(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

I am keeping my fingers crossed. Yesterday i didn't puke. I don't feel dizzy either. And somehow my tummy a little tight.. i thnk it's expanding... LOL! I hope my MS goes off already!!! How about you?

Gd morning! it's a rainy day again.. tonight go hme must remm to dump a small unmbrella in my bag liao.. if not caught in e rain also cannot run so jia lat

mamijoan, nursing top easy to BF ma.. if not i got to lift up the whole T-shirt ley..

milkyway.. dun care abt e boss.. it's ur entitlement.. just take
nw is gd to take also.. kept raining.. can sleep at hme!

Sheryn.. so u were working before ur pregnancy then u quit ar? so gd.. i cannot afford ley.. w another kid coming.. got maid.. got house loan .. diffcult to survive on one income ley

rach.. thks! e clothes looks nice sweet n cute ley! but troublesome cos no pricing has to email the gal and ask.. hehe will slowly look thr during wkends.. And dun think will join u all for gathering so soon.. hehe nw still having that tired look.. cant eat much too.. will join for the later outing when I'm better

Mavis.. my mum has been looking after my nephews and nieces since so long ago.. non stop.. nw she's looking after my gal.. think she's getting old n tired.. even w maid.. 3 kids will b difficult then she cannot go out liao.. my MIL is still working.. even if she retired.. dun think she got e energy to entertain 3 kids at one time too..

honestly.. i'm not sure if i can handle 3 kids myself also! haha..
Katherine--- Sure you can one is just that u will be very tired only. See whatever fits you the best. Don't over stress yourself. Enjoy your time with them while they are young when they grow older they will not be around us by then. They have their own life.
in my experience, it is easier to just lift up the shirt to bf when at home. If you staying with in laws then maybe not so convenient. I bought a few nursing tops but nursing tops only reveal a small part of the breast so it can be quite tricky to latch on properly. Baby is not so skillful in latching on in the beginning. I wear them only when I go out coz I can bf in them in public by just covering up with a shawl. In the first few months, some babies bf as often as every 1 1/2 to 2 hours so comfort and convenience is key.
Have been rather busy the past few days so cudn't really login to chat.

Lemme go back & scan quickly thru the archives. Remind me if I miss any qns or stuff hor.

OSCAR is also to test Downs Syndrome. The other method is to do the Triple test like u r doing. Think it deoends on what ur gynae recommends. OSCAR is usu done earlier ard 11-before 14weeks.

Yeah the MtA tour guide said so. Maybe if u ask the doctor & chaim siong a lot then can take?

But hor, I'm not sure I want photo or video of the process. Too disgusting with all the blood & water & stuff liao haha.

Is ur fever better? Better to take Panadol & bring down the temp, coz high temp is not gd for BB. Panadol is the lesser of 2 evils.

I looked at the price for both MtA & TMC> For dingle room, TMC is a bit more expensive than MtA. But I do have $100 disc with the FBI card. Thenn ny gynae's clinic is there also, feel might be easier to "get hold" of her? And of course I was suay-ed by the nice newly reno-ed rooms lor haha.

Yeah lor, they all played so badly. The defence & midfield totally broke down. Disappointing. Liverpool fans must be smirking for the past few days. Hubby bad mood man.

Am I too late to answer ur qn? Cannot take Panadol Cold relief, extra etc etc. Can only take normal plain Panadol with nothing else inside.
if Mt A has not been renovated since the last time I went, I'd definitely choose TMC over Mt A if the price is only slightly higher. TMC is also specialised in women and baby so facilities for delivery cases should be better. If you are also intending to go for antenatal classes, the rates are cheaper for those delivering there. Unfortunately, my gynae is only attached to mt A or Gleneagles so I can only choose from these 2 and I'm choosing Glen for convenience.

hope u will get to know urs this sat(ur next visit?)...

RE: Vits
phew...now need not take extra iron pills liao...
cos doc never give me yesterday(since the blood test is done yesterday)....

u influence me with ur burping of fish oil...
nowadays i begin to burp fish oil loh...

Some parts of MtA is reno-ed, but Im not sure how long ago. Besides the place doesn't look as posh as TMC< yet it has a nice cosy homely feel to it.

