(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Elated*Mie: hehe yeah i've PM her as well.. my hb and me is still looking ard lor.. he wants a travel system so the guy only recommend us quinny or pre-prego.. which are super ex lah.. at least 1k.. btw gss coming :D see if there's any good deal hehe!


i copied the link from youtube on the twins punching each other. Hope you all can see it.

joanne: what is the name of the pill for breastfeeding that you are taking?

lynn: i think its just whether you are lucky enuf to catch your bubs fighting when you go for your scan.
joanne: read fm other thread that some mummies took some pill to increase/turn on the milk supply and seems all of them are successful. Wondering if i shld increase my supply too as i only managed to do it for 4mths partial and i stop due to the plastics portion fm avent manual pump broken. I do realised my nipples area have some milky color ducts on it and wondering if that could be a sign for BM as i have it when i have my #1 last time. Managed to pump out only aro 90-120ml 4 times a day and this is not enough for newborn as they drink every 3hrs.
huimin, miemie,
fortunate ah? grass it always greener on the other side. i would really rather be working. but times are bad, so i just relak one corner and make merry first lor.
lugi 4 mths ML k?!!!?! somemore not to mention in future all the subsidies for working mothers?! our govt wants us women to be baby producing factories, but yet also be in the workforce. no credit given at all to SAHM. so no thank you very much. if there's a good job for me, i'll be working in a flash.
i like the name Kai Qi. we are still thinking. have some characters that we both like. so just trying to think of more options.

your arm is numb but does it occur often? i think my has subsided somewhat (in my leg tho) but still happens every now and then. do you drink lots of cold drinks? i've cut down already. a bit scared.

haha... same. u know what the meiji light is good for? the hunger pang just before bed time. i drink and sleep very well after.
of course if i swam that day, sure KO nicely one lah.
Your morning is too early for me. I'll still be struggling with my son to get out of the door before 915am for his class! Don't talk about freckles, I'm sure I won't lose out to you!

I think I will be going to East Coast more often from now. Just now I was dreaming of taking baby out on a pram for a morning jog in East Coast. But I forgot we will be moving to the North after baby is out. Gotta make full use of ECP while I'm still in the East! Gosh, I really hate CTE
Not looking forward to the move.

I have always been a FTWM till Jan when I resigned without reliasing I'm preggie. I'm always the one who said I can't be a SAHM. Have tried with my son but cannot tahan beyond his 4th month. So here I am now, a SAHM. I think I'm starting to enjoy it :p must be getting old >_< Also dunno if I'm consider a SAHM cos my boy is still in full time cc. As for financal, I think 2 is still ok. It all depend on what you want. Montessori or PAP

I breastfeed for a year and I remember I told my hubby that I save close to $3k then! It's really a nightmare at that time but I was very determined. Still remember for 6 whole weeks, I will wake up every 3hrs to pump without fail, even in the middle of the night. Gosh *shake head* don't wanna think about it now!

I have joined my friend's spree for a few times! But there's really not much to see &amp; buy for boys
You guys don't want to go and count stokes for the name after baby is born? We did that for our boy. That time we choose 5 to 6 names and only one is suitable for him.

huimin, miemie,
I'm starting to miss my numbers. Missed the challenges that I face in work. I always told my hubby, it make sense for me to work cos of all the peaks and the savings in tax! But I'm learning to enjoy HDB tai tai life. No matter what, it's still quite some time b4 I can go out to work again.

Gosh, I'm late in picking up my son! Chat to you guys again!
realised d gal name shld b yu3xuan1 n nt yu1xuan1.

Sotong_mum, i nv count d stroke n wondering if i shld do it tis round. Wow,bf 4 a year is pretti tough 4 ftwm n i nv wake up during nite time 2 pump!hope i can persist tis round.btw,me stay north too but seem nt many of us here fm north.
hippo,i realise ever since i recover fm sickness 2 wks ago,i hv tis numbness at nite n sometimes eveng time.i do take cold drinks few times a wk leh but nt frequent.cut dwn alot liao cos 2 muc phlegm. Seem like numbness on leg is more common than hand. gg 2 ask gynae 2mr.
u know when i asked my gynae why my leg numb u know what he said? he launched into this whole thing about how i shouldn't eat too much. then he put his hands on my thigh and said "wah... see quite big ah. better cut down on carbs k! i dont want you to end up a plump person, yada yada yada..." i was like "waddahell? never answer my question then go off on a tangent". ok but of course i know he meant well lah.

