(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

delfine >

yeah..one oredi like not easy le.my doc is those steady steady kind.. nice guy.. maybe i shd ask him to try to scan from bb's cute butts up the next time..


Not very early, actually. We found out @ 15wks.
But better than my #1 lah! Everytime I think about it still get a bit pissed off cos my #1 is super uncooperative. Luckily he come out still quite guai. Otherwise I sure smack his bumbum very often!


According to old wives' tales, if you crave salty/sour foods, then you are having a boy. If sweet foods, then it's a girl.

So... what have u been craving recently?

Don't worry lah, step by step. Sometimes you can't tell how life is after a few years. Maybe then everything looks better.

I'm also going to ask my gynae to scan from downstairs the next time

Talk to you tomorrow! Have to cook dinner!
shelled >

Salty n sour.. but i like those u noe..erm.. isit Mini Toons? got sell candy by weight one? got one long green flat candy.. very sour one.. i like that one.. hahaha.. n i like potato chips.. n twisties.. but.. maybe i thk too much.. hahaha

rach >


Okie girls, its tat time of the night to KO.. chat tmr la.. Nites!!

Your boy is worried about his modesty.. hehheh. EH, I craved salty, sour and sweet things leh. Then, boy or girl? wahahhaa

Ok.. really got to go! Talk to you tomorrow!!

I watched that ad long long ago before I even married my hubs!! I have phobia of kids behaving like that.

What I know for sure is, if my kids DARE to pull that kind of nonsense on me, they should be prepared for sore bum. I don't tolerate nonsense like that. And my #1 already knows it.

Sometimes we go out and we see kids misbehaving, I will get down to his face level and ask him: "Are you supposed to behave like that?" And he will shake his head.

Must start early! Otherwise in the long run, we are the ones who suffer...

Yah lah. My boy very scared paiseh one. If he is naked and our guests walk in on him, he will faster cover his penis.

The food cravings theory just for fun lor. I also crave chocolate, but mostly I always want to eat salty stuff. And durian.
shelled: i like sweet things oso leh.. but i'm having (most likely) boy! haha

sheryn: hope u get a boy too! but girl oso good la.. u get to buy pretty dresses etc!! so many cute dresses these days!
I think it's so cute the whole PENIS and then point ;). My fren was told at 16 wks that she was having a boy, then at 24 weeks...wait a girl and the at 28 weeks a boy. Sigh. Thank goodness she belives in waiting till the last month to get her stuff. Me on the other hand... I can't wait!!
Good morning mummies! The postings were so exciting and happy for the mummies who know the gender of their babies and can start shopping!!
Is it easier to tell the gender if bb is a boy Mine couldn't tell during the oscars so I assumed high chances that mine is ger ger and I have been saving lotsa jie jie's infant clothings for her! wahaha..looking forward to the next checkup but it was quite a long way at 06Apr.

I been to Taka fair during the weekend and quite disappointed at the avent fair, last time there was a bundle sales with a foc thermal bag/storage cups for the avent manual pump @ $70+. Now the pump itself is already $70+ with no freebies. I will probably only start shopping when there's robinson sales.
I saw the electronic duo pump at $685 (usual price $800+), ended din buy anything.

cho maybe u can tell ur frd that u r constantly feeling tired so is it ok for u to attend the dinner ceremony?
It's really v tiring to be jie mei from morning, noon and night! u nid plenty of rest.
wow is she ur v close frd? dun eat dinner and accompany her to choose wedding pics ar? v selfish leh..
Morning Mummies

Anyone having sensitive nose ? I'm sneezing like nobody business. Like as if i got sinus which i don't have history .Only my DH has sinus problem
Ok mommies, I will have to disappear again. More work just came in.

Probably will take up the rest of this week.
Hi mummies,

I'm back from cruise... but I am sick now. Everything on cruise was kinda free, including the air-con. It was so cold, especially on the first nite when it rained.

Now running slight fever, bad cough & stuffy nose. Seen doc and on medication.

Within 3 mths, I fell sick twice strained neck once.. seen doc so many times, I hate it. My mum say this #2 v fussy leh, I have quite a tough 1st trim compared to my #2. *sigh*

Any tips to build up my immune system ?
Btw, i saw this post selling Medela PIS at $400. It sounds quite a gd buy.

I rented Medela pump when i had my #1. I was so engorged after I return home from hospital, I tot the manual pump will help but it did not. It cost me $300+ to rent for a mth. Definitely more worthwhile to buy a pump and use for many months.

I was sourcing for 2nd hand PIS with a $500 budget in mind tat time. Did not get to buy, and my fren offered to lend me when we met at my gal's full month party. This time, my cousin will lend me, so no need to buy again.

Having been thru searching and hoping to buy at the last minute, I would urge first time mummies to be prepared. I was not so prepared and was so painfully engorged until blue black on the breast, and spending quite some $$ on renting the pump.

Another advise, dun give up trying to breastfeed even you dun have a lot of milk initially. My flow came only after 7 days (my MIL ask me "got milk or not, why so little" everyday), and I can fully latch on only after one month of "fighting" wif my stubborn baby. I breastfeed her for 7 mths.
cho >

yeah..hope so!! Girl also good la.. just tt boy even better!! =)

rach >

i called to book for Maternity Tour this Sat at Mt A le.. maximum 15 pax and i am stl within the 15.. the lady ask alot of info..like EDD when, which gynae, address etc. I am going for the 12pm one this Sat.. cos only got two slots one at 10am n one at 12pm. So u wan to go mah?

