(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Anyone has good post natal message lady to recommand, especially 2nd time mummy here ? I need someone that got experience in message C-section mummies . Thanks

Hi All MTB's.

Reading all your posts did give me some idea on what I'm going through...

I have a question to ask which has been bothering me and my hubby,

I have major stuffy nose when I'm sleeping at night. And I tend to rub my nose really hard in a desperate attempt to clear it till sometimes, It bleeds.

I will then wake up in frustration and blow my nose... And occasionally when I do so, My tummy feels cramped up for a few minutes.

Anyone experienced this before?

wow, upon hearing what u said, i muz say even if ur boy was borned a lil premature at 35weeks, it's really a blessing in disguise wor...


ya haha..the chart predict a boy for me but my craving tells a girl for me. So we shall see...
a healthy bb is the priority bt hope we can get the bonuses also (the preferred gender)
Hiya.. I hope I can find out gender 2moro leh. Now that appt is finally 2moro, I am starting to feel excited liao.
hui chern
I am 2nd time mummy
but I find my massage after C section not effective at all so cannot recommend
hope someone here can recommend one for c section mummies
Jul >

tmr eh.. Wish tt u'll see ur dear bb's gender tmr!!! Argh... why my appt stl so long???

I am in my 17th Week le.. 16 weeks n 1 day..
buttercup >

yeah.. babycenter.. i always go and read the informations.. my flu's getting better without medication cos i din c doc.. but now i got dry cough.. hai..

Well, I get cramps for a while after coughing or sneezing too hard but they will go away. Dun think it's anything serious.
Haha true. I wanted to go see gynae 1 wek after my Feb appt coz I anxious to see my OSCAR & BT results. But after a while, I sian liao, so I waited patiently until these few days then got excited again.
Aiya, i always forgot to call to book for the antenatal class.. by the time i remember.. the person knock off liao.. hv to call again tmr..

Preggies very forgetful!
Jul >

u must remember to request for ur gynae to scan bb from buttocks up.. i thk liddat seems like can tell the gender easily..

Oh yeah the person to call for MtA Antenatal class works short hrs. Maybe they have those flexi working scheme? U r delivering at MtA right? Then u will get the dsicounted rate.

Keke ok I will try to rem. Lots of things to do this visit.

Anyway last visit my gynae already zidong told us that she will scan for gender this visit, so shd be alright lah.

I think it depends lah. B/c my gynae said can scan for gender from 16 weeks mah. So she auto-tell me that we will scan for gender this visit lor.

Urs was early I suppose, so no pt trying to scan then trusn out wrong gender then ur gynae malu right?
stuffy nose --> can ask your gyne for puriton, might help you sleep better at night

i went for a scan today. am 13w1d and bb is 6.99cm. bb was sucking thumb during the scan, but sonographer said that it's too early to tell the gender

my MS is any time, as and when, suka suka come one.. u still dizzy ah. Very dangerous leh.. u taking tonic still right. Esp home brew chicken of essence?

Maybe bb withdraw nutri from us speedy too. :p


That’s was close… I will definitely take note of your incident… also mus tell my other preggie frens too to monitor closely for baby movement. I din noe there such things like contractions everything 10mins.. also your doctor is pro tat play a part.


my work , now I hae to hang on day by day, and try to distract myself to be happy.. dun wan bb to suffer not worth it.. u expect for pay increase ah, who dun manz. Your annual increment is when? Ours is mid Year. Sigh. Mus really budget lioa.. every single cents count now :p


me too not enuf sleep ya. Me ytd nite like contractions thoughout the nite like tat… pain pain cramp cramp and like constipation. Very cham. Very xin ku ah..

Why u din sleep well?

I still got balance of Bai Feng wan, so I can keep during confinement too ☺
I jus bot chicken of essence from EYS. Haven try yet.

I never prompt further for my fren incident. I afraid she will very sad by sharing.

new MTB
do you feel tired sitting in the cruise car ? drive up to genting.. exciting.. , I never been to bukit tinggi.

jul & sheryn
I hope I can see my bb gender too this sat..
flower 4 and huichern

wow u gals still expecting pay incrase ar... my company already announce pay freeze and headcount freeze... now dont even know if there is bonus... i really need to save and scrimp with bb coming and my house will b ready too... sigh...

oh contraction can b felt now? hmm i also have occasion cramps...

hmm now can't feel bb yet so sometimes i will also ask bb if he/she is ok... and also ask hubby if bb is really fine.. haha... then he thinks i'm crazy... when will we be able to feel bb? only in 3rd trim?

i also wish bb can let me know the gender soon then at least can start buying things already... so excited to shop for bb stuff...
cloudme: my fren din find FS master la.. juz see tong shu only i tink.. but actually we nt v pantung la.. in fact 3 weeks b4 my wedding, i oso attended a good fren's wedding.. 2 weeks after AD, after honeymoon, touch down then got call tat my grandma passed away, i oso attended my grandma's funeral.. so all e pantung things all gone liao.. haha

but tks for ur advice.. i'll remember to avoid watching her go into groom's hse.. keke..

princess: u r same as me!! keke.. night sickness, no appetite when nausea.. but no nausea then can eat lo..
OMG. mummies how u all handle constipation?

i nearly die in toilet.... struggle in toilet for one hr. asshole now swollen. so worry i give birth to bb, when i push extremely hard..stomach very very painful and cant push out... very scary...

my my asshole like swell and got extra skin come out..
it's not us(adults) who is pantang...
it's the bb that we often afraid that is pantang...cos they(the oldies) often said "bbs are very 'xiao qi'..."
that's why we must not let the "younger newlyweds" to offer us tea...cos of bb in us...

those events that u mention...u not preggi rite?

