(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Morning ladies!!! Another dreadful day at work...I am now aspiring to be a SAHM. Enough of work honestly.

Mrs Neo: Actually the chicken essense tastes just like chicken soup. What my MIL does is she adds red dates, dried longan and mulberry (gou qi) to add some taste to it. And you must get big fresh chicken so that you can even get a bowl of the essence.

Mornig mummiessss
Yea another boring day at work..i need a booster. Maybe gather my colleagues and order pizza. The 1 for 1 deal looks enticing.

Re:massage lady
The person who posted this I am not sure who she is. But anyway I did contact her, Ida I believe her name is..She sounded real nice and not pushy. Cuz I asked for pre natal and she said can only do after 6mths preggy. She is cheaper than most massage ladies I know. $40 for 90mins!! I dun mind trying for a first trial. Will keep you all updated in..er..2 more mths.haha

don't know some of u still rem me.. haha coz MIA for so long le.. office pc spoil so cant online.. ;(

RE: gender
doc say mine is 99% boy but ask us don't gp shopping 1st hahaha..

RE: rashes
i applied palmer coco butter and got rashes..sad.. so ITCHY... esp at night..

RE: bb clothes
i went spreeing.. crazy le.. so fast buy hor.. hahaa..
Re:massage lady
I got Mona for my #1... i think only $32 per session, cheap hor.. and she very nice and friendly..
Re: massage lady

my masseuer oso ard 30+ if i can rem correctly. will be engaging her again this time but i doubt i will diligently bind my tummy again haha very uncomfortable. even drinking water can cause the tummy to feel bloated with the binding. cannot eat alot n drink too. mayb tt's y it is effective. :p
I can't stand fish oil!!! I accidentally broke it after trying my darn best to swallow it. Immediately, I puked everything out, including other medicine that I've swallowed. And this happened at my office desk. Thank goodness I was fast enough to throw up into the dustbin. Feeling super exhausted now.

The smell unfortunately is lingering in the air. I hope my colleagues won't get grossed out by the smell.

I think I'll trying the fish oil again, and if anything bad happens again, I'll stop it. Because of this, I had a phobia of medicine, so I stopped my medication for two days, resulting in me having giddiness this morning because I didn't take my iron pills.

To think I wanted to take MC this morning because I felt so lethargic and tired. Going to ask my boss for permission to leave early.
Good morning mummies!

I'm now at east coast mac, just had my breakfast. Now I'm going for a walk and will find a nice and cosy place to settle down and read my book.

Don't think too much now. At this moment, you can't do anything. Try to relax and deal with the problem when it come.
Woww... Oct got many boy BB, i am hoping for a gal leh... but somehow i got a feeling it a boy again. But to play safe i choose 2 name oreadi, 1 gal 1 boy... Hw do u all find gal, Ruo4 xuan1 (adessa), boy- Jun4 lei3 (Laydon) as my 1st boy is glendon. Hahaha, on 20th i can knw gender le...

Mummies who put kids in CC,

I planning to put my son in half day CC afew block way from mine, but they dun have half day leh, so no choice i have to pay full day price, but go on a half day programme for my 1st son. Anymummies CC is like that too? Got only Full day.

Maybe after 3-6mth then i switch to longer duration, depend on the progess of my son loh... N one more thing, normally mummies who choose for half day go for AM session izzit? The gal in the CC told me if i put my son in afternnon, all kids are having nap time, meaning my son will have to nap upon arrive, n morning actitives is more...
Melly: how much is it? me and my hb went to balestier, they said they are the sole distributor of quinny and other brands too and they are selling it for if i can rem correctly is $798. (while stock last)
Re: massage
i decided to call for origins jamu massage recommended by the forum. After my 1st pregnancy, i do massage by a lady reccomend by my frenz who say she is gd or what, but when i try it it was like... OHM, i can do better than her cos i used to be a beautician, can do face, body massage. I was paisay to say her but i did mention to her can use more strength, n she keep talking to me non-stop during the massage n i have no time to rest at all. i got no time to look for other liao, so no choice continue 6x with her. She was like sayang my skin only, no strength, paying her to stroke me, hehehe. So to play safe, i rather go for slightly expensive 1. My previous lady charge me cheap @ $40only, still dare to say she is increasing price soon as she got lot of customer, OHM!!!
Congrats to mummies who know the gender !
i'm going for the scan tml hopefully bb open the leg so i can see the gender! hahaa...
btw, my baby quite active wor.. every two to three days i can feel it moving or kicking.

i hope it wont turn out to be a hyperactive kid...

anybody knows anything about hyperactive kids?
every 2-3 day kicking is normal. My 1st child kick me every day nonstop ahhh, even in my early stage cant remember liao.... I have my ultrasound screening for my 1st bb during 19week, n he was moving his hand n legs, dancing nonstop liao. I was oso worry that he will be very active. N indeed he born out bery active ah... seldom wana sleep like other bb who sleep n sleep n sleep. But active bb is more clever leh....

