(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

jul, milkyway,

wah, you all so fast book the class already? did u book the full course or selected lessons? book now must pay now or can pay later?


for detailed scan is also done at the hospital right? thats done at wk20 is it? i forgot. i'm thinking wk20 then book for the courses.
hi milky,

yeah finally booked the slot. i signing up for the 12 jun 09 friday 7-9pm slot....will be paying $163.00 on 13 Apr 2009.

thanks for ur info!!!! ;p

I just bk-ed one. Book the full course starting in mid-Jun. Will pay when I go for my gynae appt on Fri lor. If u dun pay then cannot attend, I guess? haah

Yeah details scan done at TMC also. Ard 20 or 20+ weeks. Ur gynae wud bk for u one. I expect my gynae will bk for me at my next appt.
Hi Kiki,
Same here. I was also only looking out for the NT readings. When the guy was scanning the bladder, I thought I saw a hamburger. But could only be my imagination! Plus, it's not so easy to identify ourselves on the ultrasound. Your baby could still be a boy cos the article also mentioned that if you scan before 18 weeks, it's quite difficult to tell accurately cos the clitoris and the penis are about the same size.

Hamburger and Sausage Theory
For bigger ultrasound pics, http://pregnancy.about.com/od/boyorgirl/ss/genderus.htm
Think the hamburger is not so easy to see..

Talking abt OSCAR.. I still haven't seen my OSCAR report. Will get it from gynae on Fri, & hopefully there are a few more photos to see. I only got one print out from TMC lab coz the report will be sent to my gynae.
Hey Jul,

Probably you gynae has a whole list of baby pics for you to see
Are you hoping for a boy or girl? Anyway, I think the OSCAR results are surely in the normal range or else they would have called you up long ago. No worries!

Talking about OSCAR reports! I'm supposed to get mine at least 2 weeks ago and I still don't have it. Called the hospital and they said they sent it to my old address. My former gynae offered to do the NT reading for me for very cheap. Initially I agreed but after that I thought the hospital would be better equipped and the personel more qualified. So I called her up and told her I can't come because of the moving. And guess what.... the hospital told me.. never mind lah! Your gynae also recieved a copy of the report! I pengsan lor. Super paiseh!

I know the OSCAR results liao. But just wanna see the report itself mah. Really hope got lots & lots of photos to see, & not just one or two. Coz the sonographer took a lot of photos, esp for the neck thickness.

Me boy or gal also can

Aiyoh, then she knows that u went for OSCAR liao haha. Is she still ur gynae?

ORH.. Probably the report is very interesting. Maybe even more readings of other parts of the baby you weren't aware of during the ultrasound. You will also do another ultrasound this Friday right? The baby must be about 8 or 9 cm long already hor?

Yeah lor, she will know that I didn't move yet at that time. But I don't know how good is her machine right? Plus she knew I was moving and I had the feeling she was pushing me cos she made the NT appointment too early for me at 11+0weeks (and I have a longer than 28 days cycle).

Heng I don't see her anymore cos she's 500km away. So never mind lah! Waiting for the report so I can make an appt with a gynae here. I'm surely going to request an ultrasound this time even if I have to pay for it. Can't wait to find out the gender!!
actually i have no preference boy or girl just that everybody said im gonna have a gal and none said abt me hvg a boy. initially my preference is to have a boy then now i change my mind i hope its a girl! hehe...

Keke I have no idea how big Babylet is. I dun really surf net or read bks to find out bb devt one. Quite bo chap, I guess? *ashamed* As long as no spotting, no weird pains, I dun care liao!

500km away! wow.. U r still looking for a gynae ah? U moved quite a while liao right?
yes thats true. but my middle child is a boy. i thought if got another boy can be his companion mah cos he always end up v close to my gal as the brothers r twins n v close. my gal will always have me mah. gals will always be close to mommy. if got gal then my gal has companion at home lor. like that my boy will be odd one out again! dilemma! dun tell me i must have another one for him??
Hi Jul aka hungry woman,

True, as long as nothing hurts, not sick, no spotting, good enough for me too!

I think I'll look in the yellow pages and any how choose one gynae lah! Hope the report comes in by this week so I can go!

Have fun at your fri appt! Keep us updated ya?!
hi all, so tired aft long day at work.. haiz..
dunno wat to eat for dinner mann!!

anyway i prefer gal leh.. aiyah.. but boy oso good la.. can close shop if dun wan next time.. started taking fish oil.. BLEAH!!!!! it taste fishy!!!!!!!!!!

pui.. dun like..

