on n off these few days. Scarly my doc come strolling in at 2.40pm w a clinic full of patients. So i isolated myself in the car then came down. Then realised my number gone past!!! I just wanna go home to sleep!!! :;$@"!,)@):&!?

Bossini currently selling some T-shirts with cute design(but no color) for toddler, men and women too and comes along with a pack of color ink(6 pens) that can be color on the t-shirt. I have bought 1 for my boy n one for my hb. Buy 2 at $5 each else one at $19-23. tink your child will love it as they can color their own T-shirt. According to the salesgirl, the ink will not come off after washing. U can still use the ink to color other plain T-shirt as well.

told my colleagues too and they bought almost all the stk at bugis's bossini. Good as gift too!
shugar : actually the t-shirt would be more interesting if u have a toddler so u can do it together with him/her. Or u can give it as gift to your nephews or nieces as they will sure love it. They only have i design each and is tuck at a corner so nt many ppl will know abt it.

gg off now for my gynae's appt. Happy holiday to all of u!
thanks for the bossini tip. hahaha... now all the oct mtbs gonna raid the bossini stores. bwahahahaa... have fun @ the gyae!
tell me abt terok english. my mil speaks every english sentence converted in an exact way you speak in chinese. So it is VERY BAD. Now hes still about 19mths, so I can still take it. When he starts talking, no way ill let her utter any english..she will help with chinese.

hi Angie
the same reason why we all have muscle ache when we use our computer mouse too much.Anyway with our bump in front, the weight will fall on our back. which tends to give us increased spine weight and thus gives u backache.
I duno if theres a pantung saying about not carrying heavy stuffs though.
angie: good question. i also wonder y..
but i guess if we carry heavy things, we might hurt our backs. and we might fall cos of imbalance. that's what i can think of..
hihi.. I jus heard from my colleague that another colleague had just given birth to a baby girl.. the baby girl is 3.5kg.. is that considered big? some of my colleague say a healthy baby would be considered 3kg and above but nt more than 4kg.. now I wonder what is the ideal weight of new born baby?
hi ladies
thx 4 e welcome! =)

xoxo:how come ur edd kept changing? hopefully mine wun b too late cos i dun wan scorpio bb.

huimin: yea i'm still up cos almost from e start i had prob sleeping at nite.sometimes became so bad i only managed 2 sleep after 4am,even at 6am..then hopefully for 8hrs. =(
anyone got tat prob? btw anyone stay in tamp? or under kkh?
Hi ladies...it's Friday!! Yeppie!

Sotong: Boys' stuffs usually more limited. But I love looking at the boy boy clothes at Chateau De Sable. Very tastefully designed.

xoxo: I live along Upper East Coast Road! Very near your mum.

Re: Carry Heavy stuffs
Angie, actually I think carrying heavy stuffs could mean putting more pressure on your tummy esp with you carry it near your tummy. But if you are carrying heavy stuffs from the ground, it means it involves squatting. THAT, I know is dangerous.
from what i gathered, healthy is not defined by the weight. My friend had 3.2kg son but had a lung infection so stayed in for 1mth right after delivery. poor thing. another gf of mine had a premature daughter, abt 1mth earlier, weight i believe is under 2.2kg, but at 5yrs old now, she is the bubbliest and most active gals ive seen. Going for dance classes blah blah.
So, I believe weight doesnt define healthy babies. As for weight, I think if its 3.8kg and above, highly possibly have to c-sec.hehe..so if you dun wana c-sec, den dun feed ur bb too much lor.

goodness but I guess thats normal for expectant mothers, when its the 8th mth, its much worse le. I presume you are not working? Cuz if you are and you sleep so late, arent u like zombie at work.hehe.
I'm also not sure why pregnant ladies cant carry heavy stuffs coz today me and 1 other colleague went for some warehouse sale then alot of them asked me not to carry heavy stuffs. I am not sure why is this so, is it coz of superstitions or?

But one of my colleague was saying it in a real crude way, saying that don't go for these warehouse sale, later you lose more than what you get there. This really sounds so hurting and she seems to be saying that something not good will happen. wah liew. So I was wondering whether is there any scientific explanation behind it.

