(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs


I just booked just now. They also din allow me to bk for the Apr-May class, said I cud only go for Jun-Jul. Guess they are very very crowded & need to limit lor.


I booked 1230pm on Sun. Starting mid-Jun one. Think they have many slots avail. Got weekday 7pm, or weekends (weekends got 3 slots per day If ii rem correctly)

I do writing for publications (online and print). Sometimes I also get offered funny funny work like writing company descriptions to be published in trade directories.

But in general, I write lah.

i have some enfamama milk powder sample. i got chocolate and vanilla flavour.. those who are interested can PM me. thanks!
shelled >

do u do translation work too?? cos hubby's current working co constantly needs editors or translators.. for ads n commercials slogans those kind..
shelled> hahah.... I think we better shift to next week la... anyway, i've just made an appt for this friday liaoz.. hehehe.. :p

OUTING> 20th March is postponed.. since there is poor turn out....
Can those interested let me know ur availability?? at least we can plan something??? no response then very hard to plan leh...

Kat> no need to email her la.. just leave the ones u want in the post...she'll usually reply within 2 days latest so far that i see..

else.. u can look at those that people have requested.and u can know the price from there..

Jul> no... week 14 is the last week of 1st trim..

no leh... my fren take one steady.. no bloody de.. the baby come out very clean... she said take more coconut in last trim.. it helps..

cloudme> hahahahhahahaa... sorry la.... hehehh.. :p

sheryn> which hospital?? Mt A rite?? they sent u confirmation sms de rite?? Mmm.. we go together leh.. hahaha.. at least got company....
i also yet to go for hospital tour and yet to sign up for prenatal course.... hehe..

Chern> i already left a post..she replied liaoz.. i now considering to buy or not.. a bit overbudget liaoz.. MMm...
still contemplating to buy or not. hahahah...:p

Marie> welcome..
when's ur EDD?

Need more sales> haha..desperately need to close more cases this month... anyone interested can come to me.. hahahhaha.....
rach >

Lets go for the antenatal class in June eh.. but Sat one u ok mah? Okie.. i shall call tmr before 4pm Tel: 6347 6332 to book first.. but dunno when they need ask to pay the 181.90 bucks. i ask tmr..

Maternity Tour hv to call Tel: 6347-6636 I also call tmr to enquire..and see if can arrange something.. i going to drag my hubby along too.. u draggin ur hubby along mah rach?

37 is fever ah? i every day oso 37 or 37.2. i tot once its heat 37.5 is consider light fever.

me too not sure. die la, i having fever til i duno :p

so worry about dengue leh.

u pay for your online maternity clothing alredy ah? when will the delivery date for you ah?

she response like very slow leh. i ask her for her DBS account number she haven give me..

i wish to hav the clothing asap leh. my tummy slowly come out lioa i think, me 16weeks lor, but cant tell i preggie. but all my bottoms clothing already tight la.

ur hubby oso man u fan ah, hahaa.. tel her relax la, Man u still the top on the chart

TMR i collecting my Nacho with Cheese dips YIPPEEE

I don't think I'm proficient enough in other languages to do translations! Your hubby is in advertising? Sounds like they need copywriters.


My current project only ends in late March, so 1 week later sounds good! But once again, I am at the mercy of my work lah.

I'll make it a point to come in often to check up on outing details.

so its normal, thanks ya. i always feel my body like hot hot den got little heavy head, i still hav runing nose, still haven go away for so long.. duno isit part of hormonal change hahaa..
flower >

eh i normally is 36.5 or 36.6 like tt nia leh.. so cousin said 37 n above is fever le.. if u got rash then more like dengue bah..

shelled >

no..not advertising eh.. copywriters too pro.. his co is www.ippworld.com u might wan to go n see what they do? i also not sure.. but i reccomended a fren who's a chinese editor to go do translation for freelance.. so if u wan can also..cos diff ppl got diff style in way of writing or phrasing.. =)
hi all, i went for my gynae checkup again.. =( EDD pushed back again!! urgh.. means bb growing slower??

anyway today is 12w 1d.. n i'm having a boy!! hohoho.. baby was v cooperative today and doc scan from e buttocks up and saw sth in between e legs.. yeah! too bad nt gal.. cant buy all e pretty dresses..

did e neck scan oso.. 1.3mm.. doc said is normal, low risk.. but nv tell me is 1:xxxxxxx leh..

yay.. thank god!!

Congrats! Your BB very cooperative indeed.

I considered myself lucky to be able to find out at 15wks already. Cos my #1 didn't show us anything until we went for FA scan at 22wks!