I think at the end of the day, it depends on whether u feel the bit extra is worth it. Coz re antenatal classes, if u're delivering at MtA, their classes are also at a cheaper rate for u.
Hi Mummies,

Brand new Medela PIS Advanced 2008 (shoulder bag) for sale. I am selling it away cos i have very little breast milk. Used for 1 week only. Just bought this yr hence still under warranty. Bought it for $599 and selling it for $400. Interested...pls email me [email protected]
Hey ho ladies,

weather looks good now after this morning heavy downpour..

katherine >

yeah was working before.. new job in mnc but stl resigned.. i cannot work in office also..for my personality i thk i work retail better.. office makes me bored..I am not suitable for desk bound job.. i like to socialise n mingle ard with ppl..but not now la.. cos i realised i tend to ask stupid question now.. must be preggies
symptoms. hee.. now tis one first bb then no car no maids only got house loan n parents neccessities to concern.. just 省省 stl can survive with hubby income.. i dun buy alot of things as compared to the last time.. but i wan to go back to work next time so can buy more thgs for bb..

jul >

u're back.. my fever had subsided but the flu is stl here just tt its also better now.. i nv see doc cos last nite i slept well without a/c n fan just open windows and let the fresh air come in.. and true enuff i felt much better tis morning..

yeah i took panadol only.. clinic's nurse said cold relief cannot take.. so i nv..i only took the round white panadol i thk is normal kind?

I hvnt book the antenatal class yet leh.. n i hvnt book the hospital maternity tour yet.. must call soon.. i am damn kan cheong spider..

Yeah so busy the last few days. Tdy decided to pop in &amp; see how u gals r doing. Luckily not that many posts to scan thru haha.

Hmm gd that ur fever's subsided. If not, u might have to go see GP or gynae liao. Yup, the white rounf Panadol is the normal kind. Only contains 500mg of paracetamol. Thos COld Relief, Extra etc contains things like caffeine, amino.. dunno what etc, cannot take.

Actually which hosps r u inteersted in? TMC doesn't take booking, U show up 10min b4 tour time at recep. But MtA needs to book one.
Sorry to intrude in this thread. I'm from May thread.

I have a brand new CLARINS tonic stretch mark oil to let go. Please PM me if you are keen to take over.


When is the last time you are at Mt A. My SIL went to visit her frd recently , she said not bad.


I always have a mindset that TMC veri crowded lah
Dunno y, my nose is kind of blocked. Sneeze quite abit. Not sure catching a cold or wat
mavis.. even if can handle hor.. think i'll become a super auntie housewife lo! hahaha...

mamijoan.. thks for sharing ur experience.. hehe.. i tot nursing top shld b easier.. nvm la.. i think i may still buy one or two ley.. looks so cute on e website! if bb really find it hard to latch on then i'll just pull up lo.. like a Tshirt! hehe.. actually just finding excuses to shop :p

wow.. din know cannot take panadol flu ley.. luckily i no flu recently..

arghh.. time seems to pass so so slow today..

True lah, TMC is rather crowded. But hor, the parking at MtA was worse than at TMC< prob b/c I was there on a Sat.

I planning to go to Mt A for the antenatal class.. since im also going there to deliver..so must book for june class n also call to arrange one day for the hospital tour lo..

whoa.. the weather is damn hot now..

Oh since u've decided to del at MtA, then u shd take antenatal there too, esp since u will get discount for the classes. Besides, gd to be in famiiar place.

THink my antenatal class is held at AMK Hub. Weird hor? Prob TMC no space liao.

No prob
My memory's worse than urs. U can rem I got gynae appt this wk v gd liao lor!

Welcome mariee

So when's ur EDD?
Jul >

yeah lo.. how come urs at AMK Hub? they booked a unit there to teach?

I m going for a nap later at 5.. abit headache..

nap till 7 bah then shower n go pioneer mrt station to wait for hubby to walk over to in laws for dinner..

Jul, u booked ur antenatal course at TMC already? i enquired and they told me i cant booked yet!!

Bye Mavis and Sheryn.
Welcome MarieE.