When I tried to ask my other colleagues, they gave some feeble reason saying that might pull something, dunno what.. hmmz.. blur ler..
afraid not. not according to our yoga teacher anyways. u know why? because when we squat, it helps with dilation. closer to delivery that's very useful. in fact, we're doing squats in yoga class.

carrying heavy things - best to avoid in 1T because foetus is not stable yet and if you unduly over exert, foetus may drop. there are cases where women miscarry after they lifted something heavy. so there's some correlation there. of course, putting undue stress on our back is another thing as well.

going to crowded places - doctors tell us to avoid cos when its crowded, there are more sick pple with germs flying about. and they just dont want us to catch any of those. because min medication is best for preggers. of course also you dont want idiots to BUMP into you in a crowded place, or worse still, make you fall down, which can be worse.

i dont like gg to crowded places to begin with. so this is all fine with me.
hippo: Hahahah really? Hmm...very scared leh...nearer to delivery if squat bb come out how?? But that's useful info. Hmmmm...then my job surely helps me a lot with the squatting.
hmmm, just noticed that i got some brown discharge... but no cramps or anything. wonder if its a cause for any concern.
squatting -
i think squatting is ok if u make sure u dont bend ur back too much when u stand up. otherwise easy to hurt the back. especially when carrying heavy things. so for pregs best to not carry heavy stuff.

today's friday, but i'm working till 10pm! i wish i can go home soon!!

i miss my mum's cooking.......... poor baby got to eat outside food with me all the time..
hey ladies

didn't get a chance to pop in today. too many chores to complete and then it was zzzzzz time.. hehe

couldn't help noticing the discussion about carrying heavy stuff and squatting.

hmm.. i was told by gynae early in the pregnancy NOT to carry my son too. not even a sack of rice. but that was in my 4th/5th week. i understand it's because pregnancy not stable yet. so u don want to be putting unnecessary strain on yourself.

i can carry my son now, no prob. but of course i try to minimise. he's about 17kg so i don't think it's healthy for the back.

regarding squatting: like wat hippo mentioned, i think squatting is good and will help with us having an easier labour. i was squatting and washing my toilets up til my 35th/36th week of pregnancy with my son. and nope, no baby popping out leh. hee hee
in fact, adil didn't want to come out and i had to be induced at 39+ weeks when my water level was getting too low.

but then again, that's me la. i'm not the dainty dainty or most graceful person by any standards. i rush about everywhere to do anything and everything much to the exasperation of my own parents cos they they don understand why i must run from room to room to get stuff. haha. i rem at 8 months preggy i was at east coast attending a friend's birthday party and we had water guns and all and we ran everywhere chasing and shooting one another!! with my ballooning tummy and all! haha. like i said, i'm not those dainty, graceful lady kind. i'm a bit extreme la but i think staying active during pregnancy helps with labour la.

shugar: brown discharge? did you do anything different yesterday?

kkbt: i was just wondering the same thing about astro. haven't seen her around here.
Hi Mummies,

I am new to this thread... my edd is 6 Oct 09, delivering at TMC, my gynae is Dr Lawrence Ang.

Currently i am a FTWM with 2 girls age 4 and 2. Hoping my current is a boy... Waiting for my detail scan on 25 May...

Any of you have giddy spells? i had a few for this pregnancy... Sian...
ting and celeste: welcome

celeste: i had a few of those fainting spells myself too. quite scary the first time. but haven't had any lately. someone here mentioned it could be due to anemia.. u taking iron pills?
famela: didn't leh :s now at gynae waiting for my turn. Nurse told me to come in and check so that I can have a peaceful weekend.
shugar: good that you're at the gynae's now. can get some answers and assurance. take care, yah? today go back, rest and keep off your feet as much as poss. am sure it's nothing to worry about though. sometimes sex can oso cause that slight brown discharge bleeding. *hugs*
I just got back. So tired.. but my boy light up my day by giving me 2 mother's day presents! 1 is a photo of himself with a photo frame that is being decorated by him. The other is a bracelet with my name and I'm proudly wearing it now.

Most likely will be either Sin Ming/YCK/AMK. We will start looking out after Aug when my son's school is confirm.

I'm from AMK before I'm married.

We went Waruku and had a lovely lunch. Do join us next week!

My pizza is here! Let me make my baby happy 1st.
Hi Mum-to-bes,

I'm from Apr thread and has a 1 month old Ameda Lactaline Dual Electric pump to let go. Full set, in perfect condition. PM me if interested.

ting_24 >> I really dunno why my EDD keeps shifting abt. First it was 8 Oct, then it became 14 Oct..doesn't matter lah..whatever will be, will be..

hippo >> from needing my beauty sleep, i need my urgent pees nowadays. Always getting up because the damn bladder is full after being stomped abt by the baby. Sleep, interrupted. Sennett estate? Next to chai chee sec sch izzit? Haha, I think some of my kindergarten friends still live there. When I was young, I always had to think of ways to avoid taking a bus or public tpt. Cos I have to climb a hill, literally, to get home. If you know what that area is like, full of slopes! Best part is, my plc is on top of the big two slopes. Not funny when it's sunny. My mum is the kiasu type who jam-packs my schedule with classes and activities. She never allows me to really "play" at any playgrd in the area so poor caged xoxo only knew fun much much ltr in life! muahaha, i think i'll write this down in my mother's day card.