I've gone to look at the website. But seriously don't think I'm good enough to do translations. Thanks anyway!
tks tks all!!
i was oso v surprised so fast can tell.. n summore baby keep tossing n turning.. so gynae decided to scan from e buttock up.. keke
initially, i oso tot cant tell so early.. but i kpo ask gynae coz i read tat at 12w sexual organs oredi formed.. so try my luck lo..

but i was hoping for a gal leh.. no more cute dresses...!! haha

btw, flower, NT scan is there a chart to show CRL vs NT length? at 12w.. e NT scan shows 1.4mm.. doc says is considered v low risk.. but nv tell me e risk level leh..
flora >

dun worry too much.. just call ur gynae n check with them.. it could be same kind of medicine with a diff name or diff gynae diff practice medicine.. =)

shelled >

np.. me also just sourcing for hubby for more translators/editors.. =)

cho >

Boy!!!! I also want boy!!! hmm.. another one to envy!!! =)
Hi cho!

Congrats! 1.4mm is definitely low risk! My goodness, you can actually know the gender already at 12 weeks? Amazing!
Sheryn: u having girl? haha..
delfine: really ah! yeah, good to hear low risk.. keke.. ya i oso v amazed can noe gender so fast.. but better wait till next few scans to further cfm!!


btw, anyone here was jiemei for wedding at 5 mths preg? i hav a best fren's wedding in early may.. she noes i'm preg but she nv initiate to ask me if i'm fine/ too tired to be jiemei.. she wans me b present in e AM for tea ceremony, PM for church wedding and evening for dinner reception..

she told me "at most in AM, during gate crash i stay in e bridal room with her" then my hubby was worried i'll be too tired..

but she was my jiemei for my wedding leh.. v hard to push away.. how ah?
cho >

hee.. stl dunno yet.. but see u all one by one all boys so envy.. i now oredi at 16 weeks stl dunno yet.. nvm..i patiently await for my turn..
Hi everyone!

I guess all of us are wondering what's the gender of our baby. I found a very interesting article as to how the gender is determined on the ultrasound.

Taken from www.pregnancy.about.com. Written by: Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE

Absence of penis = 'Girl Theory'

One of my pet peeves is that people take ultrasound for granted when it comes to gender or sex determination. Not only can ultrasound be inaccurate, but there is also what I call the "Absence of Penis = Girl" theory. This theory states that if the ultrasound technician fails to find a penis the baby is automatically a girl. You will see that clearly a girl is more than the absence of a penis.

The Hamburger Sign (Girl)

When doing an ultrasound to determine the sex of your baby, an ultrasound technician will actually look for girl genitalia - labia and clitoris. When these are seen it is often referred to as the "Hamburger Sign" because the clitoris between the labial lips looks hamburger-like. Where the labia would be the buns of the hamburger and the clitoris would be the meat.

I wish hard hard for you to get a boy.

So far how many mommies found out gender already? Last couple of weeks I didn't really login, so not updated at all.
Part 2

The Turtle Sign (Boy)

When the ultrasound technician is looking for a boy, they are looking for something called the turtle sign. This is where you can see the tip of the penis peeking out from behind the testicles.

The Erect Penis

Even in the stages of fetal development baby boy's can and will have erections. If you happen to be looking with an ultrasound during that time frame you will see a very clearly defined penis. (WOOHOO!... My own comment
shelled >

thank you thank you!! I also must keep going temple to pray hard, not only for bb boy but also for healthy one!!! both mummy n bb yeah!~

Oooooh very interesting! "Hamburger sign"... so cute a name!

So if it's a boy, is it called the "Sausage sign"?? *LOL*


I understand what you mean. Can be quite pekchek waiting to find out gender.

I almost wanted to murder ppl when I was having #1. Cos EVERYONE keep asking me boy or girl, but the doc really really cannot tell cos #1 kiap his legs tight tight lor! Until 22wks then we saw sausage.

Some ppl even curse my #1 say must be got no genitals that's why cannot see. :/ Dunno why got this kind of ppl in the world. Mouth so evil.
Pregnant can still be jie mei? If you have to be there the whole day, you would probably be too tired. Maybe just do either AM or PM or evening. I'm sure she will understand one lah! The whole day would be a bit too much!

Hi! You want a boy? Why
? I cross my fingers for you ok? When's your next appointment?

Have you found out the gender yet? I think quite a few mummies here already know the gender. All boys! I guess it must be easier to see than girls.. haha.
Sheryn> can help me ask how much is weekday?? i wanna see how much cheaper....huh.. u book so fast ah??
Later by the time i book no more slot how???

U find out first..then we book together la.. hehe..