I've booked when i was 12 weeks. bt nt thru agency though. If fren haf gd recommendation, mus faster book liao otherwise left those so called only ok ones...

I oso wish for boy la, 1st one, #1 boy can closed shop like u la :p, if got 1 boy 1 girl become Chinese Character “HAO” heeheheee. But economy no good la


buy once and last all the way til delivery mah. Worth la.


don’t go for jiemei la!! Crush leh. Better prevent la.

did u go eu yanSang Sembawang shopping centre last weekend? How its goes?

I just rcd birthday voucher from EYS, 20% but not apply to cordycepts YEEEK!!!

Wat else shld I buy from EYS with this 20% voucher? Any advie?

hey all Mummies

I got a shocking news from a fren of my. Her bb heart beats stopped at 37-38weeks :’(…..

flower: cant dun go la.. best fren ma.. i tok to her today.. tink i'll attend am session but juz b flower vase.. sit down n dun do anything.. then dinner go help out reception tat's all lo..
<blockquote>My cousin delivered about a month ago, she was in her 36 week. At her regular gynae visit, her gynae found that the baby's heartbeat slowed down and the blood flow to the baby was not good. So the doc immediately sent my cousin for c-sect the next day. The baby was only 1.68kg at birth and had to stay in the icu for 2 weeks. But the baby's ok now. Thank God.

I think in such cases, just gotta pray and leave it to the Lord. Don't worry too much. Try to relax, else your poor baby inside will also feel the stress.</blockquote>
Btw, after suffering for MS for 8 weeks, I decided to take the chance and go for a short 3D/2N road trip with my parents and hubby. It was a very relaxing trip and I didn't feel any nausea at all! I had a great time. Maybe this might work for some of you!

tat time my cousin marriage, my mum say cannt attend its CRUSH wo. can tell excuse u not well la ;P..


Your cousin so lucky.. my fren case i feel might be Gynea neglect rite.regular check out if even once a month shld able to detect..

i still have MS, im 16weeks now
.. i hope i can go on road trip too like u. Which country u go? Msia? which part? i thnk i very difficult to get leave &amp; on vacation lioa, my work is like fire fighting.. non stop.. sigh..

ya. at times when i least stressful, i have no MS leh.. if i dun walk too much, oso improve..

our body really give signal :p
Huishan, ur welcome! I'm paying mine when i go for my gynae visit on 13 Apr... keke...

Cho, it's really up to u and whether u feel fine and comfortable being jiemei... cos for my wedding last yr, one of my besties was pregnant too and quite huge.. but she offered to come if my family is okie with her being around.. she told me she did not want to miss out on my one-in-a-lifetime happiness...altough i was also quite concern about whether she will b tired. Since she's fine so she came but i did not get her to be the gatecrasher lah.. she just come and relax and enjoy herself lor, no need to do anything. so u might want to talk to ur fren see if u can just dont do anything if u go lah, then mayb not so taxing.
I still have some "MS" too ... mine is Night sickness.... -.-" sobsob. i really wish can go off immediately... making my head so dizzy.... sobsob...

i will still be attendng my frens' wedding... just that i don't appear in the day.. i appear during dinner.. i don't think its a problem.. cos i am quite pantang too.. my in laws are very pantang... but for baby shower, i think i will avoid lor....

Lately i have the feeling of tightness at my tummy area.... how come ah? A little uncomfortable lor..
milkyway: ya i spoke to her.. i oso dun wan to miss her wedding.. haha.. she agreed let me b flower vase juz sit down n do nuttin..

princess: me 2!! night sickness!! i'm feeling it now!! prob coz i din hav a proper dinner.. dinner time i juz dun feel like eating!! sobs.. but i realised sometimes i pat my tummy (like hw u pat a baby to sleep..), i feel better..

i oso will feel tightness ard my lower abs at night.. like menses cramp but nt so pain.. tink is e womb or wat stretching la

sorry, nt aware of any other agencies. for me, i prefer recommendation fr fren so that at least i will know b4 hand the ways the confinement lady will handle the chores n bb and if she can be trusted...i mean we'll be having a total stranger in our hse.
U might be able to find out more fr the confinement lady thread?