Antenatal class must call after 2pm..so i'm calling later..

mariee >

Welcome!! :) whoa..ur fren's doc doesnt sound confident one.. hee.. like tt i rather not noe first.. =)

whoa damn,

the flu is stl here but better.. now slowly kena dry cough le..hai..

congrats on knowing gender so early! i think you're one of the earliest to know? seems like so far all the early known genders are boy boys? any girls yet so far?


i wished i had seen those hamburger and sausage pics earlier! coz i wasn't paying particular attention when doing my NT scan. was more concerned whether NT thickness was ok and whether nasal bone is there. i remember the sonographer did a scan butt up, but she didn't mention anything abt the gender leh, just showed me the thigh bones and legs. so maybe cannot see yet for me. or.... maybe it means bb is a girl. hehe...
hi mummies ,

im selling off some items, do PM me if interested:

1) MEDELA MINI ELECTRIC (single breast pump)
-only bought in mid FEB, only used once, sterilised and back on box. giving baby FM so no longer need pump
selling at $150

2)PIGEON - Breastmilk cooler bag (brand new)
selling at $48

3)PIGEON - nursing pads 36s (unopened)
selling at $9

4) Huggies ultra newborn size 24s pack (opened), used 2 pc baby outgrow lia.

left 22pc selling at $5

self collection at mrt station (sembwg, admiralty, woodlands)
Hi everybody, had ur lunch? I just took a scoop of rich sinful awfully chocolate ice cream after lunch yummy..now felt so sleepy, how nice if I can take a afternoon nap!

wifey, so nice to go on holiday! Maybe you can ask ur gynae to issue more vits to improve the immune system.

PIS is v ex right with RP 800+? Is it durable? My friend lend me her medela electronic single pump and it broke down easily. Even my avent manual, I gotta change the spare parts quite frequently.BF is no easy feat and you can bf for 7mths! I stopped mine after 3 mths, keke and latch on to me is v difficult. I just pump out and feed her in a bottle.
thanks for the website recommendation. Went to take a look. Quite limited choices for pants. Plus I'm still not comfortable buying clothes online. Cannot try, dunno what I'll get. Coz I'm quite fussy lah. If I end up not liking, it will be a waste even if it is cheap. Rather pay a little more for something that I'll wear often.

I see. Do you have baby magazine or women's magazine editor contacts? May need your help later when I start my business. Need some help with publicity.

Yes, so exciting, some mummies already can see gender. I'm seeing gynae next week. Hopefully baby is cooperative coz my #1, cross his legs, we only confirm he was boy at 5 mths during detailed scan. If I'm getting a girl, I can give away/exchange my boy's old clothes with my cousin who is having a boy (#1 was a girl). Then I don't need to pack so many things when moving house, haha!

I just called to book the antenatal class at tmc too.. initially the staff refused to let me book but after i tell her my fren(which is u) has already booked, then she kinda of relent and let me placed my booking too.. haha

I booked mid june on sat at 2-4pm, also at amk hub...

Oh u bk-ed 2pm, that means when I am being dismissed, u will be coming in hor? Urs also at AMK Hub?

But must go down to TMC to pay money right?
Wah.. the u/s photos are so hard to see. The turtle sign I can just manage, but the hamburger I totally catch no ball!

wow, u are juz having the 1st and u are already hoping for a boy so much!! then i muz be 'craving' for boy le, haha.. (i've gt 3 gals liao, u see)


hey, u don't be 'pian xin' ok, u wish hard hard for sheryn to get a boy, tong pang tong pang ok, when u wish for sheryn, wish for me too la, okie? Bury me with ur bb boy dust, hee! Thks ya in advance
Hi Mama to J5s, no I am not from Uk, i conceived my BB in UK :>
My and Hubby there for holidays for 1 mth, and when we back, surprise!

THanks mummies for informing me where to find prenatal classes.

For Chinese herbs, i always buy from a traditional medicine shop in Chinatown point. The Uncle very honest. Just went down over the weekend. He says birdsnest prices dropped. Very true. I used to be Hock Hwa customer, so I can compare their product.
My hubby paid $1200 for about 45-50pcs of birdsnest, very good quality. After i boiled for 2 over hours, the nest did not break into little strips like those i drank previously.
Jul... mine is on Sat leh not sun... yah gotta go down TMC to make payment.. i will b making payment on my next gynae appt on 13 Apr lor...

Wow so many of u can see the bb gender le ar.. so envy.. i also want to know my bb gender leh... my parents are guessing it's a boy! very stressful leh.. keke... but me and hubby are ok with boy or gal as long as bb is healthy...

hope bb is coorperative on my next visit..i'm also dying to know then can start buying things le.. i will now start telling him to let doc see carefully on the next visit... haha
cho, so fast know the gender already!! I had my visit last Thurs. Also at 12w. Doc Wong says nothing yet but of course still too early to tell. Both hubby and I suspecting a girl. But any gender is alright for us - more important is that baby is healthy.

Sigh... find it difficult to find time to come in here. Hope can log in more often!!

Shoot! Now which course did I bk? Sat or Sun? I can't rem the date also. Die lah.. Nvm this Fri I go TMC & ask them when I make my payment.