but i realise that specialists normally will not go beyond the realm of their specialisation, because of medical liabilities. so i guess that was his way of side-stepping the issue.

hope u have better luck than me with yours.

hmm... we dont believe in counting strokes. somemore if ask then dont follow will feel funny afterwards. HB's nephews and niece all got their names from counting strokes. i dont see how they are doing well. but then i am biased there lah. so lets not get started on that. hehe...

you moving to north? how come? wah... CTE will peng san. i always avoid that e'way at all cost.
hey babe! need your help. this is right down your alley. any peranakan food you'd recommend in katong? yah, i stay here but never eat peranakan food leh. fren from overseas back and craving for it. thanks thanks. cya tom eh?!
harlow... great that my week ends on thursdays now
rather flat on my batteries. yebber, now looking fwd to the yoga tom..and have taken work home to complete over the weekend. i really am ENVIOUS of the non-working bunch now..don't worry, i will join the carefree people soon!

hippo >> peranakan food..there's a few. one is next to aston's on east coast road but be warned that it is expensive and i don't like that their stews are not piping hot. but they have good kaya and tidbit supplies where u can spend even more money after dinner...ambience is nice though.

you can try chilli padi nonya restaurant at joo chiat. food is good, prices ok but sometimes the gravy can be a oily...so rem to tell the service staff u are not after their oil... :p i love their sweet pork and fish maw soup. the pedas is really something too...haha, i grew up in a baba family so trust me on this. also near this restaurant is tasty buds..also pretty decent.

opp president nathan's hse along ceylon road (directly set on the dunman rd intersection), is the eurasian club. parking's a terror (president is just there lol) but i think on most days, no prbs. the restaurant is called Quentin's. they call it Eurasian food. I call it Peranakan.

sorry to ramble but u did hit on my food wire. the place i always fall back though is baba inn. they are part of the house of peranakan cuisine (the one at the fmr hotel negara, one peranakan inn next to holy fam church) but i prefer this outlet at frankel avenue. the plc is less crowded but their squids and fried sambal pomfret...shiok.

ok hippo..i really shouldn't be talking so much abt chillies..u know my little one is on a war agst anything spicy...*rumbles*

see ya tom! 10:30am yah...
hahahaha... i knew you're the right one to ask. ok i skip the one next to aston's and quentin's just cos lack of packing.

ok so its chilli padi, tasty buds, or baba inn. between these 3, if i want spicy, yet got nice kuehs for dessert (my fren's request), which would it be? ;)

so got your pilates mat yet? tks agn. cya tom!
hippo >> in this case, i think chilli padi is out. i don't rem having any impression abt their desserts. uh, i think same for tasty buds too. as for baba inn, everyone goes for their chendol, not kueh kueh.

if u want kueh kueh after makan, why don't u try guan hoe soon in joo chiat? they are known to be really traditional. their kueh pisang, bubur chacha and kueh kueh is nice! don't go there expecting nice decor and high class service hor...the food when it arrives can sometimes look like the chef is unhappy. but looks are misleading. the taste quality is authentic. my godma is an inside-out bibik complete with bun and see thru' blouse - and on her kitchen off days, we would walk there from her plc at chiku lane. muahaha, u making me hungry girl!
oh hippo >> re-read yr qn..if it really must be one amgst three for the spice factor. choose tasty buds in joo chiat..i prefer the balance in baba inn. chilli padi..too oily most times.
did i know u when i was young ah? i grew up in joo chiat road. 1st 2 yrs, then we moved to bedok. hehe... so guan hoe soon is where in joo chiat road?

ok, tasty buds it is then. frankel parking can be nightmare sometimes.
hi mummies... just would like to find out whether so far after u r pregnant, anyone have given up their seats to you in the MRT or bus etc? jus now after work, I went for a dinner with some friends. after dinner, I took MRT back... once I board the train, a chinese guy took a glance at me but he appear nothing.. den jus continue to sit down.. from orchard to Braddell, I was standing.. nobody gave up their seat at all.. den suddenly when approaching Bishan, the guy stood up &amp; offer the seat to me.. den at Bishan, he alighted.. at that time, I was wondering is it that becos he is getting down at Bishan so that is y he gave up his seat to me since he is getting down or is it he realise I'm pregnant? btw, this is not the first time that I face with nobody offering seats to me in the train.. I realli wondering is it my tummy too small to make them realise or is it they are so selfish that they simply dun give up their seats...
hippo >> my parents' home was at bedok south bordering upp east coast road..i think in an earlier post, u wrote u lived near that area too? u know lucky heights?