U cld be experiencing 'Braxton-Hicks' contraction. It's a feeling of tightness at the tummy. It's juz the tummy 'rehearsaling' for the real labour and it cld be felt as early as the 1st trimester.
girly: no prob.. i read thru e confinement lady threads le... but so many pp recommend so many freelance Cls! tat i dunno which 1 to choose.. frens oso dun hav recommendations.. =(

i tink most prob gg book from agency ba.. since at least no nid worry wbt CL fly us kite.. hee
Your baby so guai hor....... you know it's BOYBOY already.. congrats yah!!! I am having a scan next week when i am in week15... hopefully got chance to know the gender... cos it's like many people keep saying i am having a boyboy...... i also don't know why!

Braxton Hicks contration at such early stage? Oh my! So tight leh...... and i tink my tummy expanding within these 3 days..
you also experience the tightness... same here... 3 days liao.. especially evening and night, my tummy becomes BIGGER....

when i am nausea, i feel dizzy and no appetite... but if i am okay, i can eat like normal... just that hungry easier...

the contraction will be even more intense when we r near our due date. sometimes the tummy became so tight that i feel 'breathless' for a while...

haf u try the chinese calender prediction chart?
Diaoz. Will feel a little breathless lor.. and uncomfortable... ):

Hmm.. i tried many many leh... i have 50% telling is GIRL 50% telling is BOY! LOL!

But i know i totally only crave for SWEET things.. but all thse might not be true one lor..
Sheryn> haha.. u so fast.. i tot u will check out first.. then we book together....
Need to go so fast meh?? i tot can wait till later.. Mmmm... this sat not free wor... got wedding to attend...
U go first then let me know la..

flower> buy what ah??? last till delivery?? what thing??? clothes huh??
Dear Mummies/ MTB,

Recently I had a VERY BAD encounter with Philips Singapore’s Customer Service regarding AVENT VIA Storage Cups.

I bought a lot of AVENT products during the OG 20% sales in Jan’09. I gave birth on 13 Jan &amp; then started to use the product somewhere there then. One of the item I bought was the VIA Cups 240ml/8oz &amp; 160ml/6oz bundle of 10 each in the box. The first few 6oz cups that I used have no leakage. Few days ago, I used one of the 8oz. I was surprised that it leak so I checked the cup. There was a needle hold at the mouth of the cup. The rest of the 9 cups also have the same problem. I believed this is the plastic molding defect. So I called Philips Singapore to check whether I can exchange the unused cups as I can’t use a defect item to store my BM &amp; for sterilization.

The CSO who attended to me was Michael. He gave me a string of questions &amp; asked for my receipt. I told him that I had thrown away the receipt. The stupidest thing is he even asked me how to spell the product. I told him that’s his product &amp; he should know what that is. I already told him the remaining 9 cups are new &amp; untouched, yet he kept asking me how many times have I used &amp; where did I store it. Obviously unused items are in the box! He said with no receipt, there is nothing they can do as it is proof of purchase. He even suggested me going back to OG to reprint the receipt. I told him this is OG not any small shop that can trace backdated receipt. All he kept saying is “No receipt, they can’t recognize the item.”

I was angry as the product defect is due to the manufacture’s fault &amp; in the end it become at the expenses of us, the consumer, I can’t even exchange the product.

I demanded to speak to his manager. His manager, Aaron Tan, again asked a lot of questions &amp; said the same thing to me. He kept saying the service centre do not warranty items without receipt &amp; it is very difficult to convince the service centre of the defect. When I asked him, “How do u warranty a plastic cup?” he did not answered my question &amp; keep talking about the receipt. He also asked me did I check the product when I purchase. Items were all in box &amp; sealed. Was it possible for us to check before buying??? Once open, its considered sold, isn’t it??

Here, I would like to emphasize that what if it was a gift? Do people buy gifts for others &amp; leave the receipt in it? There is no flexibility in the way they deal with defect products. AVENT is AVENT from Philips, is there any imitation? If no, y can’t we exchange the defect products? If I had used it even if it was the manufacture’s fault, I will not ask for an exchange. But now, it is untouched, moreover, it is not cheap. Average per cup is $1.50. If there is no QC assurance on AVENT products, are we the consumers still able to trust them? For all we know, we will be buying defect products WITHOUT assurance &amp; no exchange policy.

I am very upset &amp; disappointed with the way they treat consumers who trust them. They breach my trust on their products. Therefore, please check all items from Philip Singapore if you are to purchase in future, keep the receipt as you may not know they sell defect items. My advise, best is don’t buy anything from them as the customer service or service centre have very bad way of treating the consumer.