Now my 2rd pregnancy, not same, feel the movement bery gentle, not so early like his/ her brother. Go ultrasound, it is alway sleeping, or move abit only... So hope for a gal this time.
Active bb, is very stressful for muumies when it grow bigger, he keep kicking non stop, hard to get into sleep, untill got 1x i beat my own tummy n scold him, ber1 si3 diam3. Hahaha but it still kick n kick n move alot. I heard that bb keep moving in the tummy is becos sometime our position (sitting or sleeping position) make him uncomfortable so they are changing position to feel better
Anyone interest to call for origins jamu massage, can inform me, PM me? COz they got promotion, if 2 book together can get something.

You & your Buddy ( sis, friend, colleague or relative…) can each have an extra FREE gift for any post natal massage package booked together. (only during promotion period)..

Free Gift option

1. Spa Body Scrub
2. SureClean Surface disinfectant cleaner
3. Detox shower gel
joanne: i'm only early week16!! haha. i first felt it when i was late week14.. but that was pretty gentle. then following on was more often. baby usually quite active in the morning and at night around 9 to 10pm. got timing one. haha... dun feel anything when i'm sleeping.

mylvera: thanks! i got hope! haha..
joanne_glendon: ya, normally half day will opt for am class cos pm they taking nap and tea break. not much activities in pm.

i like the name with xuan1 too. I tot was a girl initially and decide to name her yu1 xuan1. But seems like this name may not have a chance to use it at all.
hi mylvera (mylvera,
Mine is gentle oso but obious.

Hi kkbt,
whenever u go for ur screening, what are ur bb doing, i remember my 1st child, move alot whenever do screening, untill the doc have to say, oh bb stop moving i cant measure.... Haha so funny.

It all depend lah... My frenz bb oso seldom move at all during her pregnancy, even when born out, alway keep sleeping. But now 2yrs old liao oso like my son, in fact, more active than my son, keeping running ard non-stop, making his mummies running after him every min n sec. I think it common for boy to be active, attention span short, cant sit still.
cracking my brain over boy's name as didn't think of it earlier on. My #1 is cliff but i can't seem to find a nice name with prefix "c". Prefer one syllabus. Will wait till the outcome 2mr after i get my result fm amnio.
I miss my dogs alot. I start weeping whenever i walk near pet shops. I ask my Hb if we could shift one of the dogs back. He gave me a very firm 'No'. To think i m so nuts about pets all along. I will never have a pet again. I am too heartbroken to have one. My tears start rolling down again.
ww: aiyo. dun be sad k.. when ur children grow up in a few years' time u can have pets again! pets are in fact very good playmates for children. and can teach children about responsibility and taking care of others.. i'm sure ur hb will support u..

joanne: wah. ur baby also move so early. i thought first time preg normally feel movement in week 18.. usualy during scanning baby also moving. hands and legs move a lot. my gyne will scan the baby's back and freeze the screen quickly. the last scanning baby was 96mm.. i suspect bb is actually longer than that. haha..at wk 10 scanning baby already quite active. then wk 12 scanning baby gave a big kick even though the scanning was less than 2mins.

i also thought of names for both girl and boy.. got the boy's name much earlier. hehe. but not confirm yet..
Hi mummies,

I'm from April MTBs, have half a bottle of Clarins Tonic Oil (to prevent stretch marks) to let go @ $30. The price for 1 full bottle is around $80 outside. PM me if interested. Self collect or can meet at Sengkang Compasspoint. Thanks.
hehehe... sorry to burst your bubble. my princess is very active too. altho i havent felt any kicks or movements yet, she is moving a lot inside. i think cos hippo got a lot of fats, thats why cannot feel.
gynae always have difficulty measuring and taking shots of her. hehehe... he said this is one active gal. i think the other day i went swimming and did somersault turn, she turned later that day when gynae was trying to scan her. bwahahaha...