but i was raised from 0-7 by my godparents who lived at chiku road. the single story, zinc-roofed houses with plenty of backstreet kids! back in those times, that plc was full of nonyas. so the tradition is everyone cooks in the morning and by noon, the whole plc smells of every pedas, nanas, assam and rempeh u can imagine! i returned to bedok only on weekends...so unless u are one of those that always played near the banyan tree in chiku rd, rambutan rd...haha, maybe i'll know u!

guan hoe soon is at 214 joo chiat rd (same side as the canton wok plc..near hotel 81-blue col bldg) tasty buds is 333, same rd.
lynn >> I think for men ah, they are not very observant and may not realise u are pregnant. If it is moi, they will surely miss this fact cos i am not showing much.. then again, this is singapore...if u are standing at the privileged seating area and u see a young, fit and able guy sitting on YOUR seat, have the nerve to tell him to move away cos you're "giddy"...
hippo >> whoa..kai qi? first, how do u spell "kai"?? after i read of the fraud going ard singapore with geomancers ripping MTBs off with baby names (mothers discover their kids having the same names, borne of the same "selected list" in playschool and deservedly denounced this famous naming fella here)..plus i never felt comfy ard these "masters"..so i am on my own too. step one: get a chinese dictionary...step two: get baby to reveal its gender...step three: select 10 fave characters that both mom &amp; dad can write with ease/speed + the end result looks decent...last step: place all 10 lots in a can and shake it out. not happy with the result, steps 3 and 4 can be repeated when desired...muahaha...honestly, I am serious abt this method of mine.
xoxo : haha...i was wondering what am i going to do with chinese name. coz' i duno much chinese. english i got a few in mind, haven finalise. Simple common names. Thanks for the tip, I'll get my hubby to think ehhahaha.

MRT privilege seat:
i would be suprise if pple give up their seat for me. I just look like i got tummy, and am still wearing normal clothes. so..heheh..

do u have the habit of rubbing/sayang-ing ur tummy once in a while? :p
hi gals, i'm new here. Wana join in the talk here.
my edd is 14oct but gender is unknown cos only doing my detailed scan at the end of the month. =)
gal >> same boat floating in the mandarin waters. or maybe give a single character name? That way we don't have to worry too much abt the combi making sense or otherwise...habit of rubbing...uh, only if i feel the stretchy twitches of "pain"?

ting_24 >> welcome, if my new EDD that keeps changing is anything to go by, we share the same EDD. my detailed scan is next mth. the babe has remained tight-legged for now..
OMG OMG OMG!!! lucky heights??? my grandma and aunt live in sennett lane. so lucky heights was my playground after we moved out of joo chiat road.

eh, blur lah. kai qi is not my chosen name. its miemie's for her princess. we have shortlisted some characters that sound nice and have great meaning. don't think i'll put angmoh name in her BC since we're both aethists and neither mum or dad has english name in IC. moreover, there isn't a girl's english name that i particularly fancy.

welcome welcome.
morning all

very anxious today.. duno if i can see the gender during the visit to gynae tonite or not. kept telling bb to open legs big big haha

ok lah..mayb i shd keep telling myself it is a boy den i wun expect so much n hence wun feel anxious n hopefully can perform some work in office today haah
gal: yes, i'll rub my tummy subconsciously at times, and whenever i feel some movements, I'll just sayang sayang the tummy to let the BB know I feel the existence and also as a form of hello...
HB starts singing to the BB via my belly button. He says the belly button is acting as a mic to transmit his voice to the BB... *faint*
re: rubbing tummy.
hippo finds rubbing tummy especilly therapeutic, especially b4 bedtime. its like telling bb hippo, its time to go to bed now. sometimes daddy hippo rubs mummy hippo's tum tum and its especially nice. heh!

wow! i feel excited for you already! do come back and share the good news! pink bb dust for you!!!
xoxo: I will prepare early lunch then be in yoga class by 10.30am.