For me, I will never trust them again. Never, again!
morning ladies...

RE: wedding "jiemei"
did ur friend seek any fengshui master for the dates? if yes, ask ur friend to tell u wat are the chinese horo to siam thru out the tea ceromony ..and these horoscope ppl are not suppose to follow the bride to the groom's house loh...
remember that if u wanna be at ur friend's tea ceromony (at groom side), u must avoid seeing her entering the house...cos it will "clash" with the bb...

if attending ur relatives tea ceromony, u must not let the newlywed offer tea to u(incase u r senior then them)cos will clash with bb...

imo best advice is not to attend the tea ceromony in the morning...but u still can attend the wedding recept at night...
morning ladies....

sad to hear about your friend's baby. I've heard a few cases like that too. That is why last trimester need to monitor and make sure baby moves everyday. In my #1, my baby was super active then 1 day, I hardly felt any movement. Only occasional small movements. I hardly slept that night and was just waiting to feel his movement. Then quickly went to doc in the morning where scan showed that he is fine. But to make sure, doc also sent me to hospital for a CTG scan. It was discovered that I was having regular contractions every 10 mins and this was causing baby to be distressed. After that she put me on medication to stop the contractions. Thank goodness I was attentive enough to realise something was wrong.

you mean can feel Braxton Hicks as early as 1st trimester? That day I felt some contractions and was worried that I'm going to have early regular contractions like I had in my last pregnancy. That time, I didn't even know they were contractions. Was wondering why stomach sometimes so hard. Anyway, I ended up delivering prematurely at 35 weeks. Am hoping very hard that I can carry till at least 37 weeks this time.

I also read fr articles fr the web de. yes fr 6 weeks onwards. Bt they are nt usually felt or notice until the 2nd or 3rd trimester.
Don't worry too much, every pregnancy is different. Ur last pregnancy was having a lil hiccups. Everything wld be fine this time
Morn mummies


I din know that tighten of the tummy is contraction. I thought if it is painful then it's contraction. Me very blur even this is 2nd bb liao.

How work so far ? I wish my pay will increase, haha. praying only. Cause this no.2 so expenses will increase. Everything needs $$$
yes, I hope this pregnancy will be smoother. Actually I already consider my previous pregnancy quite smooth. Besides the contractions, I didn't have much other problems like swelling of feet, GD etc. But surprisingly, despite the early delivery, baby was already passed meconium when doctor broke my water bag. She said luckily she didn't stop my contractions and let me carry on with labour otherwise we may not know that baby is already in distress.
mama5, so nice! Ur children must be really thrilled to have another sibling! Do they prefer didi or mei mei?
Actually v hard to say, even if bb is mei mei might also ended up close with ah boy..wahaha.. hmm..hw many do u plan to have?

new MTB
So shiok to go on holiday! better to go now before tummy gets bigger and when bb is born, lagi no time..wahahaha..so now it's the best time!

jul, I think like that better, will not hu si luan xiang and time will pass easily too! For me, I m always paranoid, scared this and that :p

flower, I din go leh..cant wake up :p nowadays not enough sleep, v xin ku..
In fact I hv not start shopping for the tonics yet, keep wan to find a time with my mum to go together but she’s always not free, busier than me.
Actually I find EYS is v ex, I only take their “Bai Feng Wan” but take after childbirth, it’s v good to clear the impurities in the womb.
Or else u can buy fish/chicken essence, wine for confinement etc?

Sorry to hear about ur frd. What is the reason of no heart beat? Nearer to 37-38 weeks, it’s suppose to be weekly visit to the gynae, she never detect anything during the last visit?
Sometimes it’s due to entangle of the umbilical cord and it’s v scary. I heard the incident from my frd and during my 1st pregnancy, I check the movement of my bb daily until the day of giving birth, v stress.
<blockquote>Ya, I went to Malaysia. Spent one night in Genting and another in a neighbouring mountain (Bukit Tinggi) at Colmar Tropical. It's a french-themed place. Very cool and relaxing.

But I think any short relaxing road trip will do the trick.

bb movement,

i know that some gyne will ask you to jot down how many kicks etc... for my gyne he din ask me to do that... so just monitor and make sure there are kicks/movement. but then my ger not those active bb that keep kicking de... so sometimes din even get to feel it and get worried... lucky my ger is fine...