Hey! I also aws ask HB the same thing, "is Babylet ok? Dunno if it's still alive?". Then he will scold me for aws having negative tots.

Re : constipation, if it's really v bad, go get this solution thing to drink. It's sort of a mild laxative safe for preggie. Of course it'd not gd to aws rely on medication, but better than squeezing too hard then hurt the BB, or let the toxins stay inside the body for too many days.
Hi mummies

It finally Friday what a week of fights so exhausted hope weekends can have a good rest....
but weekends always fill with activities....

Juz glance thru and saw constipation issue hmmm if u like can try vitagen/yakult/yougurt drink etc... best take even more fruits if still cannot cme out better get medicine from gyane sure cme out smooth smooth de...

also when give birth no worries u will die also wanna push out.....

Haizz ms is lingering around me ... wonder when it will leave me... suffering at work is bad enuff worst with MS...

still daydreaming of having someone to tell me quit and join them now with full maternity benefits.. wahahahahahah reality is so cruel
constipation: try prune juice but must thick thick then has better effect

Hi jul in week
sometimes I also wonder how is my bb inside, but my husband does not understand seems like I finding things to think
flower 4
i found eating dragon fruit helps with constipation. maybe you can try some fruits and see which one work for you. I used to have chronic constipation very very bad, like once a week then go toilet kind.

i tried lactulose, the sweet syrup b4, tried fybogel, tried glycerine suppository, tried prune juice, all didnt work. only eat dragon fruit then can work. but some days my nausea so bad i cant even eat dragon fruit. so then i get stress.

some people swear by kiwi.

don worry the pushing during delivery is not as painful as constipation provided you got epidural :p the feeling of pushing baby out is machiam like having a big stool stuck there and with each contraction, if you can fee it that is, the contraction just makes u wanna push.
Gd morning mummies..

been sick last two days thus din login.. sob.. my MS came back again.. couldnt eat this few days n stomach so bloated and vomited too.. sianz.. then got sore throat n flu.. my GP still gave me flu medi ley.. but I din take la.. just rest n drink lots of water..

huichern.. i din do any massage after my 1st c sec.. cos alot of pple say cannot do.. so in e end I also lazy to go find.. u confirm you want a c sec?

flower... yes, i heard before that bb heartbeat stops at 5 mths.. so scary but we must be positive!

had bad bad cramps last night while having dinner outside.. I think its cramps ba.. haha.. everytime i put one spoonful of food in my mouth. my stomach hurts
till i fed up just drink soup and watch hubby eat.. sadz..

re: constipation.. think drinking vitagen will helps.. it helps for me.. nwadays i always share vitagen with my gal.. touch wood so far no constipation yet.. and will try to get fruits when possible
Me wishful thinking lor. Now i'm holding 2 portfolio. Boss also never say anything. All using recession as an excuse. If not pregnant i long change job liao. Lots of my colleague left for better opportunity.

As long as they pay me on time & maternity benifits. I'm ok liao lor. Pregnant woman don't have much say these days.

Every penny counts, saving as much as i can. No doubt i feeling the stress liao

Tell me abt it! I am sooo happy that it's Fri tdy & that I get to have my gynae appt this pm. *whew* Survived another week.


Yeah they aws wonder why we purposely go & find bas things to think abt. As if we can help it right? We also dun wanna think bad tots, but they just come to us.


Hope ur flu is recovering. I was coughing badly the last 2 weeks. Thankg God I managed to recover relatively quickly, or I worry abt poor Babylet inside being disturbed by mummy's persistent cough.

hui chern

Preggie women are vulnerable. Heard of many cases where employers try to axe preggie staff so that they can save on maternity benefits, esp now that we have enhanced 4 mths maternity leave, childcare leave etc etc. Even if govt is paying for the extras, the co. still has to manage w/o 1 staff, so they wun be happy lor.
wah wah wah.. congratulations mamato5Js.. alot of bbs in sep are boys.. i hope mine's too!!

think there's afew mummies giving birth at glen E.. i read from another thread that level 6 is newly renovated.. so we can try to request for level 6 rms ya..
haha... gynae said if i not convince he will show me all angles. so he showed me bottom up, side angle, front angle then he said, now u convinced? haha...

he said in total i have 5 boys and 1 gal. he said my gal is truly a miracle lor!

what time is ur appt??

oh level 6 is renovated? this sept thread so far all boys leh so who is carrying the first baby girl huh