I tried that Simply spa facial. Quite ok.

sotong: Does that mean you do not drink milk?
morning mtbs!
NICE morning rain, wished i was home cuddling in bed with lil jay. But I HAVE to work....z

yea work sometimes is horrendous, but den you cant do without it when you think about the dough. I was thinking the best job for a mum is flexible hrs. work from hme kind of stuff. I do miss my lil one loads when I am at work that long.Sniff.
But I duno if its true, i realise SAHM have better disciplined children. Very well mannered and when they are older like in sec sch, they tend to understand and spend lesser. Anyone have the same thoughts?

welcome to our thread. almost 2am and still up .wah!
i dunno abt kids these days. my mum was SAHM. and i'm a scrooge. hahaha... dunno if that answers your questions.

have another fren who is SAHM. and she disciplines her girl so well. cos she said is first grandchild both sides, everyone spoils her girls.

so perhaps YES?
xoxo>> is my girl who is going to be named Kai Qi leh.. wahaha..

sotong_mum>> no, we dun intend to ask pple to calculate the number of strokes etc.. coz we are not pantang abt such things, we feel that the most impt thing is the parents must like the name, is our kid anyway, why leave it to other pple to name? and i realised nowadays the kids names are rather similar.. hubby and i also din consult any geomancer for our wedding dates etc, so we felt that we shouldnt consult for our children's names..
hippo ; guess my gynae would probably side track to other things as well as he seems to be the cautious type that won't even reveal the gender and left it to the sonographer to cfm. He is an Asst/Prof and is HOD of urogynaecology dept so i guess he won't risk his own reputation giving advices on stuff that he have no absolute confidence.

Lynn : So far i have been quite lucky as probably 7 out of 10times i would be offer a seat on mrt. Probably my tummy is big and obvious. maybe yours isn't that obvious.But i still encounter ppl who hack care and treat me as transparent as they chop the seat imm someone at my front or side alighting. They simply dun give a dam that there is a pregnant woman standing beside them.

ww ; if u r taking calcium tablets, then there is no need to take the prenatal milk. I can't stand the taste of prenatal milk and i tink these will make us put on alot of weight as well.
ong &amp; hippo: i think cold drinks will really affect our limbs.. causing numbness. i also cut down a lot on cold drinks..

gal: i rub tummy when i got indigestion or when i'm too full. hahaa.....

btw, i'm not SAHM... i just got unlimited leave... hahhaa...
waha,from the way you speak,good english what..so the saying must be true la..hah. all my friends are working. leaving their kids to maids..and they are so pampered..scream for food ordering the maid around.
I hope my lil babies wun be like that!But I have to get a maid..I am one of those no options but to get a maid cuz of new addition to family.
If i can stay at home with the maid still not so bad, but aiya. 1 income surely not enough eh.unless we strike toto or 4D! hohoh
ong: I'm now approaching 20 weeks.. tummy can say is considered big &amp; obvious.. some of my close friends &amp; colleagues even say I look like already 7mths pregnant.. den I tell them maybe that is the miracle of 2 babies inside.. so tummy is considered slightly bigger than those expecting one baby inside.. there was even once when I stand in front of a guy who is sitting in the mrt.. he was reading a book.. suddenly someone push me from my back.. &amp; my tummy accidentally brush his hand.. he jus look up &amp; smile den continue reading his book.. omg.. I thought he smile at me is becos he notice I'm pregnant &amp; would give his seat to me.. but who know he continue reading his book.. *faint* but luckily the auntie sitting beside him notice me, gave her seat to me. when I sit down, the guy look at me, still wondering how come the auntie gave the seat to me.. den I stroke my tummy to show him that I'm pregnant.. haha

most of the time those who gave up their seats to me are aunties &amp; uncles.. sometimes I feel paiseh that these aunites and uncle who gave up their seats to me seems need the seats more than me.. but what to do when others dun give up their seat to me.. haizz...

xoxolight (xoxolight): I dun dare to tell the person in front of me to give up their seat to me.. paiseh leh.. hehe.. in fact, some of my friends oso told me that, if nt I wont get a seat, cos pple are very selfish.. but I still dun dare la.. :p they even taught me to stroke my tummy to hint to some pple that I'm pregnant.. but duno leh.. I dun dare to do this too unless is baby moving inside den I will saying my tummy (as in to sayang baby).. I think I would prefer pple to give up their seat to me rather than I hint them for a seat... wonder how other mummies will think of this?
lynn: i think people dont give up their seats cos they dunno how it feels to be pregnant. its only when i'm pregnant then i realise that its really not an easy thing. i'm also guilty of not giving up seats to pregnant ladies.. people tend to give up seats to old people more than pregnant people cos they understand old people are frail. but people dun understand pregnant ladies... especially young people... older ones can say they are selfish or in their mind it must be something like "she looks ok... so no need to give up seat"..