we went to waraku at east coast. had my curry ramen while sotong mum had her beef rice. Shared a shisamo fish smelt to make up the DHA requirements for the day...i hated rushing abt after the class for work last week. so have kinda planned my fridays to be light, with the only significant activity being yoga...

the new mat i had today was so slippery..i felt like a fish on the floor! and that indian lady in front of me, she's a yoga pro lor..i think i felt stressed keeping up with her scenic posturing..and my thighs have this amazing stretch...yawn. so tired..slept for the whole afternoon. now wide awake and mulling over what to do..

tien >> yay! one more from the east coast belt. i honestly feel it's the best plc to live in. nearly bought a place at kew gdns but in the end, have to be practical and stick with my tampines choice. but one day, one day..i will try to move back to that area..i still visit my mom over there a few times a week. and if my lift upgrading gets unbearable, i might have to move back to my mom's plc. see how lah..but getting food where my mom is, ain't easy...climb the hills, and count the steps...not like my current plc where everything is just downstairs..
hi Celeste,

giddy might be bec of anaemia or low in sugar?
beside eating more beef, popping our iron pills we can boil Red dates drink. ha dont need to wait till during confinement, just rem to remove the seed to prevent heatiness.

actually last time after menses i will experience giddy spells if im in a confined place and felt lack of oxygen or if didnt get to eat my breakfast on time :p.
anyway started on TCM and now after conceived i still go to this Chinese sinseh to get medicine to bu my body. actually i think 1 of the mummies here see her too, its the one at Bukit batok.
sotong, xoxo,
haha... waraku? hmm... i wouldn't have minded that place. talk abt jap food. i just wanna say, this place called ohsumi in cuppage plaza (had shabu shabu there tonight) should be avoided. price is about the same as Kuriya (@ shaw ctr, and my personal favourite) but standard on the other end of the scale. i used to think that japanese restaurants in cuppage are all quite good. well, this one proved me wrong!

i went to sakae sushi to satisfy my sushi craving with my gf. (all cooked sushi of course).

yah, next to chai chee sec. but we used to cycle around there over to lucky heights also.
i think we know half the estate in that hood. hahaha...

SHISAMO??? ok, pass. i haven't eaten fish in months. the smell of fish makes me wanna hurl.

u know that yoga originated from india right? so go figure.

well, but you have wheels now babe! so lucky heights aint that bad a choice. so u know about what The Summit used to be right? hyuk hyuk. scarly got pple staying there...

WAH!!! MJ!!!! aiya basket tom i golf widow again. gonna have to activate my MJ kakis. not sure if they'll patronize me tho... i'm sure you won right?! pple say preggers super heng one leh. its true for me. just stand behind my mum also she 7 doubles zi mo. hehehehehe...

but am sure you're already so over the moon from your son's presents eh??

hmm, what did gynae say? hopefully nothing much. did u over-exert or too tired? my fren was like that. but no big prob luckily.

re: astro
she said she's very busy and tired. and will come in sometime. i think she needs all the rest....

aw... no worries. really maybe is a shy princess lah.
Back from the gynae.
Saw a mummy before me being sent to hospital due to cramps.
Apparantly my case is slight infection that caused the brown discharge.
Gynae said pregnant ladies prone to infection due to changes in the body. Got some medication to clear it up.
Oh well, at least bb is ok. Quick scan saw bb sitting up, covering ears.
Famela/hippo: thanks for your reassurance!
*hugs back*
huimin: yea i'm sahm so can sleep in as much as i wan. but a lot of pple been saying like tat when bb is born it will not sleep at nite,become midniter like me..haha

btw, after T1 are we allowed to eat half-cooked food like half-boiled eggs? cos in T1 i was told by my gynae not to eat half-cooked food, but i duno if it applys thr-out e pregnancy
ting_24: hmmm, think half cooked foods should be avoided throughout your pregnancy to minimize risk of food poisoning. Better to be on the safe side.
hmph! i typed a reply to shugar but didn't post?! ARGH!!!

good good. *phew* at least u allay your worries. so cute your bb cover ears. hahaha... like saying "eh, too noisy outside! quiet please!" u get that warm fuzzy feeling right? cos its your precious mah.
take a good rest babe. nighty night!
shugar:eek:k thx shugar. how come ur bb so cute one!!cover ears...must be like itz peace & quiet..better hang "do not disturb"sign! =)
hippo >> haha, my parents lived in that area since 1977..so even b4 i was born...and i rem that b4 they build up the area, the parbury condo used to be this scary jungle. also, the muslim cemetery diagonally behind my plc with all the banana trees! add to that mix was the "summit" bungalow with the murder case. every time we drive past, and that was b4 they tore it down, it gives u the creeps. i also dun get it how those pp can buy the big three bungalows that stand on half of the remaining plot along the road..hopefully yr family's not one of them! (haha, tien u too!)...anyway, gotta say, it's a nice area. near to east coast..used to cycle to the bayshore underpass and go thru..and i also saw the building of bayshore park. so plenty of memories there..
Gosh, I can't sleep at all. The weather is terrible.
on air con, my nose come running.

today is the 1st time I lost in majong since I'm preggie! I'm actually very tired. Am so blur in majong that all silly things happened to me. To make things worse, they changed the majong and it looked so different! I simply can't register yi tong in my mind and kept throwing it out when I had er and sang tong! I think you guys would love to play majong with me.