both names sound nice. i prefer the boy's name. girl's name sounds nice too but personally i dont want my princess' name to sound too meek and mellow. so i dont like the "ruo" that much.

u come all the way to east coast macdonald's? interesting. 11+ not hot to walk? normally i start around 815am. done by 9am by the time the sun comes out, i'm home. today's pilates class was great. hopefully i feel as good after tom's yoga! hahaha... cya tom!
sweetzinc>> i think you need to try and PM her, coz i dun think she is from our thread.. actually my hubby and i are very keen to get the quinny buzz..
i was on pura light. but then i was queasy a lot. so i stopped drinking milk for most of 1T. then 2T, i re-started again, this time with Meiji light. i like it so far.

personally i dont like those milk powder types that we got as free samples. din every try. powder just dont appeal to me.

poor thing u must miss your dogs a lot. u cant take them back?? mines already 13, so every min is quite precious. i cant let her go.
i just pm mellyann. waiting for her reply. cos i wanted to find out how much its gonna be if its 5 orders together. she hasn't replied me yet. i like quinny buzz too. but not sure if its practical enough. will keep you guys updated if i hear anything.
hippo: haha.. statistically speaking.. i think the odds of an active baby being a boy is higher. so i choose not to let my bubble burst. haha..

anyway. i'm gonna have a nap!
i personally feel that girls with "Ruo" are very gentle.. heehee.. anyway i have also named my girl already.. she's gonna be Kai Qi..
I got 2 prenatal milk which are unopen. Anmum & Similac. Do you want them? Like hippo, I really can't take powder milk, will just vomit it out. If you want, I will pass to you tomorrow?

All the way? Hey, I live in Bedok leh, it's only a 10-15mins drive! Actually, I'm troubled by family matters and was crying the previous night. A walk in east coast usually will make me feel better. I love the sun! If I'm not preggie, I would have bring my blades, go swimming & suntan. I read till 1pm just now. It was very relaxing, not hot at all. See ya tomorrow!
dont brood too much k? whatever it is. i thot u stay in tampines mah. so thats a bit further. if u wanna go east coast in the morning, i can meet u. provided no or little sun. cos i already have a lot of freckles.

hippo also gg to zzzzzzz...

yah ur odds actually quite good. i donch wanna be the wet blanket.
ku ku bird! ku ku bird! for kkbt. not for hippo. bwahahahahaha....
fifi>> is MieMie who stays in Tampines! anyway tampines to east coast not very far ma.. if im not working, i would also love to go east coast for morning strolls!
Ong : I oso think can close shop liao after babies are out.. haha. hubby told me the other day, we can always go for another one more... but I told him, let see how after these 2 babies are out.. :p

famela (famela) : ya I agree that woman are super woman but with the 2 babies inside, I think I got to be extra super woman liao.. haha

Sotong_Mum (sotong_mum) : whether can close shop liao, I think wait till babies are out den decide.. another factor to consider is oso financial..

I think I will try my best to breast feed them.. but definitely a challenge for me.. but see how it goes as times goes by.. I will continue to work after delivering.. having baby now is very exp, nevertheless now got 2.. burden is more heavier so cant just rely on hubby alone... what abt u? Are u oso working nw?

chnyle seah (chnyle) : indeed it is amazing to have twins, the feeling of them moving inside is great when I feel it.. but when they kick, I duno whose kick is it.. haha..so next time when they come out, will beat the 2 of their buttside.. haha

cream_magnolia : can provide me the link? I had yet to go in explore on such thing.. can the gynae allowed us to do such video in their clinic? if can, I dun mind doing it as it is cute.. hehe

Tien (yeet7) : oops.. did I? sorry if I have.. but it is definitely unexepcted thing to be expecting twins..

Mrs L / lildaisy : thanks
baby_lynn, like u i also will want to bf as long as possible. my #1 i bf for 5 mths+ coz too tiring to keep pumping.. now milk powder very expensive lei.. 50++ for one tin only last less than 2 weeks.. ;(
5mth beri long oreadi, i onli breastfeed for 1mth, end up give up due to low supply even tok i pump every 3hrs, even at 9...

Now i start to eat some pill which is for breast feeding, my breast super big n full compare to my 1st pregnancy, i think the pill play apart. I notice i got the feeling of milk coming n coming, numb numb like tis. Hope i get success this time....