Yah of coz.. he'll be coming..

flower> not yet pay.. still wondering to pay or not.. abit out of budget liaoz.. 3 wedding and gynae package to pay by 25th...
not much $$ liaoz...sigh.....

her DBS account actually is all over the page la.. u scroll up a bit can see liaoz.. she posted a few times...

shelled> hahaa... but next week is not end Mar wor.. Mmm.. or we meet in Apr?? hahahaha.... seems like forever... :p

cho> 12 weeks and u could tell boy liaoz?????????????? wah.... hahahaha... congrats!!!

up to you to want to be jiemei or not.. some parents may be pantang though... clash... hahaha... u see if any parents not too happy abt it la..
hehe... i'm gonna emcee for my fren's wedding on Thur with my HB.. :p
hi everyone, oso juz to share.. my most recent ultrascan pic.. haha.. i followed the "got penis-like looking object = boy" theory..

hope it's not baby's finger playing a trick on me!!

pix: arrows points to e penis (view taken from baby's asshole and up with left n right leg on each side)
haha.. cute hor.. So we were once all hamburgers too
Sausage theory, hmmm... maybe more like cocktail sausage theory..wahahhaha

Your daughter must be shy! So cute! Are you hoping for a boy this time? Those people who made these comments are totally insensitive and downright boorish man! I think I would have totally flipped out!!!

One of my friends had already a boy and the doctor told her that she would be having a girl. She was so overjoyed, she went beserk and bought lots of frilly pink dresses for her daughter. As she laid on the bed, exhausted after delivery, her gynae announced,'It's a BOY!' She fainted promptly..wahahahahahahah
rach, delfine: i oso dun really wan.. but i told my fren liao tat i'm preg she said "5 mths tummy nt so big la.. wun tired la" so she nv ask if i wanna reconsider being her jiemei!
i oso told her to let her elders noe.. i dun wan ltr appear then pp curse me n baby or wat tinking i bring bad luck.. but she said "wun la.. preg = good fortune"

i'm considering tell her tat my gynae advise aginst being jiemei whole day coz it'll be too over-strenous and since i hav spotting tendencies, i guess if she's a true fren hopefully she'll understand la.. i tink i'll volunteer to do more backgrd work instead..

guess wat? she's actually pissed with me coz yst she called me during dinner time (ard 8pm.. i was v hungry liao), ask me to go down choose photoshoot photos with her and eat my dinner later!! so last min, i told her i cant coz i really tired n hungry, offer to acc her another day she like bui song me..

delfine: so mine considered "turtle sign" not? haha
shelled >

yeah..i also at that stage now where ppl see u the first thing they'll ask is girl or boy? hahaha.. but i nv kena the cursed part.. u kena evil ppl..nvm..at least its sausage and they're wrong~! hahah..

delfine >

yeah boy now is good cos i fulfill my duty le.. hahah u noe wat i mean? Girl also not bad la actually.. can be daddy's girl.. tt's just a optimistic way of thinking.. heh! My next appt stl long.. 4 April..till then also dunno if my dear bb chen is cooperative mah.. hee =)
I think from this angle it is turtle theory.. but maybe if the picture is taken from his side view, it would be erect P-NIS theory liao.. whahahaa... Your baby son looks cute!

Yeah, I think you should tell her that you can't be her jiemei for all those reasons you mentioned. She should be happy that you still volunteer do help her out. Plus, I have never seen pregnant jie mei. Sometimes even when you are married they also dont want you to be jie mei already. If she cannot understand also no choice lah!
Ha.. I know what you mean. This is your first child right? Still have a second chance later if it's a girl. For all you know, it's jackpot this time! On the day of the appointment, ask bb chen to open big big
delfine >

yeah 1st bb.. if boy i close shop.. if girl i try once more if $$$ allows.. I will announce if its jackpot ok?!?! hahaha.. my doc also nv scan from buttocks up one.. he always say stl early stl early.. haiz..
Paiseh! I don't know how come I'm so blur, you wrote sausage and I think hamburger..madness! So you are one of the mummies that know the gender early too! Confused lah!

Saw the pic, a very apt title
Yeah, looks like the turtle theory! And all of the ultrasound pictures are taken from the bottom-up view. Interesting! Did you also know at 12 weeks?
you only want one bb? Can one lah! Must announce when you hit jackpot ok?! My doc also didn't scan from the bottom and I didn't know we could know so early too. Your doctor sounds like the relax type!
WAHHHAHAH, you super funny lah! Then you must also eat sausages and then the birds you see must also be boy birds.. oh my goodness.. I think I'm becoming mad.


If this is your #1, then you can try again when having #2 lah. Don't worry.

The funny thing in my case is: #1 boy, #2 also boy. Then now my MIL tell me: "Maybe want to try for #3 so that we can have a girl?"

Wah! No way lor!! I only have 2 hands hor. Plus I need to work from home periodically. Not to mention I cannot imagine squeezing 3 kids into a 3rm flat!

Wait til her son (aka my hubs) can upgrade the flat to 5rm then u talk to me about #3!