Glad that it's nothing serious. Your baby is really cute, covering it's ears.

The only half cooked food that I'm still taking now is steak. I gotta have steak but can't take well done.

the mat I had is slippy too! And I felt that it's kinda cramp today. Can't see Colleen half the time.

I'm flying over the moon because I myself do not have the patient to do these kind of bracelet. It's especially sweet when he's an active boy and it must have took him lots of control and determination to sit still to do it.

Ever thought of taking up golf? I have been thinking about it since my hubby is playing and my son is interested too. Nowadays, my hubby will bring my son and I will stay at home. Maybe it's time to make it a family affair since my 2nd one is a boy as well.

I always thought that area is nice. Didn't know what happen there. What's the murder case about?!
sotong mum >> fellow night owl too :p

i can't get to sleep now because i had too much of a good thing earlier!

maybe we could enquire with colleen abt other days where it could be limited..i was expecting 2 more students to join us today, didn't know it would become 5 more souls!

now am really famished. maggi mee looks enticing but i know it's not good for baby...haiz.
ha i hope you gals are not awake like me at this hour...
i was woke up by ppl singing and clapping at the coffee shop opp my place! its not the 1st time! irritated and angry, i made a call to the police.

shugar : so cute your baby.
how i wish that there is a mini ultrasound scanner that we can have at home and we can see baby movement everyday

Sotong Mum: ah i havent been playing MJ since preg. miss it but cant sit there for hours.

:p didnt know summit area has such a history hee hee
hahaha... yup the summit skeleton. i suppose pple who bought condos there dont know the history. anyways we've been staying on the same road as the current temasek pri since i was 3. that was when all the seafood restaurants were still along upper east coast. i just feel that the area around those 3 bungalows is bad feng shui. the developer went bust and left all those houses half built for so long.

oh yah, i also felt that it was too crowded yesterday. so many more pple. i was expecting only 2 more!!! so maybe lets try and get another day when its less pple. i'm flexi as long as its in the 1st half of the day.

i know how to play golf. in fact, we used to go and play all the time. but it's very bad for my lower back pain. because i have degenerative discs. how you think i know so much about stretching and pilates and yoga? i learnt all that for pain management
yah, too bad i had to stop. doc says i have to watch it and it'll only get worse, not better.

eh next time u get the yi tong, and you have 2 & 3, keep in your drawer lah. then you wont throw it out! hahahahaha...

when the contractors started digging to build summit, they found a skeleton in the bungalow that used to sit on that plot of land. i cant remember the details. was probably too young. after that, i always think that place is haunted and would be so scared whenever we drove past. hehehe...
prinzess55>> i had the same wish too, to have a scanner at home, then we would be able to see our baby everyday and find out wad our baby is doing.. esp nowadays i can feel her kicks and somersaults, i just wish i can see her doing it!
hippo >> the summit plc really jinxed. my mum's neighbour was looking after these two kids like a nanny. then, the parents of these babies decided to buy a place at the newly built summit. after moving in, in less than 2yrs, the husband committed suicide. i was also very spooked when the old bungalow was still ard. haha, that's one reason my mum always used to ban me from wandering abt the neighbourhood. behind there's a cemetery, in front, there's the haunted hse...*shudder* but now it's fine.
xoxo: *high5* I have been living in the east all my life. From bedok north to somewhere behind tanah merah to somewhere behind bedok court and now along upper east coast road. Every new place I moved to is never more than 5 mins away from the old place...hehee...actually me also looking for another bigger place in this vicinity. But not many are selling...and still ex...simply love this place to bits!
Xoxo: I have also heard a lot about the Summit too since I was a kid. Now my place is just couple of blocks away from there...

hi ong (ong1312),

The supplement i am eating now is from Blackmore, pink colour bottle, written as pregnancy n breastfeeding gold. It for development for bb n breastfeeding. Quite expensive, ard $27+. I have been eating this multi vitamin since i pregnant. Find it not bad, i can feel my breast got the feeling of milk coming sometime. If u have been breastfeeding u shd knw the feeling, rite? During my 1st pregnancy, i onli get tis feeling 3day after my delievery, but now i oreadi feel it, so i think maybe the pill play a part loh, hope i got many milk this time.

My frenz who have been drinking those pre-natal milk (for pregnancy n breastfeeding), oso feedback to me they got many milk too, so sometime i think supplement is a need if breastfeeded.