anyway, if u dare, choose a young man and tell him to give up his seat for u. most of the time they'd be too paiseh not to give up their seat.

or if u are the drama-mama kind.. just pretend u dun look to comfortable.. and give a pathetic look to one of them sitting down.

but i think to have to resort to that is quite horrible lah. i hope that from now on u'll meet nice people who'll give up their seats for u on the train!!
hi ladies!

great morning to sleep in eh :p

Lynn: I was on my way out to do some mother's day shopping yesterday and took the train. then this uncle waved at me and offered me his seat. hahaha, for a min, i turned behind to see maybe he was waving at someone else... hahahaha, but turned out he was asking me if i wanted to sit down! haahaha... but i was getting off in 2 stops, so didnt take his seat.
I never thought I look preggers yet leh... coz I am still wearing my usual clothes. :p hahaha, should have looked hurt and pretended i was just fat! :p hehehe

ting_24: hi there! Welcome

miemie: i got this book from kino the other day called 'The Book of Chinese Names'. inside they have all the name meanings and also shows you how to count the strokes yourself. If you not in a hurry to confirm your BB's name, I can bring it to our 1st prenatal class and you can check it out.

mylvera: oooh how exciting!! I hope you get to know your BB's gender tonight!
do keep us posted!

sotong mum: which part north are you moving too?

ong: I am staying in the north too!
which area you staying at?
lynn ; did u go to the front cabin? I realised if i go to the last cabin, those ppl dun gif a dam that u are pregnant and i nv get a seat at last cabin. I only go to front cabin. Mostly ladies aro late 20s or 30+ or uncles will give up their seats to me and i am grateful for that. Young gals n guys simply listen to mp3 or playing their psp. imagine i got to stand fm Khatib to Bugis!! Such a long journey, isn't it?

shugar ; me at khatib! which part r u fm?
shugar : amk very near to khatib. i used to hang aro at amk hub before pregnant cos my in law stay at amk.

Just bought 3 tops at $57 only at bossini size XL. 40% off if min. 2pcs. Cheaper than those maternity wear and can still wear it after gif birth.

gg off at 3+ as taking time off...
ong: yups, i went to bossini the other day too and saw they have some tops very suitable for maternity wear
the 40% is very tempting indeed! hehehe
ong: mi abt the same as u.. from woodlands to Raffles Place.. throughout the whole journey, I got to stand.. jus like this morn, I board the train @ Woodlands, it was so packed den I manage to squeeze in to the center of the cabin.. some saw me, they immediately pretend to slp or reading their paper etc.. haizz.. I complain to hubby abt this den he say next time go to work together with him &amp; he make sure pple give me their seat.. haha.. but I dun think I will go work together with hubby. His work start @ 8am &amp; if I would to follow him, I would have to leave my house at 6.30am &amp; reach my office @ 7.30am.. that is too early la.. my work onli start @ 8.30am..

maybe I shld go to the front cabin.. will try it later after work. haha..
kkbt and shugar, i am super big size at 1.68m so i am wearing XL (already the biggest size)and i think can tahan me for maybe 2 more mths. For u gals, definitely smaller size than me and L size can probably last u thru out the last 5mths.

Go grab it! It's value for $ and nicer than maternity tops too.
Haha tks for compliment. But my family all chinese ed = chinese helicopters. English comes from all my acs/mgs/ri/rgs kantang swimmates. So its hard to say. But as my friend says, u gotta b sahm if u dun want ur kid to speak tagalog english. That or spend a bomb in branded pre-school like eaton house etc.

If ur doc surprises u with some alt response do let me know...

I think m beginning to agree even more w u abt cold drinks. But the weather is sooo hot!!!

So where did u go for lunch? Sorry had to rush off. Lets lunch in east after nxt fri class.

ong: hmm, maybe i shall pop by and see see again... didn't get anything the last time coz was in a rush.

kkbt: hehe, normally i tend to get sleepy about this time too. If take a nap, haha sometimes can nap till 5pm. so i try not to if I can tahan :p
